Nearly every morning, with special eniphasis on weekends, Bowmanville's main shopping section is a disgrace, due ta inconsiderate litterbugs. Sanie time ago the Chamber of Gýpmmerce purchased special cantain- erý and set them in what they thought were convenient places along the street, ta provide people with receptacles for baose paper and other articles they didn't want ta carry home. Apparently, qeither more o! them are needed or isame of the folks who spend'much tume during the evenings aiong the town's main thoroughfare need ta be remind- ed of their location - or their own responsibility. It may well be necessary ta place penalties on the litterbugs if they persist in cluttering up the streets and sidewalks with aIl kinds of junk. Recently, several merchants have pointed outa mass of litter ail over their store steps, and along the side- waiks. At the Library Building corner on Friday night, the sidewalk looked like a hurricane had deposited cigarette boxes, chocolate bar wrappers and a variety a! other garbage. We strangiy suspect it is being deposited by those who frequent the benches put there for the comf art and convenience o! citizens. The Homel Say: When evetide is drawing near, And chickens gane ta rest,, You sit in the aid arm chair, Thinkin' what is best. A peaceful feelin' cames o'er you And a smile replaces a frown, As you read the little paper Froni your aid home town. It tells you ail about the homefolks; Xes, of those who came and go, And ail about the sociable, Down at Uncle Joe's. And the boys who stole the melons, Frani the patch o! BilIy Brown, Makes the headlines of the paper Froni my aid Home Town. There ain't a thing I'm missing Along life's rugged way; For soon M'Il get the gossip, Though I'm many miles away. If Elmer has the measles There are sa many big deais pend- rIng that will radically alter the face of this cammunity that we almost hesitate ta mention just a few of theni for fear we rnay be premature with sanie and stili very much in the dark on others. However, we do know that just east of the Brewers' Warehouse and McQueen Motor Sales on King Street ]East, they are moving a great deal of earth around. And it doesn't appear ta be any secret that this will be the site of the new Dominion Store and six other new stores of variaus kinds ta farm Bowmanville's first plaza. We also know that Beaver Lumber owns land on the other side of the street in that section, but have no information on just when they plan ta build. That will fairly well dlean up ail building in the immediate future in that area, unless there are other developments which ta date are stili very much under wraps. Coming dloser ta the centre of the town, it is understood that anather new building of sanie type will be erected on the south side of the street, opposite Sheppard & Gili Lumber Company. This bas been an open secret for sanie tume, but nothing definite has been announced. Once the wreckers start tearing down the stores which will be vacated by the end of this month, more information probably will be available. At the main corners, it would appear that once Dominion Stores have vacated the Laskaris Block and moved ta new quarters, a drug store, as yet unnamed, will take over the corner which should be an ideal spot. Steps are also underway which could resuit in a change in the opposite corner where the Dept. of Agriculture off ioe and Walker's Store is now located. As of Monday, it was piastered with FOR SALE signs by Realtor Jesse Van Nest, the best indication that seriaus efforts are being made ta seil the property. One other major change along King Street came ta light this week with the confirmation that Harry Locke's Tele- vision Service of Maple Grave had purchased the entire business block The fronts o! restaurants in tawn ais( suffer the sanie fate, especially thosi which have become mare or iess hang outs for the out-of-towners or the ini tawners who don't seeni ta havý enough ta do and no place ta go. We believe it is tume every citizen young and aid, realized that the side walks on the main street or the sidi streets should be kept clean at ail times The public works department people arg doing their