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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1961, p. 5

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WEDN~SDAY, SEPT. 2?th,, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR!O PAGE FTVN Swork amongst the Eski- 1 an Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm1 happy couple by Mrs. Howard I.iand family. Malcokm and Jarnie Malcolm. rhere was an excellent at-i Jean and Jiin expressed their Lance in the United Church Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rick- thanks and ail joined in sing. nday morning. Rev. Craw- ard, Bowmanville, Mr. and ing 'c' For thev are Jolly Good d, Enniskillen, was in Mrs. Orval Ashton and Char-, Feliows." irge ofthe seviceles, Enniskillen, wvere Sunday Termidro h vn rge ofthe sevice.supper guests of Mrs. Bruce -Termane f h vn 'e Ca-rtwright High School Ashton and fami'. She also mng as spent viewing slides tiation Dance (Hat Hop) had numerous callers. !of the wedding. A buffet sheld Friday, Sept. 22, in !lunch was served by the hos- SRecreation Centre, Bl.ack-1 Mr. Bull Marlow returned teqqs ck. The hall was gaily dec- home Thursday after spendinglGe' -eprsntfo ted with streamers in the two and one. haîf years in, MiicoTo erronoOs h a w a tooi colors and hat. PrizeslMexico. Brmo, Toin rniskilenharess re won as foîlows: spot Mr. Melville Grîffin return-iwell, Yelverton, Nes tlIe ton nce, Bonnie Mountjoy andý ed home frcm a visit to XVes- and Blackstock. )yd Kyte; Elim.ina-tiontern Canada. 1_ _ chnson and Sister Yvoe ir l C . iIIte Cx were in charge of tickets. O pen '-New 'iai 3S iem ai BackstCck th lIarg e Crowd Attends"ne doar prize convenor wsT Dra f r ries at prizes were won by Mrs. Maju D r w f r P i e tbel Thickson, Mrs. F. R. o, ford Mrm. J. Newman. Mrs. Betty, chai Wessells, Mrs. Blanche Cor-' Th Re e a e n ae den, and Alan Crago. nt R b k h P n y S l Sister Jean Rice, a past~ was Noble Grand, was kitchenth Ibe ar-muai Penr'. Salle and the tea convenor. She was as- convenor. She was assisted; tc Tea held bv the Beeh ve Re- s:sted by Sister Florence:by Sister Amy Winacott, also!oa bekahLodgeat the Lions iMoore and Sister Edna Kerr.'aptNolGrnndSs fflmnity Centre on Friday An artistie bouquet of chry-iters Eileen Smale, E d it h~ w mdla-rioon and ev ening was a santhermums. asters and snap-1 Moore, Gladys Piper, Greta' dan dlecided success. Noble Graidl dragons, in shades from pale-t Richards and Olive Richards.da Daisy Paedon vas the general iPink to deepest rose, ceteFSitrVraBres a h covnrfor the enjoyab elthe serving table. It was: cnven r for the Home Bak- r event, which was opened by1li-hted bv tali Pastel pinkWjng Booth, and her assistantsR District Deputv Pr esidentiand green tapers in slverwere Sisters Susie Levgtt, Lo- ai Gladys Gamsb-\ ,Orono. Tne candlesticks. The tea tables rena Highfield, Vera Flett, 4,re' hostesses were Sister Elva' also had pretty floral centre-i Hilda Humphrey, and Myrtie, d wer Beckett and Sister Hazel Sa-ipieces. .Cutey h CnyTal n Tnis, two Past Noble Grands, Six 25 year members, Sis- convenors were Sister AlyceCa Wh'o both are 35 year members i ters Rhoda Smith, Grace Mur-i Yeo and Sister Luella Web-Àan of Beehive Lodge. idoch, Mabel Bagneli, Aima ber.M Beautiful flowers decorated: Powell, Annie Wright, and RsWrhp ao ifi o the entrance