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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1961, p. 15

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NESDAY. OCT. I11h. 1961 THE CANADIAN ~TATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO __________ F'ALz5 Ji~LLLf ing, Mrs. A. Austin and Mrs. Cook reading the scripture.' E.DRBarrowclough, local repre- Mrs. A. Garson favoured usKi fais marrige o Miss1962 GM C TRUCK 'E. Bar staw nmbrs onthe iw Miss Jearnn Wer'-v this Bill Snowden. Mr. and Mr_-.cmite eepeete apao"leele"(ogo week was a bridesmaid at the Frank Hancock, Mr. and M-is.1 meeting in the samne church to the Blossoms) and *otre"H a s R and Mr. James Thompson. The Mrs. Bob Dale. .A ea rR ad hStd okwers. The a s R IrenaWolle Lorn Tregnna nd Mr ~ s.ose îs or Young of Toronto speak Questions and Ases u rnarriage was solcmnized at Memnbers of the Maxwell ~ ntecnttto fteUi nonenn a ae Of CL oflv St. Hedwig's Church, with a Heights community are asked 'YedChrhAomn the decioalRalyatBlck reception at the Flying Dutch-,to lay in more small change An executive oetn t thestc Oct. 19th. The group mnan. than candy for their Hallow- heid gra p rneetlunch. to A th e im Weekend guesî of Mr. and een visitors tîs year. ManyW.A. ru for October was sre anylnh eda h l'n Weeknd uest ofMr.and,'envistorsthi yer. Mny eldat the home of Mrs. L. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mur- Mrs. W. L. Mountjov were'of the sehool children will beHoaayafieocoko h tede teMle-G- Motor Hotel on ' Miss »eryl Mountjov and Mis',s.colecting focir U.N.I.C.E.F. morning'of tast week. This is christ wedding at Orono Unit-toad s v Mar%'McDcrmott of London, when they come calling. It a new lime for this type of ed Church on Saturday' Oct. 7n. adItv and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke was decided at the H-ome and meeting. but was more con- Miss Donna McLa u g Ilh1 Ross Jackmian, -,pi and Miss Olive Luke of Tor- School meeting to try out this veient for inost members. Ilcsok pn h ekn. teresting reports onito. Beryl Mountjoy recent- project this year, and the Dan- Tee ee 5aISn ay 'w tocshelaghMurh w. tdwais n ai Q ]y spent t wo weeks in En.1ý- nv Kaye picture on the work Scol on Thanksg5ving Sun-a' Convention Il ]and, spending most of the of U.N.I.C.E.F. was shown toad ihlTae vnce Nh l- Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. St!î- bec City recently, time ightseing n Lonon.ialhtCecaildene Yichos act- art. Wilfred and Joan, Mr. and had attended. timesigtseingin ondo. al te as superintendent and Mrs. \4rs. S. Hall, Sandra, Beverly Four directors Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love W. A. Meeing H. Payne reading the scripture. adAlnM.adMs o iai lb v tho n iday oev r.ning entrtain .d About 25 ladies attended Chrev.sericet ofwas n carge Maynard, Mrs. Kenneth Rahm main in office for th aml o r. *the October meeting of the fRe.WitofCnton. and Vicki attended the Hall- yeaL' were elected F. Love, on the occasion of Women's Auxiliary. The bas- Rex'. R. M. Freenman conduct- Ritzie wedding aI Oshawa on Bill Cobban, Ce Mr. Love's birthday. Amongi tess for the evening was Mrs. ed anniversarv services «I aI udy Oct. 7. - the guests wcre Mr. and Mrs.