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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1961, p. 14

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00, D% * ftI JWrmaVA.L.,U~AI1 ~EDY C.4b FOR CASFE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T u e s d a y . 4 3 0 p m Births Cominq Events 1 Articles for Sale Articles for Sale ADAMS-.Keith and Melva Enniskillen W.A. Hot Turkey 'WATER for sale and dielivered. SWEET cider and apples. W. (nee Myers> are happy to an- Supper, Wed., Nov. 8. 40-2 Cali Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131.1 T. Cox, MA 3-2927. 40-1 nounce the birth o! a son - 2t ]David Keith, 7 lbs. 8 ozs o Dance in Solina Community - SPACE heater and rangette. Saturday, Sept. 30, 1961, at Hall, Saturday, Oct. 7 wîth STUDIO couch in good con- Phone MA 3-2496. 40-1 Oshawa General Hospital. Jim Fisher's Orchestra. Every- dition, $15. Phone MA 3-3562. LLOYD baby carniage, white, 'Thanks to Dr. Miller and nurs- one welcome. 40-il 40-1 good condition. MA 3-7107. «.40.1*l Rumýmage Sale and Coffee HARDWOOD and softwood. --_________ 40-1 PrtY, Trinity United Church, Stephen Jeffery. Phone MAI FIREWOOD in stove wood COULSON-Bob and Lenore FrdY, October 6 from 10 3-2179. 38-31 lengths. $10 a load. CO 3-2275. (nee Osborne) would like to,a.m. until sold out. 39-2 ____________40-tf announce the arrivai of a' HONEY' bulk, containers and IE slbwo.Rawè: daughter, Caroline May, al 4th Cub Pack Committee comb. Ted Buttery. Phone MIE.lbwod eae aitr o Luie n ete-Euchre on Oct. il at 8 p.m. at MA 3-3447. 39-2 in stove lengths. Newcastle1 ber 23, 1961, at Oshawa Gen- Memorial Park. Admission 50c. DRY mixed bardwood, $16 41'36. 40-tf eral Hospital. 40-j unch and prizes. 40-1 cord, delivered. Phone Osha- COMPLETE used hot water; Don't miss Yelverton Annual wa 725-8552. 40-4 heating system, cbeap. Pbone1 WALKER-Doug and Velma Turkey Supper on Monday, TWO ladies' winter coats, siîzeMA328.4- happily announce the arrival October 9 from 4 p.m. Ad- 14, in good condition, $10 each. COAL furn a ce, complete, of a son, Dean Sidney, on mission $1.50 and 75c. 40-1 Phone MA 3-5192. 40-1l pipes, registers etc. Phone 2167, October lst, 1961, at Memorial Annual T u r k e y Dinner, SILENT.GLO oil space beater Newcastle. 40-2*1 Hospital, Bowmanvile. 40-1* Ladies' Guild, St. John's Par- with pipe s; 45-gai. oil drum NINE-piece walnut dining-. ish Hall, Oct. 19. Sittings 5, with taps. MA 3-5264. 40-1 room suite, Ai condition. Tele-, D eaths 6 and 7 p.m. Tickets $1.501. CEAR forheg phone MA 3-5740. 40-11 CHLSAny sîze. urnedt live. THREE-quarter length Brown1 HLD-At 130 High Street, Plan te attend tea and sale Free estimates. Phone MA Mouton coat, size 12, excellent Bowmanville, on Thursday, Jsponsored by St. John's Ang-333392* odto.PoeM -08 Setebr 8h,161 IoelIîcnGuildettes te be held in 4- J. Tait, in ber 67th year, be- Parish Hall, Saturday, Oct. 28, 4-BURNER gas stove, one year 4- loved wife o! Joseph F. Childs, 2:30 te 5 o'clock. 40-1 bld. Convertible (natural or BLONDE maple crib, spring- dear mother of Grace (Mrs. propane), $125. Phone MArket filled mattress, in good con- G. Terhune), Mary (Mrs. Mur- The first Teen Town Dance 3-3438. 410-1* dition. Caîl at 63 Brown St. ray McKnigbt), Jack and Don. will be held at Bowmanville_____________ Seric ws el i te orisLions Centre this Friday, Oct. ONE used floor propane a 40-1* Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, 6, starting at 8:30 p.m. Dressfunc n pc eter in FEHkle efb b en Saturday, Septemben 3th, 'S casual. Admission 25c and Igood condition. Phone MArket quarter. Specials for home at 3.30 p.m. Interment Bow: 50c. 40-1 3-7263. 3-ffezr.PoeCak 64 mnanville Cemetery. 40-1 Avoid conflicting dates. Be- TWO Coleman space heaters; 40-1*r fore setting the day for your lone McClary rangette, excel- BARN beams 12"-ix-12". Salea JASPERS-FAYER-At Memor- dance or bazaar, check with lent condition. Phone MArket time Oct. 7, Il a.m., corner lai Hospital, Bowmanviile, on the Chamber of Commerce to 3-2696. 