hall, the green; Elsie Richards, the secretary, Carruthersh drewathe winningo ronm, and the spacious baIl- presided over the teacups. nrutbers for the in is Noda room of the CommunitLy Cen-iThose who assisted in Rorngte en tre. Pas-t Noble Grand Mabell were Sisters Helen Lamont, sared ae. h e dclock on Bagneil was in charge of the Jean Harness, Margaret Hall, Friday evening, and there was tour~ lovely floral arrange me n ts. Ruth Mitchell, Ruth Evansaecefnlyageambrwt The 74 fine prizes for the Pen- Ivv Coverly, Bessie Shackle-' ofhpfltce odrwr-i a ySaewronc inpa i tcn, Aura Trewîn, Ruby Spi- ilnt. the ~ ~ ~ ~ - balomweetawas cer, and Mary Vinkie. also servedi. The Home Bak-' Anexlen prra The winners were: M rs.ý tt ing Booth and the Candylmusical selections wspo Helen Corden, apron; Mrs. M.!R Table were in the green roorn.!vided by Sister Annie Wood'Jurko, teapot set; Mrs. Irisý Sister Eva MeMurter wa spait ise ui u-Brown, Oshawa, pair of fl iw-' ered pillow cases; Mrs. D. Ba-, ker, Gananoque, set of plastic. nn ,doilies; Carol-Ann Mitchell,' ra bNue smocked dress; Gertrude o Paedon, Newtonville, ar-on; E 111Fait and Mrs. Hazel Samis, linen tea towels.M JinStark, Newt oville, r C s u e Dresden plate qùilt; Mrs. Mar-we garet Hall, pair of pillow Mrs'~ cases; Kelly Cox, poodIle in! er basket; Mrs. Janet Paedon,!si Jew ellery Toronto, magazine rack; Mrs.,Ms Wabasso sheets; George Ham- q nd THE ATET SYLE ilonPonypol Recently, the Bell Telephone Company inaugurated a dial 'phone system Rup cloth: Jean Johnson, hosiery for the Blackstock exehange. Deputy-Reeve A. W. "Bert" Gibson of Cartwright Gibs IN NECKLACE AND ýlaundry bag; Mrs. Bill Mallcy, Township had the honor of making the first call and contacted his aunt, Mrs. cou." EARRING SETS casenteNetonvs. ie h s e- Stella Littleproud of Nanaimo, British Columbia. She was a former resident of Wr( to match your Fali chair; Mrs. George Yeo, Hamp- Utica in the Blackstock district. With Mr. Gibson are A. S. Pinn, Central Cob< ton, Pair of flannelette blan- Office foreman, centre and J. W. Lowry, Manager of the Blackstock exehiange. on . ensemble. kets; Mrs. McLeod, refrigera- The first call wasplaced on Sunday night, September l7th. -Photo by Ireland Sc tor set; Mrs. Leo Goulah, e ciress; Wilfrid Paedon, Tor- Di PRICED FROM cnto, apron; Mrs. Margaret dr Hall, pair of pillew cases; Mrs.B dav, s2.o ~ Dorothy Perfect, teddy-bear BL A CK S T O CK Mrs $2 .0 up onvilea dep freze ak;St. ohn W.A. held the r itions was repeated in unison. are to be ordered for spring.1ning Daisy Bell, desk lamp; Paul- Soptember meeting in the The 7th chapter "Talking ToiMss Parc made a donation to caslh mne Gordoniere, cookie jar; Parish Hall Tht rsday even-igether" of the study bookistart the fund for the Angli- hibil SEE OUR !Isabel Allun, Newcastle, tea-l "n,. with Mrs. Scott in charge 1Towards the Centre" wascan Women's Training Col-1witl WIDO DSPAY cloth set; Mrs. Mel Wiseman of the devotional period and given by Mrs. Scott. lege. A card was sent ?oMrs.'hors WINDOW ISPLAY Jar of jam; Eva Kine. plastýshe read the Beatîtudes. Lit-I Mrs. Ashmore gave an in-':H. Hamilton in hospital, and M mixing bowls;, Mrs. Ïhsrry B.Iany xvas taken from Sept. Liv- tercsting report of the Dean-! letters were received from spen ASMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD Pollock, notepaper:- Mrs. Ar-iing