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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1961, p. 12

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I -, PAGE TWELVLF 1- ~. .~~~ ~~ WEDNESDAY, OCT t,18 Russell C. Honey illusiofled and disappointed and Old Age Securitv. Mr.ib r l e r P u a tn c li h i a d d t and indecision of Prime Min-!nation wîdeHospial Inur-P ister Diefenbaker and the ance PlansMr.Hhspitated. -- _____ Promine tmPortHopeoLwyer cabinet. Canadans during the:last - _____ P ent P oil ope L w yer"This disillusion f o 11 o w s four years have had a frustra-j the reaestproise inCan'oftheincompetencY that r- R ec ive Lî era N o ina ionadian historv to fulfili any vails in the Diefenbaker gos'- R es L'o era N om nat on material portion of his pro-, ernmient, Mr. Martin asserted. ecelif 1 mises,' lie stated. He recalled Neyer in Canada's historv hias, An enthusiastic crovd ofAssociatioî, acted as chairmail the assistance of ail Liberais Diefenbaker's pledge to re- there been one iess abie ol1- moethn50 eol ttend-idurin.g the nominations and nt the riding, and also for the duce taxes and pointed to the manage our affairs than theý ,d the Durham CountyLb the election of the candidate. active suîpport of aI]ohr at htth osraic rsntCnevtv oen eralNomnaton on~ntxn Te nmtntonofo~l i oers, rrespectieofteir increased taxes, and faiied to ment in Ottawa. Ail oiver field ini the Newcastle Com !Honey was moved bv Mayor partv aiiegiai ce in the past. lever balance the budget. -Nor Canada there is anl increasing h las any Tory Federal Govern- lack of confidence due to the"- murtyHal n hurda e W1f dCaruter Bwmn- Dulia n ut plav its Pa 1t nment balanced the budget.1conduct of the personnel nil enig. Hon. Paul Martin, M.P.,: vilie. Hs Worship spoke of to insure tataliter *the next y et the Liberals when ini of-j the executive arm of the pre- former Minster of NationalMr Honev s service in the Federal Ellection our ni-ation ýfice have continualv done so. sent federal governiment. Health and Welfare, was the IR.C..F. during World War Il.,etq back on Ille rails; Pulls and aiso showed a surplus each MrMatncsite principal speaker. his graduation from Osgoode îtseIf ou t ofthile Slough of coni- year," hie stated. M.Mri sigtdthe1 Rusel C Hoey PrtHall in 1949, and his practice fso e sinw r Conservative regime for its! Hop, as nabmosî eîc!of law in Port Hope. If Mr. nov experienc ng, and forges Mr. H®rney said the Conser-'inept hanldling of internation-1 He Lieal canidae o u r ' l Honey i elected to represent ahead under th e steadv and \'ative goverroment offers colt- ai affairs as welI as for its hamin he omng edealDurham in Ottawa hie wil1] hetencouraging hand or Mike fusion as a defenee poIicy. domestic policies. "The Dief- haniin he cmin Fedralsure ta do anl excellent job,. Pearson and a Liberal Gov-!IThe Minister of External Af-,lenbaker goverroment is one of Ellection. He was given a Mayor Carruthers stated. Mr*s.,erýnmiett," said Mr. Honev- fairs says Canada wiil have! procrastination and postponie- standing ovation. JH. Upper. Port Hope, second-ý no nuiclear weaipons, yet thei ment. It has not the abillity, The large audience was wei- ed Mr. Hondey's nomination. It ivas explained b *% Mr. Minister of National Defence or courage, to face important casie esd .R en tewDu- Acpac peh lioneY that this Year we have, is building Bomarc bases and problemns that must be re- case, resden oftheDur AceptnceSpech seen t he continuance of the buying American missiles, A111Isolved," he ïaid. hamn County Liberal Associa- Russell HoneN', the new canl- old CCF Party under a -new of which are virtually worth-1 esoeo h on f tion. Reeve D. Cunning'hardidate. in bis acceptante name, but that it is Ille Same eswihu1toi red.fariets exfte nsi e aifi- gavean ffiiai elcme