W"M. - -, - -- - - - ;ý=- . -er l7- r - - . TRT rA!',An.TATEgM-e, EWMAN'VLLF, ON'rAjqtO '"EfNTStDAY. SEPT. 2'Tth. o. building of St. Thomas' Ho- A E TM EI , f ~ b nnual cup and caFh prizf wai înson and fsrmllv f('a rihorsrngbtto pital, London, of which lie waq BASE LJINEY LpR O resented into .tteam al the xwPre Stindav IPFIst. 1wR- Ati asal rceo fl\h. out that the wording nt thks The home of Mrq. Iris Couij- <Ton laie for last weekî Senti had pushed, pti>îed and dance field Iatr'r ini thr' C 0F. Robinsons.CLfC~ opvhoee o appeal seems applicable ta re- ko was the scenle of a surprise This community has surviv- rough-housed for some lime, Hall mwhîch. încidentalý.N\ as Frîelits of NMr. NiîMs d1waddsevc eatcp F u ic ,o 'is O u li edquirernentstloil iday partv on Thursday ed v~hat turned out ta be alfortuflately our good neighbor verv %vell attendcd. l'fi W. Porter of .îanciville areorx rthftu. him what the fitle hospital ad- Zwareii planned the event and fairs, Wi. A. meeting. balîthat be toreador) terminated vie Orsrensb'ha ilv of îberrlarge baria d mnistrator means, and what friends and neighbours gath-,tournament. shower for bride- .the engagement with a short cidntenrsreshmenî11Yoîh a By> Berncardl -o Iden aetedle of such a a- ered al the appainted hour. to-be, weddings, fires andichuflk ot cedar post as a lance field da ' and ait he danîce. lJ iton te pekr ai. e x-Ms. Czujko was presented harvesting, etc.. ail demand-i ten-meydte woWlcrMGl rhea pro- esl\e99111minilv e - The om le fîrîion o ca le aio d\ aiee î liondth t hspemage-kerh cîp nd sa ce tamHe a erai-a ouMr. 'tgrup b ck ina her ree ectpe dctte-ouie fo th c- iaes thheih anmussic f VA LAforO Tahe dep me t m mde î Ioof thý\e a b laierlne r ofthe hospital, each guest. She thanked thellion and attendance. ive pastures. The circle of ad- ca-SiOn. FriendS cf .JO(-Walk- thc" itr ieWhîte Cilirc E dma, dprmnt namoenwuld be more easilv under- ladies very n icelv for their Hî tMlonaw tgdmirers had fraternized duringer ooferoiMil.wec11del1ituîîgiH N , henle(rsoldttbepeedesehmbckabs tIRx..SîodiofT I n pji a ere oitlied bv Ber- me and drug e e nuries.f ogtandable by the general pub- 'huholes fe hc ur first of a kind simulating sororitiz.ed) providing a pe- (lld stand i ihe Orchestra l hIl s regrettabl nar Illde. ~mmnst a Th e p iîa r ruthe (entuof lic. rko Zwarnsid bMrs. aMextanPse hoe -a llfic ulia r problem of identity. Forwhile on a week's holiday here ever *vthinris stili lin ntmaîî ialle nhîs caitaton Revnolds and Rex Valters In Canada local hospitais. Vowîer served a Iovely lunch ,nwie s1w ee . anvoene wha laas tried one oet with parents in .Ianetville. imess for- theoccasion. .1 thosndmatch-ial-twins eontest Mr. Art McMahon (f otlts Bel i,l tlephonesri-vigl anîdress aPt h#e luncheon meet-were celebraied by their tel- tomhicldd npovnia ndasoilhorwa uc atiiatn i hebod-t tv10pc-oIth igtcafrcetv rveld u es ae iîhhedcîrern Brlte misIIto iri of file Bowmanville Ro- low Rotarians. Guesîs present plans, have been left mehenjoyed. lssaffciatgi n rearthed- fo ryt iko, the pri hmthl eacheiavelr ta est bilo rB lacok murati ial10n t.E saa laiy Club fild ciin bbc Flving Ilthe Iluncheon meetin g were autanomy regarding the ct-Ms ereC b ii-l- farwr u