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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1961, p. 13

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VýVNMAYOCT. 4th, 1981 The< Mrs. Jai TEE CANADIAN STATESMMI. E0'WMANV!L!Z. ONTARTO PAGE T~RTEEN Drono News 3mes E Richards, Editor Miss Judy Belson, Master Peter Baison and Master De- vid Balson, Mn. Devid Miliard,! Kingston; Mrs. Albert Balson, Solina, vîsited Mn. and Mrs. Harold Belson and femily. IMn. end Mrs. Bert Burrows visited Mr. and Mns. Chas. Burrows, Brougham, on Sun- D eben ture ,For Burket< ____________day. '%31VVeiI I W () Mr. and Mrs. Madison J1 to the Best apartment on Park Mr. Albert E. Phillips, Cou- Ardron of Welland and Allan 1 Street. HA POtiee; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Phir i Darlington Township Coun- Ardron of Toronto calied on Mrs. W. James of Wales, H M T NlpNrhOhwvstdicla h etn edls Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best and ýMrs. F. Kelly, Mrs. L. Lei- lipsanorshawa, istduil hra te metin1sgaed la soft Saturday evening. !field, Mrs. Arthur Lloyd and Another of our hghyres- Mr.eand M. Brosd re Thustay, ep. Lstgaetwo M rs. Jas. Bail returned home three sons, Hamilton, visited p'cted residents, Mr. Wm. Mr. Mark Turner and Mrs. onize the issue of debentures en Sunday from visiting Mr. Mrs. Earl Grady and Mrs. T. 'Chapman was laid to rest î ot culc eeStr nteaon f$5OOt and Mrs. Joseph Smnith intWilson. Hampton Cemetery on Friday day tea guests with Mr. and finance the building of a two Buffalo, N.Y. i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McAr-lafternoon. Deepest sympathy Mrs. Sam Dewell. room school in Burketon. Al Mrs. Earl Grady leaves by thur, Oshawa, visited Mr. and is extended to Mrs. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, members of the Counicil were *Plane fromn Malton on Thurs- Mrs. Tom Hardy on Saturdav. We are very happy to report Scarborough, visited Mr. and present at the meeting held in day to visit her son, George Mrs. Victor Robinson at that Mr. F. Janimer, who had Mrs. Cockburn on Sunday. the Township Hall, Hampton. Grady, Mrs. Grady and f amily tended the Hydro AME.A.i to spend awhile in Cobourg'M.adMs stn ak Three readings were given at Pittsburg. Western Ontario Acco unting Ho spital, has made a wonder- M.amdweraso gshtn itt BMarkodeiga- Congratulations to Mr. andi Conference at Vineland, On- f ui recovery and will soon Ile Mr. 'and Mrs. Cockburn. through highway. This will Mrs. Joseph John Lavery,!tnro, last week. home. make the Middle Road a Toronto, the former June Lou- Mn. John Nash andMr Mr. Arthur Jammen, Tor- Mn. and Mrs. Keefe and thnouch road across the 3rd Ise Glanville, R.N. of Orono, 1 Floyd Aaskor of Boston wene! onto; Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Jam- anid ren, Toronto, visited Mr. and 4th Concessions. This By- on their marniage, Sept. 23rd, Mospont guests of Mr. and nier, Kingston, have been vis-an Mrs. Alex Carrick. Law will be sent to the On- in Our Lady of Perpetuai Helpi Mrs. Onville Challice.I iting thein mother here and' Mn. and Mns. Ken Caverly tario Department of Transport Church, Toronto. 1 The W.M.S. heid their regu- their father in hospital. were Thunsday evening tea for approvai. