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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1961, p. 13

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TEX CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOlrLwMvfTlE. ONTARXO PAGE TEIRTEEN î 1 lit, i KLAIJ and uâzLuu cu ivnglssggstd nDETTOL ANTISEPTIC--- e.12 7 '" tsmoden bungalow designed by Il' ITA LIS UAID TONUIf'______ mIm~~~~UEAU~ architect M. G. Dixo n, of Ottawa. IM JU If Rg.10 STATESDIzv N LA»IFI I>D u ""I rm h oglwleo h plcasing exteriar ta the roomy. two- h is ane that will provide a home- L (R(5 c"i Sit back In your easy chair and shop ail over town! Finding a with the utmost in camiai ir'li ;and convenience. bargain, or selling sornething yourself, it's as easy as that . * A fireplace with tile hearth high. R I RA ED R through our classified columns. And, you are always dollars lights the full length combination .l.A RDCEM D O O A T 5 4 c.~ 1 living.dining room. The weil-lighied ahead wvhen you buy or sellinj this great marketplace. Find out1 family raam with buiît-in storage 'FLR NTARD D R NT Ee.8e 69c" shelves is idealiy lacated and serves -.iI WeIlparatvng d t samle p ard.F O I N I E D R and bheif space. the kitchen has A O I M UT W M YOU CET 141CETY BIG EESULTS WITH direct access to bath the dining and I'LV RSM UH W S -îo 1 0 ' family rooms. There is a full base- "me ii AC O HSA AHWE OUI LITTLE CLASSIFIED ADS! 1to rvie maybeoorno * worBWMNVLLsNWCSTE . Totl fot rea as 1,315 square I feet and the exterior dimensions are CWICSDU TR 0 2fetbf 27 feet. Working draw. I1 GLN' RGSOE ONO' IGSOE ings for this house, known as Design IALXNGEORNO4 cÇThe Canaclian Statesman 1MxgeadHauis t ram oqJURY &LOVELL sTUTSPANC Sunday with his grandparents cle nMr.Nv ENNISKILLEN tRELIGION FORALE Mr. adMr.Jim Shotlpo. oeaan Mr. and Mns. Norman Avery #f% I Orillia and Mr. and Mi.B1 eterti ekn Mr. an Mrs. George Ormis- te Miss Gloria Wright ar.d Mr. and tuxnly, Salemn, were Sun- RELIGION_____FOR_________ There wilI be no church B. P'oster of Montre&lwr u en.cpinlysm ton, Raglan; Mrs. L. Aiton IJim Muller while Mr. Ray day dinner guests of Mr. and or Sunday School next Sun- here to attend the PonkFs e-ie fr Takgvn Mark, Scugog Island; Mr. and Ashton, Mr. Clarence Stainton IMrs. Clarence Avery. VU I U * IP . £ U U ~ U ~ ~ *ep dey, Oct. 15, as it is Tyrone ter wedding and visite h ie u e ueylk tlk errs. Orr Jetfery, Port Perry; and Mrs. J. Kinarnan present- Mr. John Twist, BalemTHsIfE U IUNCONSCIUUS I INISTIIt> OF11 LIl' Harveut Home. Foster families over the ekq Mîr. and Mrs. C. Brunt and ed them with a walnut cabi- a ernyg wato u.,s-Msss Gac icbuned I andget .C.As-M ion tr e Baun o end.Cnrtltin o J femily, Mr. and Mns. Allun net, TV steel and silver dish ton,# .kl akb .R .Ncolo atdeMritn tteStes or Faongatdudytions ter h Martin and family, Bowman- on behaif of the coniunity. Mr. and Mn,. R. Rowan et- AWel akb e.B .Ncosn1mtrti eteSae o okadJd ot vt M r nd.A B st& run' . iadressfoMGilr. ad rs tended the piowing match ut Paul and Bilas, when they we do unconsciousiy by aur ta be looked ut, he knegw no eMr.adyMrls t wist nd iht erv nriedbytheRevR Ott r. ndthe weA.herman ~Tes rd Yeo who wre rend Belleville. preached the Gospel of Jesus character is vastly more im- thing about that young chap M.a ndl wr.E.unaywisitorndC.hitevi e nda Cherc, 1 ~ l i d w t h e a e a t f eer m n - wTe d h a t a rd t a b l e n d a i M . a n M . . R s . S h r p r C h i s I h e e i y f P h l i p , aaa n w a t w e d o w t h o u t e e n h e d r kCh e.a w t h M .hnd M r . Cere c ei nd y v e i g . A f e r s g n n bi o ap ahnn fset, a tri-light floor lamg and and family were SundsyVLI e wt ite ereu ion. tpurpose by either been go aabsorbed in hi& worlc BllTowr n M rnc e r eig teragou the folks of Enniskilien coin- silver dish by Mn.C ester tors et Mr. and Mn.. H. Skin- They were arrested, flogged