con-dft h prpit ote akthwni ii isilBaktc iagrt duc*t ot their omn affairs, Mr. Mr.GogeCo 1 sires who after making faces w,,hen each one is the same and aging mother confiner! Io phones as nt Sîîndav an.A Dirhman Motoir Hoir.l on Fr1- R. W. Brandon and W. Hoîden sserted. The poIiie, iurned home on Friday atterlhe-Hle at each otlier across the tOwn-iblack color and as much alike hospitail here. fiie cf writing tîîing es ilRA -64 ______________son. Oshawa. and R. W. Thie h ps wowe-isi oa n naig-eld Bowmnvile. of a hospital are set by its bo- 1pnigteps wowes'hpra admkn e1das any Iwo peas in a pod with rr and Mrs. Hloward Rob- a fiasco. WVe cai bri u-__ burgei, Bwavle ard of directors. and impie- a patient in Oshawa General'tbreats iiinaie ovine fashboni alternate choice of 50 others; F R F . . . The speaker \vas introducecP ete yth diisraor Hospital- (Mu Mu yoit knowî decided'tocos rmi rsrtnl by Dr. H. B. Rundle, whn said appointed'by il, lhe added. Mr. and Mis. ReniîY Wood- ta meet on neutral ground - -futile. even in daylight. iat Mr. Hoîden was born in '1ee r 07pbba- ward and Jlack. Toranto, spenti the road ta decide whîch Blackburn. England, and edu- -hr r ulehq ieo nnw rgn T HUR DAY atpdhereHptodo( heexpitals i Ontario. This total the weekend with hier par-,was the bigest bul -shooter" ieoa~kOi ST . 28th Lsitaîe d mink, efo thevp ex- PUInS but norltreT.B. ntr- Jar. andMDon wergefte Sun-Merc at'tse ul« INYin nabero f h ten-,ý,- e peien e r. oi en chronic and convalescent bas: Çoombs and bî'ohers Bill an take. Tbe Eastern Ontario W esley Fray domicile causediý 'U lad lad ini every phase of a paibtn TBsno-Jc. considerable excitement Sat_ including payroll, stores. and 'umis. oretlbsîas r adMs dadFl~ ire was braught undet (on - accolinting. u-hile onthsaf'"l 1960. 900,0003 patielnts Dorothy t o eeSn ec a t rol before the cambined fîre k o2.260 bpd hospital in F.ng- were treated infihe geraldydne uet fMs depts. artie aedm Lin e tehosoitals ot the province. A Bert Coîweîî and îrwin, Bow N!-scue y xesv ae Linlete~ and fri'six eTrot VV OflDlle. ad axewiexcesieae 131 AVLEBefore (amning in Canada in baby was born every few se- 1mroannviadhle.elig irmn h Ma.1956, Mr. flldcri had c onds. There were 10.2.50 davsi day evening gliests of Mr. and *oe . (ompelled ta aprinkle a pased heqrilitin cxm-of patient rare, and the pay-,and Danny Battamns wrte IIR feîv hundred gallons oftr ~: 15 î.n1. ation and rceîveda diprall for hospis staffs incîud- duck hunting ai Elgin river B dathe adcta e also lama tram the United King- îng. part finie personnel iin On-, weekend. "lie 0-10B leýmn. s their lime is wasted. Sean be , domInsitue e 1-ospta dt aria amaunted te $170.000, Mr. Wayne Battams. Victora, r O1i Bsîe e a persan will have ta take eut,~ . Romundîeteof os ita- 1001 B.C., aî'rived home on Mon-'Trtsponsored at the Orono insurance liat onîy for fire ted. His first year in this Opeî'ation costs for 19611 day ta visit his parents Mr., HoeiR b l'h HardowareCr-ldmg u gis erd- etBn".