40-1 Division and Queen Streets, Saturday, September 3th see if the date is open. Phone~ SAVE on lumber, direct from Bwavle 1961, Henry Jaspers-Fayer: MA 3-5031. 38-3 mil to you. Phillips Lumber DOMESTIC quality pears, $1.00,3 R.R. 4, Bowmanville, aged 63 Old Time and Modemn Danc- Co., Kinmount, ont a r i o. per. bushel. Excellent forZ years, beloved husband of ing, Saturday, October l4th at Phone 17r11. 45-tf canning. AIse apples for sale. Julia Eshuis, dear father o! 9, in Newcastle Hall, sponsored WHITE Gendron carniage, good * .JsVecsle 01 John and George, Bowman- by Ladies' Softball. Music by condition; sofa with siip-cov- COMPLETE hockey outfit, size J ville, Henry, Whitby, Barnie, Jim Fisher. Admission $1.00 ers, suitable for rec. room. 8 boot; 1938 Chrysler sedan in Oshawa, and Johanna (Mrs. per person. Everyone welcome. Phone MA 3-5108. 40-1 good condition; rotary pump1 Barend Leemans), Holland. 39-3 MIXED Gladiolus Bulbs. Faî 455 tr..hon4N0catl Mr. Jaspers-Fayer rested at Newtonville United Church sale, September 27 to Oct. 7 01 the Morris Funeral Chapel, will bold Anniversary Service, Dr. E. W. Sisson, 100 Liberty ONE General Electric frîg; E_ Bowmanvi]le. Service was beld Sunday, Oct. lSth, 10 a.m. and N., Bowmanville. 39-2 Gencral Electric 3 - burner1 [n Rehoboth Christian Re- 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker at KEY u uoatcly hl heavy duty stove; one washing I formed Church on Tuesday, both services, Rev. T. Floyd y u at atan & Dale machine, ail in good condition. t Octobr 3rd at :30 pm. I- Honey, B.A., S.T.M., o! Toronto. Hardware, 36 King St. E., M -02 01 terment Bowmanville Cerne-40-4* Bwavie 6-fUE UNTURE-1 large' Iey.40-1 e ______Corne and bear Mr. Douglas ORDER your wood now, mix1- sofa, 2 chrome sets, 7-pce. din- Nutter, Northumberland and ed hardwood, 2 cords resawed ing room suite, odd Buffet, a PRESCOTT, ROSS WILLIAM Durham Children's Aid SO- $35, delivered. J. A. Carscad-. studio lounge, 9 x 12 carpet,P JOHN-Suddenly in Lake On- ciety, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m., den, Pone Orono 35 r 9. 38-tf od chrome table. F. A. Kramp,1 taro, on Mon, Sept. 25, 1961, Lions Centre. Film, open dis-- Furniture, 37 King St. E., Bow- s Ross Prescott, aged 21 years, cussion, lunch. Sponsored by SEE Elmer for good used manville. 40-1a beloved son of Mrs. Lily Pres- jBowmanvil inte. 42TVsfuiurapacsF cott and the late Charles Pres- ileLoets102T',friue piacs SPECIAL Sale-Chrome an Gooyer Eplyes' ece-vacuums, cook ware, some Bronze-tone Kitchen Suites,T cott, and dean brother o! Mar- oderEpoes r- antique furniture. CO 3-2294.$495;Abrt en talsI on (Mrs. John Mallette), Roy, ation Club Dance will be beld$450 roie ndtbsk Stella (Mrs. Lawrence Gray),ISaturday, October l4th, in the2-t from $7.95; Sealy mattresses, Ic Au~idrey (Mrs. Dave Baker), Legion Hall. Music by "The INSULATION, blowîng meth- $59.50 value for $39.95; 3-piece pl felen, Eva (Mns. Carmian Cavaliers". Admission: mem-ý od, with rock wool. Work- bedroom suites, walnut finish, Stokes), Lloyd, Doris, Chester, bers, $1.50 per couple; non- manship guaranteed. Fnee esti- $99.50. Reduction on ahl lamps iar1 and Kenneth. Service was members, $2.50 per couple, mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- and hassocks, etc. Trade-in s0 held in the Morris Funeral 40-2 phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf double dresser, like new; 1M Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sat, Woodview Commznmty Centre SWIRL Kîcen egg wasber chesterfield. Murphy Furn- - Sept. 30, at 2 o'clock. Inter- -Monster B i n g o. Twenty nearly new; six rubber-cot iture, King W., Bowmanville. S' rnent Betbesda Cemetery. 40-1 games-twenty dollars; five e ie akt; uoatcM -38.4 .1* S games-tbirty dollars; $150 waterers, 5 ft. Keith Van USED MACHINERy-M.H. iA)E, PEGGY JOAN- Sud- jackpot, and two jackpots at Camp, Blackstock 986-4848. 