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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1961, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STAT~MAW. Pfl if A~TV1T.T.1~ tvu-rn A?.L à% i ooacco I.-fl Kiwanians Learn Many Grim Details About Lung Cancer Physical, mental and spiril ual well-being are interdepen dent, Rev. Claude Seil, pasto of the Seventh Day Adver tist Church, Oshawa, told th ]Bowmanville Kiwanis Clui dinner meeting at the Flyiný Dutchman Motor Hotel ci Monday evening. Pick ci -dependable traveling companion a.wherever you go, take falong Hartford Travel Accident Jnsurance. Get 24-hour-a-day p~rotection against the medcal expense of accidentai injuries cluring your entire trip-while y'ou're going, while yo;u're there, and on your way back. For as little as 3 days or as long as 6 months. Sec US for dletails before you goi. STUART I. JAM4ES INSURANCE REAL ESTATE King St. E. .1Office DIA 3-5681 Bowmanville Residence MA 3-5493 ~IatfrdAcidntand xndemnity Company, Member Hartford RnscranSc Go¶p, NOl NIGHT C fo: New Court Bowmanville C.OF. Officers Installed WWN~bVAX, t- In a challenging talk Mr. M n- Seil contended that it is most r important to provide a good i- physical basis to enable men-f e tal and spiritual qualities to ib have a healthy foundation. gMr. Seil was accompanied n to the dinner meeting by Den- nis Jones and Ken Davis, both .. lb o! Oshawa, who assisted him J in the presentation of two films. -Time Pulls the Trig- ger" was the titie o! the first one shown. It dealt with cig- arette smoking as a dangerous cause of lung cancer. The rise in the total num- ber of cases of lung cancer in the last 41 years has been tremendous, it was pointed out. In 1920 there was exceed- At an interesting meeting on Monday evening, Chief Ranger; Glenn Prout, Dist. Dep. High Chief, ingly littie lung cancer found officers of Court Bowmanville No. 964 of the Canadian Ranger; Ron Brock, Vice Chief; back row: Carlos in women, today women pat-b ients with this dread disease Order of Foresters were installed by the District Cryderman, Chaplain; Merton Mavin, Conductor; are almost as numerous as Deputy High Chief Ranger Glenn Prout. The officers Jack Parkins, Sr. Woodward; Bill Taylor, Jr. Beiadie;ý men. include, front row, left to right: Jim Graham, Finance Ted Clarke, Sr. Beadie and Bill Wallis, Jr. Woodward.1 The possibility o! contract- Secretary; Bob Jones, Chief Ranger; Ken King, Past ing lung cancer was stated to be a ratio o! one to 10 for a passed away verv suddenly at smoker, ana only one to 270 his late resîdence, south o!ý for a non-smokec. The asser- IOcono, on Mondav afternoon.1 tion was made that only four S Funeral service o n Thursday per cent of lung cancer cases T h Oo n Nv V afternoon in Orono Unitedý can cr!tel. Acs Church at 2:30 o' dock. The second motion picture Jm s c sbown was named "One in Mrs. Jm s ER ihrs Editor 20,000". It also concerned theRihrs reainhpo mking toBROWN'S care fthp o! cs bis-1 Mrs. James Grunerad o! St., Mrs. O. XW. Rolph for the Saturdav. Wcekend visitors with Mr. tory was given in this film o! Cloud, Minnesota, U.S.A. ar-1wcekend.