~ O'-taoIl k ~ 3Ad L I for Memorial Hospital hereland Mrs. Sam Battam. HmRop.arwr. a-tions of over-zealous firemen. C LIG O D Country was spent art the staff CmnPubigadH ai, COLLINGWOOD of a 1Montreal Chronie Hospi- are estimated ai $400.000, and lMrs. Maude Faw]er spent man Plumbing and Heatîngd- lai. lie thn was apponted 1 thetotalhaayFof matienC cuntylestweekens mpathyg fextend- M DARGARIIfIEers4forn$1 C- 1 M A RGA R N EE4 for $ taI Hethe wa apoined he ota das o ptiet-scar lai weked vsitng riedsoperatiî'e. W~. A. Reid Genea ed ta Mrs. Bruce Aslhton and' ]RA Eamnsrtro h tmewl ron a170b h nOhw.Store. Les. Reid, Blacksmit aîi t h . udesýBest Buî' 'Save 24c! -'StokeIi s i'ancy iIu~S~ ~ zTn READE Comissioi Hopi-, ma oftheyr 1,700ebyearlin d a ra.Samn VanCam-p, and W. E. Reid saw eight Ibereavement. Bruce wasone[T M T UC or$ O A O S5$ Tom, Susani and Lorie, spent hlorseç vie foi' a porion for th oshp Rlaate i er, t., Dru.Heasred ededthat0sita theiked a nd respected by al] who T M T UC Ticket-. nt the door Rnl nomdtecu.H r 5pol f h weekend al Mink Lake. $120.00 prirse. The event wasl inefr added that Mr'. Holden hadjstaff. and said that this num-l'have had the pleasure et hav- etBî R")P AN~N IIn i stre i uisa dii- ber includes 30 who do relief Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown andjt'n in two heats. ing made his acquaintance. His', Bu! RAV 0< N STCEfns2 Canaian lub rator of Meorial HospitalIwork. This is necesstted by îa'l*v ed 0110 d ~~R~îeIOîd asig il]leaea îoid n 'Ivele f r OR E EF2$ Mii'. Holden laId the club \,es the district 24 hours a day v e isrit.ilanebatstipns. witb an out Rtawhenhea West Durham thlat7î40yearr, ago the Bishopl and seven days everv week, ane.V lana1 freeîy and generoi.sI or'Best BRu' Save Ir! - cet t i'sd 16-07. rl.uý1it ntWncete ia paken ofthe administretr painted eut. aigseodadtid Dchssrie.W epalw1ys -theneed fori'nd for the Mr. Holden predicted lhai BURKETON Fnîsqco owried by Fran7k Bald-!impressed Xvitb Bruce's kTi R S P C L S3 o 1 Nete OUK -$ wben the new wing i no-wîn hock third in heSun1-Isense cf hunor. bis co an'R S I K E o er-ation Mesnorial 1-opital will A niîmber rtrni lbiq raOM- mex' toloIdb(' CaleBrmn anr et aisnpiuî es mi'%de h I0k1 f ttsgOE:(hIe- rr~~n TU~ be one of the finest hospilais ,çmuity attended the rfanerialiPownedGirlamnd v10dne Ha'i.Erl'o n iimpdrtant te îd ltr hrd,' FR TH11E of its ize in Southero Ontarlo.' of file laie Mr. Br'uce Ashtonicchiane, Algei mati ow n e d His pasýsingz will lie keenlv fe l M E "pSW 4 o ' lu Ne~~~~~~'i spoke of the new and im- held at. NorIhett and Smiîb i ' Lodnet EE I SW S 4 fr ' Sh ded ha 5s -proved diagnostic facilîties.!Funer'aI Home an Thui'sday. EwyC. Heath.Airthuir Hanever' bv an- amazingly large cr.rcle of Uand the 118 inew beds il will Sympathy is;extende 4edoMr \Mc LSone Howkn. d friends.Balrdi' Cam i on 1.5Off l' ESY M OW provide. Mrs. Florence Caughiîl andiRaîphli leath. Times b . NeiS5D Blad amtr D I W TEBE TSummarzng a bospital ad- I'amilY in ithe passing et Mrs. l'IeStone cwned g c f 1 iifiori ime 'a e"r10n.in ministrator's dutlies, Mr. Hol- J. O'Hei'on. Si. Catharines. Buies iThoy Y1ert W.A. was beld al the D O G FO O DO fo$ T at SUP /i HEY NOEden stated that 90 per cent et, - numnber-ft'om îei'e at-n ancY home ot Mrs. Isabel Wison on B ri'",î 0 (h:h rRrrIr I<e rCrse COEo istm sspent inseeing that'tended Lindsay Fair an Sat- Thursday' afternoon with a"'.,rie Sav 3fi 2(1-os. TinsReula things are done. le must (*<,'On-od urdav. e Mrs James ICER PRC ernhimselfwith al depaî'l- M isspeîaîîg a uAncY Shec'kI KL ENEXTisues pkg $1PaNEPgeE5/$ rnrs. . Aigue " ____ ga -R-- - - - _ detn a xriqs i slp cha geisues cf ments ofthLie hospital and hav- w laswith bel-'"rohe M,. RA 1.IING dvtoa xrcss s td ________________ _________ JLU îing been autborized b y the R - \s " pnks Osawa Certified Public Accountant bv Mrs. Howard Malcolm. Be 'IG(DLA Wboard ensure that ail aperate rs.lpnkMs, O.shigaw. 