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bnown, lr meeting on Tuesday after- Mrs. John Canrigan with the guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mrs. Mary Budai, secretary Mrs Frd Tmbln, n. n fon, Gnoup 1, at the home ofBiEssadPoesini-o Caverly, Oshawa. of the Danlington Ratepayers Mrs. M. J Tamblyn, Mr. and Mr.H ea n rop2a men's Club, Bowmanville, en- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chap- Association, pnesented a pet- MrsCaiosTably, n.and'tehm o r.L.Kn. joved a tour on Thurs. even-Iman, Toronto, visited on Sun- ition to council from Maple Mrs. Everette Brown and dau- j Mr. and Mis. E. G. Hay, Is- ing of the be autiful gardens day with Mrs. Joe. Chapman. Grove Road residents asking ghte Evlyn, atendd terlngton, visited her parents Mr. at "Parkwood", home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Clemens, to have some ditching done. 40he Eelne, atned tne and Mrs. R. E. Logan. [R. S. McLaughlin, Oshawa. iMn. Ron Clemens, Mn. andi The council informed Mrs. Mrth adding annieln saro Mr. Roy Patton, Kingston , Yr.Kneh Wc l rs .Bacad n nBudai that this work is ai- Mr, ann s. Runonsi risvisited his father Mr. Pency Brnda anBobbi han1Br- 1Mrs. D. HalatndedMrose-d'ready on the program and toEnsiln nSaurday. Patton. rnaadBbiAn BoIr.DHal teddRs-taplnhaeenmdeo Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chailis oki in, spent Friday aftennoon neath Fair on Saturday. tar tanoavu betmd.t and sons Ronnie and Bob vis- and famiiy, Miss Patsy Jones xvth their aunt Mrs. A. W. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Couleten rpsixvsrcie ited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. spent Sunday with Mr. and1 Prescott. and famiy attended Bobcay- I{ooey, Downsview on Sunday. Mrs. Harvey Aiken, Miiibnook. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Wray geon Fair on Saturday. Mrs. Kenneth Syen, Cavan, Congratulations to Mr. and were guests on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. L. Cryderman apent the weekend with Mn. Mrs. Andrew Edward GrayM.adMs ako Wray, visited on Sunday with Mn. EN S and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. the former 1-elen Anne H allo- Osh awa.. and Mns. Merwin Cryderman, Miss Elva Orchard, Mr. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Craig- weli on their marniage Satur- Mn. and Mrs. Bil Harrison Oshawa. CakadMs aen r MlMr. and Mrs. Vincent:r day, September a0hi r nd Colborne, were Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Far- chard, Bowmanville, w er e Lolyand daughter, Dianne,1 United Church. weckend guests with Mr. and row, Roger, Marilyn and Glon- supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Torot, rlndMs.y. Mr. Tom Walsh, Buffalo, Mrs. G. Adcock and Hanry. ia, attended the fiftieth wed- Clarence Stainton's on Sun- Fooper were Sunday dinnenlN .Y., visited his aunt Mrs. ad Mrs. E. LAter, Sndr ding anniversany of Mrs. Far- day. guests of Mn. and Mrs. Vicetor 'Howand Walsh on Sundav aiMn.W amtnadrows parents, Mir. and Mrs. rsGe.A Sct, s- Robinson and Robent. Mr. and Mrs. Horace 'Best Mr. H. Shuiter, Lorneville, DeHant of Bnooklin. Ms e.A ctOh Mr.Ge. ouvervisitd isserved lunch at their home xvere visitors at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Jim Hanna awa, Mrs. John