he posseses have a strange Irwin and some others left toiAn ihpsn Oente Teaopajun R t e . W l i s ntendency te possess him. 'bring them out and home. Com niend Sisters for Gates", accompanied by June church where a corc os n o oeta Rt. Rev. W ilkin son ~~~We place a great emphasis BJis~tor wthMr. and Irs. rparn soy~~sh ~~~ ~r rWlp~1 So h dividuals and as meinbers o-f Mrs. Wilbert Langstaff, Tor- hrh atiiaedi answering a humorousqe-Dno bevtr.Eeyn the community - 'I have a onto, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pae- P e a i g c it r World Wide Communion Sun- tionaire were won byM.iasetoeathecuc G uest P reacher ait -ght ted this'. Certainîy we den and Jen roe Creek 0f Pih 1 3 o 1 6 day. Rev. Ronald Love con- Derek :arnett, Mr.Te i-b6:. do haveprivilges an free-and Mr.aservice.oyAnne, OBish-slis36and19Mr.ctBi teWerrvce.MarieBiMaidmanan spentllthis dom, but we must remember Orillia.I op sang a solo, "How Great Mmesof hi atweeda the ceiGr S t. John's C hurch thet the possession of these Mrs. Ken Soper had a plea- The Misses Mae and Edna wards Mrs. John J. Murphy,' Thou Art". planned the eveningr eGieCm at ewoiie hard won prîzes carnies with sant holiday last week visit- Bottreil were commended at Newtonville, who went toi On Friday evening ine mem- Mrs. Bill Hancock, Ms. DnJnc aft pn St. John's Church was beau- occasion with a goodày atten- it a definite responsi'biity and ing Mn. and Mrs. George Snei- the meeting of the Catholic England last summen to at- bers of the choir entertained aid Gibson, Mrs. GeoreMtcekn ihBni ae tifulY decora'ted with grain, I <ance at the th.ree different duty for the 'Wen-being,'cd grove, Rosemont, and Mr. and Women's League, held in St. tend her brother's wedding, the Stewards and their wives cheil and. Mrs. Ross Lee vegetables, fruit and flowers! services, while the two depart- mfankind. Mrs. Roy Kean, Orillia. Joseph's Hall on Monday, presented a motion picture: at a very enjoyable party. The Wednesdlay alternoncod zei Sunday for the observance' men'ts of the Church Sehool Freedom iS a precious jewel, A shower was heid in the Sept. 25, for the history o! the she had filmed while away. evening began with bowling. properly have been caieEat G CshT1 ,' of the Harvest Festival. The crowded out the parish hall, for there aie So many who do, Sunday School Hall, Friday parish they had written cover- The audience thoroughlyl Prizes for highest scores were Whitby Day at the Ohw VU members of the Church en-'; At the eleven o'clock Morn- net possess it; they are en- evening, for Our bride-to-be, ing the years fromn 1935 to enjoyed the many loveiy pic-'1 presented to Mrs. Ted Maid- Fair. Ah the localscol jkered into the soirit of the ing Service the v i s i t i n g slaced in body and mind. This Miss Judy Foster. The table 1960. tures of points o! interest in man %vith a score of 184, and!wr given a holidayith preacer ws theBishp ofsaved gn is not only some- was timehy decorated with a The secretary, Mrs. FloydRoe other parts o! Itaîy M vr o l plaie premhe RomeeBshp oM. Bill Hancock xith a score! af ternoon, A large prooto theDioeseof orototh thing which has been inherited pink trimmed parasol and McKinley, read a letter from France, Switzeriand, Ireiand, io! 237. Prizes for hidden scor- o! the students tookadntg hog Rigt Rvernd . H Wikin frn. nd.hrogh he ast boque o!dahias Sh wa Mis AnesGrat,1etebo- Egead, cotand Begiu, e wee wn b