THE CANADIAN 1-.-- weaaings ILAVERY - GLANVILLE and Mr. Joseph J. Lavery, Tor- onto, son ai Mr. and Mrs. The Church af Our Lady of John B. Lavery of Toronto. Perpetual Help, Toronto, en- Msgnr. Lucius Barnett was hanced with bouquets of white the officîating clergyman. and bronze chysanthemums, Given in marriage by ber altar standards ai white Chry- father, the bride wore a street- aanthemnums and green fern-1 length two-piece dress of beige el*, was the setting an Satur- silk, long over-the-elbow beige day, September 23, 1961, at kid gloves, matching access- 9:45 'clock In the marning fo ories and ilowered pilîbox hat. the marriage ai June Louise Her flowers were Talisman[ Glanville, daugbter of Mr. and roses and red poinsettias. Mrs. Robert Glanville, Orono, The bride's sister, Miss Rama Thanks .*00 litIENESDAY, OCT.4th, 16 To al aur many friends of Bawmanville and District who visited aur Auto Show last Friday, we say ""Thank You"". To thase wha were unable ta attend this special event, we extend a cordial invitation ta drap in at any time and view the new Chevrolet and Oldsmobile for '62. Wmnners of our Auto Show Draw: H. EARL OSBORNE 175 Church St., Bowmanville HC. MUIR Courtice ROY W. NICHOLS CHEVROLET CHEVROLET Courtice MA 3-3922 - QLDSMOBILE TRUCKS Bowmanville MA 3-3353 A very pretty wedding o: interest ta many iriends w& solemnized on Saturday, Sepý tember 9, 1961, at 4 p.m., nr St. Paul's United Church Bowmanville, when Camilli Adaire Smith, eldest daughtei ai Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K Smith, Bowmanville, becamE the bride ai Constable David William Smith, ai the Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia detach. ment ai the R.C.M.P. ThE bridegroomn is the son ai Mr and Mrs. Stanley Smith, Bow- manville. The church was effectively decorated with standards o: ýwhite chrysanthemums, and te each pew was attached a small bouquet of roses. Rev. Harold Turner officîated and the or- ganist was Mr. Murdoch Bea- ton. Given in marriage by he] father, the beautiful brido wore an exquisite full-length bouffant gown, made by her mther, of white lace over taffeta, with a peau de soie overskirt witb released pleats, ending in a chapel train. The bodice ai lace which buttonec down the back, had a shallow V-shaped neckline and short sleeves with arrow gussets. A sash ai pleated peau de soie, startîng at the sides ai the waist, crossed at the back. Long, white, elbow - length gloves were worn. The head- dress was a coronet of pearîs, irom which fell a fingertip veil of tulle, and the bride carried a bouquet of cameli- ias, stephanotis and 'mums. Chief bridesmaid was Miss Beverley Smith, sister ai the bride, and other bridesmaids were Miss Carol Smith also sis- ter, Miss Joan Smith, a cousin, and Miss Margaret Smith, sis- ter ai the bridegroom. Little Sharon Stone, Toronto, was junior bridesmaid. The brides- maids were gawned alike in short, full-skirted dresses of lime-green organza over taf- gave you looked at your bedroom latelye Are the walls cold, bare, even drab-looking? Are they mereiy neutral - when they eould contribute so much more to the personality of your home? Sunworthy wallpaper makes sueh a wonderful difference! The warmth, the texture, the colour of Sunworthy wallpaper van work miracles in any home, old or new. Ready-pasted wallpaper is fun to apply-it's so easy! Because today's Sunworthy wallpapers are plastic coated, washable end fade-proof, they're practical too. Choose yours now from your nearby wallpaper dealer. the trend to wallpaper is a trend to iov lier homes l S UNWORTHY WALL PAPE RS if is le ýe if CARADIAN WALLPAPER MANU FACTt1RERS LIMITED, 2U2 7th ST., TORONTO 14. ONT. e MAKERS F FAMOUS BOXER & STAUNTON WALLPAPERS MAEYOUIK SELECTION IPF SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS AT ANY 0F TE FOLLOWING LOCAL DEALERS: ABERNETH'Sý PAI$T & WALLPAPER ARMSTRONG STORE LTD. 33 King St. Bo wmanville Orono GOODE'S 0ARDWARE ROLPH HARDWARE Nercastle Orono STATESMMi, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO _________________________ Honeymoon in Jamaica Constable and Mrs. David William Smith, pictured above, who were married in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, an Saturday, September 9, 1961, at 4 o'clock, left after the reception for a honey- noon in Jamaica, W.I. They will reside in Yarmouth, N.S. The bride is the former Camille Adaire Smith, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Smith, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and