Message. MEmbers' pray-1ery meeting in St. Georgo's'Mrs. Langfeld and Mrs. Har- ter mistead, Plastic table cloth el', pra\-er for Praver Partner,!Church, Oshawa, which xvas!court, also an invitation from Neil ANY ARTICLE ON OUR and $1; Roy Hamilton, Ponty- a.nd prayerforUnited Na-;attenýded by ten local mcmi-Ithe United Church WMS. to M pool, set of T.V. tables; Mrs. bers. Next year's Deancry islattend their meeting Oct, il spen Berrice Stark, pair of pillows; Richards, writing paper. t be held in Port Perry. at 8 p.m. WeF. A w y p a r.George Brown, four cas- Thirty prizes w re unclam r. J o-e a icd h ocs c n eto st Cbr stm s L y -AwalPln Bettyý Beers, pair of ed. Holders of winning tickets a quilt for the bale. Mrs. H.Ibe held in St. George' s tend 'pillow cases; Miss Julie Allin, for these prizes will obtain McLaughlin donated the lin-ýChurch, Oshawa, in October;.nive alurninum cake saver; Miss them by contacting Mrs. Ro- ing and quilting will begin in Mrs. D. Scott to be the speak- mait Helen Devitt, aluminum but- bert Mitchell, 45 Ontario St. the mornin~g of Oct. 3rd. er. Ladies to take lunch. and --1 O O P 'Ster dish; Mrs. Jean Cockburn, Her telephone number is: Roil cail was answered with Minutes and treasurer's re- M H O O P E R YScushion and two aprons; Eve- MArket 3 - 3897. a donation for the bale. Theport were given. Coni lyn Embley, Newcastle, cupD Unclaimned winning num- W. A. will collect Canada~ Followin- prayer, lunch was day and saucer; Jean Johnson, has- bers are: 1019, 1054, 1056, Packers' coupons. Mrs. J. served by 'group 3. Ceci Jewe.uery & Gift Shop sock; lna Burns, cup and sau- 1058, 1072, 1090, 1101, 1112, Hamilton offered to look af- Rev. Canon Donald Whit- Tue, cer; Ms E. Laycock, cos- 1135, 1152, 1278, 1355, 141)3, ter the sale of church calen- bread of Spence Bay, Diocese p.m. »g KING ST. K. MA 3-5747 metie case; Marjorie Wanna- 1442, 1453, 1573, 1615, 162(), dars. Plans were made for of the Arctic, was guest Ferg na-ker, Port Perry, towel and 1649, 1822, 1915, 1945, 2247, chicken pie supper and ba-, speaker in St. John's Church and ______________________________________ fa'cecloth; Edna ElIiott, New- 2444, 2520, 2702, 2823, 2950, zaar in November. jSunday morning and brought Maiý Itonville, reii-sh dish;, and Greta 2977, and 2987. __ Slides on the Study Book the congregation up ta date onland ce, Mary Passant and bar- Mackie; Prize for best hait, rley De Yong. lev. Canon and Mrs. Don- [Whitbread an4ý three chil- ýn of Spence Bay in Arctic e weekend guests of Mr. 1Mrs. Fred Hamilton and non and Mrs. Ashmore. [r. and Mrs. Ian Cameron Jamaica, who are touring rth America, were Tues- Sguests, and Miss Mary neril and Miss Victoria then, having completed aý tof the world since here in 9, are spending a while I Rev. and Mrs. P. Romer- and Dennis prior to getting tioned in Canada. ev. P. Romeril conducted iversarv services in Sea- ie on Sunday. vIc. Russel Coats, Shirley, 1Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn ham were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gra- Ir. and Mrs. Gordon Gra- 1, Gananoque, and Mrs. ce Burns, Brockville, were; ekend guests of Mr. and sCharles Smith and Oli- Saturday evening the iths entertained Mr. and sCharles Graham, Mr. and s.Mervyn Graham, Mr. 1Mrs. Oscar Graham, Mr. pert Byers and Mrs. Ed-naI )son for a visit with these isns. Tord bas been received that .George Humpage died a-t I burg Golden Plow Lodga' Sun day. arrv to report Mr. Nor-man Naliv is in Kingston Ho-tel ze Hospital where he uli- -ent surgery last Tues- 'ongratulatons ta Mr. and sLome Hoskin on win- Ja portable TV set and a h prize a-t the Lindsay ex- ton on Saturday night Ir their English saddle -e entry. Irs. A. J. Cook, Brooklin, it Friday with ber daugh- and family, Mr. and Mrs. ilMalcolm. 