3-furrow, 3-point bitch, plow;m Ienly, 'at Memorial Hospital, $250. Door pnizes. Nexti 40-1 Massey 3-furrow plow, on steel; - Bowmanville, on Friday, Sept. Monday, 8 p.m., Red BarnJBROADLOOM - wall-to-wall International 3-furrow plow onA 9, 1961, Peggy Joan Wade, Oshawa. 46-tf lor room size. Free estimates steel; Case 2-furrow plow, 3- bi ged 38 years, beloved wife of Annual Turkey Dinner at on wall-to-wall. Samples tak- point bitch; Case tractor Pl rack S. Wade, Newcastle, and Cadmus Cburcb, Wednesday, en eut te your home for colour spreader, on rubber; Massey K~ Jear mother o! Douglas. Octoben l8th, settings à, 6, 7 and decorating ideas. F. A. spreader, borse-drawn; Inter- 3- ested at the Morris Funeral o'clock. Aduits $1.50, children rapLd,7Ring St. E., naioll 13sed Randftiizer a ,bapel, Bowmanville. Service under 12 years 75c. For tick- MA 3-7071. 34-tf drseiD3-dIscntertoaCTOReslb vas held in the Morris Funeral ets 'phone Blackstock 986-4367 TOMATOES. 50c bushel, nick R : -nt-atona1Djesl, Chapel on Monday at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 40-1 WILLIAMS-Suddenly at R.R. 2, Newcastle, on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, 1961, David James Williams, agcd 2%½ months,, beloved infant son of Mn. and Mrs. Kent Williamns, and dean brother o! Christopher. Rest- Ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilhc. Service ln the Chapel on Thunsday at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 40-1 WILLIS-At St. Michae's Hos- pital, Toronto, on Tuesday, Octoben 3nd, 1961, Mynthe M. McReynohds, 911 Logan Ave., Toronto, in ber 72nd year. Behoved wifc o! the late Wm. W. Willis. Rcstîng at the Truil Funcral Chapel, 1111 Dan!orth Ave., Toronto, from Thursday noon until Friday' mroning, then at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvihhe, for service on Saturday at il a.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 40-h Enacrements Mn. and Mrs. W. G. Aber- netby announce the engage- ment o! their daughter, Corena Marion to Nazzareno Lanno, son o! Mr. and Mrs. A. Lanno, Toronto. Marriage to take place Oct. 21st in Toronto. 40-1* Photography PHOTOGRAPHY Passportsa Weddints -Anniversarles' a Spocialty Astor Studio là King St. E. BowmanvIlîe Phone MA 3-2502 23-tf Notices Dr. Anfossi's offiée will be closed October 8 te Il in- clusive. 40-1 Due te family clrcumstances ARENDS ELECTRIC MOTORS 23rd 40-t! THREE rnontbs old black and white Collie, female, in Orono district. Phono Orono 2236. CROWN transistor radio, in Anh!ase enfahtwen R- n n - or 986-4797. AU tickets soldfyour own; 'Carrots, 75e' bus.; in advance. 40-iSpanish Onions, $$2.50 bus.; Reserve Saturday, October j ooking Onions, $1 .75 bus. 14 for tea and bazaar by the Bring containers. W. Eymann, Women's Auxiliary of the '/2 mile East o! Nichols' Gar- Gohden Plough Lodge. Craft age, Courtice. Go North te made by the residents wiîî also fîrst comner. 40-tf be sold. Corne te the Lodge SEPTIC TANK STONE in Cobourg and patronize our DRIVEWAY GRAVEL worthy cause. Tea from 3 -6, CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVEL pnice 35c. 40-2 Cellars and Tronches Dug Bowmanvilc High ScboohL EL DDI1t Track and Fiehd. Corne and LL .AN J JPAYNE- watch the boys and girls o! Phone the High School in the various 4204 CLARKE (Celleet) track and field events at the 25-tf annual meet te be heîd on SAE! SAE! SAE October 11 at the High Scbooî AE AE AE grounds. Parents and fricnds 40' Tewer Structure with single are invited. No admission B213 AlI.Channel Aeniai cern- charge. 39-2 plete, installedl and guaranteed Bowmanvillc Museumn offic- for onec year - $58.95 ial opening will be at 7:30 OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. on Friday, October 6, follow: 361 Gibbon St. Oshawa ing whicb the Museum rooms Phone Coilect 728-8180 The public is invited to attend. The Museumn will be open each afternoon o! Thanksgiving Weekend, and o! the week fol- lowing. Other dates to be an- nounced. ---- 40,-1 CHARTERED BUS TRIP Algo nquin Park Saturday, October 141 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE MA 3-3265 A few seats -stili avaliable for this weekend te Detroit 40-2 Tenders Wanted 1WRITTEN tenders will ho ac- cepted to supphy Light In- dustnial Fuel Oil te three schools. Deliveries o! 4,000 gallons or botter. Tenders te be in bands o! Sec'y-Treas. by Oct. 11, 1961. Bowmanville Public School Board, S. R. James, Sec'y-Treas., P .O. Bex 1030, Bowmanville. 