best ta provide the stree and walk cleaning which is necessary but certainly they shauld flot be cailc upon ta be housekeepers for citizen! who continue ta use the main streei for a garbage dump. Most of the guilt' parties would flot think of droppin1 cigarette packages, newspapers, applE cores, orange peel, milkshake cartons pumpkins or the like on the f loar o: ground if they were home. Yet, this i. the type o! litter that is found sc frequently on the street that is the masi used in town. We urge everyone ta pay particulai attention ta this probleni which is caus- ing considerable anxiety aniong officiaý and merchandising circles. Please thini and change your mmnd before dropping debris on the street or sidewalk. Pul it in the containers, please.- town Pa per Or the flu' is gain' round I read it in the paper From my old Home Town. I read the Evening Tely And other Toronto papers too, Including poems there by Guest Before the day is through. And then I wish ta rest my mind With news that's nowhere found Except in the weekly paper Froni my old Home Town. They say aur good and bad deeds Are recorded up on high, Sa that God can classify us When it cames aur tume ta die. If that be true, I know a man Who's gain' ta wear a crown, He's the man who runs a paper In my aid Home Town. -Submitted by Nanman J. Scott, Willowdale. Pt 4l4în~ht~4 Durham County's Great Fami)>' journal Established 107 years cga in 1854 Also Incorporcting The. Bawmanville News The. Newcastle Independont £uthorized cmS hond Cma, Mail b>'the Post Offce Ottawc Pxoduced every Wodnesday by JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMTE P.O. Box 190 62-66 Kng St. W., Bawmanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EDxTO-PUBLzsa GEO. P. MORRIS BusNmss MGL SUESCRIPTION RATES j $4.00 a Year. stictI7 ln advcznce $5.00 a Year ln the United Stateu a0 ;e ,e le .e t ýt ir [S PAGE FOUnm 25 Vears Ago 49 Years Ago r(Oct. 1, 1936) (Oct. 3, 1912) Wednesday marnîng fire Miss Annie Couiter left-X ' il destroyed campietel>' the bouse Tuesday ta, resume ber studies o! Haward Cawling, Hampton. at Toronto University. Mrs. J. H. Bateman is holi- Miss Fia McCimman bas 9 deying with ber niece, Mrs. gone ta Velpereisa, Ind., ta tJas. Oben, Boston, Mass. resume ber studies et the cal- Mns. F. H. Marris bas re- lege thene. turned from a tbnee weeks' Umbrelia Jirn wboa ws ne- visit with fniends in Michigan. parted deed sametime ega \vas Miss Gladvs Jamiesan, R.N. in town Saturda>' ver>' much is enjoying a trip ta the Pac-ave. ific Coast. Mn. and Mrs. Win. Piekard, Mis mm FenhToronto- Newcastle,' h a v e returned G=o Ms evsimaFrncbMssMa-borne aften visiting their sons has e oe iiin is e-in Windsor and Kingsville. jane Rwe. . Dr. and Mrs. D. A. A'nder- Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson 's son and daughten, Muriel, visiting ber sisten Miss Laura Winnipeg, Man., spent Sun- aruiB E9 Beath et Williamsbung. day with ber uncle Dr. W. E. Mn. Manson Comstock, man- Tille>', Beecb Ave. ager of Sheppard & Gi Lum- Mrs. Gea. Dickinson, Dun- ber Ca., attended Lakefield donald, bas sold ber ferm, and Fair wbere be puncbesed a wiil remove bene baving pur- Ca naaSI fine teami for deliven>' pur- chased eariewiy buiit bouse an poses. Concession Street, East. Miss Doris Jamieson o! the Miss Annetta Cales left this General and Marine Hospital, week for London enroute ta Owen Sound, bas been visit- California where she ,,vili ' 2wy e ing ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. spend the winter witb rela- ' 62wyne Milton Jamieson. tives et Fullerton, near Las.. with smooth This is the time o! the year1 Angeles. whenl people talk about their Mrs. C. H. Hobden and son, better ecanomy., big pumpkins and taîl corn. Everi>', Boston, Mass., bave William Peinton bas a tomato returned home ef tcr spending the things that h, vine 8 ft. 4 in. bigh, and Stijli a month witb ber mothen, pact car in Canac goin strng.Mrs. John Babcock and ather gaig trog.relatives, gallon on regulai Mr. and Mrs Geo. C. Fosten Mr. Percy Piper, wbo is re- and Vivien bave returned fram cavering from typboid fever, miles between ol a week's business visit ta Kirk- wislîes ta thank