5r. and Mrs. Robert Ednie nit Sunday with friends in Ft Hill. Ir. Stanley Malcolm at- led Yelverton Church an- ersary on Sunday and me- ined a few days with Mr. 1Mrs. Howard Malcolm.o Ir. and Mrs. Charles Mc- nell, Norwood, were Tues- 7dinner guests of Mrs. ýIl Hill. Mrs. Hill spent asday evening until Sunday i. wth Rev. and Mrs. C. H. .uson, Don Milis. Rev. 1Mrs. Ferguson and Miss ryliss brought her home 1were supper guests of her M See If Now ut . e.a Fe A. KRAMP FURNITURE Foam-Rich Com fort for Your Home COVERINGS 0F*a CADON NYLON THE KROEHLER PERFORMANCE-TESTED FABRIC This fabric has been tested and approved for: 0 Wear-Resistance Ob CADON NYLON, A QUALITY Seam-strength 0 Tear and Breaking Resistance 0 Cleanability 0 Anti-f uzzing 10 Shrink-resistance Another reason you can be conf ident with KROEHLER FOAM ON THE THICKLY PADDED ARMS 1 *T.M. of Chen-strand Corporation for Its multilobal nylon yarn. FOAM SCULPTURED BACK. FULL FOAM CUSHIONS THAT ARE LONGER THAT WHILE WEAR AND EASIER THE NATIONALLY REVERSIBLE CLEANING. ADVERTISED AND ZIPPERED FOR AND IT'S NICE TO KNOW "COMMANDER"' IS DE- SIGNED TO THE VERY LATEST FASHION, ITS BASICALLY SIMPLE LINES ENSURE ITS CONTINUED GOOD TASTE IN YEARS TO COME.*2 95 HAVE IT CUSTOM TAILORED IN YOUR CHOICE 0F COLORS. $995 37 KING ST. E. BOWMANVI LLE *FeA. K RAM0 Ltde TURE AND HOME FURNISHINGS * TELEPHONE MA 3m7071 -e ~ I I Lofes! IKRDEHLER Value in .......... - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAOB Pm WMNMAT, SEPT. 27th, 1961 Family Party FINE QUALITY Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, OUET N entertained 40 members of MNUET N their family in honor of thei r MARKERS sister and brother-in-Iaw, Mr. t L h&. ». t*my"W and Mrs. James Milbit, on 41I\ o" Frîday nigcht. Neil was chair- GE'I~ man for a short programme OF STAFFORD consisting of a sing-song, v-o- BROS. LTD. cal duet by Gail and Boýnnieý Malcolm, two humorous read- uhnd ings by Mxs. Murray Mal- -Deae colm, piano solo by Gordie *-D:k Malcolm, reading by Mrs. Robt. Ford, and several musi- Stafford Brothers cal selections on the accordianLI TE by Mcs. Jerry Bristow. I TE A rhyming address written Monuments by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- calm and read by Howard Box 133 ýMalcolm caused a great deaL 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby of Iaughter and fun. An auto- Phone Whltby ýmatic toaster and electric fr-y MOhawk 8-3552 pan__wece presented ta the______________ ? 2 STORES 57 KING ST. W. TO SERVE YOU! BOWMANVILLE 68 SIMCOE ST. N. JUST ARRIVED! Complete New Line of WINTER k O T FUR-TRIMMED AND PLAINS Choose Yours To-day! SUse Our Budget or Lay-away Plans We carry a complete line of: *DRESSES (Parisianne and Borg) *SWEATERS *SRIRTS *BLOUSES WE SPECIALIZE IN LARGE AND HALF SIZES A small deposit will hold any article until needed.

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