ro.Speech dedicated himself to!old socialist Party. He said'he pointed out. clos Nrighshp the Village of Newcastle.' the task of winninig Durhamlthat it has leno * mores. hope ofas ap Royce Frith, Toronto, pres- for the Liberals in the next' wining Durham, or- attaining "To add to this confus,,ion'pened in the western world! dent of the Ontario Liberal' Federal Election. He askedfor powel. in Ottawva, than it had Diefenbaker seems to be soft- like. this publie issue betweený in the past. ening uis up for anl announce-,the Governor of the Bank ofi ment that Canada wilt ac-' Canada and the minister of,1 Yo 'eaw y h a He urged former CCF sup-1quire nuclear arms. But he Finance, Mr. Fleming," the' Your a~w ys a eadPorters to vote iberal, be-Iseems frigh'tened to take the'Speaker remarked. 'cause the onlv xvay tapro- Canadian people imb bis con-' Mr. Martin discussed tthe Oe'50Lbrl rm Dra onyhl o- oea hi addt.Ti ht hwfo when you shop at .. grcssi\ e social'legislationi, ade- fidence and tell them of the creation or a central baJl!. vr50LbaifomD hmCuny el'P tHpester STOuRte standardsTofWliveng. and g overnment*s decision. owned v the people and op- t rnmnainmeing for a federal candidate last' lef t 10 right: E. R. Lvkno ecslPeieto TO SERVE YU ~ BOWMAVILLE w'hre h bas lwasrstd heLbra at'spl' erated bv nomineres of the Thursday in the Community Hall at Newcastle. Hon. j Durham Liberal As. usi .Hny h e __SRV_ UBWM NI E i the hands of the Lîberal Par- ls clear, Mr. Honley said, and lgovernmenit. A centrai bank Pauîl MVartin, M.P., former Liberal Minister of National. candidate; ;lenhiolm uhs omnvl s ie ~ 68 SIMCO ST. N. tyof Canada.explained that the Liberals is essential for the stahilitv HIeath and Welfare, was the main speaker. He praisedj Pres. of the organizain r atnadRveFih OSHAWA Mr. Honex' also asl..ed for should not be extended be- a whole, he stated. ci ~the support or exer vonle inyond the four counitries that ' Nothing lias been more STYLES FOR '62 Durham who voted Coniserva- ,now have them. 'Any exten-' disgraceful than the puibli-, tive in 1958. H-e made this :Sion of the possession of nue- airing of this dispute. It ne-i request because lie said lie lear arms tînder individcîal vealed the incapacity and'ý Complete New Line of knows that the great maîorîitv national control \vill greaîlv recklessness of the Conserva-! \~ TERof these voters are now& dis- increase the danger of acci- t tive fedenal administration and! W INT R detaloutbeakor niclar hrtIhe name of Canada! war-, and the difficulty of throughout. the world. For-i C A Sachieviiig disarmament. Can- tunatel 'Y this is not irrepar- S COATS ~ada cannot den y nucle ar wea- able. 1'ur-trimmed and Plain pons te other nations and ai Mr. Martin explained that the samie time arm bier own the Liberals did flot subscnibe' ËAiEC1 C 6 forces with them." to CoYnes views, and he-' UpW'EAKU a 1958 Dr. Preî ivian lmkederat - ao rigt $ 9 9 pcm akto uhmad ad c r soutsideý Oi Choose Yours To-day FOR ha t hepcoltdhel Mn. ier-cati rat. he t wn sovereigniliesý sethaï,_l e ol elpM.De h-conr otaitnTelevision's Newest--- ~~ co~ebaker finish the job. Mr.linth cunv otdiin Use our~WUN MYE CALLED ON !Diefenbaker bas not finislhed one another. The Conserva-ý U SFUEWTRIPAID t he job, and tbe Tor, member tive governmenl was respon- Game Sensation DM ~ t Budget or Lay-Away UFOE for Durham bas net eveil sible for the dispute," he said.! starled bis.' Mr. Hondey stateci The Conservative govenn-1- V9 Plas *~ Mpr.ticalv assured everv but denied him a bearing be-. Daiy between 1O0am and IPlpm jWe Carry a Complete bine of: voter i Durham irrespective foeaimiteo h os of their politics that when ofCmon ncotaicinit i .op DR S E elected lie will devote bis full 0teBhc ihs n a- UE FDMN OTS Jr * * DRESSES ~ ' t ime and energy taothe