- Mc. and Mirs. Rov Barrabaland Mrs. Wellington Farrow, a man, a heavy smoker for rived at Malton bY 'plane on Congratu 1 a t i o nl s to Mrs. and Mrs. Chas. Wood visited wr c n r.J.MNbb yers woon dydeiddTuesday to visit ber mother Viola Sîtiith who celebrated Mrs. W. R. Young, Tara, and Mr. and Mrs. H. to have a chest x-ray. Some- Mrs. Geo. Morton who xvas hec 88th bicthdaY Oct. hoth. Bcidgenorth, on Wednesday O! Farrow, Chetsworth. thing was seen on his lung moved from Memorial Hospi-ý Mrs. Reg. Sutton returned1 îast weck.Ms.JCronS.adMs when the plate was developed. tai, Bowmanville, to Oshawa home on Thursdlay a f t e r Dran Mrs. KetJTyo.H icur r .atend d showe Later test and diagnosis pcov- Hospital Sunday evening. spending two weeks xith Mr.. and agtrs.Nanc y, rrp or Mr. oh Sinclair ateddasone ed it was agtrNny rrl-fo r.Jh Sicir n The patient was sent to a IMr. and Mrs. W. Norman'and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and ton, visited Mr. and Mrs.1 Tuesday evening last, which lun secilit i Nw OlensPorter returned home on Fr1- ýDavid, Cadmus. ýMarshall Chatterton on Sun- wshl ttehm !Ms and surgery was found necess- day rrv oo n hogu M.JmsAmu pn a. J. Hactwick, Toronto. ary. The entire operation was the Adirondacks and to Lake few days with Mr. and Mrs.dM deicedinth flm ad laid N.John S tone last week and .,si Wendy Harness visited r.! M r. and Mrs. J. Hartwick,ý n ow at The Lodge Nursing and Mis. D. S. Harness hast' Toronto, accompantied by Mrs.1 shown to be a grim proceed- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood Hme ew1tl.Week. J usnadMs .Cuh ing. and daughters Gail and San-1 Mr. and Mrs. Hecb. Rundie,! Mc. and Mrs. Francis Hall. recently visited relatives in, The rate of deaths from lung dra, and Miss Judy Ballan- Hampton, calcd on Mrs. Chas.' Toronto. were wcekend guests Belleville and Napanee. cancer in the United States tyne, Lakefield, Mrs. Geo.ý Wood on Mondaîy.of Mr. and Mcs. Wm. Robin-ý Brown's H. & S. Club heldi is 20,000 a year, it was stated. Crowt.her and sons Chai-les., \Mr. and Mcs. Bert Robini-:Son. their October meeting on! The patient whose case history and Jan-ie, Newcastle, visited. son. Walacctown. visýitcd his! Mc. and Mrs. Mickey Adams Tuesday evening, October 10.ý was given in the picture was ,Mrs. Chas. Wood on Stinday. brother Mr. Victor Robinson, and baby son are staying with!la the absence o! the presi-j saved by the removal o! one Mr. A. McGee. Mrs. R. Car- Mrs. Robinson and Robt. last Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meccer' dent and the secretary, Mcs.- lung because bis case was for- leton, Mrs. M. Lunn, Miss E. week. 'and theic four daughtecs are' E. Mcllcoy occupied the chairý tunately discovered in time. Heard and Miss B. Caln, the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mylesstaying with Mc. and Mrs. and Mrs. Hilda Caîl acted as Hence the title ofthe film "One staff of Orono Public School. and daughiters. Whitby, called Sid Bacrabaîl and familv fol-, secretarv. A lengthy discus-' in 20,000". attended the Teachers' Con- 'on his mother, Mrs. D. N. howing the fire which destroy- sion regarding milk for the, 1______________ vention held at Prudhomme's Myles, on Sunday. ýed their home, west o! thelchildre okpaeadtee ,Garden Centre at Vineland, Mr'And rs Alfred Wil- Forestrv on Sundav evening. will cen tookaen d thre nr last Thursday and Friday. 'sn aesilwr eek-; A presentation foc Mc. and crete on this at the next meet-, Mrs. Jack Hudson who was !end guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. i Mrs. Francis Cowan, the for-! ing. A committee was ap- injured at the Forestry last]L. King. ýmec Joyce Jones, wvas held atipointed to take care o! the r IC E Thursday is a patient in Me-! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sug- Antioch School on Satuirdayl annual Hallowe'en pacty wbich monial Hospital, Bowmanville.'gitt,' Toronto, visited h e revening. 