(-!NESDAY,_OCT. 1 8th, 1961H AADA TTSAN OMNtLE NAT Classif ied Ads l'Eight childi-en and t' Cout a TYRONedE Magistrutens-Cour BELIn ovig mmor ~ ard ofThaks Ocet. l2 th at the church. We '14 css In- auits ttened Exlores on Thmrlan__ __ ___ s_ openied oui- meeting b), saying1 Tuesday. October 17th. '3rd. He was fined $50 andLrr a eaLi m ohr nd gme--ora-' We wi-sh to thank al those oui- Explorers Purpose, fo- _iiGerald Balson, Hampton, i$Le4 sli tmari 3 a emotherandand who sent cards and were çoîlowed by our mette. We sang John Cook, R.R. No. 4, Bow ýslieOsh amr,59Abr niteMueCynthia Bell, kind at the time of oui- dear Ithe Explorers hymn, "This Is mnvlean enisCar;., Osawa, was found guilty Who Passed away Oct. 21. 1945. son and brother's death. My Father's Woi-Id." Then îweof Hampton ail pleaded guiîty of Ipîe rvîg ehdS "Goin-. from us but, îeaving Mrs. E. C. Ashton and family. nom inated oui- officers: Presi- ir n he been charged with drunk driv. mne-is 42-1*1jdent, Janice Taylor; Sec*', some tools and a coat after1ing and teeiec a Deah cn eye tae wayMaineAllred: rea.,Lyn dmagng crS t e lu heard last month and Magis- 91 Dveaoris anvtakiil away ike tiexprss Ved ra. y-, aaigaca etevletrate R. B. Baxter reservedL Mnoista ilalway7, W would ietexrs1 da Malette;VcePi-es., Lynn of $273. 1 his decision until today. Pen- !irîcer oui- sincere thanks to friends, Skinner: Press Reporter, Irene Whiie upon this carth we neighbours and relations of Reyenga. Irene Reyenga is to They became angry at 1:301 alty was $50 plus costs of $15. IV stay. Tyrone community for th-iread the sciipture next meet- am nSpebr2dwe eiinwsrsre ni Lovinl',IîY remnembered by fam- lovely desk and chair and also 'in". Mrs. T. Scott read a! one of the boys ripped hîs October 3lst on a charge afi'N ily.~te thank everyone who heiped storv. Lynn Skinner and Jan-! trousers on theca while ex- Criminal Negligence in theB Aima, Cý!rman, Marguerite, lin making it such an enjoy-'ice Taylor conducted gemes ý " gi nth usît f prto !a aa eil Clarence, Hilda and grand-i able evening. 'Explorers have decided tý Hampton. on September 2nd.C childi-en. 2l Ralph and June Davev. have their meetings on Sat-, h1wr rmne9n ..Prkrtl ! hsn 42-1 ui-day at 2 pm., cui-few. They are to stay sep-'the car at speeds up ta 90 t( GARROD-In Ioving memox-y. - h eigSle e tarate and apart fromn each m.p.h. through Bowmanvilie Of John. William Garrod whol We would like to thank Drs. the Sunday sehool room on ý ohrnd h they aret i-en yTod walngohiTar s t I passed axvay October 18, 1942.IGiil and McKenzie, nurses and Thanksgiving afternoon for i-kn hy aet ei yTwsi.Tecrwn Love's greatest gift, staff of Memoriai Hospitali thei- third meeting. Foliow- their own homes. 1 through at ieast four stopC remembrai,,e". Bwmanville, and ail those ifg the 4-H Pledge, Elaine An-1 They were castigated by signs.P -Lov1),ly ememere byfrinds nd eigborswhosený 1Ma gistrate R. B. Baxter, "Yeu About one-haif a mile from t1 -Lovr~gy i~,n~nbeed y frend an neîhbos wo sn ns gave a repor-t of the sec-! have grown physically, but Columbus, the car slowed to wife and family. 