aur words or aur deeds." that he had fargotten ta pull Mn. and Mrs. Walter Black- and guests went over t h inunity ta honour two popu- Milis, Mr. Bert Werry and ner's, Tyrone. and cast into the inner dun- It la the uncansciousness of down the shades. It was the burn and family, Don Milis, Orange Hall and enjcyda lar loala young people, Miss Mrs. R. Clemens from the M r. and Mrs. Grant Werry geon of the prison, where a Ille that loses ail thought of simple unconsciouanesi cf his Mr. and Mn.. Gerald Shackie- evening of fun and dacig Gloria Wright, who is soon te commnunity. Bath c o uplies and Susan were Sunday teaý their feet were fagtened in the itself in the service it seeks useful action au it was the ton; and family, Mrs. M. Black- A deliciaus lunch was sre beconie the bride of Mr. Jim made speeches of appreciation, guestu of Mr. and Mrs. Her- stocks. It wau a damp, gloomny ta renden, which gives it pow- simple unconsciousness of bis burn wene Surnday supper buffet style. Some pranktr Muller of Castieton, and Mr. and the program concluded bert Leighton, Bowmanville. place and many men under er.Jeus said: "Let your lîght useful life, which made hima guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. in the crowd did a finejbc end Mrs. Ted Yeo on their with ail jaining in singing Mn. and Mrs. E. Trewinjthe circumstances would have go shine before men, that they a power for good on that Blackburn. hunting up, deconating hi recentmarrige. M. W. .l"Fo TheyAre JllydGospainenmadyDoeld yourvigoodun worktheandpecampus.", mMr.eeandr Mrs.wokMatthewmpsM"r-. aneMrsVoikswagMarnnecarlkandenes- rcent marag e Mn. able: Fe1lows.'~ Lunch was served tors at C. E. Horn's at Cae- but. at midnight they gang glorify your Father which is During the First World War, chant and Susan accompanied corting thema part waya hi n olypoet Cren d a s the oin i wih nldd4tra fiesae.pass it ,an h r in Heaven." in the City o! Amiens, in by her parents Mn. and Mrs. honeymoon trip. brefand spehumrhe har cream and cake by the par- Mr. E. W. Begley and Carole soners heard them. Never be- France, thr h.a faJimasosadieere, Jonlytosese rnanse ec and chair-c ents Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright 'were Saturday aftennaon vii fore had that prison echoed Hut, opposite the railway sta- Town, spent the weekend with holiday with bis aunt, MssC the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wt oloigpgrm Pin anuiAunThk-Frpas.thsns fcure. an N tien. Rev. Stuart Robertson Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Salter, W. Stewart. atodsFmlLieo. th ollow iss Mugree Mcan and Mn. and Mis. G. Yeo. tors at Gordon Shunk's, Portwiith sago! hrjnhsgieusnacun s.RsPton IL comical skit by Mr. Offering Service was held precations had often been what hpee n vnn:M.adMs .Fly eDvdMre n nedto C rvdssudlf ~ Simonanddauhte Suday venng hena lrgeVisitons at Mr. and Mrs. M. heard in the dungeon but Just as the Hut was closing, Esther and Ralph Cryderman, Dai cramootnd ttwari si-iernepoeto a ~Miss Kathryn who played the cangregation gathered te par- J. Hobbs were Mrs. C. Mc- neyer prayer and sonfis of joy." a Scottish soldier came in and Maple Grave, were Monday ed David's grandmotherMr raies of Henry and Elîza, as- ticipate for service cf worship Doad saa, Mn. S. Web- The apostles sang because asked ta see the minister in visitons with Mr. and Mrs. E. Neil McKay at Spencnil ongrwn aiis site b is LisAhtn tin the newly decorated chunch ber, Columnbus, Mn. George their heants were Siad, for cag.S fe i h etTit and returned home viai.. Poet a8mte n thheian.i Hmonus eadngs hic lokedquie fstie Mcenze, uelthe Chist as ithdbetanewa th Hut an th sldiedtod dyofo bi seondeecontK. Snda monet fie.ds- he csiden.. <en hiIrfi were given by Mrs. L. Stain- with its added decoration cf Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- cheering themn by His