Caoly Spn- ! teofnetehterfoiispet SY AT ES MAt Yuu Get son, and the church was coin- but is a living ceil which assisted in opening the many ough, historian o! the Diocesan Holland and Germnany. These cer, Mrs. Bill Werry and Mr. the. exhibits and tryotte LAssiFIEDS You Ge'pleteiy filhed with worship- must be kept alive and con- lovely and useful presents by Council, congratulating the slides depicted in natural cl- Ted Maidman. Another prize various rides. per. I hs srmo te Bs-served by each age and gen- Misses Carohyn and Jane Fos- Bowmanviile CWL Sub-Divi- ors beauty spots and places o! was %von by Mr. Ross Lee. On Saturday night teCop pers Inhisseron he is-eration. The freedom of our ter and very nicely expressed sion for the excellent bookiet historic interest. imprtat t i tat hepeolesouls called for a Supreme her thanks to her friends. pnepared by two o! its mem- Scenes shown of Rome and * ompotantioshant ta he opeSacrifice on a Cross causing Ladies of the W.A. assisted by bers, the Misses Bottrel. o! Vatican City were mernor- " 20% M ore go ngs f ife oo muc the Suffenin'g of God. As He the young~er ladies served te Thie president, Mrs. Michael abe hr e e odru1 Withallthedie toniae mn hlyletus bunantlunch. Ahl wish Jduy Heenan, Courtice, presided. A vîews o! the great Bascihica Wh nY Ubfor granted. nve t ake men free, whiie the best o! heahth, weaith and sai~tr iaca tt-o! St. Peter, both o! the n hny ub y wonderfui discoveries for the God is marching on. In the happiness. a hrh sun a tiMsDeetorefndlste e rior nd te utsi e of uy betterment o! life in this o!ten words o! William Penn - "a Arthur Thompson took amn a edb h rau-imnebidn.Oeo h calle SietiicAge i i it ntin, rS popetnation, ea sel orchrcaSndpeople,. eler Hnotee ltweakstaknspeitelir necessary for Christian people uedb Go wilbrueadwstkntoE n- The president, who was gen- It showed St. Peter's Square thea ltsofod t gv by tyrants." 1 ville but was soon feeling bet- erai convenon for the success- and the front o! Peter's Bas- thePsam'it ! od t gve _____________ 'ter and returned home, fui Turkey Supper heid re- cilica with the Vatican on one, takep ntmmthe ord o! e ST thaks ntoth Lod, or e1 Sneak thieves were around centhy presented her report. side. is good." In this favoured 1PV TT again Sunday night when Bihl She thanked the members for1 The high altar of St. Peter's i part o! the world, through the S Ai.LIa.IL, Turansky's two pop coolers their assistance in its prepar- surrounded by four magnifi- l GINGERrALE l wonerul we enj.oy Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Tor- were relieved o! their money atiomoandd thatg cent marble pillars surmount-ý aiNri R AL ýsuh a ondeful eritae. I ont, spnt Sturdy aýMr.'bxes.Mrs.Jame Fed mbyd ahcanopy a a was w picturedd is our duty to take our full, M. Shutka's. ________ the secnetany, Mrs. McKinley, Other vîews o! the interior oïl 1 W W W W share in the responisibility of! Friends from this area at- be instructedi to write a let- the church depicted the won- caring for the needy, the des- tended the funeral o! Mr. lv- (".~. ter o! thanks on behaîf o! the der!uhhy decorated dome, large marikind. To give is to grow; Mr. and iirs. Grant Sylves- è- I ies Auxiliary to the Canad- the hovely stained glass win- - to give is to create; and to ter, Julie and David, Sarnia,!