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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1961, p. 7

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- n r.Fra nk Bingharn andi - ~ , Colleen. Mrs. Frank Bingharn K s ( j j , Sr., Miss Doris Martin and Mr.1 o aal & IToronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' A. Marti, David and Shelley Phon MA 3 - 303Anne, Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Meilow, King- ston. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Derraugh, and Rusty, Dearborn, Midi. The Afternoon Auxiliary of Oltawa, were Thanksgivingl Dr. and Mrs. Albert E. Allun, the W.M.S. of Trinity United g11ts of Mrs. C. J. Smale. Fort William, are guests of Church met in the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillin-Y her sister and bsother-in-law, School Room on Tuesday, Oct. spent Thanksgiving weekend Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stocker, 3, with 38 members present. In Ottawa and Eastern points.ISecond St., and are vîsîting The worship service was in Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey friends and relatives in Bow- charge of Mss. E. Osbosne, spent the holiday weekend at manville and Hampton. assisted by Mrs. R. Gilbert, theirMrs. R. Hutchinson and Mrs. ther cottage, Twelve Mile Miss May Wood, Eastbourne, K. Sumessford. A beautiful Lake.Sussex, England, asrived by seading, "Thanksgiving", was Mss. AUce Delve, Toronto,, T.C.A. jet last Satusday and'ýread by Mrs. Sumersford. The Was a recent guest o! her 's i5vsiting with Mr. and Mrss ais ureMs .Jms cousins, Dr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Colin Taylor, brother AbertsjlîD.e quaret, Mrs. S. James, James. adfmlTrnadbo mond and Mrs. L. VanDriel, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shaw, ther Henry and faxily, Osh- sendered "The Valley o! Pray- 'Toronto, are visiting his sis- awa.- ers"'. The offering was receiv- ter, Mrs. D. R. Morsison, Con- Last Saturday, October 7th, ed by Mrs. H. Jamieson and cession St. Mss. Gladys Wfllatts, Town, Mss. F. Jackman, and dedicat- Ms. and Mrs. Bll Burk and received ber Government Cer- ed by singing "We Give Thee John were weekerid guests o! tified Nursing Assistant diplo- But Thine Own"'. President Mr. and Mrs. Keith Chick, man. Mrs. Willatts has been on Mrs. Alldread welcomed the Brockille.the staff o! Oshawa General members and Mrs. C. W. Bscvl.Hospital for nearly eight Siemon, and invited ail to re- Mr. and Mss. Reg. Stapleyýyas main for a cup o! tea. Mss. and family, Toronto, were yas Slemon thanked the members Sunday guests o! her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ste- for the gift of a Life Mem- Mrs. W. H. Birks. phens, Godeslch, Ms. and Mrs. bership in the New Women's Ms. and Mss. Wm. Quick Dave Hicks, Harriston, spent Organization. The meeting were Thanksgiving weekend~ Thanksgiving weekend with closed with the Mizpah Bene- guests o! theis son, Mr. Don1 Mrs. N. Woodley, Wellington diction. Quick, Montreal, Que. Street. Mr. and Mrs. H. Skin- ner and Mr. Clarence Woodl- Two pictures o! local intesest Mrs. J. T. Middup, Toronto, ley Tysone, wese Sunday appear in the Faîl issue of the was a Thanksgiving weekend v-itrs Canadian Wool Grower. In imest with Mss. W. O. Laflelle itos one, C.N.E. President W. P. and Miss Lausa LaBelle. Miss Linda Colwell enter- Fseyseng is presenting the Mr. Eddie Willatts had the tained the Clasa of '62 o! the Challenge Trophy to Boyd( snisfostune to slip in the bath- Oshawa General Hospital at Ayre, Hampton. This trophye tub last weekend and Is a pa- her cottage, Hill1top House, was presented many yeas týMt In Mémorial Hospital. Caesarea, Lake Scugog, last ago, along with a Reserve Mr. and Mrs. Len Henry, Thursday evening. The