1wl be held this year on Fni- Rev. John Kitchen, Stam- aunt, Mrs. Wm. Seymour,_on' Mc. and Mrs. Edward Hen-j day evening. October 27th, at ford, was the guest o! Mc. and, derson and daughter Leslic,lthe school. The meeting clos- TI~TT'T~ Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. ed with a game o! euchre, the LA S SGordon Clarke moved a vote! ENFILL3Onville Chatterton, Carol and winners being Mrs. Wilda o! hans o M. Slifor bisý exclet a k , And ls x esfo w ek David on Sunday. ISimpson and Mrs. June Wil- excelen tal, ad alo e-! Nws or to weks Mr. M. H. Staples, husbandison, and the losers Mrs. R. r pressed the appreciation -of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Peters. of Muriel Penfound Staples, Crowells and Mrs. H. Cail. 1 NEW CANADIANS Learning English ]Regisier ai ONTARIO STREET SCHOOL dIEb Thursday, October 26th Te 8:00 p.m.te I1ntroducing ourM music DEPARTMEN1 Full Line of . GUITARS TRUMPETS e e * s REED INSTRU: ALL STRING INS' ACCORDIC PREuCHRISTMAS SALE 25</wo OFF ON CHRISTA r LAY-AWAYF Small deposit will hold any instrument u BUY NOW a a aAND We carry a complete line of... SHEET MUSIC for Piano, 1 1TYPE WRITERS DICK's SMOKE W PHONE MA 3-5807 43 M; St LE e oal~iwnan O lm Toronto, were ýwéekend visit- nd his assistants, Mr. Jones ors of Mrs. R. Griffin. Also nd Mr. Davis, for the present- visiting with Mrs. Griffin were ion of the two frank and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Peters and zrtIing motion pictures. They Mr. and Mrs. Phil Conlin of ave a valuable awakening, Oshawa. cgarding the perils of smok- ig as a cause of cancer of the There was a family gather- ing, he said. ing at the home of Mrs. T. Guests present at the din- Taylor on Thanksgiving with er meeting were the presiî- members from High 1 a n d ent of the Westmount-Osh- Creek, Scarborough, Oshawa, wa Kiwanis Club, Henry Ja netville, Enniskillen and eid, and three other of the Haydon. imbers o! that club, AI Run- Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee and e, Norm, McAlpine and An- family were Thanksgiving ew Suwalla. guests at Mr. H. McKeown's, After the meeting President 'Whitby. ed Hutton appointed a Nom- ition Committee to select a Recent visitors at the E. Lee- mtative siate of officers for'wrM.adMs rn e Bowmanville Kiwanis Wannacott and Angela, Bow- lub in 1962. manville; Mr. and Mrs. Ches-' ter Lee, Whitby, and Miss Darlene Fowler, Hampton. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Green,, Daphne and Gwenn, Kingston, were weekend visitors at W. Bowman's. Mrs. R. M. Seymour attend- ed our Thanksgiving Service! and was a guest at the Pascoe Mrs. S. Hockaday, Solina: Joan and Brian, Bowi-anville; Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKeown, Arlene and Gary, Whitby; Mr., and Mrs. Bill Carr, Brenda' and Brian, Long Sault; Mr.! and Mrs. Allan Taylor and DR M 'JlI~DDavid were visitors of the L. Cochranes. * .ORNS'4 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parr and: children, Mr. and Mrs. Herb FMENTS Prescott, Rodger and Erin were Thanksgiving guests of I'RUMENTS Mr. and Mrs. David McLean, Blackstock. )NS ' M'-. and Mrs. Ron Oke ej inMontreal for a fewdas Mr . George Hubbard is quite hoeto see him out around There was a good attend-' ance at our Thanksgiving Ser- i vice when wve enjoyed the special treat of listening to a * former pastor, Dr. R. B. Green of Kingston and of reîiewing acquaintances with Dr. and Mrs. Green and daughters. There were special numbers by some ladies and the junior: PLAN choir. The church. was beauti- fulLANoatd anii Christmas The W.A. met in the school' s . E!er when Mrs. Ewart Lak SAVE! gave a talk on "Nutrition"' wvhic1h the ladies found help-' 4fui and interesting. Mrs. Fred Griffin played two piano selec- tions. Mrs. W. Bowman presided Organ., etc. and the devotional wvas con- ducted by Mrs. S. Knowlton, Mrs. M. Gilroy and Mrs. S. Grills. See Coming Events foi, bazaar news. Gel Your Price ~HvP For Your Livestock SHOP througb Bowxnanville Phone MArket 