~ lu ian Legion to express apprec-do. natin ar groing elaiveshereaotededS -perTi was sec-ealo hon.elos examaz- GA D in the purposes of God. As a Stark's. Iilu' u ending extra dishes for thei!rescoes in the Sistine Chapel ~S b natonwear gowng nd Reatve hre ttndd hemm nied ureySupe. hiswa sc-wec lsosand Tes upz creatin'g; but this can only be Gray - Haliowelh wedding ai. i onded by Mrs. Gienholme Hu- 1 ing paintings ghowed with 1 b .a d u ..Jmaintained as we are prepar- Orono United Church, Satur-: Children should be protect- ghes, and carried unanimoushy.1 truhy wonderfuh colors. There ed to, give of oursehves for the day. cd by immunization before Plans for the annual CWL were aiso, scenes taken in the Swel-being o! mankind. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, Tor- they reach schooh age against Bazaar to be held in St. dos- ancient catacombs where the The Rector, the Rev. A. C. onto, spent the weekend atdiherawopngcueh'HllnOtbr were'early Christians worshipped T KYSI.9 Herbert, was in charge o! the Mr. Lloyd Hallowelh's. tetanus, poliomyelitis a n d discussed. Arrangements were _____________ service. The singing was o! a Ladies o! Shiloh W.A. ser- ahp.SosyDr Char- made to have a Parcel Post in: 'higli order, and the choir gave ved dinner to the guests o! lotte M. Horner, Medicai 0f- addition to the other booths fPln a godreditono!theHa- heGray-Hallowell weddingificer of Health o! the United and attractions. 1o r Swect Pickled - Cryovac ilalves vesi. Festival anthent 'O Lord, at the Odd!ehlows Hall, Orono. Counties. No chihd should be The convenor for the Cedar, Hahlwelh Toront , weefThuprusal ced uleis that tcles ta othaebensdnae.1 C ase OTG RLSI . 3 Si i how manifold are Thy works" Mr. Jack Walker, Toronto .e Mnroetdduig te che nld ntns rawL by J. Barnby. A.t the Evening and Misses Norma and Beuhah important -pesho years. Mrs. McKgnhy dsplasdsar 12 oz. Bottles f l 'The Lord is Good" by weekend guests ai. Mr. LJew the infant after he is three' Folhow i n g the business 1uCvTe aloel'months old is given by his meeting Rev. F. K. Mahane A igh S h o EtaLanIV1 Timd- ON'x 72 OUNCES At the Evening Service the physician the combined anti- showed an interesting seniesi Rev. A. C. Herbert stressed1 efrth prevention o! diph- o! colored sides taken on his Night Scnooh chasses to bc' theria, whooping cough, tet- recent trip to Europe. After- i held at Bowmanvihle Highi PLUS te Harvestide t is weii to thened orwelI.L<. t EDL anus and poliomyeitis in a Schooh during the coming sea- Just Right for Turkey StuffingPure Pork SwiftsPeimBtebl uky DEPOSIT reernmber that neither weahth Septemnber o! 1961 Is gone series of four doses, the first sorect ere ! urhedam Count 4 Ç1or 'wea'l-th' can comne te a and can bc remembered as one three doses four to six weeks BuiesDrcory son ereti disusedam Couthe a sgslgtyHgarPi ian with work. We need to especialhy warm and pheasant. apart, the fourth dose, iDtýistrict High Schooh Board in Sa sa e MEAT lb. 45c vial tms iresa '~ moe lav r eepin mdtha te wrdA white frost Saturday morn- twelve months after tiie~ r he Courtice High ScItool on 'wealth' comnes fron tewodigSpt30di the fis. a-Renorigdoe aegve ,i Wedncsday evening, Septem-1 Sunbeam - Reg. 33e Suprem hkrSz olr -more sparkl. weai' or weli-being. Unfor- age to !howers and gardens in about two-year intervals until R&Y J. DILLING ber 20th. ithddi h O D N SU FN k 9 E S NN rS G /5 -motere wth he ktagin the village. the child reaches schooh age. C ertified Public Accountant