elass Trophy, to the C.N.E. by the Windsor, were weekend guests was celebrating the successful President's fathes, the late E. o! hes parents, Mr. and Mrss completion o! their second j. Fseyseng, for competîtion ,d . Witheridge, Scugog Street. year o! nursing. by top winness o! ail breeds Mr. L. B. Nichols has return- Mr. and Mss. Grant Stephen-. on Pen of Four Lambs, flot ed home aftes spendin g son, Susan, Wendy and Bar- more than two sams. The Thanksgiving with Mr. and basa, Montreal, Que., and Mr. second photo, an appealing onet Mss. James Moran in Cala- and Mss. Joe Southwell and O! lambs and youngsters, basf bogie. Joanne, Whltby, were visitors the caption, "Boyd Ayre's Suf-s Ms. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, dusing the holidayr weekend folks Won the Trophy ThisS Nancy and Jimmie, Chatham, o! Mr. and Mrs. Rn aw.Yar"andhcutlines as follows,c spent Thanksgiving weekend thorne and Basney. On Sun- olin te lambs are Boyd's1 with his parents, Mr. and Mss. day Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne son Stuart, and his daughter,q James Hall. and Barney were dinner Luanne, assisted by his niec- Mr. Wsley aveyguests of the forme' sister, es, Wendy andB Cindy Lou,e Mr WseyDveDetroit, N i,,Loise Reynolds a nd< daugbters o!f Boyd's twinv Midi., is visiting bis sisters, Jam;ie, Tor-onto. brother, Lloyd, who won thea Mrs. W. A. Edges and Mrs. W. Reserve Cup with Hampshires. t J. Bagneil, and at present is Mss. Glen Pollard, Streets- A full back page ad for Aure- i with Mss. Edger. ville, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shupak, omycin Crumbles contains aS Mrs. J. H. Johnston spent Gary and Karen, Miss Tuckes testimonial of the psoduct by the weekend In Peterborough Couch, Mr. Walter Fenton, Lloyd Ayre, who lives on R.* with ber daughter and son- Toronto, Miss Hazel Barrie, R. 4, Bowmanville, and also !n-lw, r. ad Ms. BuceOshawa, Mii. W. Locke, Graf- shows a picture o! Mr. AyreP Wesly an fa-ily.tan, Mrs. H. Fallis, Mlllbrook, and one o! bis daughtess with Weey nd amiy.Mrss Clinton Farrow, Newton- one of his prize winning sbeep.S Miss Ruby Aldwosth, Tor- ville, Mrs. H. Bowen, Mr.E onto, »pent Thanksgiving Day Stan Bowen, Mir. and Mrs.b at the home of her brother, Harry Jose, Mr. and Mss. Jack Ms. and Mrs. Wilfred Aid- Holmes, Don and Betty Jean,at Worth, Courtîce. and Ms. and Mns. George Ste- Ded cat t Ms. and Mrs. Ralph Ames phenson, Newcastle, were se- e mnd Jil, Town, and Mss. D. cent visitors with Ms. andNe O rgan ' M. 'Palmes, Oshawa, spent Mifs. Wallace Holmes, Town. r T4.,nksgiving weekend wth Thi~iig weed AtS(I aw Ms. Fe ari,0 uests with Mr. and Mis. Gor- St tWa.edvstoswt r don C. Martin were M. and In an impressive ceremony 2 A.Weerkedvsitors with MrMs. Alec G. Martin, Tommnie o udymrig h e A. . rokswee i -and iDonnie and Mis. George orgn Sunday mosniitednew Mss. Wm. Mood and Anne, Smith, Newcastle, Mr. and Chrcn baS. Pasntedasat London, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. George Staipleton, Keith wsddctda Mss. John Brooks, Chris. Tim and Dorothv. Newtonville . Mr.emorial ."To the Glory Of! I TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Minister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. il arn. - MORNING WORSHIP Sacrament of Baptism "The Way, The Truih, The Life" 7 p.rn. - The Congregation will imite at St. Paul's for Anniversary Service. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.rn. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 a.m. - Beginners 11:20 arn. - Kindergarten and Primary Baby-sitting Service A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL St. PauI's United (hurch 127tb ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Minister - Rev. Harold A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. M. L. Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. 9:50 a.rn. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - "The Church and You" 7:00 p.rn. - "Getting Somnething Out of Religion" GUEST PREACHER REV. W. MORRISON KELLY, M.A., B.D., S.T.M., Professor of Public Worship, Emmanuel College, Toronto A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone MA 3-5023 WORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 a.rn. - Hollana 11:00 a.rn. - English 7:30 p.rn. - English Free transportation for those wilhing btunable "Back To God Hour" Broadcasis gCKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.n. every Sundaj CKEY, Toronto, at 7 am God and in banour o! those who sesved in war, 1914-18 and 1938-45". These words are en- graved on the bronze plaque maunted on the console. Rev. Harold A. Turner, the pastos, was in charge of the special service wbicb was well attended. Cburch organist Murdoch Beaton, LRAM, ARCM, LTCL, presided at the organ during tbis special service. Many favorable comments were beard tram those pre- sent, not only on the impres- sive memorial service and the enjoyable music, but misa the wonderful tone o! the new in- strument and the talent dis- played by Ms. Beaton. Dusing the service o! thanks- giving, bath senior and junior chairs rendered special appsop- riate antbems. B l'untz Retu ms ,iivIusic IesTi 'vai -1 is a good counter and some open exhibition cupboards, same closed cupboards and drawers. She misa told the members that there is a aide caunter for parcelling, and a table for special displays. Mss. Cawker said that she and the other officiais o! the auxiliary glad- ly approved the Tuck Shop quarters. Mss. W. M. Rudell. second- ed by Mrs. McMurter, the vice-president, moved that the auxiliary spend up ta $2,000 ta pay for the necessary sbelv- ing and ta stock the Tuck As chairman o! the Bootee Cammittee, Mss. Rudell se- ported that 40 pairs o! booteem are on hand in the bospital, She also announced that the Red Cross Blood Clinic will be held in the Lions Commun- [ty Centre on November 4th. The. president, Ms. Masan, the vice-president, Ms. Mc- Vlurter, Msrs. Cawker and Ms. Van Nest will attend the Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliaries As. sociation Annual Convention to be held at the Royal York Hatel, Toronto, on October 23rd, 24th and 25th. Ms. Raenigk, seconded bv M'rs. Van Belle, moved that the auxiliary pay registration fees ut the convention for the lelegates and up ta 10 obser- vers. This motion was carried. The corresponding secretary, MIrs. H-. Saunders, reparted bhat she had sent sympathy cards ta two memnbers wbo bac recently suffered b>ereave- nents, also a card o! best wishes ta Mrs. Allan B. Syl- restes on the birtb o! ber new >aby. Mss. Saunders told the memn- bers that she had written a letter o! thanks ta Mss. E. W. Scbauffler, Orono, for the sel of hand rails she bad given the auxiliasy for use in the Lospital. She also stated thal letters o! thanks for assist- nce regarding the Blitz Can- 'as heid by the auxiliary bad been sent ta the Ontario Training School for Boys, Bawmunville, for 25 posters iade there; and ta Bowman- ýille Ceaners, Jury and Loy- Il nd Robson Motors for ublicity in their press adver- Jsements. It was also decided ta send ýtter o! thanks concerning iep given ta the Blitz Cam- )ain o oy ..,col. Jvv. i ci r Il 1. ti a] vi b vi el Pl ti be <FROM PAGE ONE) ling's Drug Store, Bell Tele- Avenu,, had genesously of fer- phone Employeea, McGregos ed ta donaite a quilt ta the Drug Store, Canadian States- auxiliary for a raffle. She aiso man, Orano Times, Sauina Wo- told the members that Mrs. men's Institute and Brown's Jesse Van Nest had offered ta Busy Bees. contribuate a Ming