ý Allan Werry of Enniskillen. Satnta a ndtecor Matu d, F .Vitl Canton thoteday and theachoirrom this church provided the M.adMr.E . itj Lead oe Mrly n The Worship, on the theme k sgf vi. ilove9th Sharon, of Toronto. peialmusic or itieireî Pnjvd h hansgvn Mr. Eari Burke spent the '"Our Church and Our Comn- 11..srvce hlir e\en- ad rs j ~~ h~ mu nity", was prepared and -The xodrn 'hTrno Th nk g vî g ho da t nresented by M rs. E verett .'q wm id this ea er T. F n l v T o n il hoe I hrbt ak. Mountjoy. "I Corne t the dur ng this Thanksgivitig holi- ~'d Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee On iGarden' and "Dear Lord and,""' day provided a good oppor- l pnii a few days wii1 Sonaywee uets f r.aîerof Mankind" were! This is the 1962 GMC Mediumn-Duty Stake Truck. GMC's new Uine tunity for a visit te friends o rs.Ot ite and Mrs. Arthur Stainton atilug ihMs aodWut ia riefrtesa radMs .R their cottage. sumng i rsharold Werry 1features lower hood stx'lmng for improved road visibility, standard eunetistafnldiv o h e M.nd Mthe . W. Roy at-h acomaning the weikend ng.- directional signais on most rnodels, and longer-life inufflers. Independent front son* Jodxvvwa xavo rdy JueDing ntertaeend MISSPortions of seripture, and I an odwvývsa2ý o rdy 1hrorit reading were giv-l suspension with torsion bar springing, successfu]Iy osed foi' the past two yvears, ,for a fev davs with r-elatives Mr. and Mrs. lrwiii Wotten.l guests f rom Toronto. J a*proprat lonaen, and Mrs. Mountjoy led iný has been refined in 19692. frorn Oshawa". Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs.ý Mr.cewk and s. Arne.. prayer Miss Mildred Moise spent W. Ralirn.Pe andKeinspntThnkoiui The new Missionarv Stot hie weekend with the A. Ans- Club 49 quilting at the home~ with Mrs. 1. J. BaIl Ê U,_:'ook, "Signais for the Six- P nulN etn is f Mru. W. Rahm. bridge. ines*", was introduced by' Mrs. wt e ghe i.ltiof Appe day in this teod Mlî. W. G. McCul>l or Everett Mountjoy, assisted by wt irduhe r.Alat!ftedyi hscornmunity.! 1b Q ii) wxas recentiy a guest Mrs. Joe Starr and Mrs. Bob Clarke. Mrs. F. Scott spent the1 i.>,~ Mrrs.Mi'iIo Gwil. PsotIDaMr. MorIon- Walter reptf e u c ra tio n i.ire cto rs ton was home for the weekend W. Macdonald, Bowmanville. be Iavig fo Flridaed n arecet, alk he ad and Calvin Brown and Pres- Mr. and Mr,, A. Geisberger1 M\r. and Mrs. Maurire Jeb- heard on the work of the Scott tnMrilo otHp a n hlrn in r n son and family, of Beaverton, Mission in Toronto. Mrs. I ~ c~I D E ~dinner with him on Sonday. Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and chil-, celebratcd Thanksgiving on Douglas Love, accompantied byS eF ilm s o f B riishi I s r.anl MsiE.Barrow-drns tTaksvigS- Sundy wth M. ad Mr. Ms. Rss ee, ang"Tamy-"clough vîsited wîth Mr. and day with thieir parents, Mr.!, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M rs o s L eag " a m 'M s E. K rv one n il, Scarbor- and M rs. W . F . P rk . Clarence Werrv.» and "f'il Walk with God.g ough on Sunda y* Mr. and Mrs. Cyri hl Mrs. Everett 'Mountjov spent. During the business MEet- ~Ea , a uPip Suda wt M. n 5.q ng Awa ecde eIIIid y P o l ry Mrk ti Visitors with' Mr. and Mrs. and Shannon, Kitchener, were, -S