42-1 cards, visited and se kindly ý ond meeting. Twelve girls i-e- 1 mentally you are somewhat 30 m.p.h. and a passenger I helped out at the garage and plied to the roll caîl, "A pat-, eadd yta enta updot oln ntea WALKER-In lovirîg mcmory home, also W.A. for fi-uit anditern alteration and bow to etre.BthtImatatupe oualng n th cf a dear husband, Sýid Walk- Mr-. J. Wade for floral basketimake it." Two leaders, Mrs. ,ourmid hasn't kept pace ditch. The car was stopped l ci-, Who died October 17, 1957. during my stay in hospital. Skinner and Mrs. Staintonh; with the growth of your body. about a bal! mile west of!V You isuffered with courage, Lly(lsae rsn lo r. You are not safe to let out to- Columbus. We knewnot l'or pain were pr htalow ps.Stin 1etheî-. You had better see David Rockbrune, 17, 86 We ne no vurpai; 2-ltn emonstrated a e iýbout replacing this man's Williamn St., Oshawa, offeredv 'Yout fought to gel welli - different pattern pieces on'cr sImyptyuo r- odfneadhscusl" Butal ws n ai; wul lketethnkDr mteial lohwt tag-bation and one of the termis argued that, reprehiensible as 9 When God caîied >'ou home !Kandel, Dr. Miklos and nur-ses te n material. Pinning, meas- of the probation wîîl be that this conduct was, it was not To his garden of iest, and staff for the kindn*2ss andiurîng and cutting, activity then buthsmnaewar'CiialNggnc-tws It's truc what thev say, Icare during my stay in ýl,_began as the girls worked _ný Maurice Keneddy, 45, 29 only Careless Driving. i He take(_s on'iy -the best. imoriai Hospital and special gi-oups with the leaders aSst-KwrhItOhwped wnyfu te hre --Lovingly remyembcred by thanks to relatives, friends and ing and giving information. ed guilty to a charge of Care- under the Highway Traffie 9' his wife Edith and family. 'neighbors, Yelvexton W.A.,,Many blouse and skirt pieces' s riving. He was involved Act were assessed $320. Two fi 42- 1 Rev. Verbrugge, for c ards,1 were cut out. Mrs. Stainton'1 i anacdetoKigS.EudrheLqr nrlAcV flowers, fruit and acts of kind- showed the newer membersi i a acidt on inguSt E, udcrth$ LqurCotri vc WOODLEYIn loving memory ness. how to do stay stitching. Re-'ihapakdci-o uusIad$2V._______ of a dear husband and broth-1 Jacob Van Dam Sr-. freshments supplied by Esther r ci-, Norman Woodley, who 42)-IiAnne Rosevear concludedte passed away Oct. 22, 1960. ;meeting. The fourth meetingP IO We Who loved y'ou, sadiy miss: The niephews and nieces of was on Monday, Oct. 16. -- VOu the late Chai-les Sbortridge Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Prescott At the Church service on On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs.& A~ t dwnsanthe yer;wish to express their apprecia- and daugbters Stephanie andýSunday the Rev. Perey Page John Cai-rigan, Miss Marie u In our lonely hours of thiniking tion to neighbours and friends Nancy, Mr. Lloyd Pi-e5c0ttIgave a thought-provoking Pi-escott, Mi-. A. L. Prescott, Thou,,hts of yoIr vrfor acts o! kindness shownIOshawa, wei-e Thanksgiving message on "Alcoholies Not Mi-. and Mrs. A. W. Prescottv neca r. while in Oshawa Hospital andjvisitoi-s of Mr. and Mrs. E. anesonmou' tWeten atheart otredinto nd r tionael --Lovingý,ly remembered bv bisiStrathaven Nursing H-orne. 1 Prescott. a- 9togogtt ertepa- tadne n eeto Wife Pearl and sister Ethýel ISpecial thanks to Mrs. Chiids, Mi-. and Mrs. Peter Hart-! infirmities o! the xveak, and in honour of the Golden Wed-C 42-_j1 Rev. Percy Page, and the vei-y sIcît, Grand