39-2 FOR Sale by Tender: One 21 H.P. electnie pump No. 5K National bronze fitted Tur- bine, complote wth self prim- ing chamber and 1 steel pres- sure tank 36"x60" on stand. Unit complote with pressure switch, relief valve, air vol- ume control. Can be seen dur- ing heurs 8-5 at Newcastle Public School or contact Mn.6 I. McCuîlough. Phone New-e castle 2421. Can ho tenderedt sepanately. E. S. Barchard.r Sec. Trpas., Newcastle Public School Board. 40-1e Pets for Sale BEAGLE puppies. MA 3-2742. 40-1 NÎEW Zealand white and rcd ...1.k:î... .2- --A - SAND AND GRAVEL FOR YOUI DRIVE WAYS AND CEMENT PHONE EARL BOTTRELL CO 3-2682 For Prompt Service and Delivcry 15--tf lFor Safe,sure iasting protection ZONE - PENTA asphait woed preservative Preserves wood and timbers against rot and decay. ZONE AGENT MA 3-57'.7 40-1 THOMPSON FUEL PRODUCTS Texaco Distibutor Automatic FUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL Deliveries 4-BR. OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone MA 3-3151 Oshawa 728-2870 39-tf Attention: Farmers Thresher and Hammermili Beits, 501 x 6 x 4: $45.00. 211 Beltlng: 22e per ft.; 3": 33e ft.; 6"1:. 65e ft. Speclal prices on endless farin beits. grader, boita, V-boita aill types of rubber hose, plastic pipe, rubber boots, etc. Beits ropair- ed or vulcanlzed at Iow prices withln 24 heurs. Phone 728-1658 Snowden Industrial 1 Rubber & Plastics 91 BRUCE ST.. OSHAWA J 30-23~ ±aodei lvI'; Farmall Super "A"; Farmail Cuh. Cowan: Equipment Co., 134 King St.ý E., Bowmanville. Phone M 3-5689. 40-1 Cars for Sale 1959 VICTOR Super with radio. Priced te sel. Phono MAnket 3-5018. 39-tf USED CARS 1959 BELVEDERE 4-DR. One, local owner, automatic, 4 brand new tires, new engîne and completely new sport-tone paint job. Herc's a bargain in new car condition. 1957 PLYMOUTH SEDANS Choice cf 2 1 with standard shift and radio and 1 with automatic. Both have new 2-tone paint jobs. 1956 SAVOY V-8 Automatic witb radio. New 2-tone paint. 1955 BELVEDERE V-8 Overdrive, new paint. LAWN-BOY MOWERS One brand new and one demonstrator. Both at Reduced Prices We Invite You te drop ln and see the 1962 Dodge Dart and Plymouth PALMER MOTOR SALES Dealers for Plymouth - Dodge - Valiant Simca Cars Dodge Trucks 20 Ring St. E. Bowmanvllle 40-1 Wanted IGUHEST pnices paid for dead and cripplcd fanai stock; pick- ed up promptly. Telephone collect CO 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Licence 115. 37-tf DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID R AY VI1VI1A N Locust Hill ,Phono Markham 1160J Coileet 24-hr. 7-day Service 20-5215- Personalforc HYGENIC supplies - (nubber§C goods) mailed postpaid i plain-. sealtd envelope with price lust. a n Six samples 25c, 24 samples [ou $ 1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, nev Nov.-Rubber Ceo, Box 91,J wel Rainilton, Ont 1-52 ph( foot--andlarger,--eI __eed«to owmanville railway station., MR. M. WALTER or M<R. GEORGE JONESKU BOWMANVILLE HOTEL 1 38-31I .oom-Bd. Wntedj Yyoung lady. Phone MArket - 2008 after 5. 40-1* LICENSED Nursing Home )WNSTAIR accommodation rladies at rest borne. Phone rono 1308. 39-.5* )UTH Haven Nursing Home. Accomnmodation for private nd semi-private patients, unge TV. Fully licensed, ýw building, modern. Visitors 1 Écorne. Reasonable rates. I 1ne Newcastle 44411. 13-tf c 3 a $1 'r 01 cc hc se Il fc t. di b] al R, . te ro c For Rent APARTMENT. MA 3-35'i 40 FIVE room bouse. Phone Mi 3-2668 after6.4- APARTMENT, phone M. 3-2997 after 7 p.m. 40-1 HOUSE-in -Newcastle. Phox Newcastle 2556. 