ail wbo 5sie r2yerr land Lake City. kindl>' sent flowers during bis ml r2ya . - Congratulations ta aur vet- illness. My trade-in vali cran merchent, Mr. J. B. Mer- Mr. R. Branton of the ver- Cnd.Adm tyn, wvho lest week celebrated nish department a! the Wil.Cna- Adm the 85th anniversar>' of bis liems Piano Works, Osbawa, Facn UT R birth. wes surprised b>' bis fello\v Flo U U Mrs. Brock Tbompson bas emplayees Thursday and pre- appointments, in been visiting friends et Frank- sented with an eddress andl an fard. oek rocking chair as a token ment between tC Engagement: Mr. and Mrs. o! their good-will on the oc- e yudbtr Richard Witheridge wish ta casion o! bis marniege ta Missheeoudbte announce the engagement o! Kate Kellow. pstoln.A their youngest daugbter, Greta Mn Luther Goodman, Dun-upstobn.A Frances, ta Mn. Ernest S. Hunt, des, baving bougbt the Tyrone or 12,000-mile m oni> so o!Mn. nd he ategrist mili will take possession Mrs. H. H. Hunt o! Bowman- the middle o! October. ville. The marniage ta take Mrs. Thos. Heighton enter- place the 24th October. tie ubro ned on Saturday evening, Sept. Enniskiilen: We weicome 28, in banar o! ber 39th birth- Woo adil, ar vilMae. Herdrdy.C.HCrisSeet'6 Mn. e M rs. ilM. gW.THerd, de.'arlsl,>ecet are nesiding in the residence an>' Treas. o! the Goodyear o! the late Mrs. Phylina Tire and Rubber Ca., wiil ad- a d Motuntjoy. dness the publie meeting, Fni-Caa Saline: Congratulations ta day evening, in the Council Cro. owsilsrtdcu0 Mn. Walter Blackburn on pass- Room and wili make a strangC.tTfof. luraeo.o ing bis biology exem and ta plea for adoption o! waten- !Miss Helen Smele on pessing works and sewage system. b er economics exam. Bath witb Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Watts honrs in tbe summer exams!andi famil>' bave removed ta C 'et Queen's Universit>'. Hamilton wbcre Mn. Wattsc iEntield: Congratulations ta bas a position. N the arrivai o! a* baby girl.. 1>' visited ber grandparents, N w cas'tle, Newtonviile: Mns. Tnaviss Mn. and Mns. C. Middleton, moved ta Hamilton last week.; Claremont.1 v ripws!.. lii, her pw rTERJi fhariever 3ESseingScmpaç,..2 FA*4i:CON w from transmission to carburetor her shifting, quieter ride and even And as for the rest of me, they're ave made me the best-selling com- ida. I go as much as 35 miles to the ir gas, and I now go up to 6,000 il changes. There's a new 30,000- -adiator coolant. My price is low. lue is highest of any compact ini rbrand-new brother is here, too ... A . . . with new interior luxury icluding a smart console compart- ~e new bucket seats. Now we 're , corne see us fast-bfore the bine nd Ford Dealers give a 12-month varranty, whichever cornes first. "62 FALCON FUTURA.. .. Compact cousin of the Thunderbird . . with individuaily adjustable bucket scats ... a handy console compantment between the seats for gioves, camera, sunglasues and other personai ceffects ... sleek new outuide trim. That'a the '62 Falcon Futura-an exciting new approach to compact traveL. id FâIltand FalconFuturm& Ua' best-selling compact pr.OfiaI 0$ @ore cour., ýRVETH 1Ontario MOTORS Phone 3251 EDIT ORIAL COMMENT Changing Face of the Community from Lawrence C. Mason, on the nort1h side of King St., just east of the Raya] Theatre. This property includes Mr. Mason's legal office, Goodbrand Fabrics, Brock's barber shop, the store formerly occupied by Northcutt & Smith and a couple of apartments. Mr. Locke bas noa immediate plans other than ta make sanie renavations which he feels are necessary before renting one large vacant store. Across the street, the Stedman Store is believed ta have an expansion prograni in its future which will include the present Jury & Loveli store. Sa, it would appear that Bowman- ville is undergoing a rapid face-lifting. In fact, many former residents who have returned ta tawn recently have cammented on the many changes that have taken place in the past few years. If they stay away another couple of years, they will barely be able ta recagnize the place. This editorial is being written flot just ta bring readers up-to-date on commercial activities within the dam- munity. Bather, it is an effort ta offset the effect of the