Rapids, Mich.,not te please ourselves,"- ding of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. efficient services of the North-'wiere guests of Mrs. R. Virtuel Romans 15: 1. Hemîphili. Mi-s. Hemphill is aT VVOLER InIoin remi-cutt & Smith Funeria Home. and Mr- and Mrs. Leonl Moorel The flowers iin the church sister o! the ERrescott Bros. r 'WOOLEP--li lovng rnmorý4-i On Sunday M. and Mrs.1were some gi-aciousiy left On Sunday afternoon Mi-.e of mv (leai-mother Mrs.jP Chai-les Woolner who cied Oct.1Th'Peter Haxtsvelt, Mi-s. Russelllfrom the wedding, and others and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Mr-. 1î, 1941 family of the late Wil- Virtue, Mr-. and Mrs. Leonîin memory of Mr. Charlie!A. L. Prescott and Miss Marie Tho' her smile is gone forever, iiam Henr-y Darcy wisb to Moore, Paul and Grace weie!Shortridge. IPiescôtt motored to Nestleton s And ber bands' We canno hnkMs EdD.MA- usso i. n r.Te The Jr. Mission Bandme where Marie visited ber fri- touch thur, nurses and staff of Port Down, Lakefield. ýin the S. S. Room on Wednes-: end Mrs. Faye Supple. . Still v-e ave se an Perry Community H-ospital, Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Bar-ýday at 2:45 p.m. IMi-. and Mrs. Bill Nash, t maYPurple Hill L.O.L. No. 39 eTrno pn h ek 0fmcmoriledad negbus39,br orno pntte 1e- The United Church Acts Oshawa, visited on Sunday C orthe one w lv 8dsefriendsadghbus for end with Mrs. F. Scott. 1IMen's Club met for a pr-o, 1with Mi-. and Mrs. Wîm. Ax- rnc.~ ~floral tributes and cards.1 Mrs. Jack Yeomans of Dun-grmadptlc ue ofr.k I-le memr i ourkeepsake Tak lot e.Philii: jda svstn irsn rodyeeigi h hi- r.Hse mt pn With .mhich we'll neyer part, Romeril and The McDermoftt and Mrs. J. B. Yeomans. tMn daveing intheChrs.' Mrs. Hsknfen Smith spent God bas ber in 1lis keeping ',Panabaker Funeral Home for Mr. and Ni-s. J. Reyengalta dcto om audya ~edwt e We have hc in oui- hearts. their services. 42-1 and famiiy were dinner guests' Hampton C.G.I.T. met inigrandehildi-en, while Mr-. and f( -Dauihter and so-iniw nSud\ !Mi.adN-. the Township Hall Mondav Mrs. Donald Prescott attend- o Barbai-a and Aime. 42-1' We would like to express, Kapteyn, Bowmanville. i evening. 'ed a Golden Anniversax-y Par- a - u-thanks and appreciatioîî Miss Ann MeNiven, Oshawa, Women's Missionary Societ 'ty at Dundalk.C W~anted to family, friends and neigh- Mis-, Jean Stainton, Bowman- met in the Christian Educa-t His many friends are glad a boui-s for their cards, etr ville, Miss Phyllis Maynard,1 tion room on Tuesday. af ter-' to know that Mr-. Gordon Wil-S A SERVICEABLE purebred' and wonderful floral tributos Salem, visited Mr. ai-d Mrs.1noon. e bur is well enough to be homeS Landi-c boar. H-ar-vey Mal-1 during the ioss o! a dear wif-e R. Maynard.1 Hampton Harvest H o mefrom the bospital. s ceol anetville. 