tu Hector Darke were: son Ross, gLiests of Mi'. and Mrs. 11» Myrray Mountjoy. D i a n n e dessert tea next month. There auhef MreNf oo huuuadjis eaPhip --Mâintjov visited with Mrs. Iva will also be a sale of home wt herfmlrsidtae, Mr.JanArm adLs ~K gus of Ottawa over the bkn n Christmas novel- l'hie Durham CoLnty Feder- sellin-g price would be pub- lilial Meeting: Delegates w'e'e D 'weekefld. iiesanld small gifts. !ation of Agr'iculture Direct- I isheëd. Il was definiteiy felt appojinted. t attend the O.F.A e nao otHp vt ievstdrltvsoe h Mrs. Ronald Love and the! A gaine dealing with Biblelors miet on Thursday eve nihtqutton o uise nua etn nTrnoher family to illake a Iapp long weekend with lier familv boys have returned to the flames wspae.he ee-Ot taIte home of Mr. by the Press are prices of eggs Nov. 6-7-8. 'rhe county wilwspae.Temet!c.5h l h1 gathering. near K-ingston. n- Ashb'adBl sb c n Vr.R ip 1i- parsonage after spending three ing was closed with the thème1 and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli. 1 sold under distress. More will pay registrations for 2Kel ien i A adBll UW/1Mr n IIs.R lapv weeks in Pt. Carling, whjich song, and a delicious lunch 1Blackstock. The Secretary re- be hleard of this plan later as gales toi attend the First Pro- an amle xh p e il c n Ms odnClpi 1Ia was Mr. Love's first charge. it was served. iported on a meeting of pool- 1wllfi rsýt be necessary te vincial Folk School. being ieldThkgiigathrcoaes teddth wasnecssay t spn . The November meeting will!try producers which lie and fornil a Marketing Plan tu at Geneva Park. Lake Couch- at different places 5 Jc' Plowing Match. was ncessry 1 sped soine: lime in the north te relieve'be he-ld aI Fairview Lodge. N/fr. Nowak had attended in comply with the Act. iching, Oct. 15-21. Lake, report that the,,res are Syînpathy is extended to Mr. Thertno- Davids astma. -Toronto ai the Lord Simcoe o untisually gr'een for this lime'J. Yeoman on !lie sodden pas- Wedg neg Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dale, Iliote]. The meeting decided 10 lîold Folwn tebuissheA uaMetg hsya the meeting, Dalton and Kath- of v'ear. Somne locat hikers who i i1Ê of Ilis father. lt-lai th nUa etigIixya is]tda lai-ge beaver dam Takgiving AMonday visi .tntînai Bonnie, Bobbie and Bruce ICIllhe Ontario Poultry r-i alngoetnhp ~le oci soe iIîe y ro n aligonTwnhp-i le Drel.shwd itue found n inged gentians bloom- tors of Mr. and Mis. A. Wood ~Il emnse spent Thanksgiving with Mi-s.! J I ItorIJ e ducers Assoc. have been strog - Hampton if arrangements can of theii- recent tr-ip te the Br n in abondance as fresh as and fanîiiv were, Mr. and Mrs. Dale's mother, Mrs. Eva Dun- gling for some time te develop-' be made. The date wil be the tish Isles. These were ver' ai ingthColin Ta.ylor, Mr. M. Maviin, h ]op. in Orillia. a 9 2pladesn whichi might stabilize lasItuayi Nvme fine pictores of aIl the impoct- ery 01n tleeseason. Ona Mrs. D. 11. Short, Mrs. Clirfî'the poultry indostry. They be- and will be a noon banquet. antsihsnEgld.So- ay om.sud fwid omaile MradM, land and even the Blai'nev geese rerninded themi that Fail llenrýy Wood, Marie anid'Ma-- ford Hopkins and Mrs. Ràonald lieve they now have a plan Il was confirmed the guest Stoini Iread. While the .