glooni spreaders, those who find nothing attractive in tawn, those wha live here but do ail their shopping in other centres. We are wniting it ta show residents that those wha have money ta invest seen ta f eel that Bawmanvîlle bas a tremendaus future and they want to become part of it. We too feel that thîs town will grow and prosper, but it needs help from every citizen ta attain its full potential. Part o! that help can be pro- vided by patronizing local stores. Part o! it can be provided through greater efforts at ca-aperative promotion by store-keepers theniselves. Part of it can be provided by able leadership in tawn council and in other community governing bodies. In other words, if we ail work together ta make this a better, happier, cleaner and mare pros- perous cammunity it will become just that. If we sit back and do nothing but criticize, it will take much langer far us ta become anything but a quiet coni- munity with a high tax rate. Litterbugs Too PIentifuý GEO. W. GRAHAM ADvTa. MANTAGR à THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA"MVLE, ONTARIO WEDNUDAY, BE".PT11I? M li eLý lost an inch af ground. -- -- E So I managed to enjoy the lovely month of September as much as ever. Although Ig i SOOfl so I won't have to mow' andf the lawn. And then w'lne anto ysows o'thv bt sides agreed to quit joe in the latter's home town November llth, 1918". 1 wiU hvaneryso h'lblsotn teach quitewhe always treasure ttds mmento, SI il 0 aft r d oshofl. h, e a l ithe o renwoo of N vemberrecently, le paid him another espeially as the dSoir, a re- nl 0 ared f t th war t, 11,btutlta st eaegaeu ,~ tired civic official of Mons, thee' n ed t te or a11t, 91, uttaime, frsaighsillustrious braught it three lihousand n nil c-.~~ fellow has ta avoid these days, temtows"a suul tor with us. Perhaps some of~ miles and presented i't to me, là. B Y Dill .)miley ~i est ananhspi~Thus we find Lieutenant Joe proalo h af r Don't talk ta me of Englandý1 sane preserving, get on a ciples. O'Neil, ith men of -C',C o udmay haeve sedntee w osoalontewi0 u pany,__ofthe__ budies intervie :)dian 701pt )iesnt abode. A= ral nowtha Apil' tere Do't cheul, sartbakngcoaiespan, a te Ith anal n < Sept. 0t was a caricatureof a "valial% mo ade r n abot Paris in'tshdlsatbkn okeInfantry Batt.alion, slipping crliberator," with my bay-win- mane naotPrsi h epup with her ironing, hang ,~.qietly into the town of Mons, 1&. Licope has a fertile dow. forty pounds overwe.ight, spmrin. on'thebabbieraboono ber temdperopteaquietg Ex- u arn i te looking for, and hoping tai not brain, with a retent-ive mem- eyeglasses, stained overaffi% sumer n te Rvira r1s muhandpraidea uie, L/U IIfind enemy Germans, at five ory, and an enjgaging per- pine tar on hands and arm winter in the Swiss Alps. Justjgraciaus home, where every- tsor .six o'clock just before sonality which ail adds up ta and a two days' growtft 7à~ double the length of that mel- body is pleasant-spaken and le r dayreak). The first Mons citi- a fu.nd ol fascinating stories whiskers. low Canadian September, and1well-mannered. ic lb ae zen that Joe met was an eigh- about his home district, and His authentlc stories do not l'Il ask no more.1 And every September, she .I g teen year old lad named its war tomn history. He pre- appear in history books, suci There's nothing in this world plunges into some wild, riew9lst B fl (Jay George Licope. George could sented your scribe with a me- as the one about the snobbery ta beat aur September, when undertaklng that upsets the speak some English, and was dallion - on ane side is the which prevented a pour- man it's a gaod ane. The country present shaky systemn, pre- soon in demand as an inter- Coat o! Arms and the words from beeoin g an officer in is a panorama of green and cludes ail possibility of organ- B>' Floyd Maclntyre prtr rmta ieutl"il ai" nteohroh eedin Aryecp gald. The Bay deepens its blue izing a new schedule, and has Teems esmtigi the present, George and Joeside are the words "Town O! war time. ne day, a be- ta an incredible shade. The us ail running around in right- aiere tat ie s petn ain!have been correspandents. A Maris - To the valiant libera- meaOdLetnan nee fairways are emerald velvet. angled triangles. ihe ___________________________club.