Thsuecs vinelwpîn th orse a'1-th Hatcher Foster returned At some timne usuahhy wii.hin 93 Chunch Street planesuare casiide icon te- O D N ST F IGPlg2 home Thursday night for a his first year the child is vac- MArket 3-3861ci,'at mea-orking, BSTBY -Svec-MALLEF2o.Tn M O RE haveom socaesit and to attend Judy's cinated against smallpox. W.J .CGIS wowrigdesnkn, weailt as meanin.g malerial W.J .CGIS wo-okndesaig FOR YOUR MONEY been ruIe that wealtlt does flot again been employed in the reinlorcing doses ai .3 to 5-yearý Second Floor ýmics, mihinery, men's keep fit M WG 8 neesail ea 'ea-h' frFort William area where his intervals during his school New Library Building classes, and also women's keep MIN C E ME A I the-hinec s a man alth', fo wife and family holidayed yeai s. Whooping cough vaccine Cor. King and Temperance Sts. 'fit chasses. ..e..i...ht mn with hirntn Juy. ýis not then incuded in the Phone MArket 3-3612 I Two newcomers to t h e1 BEST BUY! - SAVE lle - YORK Fane>' Qualty _____________________________________________ Generai Motors emphoyees, I antigen, because o! greater_____ -o.Tn who have been laid off due to ýlikelihood o! a sore art at the YALE, FRIEDLANDER r board were întroduced. They' the stnike o! plants in U.S.,, site o! injection in older child-& COMPANY are William H. Carotan, who whichsuppy pats, sarte ren A cild o adut wh has Accountants and Auditors succeeds Fred Lyceti. as a KRE O S PECIA L BA RG A I N S whchsuppkMndyan en ucesly parstate i en A orba Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcyl Clarke Township reprcsenta- BSI1 N E O a4gainstiE.. smahlpox shoul e ne-od, e -ý ES BIY!- 'Save 4û! - CULVERBOUSE Fane,2-z.Tn Tuesday. adb Oshawa, Ontanio b re-i nical directo t i.Port Hope. I n Drugstore Sundries Miton Robinson had at ,isit vaccinated throughout life ai. OsB.waL. OarieoA e uapicplo I A~M hast week fromn two grandsons intervals o! no less than seven I.Fidar B. CotYal , C.PA. LBow Lase inScphlofI ~U 2 Cup Flexible Kitchen Johnson's o! Hugh Jennings, who ivedlIyears. I __________________- P.AýBoan J. Seerghs.pncp.l o Almnu ceCb Wse ay on the fart now occupied byý Havîng in mmid the desir- MONTEITH - MONTEITH CourticeeghS.pcil of!!eredI Percolator Trays Can Lotion Earl Bunley (previously by ability o! ever, cltild receiving. RIEHL & CO. sugestionsfo the pon- BS U!-Sv c-BU ONTYlo Lorne Bell) when Miii. was 'complete immunization earlier 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa mentofitas o e appoint Bs T U1 aeS LEBNE elo uk-2 f ak-1l.P 88c 88e 1.89 2 for 75o growing up. iin ife. Dr. Horner announces Chartered AccountantsThisugtonweep ________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. E. Couroux, a change in policy in that the 725-3527 Tersgetoswr p Lynn and Ray, and Mr. and1 HealtIt Unit wiîî give rein- Bowmanville prvedas !oîîows: Bowman MRAIE2.fr6 BUBBLEBAHMs.CrLnsa!, id, forcing doses but wil nt Cali ZEnith 45750 ville High Schooh-Home Eco- AGR N BATH TOWELS, 20" x 40?»e'mr AHMs alLnsaf Lna o f ois r.M rot Sttpesore lai coorspnaiowr vsel7orandDibnefpenoSuday vasee pnmaa amundatinePbtnie spMntethF CA GogrphinB.Bai;"Pysial ESTBUYi- ave4e!