3-3303 Hear Challenging Sermons Large Con grega fions F111 Sf. PauI's United Church For 127f h Anniversary tLarge congregatioîis filled1 teach and preach until ail are o! thinking because It bas se te church last Sunda 'v when cornrntted. many things to give."' said Rev. St. Paul's United Church ((le. The service was ini charge Kelly. Christian faitb brings brated its 127thAnîc.ayf th(- minister. Rev. H. A. marvellous things, and if we with special serviccs. TIhe 1'urner. B.A., B.D. Special work for Christ, our reward guest pi-cacher at hoth ser music was provided under is that we are always with vices was the Rcv. W. Morri- the direction of organist and Christ. The speaker coiitinued son Kelly, M.A.. B.D., S.T.M., choir leader, Murdoch L. Be-a- to challenge hîs audience by Professor of Publie Wor:-hip ton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., LT. stating that some o! us use at Emmanuel College"or- C.,_ with the choir joining'in religion and prayer as a con- onto. "Let the Mountains Shout for venience, and when not need- In the morning service Rev. .oy" and a special arrange- edorl g is bfai theap Kelly chose as bis topic, "The niun'.bv the ladies "The Har- pear3 i~nitbfr h Church and You" when 1lie bouc." The junior choir also morning sun. We mnust ail rea- forcefully told bis audi(ence ýassisted In the mocning sei'-,lize that religion gives us that during these troublesomue vice. faith. power and the strength times wve need the cburcb The sistr congregation o!t atncar n." ethout no more than ever before. -The:Tcinity United Churcb joined atedcuc.t ebtt 'present day should prove a in the evening service with give thnstGow ow challenge to us, he said. "AI- thein minister, Rev. Wm. K.Hm1 uh, re h though there is a definite de- Houslander assisting. Prof.! speaker. dicine in the teaching o! Christ, Kelly chose as bis evening sub-1 The choir rendered a spec- cease not to teacb and preacb ject. "Getting Something Out; ial anthen with the ladies IJesus as Christ," hie urged. If o! Religion." Today, the first' again delighting the audience the people will not corne toithîng that cornes to mind is witb "Be Still, .My Soul". con- church, the church mnust -o what do we get out of it, be- cluding the~ ser-vice o! praise. fto the people. A good Christ- fore doing anything. "Christ- and the 127tb Anniversary o! -ian mnust fle\Cc despair. butiianity lends it.self to this line St. Paul's United Churchi. FURNITURE AND HOME FURNISHINGS 3 ST. E. MA 3-7071 BOWMANVILLE FURNITURE WITH A RED TAG MEANS GREAT SAVINGS FLOOR SAMPLES... DISCONTINUED LUNES LARGE SIZE CRIBS Comiplete with spring-filled mattress RED TAG SPECIAL * * * DOUBLE DOOR WARDROBE Walnttwitb l'.irrors RED TAG SPECIAL 39-95 ___ __-i i .1A - F KITCHEN SETrS 39-95 CONTINENTAL BEDS RED TAG SPECIAL 39" Smootb Top, complete Ri ed oardSPEIAL0 LONG WEARING Rit EaD oArd. 9I - .5 0 TWEED VISCOSE 367295 100 RED TAG2.Pfor 110.00d FACTORY CLEARANCE! EXAMPLES... 2-PCE. CHESTERFIELD by Serta (Long Sofa) Reg. $2î9.00 - RED TAG ------- 2- PCE. CHESTERFIELD 100% Nylon Cover10 5 Reg. $249.00 - RED TAG ------ 19 ,5 3-PCE. KROEHLER BEDROOM (discontinued) Double Dresser, Chest, Book Case Bcd. Plate Mirror - Dust-prouf construction.I005 Reg. $319.00 - RED FA619I ,50 3-PCE. BEDROOM Andrew Malcolm, Italian Provincial in- cludes: Double Dresser, Cbest and Bcd. Butternut Finish. Reg. $399.50 < u~ RED TAG ---- 189050 10-PIECE LIVING-ROOM ENSEMBLE RED TAG SPECIAL 199.50 * * * 10-PIECE BEDROOM ENSEMBLE ]RED TAG SPECIAL 199.50 j] n ~r - I i I il SI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLLP. 5 PCE. m ý4 mý%V"L"N A " fcf? i 'T 18th 1 -M ý 150ý

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