42-11ý and mother. Special tbanks to Miss Mabel Awde, Toronto,j Service is to be heid Sunday, Mms. James Webber, Miami,n Dr. McKenzie and nurses at spent Thanksgiving wîth Mi-. Oct. 22nd, at 2:30 p.m., with Manitoba, was overnight guest r ?IST prices paid toi- deadi Memorial Hospital, Bowman- and Ni-s. R. Wright. the Rev. W. R. Rackham as on Thursday with Mrs. Samn ",i pi e farî-n stock; pick-i ville, also Rev. D. R. Dewd- Mi-. O. Beckett, Miss Ai-villa1 guest speaker.Del. un rc.mnptlv. Telephone1 ney and Rev. E. C. Woodland. Beckett visited on Sunday Mr-. and Ni-s. M eriln Dr.. and Ni-s. A. E. Allin,n ce _O1221_agil Jack an: Douglas Wade. with Mr. and Mrs. George Mou ntjoy noe a trip by Fort William,Mr and Ni-s. C.y 37t vnnW .Group w oqunPr.rie, MnPi-ai-.an Ms Wewih eexpress oui- sin- meet at the home o!fNi-s. R. Congratulations ai-e extend- Frank Shortrid-ge, Win.nipg FAft.31 SOKIe appreciation to oui- many Cameron Wednesday, Oct. 25. ed t Mi-. and Ni-s. Bob Ah- Mrs. James Webbei-, Niam-i,1 HIHLT IICE P 'Drelatives, friends and nieiYh- Mr. and Ni-s. R. Wright bott (nec Elva Smale) who Manitoba, were guests with R AY VI VforN p th kindness ads 'eetaget fMr. and were marî-ied in HamptonIMi-. and Mrs.'A. L. Blanchard,. R LA Y sV 1V 1 beNavemehon us in oui- iecent Mrs, Jim Wagg, Oshawa, Sun- Church cri Saturday after-1 Mi-.Lloyd Kersey, RobbieE Phon Marham1160 Cohectwishto tankWe epccillyday: on. and Philip, Toronto, were cail- Phone r. 7-ay 110Jrvi ctljht h Rev. P. Page Mr. and Mi-s. Ross Page Hec friends and neighboui-s ers at G. Adcock's an Satur- Licen7-aySericeî for bis consoling message, and Valerie, Hampton, visited hope for a steady improve- day. Iies 0C1 Doctors Stocks, Baldwin and Ai-villa and Mi-. Beckett on ment in health for Miss Marie' i~Lus oda e _____ 202Iuil of the Brooklin Medical Saturday evening. Coliacott, Who is a patient iin Every. industi-ious man, inICentre; aIl donors o! beautîfull Mi-. and Ni-s. John HuIs, Memorial Hospital, Bowman- I companîed Mi-. and Mrs. Allen every lawfuî caîîing, is a 'use-ifloral offerings and GideoniMillbrook, were Sunday even-Iville. Her mother, Ni-s. Ceeul Par-ker o! Toronto on a motor fui' man.-Raiph Waido EmriIBibles; Group 4 of the Women's'in alr !M n is .Claot svstn ihM t-pt Minden and other erson. Institute and the Noithcutt &ýHiîls and Ni-s. Arthurc lmapon f orth. Smith Funeral Home for their1 Mr«. and Mrs. Earl Prescott, Bowmanville. Mi-. and Ni-s. Gordon Kidd Uîîless what we do is useful, efficient management of theIMi-. and Mrs. Ken Hardy at- Mr-. and Mrs. Glenn Smith, and thi-ce dauîghteris, Caledon gloy i van-huerus fuerl srvie.tended the Golden Wedding1 Douglas and Sheryl were Sat- East, Mr. and Ni-s. Harvey Ni-s. J. Yellowlees 'Anniversary on Saturday of ui-day evening guests with Mr. 1 Balson and two daughters, and Family. 42-1f' Mi. and Ni-s. William Hemp-' and Mrs. Herbert Pi-escott,l Oshawa, Miss lia Hoskin, Toi-- bill, Dundalk. Enniskillen. ýonto, Ni-s. Ray Sellers, Peter- Wantedto Buy F Miss Grace Smith, Long Recent caliers Io see Ni-s.1borough, recently visited Ni-s. ..I SD pressure pump. NewlSault, was tea guest Sunday A. W. Prescott - Mrs. RusselllJobn Balson. JUST CALL MY BRSs castie 4136. 42-1 o! Mi-. and Ni-s. K. Hardy. Ormiston, MVrs. Harvey Mc- Mr. and Ni-s. Alex Carr*îck V/HE YO> I1~E~IZE IAN Nis. Pearl Vutue accom- Cii and Ni-s. Earl Ti-ewin, aliand Ni-s. Adamsoni enjoyed IAND HAVE A UMiRM~ SYSTE size. Write F. Pike, 49 Sumach 1to their cottage at Four Mile Pai- on Saturday. T ATÀ PRIZE!f St., Toronto ____ 41-2:Lake on Sunday. Mr-. and Ni-s. Kenneth Cav- HIGHEST rices D were recent dinner guest poultry, goose feathers, feath- pby and childi-en, Ni-s. Isaac T S RA S of Mi-. and Ni-s. Douglas Cav- er