- GEENGIAT FncyQuaity15-z. in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Ray againsi. diptheria, tetanus and Hon. J .MnetFC Gorpy .BlBS U'-Sv c RE IN ac for 88c BATH POWDER and Moore, famihy, Mn. and Mrs. A. Poliomyelitis to school child- A. B. Monteith, B. Com. c Â. Education, W. Brunt: Indus- PUFF - 77e Couroux and Mr. and Mns. nen ai. schooh clinics. Parents G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. trial Arts. L. dohnston; Com- __________________________Wm. Couroux, Cache Bay, p9! idren with no previous G <icenseciTrustee) mercial, EEN P E A S Ifo r3our Vacum Plyehylee Esom were also there. immunization will be advised G. E reh y, CA isEiaehPoe;Eg Vacuum Polyethylene Epsom 1 Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Mrs. ' to take thent to their physic- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. I shJ.aidy;ad ah-TakglngSeat Botties Mlxing Bowls, 3 pleces 88e Salt Couroux and Lynn also visit- 'îans for this; or to, one o!i the i ash, . HllDy nni.BstB>! 2,00Cnes!-Sve7!Va ik- e.69 8 77c Polyethylene Boot Trays 5 lbs. 330 cd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roach rgular cîinics heîd by the Cl r opr ac i C 'Copat'iz ____8___ ________ and family at Lakeview. f nf t CUnitmforinfortshocolatepacts 59c fFolles around hene depend- 'pre-school childrcn. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. fl lTAGodnHuAsrtL Bo Bun Metal Hamper, 2-plece Cake lecnt on the hydro had a cold Two schooi clinics, four Chiropractor ] ..LELDLUJON Basket 2.97 set Savers breakfast Monday as there was wecks apant wiIh bc held in Office: O udy rmto u I U*~~U U AE 9 77e no power from 7 a.m. ta 9 ~~~~~South Darlington and Percy 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. day was held in the Sunday ______________________ rner ac 5o i 7c Kîtchen Waste Cans 1.88 9ea. .Township schoahs this fall. Phone MA 3-5509 School and the classes wcrc ne- Floral WasteBaskets 88e Frday night fine destroyed Dr. Horner states that infants Office Hours: By Appointment n ganîzed for the new year. __________________________ .Roi Vater lrlWsenakt 8 Blush Rose a tobacco kiln and ts contents and prc-school chiidi'en tay be Chiidren promoted ta, a newOC NSP A25 Bnte .0Rnon Lihe .7 Sa nEvan Quanti.nih's tobacco brought to these clinics butDen ai class passed thnough the gates BSUI FAUES -KigdlBanFatr!-apeLa-Sae3 Boties 3.0 Rnsn Lgher .9 Sop fart where Alfred De Paepe Ionly two doses o! the primary D________ fa__1__BISCUITto teir ew tache. Tederfake -lb.Pkgs 77 eehn nee 7 o 7 sgnowing this year. imnzto will be given. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Mrs. RoadMrion, tea- Dleos 77c Tlephne Idexe - 7c 2 ox 97 ~S voryWimo Litie pssedFor the third dose the parent, Office: Jury Jubilce Bldgs. cher o! the Nursery Chass pro- TsyChoPg o 300 iIkof agnsiaTabetsaway Tuesday, Sept. 26. in wil need to take the chihd to 40 King St. W. Bowmanville moted frnm her chass, Doug-ARD2 39 30 iko ansaTbes77ce Memorial Hospital, a few days their physician or to a reguhar Office Hours: Ilas Monnison, Harold Mount- E E I~ A ~ 5 aAyTm sIeCemTm after suffering another stroke HealtIt Unit Clinic. 9n mtO 6 lvd i-y Py-RoenHacChaJr.tI IML* WU IUVt w c 7 9S1pu ai alo MNATINEE SATURDAY th2 kndih encusn Courtice Senior ýoccer team.f Barnister, Solicitor inson's chass wene Teddy Cra- 1 SaladJDRESSING 49c S 2 M.Chyrneli and Kai.hy Coathant,:Congratulations ta the boys' Notary Public ig, Bnian damieson, David Feature! Save 9c! - Stuffed Manzanilla "L D E A "Onono. ýfor winning this tnaphy again. King St. W. - Bowmanville Rose, Bnian Starr, John Tabb, Loose Pack -Mcae' -zJr the Grand Prix, 250 mile rac- Ladies' Bercan Class will !unc- Residence MA 3-5553 Donald Topping and Bruce fhIý O.3 ls S Color - Jerry Lewis ing levent at Maspont, Satur- thon as a Bible Chass as usual mis APA I HOG2N Hacor. 