,- % PAG -TELVTHE CA1NADIAN STATrsmMi, EOWmAKVILL!, O!TAE!O WEDNESDAT, OCT. lltb.Lmt BETHANY Miets Lose Out in C Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jen-f Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stur- nings were in Simcoe for the rnan, Seagrave, were guests weekend visiting with their with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence sister and brother-in-law, Mr. Rowan for the weekend. and Mis. Harry Smith. Mrs. William Cavano has >1 Miss Evelyn M K in n onf,-returned home fromn Hastings Montreal, Que., was home for where she visited with Mr-. the holiday weekend with ber; and Mrs. B. Gillespie for a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamesý week. McKinnon. Guests with Mr. and Mis. Miss Gwen Gray, Toronto, Walter Neals for the weekend epent the weekend with her were Mr-. and Mis. Douglas father, Mr. F. S. Gray. ýDeyeii, North Bay; Miss Shir- - Guests during the weekerid;ley Deyeli, Toronto; Mr. and with Mr- and Mrs. Ross CarriMrs. Donald Cathcart and were Mr. and Mrs.ý Maurice Neal Cathcart, Springville. Williamson, Weston,Mran Bob Yeoman spent t h e Mrs. Robert Gilmour andso eknwihi prtM. Terry of Malton. aend withC. isear ten M. Messrs. William S h e e nd r.C ema tKee Chai-les Weatherilt, Ralph Ro- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cavano wan and Earl Weatheriit at- left on Monday to spend the tended the Ploughing Match. next three weeks at Interces- et Belleville on Thursday. sion City, Florida. Miss Margaret Lowes, Ham- Mrs. Gayle Moffatt, Peter- ilion, was home with her par- borough, spent the weekend ents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald with ber mother, Mrs. Hifliard Lowes for the weekend. Biistovi. Douglas Driver, New Tor- Shower for Miss Joan Morton onto, spent the weekend with Prior ta ber marriage ta Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver. Richard Sutton of Peterbor- Oroe Challice, Loc hal15h, ough, Miss Joan Morton, dau- was home for the weekend gb-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector with bis mother, Mis. Richard Mor-ton, was honored by the Challice. community on Monday even- ig be sher waspeene In two games over the weekend, Bowmanville's ii £ w~eo iftashoe finseln unsponsored entry in the midget section of minor I E Mis. Ralph Preston read the league basebali lost the Ontario championship to J1 O e address of congratulations and Merritton. The f irst game here on Saturday was a C good wishes and expressing wl-wyfrtevstrbttescn aei thanks to Joan for ber assis- akaa foth iiosbutescndgr nC tance in St. Paul's choir and Merritton on Sunday was rnuch dloser and provided L n the Bethany 4-H Club. The somne exciting basebali. Members of the team included C iPasye Dianne, Sharon and the two batboys Donnie and Jack McKnight squatted IT PtyBigelow and Kathaleen a, ]l~ any For homework the, girls lovely gifts. were to npe tirecd The prograrn featured Mrs. books up to date, make the M git a Ruth Jennings w'ho sang two n solos, "No, No, A Thousarid ncessai-y alterations in their Times No", "'Lily M arlene", patterns and bring their ma- anda mnolgue"Magieandterial ready ta cut out at the Tuesday, October lOth Jiggs" aceompanied by Mrs. next meeting. As a resuit of a complaint br Ross Cari-. Mrs. Jennin1gs aiso Y.P.U. Meeting by Mosport Officiais, of drink- h led some group singing. The Fail organization meet- ing and fighting on Septem- e Miss Dianne Bigeiow con- ing of the Young People of ber 9th, five Hamilton youths dE GET THE 0 OSTORy