Henny, Hunt- daughten Mrs. A. J. Jakeman foliowing the funenai of his Ms E iltls ek and Rosellen, attended Markg- , ubcwr Tus and Mn. Jakeman. Iuncle the late Mr. Elmo Cynil, Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Niagaralrham Fair on Saturday. They day visitons of Mr. and Mns. Mns. Chas. Wood spent Fnl- Pattrson, who passed awayiFll; visited her sisten Mrs. aiso attended Osya an Geo. Inwin. day in Hampton and visiteci in Oshawa on Sept. 25th. Fun- A E. Billeit and both attend- during the week. Mn. and Mrs. Ceeul Robin- Mn. and Mns. Gea. Armoun, enai was on Monday. Inter-lcd the fortieth weddîng annm- Mir. and Mns. O. Hindman son, Onono, wene r e cen t Miss Bertha Armour and Mn. ment Orono Cemeteiy. se rso n. and ersomRus-and chiidren motored to Ham- guersa r.n n.A and Mns. Harold Saltcr. * The Rev. E. S. Bull, B.A., i Omsona terhoea ilton on Sunday to visit Mrs. Saps Mrs. Geo. Morton is a pat-iB.D., Rector of St. Peter'SIEnniskillcn on Satunday. Hindman's mothen, Mins. Frank Mn. and Mrs. Sandy Moore' lent in Memoial Hospital,,Agia Church, Cobourg,,Ms \ai rectwo' Dedrick, who is stili confined of Shirley, Mn. and Mns. Wil- Dowmanville. was the speaker at the on - vacation, is spending a few to hospitai. bun Toms, Mns. Countney Gra- Miss Deanna Challice, Tor- Thanksgiving Service at St. diNs with Mrs. Carl Sargent, MUr. and Mns. Schupdock, ham and Miss Joyce Graham, onto, spent the weekend witîh Sav.:oun's Anglican Church on AIddAa.. Pont Huron, Michigan, visited Purpie Hill, wene visitons at ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Or- Sunday evening. Messrs. AW n .L rs thein cousins, Mn. and Mns. Mirs. F. Toms. ville____________ cott attendcd the funeral on Robt. Hodgson. Mn. and Mns. Glen Gilbert, viile Challice. ~~Saturday of thein nephew, Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Hogarth Ohwwr eetvstn Mn. Stanley Seymour, Ton- .flqvffTRoss Prescott. iOopn ît n n isawn.and irs. rnt vWen-r onto, spent Sunday with Mns. rU±N±±rUULIMr. and Mrs. A. W. Pres- lnBompad Wiico r and on, Cr.anob- Gan Wr Wm. Sesymoun. s we cott, Mss Marie Prescott and ourg, enjoyed a scenie drive M S. BueAhtn oi O Tusa ofltwek Recent word from Lomita, Mn. A. L. Prescott were guests through Peterbonough a na d M rc stn oi Mn. and Mrs. Roy Barrabail California, an n oun c es the,oni Sunday with Mn. and Mins. aîong the Otonabee River. and Dennis, Blackstock. were had as supper guests L. A. C. death of a native son of Pon- 1Herbert Prescott, Roger and Ms ~hnRyodNw Sunday visitons at Mn. and Verne Miller, Mrs. Miller and!i typool, J. R. Tocld, in his 95th Erin, ,Enniskilon. Mfoudln, ndMis ul ReyNe- Mns. O. C. Ashton's. daughter Heather of Green- 'er sno1 poerfamrIMrs. Elmeir Wiibur visited ond wne ad sun ul est n M.W . or-shm wcdN..John Todd whose home xvasion Thursday with Mn. and Monday wth Mn. and Mrs. Jas. from the hospital, he is re- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Gus- east of the village. IMrs. A. A. Thompson, Ham- Hogarth. maining with Mr. and Mns. F. tan and children have rnoved After attending schooil in'ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler Beckett for a time. We wish Por Hope and Toronto, J. R.1 On 'Thunsday, Mn. and Mrs. and childnen, Oshawa, called hlm a speedy recovery. Todd