pre- 3~ y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .toyed the barnan thefrao aiu ton and Mns. A. J. Werry. autumn flowers fruits, vege- ton and Doris were visitons at sence. For them 'stone waîîs .h. is tale. A. S., Kemptvilie. mer John Patton fanmwhc >'<iore n Misses Betty Jane Werry and tables and colouned leaves an- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Avery's, did net a prison make, non He was a pnisoner, a pris- Mns. George Finie, Toronto; is rented by Wes. Catcr.tdyfrfi oal bu Susan Wann plaed rVongd by the Jr. Girs . .Cnintn on bars a cage.' Sa they sang .. oner ta wrong habits and evii Master Danny Lebman, Bro- Sorne 4000 baies cf byad1,i opg.~ ~tcin pleasing piano duets. A de- cass. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGili like the lank at Heaven's things. He had carne ta see oklin; Mns. Lillian Bnine and Wes' thneshing machiner oSc and boys were Thanksgivling gate- although for them it that hi, lite was wrong, and he famnily, Town, wene Sunday burned. The silo hadbe lightful vocal solo was rend- Rev. J. Bnaham o!Sugog dinner guests o! Mr. and Mns. was a prison gate- and as wanted ta know how ta get visitons with Mr. and Mns. W. filled the day before. Th' po ered by a promising young1 Island deliverad an inspiring Lyal Brock, Bowmanville, and they sang the prisonens heard r, ight, rigbt with God, and Craig._________pryi wedb n ulnST A T R A E s!nger Master Locki McNair: and encouraging sermon. To joined the MeGili family at tîhem, with bis own conscience. e oot.Tisi h hr accompanied by bis sister'completle this unusually fine Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill's for G.Hoofsnbs u Temnserbgnt eiTrn toThis isc iù but.A ET Maureen. Two wl chosen service a Junior Choir from dînner in the evening. Dr.G.H orsnh ug himn about Jesus, and he list -Vr1nTT'IdisricAi poems were re2d hy Mrs. L. Nestleton provided two very Mn. and Mrs. Dave Both-, gesttcd, that pnobably some of ened. Bob Wis m nn iees.apteti Ashton. Mesdames R. Clr-'approp)riate anthems and a well and Nancy, Maple Grove,1 those prisoners af terwands be- Now, at one side of the Hut Ms enieCmBnMs eoni o piBwa- Ofc eiec mens and J. Kinsrnan, Meýssias.duet by two Misses Malcalm were Sunday supper guests 0f1came Chnistians and told the was a little "quiet roarn," and r.BnieCmoMs eoiaHsptlB C. Stainton and B. Werry es-1 wîth their mother Mns. Law- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stain- story ta the church. "They soma English soldiers were Dorothy Hinds and Mrs. Fred corted the two couples ta the rence Malcolm as director and ton. told iîow et the dead of night, Robinson visited Milton Rab- Best way to get in theim tA361M 4 saead prceted the txvo onganist. The service aiso in- Miss Lavenne Orchard, Bow-. di li and despaiing- hark! Rev. R.R. Nicholson using it that night for their inson one afternoon Iast week. is to stay out of the divs ladies witb corsages and tne cluded a dedication cenemony manvle pnth eknth onofmscAnoeeeig-ryradatrte s G reCakTr 5eaeall twogenlemn wtlibouon-ofthenewfurishng n or wthMr. and Mns. Miltoniwould tell how it held bois Rev. Dr. Chas. Reynolds minister and the soldier haedTMrntno MsGogeCarTere dounetareloa lot o! fen'l-ly t _Fee.Miss Lamna Wearn read, sanctuary. Mn. Crawford as- Stainton. hand from suicide, and ano- Browvn writes: "One nigbt at spoken together for a bit, and Toroto, enrpae dornt ls oswocntpa the guitar -who do ai! acdncess of commendation' sisted and expressed the ap- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gni!