93 Chureh Street George Richardson explai.ned MGCDLAV LU wihmaximum etficiency for M'.adM.W.Siernd MAr'ket 3-3861 'about the new ladies' ou -gani ra FEATURFS! the ultimate beiefit or' pat- Oshawa, Mr. arnd Mns. Ross fi- -3.p"'Ht.n hih i exeetd.t îents at reasonable rost. Hubliard and Janice. Tien- placeH.he reGINt RFI)ReAM& BLUEiilRADREDEA CA SThe speaker' told the Rofar- ton, weiC necent guesîs of Mr. Chartered Accaunitant plce t o'sntW.A aza Rý'ae 14C hit I e ingci Jar< .adN-.B ubr.Scond Floor Ou.r Yelvei'a . s~ a 4 vIi ans that 60 pet' cent of the an Mis. B. HubbFleingrd . Necw Libt'ary Building wavs been a capable, efficient' Instan$t(Iii' - hot 'ifS1ndn staff is occupie.d with direc't, isCocir Fein n . n n cantac ts raiato ne l. rs $ ,o(F patient rare via nnsing ser- 1Bill Oke, Oshawa, were Fni- . Kîne Marîd emer1-3612t . qi cti- ndpisitrio re 'lde nt SEE vice. He spoke of te respon- M YMd'~ n ALEFRIEDLANDER than anv other oganization SavIe CPkg R B ROS l nursing. He also discussed the vie.MsCaneBod. A'utnsanAu itos .. We âlways ponder CANDIES $ R B importntectosofteEnriiskillen. were necent guest.s:Licensed Trustee in Bankr-upleveîauî,.-eenFioit acompishe X-Ray Department and the of Mrs. Beatrice Taylor. 64 King St. E. 7125-1621 ntin.is msa desirable. Siveii'to î ei&D:pr~ B Laboratony. ~~~Glad tIoî'eport filat. Mr. Wal- Oshawa. Ontario h 'noi eot cp I't ok" n o or.Prm ,aeA rrîo(u . Coni. C..A . gco n n ce w th ine ssnnual r CC. OPEN 9A.M.- il P.tM.- BODY SHOP 9A.M. - 6 P.M. deitas mlee turîd b he ,,uaby i M or Hsi .Fa'. CA. nn c e p teBuinss York BEANS 61/ $1 Sewingl kitelccnstaff wer'e outlined by ta!. Bowmanville. MONTEITH - MONTEITH fow' supen e b hed inOctAJ L ;çuILfEId Mn. Hoîdeui, whoaa spoke Oî horejoe oigbas deait with. Next meeting'W safes SorcrE icî i;li Blendd ixr a frietLae ot the haspital's iaundny facil- Hyoîo udyeein.ýR L ~ t ehîda ayMo". itJetri9i .r ities. and of the housekeepni spping with îhem in their SmceS.N.saa The progr'am convened liv Mrs Jm rJlis iî G on ee hc b ____________________________________ idepat'tmeiit. The value of the whroppig SeviC.b 72 5-3r2edcannt 'e. -esiwaasolo __medical records department 'randoffr George2.5-352 A readîng by Doris Rewan. al CAýSF OF121' - $2.29 - Sav'e 15!e Smits Prrmlrm"xtaico"WI irse ~ ws ephsizd b hm. n. ndMis Gerg 7Ali ownmanville vocal duet lix' Canal and Janice, Fanci' Quality wa mhszdb i. son and family veî'e Sunday Caîl ZEnith 45750 Sae, lb. de yAnýç,, in The duties or the front of- guests or Mi'. anr1d Mrs. Rober't Patner-s: ,tl ey. a in lsoAn Save Se H'iiî etrs Kundiess BU MANVILLE fîce personnel. and of thoselBell and tamil\, Oshawa. lion. .1. \W. Monteitb, F.C' A and or n igson age dealing with accaunting. pur'- Plans bave been made t0 A. 