40-': APARTMENT, central loc. tion. Phone MA 3-5784. 40-: 3-ROOM apartment, 3-piei b ath. Cail after à p.m. Nev castie 4256. 4U THREE-roomi heated apar >ment. Hydro included. Phor MA 3-7053. 39. I -ROOMED bouse in Oron Phone 1269, Orono. 40. THREE-roomi apartrnent, prii ate entrance. Heated. Appi rear 105 King St. E. 40- NEWCASTLE, 7-rojm bous central, où heat, 3-piece bat] Phone Newcastle 2248. 40-1 APARTMENT, 2 bedroorn Ontario St. Occupancy Oct. $50. Phone MA 3-2383. 40- COMMERCIAL property o Silver Street, formerly Black~ smith sop. MA 3-3394. 26-1 FURNISHED apartrnent, thre roorns with bath. Available irr, mediately. Phone MA 3-359 after 7. 40- FOUR roorns and bath, heav duty wiring, 1/ mile fror Maple Grove School. MArke 3-5125. 40-1 SUMMER cottage on -lakefron near Buckhorn. By week o weekends. Phone before ( MA 3-5578.- - - -37-t HEATED 3 room apartrnen- with bath, stove, refrigerator washer, dryer. Aduits only MA 3-3611. -40-1' HEATED apartment, 3 room! and bath, private entrance telephone and use of dryer MA 3-2445. 35-t: rWO-bedroom bhouse, on pav ed road north of Bowmanvjlle all modern convenjences. Tele phone MA -008. ____2-t LARGE bright, well furnisbed self contaîned room, beated, also room or room and board. Phone MA 3-7201. 40-111 TWO apartments with 3 rooms kitcbenette and bath. Centrall3 located. Washer service. Tele. phone MA 3-5277. 23-tl CLE V main floor apartment separate entrance, suitable foi one or two aduits. PbonE MIA 3-5692 evenings. 40-14 SELF-CONTAINED four-room Lpartment with private bath- room, November lst,* $65 nonth. Phone Newcastle 2451. 40-1 .PARTMENT, 3 roomsan bath, beavy duty wiring, also private entrance. Apply 105 King St. E. or Phone MArket -2783. 39-2 A.PARTMENT - 3 rooms and bath, beated, separate entrance, hot water, bardwood floors, centrally located. Pbone MA ý-5431. 40-1 FREE rent one month, beated, xodern 3 rooms, kitchenette ind batbroomn, washer-dryer, M0. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 (ing St. W. 37-tf rHREE-room. beated apart- nent with 3-piece bath, aundry facilities. Occupancy 0v. 1. Phone MA 3-5100 or vrite Box 864, Bowmanville. ___________40-1 [X-roomed apartment, bath- >om, heavy duty wiring, lothes dryer, two entrances, rwould make two 3-roomed partments. Cbildren wel- ome. Dial CO 3-2395. 40-1 IRICK bungalow, central, oil ýat, garage, immediate pos- ession. Write Advertiser 193, /o Canadian Statesman, P.O. lx 190, Bowmanville. 40-1 ýHREE roomed apartmnents, or rent, 3 blocks from down- own, newly decorated, beavy ity waring, heated. Venetian ninds and drapery rods on Il windows. RA 8-8122. 23-tf Wanted to Buy 34-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE -STUCCO AND NEW WORIK R. L. TAFT f 4 ing St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf 24-HOUR WELDING SERVICE Arc and Oxy-Acetylene PORTABLE UNIT Anywhere - Anytime - Cal C. JOHNSON - MA 3-2718 37-4* Whitewashing Stables AND DISINFECTING Pumping Septic Tanks BERT TOMPKINS NE WTON VILLE Phone Clarke 4721 24-tf MOUNTJOY ]BACKHOE SERVICE TRENCHES - DRAINS FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC TANKS i J Work Wanted 73- BULKY sweaters knitted on .1 rdr. Reasonable. Phone IA MA 3-2655. 40-1 WHITBY Excavat 1 n g Co., A digging and ditching. Phone l* MO 8-4172. 40-4 in HEATING, Pluanbing andc .1 Eavestroughlng. Caîl Gould a- Heating, Newcastle 4331. 18-tf q* -BRICK, Mason and Concrete :e work, Chimneys, etc. L. Turn- w- er. Temporary residence 2 Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tf nBOWMANVILLE Maintenance -2 Service, cleaning nugs, uphol- stery, windows, vene ti a n 1, biinds, new tapes and cordsi nt. installed, repairs, doors, draw- ens, furnîture etc. Storm win- Sdows installed. Jim Henry, MA dy 3-2817. 40-tf s-erman Van De Belf 1.GENERAL CONTRACTOR -* Brick - Block - Cencrete s, and Carpentry 7, NEW WORK and REPAIRS -- PHONE CO 3-2282. HAMPTONI Dn 3-tf k:.BULLDOZING ANýD -f EXCAVATING ee n-~ New John Deere Equiprnent .i Roberi Strong mPhono Blackstock 104R Colleet et 29-20 j* SAVE MONET AT DDave's Shoe Repair 6- Store Heurs: 8 a.rn. te 6 p.rn. tfSKATES SHARPENED, 35e pr. it Quick Service r, 26 ONTARIO STREET Ivan Mounijoy BLACKSTOCK, PHONE 87 r 41 25-tf Livestock For Sale YOUNG pigs. Caîl CO 3-2520. 