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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1961, p. 3

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- ý i 1 .1-1 -- - -% NESDAY, OCT. 1 Ith, 1961 'ampton Mani Wedding at Lynden Wins Chair In 100F Draw The Odd Fellows and Re- bekah Triple Link Draw was held on Monday, Oct. 2nd in front of the Bowmanville l~aHall. His Worship Mayor WliUrid Carruthers drew the Wiinn!ng tickets. Clare Yeo,.. Hampton, was the winner of the Lazy-Boy chair; James ]Bothwell, Cobourg, won a dlock-radio, and James Shaw, Oshawa, was the winner of the fine floor lamp. The co-convenors for the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Tri- i3i.X* *WE INVITE YOU TO DROP IN AND SEE THE 1962 WALLPAPERS Both Domestic and Imported More than 500 Samples to choase from See Our Windaw Display ABERNETHY'S PAINTS AND WALLPAPER 33 King Street West Bowmanville MA 3-5431 Pictured at the reception follawing their mar- rnage are Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Mavin. Formerly Miss Carole Whitton, the bride is the daughter af Mn. and Mrs. Norman Whitton of Lynden, Ont., and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mavin af Bowman- ville. The couple will reside at 43* Grandview South in Oshawa. pie Draw were Mrs. Elva Bec- kett, Mrs. Lorne Kerr, Mrs. Gordon McMurter, Herbert Powell and William Corden. I MAVIN - WHITTON Beautiful baskets ai white and yellow gladioli decorated Lynden United Church on Saturday, August 26th, 1961, for the lovely wedding ai Canal Daisy Whitton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Whit- ton ai Lynden, and Dean Richard Wayne Mavin, son ai Mn. and Mrs. A. Mavin, Cburch St., Bowmanville. The wedding ccnemony was penformed by the Rev. Russ and the wcdding music was played by Mrs. Anderson, the church organist. Given in manniage by ber fathen, the bride wonc a full- length gown ai white satin with an avenlay ai re-embroid- ered angandy appliqués, scoop neckline, and lily-point sleev- es. Hen shoulden veil ai tulle illusion was held in place by a conanet ai peanîs and she carnied a bouquet of red ras- es with white and pink car- nations, and trailing stephan- otis. Mns. Nancy Thomas, Brant- fond, the bride's sîsten, was matron ai honor wearing a street-length dress ai blue or- ganza with matching head- piece. She carried white and yellow baby 'mums with blue cornilowers. Mn. Menton Mavin, Bow- manville, performed the du- ties ai best man for bis bro- ther and the ushens were Mn. William Whitton, brother ai the bride, Brantford, and Mr. John Mullenger, Hamilton, the bride's brather-in-law. The reception for aven 60 guests, which included rela- tives and friends, was beld at the home ai the bride's par- ents. Recciving the guests, the bnîde's mothen wore a blue sbeath with matcbing duster and bat, and a corsage ai pink and white carnations, Assist- ing at the reception, the gro- om's mother ware a beige linen seath wth matching '116 Attend Dist. Meeting ."The purpose ai this meet-I ing is two-iold," was the state- ment of Mn. Harold Petch af North Hastings District High School at Rock Haven Motel on Thunsday evening, Sept. 28. "In the first place, we wish to welcome ail teachens who are new ta the profession and, new ta District 22. We hope i ta make them feel at homel and ta get acquaintod wîtb anec anothen and with the teachers, ai the District." "Our second aim is ta give, assistance ta these people in handling thein subjects and sa aid the new teachers and also students in their classes. To do this we are appointing ex- perienced teachens wbo iwil act as consultants in eveny subject. These people will be available for advice by mail or by 'phono at any time. One hundned and sixieen, '74 of wbom arc new ta the pro- fession, attended the meeting Thase f r a m Bowmanvl- Courtice were Miss Pam.l Loveday, James Presson, Bow- manville; Wm. Power, Court- ice. District 22 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachens Federation extends fram Bow- manville ta Cobourg and tram lake shore ta Bancroft and Waliburibn. w.r Sby John W. Lowry your telephone manager Experts in Telephone Service ]installer Barry Cowling, shown above with Mns. Alan Osborne, 26 Brown St., Bowmanviile is one ai the Bell folk around Bowmanville whosc Job it is ta pravide you with the bcst in telephone service. When you request any changes or additions ta your service, Barry or nenofaiis fellow craftsmen, cames ta yaur home and does the îvork skilfully and efficiently. We're proud