ticks, scrap i-on, rags, Murphy, Willowdale, visitedi ET.clBwavle metals and raw fui-s. Phoneon Sundav with Mi-. and Mrs, "AR' V Mi-. an is.Te Chn I RA 3-2043 Oshawa collert. W. Murpýhy and Mrs. Editih V RIÇT isiMr i. and i-s. Arnold Iife's sv~ngs ~ relatives at the home o! their: boys spent the xeckend with only jreeie cer rbnd.adJohnnd'ss.W.Jeel ad ec fic7 t nera hro! ai iieglect to carr:- cnough 1daugher, Ni-. and Ni-s. Floyd iNý M d'i-.Erc ooe, ny@ c b. JossPete chuchu h iat automnobile insuraiice. Beckett, Enniskillen, on the!IBurlington. LEE 1 tended as a girl. She was a Publie iaility claims can mun occasion o! their Fiftieth Wed- j Mr. and Ni-s. K. Kilmer, supper guest with Mr-. and pretty hi-h. It might take ding Anniversax-y on Satur- visited Mi-. and Ni-s. C. Kfl- PINEAPPIr Ni-s. Bob Nodewell, Seagrave. years to pay off an accident day, Oct. 28th from 3-5 p.m., mer at their cottage at Twin Mr. and Ni-s. Frank Short- dlaimi if -vou 'wcre not ade- 7- p.m. 42-1 Lakes. Sliced or Crushed ;ridge, Winnipeg, Nan., were guately insured. The Tyrone Harvest Thanks- 20 oz. Tins , overnight guests with Mr. and CIA i-prt"entativc.s (,an Personcd giving Services were beld inNi-s. Pere ewli lîelp yohi plan Your auto- HYGENIC suppl:es - (Rubber t5 ftoooradevnid$,.~, .1-00Mc.n N-.1e iles mobile ifl'i-ance so vou god1 miidpspadi li ih Rev. J. N. Reed o! Sun- *" had Sunday evening dinnei- at ,%%Il be weilhprotectcd. sealtd envelope with price îist de ad sOuihgeswseaer If you are a farmier, you'Il be Six sampies 25c, 24 sampies, h aetoms npiigSv 6 saa Inerstciinhu-ain aou S1.0.Mal rdr ep. -2,sermons, assisted by Rev. G Weekend visitors with Mr.' CIA'esteFarn hFarng Labouit $N1.0.Mubber Da . Box 91t Lokhoi-st. At the afterno~<on ILLL Aand Ni-S. S. Kei-sey -Cle insurance too . . . itcould hepHamnilton. Ont. l îasritedMrthe wlnchoir by s Lre ngîn ak n oulsAstn ni 152jsteethmes Larie Economy Pack killen, Mr. and Ni-s. Lloydj you pay the costs of damage' - wosoos "n heGade *Kersey, Robbie an-d Philhp, dofie b3y ou.r tractor or your, an Twosols Benthe GdTe" s~*Weston, Mr. and Ni-s. Leni ivestock. addThn4 B 0 odg'Th .$10 choir sang 'Pi-aise the Lord." ____________ Player and Tommy, Bowman- REMMIIR .. ,At the evening service the V-ille. His 1c<o-or WVEEKi Hampton Maie Quartet sang SALADA - 60's Mr. and Ni-. Harold Ash- 'Now is the Time o! Saiva T ton and sons Clare and Doug-ý For full details jusi cal: MA 3.3303 , EA B C tion' and "Abide With Me, 5Ih las, Enniskillen, Mi-. and Ni-s.:' Howard R. FoIey tor with the choir singing 'Pi-aise. Len Player and Tommy, Bow- R., ~ owanihe rithe .nr, wJuas xtended t the c r5kt manville, Mi-. and Ni-s. John, RR 3,BwavleWANTM prith or, O Jesîem." Ap Oflthe Lyon, Toronto, wei-e recent MA 3-3277 3-30 guest soeakei-, the quartet 'guests with Mi-. and Mms.J1 0o-operators SOMMIE Brent, ýnd soloist. also the lAVEXMryo and Mr.J iy.ogn Harve-ýt -orne canvassers con- 32-oz. botties and Harvey, Oakwood, Mi-.' lducted b- thp mem bei-s o!W- Bill Bovington, Agi n co urt,ý CTA nsurarce j e spleundadeoera £ for qh were Association i ' f. - and eetabl e ando d tio of1-u'ý egeabls iaàýand Ni-s. A. Mackli.n. i d children, Peterborough,? learned about' their Explorer" Mr. an.d Mrs. Frank Do-r-!was a weekend guest of Miss were weekend guests