spent several years in!Sam MeReelis motoned to on Mn. and Mrs. Sid Kersey Mr. and Mns. Charlie Lang- M 0 N E y Alaska. On his rcturn he set-ý-HaniltLon and spent the day on Sunday aftennoon. maid and family, Mr. and Mns. tlcd on Catalina Island wlhcre ýýitfl Mrs. Goodaîl, an aunt of Mrs. Ernest Killens, Whit- Doug Fiett and Linda, Sauina, he and his brother StiînleyiMrs. MeRcelis. by, visited Mn. and Mirs. Ben Mr. and Mins. Jim Kinsman, AVAILABLE FOR engagcd in the boating 'busi-ý Mn. and Mns. Jim Bell, Osb- Kiliens and family on Sunday. Countice, Master Dale McGill GE 1ness. Later they înovcd tolawa, visited Mn. and Mirs. Mn. and Mirs. Jack Lyon and were callens et Mnrand Mirs. I MO RT GA GE 1 Hollywood where thev builtI Hugh Coutts on Sunday. family visited Mrs. John Lyon, Roy McGill's. 1 two large fuiniturean ap-i r and Mrs. Paul Kelly Toronto, on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. T. P. Bell, Ipliance stores and a real es- and Miss Nancy Kelly, Port Mn. and Mrs. Allun Macklin CagadEanTnno tat office whicl- they openredt istdo Stra and family attended Merkhem wene Sunday guests with Mn. EALPIIS.* JONES atedscesul fo avwtiraiMsFeHnyFarn ara ndOh a I1ý "years. 1Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Horn, Fair on s.AL.W r. Barrister and Solicitor Aften retirement, the de-' Montreal, are spendîng a cou- Mr. and Mrs. Allun Macklin 130 King St. E. Oshawa! ceased spent much time andr Pie of wceks et the old home and femily visited Mns. Grace activity in the intcrest of his':in the village.WodStufilon una.L c l Dr a RA S-6246 blvdChurch of Religious! Ceîptain and Mns. Ritson of Mn.ood, tufMll ns.RySena.LerD am - Scaiience, and in attendanceat.the Salvation Army, Mr. and and chiidren, Peterborough, lub o d For he ewsof s cmpoinsdof ptoe woLos vnir. avilde, Mn. ebr, vw D r. an d s. Rns, ohn- ClubI-AAc DurhamCounty geies Seundough Club which"Bowmanvile, Mrs. H. Fonsey, Macnab on Sunday. ein haebenrsdet fAlas-' manville, visited Mns. Sarah onto, were dinnen guests - on t e in Durhm Conty ka. Each suminci- he ettendediAllun. Saturday with Miss Lula Rey- the Natlonal Club convention' Miss Madilyn Wilcox, Bow- nolds. The first regular meeting of THE CANADIAN ýin large US. cities and Van- manvile, was a guest wîth nThe~ Annuel Reynolds Re- the Drama Workshop was ýmism will long ble rememier- Armur un with a dinnen in the evening. Lions Centre. STATESMA51 ed. Mrs. Chanlie Wood, Onono, There was an attendance of The Wonkshop ha:, chosen IHe leaves his widow Cath- anld Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Nia-1 over eighty, the farthest guest the cne-act play 'l A Battle of avaiIabIe after 9 a.m. erine, three sons, two daugh-1r gara Falls, calied on Mn. and from the west was fnom Win- Wits", to be entened in the ters andi eight grandchildi'en,, Mns. Geo. Armour lest week.1 nipeg and fromn the east from Orono Drama Festival, Sept. *very Thursday ýliving in the Lomita district. Mn. and Mrs. Raiph Ballard St. John's, Newfoundland. 