40-1 SEVEN Yorkshire pigs. Tele- phone CO 3-2425. 40-1 NINE well-started pigs, fine weeks old. CO 3-2234. 40-1*: SIXTY White Leghorns, one year old. Phone MA 3-2037. 40-1 WILL board approximately 10 head cattie. Phone MA 3-2668 after 6. _________40-2' HOLSTEIN beifers, purebred and grade. Freshening this faîl. Dorreil Brothers, Nestle- ton. 40-1 450 WHITE Rock pullets. Roosters, ready for oven or alive. Keith Van Kamp, Blackstock 986-4848. 40-1 MATURE negistered Lacombe boar for sale or trade on younger boan. Harvey Malcolm,j Janetville. Phone Blackstock] 986-4759. 40-1l Repairs RADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, to ail makes. Same day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49 -ti REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, te ali makes cf electrie motors. Higgon Elc- rie, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS te ail makes o! re- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King WATCH REPAIRING Certif led Watchmaker of Canadlan Jeweilers' Ami». Marr's Jewellery 39 King St. W. Found HEREFORD and Durham steer. Dave McReelig, lUI, 2, New-1 casUe. 40-2*1 Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Saje Ten acres with bouse, !ully J. Van Nest SIX-room, brick home, cil modern and other buildings, heat, garage, choice residential. approximately 9 miles from REAL ESTATE BROKER district. Centrally located. Oshawa- Would trade for 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Write Advertiser 192, c/o The bouse on large lot near Osh- Bowmanville Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box awa ormawaV ilt. wVi I Advertiser 194, c/o Canadia: Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 40-2* D. W. Mcfuay REALTOR Members o! Oshawa & Distnl<i IR b 0 V c B V c iý Waiting for You- in Today's Canadian Army If you are single, between 17 and 23 and can meet enrol- ment standards, think over what tho Army offers you. Good Pay. Fine Psospects. Travel and Adventure. Loads cf Friends. An Eanly Pension. Get dotail!.cf Army career opportunities frein your near- est Army Recruiting Station. Army Recruiting Station Rom 206, FEDERAL BLDG. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. TELEPHONE RI 2-7147 or mail this coupon te the Please sond me, without obli- gation, details on career oppor- tunities ln the Canadian Army. Naine Age I4 Acres of land, il Roonr sldbrick bouse with 2 bath, linooms, oih furnace. Ideal foi ýnursing home. Corner proper. ty on paved road. Only $9,50( with $3,000 down. 4 Acres with 700' shorehinE on Lake Ontario, just cast oi Bowmanviile; 3 fully furnisb. ed cottages. Only $12,000, witl $2,000 down. 5 Acre lots on Liberty St N., with 330' frontage. $3,500, Iih$1,000 down. 10Acres with trout stream, 'ideal for park, 4 miles frors Bowmanviile, $6,500 with easy terms. 121/' Acres with beautiful view. House bas ail city con- veniences. Orono area. $10,500 with terms. Modemn 2 bedroorn bunga- low in Newcastle, $6,500 with terms. $15,000. Full pnice for 300 acre farm with good buildings on paved road, north o! Onono. Terms. 1:36 Acre farm with valuable Highway frontage. Good brick< bouse with all conveniences, Runriing water in barn. $28, 000 with easy terms. 126 Acre farm between Bow- manville and Oshawa. Good buildings, 2 streams, grave] pit. $30,000, terms. Simpson Ave.-Exceptional brick borne. Many extra fea- turcs. $14,000, easy terms. Centre St.