__________________________THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Manif oba Plowman Declared Champion A t Belleville Match Cyril Heynes of Emerson, compete in next year's World Man., was declared the new Match, to be held in The Ne- Canadian Piowing Champion therlands. in the recent Plowing- Match- hr lee pcaosi es at Believille. Tom ik hr ledspcao n man, R.R. 1, Chiiliwack, B.C., 75 degree weather watched p'ýcedreondasth-2 eîght y the plowmen from seven pro- p ~cedseondas c. vinces struggle with soul the rule of Ontario poxvmen- in conistency of a well traveil- t-e annual classic ended ab-cdraathreutoar- ru~tly.cent dry speli. Traditîonaily In addition to being declar- spectators bundie in rain ed Canadian Chaâmpion, Mr. coats, 'sweaters and long un- .Heynes will hold the covcted derwear for a quick trip ta the Es-.o Silver Plow for one year. fields and then bock ta the he champi on Pnd runner-up protection of Tentcd City. automaticaliy mai:e up the two Fulrst othcnet man Canadian team which will Fare aslts of1thcontlest nes, Emerson, Manitoba; 2. SLTom Hickman, Chiliiwack, SBritish Columbia; 3. J. T. Tri- mble, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba; 4. Grant Wells, 'Stouffville, Ontario; 5. Her- bert Winget, Sher-brooke, Que- bec; 6. Donald Dunkeld, Clore- mont, Ontario; 7. Romea Bes- -i... net-, St. Clet, Quebec; 8. Hu- bert Smith, Prince Albert, <-.~ . -. Saskatchewan; 9. Edwin Milîs, Souris, Prince Edward Is- land, 10. Wm. McInnis, St. Peters Bay, Prince Edward Is- land; Il. Elmer Nelson, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan; 12. J. J. Andrews, Chilliwack, Bt-- teronSusexNew Bruns- wic; 1. C W.Hall, Norton, PUM9PS.& SOFTENERS LINITED PF82 LONDON -CANADAI JACK BROUGU PLUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE R.R. 2, BOWMANVILLE STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. B. MeNeil!, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mn. Warren Carson's. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- well were dinner guests Sat- ut-day evening with Mr. anI Mrs. Bruce Norris, Wilow- dale. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimigon, Bowmanville, v isi t ed Mrs. Victor Farrow. Same here attendcd the an- niversary services at Newton- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Lot-ne Paeden and Jean were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomp- son, Kendal. The ladies of Shiloh W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Bert Trim, Wednesday evening last week. Mrs. Ewat-t Robinsont was in charge of the business1 discussion. The devo t i o n a 1 portion was given by Rev. White and Mrs. Orme Falls.1 Mrs. Gardon Trim gave the1 tt-easut-er's report and Mrs. Orme Falls read the detailcd report of the catering at the Oddfel'lows Hall, Orono. Mr. White read an intet-esti.ng ac- count of a fat-met- W.A. group. The lRdies enjoyed a cantest. After the Mizpah -Benedie-1 tion, Mrs. Trim and Mrs. Falls set-yod lunch. An invitation bas been ex-i tended for the ladies ta meet1 at the home of Mrs. Westheu-1 set- in November.1 NU11 wîth the BIG Sec this versatile campac today. It's thIe easy wr Up those backbreakin jobs - fasti se s. moi PHONE MA 3-2279 A SPECIAL INVITATION ta, attend the f irst Opeza Kwo cf the DURHAM FARM COUNTY COMOPEM - WAREHOUSE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1:30 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. Corne and Bring Yaur Fr1 SPECIAL DOOR PRIZES AND REF Students Assist in Promoting Scholarship Fund On Monday afternoon, the B.H.S. Assembly each year several deserving local, Hall auditorium was the scene of an "af 1er four" bee assisted in obtaining higher educal when volunteers from ahl grades spent a few minutes vvil1 be mailed throughout this areaa of time and effort stuffin g envelopes. The material friends of the school who will be i inside included details of the plan ta expand the financially in the plan. These1 Louis W. Dippeli Memorial Scholarship Fund so that, students busy at work. * for camping, also decided to B L C Kd S lr C hoîd a meeting every second "~ month in the Township Hall On Wednesday ovening, Oc- have nlot kcpt poce spititually anld conclude with a social Master tober 1lth, several ladies froin with science. The Lot-&s bout-. Next meeting te