1B. Heaslip led in. a sirîCg-song' Pink Salmon 3/$l rlt eoaiMae R ~ MA 3-5589 caigadsoe eeas hl u hn-feigSn . VoietR o. ..xhicb was enjoyed by al. deALhscibe ad syti' orene vie a s at 2:ur Tand 7:30p.m ng e .W. RiehI, C.A., R.Il. A. Peggy Stacey provided a con- Red & Wlhite Hamagorelzed - dscrbe byMr.Hoden Th:vcesai :3 an 7:0 .m.on (Licensed Trustre)t et Lunch was serveci by the Save 16c! 9-ozi Tnumblrr uilu oi hospital administrator must iSunday. October' 29tb. G. E. TFretheîvey, C.A. hostemis TRIS~snun~ SEPT~o TO~A1. bring ail0lactsmtogetler and WcdigBe r'lrnging iiin R. F. Ligbtfonî. C.A.- Malcoî m .t iso enlButr 4$ nir'lrss :u lilel Chwrkig wpra c il Cby Isabel Wilson.Re&Wht- ar1c Àor' ail patients. attended on Sunday merintg. STWPo der The.rs.c .cf.asp al.wb.nRev.E.. N.iof1Sa-9-1111 MrA. ' and Mi'. Jac'k W*Iscnn Jlvi/~(OBNXIN [A -yEDI IIAN D.C. and Marguerite attendenî the E ! goes hack thlousands cf year's,' grave dciver'ed a fine ser-mori.ChrpatrBx -lrk upisadî- Brn(and * Mr. Holden explained. He, Mi'. and Mrs. Bui'ney l-ooey, Offic'e:cpinhlinPr evon Se,9!107.111 1 kgBg9 REEwuu fELI e tais in Indla and Egypt that cf Mn. and Mns. Thomas Hodge' Phone MIA .-5509 ' Satur-day, p.ni.1 k.Jbl were establisbed ln the sixth 'anid family. OfceOiîsniApiîmrt Wednesdav evetiing Ithe WJ>kg. BOLO(n -i12 $1 ».m - aBEI seventh c.enturies B.C. Mn. and Mns. Roy MacDon- Ofe- - )- r-s -'vApinrr Yelver'ton membens attendirig 1P- O Thurs. show starts 7:30 - Fri. & Sait., 7 and 9 p.ni. One was tre in Ceylon in aid. Bowmanville, wmer'e Sun- 'ti catedofithepngraro a t uerr! (ran mîe9 Mon. ta Thurs. (4 days) (Oct. 2. - 5) cGieek and Ramait oDitl. --W.M 'M.('ere Peke__________________________Fait-._______ 43 BC.da gess f rs Get Bil D. y. . IIEL, .I.S t0eniBtsbN'cf-îii5î'anF-G-N 589cciat'Mar. 6ns leÇPa nae ivas r'entred around the Office: .Tunr Jubilce Bldgs. Page, Candy and Ter'îv Mal- Feature! - Savil, 16r Eepe of hHVILLandal 40OKing St. W. Bowmanvifle clm.' Pamela Stinsonan sd 3rOfKnzS %nkC Rs" sthough much of Ibis cane was E I B TH L EOfie Ilours. Miti.i Malcolm. The fr'cg-'M - based on superstition thene 9 a.tin. te0 f;ptin. daily waq weli presented t0 the Sriaî- - Là~ A-11arn as- gr-drtalim-ovmt O-Wdesa-v-igte loe-Str-.vs -_i __udecep1een.FAB $1.07 5 fr$ 0 k'Ig br %~ lf i7* ir-si in Canada %vas theli-Itel ieMuli 1.rE i.wlri s- LAMIRENCE ('.nd iMNASON, B3A ristow. Bskenteui t heÏàï N'am Dieu iin Qeebec un 1639 estab- tdBtyFAI"w1 M nte(in fa drsývgeý t\nrthritp Tiin Pcnis.59eisbed h.v a F'r'pnicb nobîeuwo- lied ety Fawler walî on otu i arti boico ttwcepsntd itlb i! for 511r'rThe speaker i'eterrer'InIithe cf Mn. and Mr's. Wilbcnl Fow- Phoncs: Office MA 1-.56988 bu'gen expnessed lier lhanks 2 6 5 r ei pan vx :thhlr ni'zanizing abilîties cf Flor- er. Peter'borough. Residitc MNA 1-3553 andl lunch wvas ser'xed. raî Vnu:mBolîleg 1.1 BFath ence Nightingale and lien aci- Seî'eral attendeci Ibe officiaIl ISAPAI HDIS Thue COF. baIl taurnament 30 .S..Tae 9euîcnns u egr t h ceuîgc«bcN)reyScho Bar-isten, Solicitor o Saturday purn. thougli not- Otaj .I-Hepn 6q ake 1.2X izp NNhlr Rab 9e ________ .i-srng profession are xvell 1 Oshawa owned and opera- Natar-v Public'lai'gely attended provided same kn low i, bu in addition she ted by Ms Donotbyv Keber-ki.. 