tree, two Foloigtebsns et piecs of drifwood twoinga deliciaus afternoon tes Christmas decorations, and ai was served by Mss. J. J. dressed doîl for a draw. Bsown, the convenor, Mrss Mrs. Glenholme Hughes, Harold Lake and Mss. O. J. seconded by Mss. W. A. Court- Presson. ney, moved that the kind of- _________ fers o! Mss. Wilkins and Mss. Van Nest be gratefully ac-0 certd nda raffle beid by Die the auxiliary early in Decem- ii el ber. This was carried. Mss. S. G. McMurter and Mss. H. Saunders were uppoiuted con- u a venors o! the draw. FOPAEN) Mrs.Wesly Cakersec-and came ta rest at the north- ouded by Mss. Harold Lake, east corner o! the intersection. moved that paiyment be auth- Damage was estimated at arized for the accounts pre- î00 seuted by Mss. Duncan Smith, chairman o! the Buying Coin- Truck driver, Sipke De Jong, mittee and Mss. A. L. Hooey, 321 Glidden Ave., Oshawa, chairmain o! the Babies Wear wvas removed ta the hospital Committee. Buying Committee with lacerations ou bis bead. accounts were $21.47 and the H1e was treated by Dr. H. B. Babies Wear Committee ac- Rundle. Car drives Richard counts amaunted ta $48.34. Woolner, 35 Queen St., Bow- Mss. W. H. Birks reported munville, wras urninjured. Con- that ail prepusations had been stable John Bird investiguted. completed for the auxiiiairy's- annual Marathon Bridge, and said that it wauid start an . Tuesday, Octobes lOth. She Biac kstocks added that there wîll be six groupa taking part. AsComiitteeofMts. Bisitse- Bri de Honored scairmu of the irsiting ported that she a.nd Mss. Dun- A cut Sithe ho sitdripte ith Parties ieau ithe hadsitdrpugt-he previaus week. Mss. McMur- Beverley Diane Blair, whose tes and Mss. Cawkes were mussiage ta Gardon Ray Las- naimed as the auxiliary's bas- mes, taok place Sat., Sept. 30, pitul visitors for the comiug 1961, lu Blackstock United month. Churcb, wus guest of honour Mss. Cawker informed the ut pre-nuptial showers. meeting that she, Mss. Mason A linen showes was beld at and Mrs. Hooey had inspected the home a! ber aunitMss, the premises ta be used for the George Rutherford, Glenview Tuck Shop in the new addi- Ave., on Sept. Il. A miscel- tion ta Memorial Hospital. laneous shower was given by She stated that she bud been ber friend Bairbaira McMillan !avoraibly impressed with this at the home o! ber uîster Mss. accommodation. There la large Kehoe, Division St. square roomn with an entire Following the wedding re- glass front and two doors. She hearsal, the bridal party was aisa stated that the shelves çntertained atthe home of Mrs. are slanted for displays, there Harold Kytej Biackstock. THE CANADIAK STATESM«. BOfWAN7T. o T fl!ttn -? Pete rborough 1The Peterborough Kiwanis ated a Music Festival Association awarde4 takes pleasuse lu preseuting ta iug the the public tbe 1962 syllabus for the listing test selections for the the voc forthcoming competitions. Iu ti The dates o! the Festival years ar have been set for Marcb 8th tian is' ta Masch l7th. Ciosing eutsy Musicy date is January 6th, but if en- Couttsà tries are received prias ta ice H.F Decembes 2nd, 1961, a prompt borough entsy reduction o! 25 cents Sir H per entry will be allowed. "Inu Mi Adjudicators for the music ject isr portion o! the competitions defeata wîli be Mss. Gladys White- another bead, Kenora; Ms. John Chus- lence". chill, Londou, England, and a! the Ms. David Griffitha, Edin- Music burgh, Scotlund. We are iudeed that, ir looking forward ta the setusu teenthJ o! Ms. Churchill, who was the idea with us lu 1955 and ta Ms. fiud exj Griffiths who was w i t h ieved, o us ln 1960. We bave been eager la woni ta bave Mss. Whitehead at- ensîched tend aur Festival aud we are Capy delighted that ut long at we entry k shahl have the pleasuse a! ber by writi