be held tet-tained Nestîcton W. A., Anglican W. Proyer was repeoted in uni- On thne fit-st Tuesday in Dc- friends a' A. and Blackstock United W. son and bymn 348 sung. 0f- cembet-. party. A. jaincd witb the W.M.S. in fcring was dedicated by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLough- Mr. and the Christian Education Cen- J. Cot-na:han. lin and Mr-. anîd Mrs. Harold knBa tre. Mr.F ae, ru ed McLaughlin attended the 25th Hugh Wil ~rs.r. jayes gt-up lod-Stanley S Mfter welcoming the guests, et-, presi ded for thc program, weddrng anniversory cf the'ir Suiidaiy the president cf the W.M.S., and aftcr olso expressinci ber sic-tet- and brotber-in-law, Mr. ekn. Mrs. C. Hill, opened the meet- pîcosure at hovjng soe .nyadM.HrodWight, Osh- Per.knd ing with a pocmn "Tell Him guests, called crn Mrs. Romet-il awa, Saturday evening. combe, R So" and following the singeîng who prcsented tic excellent Severol from here attended Bîî,Mr. of a hymni offered prayer. The Stewot-clsbip fl TeB-anvtsr evcs in Cad- Zion (Hop t-oll caîl was answered by, A ginnings", following w h ic h mus Sundoy. Sunday vi Home Mission item. groups were formcd and ques- Rev. P. Romeril preocbed eron's. Mrs. Dalton Dort-cil con- tions arising froin the film annivcrsat-y sot-vices in Mon- Mr-. and ductcd the devotional period, were di:scussed. Mrs. Gordon chester Sunday. Seat-bo-ouý rcoding Matt. 6: 31-33, ami a Strong f2vored ~ihtwa planu Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wil- t-y Dzirt's. fine paper on "Reseorch Un- solos, "The Mclody cf Love" son, Oshawa, spent Saturday Mrs. Tor limited." She said, Spiritually and "Bolîs cf St. Marys". An- p.m. and Sunday a.m. with quiltini w'e are undcrnourished;__we other hyrrn wos sung ami theMr and Mrs. Cccil Hamilton. Thiursday. ciosing prayer wos offered by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamil- Mt-s. Frc Mrs. Rolph Lot-mer, o opdeîcrt h Oi bel, Mr. a - ~An enjoyable social time wedding anniversary cf Mr-buOh -~'was spent and dainty lunchiand Mrs. Eric Capstick aý Geissberge served. Mrs. J. A. Scott, pt-e- View Lake, Sunday.Mran ~ ~-~ '-sident cf Anglican W.A., and Mr-. and Mrs. Mervyn Ct-o- chell and Mrs. K. Samelîs, president of bam spont Thursday witb bier vstda 'e"Noîloon e pt-esse1 the ount, Mrs. James Campbell, Kim and1 bhanks of t-boit- societies for a Fenelon Falls. xeeSt pleasant evcning, and Mrs. Mr-. and Mrs. Richard Bul- e Sti Hil rplid.mer, Fenelon Folls, were The O.N.O. Club met at the'weekend guests cf Mr. and - home cf Connie Swain on Mt-s. Mervyn Crahom. Satur-, - Tursday nigbt ith 21 mcm- day cvening they aîl visited'. bers pt-osenit. This meeting Mt-s. Ray MeGilI, 0O:bawa. - was in tbc fat-m of a nmasquer- Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Har- ~'- adc pat-ty and a greot deal of ris also visited at Ut-abams. 4fun xvas bad trying ta guess Mr. and Mrs. Clenn Lot-mer bue identity of eacb pot-son. and boys visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Delly Lee won tbe prize for Harvey Yellowlecs and fam- "best dressed" and Norma Van ily, Sauna, on Sundoy. I, PIONEER SAW LTD. Camp for "tbc funnicst." Rail Congratulations ta Mr. and nTRO UH cND was answercd witb a jat- of Mrs. Bort-y Fisbet- who were he o for Pot-t Perry Hospital, mart-ied in St. John's Chut-ch 5A~ te c@fl1M pUcý ' was decidled ta entertain Saturday evening ' I D~~~tec husandhteoa banqiuet Morealnd a amel, cutting power! finishd byplaying bi ngo, fol- odaysl s eethcopepof ict chain saw at your dealer's Messrs. Roy and Harold Me- land. ,ay ta clea 95 Laughlin represonted Durham ________ ng cutting 15o1 t the plowijng match and wvan COMPLETE WITH 12" ATTACHMENTS second prize. C U TC On Sturdny night bbc Com- muniby Hall wvs pac!kcd for Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gay,, aslîower in honour cf Mr. and Winnipeg, with Mr. and Mrs» - RM ON & SON Mrs. Riv Lot-ner (Dianne'Ha-t-y Gay. Blair). M.r. i-Irold Kyte was Mrs. George Goddard andi ONTARIO the humorous - C. A fter thelLo uise, Bowmanville, wi t h bonoured couple had tokenlMr. and Mrs. C. Fulton. _______________________plâces on tlhe plat fat-m ta tuelMse igna a-a- t une of tiie wedr1ling mat-oh,. issangna Braa SDalton Dort-dl withi Mrs. Dave, ad Wendv Browvn spent the ',-Wilson at the pi- no led 1 -\vookeiid at Twelve Mile Lai:e, conn-tintysinging. Mrs. i. Minden, witb Mr. and Mrs. E.' conimni.yFairey. ýW. VanCamp gave a reading, t Cnd Mrs. Wilson played a Mr. and Mt-s. Lorne Bryans piano solo. Following the and Heathet-, Mr. and Mrs. S. Icbairman's t-em'arks, b ath 'Ray'Benhani and Mrs. Ferguson, and Dianne exprc.