49c~ Ontanî' Fns day. That is was ta "roar into in January 1962, but not as a1 Bamisten, Solicitor fMnr.Roy Robintson gradua- Feature! - Save 2c! - Slieed FancyGrd3lbceoba 5 v vOC.8 action' was centainhy true as W.A., and she encouraged ail Notary Public ted Bruce Dale, Robent Smith Dole 20-oz. Tins uwuumm, aven here. Church Womcn's Units. ____________ class taught by Mn. Ronald, IIlIIIGuests front hene attending i Devotional was taken by Mo t erry land Mn. Bnian Lee. a c I E P L 9 "NIGHT THE W RLU 'the Mercer - Thompson rcep- Ms. Robent Muir who chose r g a g es Also front this class. Donna Feature! - Save 4c! XPLODED" n~~ton held at the home o! Mn. as ber tapie "It Pays to Pray".18 HAITN R Glover and Janet Brock pass- . .-Apeod10f.Ri 5 BodToonoMrs. Lloyd Down, accomp- hoeI 1 d through the gates ta joinmoh-N.iGrd iD Mns. Mary Luxon, Mrs. Ray the piano led in a rousing sing- FRsidences - Fun girls. A E P P R 29 Hughe Ms. aGria and r.Mn. 'sungiPeossed rt MrsOgles Feature! - Save 4e! - Reynolds - 25-ft. Rol andMr. Hrr Mrce. r.Mrs. Down then introducedi Bsies roetis cîass were Gloria Woodward, "STRANGLERS of BOMBAY" i and Mrs. Wm. Boyd accont- 1aur guest speaker, Mns. Lyman~ Mortgage Loans f Joan Ogle, Dale Thomas, Pat- FlIlIa ag tl ST A G E So BO B Y panicd thern on their trip ta iGifford o! Oshawa. 1 Prompt. courteous service s>' Brown, Karen Brock, Rose- ~L WR P3cF E H C L R Adut Etetaimen nrthrnOntnio Tcy e-Mrs. Gifford talked o! our H AROLD C. PEDWELL mary Greer and Ann Glove r turned Thursday. 'modern tintes and our niarvel-1 Real Estate and Prontoted front the Junior Fe ature! - Save 12e! - ge Off Pack Monday ta Thursday, Oct. 9 - 12, 7:30 'man and daughters, spent talk was "Mvn owr" ecsl Phone 3856' erry's ciass were JimnyatLIQ DJ Y 92fo 23 Sunday. with ber parents, Mn. iMns. Gifford said that aur ne-' oe and Bobby Dale. Gn I U D 9 _________________________ ,and Mrs. Black o! Courtice,!ligion must keepmving for- 01Grdaigfo th Se- '~who were heavng Tuesday for"ward with the times. Mrs.! f 0M lei r y iorGrduating fro the Seun- RCSEFCIE TTELS E M.. "eaW. P.iSam O -a a holiday in Scothand. 'Gifford ended ber tahk bDY KEITH A. BILLETT .1..I People's Class wcne Lynda'OL M O1C>' Elsey and daughten Mar-,rcading a very interestingf Optamnetrist 1 Bremner, Bannie Dale, Joan OL IN@C, m ait84Nk1 ilyn vTItOLRM ere s a t ere!pewhit h oois t he author."If " 4 ingStouEs:-B aimeHl, barRs.i e arMan EanBa M Cinma«pe and W'rMarin M anders bas w tagi schoe th athe Teffiephonerk-B pptet 352fBunkRe. is ea assisting wîthAMARKE l Mryn si.e Snday asto e et igc shed cah h ele", lhngSt. E. -322man Brke' H ill ane Massimn adBa-M LL G O E A K T .M pe rv steamt engines back in the ýsinging o! Bless Be te Tie1 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fnl. :the teaching o! this class .m a~a woods in the Tory Hill dis-!: Thai. Binds, and lunch was 9 a.rn. taS5 p.m. As the students passed L K E ~ ~ RI~ trîci.. Monday mornnng Martin,, served by the ladies in Group, Thursday evenin 5 thnough the gates ta thein EWUS S ARE T U..** **OO**SSS aOron Larry. Gordon~ Langsat. A.ianj Thre& e&. and Sat. - - 12 new classes Joan 0gle and PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVn=, ONTARIO WEDNESDAV, OCT. 4th, 1981,