adjudications in Peterborough. ey, 644 Adj udicator for speech class- erboroul es will be annaunced shortly. .In ordi A new section hais been mdd- sociatiar cd this year for Leider Claiss- prove, es. Members o! the Lyceumn that wri Club Women's Ast Association year's s (Music Study Club) have don- Festival Secretary. !e ie n ýr t I n Collision At Pontypool There was a two car colli- sion on Monday evening on No. 2 Highway at the Courtîce Road. The drivers involved were Chester McGratb, R.R. 3, Bowmanville and Clifford Doucette, Oshawa. There was a fais amount o! damage ta botb vehicles. Constable J. Cartwvright, OPP, was the in- vestigating offices. At seven o'clock on Tuesday evening four cars wese invol- ved in a series o! rear-end collisions. This accident hap- pened on No. 115 Higbway near the Pontypool turn-off. The drivers were Howard Floyd Allemange. Maltan; John A. Pipe, Brantford, Chas. les Nartan Muldowney, Tar- onto, and Reginald H. Wheel- er, Toronto. Constable P.C. Harte-Maxwell, OPP, investi- gated. There was considerable damage ta the cars. There was a similar acci- dent at 10:30 o'clock on Mon- day evening. This one hap- pened an 115 Highway a short distance south o! Pontypoal. Canstable Harte-Maxwell was the investigating offices. The drivers of the three vehicles invalved were John Sharpe, Oshawa, Stanley Tbornbor- ough, Toronto, and John An- son, Peterborough. There was a fais amaunt o! damage ta the three cars. Damage amnounted ta about $500 ta a cas owned and driv- en by John Lingen, Oshawa, in an accident on Sunday at 4:30 p.m. Ms. Lingen lost con- traI o! bis cas at the Miii Street, underpass on Mill Street, Newcastle. Canstable W. Reimer, OPP, investigated. Salute Co-op Movement Next Week Thousands of co-operative members ln Ontario and Can- ada wilI pause ta salute the co-apesative movement lu Can- ada during the week a! Octo. ber 15 and 21. This week bas been set aside as Co-op Week, and bas been officially secog- nized by many public figures. Best known o! these fi; John G. Diefenbaker, Prime Minis- tes o! Canada, wbo said in a recent statement ta Ralph Staples, president o! the Ca- operative Union o! Canada: "Please canvey my sincere greetings ta the members o! Co-operatives tbroughout Can- ada on the occasion o! Co-op Week. The steady increase in mem- bership and o! the variety o! Co-operative endeavours, aug- us well for continuing pro- gress during the years uhead." In Ontario, close ta 70,000 farmers are members of local farm supply and marketing co-aps. These ca-opa are own- ed and cantrolled by the mem- bers. Annual business a! local cn- operatives is about $90 mil- lion ln sales ta fasmers o! sup- plies such ai feed, fertilizer, seed, hardware and petroleum. An additional $93 million in sale for farmers o! dairy, pouitry and lvestock, grains, seeds, fruits and vegetables is done every year by local co-ops. Local aperatians represent about $32 million in plants, warehauses, milîs and stores, ail financed by farmer mem- bers. Tbese local ca-opa in turn, own and contrai the cen- tral whalesale co-operative ln Weston- United Co-operatives o! Ontario. TIrougb this ca-operative wholesale operation, the local co-operatives arrange or per- form wbolesaling, procure-i ment, munufacturing, proceas- ing, retailing and marketing services for farmers, and in some cases, for urbain dwell- ers misa. In 1960, UCO reported a to- tai business volume o! $64, 591, 380 ta Its members, and total assets of $14, 212,919. Slightly mare than oue half o! a million dollars ln sav- ings was realized for member Ca-opa. VI -. ArluPAGE SEVE< Syllabu s Ready for Kiwan 15 $30.00 scbolarship ta be ýd ta the team obtain- ýhighest mark- $15.00 epianiat and $15.00 for Dcalîst. he Girl's Solo class- 17 and under, the