ducted a scrambied words the Bethany United Church appeared in court today witb P cntest on "Pantry Needs". was heid in the Sunday School their parents a nd legal coun- TODA Y! no obliguiiog Lunch was served by Mis. hall and the following weresl.as Emory Smith, Mis. Mervin elected as officers for the Palomisn18Mche asI. S 19.0 Smith, Mrs. Mansel Finney, corning tei-m: President, Mur- Short, 17, Nicholas Back, 16, g. Mis. Harold White, Miss Pat- ray Henderson; vice-president, George Elder, 16, and John i( J iricia Green, Mrs. Ralph Pi-es- George Scott; secretary, Miss Wîngfieid, 18, ail pleaded f JACK ROUG]tonMiss Dianne Bigeiow. Dianne Porter; publicity re- guilty tC) consuming liquor ni PLUMBING and HEATING Miss Morton expressed ber presentative, Miss M u r i e 1 whiie minors. Division Street South sincere tbankss ta everyone for Neais. The Magistrate iecturcd the MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE the gifts, ta the committcc in yanth fedacoeW ________________ care f arageens nd Rev. George Richardson cx- bosad3hnfie ac Gn ____________ ch_ arghoeoata ensan plained the new plan of the $10 plus costs of $3. They li ________________ rupa te fld u o he_____________ i_ n the progiram, inviting ail to young people of Manvers cir- wrcpas thorougly cuo haseeda attend ber wcdding in St. cit joning in one group and, courtroorn. c] Pau1's Church onSai meetings wil be heid month- Jh aDnlEs ecfil Octobei, 7th and to visit with ' did not appear on a secondaia ber at ber future home in Plans were made to scdi offence charge of allowing bis PecrorugC hristmas cards ta meet fin- dog to i-un at large. He was si, UPe terboro u h . anciai needs. convicted in absentia and gE Unitd Chrch . A.fined $25 plus costs of $9 or le 5 ' At the meeting of the Wo- five days. On a second charge cen's Association of United BUR KETflN of not affixing the dog license di b-uch eld at the bomne of to the dog, he was fined $5 l Mre. Gervin Mulligan, witlipu ot f$3o asa-a Mrs. Carl Porteous presiding, Mrs. B. Hubbard and Mrs. piiluscst f$3og3dy (a-a ture ne nNovember nei- guests of Mr. and Mrs. n e ry ous pDonnedlly ,t 10 , wt oiite appoint- Oliver Hubbard, Oshawa. ty to the theft of an electric ni ed to akth necessary ai-- Mrs. E. Bryan spent a few drill from O. K. Osborne, RR Secreta.ry Mrs. T. Jcnnings ville Greer and farnily, Osh- A iengthy recording dating or --ageets as ih i.an rs r-4 owavii.ead the minutes and coi-ies- awa. back to 1940 was read to the- pondence wbich 1 n c I u d e d A surprise birthday pai-ty court. Donneily blamed liquor enc Nelsand Mis. Wallacce.and Mrs. L. R. Argue on Sat- and said if hie hadn't been Re$ for gifts received during urday evening when Floyd crinking h: wouldn~t have A.McMullen, chairman of the a number of friends and Donneliy was sentenced to erborougb Presbytci-y concern- ceived many lovciy gifts. months indeterminate in the, inth financial budget; the Mi-. and Mrs. Rober-t Carter Ontario Reformatory. Il iogi-am of the coming Faîl and fanily, Windsor, were Howard Payne, 47, a soil W l Announcernent was made of Carter and Mi. and Mis. E. M. Toronto, was fined $200 plus conipietion of additional elec- Adams. costs of $3 for driving while I Vitchen. I was agi-ced to make the family and relatives in sion. a fuither contribution towards the passing of Mi. Prescott in Payne was stopped by police the support of Sophia Paris- Bowmanville and Mi. Sander- on August 25th for driving kou, the little Grcck girl son of Nestieton. with one beadiight out and adopted by the