____A__Ma-_ Each day has an expectant This year, she's up ta her good start in Durham County.1 r jor, who was a wealthy baron, stlles. ot l r Nature ears, and ours, in a new job Albert George Wi.ght cele- l r n Juryan ewteLueatb- sprawls in the yellow sun, and a new house. The job, af brated his 91st birthday this r nu ngd kne the Limeutnn e- tired, but content with the course, doesn't affect us. Not week at his home in the vil- panrmd iprgn latest fruits of hier womb. The much. She has taken on the lage of Arkona. I\ . Wight is ec m en s raktaVtefe.Te September air is as sweet and position of arganist and chair- remarkably active for hl s Lieuteant rernrenothtly eetTe dlean as the first kiss o! a 16- leader in the church. Ail this years. He is an interestingi *l A I for bravery, removed his tunie year-oid. Each day is preciaus means is that young Kim has conversationalist and can re-iDear Mr. James: juyJail A dto and shirt, thus baring hsbt and perfect. been press-ganged into the cail in detail almost any eventf In glancinig over the INUUIIIO l e bis ce adbat- The evenngs are smoky and choir, young Hugh bas ta that bas happened in his long ,26th Statesman papier, I not- The grand jury report was which, he painted out, became a littie sad. Night cames quick- serve as an altar-boy, and aid lifetime. lie takes a number, iced an item that I had missed read ta Mr. Justice Wells re- that way while he was de- iy and there is a new excite- Dad has already been ap- of newspapers, specializing on before under the caption cently at the Supreme Court fending his own lowly hovel, ment in it. The moan salis proached about teaching a the editarials, but reading ai- "Great Lass,"' where YOU Faîl Assizes in progress at bed, table and two chairs, as high and calm. There is a Sunday School class and tak- most the entire papers, 50 is hadn't asked Albert how hie Cobourg. well as the baron's magnifi- stirring i the blood. The air ing up the collectian Sunday conversant on current events. had lost his dentures. is cool. The breath o! furnace nights, when ail the ather He walks about the nei ghbor- Now 1 wouldn't want yo The grand jury recammend- cent castie, broad acres, Jew- and fireplace are welcome. sidesmen want ta stay home hood, visiting with bis friends, or the readers o! your fine ed that an addition be put on els, and other rich trappings. ***and watch Ed Sullivan. Sa we and looks many years younger paper ta get an>' wrong in- the jeul if the overcrowding The snob s1unk out of the In September, we eat like can ail kiss Sunday goodbye. than bis actuel age. pression of my busband. I can continues there. The jury vis- club! gods. Huge, sun-ripened ta-*** Mr. Wight was born on lot assure you, unîess your tea, ited the jaau at a time when At the time of the first matoes, cold and juicy. Sweet The new bouse bas already 5 conc. 3, Darlington (Provi- coffee or maybe your bread there were oniy 10 prisoners Worid War, a regulation exist- yeliow corn, slathered in but- ceused a few ruckuses, and I dence neighbarhood) Durham and milk is much more patent but Governor Edward Matters- ed yWbich prevented P. bald- ter.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ewptteoieincnseagdmaymr oy, the second son of the than we are accustomeditti, it head essured them that 80 per-bae ma frm big n their skins. Rosy peaches in iaaming. There's nothing wrong late Williamn Wight and Sarah wasn't any liquid refresh-cetothtiehre ee20afcr npceiente sugar and cream. Grapes with the bouse, and it sits an Rumnford. Mr. Wigrht's grand- ments. ta 30 prisoners. The jury alsa Belgian Army. During 'ho Apls Saisp wtheysnwen wichafi ke . ut thoerein 'lot father came ta Dârlington in Now that is cleared, we found that the hardwaod war, Albert, King of the 1 1- youe s b it the tp he i I in theBuintmern liets tesrn 80adbswould lhke to ay>'thanks ta floors in te offce and gians, rvee onay Co ite-divelersthav retriandtbr in p tm th pebb 'ie sgreatgnfa1her ndh rstkind friends wba made aur just outside the kitchen were men credited with unusu,,l grfathe afaily ind182.the sot tynyorvcit' in