M1rs. Stanley Smith, also of Bowmanville. -Photo by Ireland Studio feta, gathered at the waist. Bateau necklines iorming a V in the back, and dainty pufi sleeves enhanced the bodices. Large picture hats, made ai the same material as the dress- es, were adorned with yellow miniature roses and forget- me-nots, and had streamers oi green nylon ribbon at the back. Ruffled gloves ai lime-green organza and green satin shoes were warn, and beart-shaped bouquets of yellow shasta dais- ies and ribbon were carried. The junior bridesmaid wore a short, full-skirted dress ai yel- low organza aver taffeta, with a caranet ai small yellow ilowers, and carried a bouquet1 ai green-tinted shasta daisies. John Smith, Bowmanville, cousin ai the bride, was best- man, and the ushers were Nor- man Smith, Oshawa, Neil Bain, Udara, and Bill Panas, Bow- manville. The receptian, with aver one hundred attending, was beld at the Flying Dutchmani Motor Hatel. The bride's mo-1 ther received wearing a dressj ai lilac lace over peau de soie1 with rounded neckline and1 scallaped detail in front. Her1 picture hat was trimmed with large lilac roses, covered with lilac net. Her accessories were light beige and she wore a corsage ai white 'mums. As- sisting was the bridegroom's mother, who chose a dress af rose-pink lace over taifeta. Her accessories were beige, and ber corsage was ai white 'mums. Mr. Eric Arscott was master af ceremonies. The young couple leit by 'plane the follawing morning for Jamaica, W.I., where the honeymaon was spent at Mon- tega Bay and Kingston. For ber travelling costume, the bride chose a salmon-pink linen dress, sleeveless, with a short waisthine jacket. Her ac- cessories were white and sbe ware a lovely white fur bat. A corsage ai pink and white carnations campleted tbe en- semble. Mr. and Mrs. Smitht wil shortly take up residence1 at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. E Guests attended froni Osh-( awa, Port Perry, Toronto, Pet- erborough, Brantford, Penn- sylvania and Jamnaica, and many cables af congratula- tions fromn relatives and iriends in Jamaica were read. The bride was educated at the St. And.rew High School for Girls, Jamaica, and at the Bowmanville High School. She later became a stenograph- er at General Motors, Oshawa. Her interests include needle- work ai ahi kinds and home1 economies. The bridegroam attended Bowmanville Publc and High Schools, and joined the R.C. M.P. in 1957. His favourite pastimes include bunting and fishing. Bath bride and bride- groom were born in Jamaica and were close cbildhood friends. Prior ta ber marriage, Miss Camille Smith was guest ai honour at several presenta- tion parties. In August the giit ai an electric floor-polisher was made ta ber by the girls ai the G.M. office where she worked, and a beautiiul pair ai bedroom lamps by co- workers in the Parts & Mer- chandising Department. Miscellaneous showers were alsa, held for ber by Mrs. Lloyd Hannah, Oshawa; by ber Toronto relatives at the home ai ber aunt, Mrs. J. W. Dyke, and by ber Bowman- ville relatives and iriends ati the home ai ber cousin, Mrs. F. Marti. Many valuable and beautiful gits were received on ail these occasions. lier wedding cake was a git from ber aunt, Mrs. Michael duQuesnay, in Jamaica, and was sent by airfreight to Can.I a"a LARMER - BLAIR Blackstock United Church decorated with white chrysan- themums, was the setting for a pretty wedding Saturday, September 30, 1961, wben Bey- erley Dianne Blair, daughter ai Mrs. Georgina May Chis- hett of Calgary, Alberta, and the hate Ray Blair, became the bride ai Gardon Ray Larmer, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Russel Larmer, Burketon R.R. Rev. P. Romeril afficiated for the double ring ceremony and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Gardon Strong. She also accompanied the solo- ist, Mrs. Harold Kyte who sang "The Wedding Prayer" bei are the ceremony, "The Lord's Prayer" during the ceremony and "Oh Perfect Love" during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by ber uncle, Mr. George Rutherford the bride was hovely in a fhoor-length gown ai white velvet with a spray ai white lace. Her beaddress was a band ai white velvet rosebuds and full elbow-hength veil and she carried a cascade ai white carnations and red roses. Her attendants were, Mrs. Bob Fletcher, matran ai hon- aur, Misses Barbara McMillan and Bernice Larmer, brides- maids. They wore identical street-length dresses oi shock- ing