- ther hiox it revived bis hope, asno a rsigteyrd vn h testnub th hs weekend. The smallest gaaddedl Capy )i~~ercs. I , weneand th~~a encorlgew e re ssi tuyadi e , the old er ws thinkig utherelc o tewne -h oHitodLt preciation of the congregation1fin, Heather and Dale wrýn another perbapa how I a late and he had spent wall began ta sing "'Abide Ms Margaret Seens, Otta- ever. toalal who contrihuted to the weekend visitons at Mn. andlit necalled the marr o n y bis evening in a wretched de- with Me", and "The Prisoner wa, and Ross Elliott, Bnock- He wbo dozes wle el~~j on ýsevjr. Asocal ourwasen Mr. Tm Pillps.Essx. of is mother and h ' baucli. He was feeling spotted Was Listning". The sang just ville were with Mr. and Mrs. drives will nest in piecsfr oydithS.S omMran r.MJ.Hbschildh ood and bis home. O n saed s0 rsspttefinsigtuh o e lit.bte hntegneatestne- RESTION Miss Lois Ashton visited; spent Thanksgiving weekend al that service the men who anheacamed s he nosse ad wput the finisitochad e Efot. adMs r o n i Mr-n r.I rvl n n ufaeadwr ihMs soagl y ncotnsciaus ot tha saw the oldest and best be- saying. The answer ta the sol- tertained about 40 o! Mrs. Mrand Mrs. D. Weldon, s-W G. Rodman, Niagara Falls. t. . ncncos fta loved member of the faculty dien's question sang through Low's relatives last Sunday awEC. OshNWMr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, mînistry. They sang because sitting at bis desk busily wnit- the wall. hto fme. CILTONEt hei ENT E Sea a ttne.h ofc Mr. and Mis. E. Trewin at- they could flot help but sing. ing under the glow o! the ev- "I îîeed Thy presence every atho fmie.enona hi NOW! SA IN PA N CEN eea tedc h ofca edd the plawing match at And ail the time, aithough eidim.Teyug elw psighu;Roy Sleep bas returned opening of Countice High Belleville. they neyer dreamcd of it, thcyhoecem iitngM. n FOR THE BEST School and report a very en- Mns. Gondon Williams, Su- we:esrvn thn eterw that the oîd man was et What but Thy grachoee cansiin MrsLe.oocc . e ndreHAS C joyable pror. snadBnnewn.Walc hn hy ke, eiigh upon something which foil the temrpter's power'? r.Lo odok ewr - N n.E WBrya nd C anole abned.y, otniM alwece teane messyqkenring unhe helieved would be useful Who like Thysel! my guide sorny te learn Mis. N. Ther- - IN Mr. E. W.Begley ahd Caoled.bAndetthe contrastmandestaydcanesbe uteIln andcous.tLenaanderby.area ANrby ar accompanied Mns. F. C. David- last Wednesday visitons at Mn. age, making it casier ta sut- btenth t pictuneAnd the nta Thogod and sta c n shine ill with the 'flu. AND________________1 CUtwTOm Mn. and Mrsnd.he hroJohnoudBausunke CUSTON !~son, who ail visîted Mn. and'anld Mrs. Russell Griffin's. fer, and be strong." way he had spent bis own 0 abide with me." # M.adMs onBuk Mrs. Allun Dean of Dixie. Very pleased ta sec Miss Every persan is constantly evcning, smote iim ta the The English soldiers went and family fnom Algonquin Master James Werry spent Elsie Oke is home fram the exerting an unconsciaus influ- heart. Then and there hie turn- their way, and neyer knew Park visited Mn. and Mrs. John 0 No color fade-.t: DRAPRL IES hopJohn ence upon others. It may be ed over a new clean leaf and that they had beeri over- Thompson tbis from washing AND spent Tbanksgiving weekend xiii depend upan aur charac. cord o! a decent lite. The old had helped a prisoner te free- daughtems spent Sunday with 0 Easiest kind to pl 7M with Mr. and Mrs. L. Ciomens ter. Lyman Abbott says: "Whati professer was net sitting thene dam. Mn. and Mrs. Ed Youngman. -sett enu LI-1 L l :f ad Mr. nd Mrs Dave all --Mrs. Bull Boyd and friend, -ais oe WA LT -A Lb e a M a ntr. iDave Hall2 t-34 wa radMn..Roy Mencer, called an 0 Dries in less tha Alà Mn. and Mns. John Gittinng .t.6 4t 4 a edD .Mn. and Mns. Bert Tbompson, ahi-orools and !amiiy wene callers an by M ns. E. A. Werry. Mis. R. o r Q Satunday night. Sunday Mn.a lfhu- BRUAULUUII NO GREATER PLEASURE Mns. Gea. Squibb, Churchill. Scymour, a former member, Labo L a I p a and Mns. B. Thompson bad as 0 Cornes in hundeao Do WE KNOW Mr. and Mns. Robert Stun- took the devotional ai-d an guesta Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sa- modern colora )or, A To. T'O R~P VOUR