29th and 3th. This produc- 1 Bunial wes on Catelina Is- and children visited on Sun-1 Mrs. Arthur J. Reynolds vis- tion xvas one of the plays pre- at land. day with Mr. and Mns. Hanryited Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Rey- sented last spring under the I Appleton, Whitby.a nolds, Belleville, for a few, direction of Jerni Ross. like fasteBlso spentadv lswek The cast is as follows: Tom STUTTS 1 If you lk a slight at of couple of days last week xvthI Mr. Levi Niddeny, Toronto; Park, Helen Nelles, Judy Jef- ganl in a salad, tny lightly Mn. and MVIs. Kcith Billett, !Mr. R. J. Niddery, Bowman- fery, Merv English, Frank ]PHAIRMACY Fntbbing a garliiclcove a round Bowmanviile. [ville; Mnr. and Mrs. Bilt Wid- Stenger, Apha Hodgins and the salad bowl before yen put, Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Piekeli,1 decorbe and childrcn, Osh- Anton Forster. TeOhw 0 R 0 N 0 the salad in, suggests the Food , Ebonezen, calied on Mrs. John awa; Mr. and Mrs Bob Feny- Little Theatre is holding an and Nutrition Dcpartment,I Balson on Fridey. na land children, Oshawa, were eiglit week Workshop course, ____________________['Macdonald Institute. Aï__l\r. and Mns. Aluin Balson, rcent visitons with Mrs. Nid-'four nights on acting and four dery and Miss Mary Niddery. nights on set designing and MnlU. end Mrs. Losch, Ton- directing. The Cobourg Drama onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Club) have commenced a ten Smile on Satunday. r week Wonkshop course. Any- Mn. and Mns. Hosken Smith!one interested is invited to ýwere guests on Saturday at, attend these courses. Jean the fortieth wedding ennîver- Sheridan teck charge of the PROCLAM ATION sary of Mn. and Mrs. Russel urogramme f e tego AND URGE ALL CITIZENS TO visited on Sundey with their Mrs. Lambert, Rev. Mn. and cousins Mr. and Mrs. Wto,1Mns. Page end femily wene GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY MT.endo .Lrnzo u dey1guestaC.f Mn. an aceompanied Mr. and Mns. Mn. and Mns. Geo. Henden- * * * *Henland Truil on a trip f0, son and son Chnis, Peterbon- Bnecebridge, Leke of Beys end1 ougli, visited Mn. and Mrs. othe n points nonth. I R. M. Short. We S lutetheMen f o r Fie D part entr Ms. Joe Chapmen, Mn. and The Women's Insfitute met W e S lutetheM en f o r Fie D port ent Mns. Clarence Tink, Mn. andlon Tuesday efternoon. :Mrs. Percy Deweli, attended The C.G.ILT. gnoup hed their * * * *a showver et the home of Mns. finst meeting of the faîl season Bryce Brown, Oshawa, given on Monday evening. We know in honoun cf Miss Barbare El- the coming season wiii GAR ET . RCKA Dliott, whose manniege takes hold many fine meetings for GARN T B.RICK RDIplace this autumn. this enthusiastic gnoup and Mrs. W. G. White, who JIs thein dedicated leaders. Reeve, Darlington Township.onvctnisiitgM.ed Miss Julia Meltîc, a mis- Mrs. Don WVhite, Oakville. sionany f rom India, is spending WILF ID D CA RUTH RSMiss Nancy Johns, Mr. and, a few days with Rev. Mn. and Bt ayo, ownof ownanill. Mrs. Douglas White and child- Mns. Perey Page. Mayo, Ton o were in Oakville on Sun- The service of Holy Com- day and attended the servicej munion was observed et ______________________________________________ of Dedication fo« baby Johnichurch on Suay« Bask in the pîcasures cf summers spcnt on sunny sentis. demantis. On budget tersns if you wish. Heating equipnn Enjoy the carefree comfort of safe Esso warmth ... so quiet, service dealers, trained by Imperial 011 Limited, will give s0 compietely automatie, so trouble-frce you'11 forget it's prompt and expert service when required. If you need Sew winter till you look outside. equipment you can choose from a full Une of burners or Relax and leeve your hcating problems to Esso. 