ýsed tîîeir' Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. J.1 :thanks for the nunr.rous love- BrTons. Ti i ly gifts and ail who hiad as- Courtice Girls' S0f thall1 sisted in making this pieasantiTeam and several fat-met- halli: we evening. Fallowing an haut-s:players gathered at the home les dancing te music by the DayesI of Charlotte Caurtice tb honor' lunc wa sevedanddancing married later this montb. resued nti 12o'clock. Mr-. Mrs. S. LoveIl, Oshawa, on- n Ed. Harris cailed for the tettained Saturday at a tea squares. in bonor of ber sister, Miss p Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. Ella Down, wvho will be mot-- [ER S3 David HillI mved on Satur- tied this montb. dayte ichondHill for thel Mrs. W. Br-own and Mrs. C. AT Iwiner. Elliot attndedLh~e0meeting is vstn isHzlEgih held at the Lions Centre wben Mrs. Phyllis Sinclair attend- Mr. Deug Nutter cf Cbildrcn's - STORE c:d the Boy cf Quinte YounglAid was guest speaker. Peopie's Conference at Ah- Ebenezor Explot-ers met on ;monte during the weokend. Saturday afternoon for a "Cet Mr. ,PdMrs Wiber Arh-,Together" at leader's, Mrs. W. 20M.an ts Wlo-tA-h Brown. Six new girls have ~~uJl o~~~,r atbended bbe 6lst weddingjjl~ti eos ewl onniversat-v of ber sister andbavo1 embhi ears.Mse. B-own bt-otber-in-low, Mr. and Mrs.: an d assistant, Miss Betty Frank Cook, Boaverton. Govne, welcomed the giriF t 21stMrs. Jas. Cilmore, Toronto, ad explained some cf the visited ber cousins, Mrs. J. Aýln for the camin'g year. IScott and M,-. Campbell, on!Pîctunes of our weekend this Tbursday. Mrs. Scott return-'ýsun.uer at Caesarea werc e d ta the city with ber for a' shown. Everyone went to the C ends fexv days' visit. Iscboolyard and enjoyed r Sixteen memrbers attendedigame of basebaîl and loto- the Mobher's Auxiiiarv meet- returned ta the bouse and hi', FRESHMENTS n, Pt the homo of Mirs. V!c-' freshie anid cockies. Expi'-' 134 1 tor Malcylniî on Ttiesclpv ven- ers xiil meet at bhc chur 'ing. Decided to buy a fly tent;every uesday £romi 0 to 7.45. Stephen Poloz en-] some of his littie It his sixth birthday, Id Mrs. Charles H-op- i ierton, Mr. and Mrs.,ý 'son, Mr. and Mrs.ý SobiI, Toranto were visitors at Rhusseli' dMrs. Milton Brima-. Russell, Ronald and' r. Fred IBrimacombe,ý Dpe Township), were 'isitors at Ray Cam- I' Mrs. S. Maybury,t, ugh, visited at Hen-' om Sobil had a W.A. at her home en 'cd Robbins and Isa- and Mrs. Rene Thie- hawa, visitcd at Hans ,er's on Sunday. id Mrs. Charles Mit-i id Terrv, Toronto,ý tRussell Pet-kins'. d Mrs. Roy Thomas,ý Dcbbie, Scarborough, .rday visitors at Rus- seIl Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and fa.mily, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon and John,: Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, Mrs. Vera Spiers, Cambri, Sask., attended a Thanksgiv- ing dinner at Keith Stainton's.. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mc-:I Ewen, Georgetown, were sup-j per guests at Wes Cameron's t on Sunday and called at Rus- sell Stainton's in the evening.: Congratulations to Mr. ani Mrs. Lloyd Wilbur (Barbara Halliday) on their marriage. RETURNED BY POPULAR DEMAND Watch The "CFTO-TV Farm Show" Commentotor Larry Burt discusses hiow ta "FARIII BETTER ELECTRICALLY"1 Channel 9, Toronto 12:20 pan. to 12:30 p.nx. SALE Monda y, October 3Oth 1961 - atl:00P.M. To be heid atTREWHAVEN FARM LTD. which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Bownxanville and %, mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. 150 WE OFFER PURE BRED 50 IEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD We are offering a useful group of Fresh and Springing Young Cows and 2-year-olds, as weil as a number of Yearlings and Calves. ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED The majority are ready for Immediate export. Ail cattie tested or eligible to enter listed or certlfied area herds. NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD NOVEMBER 27th, 1961 Sale Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARM LTD., R.R. 1, Burketon, ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4957 Ontarlo. I *' I Auctioneer: A. MIKE BRUBACHER, Kitchener, - ~<> ~, :he day you make your deal! 