test selec- "A Highland Lullaby". was written by George and the lyrics by Maur- Park formerly o! Peter- gh. HI. Walford Davies said îsic Festivals, the ob- not taogain a prize, nos a rival, but ta Pace one ýon the road ta excel- It is the sincere hope Peterborough Kiwanis Festival Association i presenting their Six- Annual Music Festival, ea portrayed above will Kpression. If this is ach- our immediate objective and aur community is d accardingly. So! the syllabus and fosms can be abtained 1ing ta Mss. A. D. Vais- 4McKellar Street, Pet- ugh. [r that the Festival As- :n may continue ta im- members have asked ritten comments on this syllabus, be sent ta the Large Crowd (FROM PAGE ONE) for iuviting bim ta be present for tbe memoruble officiai op- ening o! the Bowmauville Museum. He commended the members o! the committee fat their indefatigable work in developiug and promatiug this project for the welfare af the. townspeopie and other residents of Durham. Mayas Curruthers atated that the openng o! the Mus- eum was a momentous occa- sion in the life o! Bowman- ville. "On behalf o! its citi- zens I express sincese thanks ta Mss. Williams, the donos o! the wonderful contribution o! $50,000.,, "Part of this amount was spent for the purchase o! this splendid propesty, the formes Jury estate,"1 the Mayas said. 11e added that some mouey was misa spent ou necessary renovatians ta the building, and explained that $20,000 is invested ta beip curry on the worthwhile psoject. "The town was fortunate in receiving such a generous donation for the establishment o! a museum. It was aise for- tunate that the Jury estate's executors were willing toamc- cept a reduced figure sa it could be used for this bene- ficial uudertakiug."1 His Wosship thanked Mrs. Williaims for ber unselfish ln- terest lu the town and for ber geuerosity. He commended the Museum Commnittee for its work, and said that the formation o! a Histaricai Sa- ciety was aIsa gsatifying. The museum las not only for Bow- manville, but a county wide asset, he asserted. He misa spoke ln appreciation a! the co-operation mnd help given by people wba had made dona- tions o! articles or had loaned items for exhibition. The addresses were given ou the wide and well-lighted verandah. In addition ta the officiais taking part some o! the audience was also on the verandah, while the majority of the 12r- nerrnweA ...t ,'...i tors wau in the spaclaus grounds. Mayor Carruthers called on Mss. Williams ta cut the wide red satin ribbon wbicb ex- tended acroas the front doos- way. She was assisted by Per- cy Greenfield. After she had done sa, Councillor Presson, the chairman, declared the Bowmanville Museum offie- ially open. General admiration was evoked by the historical and educational displays. Mem- bers o! the Museum Commit- tee assisted people with in- formation during the tours of the building and in viewing the interesting exhibits. A. M. Thompson was in charge o! the guest book. In addition ta, the chairman, Councillor Presson, the other members of the Museum Com- mittee are: Councillor Ken Nicks, Mss. Roy C. Lunney, A. M Thompson, Bowmanvifle Lions Club, Jesse Van Nest, Bowmanville Rotary Club, Bert Syer, Bowmanville Kins- men Club, Dr. John Hendry, Bowmanville Kiwanis Club, Mss. Mel Wiseman, Women's Institute, Miss Apha Hodgîns, Business and Professional Wo- men's Club, and Percy Green- field, Branch 178 a! the Can- adian Legion. Great credit is due Mr. Greenfield, Mss. Wiseman, Msrs. Lunney and Miss Hodg- mns for their exceptionally good work in planning and placing the displays, other members of the committee stated. Most yaun'gsters think therel are only three seasans in theý year -- basebali, fotball and iing this rad. The motion car- ried. LA communication was