é a's surely here, but tliey \veie -caret, Oshaxva. and Miss Mav, Looks and feels lil Frauts spent the weekend îArr tpal ~ which will work by selling speaker will be the O.F.A. oie O dfl. C er .hosewi Wood froni Eastboorne Sus- have an elegancei Kapsksig it Ms. t ers gg oerteletype, simnilar President, Mr. Wmi. Tilden, they rented a car to gel arouind fliflxsohig oiy hosiwih Ldegtet eggs o d oveusr wowilsek nhsi ta sec the sights --one of those sape.yes couIld find their gSex. Englanatc LinbrgTJhe new lean Dodge cars, t-h ehdnwiils ~ voîitseko i ecentw alfriniprsadln nte rgi k.Ms .Shd fITnvr There xiii be a Baptisîilsmartly styled and without an Ithe Hog Producers. Certain ti-p ta the .F,A.P. Conteriesca o h rei ngnprs'.idongV tearihtsk.Mrs. R.ichad Janes, - grngcmatch Service on Sundav, Octoberlitunce of extra weight, were'exemptions would be made te ence il) YLIgoslaVia. drvsontelvogiieo Pa., Ms Richarfdames, Pa-T hem - 22daIhi egilc.m rnigsow athePme Molor producers who market their hIe road. These pictures were m~1f~- caî r.Gro ht. Cosis about hall as church service. Parents desirl-,Sales Automobile Show ]ast owni eggs by direct sale ta cos- TeEeuiexe- pont nc noe yal ITUJNL Monday supper guests of Mr. atesthecopperpla in 0 have children baptized week. Visitors were pleased toifltrs but al others wood 1ed to meet witli a committee FLirthec announcenent wllî and Mrs. Paul. Vaneyk we e 'AND IT' are requested to contact the with the new features whichl be offered for sale by tele- te r,-v\iew the Duirhain Fedeî'a- be moide later conc-erinî the l'lie Octobei' meeting of 1'v-M.ndMsGere eoMc in Is .contibute to power, safety, type af at least the three top llion Constitution and present DnrharnGlenedemtataitnOAîînoal P the Thanksgiving Sec-land coinfort. igrades. Each grading station "ee.o rieidations tIo thie A i iMeet i-g. ilMS.wa el i i aî c. ln nit n fecoIIr5l hiome of M%,rs. R. Cooinbes. children and Mr. and Mrs.rNpon vic Sonda-y Aurning, Ked-' The Dodge 1962 lias a unit- would have a number whiciîRI al vsaswrdwtfMca eoadJ ni . r United Chuirch was beau-'i7ed body, the frarne and body woul(1 appeai' with the offer- VI VD T f a Thanksgiviîg \ver-se. Thle H-ampton. paper. J ifully decorated %vith brighty1are welded peî-manently lfl' iîng that the buyers riiglit re-! Y E L~V E R* T O N UiNovembeir meeting is to, Uc ýMr. and Mrs. Frank Wil- w iced as .(loured leaves, fruit, vege-! oie unit. Thece is a special1 cognlize tihe souirce. ut was feit' edaMs .Iaiil'to n lcoM.adMs tables aîîd grain. The decora-ilheating-defnosîing- ventilation lthis woold encourage quality. Cangratulations Io Bc ceig evern iaginîable topicwhedthatjMrsA.flfilto'hoson and 1- Wlscon. c.and r.tiiWt lions were arranged by Mrs. system, and a design withl By this xnethod the actual Lawson on winnng :fouc firsts and a shopping bag fui] Of uotixhit ji ffutfrbs vrt isn adBin th vlueOfpitlIwîll be gladly accepted. Oshawa, were Monday even- Williami Rosnak and Mrs. Jack, split front seat backs with pull with hîs four eqoines al, LLnd- foi- the kids - Ihie valueWrr cn-in cllr of M.adMs . jElliott. Re-. PRonald H. Love dlownm centre arm