'RADE NOW for the farm equipmnent you are going to buy next year anyway! Regard- you get. So v ss of when you take delivery (now or later you money? 'J 'j sooner you trade, the more money wlhy put it off when waiting Costa ben you need it) you'Il get a cash bonus from Don't pass Up this sound business proposition ternational Harvester right away. Cash bonus that pu ts cash dollars in your pocket right now. plies to your trade-in, your down paymnent, Take advantage of it today. The earlier you trade the more money you get i:- See the International Harvester dealer in your town now 1 owan Equipment Company King St. E. Phone MA 3-5689 BowmanvVke I the2 $22450 complet. with TWO 16" chains FEED MILL ---t - 1 or both. The is WEDNSDA, OCT. lt 41 mers' Market in Oshawa, cheese, creamn andPO'1it Durham C~ounty %hc was started by Mr. Cox milk. 7and the manager of the 0-sh- Mr. Tebbutt pointed out that sawa shopping centre. The no one will deny the fact that Convention Fatmers' Market started with the increased prices for hogs two stails selling produce, and and eggs are the resuit of on Sept. 22, 1961, there were support prices by deficiency Held by O UO 4 stals oeratngpaym-ents on a limited amount H ~ ~ ~ Hrl el y O FU o A v~aertigavean I-of production. While the Fat-m The Durham County Con- teresting reading. The County Union wete severely criticz- vention Ontario Fatmers' Un- Ditetor gave a good report ed for sulcgestng this type of ion was held in Trone Hall on his activities during theî support, we contiiued to in- Seit. 7than wa caledtopast year. Lewis Wood then' fluence the Federai Govern. Sret. 27the a n asclld oI nient toa abandon the "offer te ordr y heCont Director. introduced the gruest speakeri Lewis Wood and "0 Canada*; Mr. Mlviii Tebbutt, the Pro- purchanse' program. We regret was played by Mrs. Otto vincial President. 1 that the new program includes Bragg. Mr. Wood led with the Mr. Tebbutt said it was a, the old diçsstroiîsdy low sup- Lord's Prayer. pleasure to take part in our port level rather than cost of The minutes of the la.st annuai county meeting. Heiproducticn as prornised in the county meeting were read by said lie had ben president of Stbilization Act. County Secretary D on aid their local four ears, also~ Mr. Tebbutt thn presialed Lamb, and approved as rcad. county director four years in, e lcio fcon3 The financial statement tvas Gtey Count;. He reported on officias which resuted as fo. also given. fliafly briefs tlîat iiad beei ows: Elected County Director, The chait-man thien asl1z,.d lpresentc to the governi-nent, 1 Vctor Malcolm, Sub directors, the Local Presidents to cornîeand agieltr comnîittec.Er Cox. Leslie Taylor. Kea forward to give a report ô,-, Mr. Tehbutt s*t,-.tcd the Farmi-lSinclair and Feniton Fall:s;, the activities of their locals ers' Unioni askcd for a two LadY Director, Mrs. Elmo1r for the past year: Fenton Fil- price svstemi niîe yeas agolCox: County Secretary, Ralpix lis, Pontypool: Victor Mai- also deficien.cy payîncnt plan,:S -i nîpson.- colin for Biackstock:. Otto wlîich the goverinent is us- Bragg for Eîîniskillen. The ing w vitli sortie products in a, AR E VC Presidents rcpoi-ted a success- vvaý whielh is of little hein to,ýF R E VC fui year, average atteridancc' the fnrmer. F-e said ,ve farm -ýDrAD. OLD & CRIPPLEL> at meetings was down duc to csar ro _edj'Y f l<FARMN STOCK poor harvesting conritions 110 Yerir average for produce,î Reinoved Free of Charge Lady Director Mrs. Elier1 n kd whiether otlici [nnediate 24-41r. Service Cox gave a report of lier ye-ir.- iwaîkS of 1 ife would be sat;s ! A'sk our Operator For work. She attended severall fied with 8o0%* of theit- vages. meetings, conventions a n d For somne tnie the memhje'-s ZEnilh 66550 board meeting. Mrs. Cox, Mlof Fat-m Union have bcn ask_ Licence No. 46-C-60 director of Fat-m Safety Coun- ý 11.g for <menil board. in- No Tr,II Charge cil in Durham County, gave a sta'o hefurilnwha ,Nick Peconi. Peterborough report of these meetings. She'one board for eacli, rnilk_______________ also gave a report of the Fax-, Bowmanvi 1 e Phone MA 3 - 5689