Manvers Par- A number from this com- speeding. _____ ksh also to send her a Christ- munity attended the Plowing Amisgft. Mi:. Harold Sander-. Match at Bellevile. vice at Enniskillen on Sunday C A NAson eadone of Sophia's let- Miss Maitha Boei-sma, Osh- evening. E M EKErssn taýk o awa, spent the weekend with Soi-iy ta report that Mrs. past dntosaddsrbn Miss Margaret Argue. Russell Fowler is on the sick D orne of their customs. Mis. Edwai-d Darcy, Black- list. We hope ber condition Ilt was agi-ced to donate $10 stock, Mi. Russe11 Spinks,111l son be impi-aved. bewr whohad mensove tOshaM-.and Mi selie aynloeý'wr.Con ratulatio sT r icor- aeesomibe nacatableschmade guests Of Mi-. and MrsA. saize bs tobacoat h -Q a V 1 pu Q alo tosen a aft t Mrs nnferé jirl -fýmixrcontMe st in Simcoe.- _j tle "raitue~. rs.Wa- er 7th the secondseono The cool wet weather of the OR CASH ter Neals gave a bumorous conti-olled public bunigo past week bas been excellent FO C SH redig The day we put the ducks will commence tDa-for trce planting in the north- stove up"l, going back ta the lington Provincial Park near ci-n part of the Lindsay Dis- O BTd:vs when it was a mamnmotlx Oshawa, and will extend trict. Crews have compieted er. Under this unique bunting Emiiy Township, 60,000 in I ST L EN S The offering was receivcd scheme, hunters will be able Laxton Township, 30,000 in INST LMEN S 'ad Mrs. James Fraser closed to shoot ducks and other wa- Lutterworth Township, 80,000 the meeting witb the Mizpah terfowi within the limits of in Cavendish Township and 01 Benediction. the Park thi-ce days a week, another 80,000 in Burleigh DOWN PAYMENT 0F 5%- Lunch wvas servcd by the Mondays, Wednesdays a nd Township. About 85 men are bostess and members of group Saturdays from one-baîf bour presently cmployed on the $2.50 FOR A $50 BOND, thi-ce. Mis. Addison Scott ex- Lefore sunrise to one-haif hour various jobs. With such fav- $5 FR A$100BON, ET. Pesscd the thanks of the after sunset. The shoot wiîî ourabie weatber, the chances $5 OR $10 OND ET. embei-s to Mrs. Mulligan for begin at noon only on the of survival ai-e good for these BALANCE, IN the use of ber home and group opening day, October 7th. forerunners of tomorrow's miembers for the program and Under the regulations, a il forests. EASY NSTALENTS efreshmcnts. There wcre 22 sbooting must be donc from Along Lake Ontario the wea- EAS INTALENT embers present. blinds. These blinds, wbich ther story iS quite different, OVERA YAR Grls4-H lubmay be accupied by a maxi- however. A prolonged dry per- OVE AYEA Grls4HClu mm of two bunters each, arc iod bas prevented planting The ]Bethany Girls 4-H Club available at a daily charge of from commencing at Ganar- met this weck at the home of twa dollars each. Blinds will aska, Durham and Northumn- B AN K.0F their leader Mrs. Ralpb Pi-es- be assigned ta bunters an the berland Forests. Another 135, M O TRtowithMis ure Neals selection basis of fi-st came, 000 seediings arc scbeduled residing and Miss Marguerite first served, on the day of the for pianting bei-e whenever1 I.I~.NREA.L Beer reading the minutes of hunt. Na advance reservatians the weather permits.f This' preiou metig.All joincd will be accepted an accaunt will makea total plant o 567, & "ag444 ? t va" in repeating the 4-H pledge. of the limited facilities. 