ai these men and happy ta have thons represent us. As a representative af the Bell, Barry is more than an installer - he's an expert In tele- phono service. He know~s, for example, that the busy modern housewife finds the kitchen one of the handiest places for an extension 'phone. But more than that, ho can advisc her on the best location for such a 'phone, as weli as the mast sultable style and colour. He can also suggest the type ai 'phono that Would be most suitable for any room, Including the bcdroom, wvhere a bedslde telephone brings a feeling ai security at night. Say "hello" ncxt time you sec Barry, or anc of bis fellow installers, in yaur ncighbounhood. (You'll know them by their familiar green Bell truck.) Ask them ta show you the differont cabanr and styles af 'phonos that arc avail- able. They will bc glad ta talk it aven with you. If yaa wish ta ardor a handy extension 'phone for your home, simply cal! us at Zenith 6-7300 and we'Il bo glad ta send one ai aur installons out ta sec you. 0 0 0 It's that wondeniul time af the year again wvhen we ahl feel the urge ta don the old bunting jacket, pick up aur trusty gun and tramp off into the waods. Yes, huntîng is a grand sport! And everybody in Bowman- ville will get their full measure of enjoymont out of it provided we all observe the nules ai good hunt- Ing. It might be wortbýwhilo ta bave a quick lok at the following few safety bints just ini case same of them may have slipped youn mînds since last soason: koep youn sbooting controlled by a bll an othen back stop; idontify yaun game befare you shoot; keep yaun barrel dlean and froe fram mud, snow and othen obstructions; allow anly ompty guns in cars, trucks, boats, camps, and homes; and mako sure the saiety catch is on; neyer leave a loaded gun unattend- cd and carry yaun gun sa you contrai, the muzzle at ail times. . . . May we glso remind yau flot ta fine in the direction ai wiro md cables, glass insulators, on rnicrawavc towens. Yau'il be beiping ta protect services that are vital ta you and people you knaw. Enjoy happy, SAFE bunting this season. Here's anc thing we'd like to rcmind yau of- thase handy YELLOW PAGES In the back ai your telephone diroctony. With fal hause clcaning in full swving. it's the grcatost way ta "'hunt" al aver town fon what you need. Cleaninc supplies, paint, repafr people - you name It and yau'il ibid it in your 'YELLOW PAGES. You save time and ateps when 7ou use thozn. ow . THE CANADIMI STATESMANq, BOtWANVI=L, ONTARIO PACMTHE Wed in St. PauI's United Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walter Whyte are shown- signing the register following their marriage in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, September 23, 1961, at 4 o'clock. The bride is the former Donna Ellen June Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson E. Taylor, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son af Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whyte of Bowmanville. -Photo by Rehder jacket and accessonles ai kav- ender with a corsage ai pink and white carnations. For a honeymoon trip ta Niagara Falls, the bride wore a green sheath with matching dusten and a corsage ai bronze and yellow Imums. The bride was the recipient ai numerous showers beld by ber fniends in Lynden, Brant- fard, Bowmanvillc, Hamilton. After the honeymoon, the bride and groom will reside at 43 Grandview Ave., South, in Oshawa. WHYTE - TAYLOR On Saturday, September 23, 1961, at 4 o'clock, St. Paul's United Churcin, Bowmanville, effectively decorated with white and pink 'munis, was the setting for the m-arriage af Donna Ellen June Taylor, daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. Thompson E. Taylor, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, and Mn. Raiph Walter Whyte, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Robent Whyte, Bowman- ville. Rev. H. A' Turner was the officiating clergyman and the wedding music was played by church arganist Mn.1 Murdoch Beaton, who accompanied the soloist, Miss Margot -Rankine ai Oshawa. The bride, who was given in marniage by her father, wone a floor-length gown ai white Chantilly lace fashion- ed with a scalloped neckline, long lily-pointed sleeves and featuring a self front panel. The skirt back wvas accented by rows af self rufiles ta the hemline. Rer elbow-iength embroidery edged veil af tulle illusion feil fromn a pearl OMIT A FEW 0F THE SAVINGS-STOCK UN! Il TINY TOT BABY PANTSblue -dtgn, Ror 5lo prnw., 2 p- le SIC1 13 REXALI HYDROGEN PEROXIDE u2SP.lO.sL6ýé; 4 o.Reg. 300,2 fr31c EREXAL CASTOR OIL T' cu lt.sl4dr. . Regfoed 5. 