carry- tnsi."hLbrI i t1eI.NeODMNO ;rar< SKIRTS / l ý'ing out of his parîiameitn eat e gave Coynemushîs dayFIJn 1 a n.rt ETYU * A C E T Pa is en e & or ) t tu nî .the allegation s of F lem ing l' 'k1..0"o tire DOM INO ýhnw or,<-r speaker0, \erre net founded in fact and I ' i frtve day.., yrr ot a l SLIMS* SW ATER Mr. Martin's Address Covne cleared bis name. 4.AIIphnrurnhr w- Art. DOMINO AO. .,", The principalipakr io. The Canservative caint o Ar r day 10 tepphnrroan'i r DMNO "BLOUSES* LINGERIE ELECTRIC LT. Paul Martin, the former Min- wenever confronted wbh ai ra"fid lil cii<vý $10fon WE SPCIALIE IN ARGE CCNTRtACTINRiPAIRS ~fIister cf National Healt'h and1pro'biem cannot make a de- hv0o<roize nMi s .n no W PCAIEI LAG AN AFSZSWelfare, was introduced by!cision, Sa if appoints a Royal P'a odr prrzeo rontpst rwpr cf1()I -SLSSRK ille, who stated ta M.years 14 Royal Commissions QAcDV- ver hrrDO O Ty. HN. , ASmaIl Deposit Will Hold Any ril lfE âE EVR a, orcrJI orDmno Until Needeci. YR -PIANS mucli beneficial legisiation i-started a vear ago on Medicai,',dln INN ADwI luig Family Allowances, Care Insura' fad it. ap r's cle- l, OIf Natona 1lealîli 'Programs,,.,heariflg *esterday. One fîrsî FRU IT C A K E non rs -r-'o S o th- c î Boies -8 hs pontd nUnemployment nr i hPDmnoSo.o. a r' t-Ilh , Hens 9 - 1Il- .Iuly basnof yet hd a su -iece. 2 lb. Pierce .Atr'esmut -r-tyI..- tinig," Mr. Martin .stated. afl nd au _ - . f 0o,; -r added that manv other rom- -Fo,pfoVti-s ami egArtoI ir'11re msin'hav:éther netprp-"f6 'ie 'ïeiLY S "lbU A nnouncing acionha *en ake o th; ot 881t "France, Germany, iand four other European couItiries have' STO CK Up r* S E I L formed a Common Market, one eonomic union with. 225.- 000,000 peoiple. The United for < Golden Dew ~l.Pg Kingdom, plans te .ioin il. The' 'the N EW FO RD igodduttwins te Conser- hinsiin eeedREGULAR MRAIE23 Minste ofFinance. Mn. Fie- rU-Pann îet I ming, bave dared in critici7e le 'aî15 oz. Tin ! Great Britain for tbis. Vet n'ýc £6 ~iom offered Canada a Free FU OKALCEZWI Trade arrangement il, was in-' solently tttrned dow.n livMnr . ý"tokeIv IFanev Ilngradrfd 15 0?, Tin #f E leming". u m rm wa Mr. Martin advocated the, fl NEY ruu PEA> £4 forOy 6TnnTakIl o - -----creation of an Atlantic Corne th a Ocean 'Spray - (Whole or .Jellîed) 15 oz. Tin ASST. CHOI L TE 5 ..Uie ttrsad be tiate ry S UC f r 5 oroud of out- leader, L. B. For Your Thanksgiving Poultry - Cape Cod No. 1 ca pa NO O DSPAY ATPearson. When Dag Ham-~ day, people in different parts of the world said tbey want 1Pearson, the Nobel Prize win- j'er, champion of freedom and! ýUnited Nations. Mr. Pearson R iB EI S KING TREE, EAS B O MANVILE ISecretany -GeneraI oft the Unit- ICIN STEETEAS BOW ANVLLEed Nations, because as in the past bis eleclion would .be Clfri o Red - Crisp PHONEMA 32301vetoed bx- the Soviet Union,' PHONEMA 3-301 but if you support Russell Honey and belp elect a Lib- !rai govenniment, Pearson wilI W. extend a cordial invitation ta you, the public, ta stop in and test b'~e Prime Minister. He will contribute to Canadas wel- fane, and witb bis internaîbon-, drivethe al newFord or 2. a experience, second bo none, oa peace." Paul Martin said 'n SEE OUR EXCELLENT VARIETY 0F USED CARS - $50 AND UP IA vteof thanks to Mn. Ailinerchandise sold at your Domninion Store Ltd. GET A WDMN I Martin for- bis factual and is tinconditionally guaranteed to give CARD EEYWE.. stimulating address was mov- 10 aifcin LYEEYDY Harley Hayes, Owner and Operator Gary Hooey, Sales Mgr. Bow'manville. Following Mthe VaesfetienBomnleuticlig MA 3-2301 - Res. MA 3-7218 MA 3-2301 - Res. Ajax WH 2-4874 tains andtod calsetin ! ie Stray cobr0h116 Liberal Associations of Dur- DOMINION STORES LIMITED i --' -- au ~ w C IM CANADIAN STATESMAN. IMMAMMLV. MMTAnTM 9

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