rest. Ther say Fair recently. Isan eeoil opt d îîtedth "Choral, Reading" Wilson and Allaii. f preachied a sermon on the is a new instrument cluster STARK VILLE 1 Many Yelvertoniatis a vailed be around fif ty cents. iwith ail taking parts. Gcoup Harvest Home Ser'vices will tr lheme, "Truc Gratitude Finds for quick glance convenience. themselves of the compara Plowing? -- who the heck leader Mrs. A. Hmla gave be hl odya Tyrone C a a Expression," and the chair This year Dodge has sound- Mr. and Mrs. Walden. Haîîî- tive proximity or this yearsgoes ta sec Ilhe plowing. h eoinlwt r.J .ie-d _Chunch. e itang an appropniate anthem proafing and engine isolation. ilton, spent Sunday at, Mc plowing match to attend at Match ploxving shows noM f0e 101nlih r.J C ntd hrh ivith a solo part by Mr. Ted Every Dodge model has six- Fred Todd's. 'least one day. Most of the agination when compared withOSA A W D POUCSSH W Collis. dip rustproofing, and custom- ,lime was spent (or should we Ouro ovi efforts. Ex'erythingOSA AW D R UC SH I Abot 1 meber o!tuecr ar ofere a hoie 0 a Mn. and Mrs. Briani Caswell say wasted) wvandering fnorn' straight and narrow like lad X(edron Doubles Club &pent V-8 engîne, or a slanl-6 engine a.ndail ddnerSo- lent te lent seeing what's siew fearng Punitans a.nd joItais an interesting evening on Sat- Other features are self-adjust: day evenin'g with Mn. and 'and tnyiog ta outwit the cus- dives, Monroe-like cuo x'e s. tirday at the Dunlop Observa- ing brakes, safety rim wheeis Mns. Alec Martin, Newcastle. todians of the give away junk dulà. None oif those dips aridI tory at Richmond Hll. They and saf-ty bell atîachinents.' Mn. and Mrs. Deibent Halli Ihnigtaï o.wr umsadblostreef - fnjoed n hur' tor o thý wel, ind an Bil sentthesincere enotiog in your inter- rows, each ils owri panticulan!r Observatory. 'nhe largest, tele-, oiaya hercttg. leta scoe ws taied n astr 'DDT'Ui Mer.ciodge. idstofbis product ta give yon width, that chacactenizes fal E eltviilebtedn ae setar a If ndfmly ow avll.~ pencil, nuler, booklet or plowin' here at Malconia-no rot isile e th naed yel 10R ISHand amiy, owmavile. what have you". Aller an siree, nonte of that dull mono- andsmllr tlecoesgave visitcd at Mr. Herb Reid's. afternoon of trampin', soakia' tonous stof! foc us. BesidesiO h w interesting views of Jupiter RegUlar morning serx'ice Mn. and Mrs. A. Stewart 'in a few bucketfuàls of free it would be a shanie to caver and Saturn. The group re- xvas held at 10 a.m. on Thanks- and family and Mrs. Fred coffee and tea, seine hot, sonne it wiîh the îai'rows as is oui Can turned te the church for their giving Sunday, the Rev. G. Falls, Peterborough, visited et1 co]d, you head back home with custom bot qoickly. a business period and nefresh- Wright ot Canton United Mn. Leonard Falls'. laI ku.o ltrtr oe-! e'ce happyvtb repaît that mets l a dcde hat Church officiating. Our own Misses Norma and Beulabitonflo!Ateauelae the Club danate $25 10 the minîster the Rev. R. M. Free- hIloel aotsetthe, ay Rfabtoins o is avaesg W INTERI choir. which ismaigpe man Iook Anniversary Ser- weekend at their home, andE IZA E H ILE stsatnl roili ek paratons te present a concert vices at Canton. There was a thein dinner