2 for 56c E REXALI MINERAL IL HK.Oy A.w.'r 2 for 90C REXAL GER-RITE LIQUID TONIC 24 Clar 5.8.2 for'5.99 Il REXAL TINCTURE 0F IODINE l fltl 2 536" EGENERAL PIJRPOSE EN" OPES " f 2 for 26C Il TERRY FACE CLOTH$ ' l '2' f tYcol,~. ~ 6 E ADRIENNE COLD CREAM crcMY 2f-11.90 Il REXALLI ILKOFMAAGNESIAVA 20%ci 2 e R"ýtr76 E]REXADENT TOOTHPASTE rTOOTHPOWDER ,,e.,2(at7Oc Il HELEN CORNEL BOBBY PINS 20pn. ncrd eult. à CARA NomE BaTE *EXALL ADHESIN SET MAit SPRAY TAPE WATERPRoU Push.button nerosol for soft 3i 5 yar( lasting curie. Holds thse Most JRe 390.2 for 40 \~2delicate hair styles. Z: 7 oz. Reg.8 .7 2 or$176W 4xi10yards Lj oz eg.8172so2for= 6 Reg- 590 2 for 60 l4oz.Reg.123SO2foi2. 1.1. 1ý»- " RIXALI ELIENZO TOOTH BRUSHES 3 rows of nylon bristles. Tufted end, convex or nsultu.uft st>Is.l ; In accuhle tube. Regular 50e I 2 for 514 Jury S15 King SL REXALL POLYI Orange-flavoured En containin, 7 vitai infants ad young ch 8 oz. Re&. 83.49 2 16 = Re& .85.M22 M2 cm. Re&. $9-M2 and OF ýds 04 ré ]Reg. 950. 2 for 964 mulsion ns for hidren. for $3.30 for'52 foe '9.26 Lovel MA 3-3361 Married in Port Perrv Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Denton MacNeil Boyd, above, are shown followýing their marriage in Port Perry United Church an Fniday, August 4, 1961. The bride is the former Narma Audrey Rabinson, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Robinson, Port Perry, and the groom is the son of Mr. and. Mrs. J. W. Boyd, Orono. --Photoý by Robert Aldsworth crown and she carried a cas- cade bouquet af white carna- tions and red roses. Miss Faye Taylor, the bride's sister, was maid ai honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Canal Taylor, another sis- ter af the bride, and Miss Lynn Lunney, ah aif Bowman- ville.' They wene identically attired in street-length pale blue organza aver taffeta with scoop necklines, cap sîceves and bouffant skirts. They wone matching shoes and their head- dresses were a single match- ing self rose with eyelash length veil. Thein flowens were cascade bouquets ai white and blue tinted 'mums. Mr. Arnold Vermeulen ai Bowmanville was best man and the ushers werc Mn. Ralpb Clarke, Bawmanville, and Mr. Donald Farder ai Port Perry. The reception was held In St. Paul's Sunday School Room wbere the guests were received by the bride's mothen who chose a mink brown dress with lace bodice, white velvet hat and glaves, brown shoes and bag, and corsage of Befone leaving an a wed- ding trip ta the St. Lawrence Seaway and Eastern points, the bride donncd a navy blue jacket dress for travelling, with white bat and accessor- ies and corsage ai white 'mums. Mn. and Mns. Wbyte will reside an Durham St., Bowmanville. Pnior ta ber manniage, the bride was guest ai bonon at a miscellaneous sbowen given by Mrs. G. Rickard at bier home, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, and at- tended by nesidents ai Shaw's Community. Miss Marie Hadg- son was bostess for a similar shower bcld at ber home in Bowmanville. HIRCOCK - PARKER The manniage ai Joyce Mar- ion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker, ta Douglas Albert Hircock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hircock, al ai Oshawa, was solemnized in 'Ai- bert Street United Church last Saturday aternoon. The Reverend Albert Lanke periormed the ceremony with Mrs. Bruce Searle, oganist, poviding the wedding music and Mrs. Morris Lave as sala- îst. The bride was given in marriage by hier father. Flow- en motifs enhanced ber floor- length gown af white silk or- ganza over taifeta, styled with a pleated neckline and short siceves, complemented by el- bow-length mittens. A sequ- ined coronet held ber shaul- der-length veil and she car- ried a cascade of pink roses and stephanotis. Miss Caral Parker was her sister's maid of honor and the other attendants were Mrs. Norman Parker and Mrs. Rab- ert Parker. They were Iden- tically dressed in peacock blue peau de soie, with fitted bod- ices and bell skirts. Flower cluster headdresses and eye- lash veils and mittens al i matching blue completed their costume and they carried cas- cades ai white shasta chry- santhemums. Mr. Lloyd Hircock was best man and the ushers were Mr. Robert Hircock and Mn. Robert Parker. A reception was held I the Knights ai Columbus Hall. Re- ceiving, the bride's mother wore silven brocaded with brown, and beige and brown accessories, with a yellaw cor- sage ai baby chrysanthemums. The bridegroom's mother was ini