with Mr. H-ymn. Mrs. Killens and Mms land were Sunday visitors at Lois Ashton. mad Mrs. J. Macnab. Yeo took the 2nd and 3rd year'Mrs. Murray Mustard's. Sand- 'M.rs. R. M. Seyrnomr visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chall, girls. and took up some in-' ford.' with Mr. and MIrs. O. C. Ash- Master Darreli Barrett andà formation they had gathered' r n r.Hrl s-tn Master Dale Barrett, Bom,-.on the history of "Our Chur-' M. and bos. HrolSd Astn manville. were Sunday gue.sts ch". Ail the Explorers then tnadby eeSna Mr. and Mrs. 0, C. Ashton, with Mrs. T. S. Mountjov. went up into the church. ad visitcrs at Mr. andc MrS. J.lLois a.nd Charles with Mrs. Rev. Mr. Page was the guest we were very fortunae in LvosHmtn S. Rodman and Mrs. E. C. speaker for the Harvest Home having Rev. Mr. Page with' Mrs. R. M. Seymnour is visit- Ashton in, their new apart- Service at Colurmbus. Rev. us to explain about the use ing with Mr. and Mrs A. L. menit home in Osh.awa. ~Ir.andMrs Pae ~ereteaof the pulpit. communion tab- Wearn. guests with Rev. Mr. and ble anch W end otherites inthe Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- "F'or. Quality Cars Love, Columbus. Mr.CU-î V oee u oýman and Joanne were withi and Sevie Mrs.A. J Reyoldsandship service by singing "LetiMr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mrs A.J. eynldsandUs with a Gladsome Mind,"I E Miss Lula Reynolds were Sun- and Mrs. Page played the' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tur--SE - day supper guests of Mr. andpiano for'us. We ail read thener, Oshawa, were Sunday Mrs Ji RenolsPort 95:h Psalm an-d Mrs. Killens!vis:d:rs :t Mr A Oke's. M cQ DEEN Hope Mr.and rs.Evan led us in a Prayer Litany. Wei Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGil Oshwcfals for MrL ey-'thers,, and Ms.Killens closedýMrs. JmKinsuian's, MOTOR SALE nodsan MsReynolds and with the benediction. The Mr. nd Ms. SALEcS ;ook themn to Port Hope. [Explorers then joined hands, and girls, Bowmanville, were~ IIE A number of Hampton peo- ,repeated our Explorer prayer callers at Mr. and Mrs. K. Mc- EarI MQuEen Pes Ple attended the funeral cyfand sang taps. i Gill's. alMQenPrs MIr. John Yellowlees and Mr.!TeOtbrmtgo u! Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb, 219 KING ST. E. CahyiexotndetOuterelam- Home and School Club As- and Donna were with Mr. and' BOWMANVILLE ivey s etne oterl- sociation xas held on Wed- Mrs. Clarence Stainton. l tives.nesday evening. Oct. I lth, ini Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry,' Authorlzed Dealer for On Sunday Mrs. W. G.,the Christian Education Cen- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spry, Mr. I M PRSCR Whie, is NacyJohsMi-. ter, %vith President Mrs. Keithland Mrs. Glen Spi-y and Deb-1 MORRIS - RAMBLER and Mrs. Douglas White, Wli-'Smith in charge. Minutes oflorahi, Mr-. Harold Sprv Mr.