'Youll complete furnaces, installed on very easy monthly terms. have a constant supply of top-quelity, cieen-bunning Esso To enjoy the wonderful world cf Esso warmh j=uni Furnace Oil, deiivcred to you autoniatically as the weathcr youn nearest Imperial, Ci sales office ALWAYS LOOK TO UMPERIAL FOR THE 5EST OIL HEAT .1 - "-. -Il 1 1 1 - - THZ CANADIAN STATESMAS. BO"LANVMR. ONTARIO PAGE TMTEM g Hmpton. wene Sunday visi-! tertained a few of bis lifUle ley Coverly's, Ebenezer. tons et Edgar Wnight's. Mn.' friends at his third birtbdey Mns. F. B. Glafpell, Mms B y-Law Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., party on Tbursday.Al1ex McMaster, Joan and Ross is xisiting xith E. Wrigbt's. pyy.isited Mn. and Mns. George C L I Mn. and Mri. A. J. Wenny Mirs. R. C. Stainton andliHiits at Wifliam's Point. ~~fl ~CnO O i ~and familv- wene Sunday sup- 'Mania, Mirs. Jim Stainton ed l n n r.RselS ly, Port Per ee Sunday non, ton visited Mirs. 'Roy Thomas visitons et Fred Camneron's. R eadings e~r.: and Ms. Grant Wery and daughters, Scarborough, Mned s.RseiBb R e d n s and Susan wene Sundev cal on Wednesday. 1 Bor. an Ms uell Sun- Mn a Ii. and Mrs. H. Leigh- Mirs. Tom Cunnie, Tomebins, onil, weren - tonsBornnvll ndLide M. nd Mnsmil.d ay visitons et N or m an fnom the councit of the Village ',n-,Bwavle n i nd, adMs i Leach's. of Newcastle regerding a pro- I Mr. and Mrs. Kei th Fereu- fred Frank end David, Ton- M.edMs o ru posai te extend dog control te son and famiiv. Bo-wmeinville. ente, viited et Robent Kil- and.son, owmDnvProust that village. On motion cf IMr. and \Irs. Donld Lee and len's. endsetsBey Cmaleron s. t Councition Fred G. Smith, sec- ifamilv, Oshai-wa. Mrs. n. e a enon iRyElsieon'l she onded by Councillon Sidney Un on. xvere visiteor with Mi-s. wveneSundey guests et Stan- visited et Norman Leach's. Connish, this proposai was en- titr egson. Very plees- donsed. ed te report Mr. Fenguson is Deputy-Reeve A. L. Blanch- improving. erd, seconded by Ceuncilior Conontuaton te n.a nd H. C. Muir, moved that Fine Mrs. R. J. Ormiston on cele- I Prevention Week te be beid bratin-g thein 4th wedding, L BERTY N URSERIES in Octeben be published bi anniversany.I the press. This xvas cannied. Master Dean Heard bas' LIBERTY ST. N. BOWMANVILLE The ceuncil instructed the beeni home xith bis parents.ý Township Clenk, Walter Run- Mrned Mirs. M. Heard, on dle, te, notify the Cemmunityllholid'vs.5 Centres' Board that any liabil- The annuel Feul Thank-Of- , e ity of the township that should fering Service xvilt take place HEDGE PLANTS or could anise fnom eny action Sunda3'. Oct. 81,h, at 7:30 p.m., on thein part is covered in the in Enniskillen United Chtireh.ý (Chinese EIm Seedlings) township's liabitity insurance. Rev. J. K. Braham cf Sc'ugogIFYU ORE EX ED $2 Four members of the pro- Island wili bc the guost speak-IF OU RE EX ED $2 posed Countice Fine Brigade, er. Specia1ii musie xili ho pro-! Genald Estabrooks, Deug Ren- vidod bvy a choir from Nostle-. ton, William Gibneî' and Herb'ton. There xviii also ho a spe- E EE M D ~ A Stewart, eppeared before theiiai re-dedic.i aon corenmony E ER RE N SP CI M council, and there xves a dis- for the rocortiv decorated cussion cf peints te be cont- sanctuir ' . Ever.yone is cor- 2 SABINA JUNIPERS sidered inflic ovent ef such dialix' jinvited. 