blue sill< chiffon with dusty rose accessories and a pink corsage. For their honeymaan, the couple are motorîng i Mus- koka and Haliburton. As they left, the bride was wearing a twyo-piece brawn sheath dress with beige accessories and à corsage of yellow baby chry- santbemums. Mn. and Mrs. Hircock will retunn ta reside at 349 Fron- tenac Street. Guests were present from Blackstock, Bowmanvîlle,. St. Thomas, Cobourg, Whitby and Scarborough. DICKINSON - PASCO£ Standards ai white 'mums farmed a iovely setting in Zion United Church on Sat- urday, September 16, 1961, at 3 o'clock when Marilyn Isa- belle Pascoc, daugbten ai Mn. and Frank H. Pascoc af Hampton, and Mr. Ronald Ross Dickinson, son of Mn. and Mns. Ross Dickinson of Newcastle, were unîted in manriage. Rev. P. Page was the ofiic- iating clergyman and the wed- ding music was played by Mn. Frank Walter. Soloist Ross Metcalf sang "The Wedding Prayer"l and "0 Perfect Love". Given in marniage by ber father, the bride wore a full- leng th gown ai pure silk or- ganza with short sleeves, slim bodice and nanrow bell skirt. The back was accented by a bustie which fell into a sweep- ing train. ~A matcbing head- dress of siflk organza held ber bouffant veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of stephan- otis and ivy. The bnide's sister, Mrs. Da- vid McCullough, was matron af honor and the bridesmaids wenc Miss Betty Locke, Miss Emily Orach and Miss Pearl Pascoe. They wone dresses ai similar design ta the bride's of street - length raspberry satin peau de soie featuring scoop neckiines, close fitting bodices and beil-shaped skints, which wene designed with ap- non fronts. Their headresses wëre a single matching rose and thcy carried nosegays ai white cbrysanthemums. The groom's brother, Mn. Ben Dickinson, was best man and the ushens.were Mn. David McCullough, Mn. David Rich- ard and Mn. Douglas Dewd- ney. The reception was held at the Township Hall, Hampton, wbene the bnide's mothen ne- ceived the guests in a dusty rose sheath dress with rose bat, navy blue accessonies and corsage ai white carnations. The groom's mother, who as- sisted ta receive, was in a two piece blue brocaded dress, matching blue accessonies and corsage ai deep pink carna- tions. As the couple leit on their honeymoon ta the United Sta- tes, the bride was wcaning a thnee-piece magenta wool won- sted suit, white maribou bat, black accessonies and corsage ai gandenias. They will ne- side in Oshawa. I M $HOP AND $AVE 47 KING ST. E. "QUALITY MEATS" THE KING 0F 'EM ALL! STANDING PRIME RIB ROASI SHORT CUT lb. .5 9C LEAN, FRESH HAMBURG 3 Ibs. $1.OO FLAVOR ¼GaL 79ç~ lu 1 IL À a 1 . a# - - 1 1 Group Needs Flannelette The Sunshine Group met at the home af Mrs. Stan Dunn, 26 Lambs Lane. A letter of thanks was read by the presi- dent Mrs. E. Thompson, fram Lyman G. Henderson, Chair- man, Art Gallery Committee, for our help at the gallery at the C.N.E. An invitation was received from the Lionettes ta attend an apen meeting at the Lions Centre, Oct. 17 at 8 to hear MIr. Douglas Nutter, and see films regarding Children's Aid Society, which the Lion- ettes support. Our participation ln the April Cancer Drive was dis- cussed. Mrs. Thompson an-' nounced that we are in need af good used flannelette ta make dressings at the Dress- ing Station at the Lions Cen- tre. A letter of thanks was re- ceived from the Princess Mar- garet Hospital for knitted slippers that were sent from the Group last Spring. ýZiry Cleaners C/hucîUe A Young man called at the minlster's office. 'l Just came ta talk to you, hle sald, "and ta ask yau If It's right for any persan ta profit by the mis- takes of anather." "Most certainly.not," replied the minister. Then the Young man heid out his hand and said, "Per- haps yau'Il return the $10 00 [ gave yau lait June for marry- lutg me.", Ed. Leslie CLOTHES CARE MfNTS: We invite questions an clathes cane and dry cleaning. Address them ta Clothes Cane Hints, Bowmanville Cleaners, Bowmanvile, Ontario. The answers will appear in this space. Help the Blind . .. help theinselves! C.N.I.B. Bliz for Funds - Nonday, Oct. lb RAVELW 2 P/4M04/D UN BREAKAB LE F. T O NL , MAINSPRING in whilte MARR'S JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP 391 n t W A356 $HOP AND $AVE JUICY AND TENDER! T-BQNE WmNG STEAKS Expertly Trimmed P.~ -, e' Il I FIRTH BROS. NEILSON'S FAMOUS Uc. CRIAM qk [EECRiCLTD J [5ONTRACTINGRoEPMRnS CAR \.- 1.' a 39 King St. W. MA 3-5463 47 KING F NEW By BULOVA MA 3-5081

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