'lemprratîuc St. -Bomnvîe vy nteresting games for' Iirhre spray Net 69-asi m--wy ll irtOsaa spectatars. Prescott C.OF. de BL EG AS89 Jr1. Nylon ('ombe 10r IHalo bospital admirîîstr'ator. Mnr. Oun Friday evening the Mfeated Janetville (Court Man-' 6.ie Pepsdentate 4 ,9 1-odr said. He tolci cf the neighboui's and relatives gaîi- M o r ig a ge s vers) in the apener 1 1-10.> Nutritions~ - Bradford Ma<'sh (;7c Ppý%ocen rarsuccessful prograrm for tbe en- ered at Mr-s. Violet Walteî's taI-o Coturt Peterborough eliminat-ý - _____. ganizationi cf hospital depaîýt- pi-esent ouii' coming bride Mis., SADIE HAMILTON -ORONO ed Coeur-t Bridgenorth in almost'N.13l P,%R: met uigteCienShirley Muldr-eî with cotfeeý Phone 1 r 16 a flawless performance. Court fK T GILLETTE METRECAL Oins unngteCnma table, a pair of end tables and: Finst Mortgage Fonds Nestîcton, tî'csh and with 2K I for 2 7c idn IAVSHAVE CREAMSekngcib raad floor- and table lamps. Be ' Residenees - Farms plcnty cf spank, downed Court A R T Liui Vncs nth 2thCetuvween 7.5Sud 100 atteuîded. B5fC5 rpete Prescobt in a close game allI LOI)PEir BilNI)F 6 for 1.69 megaidin.-liospital facilitiesRvWiltv himn Mortgage Loans the way\. The local ladres' (Gardeni F esh I Nil E Porîder Mr' Holdeui remanked tha' Those taking par-t in the pro- Pr'ompt. courteous service tearn, oId pros et bygone years No. t Grade P'er Head plifI a AH Power \îlie the popculationî cf ih,,gramme w'enpe Mn. Frank Gi!- HAROLD C. PEDWVELL look sorts eut of mothbals foi' For $1.00 11.7 5 case United States bas, dorubledimor, Port Hope. Mr. and Mns. Real Estate arîd the occasion and Io the tlue' (.ilete .Sjutahe azr Iare in '< Poedr inc 173hositlsbav b iMaunice Gilmor. Orono, Mn. Moîtgage Broker et eneaking .joints, bad a short Green (ABBAGE 9c RIED& H T (;ilptt, Aju-tabe Rznr a rre in f Pu- rased 447limsbie sau ne Aver-y and Miss Darothy Mol- Newcastle Phuone 3856 close game with a teani as- 51.95 5.09 period- dr-ew, five local ,;chool gir'ls. '-__ -- __ sembled and coached bY Grant _______________________ ~twc Beatty girls, 2 Trew girls O p 1 0m e r y Campbell. Lady playei's pan'- IRCSEFCIEA H ITF E>&W EF0)SOE lait Smmltb noved a i te cf and Janice Palmer- sang a - - - te frand <)NCu1LVCS FETIEA TEISTDR ,anks ta Mn-. 1-olderi for- bis couple of numbers. The bieKJH .BULTOj). represene n eked out a OL ecellent classification talk, tbanked theun also the coni- Optomnetrist mighty slim margin in a game O W L I I~~~~I G ~~~ 5 t Vice-Presidenit Keith Bil.jing groom Mn. Bruce Mackin-1141 King St. E. - Bowmanvmleiwhîch was anything but flaw A L R V A K T . a l rv CO-W LING'S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l who presided at the lunc-h- 1 osb spoke a rew words ()f Office Heurs: By ponmt'Prvingcsdeal MPEGO ART PHON . eo meeingcongatultedthanks. Lunch was served. In' Telephone MArket 3-32.92 merriment nevertheless. ~ ~ DR G SOR NU l'F Ie peakern bis fine pr'e-ý Sympathies ar-e extendedIc Mon.- Tue,,,; - TbîirF. - Fr-i b Ibet final game < oir I RL~ES~enttioarid1:nexpiessd thFowrrfanilmn tederbao P.M. Nestleton was tut down ta s ze CO RNISH'S MARKET ............O o den. ion Monday. ed. and Sat. - îg.la coulcn't seem te make as mi PAGE SIXY r,