se- !ceived announcing that the Ontario Municipal Board Hear- ing concerning amendments to the Zaning By-Law will be Lheld on Novembes 2Oth. Planning Workshox, A lettes from the Depast- ment o! Municipal Affairs, Community Planning Branch, stated that a Planning Work- sbop will be held in Cobourg on October 24th and 25th for municipal officials lu the Uni- ted Counties. Reeve Rickard, Councillor Fred G. Smith, and Councillor Sidney Cornish, were appointed delegates tram Darlington to attend the Plan- ning Worksbop. Deputy - Reeve Blanchard, seconded by Councillor Muir, moved that a representative o! the Township's Industsial1 Committee attend the Indust- rial Promotion Conference ta be held ut Queen's University, Kingston, on November 7tb. This was carried. A request fsom the Oshawa General Hospital for a contri - bution ta its building program costs was referred to the Fin- ance Committee on motion o! Counillor Cornish, seconded by Deputy-Reeve Blanchard. Reeve Rickard stated that he is in favor o! a Regional Planning Board as laid out in the minutes a! the Oshawa Re- gional Planning Association minutes. Councillor Cornish, second- ed by Councillor Muir, moved that a delegation o! five per- sans tram council and the Planning Board attend the Lake Ontario Development Association meeting ta be held in Peterborough in the near future. This delegation will be appainted by Reeve Rickard. The Township Council de- cided ta purchase a heavy truck and plow, and will ad- vertise for tenders. The Roadý Superintendent, Mr. Short, was given authority ta sein- PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Storç Phonie A" 3-5:92 Ex pect 300 At LODA Conference The Lake Ontario Develop. ment Association announced to-day that the luncheon speaker at the Industrial and rMunicipal Relations Confer- ence will be the Hon. William M. Nickle, Q.C., Minister of Commerce and Development. The Conference, to be held Wednesday, October 18th, at the Imperial Roomn of the Empress Hotel in Peterboro, is the third, of its kind to be held by the Association. The theme of the conference is "Our Responsibilities as Lead- ers in Our Communities". Hon. William Nickle is the son of William F. Nickle, At-. torney-General in the admin- istration of Hon. Howard Ferguson. H1e vas elected t(i the Ontario Legislature in 1951 and became Minister of Comi- merce and Development in 1955. Ini the afternoon Mr. Claude Jodoin, President of the Can- adian Labour Congress, will speak on "Labour's Responsi- bility to Industry and the Community." Over 300 delegates attended the Industrial and Munieipal Relations Conference last year and it is expected that this year's attendance will be as gratifying. REGISTER NOW FOR SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING Day School - Any Monday Morning Nitht School -Tues. and Thurs., 7:00 - 9:00 Special Courses for Houseivives, Shiftworkers, Teen-age Typing Free Catalogue available on request OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Dial 725-3375 10 Slmcoe St. N., Oshawa b j ID.A. Brand A BeIG K Guellida IECONOMY PACK Quick-Acting N No w in pIonk,1 yullw, aqua i ox £COURH SYRU? i . xe l 634 leasunt Tmsting - Sootbing Contrai of Cougbs, TIRED FEELING. 1 - j A Get WAMPOLF Extroct TODAY a - - -r--.-.-----~=- ~'. ~.V~¾q r 1 Lvlr. Cars Appoint Assessor (FROM PAGE ONE) ta sedi lots tram it ta athera for building, and asked if the road which goes ta the farm bouse, could be extended to give entrances ta the other contemplated lots. Councillor H. C. Muir, seconded by De- puty-Reeve A. L. Blanchard, moved that Ms. Rundle, the Township Clerk, confer with the Road Supesintendent, R. M. (Mac) Short, ta determine the township's position regard-. ýFour

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