pink velvet witb satin cummerbund and matching shoes. Their beaddresses were a small crown ai velvet cav- ered with a full net shoulder- hengtb veil ta match the dress and tbey each carried a nase- gay ai white mums and pink carnations. Mr. Lawrence Larmer was best man for bis brother and the ushers were Messrs. Don- ald Larmer and Aihan Ruther- fard. The reception was behd in the Christian Education rooM where the bride's grandmaoth- er, Mrs. George Fowler re- ceived, wearing a bright nav e eE Glanville, was her attendant who chose mauve wool with ini moss green peau de soie, matching accessaries and cor- mathig acesoresandflw-sage of chrysanthemums and eredin mass rie andTheoa- carnations. eredmossgree bat Theat- Following the receptïon the tendant's flowers were Talis- cuple left for a boneymoon man Jamaica and Nassau For Mr. Paul Lavery af Toronto. travelling the bride wore a brother of the groom, was best tangerine colored Italian wool mnan and the ushers were Mr. suit and matching accessories. John De Koker, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lavery will re- Mr. Allen B. Smith ai Toronto. sîde at 21 Lascelles Blvd., Tor- The receptian was held at onto. "ýWestchester Buildling" Brent- The bride is a Registered wood Apartments, Toronto. Nurse and is a graduate af For the occasion thxe bride's Toronto General Hospit a 1 mother wore green flowered School of Nursing. The groom silk and corsage of Talisman is a scientist for Defense Re- roses and carnations. She was search Medical Laboratories, assisted by the groom's mother and is a graduate ai the Uni- versity 0ai.Montreal. I SDMTH - SNMTH ization. Many thanks were re- the S.S. room with Mrs. Pres- ceived for cards sent. cott in charge of program. Worship service consisted of The ladies then entertained scripture reading by Miss the Baby Band, Junior and Johns. Mrs. Killens gave the 1 Senior Mission Bands to a story of a beautîful AutumnI lunch of sandwviches and cook- comparing it to the Autun ies including the mothers. It of our lives. Meeting closed was an enjoyable evening with with Prayer. Next meeting ina large attendance. cZry %Cleaners C/iucie blue dress, lack accessorles and a crae af pink carna- tions. She was assisted by the groom's mother, wha wore a Plum colored brocaded dress iwith matching bat and black glaves, sboes and bag and a! corsage ai white carnations. For travelling the bride ware a mînt green stroller suit witb dyed fax collar and bat ta match and brown accessaries. Bath bride and groom at- tended Black s tao c k High School. Tbe bride now is a bairdresser (beautician) in Pickering and Uic groom warks in General Motors. Fallowing the wedding din- fier the guests viewed the giits at the home ai Mrs. Fow- 1er then went ta Devitt's Hall, where the groom's parents spansared a dance. On return irom their boney- moon the bappy couple will reside at 100 Main St., Picker- ing. Hampton WMS Holds Fail Meeting The Women's Missionary Society beld their September meeting at the park in charge ai Mrs. A. Blanchard, vice- pres. The meeting was apened by a poem reading. Lt was decided ta bave a. quilting party soon. W.M.S. autumn anniversary was dis- CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Proteet Your Clothes Agalnst Math Damage: Sometimes the tiny bales maths make can't be seen but the fibres bave been weakened and will shred during a dry cheaning. The saiest place for your clothes in the off semsons, is in your cleaner's storage vault. Bowmanville High School Track and Field Neel - Wednesday, Oci. 11 DINNER HAMSBUN W~IENERS Guaranteed Lean,1.el9 BURNS PURE Ready te Eat ---1 P rk Ç~nic BACONlb. 69c SPR tin 49c BURNS Bologna 3 lbs. $1 BURNS Pastry LARD 5 for $1 BURNS HAM S îTi LEAN, FRESH 3ls BURNS CHUCK WAGONti59 DINNER - BURNS HEADCHEESE 3 lbs.$1'0 -WHERE QUALITY IS FOREMOST" FIRTH BROS. 4KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Phono MA 3-5081 for Prompt, Courteous Service Quantity Iimited et this Special offer Similar te, Illustration HOOPER'S- JEWELLEEY & IFT SHOP 29 KING ST. E. MA 3-5747 *qWmR110ERS* SILVERPLATE A R D C FE .INT ERN TI NA SL ER CO ef - * sAL A woman went to a medium and got Into contact wlth her dead husband. "James," she asked, "are you happy now?"I "I amn very happy.» "Are you happler than yau were with me on earth?" "Yes, far happler,"1 came the sepuichral volce. "Tell me, James, what Is it like ln Heaven?" "«Heaven!" the volce sald, IP À r-lir Mr.MIM. - su* Carl Leslie ý lrom 3% 4juua sage IL 49c