2PIZR an organization being esteb- Mrs. M'uirray Van Blarcorn', 2PIZ lished.___________ Sandy and Brian cf Wolfeville,: 2 PYRAMID CEDARS N.S., are visiting with thec 2 HICKSI YEWS M -Sainis familiis. 1 2O OIA SRC C uL L E N Mr. and Mn. Donald Saniis, 2OrIRK SRUE$ 9 Miltn an CavinAlbeni, Junior Size Package Deal $ ,9 Mn. and Mirs. Floyd Pethick B.C.. are bore on holidays.r and Robin, Toronto, Mn. and Mn. and _Mrs. Osborne Orn,' ALL 10 FOR ONLY-_____ Mrs. Joe Switzen, Cleveland, Rosscut, Ont., aittnded the Ohio, Mn. Oswald Petbick, 4th xveddinjý enniversany ne- * * Barrie, Mns. Cbariey Bennett, ception cf Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Mrs. E. J. Dickinson, Oshawa, soll Ormiston and remeined were visitons et Mn. and Mirs. for a fow du.vs' visit.HE G SP C L! S. R. Pethick's. Mns. Dickin- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Xer -_______________________ son remained with the Peth- ry, Toronto, Mrs. Vernie For-! icks for a visit. syth and Ronald, Toronto, RED BARBERRY Watch Coming Events for wore xvoekend guests of Rus- Size 1w, -12$85 vembe. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Asbton, 25 for _____ Wee. .rTuakdy Suppeloydo-Asoton,"i2tcn'r Dr endMir. CarkWenyRonald and Ray, Mrs. Ross! Toron, we Claekneen rt aAshton, Shervi, Glon, Beth* * * guest, e Mn. an trs.aG.and Barbera,. Haydon, Mr. and Wuerst tM.aMsG. Mirs. W. Bowmen Latine and Mnry. ndMs.A T Elfr,1 ie, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. T L P U B Pert nd Jaecr borA. eughe, Ivan Sharp, Linde and Janet __________________ Pau an Jaet Scrboougiwero Sun day luncheon guests: were Setundey visitons et A.lIof Mn. and ..Mns. Russell On-' TOP SIZE L. Weern's. mis-ton. I Nrned Vanieties 8 4 Mns. N. Collacutt, Mrs. Em- Mn. and Mrs. Boyd Wern, me Tabb, Bowmanville, were Lynne and Bonny, Malt'n,i Per 100 - Only - Sundev visitons et Mn, and 1Mns. A. McKinnon and Miss Mins. W. Griffin's.. Loule MeKinnon, T o neo n t o,~ Sympathy te relatives cf were Sunday ted giîests cf Mn.: the late Ross Prescott wha and Mins. Russell Ormiston. wes accidentaily drowned.CR USmie Mn. and Mirs. N. E. WrightCR US ie are visiting with relatives etPe on5e Ohw an rot.ZIONPe Doe______________ 0 Miss Winiifned Cole and Mn. DAFFODILS, per 10 $1.25 Ward Gilbert, Wîtt o vdae c, Mn. and Mrs. Ruluf Beebe, were Wednesdey su p pe r Mir. Connie Inch and Cyn- HYACINTH - Ail named guests at Mr, and Mins. A. thie, Bunker Hill, Mr. andi varieties, each _____ 25C Wenny's. Mirs. Frank La Poidevine, Vic- Miss Lonna Weann, Toronto, toria, B.C., Mn. Cccil Beebe, I spent a couple of days with Garden Hill, wene recent, visi-i SHADE TREES . FLOWERING SHRUBS ber parents, the A. L. Weanns. tors et Ray Cemeron 'S MT. and Mns. Donald Weenn Mr. and Mrs. George Gar-1 ROSES - PEAT MOSS FERTILIZER and Donrne, Scenboraug.b, wene don and John, Oshawa, visited*j PTO SOE - SD W L LB recent visitons et the Weerns. et Keith Stainton's. PTO SON IE AL LB Mn. and Mns. Ron Clemens, Master Douglais Stainto'n en-, 1

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