bad shape and "could cause velor. At the conclusion of! once again ta their concrete in the shoe af the horse a! a putirchesed 400 acres of landi erjoyable. Dr. and Mrs a ciet"terv'eteofcti canyns.Thesmal tonsdiffren coon qd terever Wilit onJames, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones The seven member jury also charge, on behaif o! his mnen where the tourlst reigned su- My idea o! gracious living iS this Wight bomestead for wcll. of Newtonvilie, Mr. end Mrs. found that the court bouse and self, thanked the King ed their identity, renewed their the top off a cald one, and sit 00 ears. Albert Wight Mrs.Galbf roh nd, rsni, bu- f i di i ineygr sea need foricaut esy n-alerta intimacy.- Life is more leisure- in the sun on a lawn chair, in mvdwt i aet ntro.tecutroiadtecu-cniu sa fie fe ly, yet there is a bustle of liv- the middle of the estate,tbr ot n sste7ta, b- t eOrson rgetws the ilcoumrt omadtecu-cniu sa fie.f ing, new and ancient, ith each watching the black squirrels tnCut n 86'u0e Oroi'rgrtwsta'ci hme.teswarThecKingsec is bad- tundI ]v nta ih ur time was so short. Haw- The jury alsa found thatnes Th Kigdiedt September's return. There is hiJacking acorns off ni>'prop- hturned t ion the Wight e, -in e lostci- h Otro rinn cho make an exception in bis case! the color and excitement of erty. Rer idea is that I caome esedi h cr> er vedr soneadmoscon theCobteriaani ong Sbols A few day.s 1ater, the sanie faîl fairs and track meets and home after work, rip off iny ofhs mridlf.Mr.Wgtotcrws ree oatc footall ames Thee isthe ood loths, case sp atsr- wa sons, Gardon and there is anather province in were in quite satisfactory con-ofcewaorrdtaVtk lest lovel>' boat ride, the lest ing lawnmower for an hour, Floyd, who are farniers in Bo- Canaa-amostaseiceas Aildtin.Thebyswee el the vllg br i aet trout trip, the final game of gulp my> dinner, lift al aur sonquet Township. one daughi- bel-ta. cared for and in good spirits.prsetaprpsmein golf. "shabby oldsfurnioire"uouroopeterofGeorghna) MmsetJ.g golf.îthrkindestiwa)sbes.ta.yAu The Memorial Hospit a 1, his parents after moire than Ves asfanas 'm oncrne, h y lvng rnitagenout of MacIn ty:re o! Forest. Gogn and your fam'ily, from Albert, Bowmenville, is bedly over- four years' separation. In the September is the ultimate in can try the rug four inclies ta also started tai sehool at the John, Fraser anid m3'sel!. crowded but with the addition ensuing attack, whîch liber- evcry respect. Except for one the south, then sit around for' old Rehobath School. Sincerel>', that wili be provîded in Janu- ated the village from German thing. It's full o! the saime aid two Itours talking about drapesl This Wight famiiy thet Mi's. A. H. Tait, ary there wvill be accommoda- occupation, only ana Belgian people, trying ta drive you up and wallpaper. Icame out ta Durham County, 9705 - lluth St. tian for 118. saldier was kiiled-the bald- the wall. Sometimes 1 almost wish 1 now bave descendants scat- Edmonton. Golden Plaugh Lodge at Ca- beaded officer. The parents Take my kids for exemple. bed merried a fat, simple littleâtered fer and w-ide through bourg is in very satisfactory bad oni>'toi walik a quartier af Except that they're a foot tail- girl who hed neyer even taken Canada and the States, many The richest minds need flot condition. Superintendent R. a mile ta see their son's bady er then they were a yeer aga, e lesson on the mauth organ, of them filling important posi- large libraies.-A. Bronson Bathwell was ver>' ca-opera- lying where an anemy's bullet they're the saine aid kids-de- who believed that inteniar tions. Alcott. tive. had fefled hint mending, expcnsive, cheeky decorating bad samething ta and lazy as coon dogs wben it do with gaod coaking and wbo cames ta anything but enja>'- realized that a woman's place ing themselves. wes in the bouse, flot in bier - * * * b~usband's heir. '4i A Teke my wife, as another However, this littie confiict ~ for-exemple. Every year, as between idealismn and reaiism summer ends, she plans ta "get bas been in pragress for 15 argenized", settie down, do yeers, and neither a! us bas - In the Dim 4 andr -.Distant Past îý From The Statesman Files