guests Sonday, duin te ea. heevnîglarge congregation present te evening wenc Mn. and Mrs. A.'Rydis la o whpn waspianned by Mc. and Mrs. unîte in a very beautiful ser- Dobson, Mn. and Mrs. Llew' On Wedncsday evening hlielhe yodels he biears an echo - vice of Thanksgiving. Halloweil. and Jim. ýW. A. held their Octaber f rorn way back ... The speciai selection given Rev. R. C. White made pas- mneeting aI Mrs. Vernon Pea- Immprovcd hcalthi is wishied S by or choir, "We have a1 tonal calîs iin Ibis district last cackshoe M'sTrw efctoofu cizn, i. Guide Divine," uwith Miss Joan i week. president, opened the meeting Jas. McMiillien and M,.Jae-f i islî, ÔOto-ber-22nd-an e- M. ndMrWarren Car- te a salad plate -w&ith cold tjjrýut' I rl]e Al inovai- came, October 29'ih ai lar.son Nwerp iniOshawa visiting kev. - e t pook, tho'many iss-I T-BONE STEAK Mrs. Harold Osborne 's cani- Mîs. P. Tobin and Sundax' otly Sunday School tprvddm yitect vassîng once again throuAlh Mr and Mcs. McCart. was held because il was Can- peat customens foc six years this cammunity for the CNIB. IQueen.ston. wece rccent VisJ- ton enflivet'sary. or more, came fran Toron-to, o nly O>c lb. We %ish lier the usual success. tors witli Mc. and Mrs. Fred i Miss Noreen Prouse, Tor- Ottawa, Hamilton, Oshawa., A sre ignof omig wn-Todd and Mns. Lorne Todd. 'onto, spent the weekenîd at Milton,'and many dloser citics' 1c-The taking down and Mr. and Mns. Llew Hailo-ihome with. ber mather Mrs. and communities, and ane c liuîýcîrt LIBB'S -48~~Titi clcanîng out of the churcli weli and Jin, Mrs. MauniceProuse, lier brother CharieySctlssal ic vyfom _____ stove pipes. also taking pre- Hallowell, Newton v 11lle, at-'and Delbert Fishieigb. Glasgoxw, Scotiand. Supper' ~ O rI po e et Dvso TOMATO JUIC E thsepnky etalingsfrom Bllviat li ee. as spent the last week at lier,126 sitting down imrnediatelvHo e o ý cmp nesùing in the chimneys. ! The young people gave spe- parents' home, Mc. anîd Mrs. cantinuing without ]et up tili 0 Oo Mrs. Mary Simpson of Tor- cial music at the Thanksgiving Thickson. Iconc-'i ail ,-s-sy4fter 7,l.m for only £Y c tin i onto speol the long weekend service at Shiloh xvhich xvas, Misses Bervl aîîd Dalene, ocuio bclyatr7 i.Ive wî1l supply l necessary maeil o ___________________ xiîlhbec sister, Miss M. Beck- nicely decocated xith 'munis. Toronto, speîît the weekend ett. The anniversary service îs at home. KELLOGC'S Mrs. D. Haines, Mrs. M. J. being planned for October 29. Mc. W. White, Toronto, %vas WESLEY VILLE O~.f Osbone and friend enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs. Clifford spent at home. Wo Ilunda aftenoon dive va the eeken withMr. and The Sheppards bad dLiinen Several fanîlies froni theO saaWoR Ail-Star CEREAL lGrafton. Rice Lake, Garden Mms. J. Foiik, Burks Falls. at Mn. and Mýrs. H. Sheppard's,Icomnuniîy were represcnted 1Hill and South ta the hîghway, Mr-s. 1. PIon. Toronto, setCampellcroft, Sunday. IaI the ploughing match Lim ite only2 7 oko. ý driving through Elizabethville. the 'Ihanksgiving hi o I i d a à, 1Mr. and Mrs. Thickson aîîd Belleville lasI week including e:L m ie r- ed hue pocupne astoserlwiiîyM.tAhehr Mcae. famr..Brs.lloeAandMnethoe osKeaAshy.narls ve sunin.ilsIf y te sie M. BMrAnreeicskanaaodMrsEE.gowrr BarrMow-ckinson Edar Brco- E10 TLEPONERTOEERV YO of the caad obliviaus to the visiîed lus sister McIs. M. and Mrs. Lewko Sunday forý clough, Arnold Thorndyke and (A GOLDEN RIPE honkiuig of harns and rush of Shutka. a Thanksgiving dinner. 