000 trees for the Lindsay Dis- The girls will make a ski-ti Last ycar almost five hun- trict this fail. WORKING WITH CARADIANS and top in this year's sewing 1 di-ed hunters took advantage Fire Scoreboard ON EVERY WAJJC 0F UFE SINC£ 1817 course and each member'of this innovation throughout No ncw fi-es repai-ted dur- brought samples of materiail the season. There werc thirty ing the past wcek. Fires ta Duand patterns to be eu 'ed.Ms hi-esooting days in ahl, and date-32. Ai-ca burned- 108 O Preston demonsti-ated owt an average of fifteen hunters acres. Predicted Fi-e Danger alter a paqci-n ta f:rt the in- per day used the tacilities. Rating for this week- Mcd-1 dividual afid commented on Blinds ini use per day varled ium. in front; in the next row, frci Bob Sleep, Jim Coyle, Doug rames Lane and Gerry Fa' Coyle, Asst. Capt. Paul Mu Cole, Dave MeFeeters, Herr Larry Samis, Mike Johnson, Capt. Ted Bate, Ted Brown. vMcKnight and Brian Down e's Court He cauldn't praduce a lic- 25se to drive and told police ie had left bis license at home. When bis record was check- Id it was faund be bad 23 lemerits and was under sus- )ensian. He had nathing ta say when iked by the bencb. He was iven twa weeks ta pay or ;end anc mantb in gaol. Ris icense was further suspended i- an extra pcriad of 6 nonths. Donald Roy Coî'nisb, 25, vas given thi-ce months in aol on a charge of having quoi- in a place other than iresidence. On a second Iarge of intoxication, he was ned $50 plus $3 costs or serve in extra 30 days. Cornish bas been an remand nce July ta sec if be cauld ,et away fi-r bis liquor prab- ems. He told the court tbat he lidn't think he had a prab- em, when Magistrate Baxter iked bim if be wauld like ta yo te an Ailcobolic Reclama- on Centre for 30 days. Chief Constable Kitncy then noved for sentence. William Eade, 18, Orono, vas remanded until Oct. 3lst, )n a charge af contributing ta ville, Mi. and Mis. L. Grifinj M FialsBlackstock, Mi. and Mis.- . ClGrrdaytnRed Banryfam- y u day dinner guests t Mr.n lanMs. Crthurads. Mi- and M-s.DBertMAshton- ziand Doie, Toronto, ren Saday cller uss at Mi. andP Mi-. and Ms. 3. GrMaham, Bowmanville, Mi-. and Mi-s. T.s . . . .. .Tabb were Monday callers at Mrs. H. Crossman's.N Mis. K. Cowling accompan-t îed Miss Esther Clysdale and1 visited Mrs. Sadie Moffat, Ca-r bourg, and also visited with1 Mi-. Cyi-us Ashton. Mi-s. M. Blackburn, Salem,t was Thanksgiving d in n er guest with Mi-. and Mis. W. Blackburn and lamily and Mi-s. K. Cowhing. Mr-. and Mrs. Ross Ashton' and famnily were Sunday din- ner guests of Mi. and Mis. H. McLaughlin, Blackstock. Mis. Roy Paterson and son arvdhome on Sunday fi-cm Oshawa Hospital. m ieft to right, AI Osborne, Weekend visitai-s witih Mrs. [g Lane, Taullie Thompson, W. Thompson were Mr-. and .'Mrs. Glen Thampson, Wayne, alls bak rw, CachJimSandra, of Carleton Place. Mi-. itton, Scorekeeper Coulsan Earl Thompson and Mi. Don- -man Pracken, Rae Pickeli, ald Thornpson, Bowmanville, 1Asst. Coach Murray Bate, were Saturday visitai-s. Sun- Abset: anagr Mrra day callers were Mi-. and Mrs. Absnt:MangerMurayRoand Thompson, Dawn and ns. Heather, Hampton, Mi-. Lloyd Thonmpson and son Terry, Mrs. Juvenile Delinquency. Edith Bastain, Toronto, Mi-. Foui- charges of, Trespass- and Mrs. Frank Osmond and ing were disposed of by fines Ti-acey, Bowmanville. of $10 and costs of $7.50 each. Mis. Gien Thompson, San- Two other charges under the dra and Wayne, Mis. F. Os- Liquor ContraI Act brought mond, Ginny, and Mrs. W. penalties of $26. Twenty char- Thompson visited is. Don- ges under the Highway Traffic aid Thompson and family, Act braught penalties of $324. Bowmanville, and Mis. Rol- and Thonipson an*d family, Hampton. HAYDON Jntad d hap n Mi-. and Mî's. Leonard Wil- Ashton visited thei- grand- son, Miss Ann Wilson of Lake- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd field were weekend visitai-s at Ashton. Mi-. and Mr-. Clem Rahm's. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Mi-. and Mrs. Alfr-ed Gari-ard Dale and Mi-s. K. Cowling cal- and Bar-y were Monday sup- led on Mi-s. Sberlock, Whitby,ý per guests. Sund-ay. Mi-. and Mis. Acres, .Winni- Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, peg, visited Mi-. and Mrs J Ronald and Ray were Sunday Aikenhead at their cottage. dinner guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Mi-. and Mrs. Donic, Toronto, Ivan Sharp, Enniskillen. were Thanksgiving Day visi- Mi-. and Mrs. Leslie Graham tors. werc Thanksgiving d i n n e r guests of Mi-. and Mi-s. jim Mi. and Mrs. Bruce Reid Gra'ham and family, Bowman- and family, Enniskillen, were ville. Thursday evenîng vîsitors at Mr. and Mrs. Bertrim's. Sat- W. A. October meeting will urday evening visitai-s were be held at the home cf Mis. Mi-.andMrs.Artur Tewi C. Gari-ard on Thui-sday nigbt and William, Mi-. and Mrs. (tomorrow) at 8 p.m. Pro- Ron Morrison and family, Osh- gi-arn in chai-ge of Mrs. W. awa, were Thanksgiving visi- Blackburn and group. tors. Sunday School on Sunday Mr morning at 10:30. Church ser- Mi. Allen Stainten, Ennis- vice will be withdi-awn Sun- killen, was Sunday Thanks- day evcning as Tyrone Cburch giving dinner guest of Mr-. and is baving its Thank-Offering Mis. Walter Loveridge. Services, afternoon and even- Mi-. Frank Denby, Bowman- ing. 4 q PINER' UNE ~~~-of chain most complete answer for aIl 1 1 cutting jobs $224.50" complete with TWO 16" chains Whether you are a former, cottager, or a professional woodcutter.. you can be sure one of Pioneer's quality chain saws wiII do the job you want . * when you want it done! SPIONEl tSAWS U .S..S. MORT* &SON R.R. 2, BOWMANVILLE- PHONE MA 3-2279 ONTARIO Announcing . 0 the new for 19 62 PRDUCT OF AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADN LIMITED ON SHOW RAMBLER AMERICAN WEDN ESDAY, OCTOBER llth - AT GARAGE N EWCASTLE PHONE NEWCASTLE 2671 The General Public is cordially invited to corne in and inspeci these new cars . . .The Best Car Value RAMBLER CLASBIO M N EWCAST LE KING STREET EAST ai today's Lowest Pricel Tooley. -à COURTICEEbenezer Evening Auxiliary MissWend Brwn sentmet at the home of Miss Ann MissWend Bron sientHoît for their October meet- thc holiday weekend with ber ing. Pi-esident Mis. W. Brown cousin, Miss Trudie Wilkins, opcned thc meeting with a Hamipton. Tbanksgiving thought. Mcm- Miss Bei-niece Gay, Toranta, ci-s dccided ta hold a shower bas been holidaying with ber cf "Gifts" at oui- November parents, Mi. and Mrs. R. Gay.Imeeting ta give ta Mi-. Gor- Mr. nd rs.Normn Hdg-don Nichols and Mis. A. Nic- soni.hand Mi-s.MNanan d-1hais taassist them following s. o, hana worithMia the fi-e some Urne ago. Mrs. Gordon Osbor-ne and Linda, Ha.milton, spent the weckcnd with relatives bei-e. FAIM SERVICE Ebenezer Sunday moi-nin.g DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLE!) service was iargely attended1 FARM STOCK wben thi-ce childi-en wei-e pi-1 Removed Free of Charge sented for baptism. Tbcy were Immediate 24-fir. Service the childi-en of Mr-. and Mis. Ask Your Operator For Ken Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- . mond Osborne and Mi. and ZERith 66550 Mis. Brooks Pearce. Licence No. 46-C-60 Synîpathy is extended ta No Toîl Charge the Tooley faniuly in thc ioss Nick Peconi- Peterborough of their mother, Mis. James11