PUU den, Mn. E. W. Begley, Bruce interesting paper she had pre- à .I~ per and Mn. and Mrs. Lamne 14 « ON TUE O" and Carole wene with Mn. nd pared on Thanksgiving, titledA t LOI. onrerence Paeden and Jean for a turkey Mr. on rffn e he "Be Thankful for Now", and dinner. Tw Lcains ~ __ . cottage. closed with hymn 500 and It was announced today by Jodoin's speech there wiil be Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Gay Tw Locaion Mrs. Wallace Gniffin was prayer. Rail caîl was answer- teIk nai eeomn ae icsin h ae etTusa namtrti hasea onTusdy eenn"cd with "Diffenent Uses for te ae ntna eelpmn apnl iscuson Tw heane of t thUnisday a eafmtrtp - ~ ~ hSet. en6tu, ta th e A eeingAlununFoul." Mrs. Hobbs Association that the Indus" l oss !tahaeo!t h ntdSae te OSHIAWAf et raue'reottraanMuipl Relations industny, two community lead- getting settled fnom their 19 BOND ST. W. *ing, with 25 members and Pr .demdcornt-Cnfeceor16wudberes and two labour nepresenta- sale on Oct. 4. 19BOD T.W.three guests present. Presi- lr ,-ei de nfaoretern l i eeror 16 ou on e tives: The subject cf the panel A charivari party serenad- RA 3-4922 dntMis. Siemon opened witli taining c folr en niwen esdayn OterlbhonTe fte ofeec and colleet frteUie. edy coe 8h h icsinwl ete the ir ncw hm and hs aydi motte and crced. Bible read- alse more plans for tunkey main purpose o! the Conter- of h ofrnc.te*nwhoeadle Tour OROsupper on Nov. 8th. Misses ence is ta create a better un-iThea Conebencet adwiiclseMrst enoyab To ti eve MARKET PLAZA GCet Yu PriCe Lois Ashton and Laura Grit- derstanding between munici-withspakerain e b an ete dn- and oh s.ofTamonteven fin gave a splendid report on pal leaders and industrial lead- atne spaer h spake te tJh o! Tn ornth oler RI 5-6874 à àFo aweek spent at Whitby Sehool ens in order that mutual bene- anounedat oer rehn-dydow ee farcm or tedbll Dave Preston, Prop. PUFor"HATNG1 ough gave k f reart. an UnR.teNa-er ontenil enct.e thyear wof dned delegates attended the Mns. Steven's cousin, Miss Bag- , 1 -EIN aerpr nUie e h ofrneti erwl meeting and it ls expected shaw o! Peterbona, England, 25 ente S. * - tons Muic y Ms. . Git-be DurResonsbiltie asthat this year's attendance wiil who is on a two weeks hall- SBowmanville iï A U-tNR EALRS T A T E 8 M A N fin. Thanks was given te Mrs. Leaders in aur Communities".becsetthsaeigr.dynd iabyMsA.Tt MA 3-5912 C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 Gittin for opening her home The Conference will open at of Montreal. I ORONO iià Phone MArket 3-3303 and South Gnoup servcd a 12:30 witb lunchean and in Thene are orne enterprises Gueste fan a Thanksgiving Idainty lunch. the afternoon Mn. Claude Je- in which a careful disordenli- turkey dinner with Mn. and Mr. and Mns. L. Ashton, damn, President of the Can- nes l the truc method.-Her- Mis. George Mencer, Sunday, Ronald and Ray, Ilmydan, Mn. adian Labour Congress, wili Rcckon meteorologista give wene Mn. and Mrs. Cy Elsey and Mrs. A. Sharp were Sun- speak on "Labour's Respansi- man Melville. and daughters, Oshawa; Mn. day dinner guests with Mr. bility ta Industny and the feminine names to hurricane. and Mn.. Charles Eisey and and Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Community". Folowing Mn. because they're spinsters? sons, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Elsey and family, Ten- ante and Mrs. Wmi. Mencer. ~ gt.jgp t t g & pte L J Mrs Wtm. Mercer spent a few days last week visîting YOU CAN BE Interesting Bungalow Plan Provides relatives ae.inetheese LANDR ADW R vlsited the farm where she was born. The land had been gîven ber great-gnandtather ME AN DUtmost Comnfort ancd Convenilencle by the Crown i 1831 as a sol- &Eeti bIE ADde' rn n ad been 51 King St. E.MA -57 h i1ceae yhb n is family. 4'<INTERIOR aind XEIiDCR.OS Ie ýr Y lý 1961, os 1 PAGE TffmTrm

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