-2 storcy home with garage. $12,500, $1,500 down. 2 Bedroomn bungalow with 114 acres. $6,500 with $700 down. Building lot in Bowman- ville's best area $2,400. Wc bave a large selection o! farms, acreages, stream pro- perties, homes and cottages. Cali WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $6,500 $700 Down $700 125 Elgin Street 4 Roomn Bungalow with garage, large lot, new funnace, aluminum storms and screens. For more information cafl Bill Horner at 728-5123 Lloyd Realfy (Oshawa) Limiied, Realior 728-5123 101 Slmcoe nt N. 39-2 HOWE & PETERS REALTORS $7,500 4 Room bungalow, hardwood floors, alum!num stormaame screens, cil beating, large lot nicely landscaped, South « Ring St. $450 Down 5 Ro *om cottage ln good condition, located on % a=r tremd lot with full lineofo funnituro, Asklng $2,850.00. 97 Acre Farm Located on No. 2 Highway close te, Oshawa, -over 2,000 ft. et noad frontage on 3 roads, beautiful 4 bedroom home wlth 4-picce bath, handwood floors and !orced air with cil heatlng. Can ho purchased ln one pancel or divlded. 5 Rombugaow bot yarsol, are9,800oer 5icn Room bngalowabut 6 yeasolad larenlrgad. kichpen , 4pecs e bat, buLotl n soe and ovenlre a Address For Further Information Please Cali Joe Crawford, MA 8-lUS City/Towia Province Phone 89-2 Listings Urgenty Requred for Waltng Duyewm n Homes and Faria List Photo Co-Op wlth Our Office by Cag C MA 3-3673 or 725-4701 k 40-1 Help Wanted FEMALE cherk for pant-time work. Phono MA 3-3391. LADIES Wantcd. Make up to $26.110 a weck doing simple home sewing in your spare time. Write - Bunnys, Box 7010, Adehaide Post Office, Toronto, Ontaio. 40-1 CHRISTMAS IS COrMING Ladies, if you necd extra moncy - if you want te scîl a product that is well known and well adventised, investi-1 gate the cpportunity offered by AVON COSMETICS. Write P.O. Box 509, Peterboro, or,l Phone RI 3-4006. 40-1 A FAMILEX agency, -the gol- den key te success! Opportun- ity for an ambitious worker wbo ever wish to ascertain security for bis future. Our pnoducts scîl wehl during "bard times" and all times. Commis- sion, 30 day trial. Familex Products, Dept. R.E. 1600 Dcl- orimier, Montreal, Que. --40-1 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED To be oun Representative in this County. Pleasant, digni- fied work with top earnings, full or part time, repeat sales year after year, no hay offs, noi slack seasons, age no bannier, car needed. Teritonies are filling fast, rush your name and address for full informa- tien. No obligation. Devehop- ment Director, Box 817, Lon- ýdon, Canada. 40-4 Portraits wiii be elosed Ottober 4th te October inclusive. Lost Bowmanvill6 and town. Phono ' reasonable pnice. Phono MAl MA 3-U82. 40-1 3-3443 ater 4:35. 40-1' 1 -1- -iý -1. -P ýi te 6 Room brick, Church 10, iowmanville. 46.1 0ail conveniences, oci beat, 100 ACRES choice faim land S$10,500 with $3,000 down. with school on corner, good -Quick possession, brick bouse, ail conveniences; 8 Room brick on Division St. bank barn, ail buildings ini Divided into twe apartments. good condition. North o! Port A good place to get started. Penny. Would consider bouse CI Owner will consider low down in Oshawa. Phone Newcastle payment. 3856. 40-1 n 7 Room brick, Liberty St. N., ail conveniences, ou bheat, situ?- Leask Real Esfate -ated on 2 acres o! land with - frit tees.6 Room brick bungalow, ýo 75 Acre farm, Blackstock central; garage, new oil furn- area. Clay hoam, bank barn,ýace, hardwood and tile floors. edweliing wîth conveniences. Terms. )fI$15,000 with $5,000 cash. 42 Acre farmn on outskirts o! 1_We offer two business bocks'Bowmlanvill, sandy oam soil, h downtown. Particulars at office. water and bydro in barn, 7 Cail in, lct's talk it over. room beautiful brick bouse, 40-1 new oul furnace, 3-piece bath, --landscaped. Terms. Make an ,De Wllh Real Estale ofWi have choice building lots 16nce fr a e c sî,w th water and sewer. 160 cre armat Nwcasle,50 Acres near Bancroft, bard- ywith stream, 130 acres work- wood bush, near church and able, 100' x 36' bank ban, scbool. runnîng water; 7 roomed home 0with running ot and cod M. E. LEASK water. Asking $25,500 with Real Estate Broker $5,000 down. G5 Ontario St. Bowmanvillî. ýj 185 Acre farm, north Osha-1 I MArket 3-5919 wa, on Highway witb large L- _____40-i sbaped bank barn, drive shed ssilo, etc.; 10 roomed home: Pedwell Real Estate modern conveniences. Pnîce and terms arranged. 