- lie and Connie visited Dr. and' the previous meeting were, and Mrs. Wm. Harnbleton, MA 3-3356 Virs. G. R. Slemon, Don Milis.'reipd and approved. The fin- 1cetr ...M.a-dMs Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Warren ancial report was read. The Ron Clemeris, Hampton, were; H N S visited on Sunday evenin- November meeting is in guests at the Wrigpht-Muller'T A S ... with Mr-. and Mrs. Dave Hig-1chai-ge ci Jean MacNeil. A wedding and visitors at Mr.» We wlsh ta thank aur many gon, Bowmanvil]e. panel discussion on sehool and Mrs. E. Wright's. friends in Bowmanville and Miss Beverly Smale. Maple ýcurriculumn will be held .Isa-j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergusoný surroundlng district whn< and Mi-. Bob MeQueen, Ham- 1-el Payne annouinced planflSwere vstr tM.adMs'atne u uoSo iton, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wills,! for the 1961 Hallowe'e rKe n vrisito , s hatMr.a M. latee our AutoShow Toronto, wcre o ver n ig h tUNICEF campaign) i (forhenHrnto',sha. atwek Yorrsnc guests with Mr,. and Mrs. *Whvillaetelte ato Miss Mirgruerite Wright at-' made this speeal event a fred S ae i.nd Mrs. tobeî- r. S ut e oth fl tended the Wrigh-M u lier; sucess beyond al expecta- Wilfred Smale and family ýtroduiced tihe guest spaeledn on Saturday andi ios visited Mrs. Smale's mother Mi-. E. J. Pinto, formerly of visited hier parents Mr. and'~ Vu-s. Wills, near Colborne on- 1 Bombay, India, who gave to Mrs. N. E. Wright. Her parentsî 1960 Pontiac Sedan Sunday. uis a miost interesting talk on have returned home with he.r1 Local, one owner car in Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Ste- -Life in India." Mr. Pinto for holidays. xehnlygocndtn phens, Oakville, viitd spo, norhad0wila nIda Mrs. L. M. Keith, Toronto.1ccpinlygo odto spnsri5silagsinedi. and Mrs. Bert Stevens on Sot-'adsplav of aî-ts a beautifulivisited with Mr. and Mrs. N.1 * urday. 2'dspaofatan crafts thtIE. Wright. 199i Mr.andMrs Clff errliwere imported into this couli-, On Wediiesday evening, Oct.! Mr.it d Mrs. f Terri i- anity from India and sold bei-e; llth, Mrs. J. Slemon and bierSdai Mirs. NoSeworthy, Oshawva, tin Ontario. A donation was daughter Miss Kathryn SIc-ý given to Mr,. Pinto to send to mon were hostesses at a show-; 6 cyl., automnatie. Local, celebrate the birthday ' o the Prime Minister Children- er bv the C.G.I.T. "Happ one owner. Two to choose r.andth rserrill. Fund. Meeting adjourned with Gang"' for Miss Gloria Wright from. Mr. nd rs.H ar ve Ythe singing of the National who is an ex-member. Thirty ** rhop~ ad ai- sen aAnthem. guests. which included the. reeent weekend with hier par-,___ rd-lc' ohr r.E ents Mi-. and Mrs. Lashbrookz, bieeets-ohr r.E 1958 Renault Sedan Pari-y Sound. Wright. and Mrs. Muller, mo- ** Mr. Ray*mond Wilbur and: ENNJSKILLEN t her of the groom-to-be, as- sister Miss Marjorje Wilbur: sembled and were entertained, 97Fr ea visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. wVil-1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin1 with a short program consis57FrdS-a bur nd rs.Hewon n Mnj ingr of vocal duet by Mi5ses V-8, automatic, custom ~urandMrs Hwso onMo-;and Donna Gail on Sunday 1 Mai-y Yeo and Kathryn sie- radio. Two-tone paint, ky Ms.Heso atedect called on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest' mon, with Miss Lois Ashton' tc the Agawa-Cîary wedding in Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm .a s accompanist; readings by** Oshawa on Sa-turday Tripp and Mrs. Milton Ingram, - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil- B3obcaygeon. Misses Muriel Griffin and kins and family mtrdt Leowna Ferguson. M is s es 1955 Pontiac Sedan )we ond n Strdx' Rodnex- lrwin spent the; Laura Griffin, Kathryn Sie- A Hi-C group bas . beniweekend xith Larry Trimble,. mon and Donna Yilîowlees Custom radi. Totn formed for the young people Bowmanville. conducted some games wjtb anec of the community, with Mr.,. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston1t he winning honors going to and Mrs. Wilmer Hill as'attended Enfield Tbank- f- Misses Susan Wearn, Betty AIl above cars have been ~ouse1ors Te oficrs referng ervceandwer cal-Jane Werry and Mary Yeo. thoroughly checked throv hýl Cosnfollos Pr oficr rerii esidentanat M re. oy icke' Miss Lois Asbton read a brief our sbop and carry a 30-day a e; Vice Preset Gordonýers â r.RYDce's address to the guest of bonor full guarantee. Eva eo;Hamton Miss Gloria Wright, and Miss .ereaY, Arlene Short; Trea- Mr-. and Mrs. Ross Sharp Cheryl Rowan presented ber surer, Gene Balson; Pianist, and Kathy spent the weekend withacosgan itf a Our meetiugas eelAnexui e with relatives in Toronto. lace tablecloth from the C.G. Sheil Service Station meein ws eî tisWe- Master Gordon Sharp spent I.T. group. A delicious lunch is now open for business nesday evenimg to name com- the weekend with bis grand- wyas served and ail joined in Drop in and pay us a visit! 'nittees. The first regular parents, the A. Sharps. singing "Taps". meeting will be held on Wed- nesday evening, Oct. 25. Ai Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs Mr-. and Mrs. H. Ashton CONTACT: Young people are urged to at- enjoyed a rnotor trip to Hali- and Mrs. O. C. Ashton attend- tend. ýburton Highlands on Sunday. ed a gathering at the Head of EarI McQueen Explorer girls held theirl Mr- and Mrs. Allan Oliver, Scugog Island on Friday ev- Weldon Brown thi-d expedition on Wed. Oct.lWarsaw, were visitors at Mr-. ening wben friends and neigh- Bud Fogg Ilth. We opened in oui- usual and Mrs. Lorne Lam:b's. hbors pi-esented Mrs. S. Rod- way and there were 22 girls l Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamble- man and bier mother, Mis. E. Jim Crombie present. Collection $1.76. The'ton, Rochester, N.Y., arc C. Ashton, with several love- Jack Ricard Redbirds went to their room spending a f ew days witb Mr. lY farewell gifts. Sales with Mrs. Reynolds a n dA. Oke and Miss Elsie Oke. Miss Judy Green, Kingston,1z« IWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS HELP YO0 el Our :Home Improvement Division will help you plan . . . and complete the job for you . . . or we wili supphy the necessary mnaterials for the do-it-yoursehfer! LUMBER Make any room in your home "dlfcmrent" with beautiful ready-to-install paneling . - phywood or prefinished wvall- board. IVe ean help yotu in- crease the value of your home for very lîttie cost. n USE OUR CREDIT PLAN - WITH EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS or WE CAN ARRANGE A N.H.A. SHOME UMPROVEMENT LOAN1 Oshawa Wood Products. Limited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Oshawa Office and Showroom OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Phone: 728-1617 BOWMANVILLE - IMA 3-2130 AJAX - ZEnith 2.9600 M.- Main Office and Showrom COURTICE - 728-1611 M OSHWA WOOD) PRODUCTS OUW WOODPRODUCTS a - THE CANADIAN STATESMANT. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAnio - PAGE THMTEEN. OSI-IÀWA WOOD PRODtCTS L.