1 George Tufford. Oshawa Office and Showrooin passing cars. Maybe it was Friends fcoi Pari-v Sounîd Miss Marie Mercer visitedi Mrs. J. Walter and Mrs. Il.<OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Il A IN A Nf A S j taking the last suni bath for were recent weekend guests1with Miss Hortier, Bewdley, on ' Reeve atteuided a meeting ofPh e:7817 1961.ýwiLhMr. ad Mrs A. c>bso.ýMonaý*. the WM.S.of the United hn:7811 Miss Betty Rimsik, a first Mr. aîîd Mrs. Llexv Hallo- A fcxv niotored to Castlcton' Church in Port Hope on Thurs- BOWMANVILLE - MA 3)-2130 e nly 10c ILb. eac- student niurse at Belle- well were dinner guests withand elcbrated with Mr. andý day aflernoon ta hear the mis- xilli, Hospital was home foc Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caswell.,Mrs. Setteringlon xvho weresianary plans foc the new or- OH W OD POUT SAf Thanksgiving. l zion. niarcîed 25 à-cars ago. 1ganization. On Friday ex-en- LSA A W O RDCSOHW Cl b' cact The election of te Club iofficers wiil be held by the club at its dinner meeting on eports!Monday evening, October 23rd. 1 Cy Powell, past president ention'fatheOshawa-WestmountKi- ýeti f the members of that club. Gordoni Nding ClbO Osborne, Don Ormiston anîd ýDut h rn John Howsan, were guests at Tuedl' -Ihe dinner meeting orf the ntueaYEut-Bowmanville Kiwanis Club ce-presidentlon Tuiesday evcning. ,esented in- on the Ki- ubc- Mari- Gel Ca sh Today edinQue-!Fr l wchthey FrO d AppiBRces of the local through ho villmTe- S T A T E S M A N ranc marc] C L A S SIF1E D S d. They arej Phone MArket 3-3303 ccrv Brown,' ughInvitations engraved (ItÀÎ5EnLETTERiNG) gagement annoluîcemenim, hirth antioîmce. ,m inmitai ons, golden and ailvrr anivertary 1rrno-eugfraving' (RAISED LETTERINO) :e the finest hand engravîng. The etr and iodividuality OnI'y the finest hand en., raVinDg (RAlSED LETTERINGI smitch as hand engraving, becauàiie emin. ate that makes handcngravingaoxpensive s REÂDY WITMN THE WEEK ' 5o -voit can order snalching eriosure fard, ,response, ihlank you and mt home cards, eiv. mor i( iant catalogue of flaivlemali corret Il distinriive styles of ]ettering. Weddinigs low as 50 for $9.00 and 100 for $13.50, com- li double envelopea and i tssums available at 4ian Statesmnan I WOOD PRODUCTS -I. Main Office and Showroom COURTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 21-SM0 A WOOD PRODUCTS 1 f 6 Wood Products Don'L "'ait ,... take steps now te keep the cold OUT and the warmth IN your home this wLnter! Check with our Home Improve- ment Division for Fret Planning and Estimatinir Serv- * ~ Our 311 years' ex- perience ln thé, building trades ix Your guarantee of ~'. satisfaction. ORS -INSULATION te NEW ROOF, etc., ýNTHLY PAYMENTS IPRO VEMENT LOAN lete the job for you the do-it-yourselfer 'roducts THE CANADIAN STATESMANI, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO x A WOOD PRODUCTS

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