50 Acres pasture land with a 36 Acre farm, close to lake river, close to No. 2 Highway, cwith 100' x 32' bank barn,'only $3,500. running water, drive shed, ben New claphoard bouse, close bouse, etc.; 8 roomed home .0 Newcastle, 4-piece bath, cil with ail modern conveniences. furnace, nicely landscaped. *Asking $18,000 witb terms an- This is your chance to get an 1ranged. up-to-date home. $10,500, 10- 1 147 Acre HIGHWAY FARM, year mortgage, your own down near Port Hope with excellent payment. set o! buildings, large stream, 4 Room bungalow in Betb- etc.; 12 roomed brick home any, alumînum stonm doors with ail modern conveniences. and windows, garage, large Pnice and terms arranged. lot, $3,900. 236 Acre DAIRY FARM, Ideal netirement spot or for Orono district, with large L- pensioned veteran, on one floor, shaped bank barn, bulk cooler, insulated, 5 rooms and summer silo, drive shed, etc.; 10 noom- kitchen, porch, full cellar, well, ed bouse with ail modern con- cistern, 2 car garage, lot 1001 x veniences. Pnice and terms 225' on Higbway 2 at Salem. arranged. Priced reasonable, $6,500.00, 200 Acre DAIRY FARM as $1,000 down. a going concern with ail cattle, machinery and crop. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Large L-shaped bank barn, Real Estate and bulk cooler, drive shed, etc.; Mortgage Broker 10 roemned brick home with ai Newcastle Phone 3j8 modern conveniences. Pnice Salesman: John Heat $33,000. Terms. N w ate 4 1 7 Roomed home In Lotus Nwate41 with hydre. Pnîce $2,500. Terns. Peter Kowal 5 Roomed home in Newcastle 1with double lot, furnace and REALTOR bot and cold nunning water. AND GENERAL INSUR4WÇN Newly decorated. - Pnice $6,500 52 K ng t. W MA w 3 with $1,000 down. 5 igS.W m os 6 Reomed bungalow In New- 99 King St. E. - MA 3-5888 castle with ahl modemn con- 6 Roomn brick home In North veniences. Close to scbooî. Ward. Ail conveniences. Only Price $8,500 with $1,000 down. $1, 000 down. HARDWARE STORE and 6 Roomn 1 %2 -storey framne shoe repair business. Turn- bouse in Maple Grove, close te over $350 weekîy. Pnice $7,500. No. 2 Higbway, $7,500. Consider bouse for trade. 23/ Acres o! productive 5 Roomed home in Ponty- garden soil for the ambitious pool with 2 cottages. Asking gardener. Ideal for raspbernies $6,000. Terms. or other cash crop. Cozy 4- 4 APARTMENT BUILDING roemn bungalow is just rlght in Bownianvihle, centrally 10- for a smahh family. Cornes cated. Could be easily made compîcte with garage and into 6 apartmcnts. Price cbicken bouse. Only $8,500.00 $25,000. Terms. with neasonable down payment. 5 Roomed, wehl built bunga- Commercial - 85' x 200', King low on No. 2 Higbway with St. E. The business section is ai modern conveniences. Pnice bound te move east. Invest $7,000. Tenms.. now! Reap profits later! 9. 5 Roomcd, almost new, Split roomn brick home. Hot water level brick home, ail modern heat. Garage. Hardwood conveniences, attached garage. floons. What else do you want Pnice $9,500 with easy terrns. for $17,000.00 with $5,000.00 12 Roomed brick home in down. We bave sold proper.. nicest location o! Bowman- tics on King St. E. with lesa ville. AIl modern conveniences. area for more than twice this Down $1,000. Pnice arranged. price! Acreages with streams, serv- New bungalow. It bas every. ice station sites, lots, homes, tbing. Storms, cil beating, businesses and ail types O! bardwood and tule floors, car- farms. pont, vanity in bath, lazy susan in kitchen. Scîhîng beîow cost. John F. De With Alti oenesi ru Ahithi r.Wyne nccd is apnou Realtor and General Insurance oanctr byn eqt.u nc Newcastle Phone ad 3rson41uet Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 Salesmen: Ross Davidson, Bethany, 3R3 C. Soper MA 3-2624 Lorne A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 'l PACM rolmTEM TIM CANADL« STATMM,&m llMIIMAmqy.. vil, JVAMAMVO&

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