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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1961, p. 2

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1 was brought betore the mee t- ing. We xvere remindcd o! the Area Convention Nov. 1, 2 and 3, and it was suggested that Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy ho delegate. Arrangements will be made for others wishing to attend. Information was read re- garding a short course "Insti- tute Procedure" ta be held in our community in the Spring. Reports were read by the trea- surer and the park commit- tee. We were reminded of aur bazaar next month. Mrs. Chapnian and Mrs. Dewell were named as tlower corn- mittee. Birtbday greetings were expressed to Mrs. Sykes. Everyonc was happy to see Mrs. S. Kersey and Miss Nonie H-orai in aur midst once more. Mrs. Kersey had prepared a humorous and enlightening paper on the motto "Don't lit your waist line vanish." Mrs. Smale rcad il. Mrs. Chant en- tertained us with pictures o! her trip from Hampton toc Vancouver and Miss Horn tavored with a piano solo. t It was a very enjoyable atternoon. The North group served lunch. If you can't gel behind movement for the good c-1 th community, the least yau ca do is gel out from ln tror, of il. a ce à Your Future' s better if you're backed by Bonds! No inatter how young or how old -everyone has something ta plan for and ta save for! Whatever your plans, Canada Savings Bonds are a convenient and systernatîc way o! building up savings ta help you realize your goals. And there's nothing quite like a reserve of Bonds ta give you a feeling of security and confidence in the future! Canada Savings Bonds are a guaranteed invealment - cashable anytime at full face value plus interest. Coupons pay 4!,Je/' the first year, 4,1/% for eauh of the next six years, 5%I for each of the last three years. Denoniinations from $50 up. Limit per persan $10,000. Sa simple to buy -.on instalments or for cash at any bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan campany, or through your company'u Payrolt Savings Plan. Order yours todayl BUY THE NEWV CANADA SAVINGS BONDS good for You -and Canada tool ever'Ytllcî;cgi fl its tast, stage. 'lu'deicd acb(<t er off thaui the livincg, toi- ttiy av dn withc t its watisonie thing caît- tsI lifi'. 't'he preccch<r iH weary ut every t'Ilig. Il(,-writes: "I hatve seern everything that is done, unden the sun; and be- hoid, ait is vanity and a striv- ing atter wind." (RSV.) There is no doubt that many people today are iveany, wurn and sad. ihey are troubled by the "Cotd Wan" and the innumerable doprossing prob- lems, facing the Nations of' the world. Undoubtedly many persuns have lost the zest and cagerness of lite and they are asking today. 'Is life wurth living?" They are disappoint- ed, frustratcd and disillusion- ed and tbousands ut pensons in bitter despair, commit suic- ide every ycar in the United! States alune. The bnilliant puet, Lord Byron, was a man of great lit- erary gcnius and today is considered une ut the greatest ut English puets. It is deplor- able that be became immoral and ]icentious,- a profligate, and died at the early age ot thirty-six years. In bis disgust ut lite he' wrote- "Count o'er the joys thîne hbours h ave see n, V E and Mns. Mervyn Graham FrT Arut the Current elnt . ReligionFo da Atthis point Mrs, elo Reports from - Wiliams, vice-prou id on t 1, Honeydale, preuidod and ex- presod the pleaettre of com- 5 ing ta viait. The following tin- tereatin p arnws then Women's Institutes gveEn-afl O% (Itne o atwe) M".Mervyn Graham was ap, M." i* awkr adtML$.je( ISIUEvention ini Toronto. An invi. lwnn aga ul i ors ti!Tétis a fooîlîi ITITEtation from Maple Grove W. 1 on Your Old G;ritN, olineýtt,, question to a Chiritiîun, yt.t, An enjoyable evening wasi to visit themn Nov. l3th was Mrsa. Bel gave a readilng, i ail ages there have 1îeî spent in the Parish Hall on'accE>Pted. The bazaar at Go]- "Yestei'dav and Today": Mrs. men who have affett(i tsi(le Wednesday when 20 ladies oïden Plow Lodge wvas annouinc- Cawker and Mr,s Jeffery sang pise life and ha~vv tlîsckîcs HO.neydale Women's lnstituteed and some tickets sold fo "The Old Ruggod Cross"; Mrs. slightingly of t, ,, i, t ici Ucir Were guests of 26 of BIack-ý a draw at it. The rolcait Williams read "Boost But- despair have uskteci, 9l IIIf! stoc ladea.Something I wish i d' tons (jippers are quicker)'" worth living!" Mrs. Chas. Smnith, president;bought, and why" caused C01- andMWs. Barthou condue-ted This ,eachl .w ,rI!~ o! Baektoc W.I.,preided siderabie amusement. ai, edutçionlai quiz. Meeting is not Of nw-cî î:'cîvîl, I Of Backtoc W.L, resclosed with The Queen atter flourishied fcccîr fi IgbIli 4 End welCOmned the guests. Thel Mrs. Cecil Hill gave the re- ýv1iih a pileasant social time years ngo ori iljziicîks <or thtce Ode was slang and Mrs. Me-isponse to the motto "A '.vise 'ýas spent and a delicious Nile, evell list lîîîc'lu Arhur read t.he Cofleet. womnan is like a pin, her head[î Q evd [a iîcl t t lli rcvlitc< During the business periodikeeps her rom going tlunachM s. C kerveprss d aythe1that tt c s cI lc t v tha.nks of Honeydale for a known. I e'cctîcj tthilîtor- pleasant evening, and Mrs. ian, teilis f éliticuett (ic*l eople ' Smith thanked them ,for com- wh0 g ott< cli rcw-Ihurn ,ing and presenting such a1bichveI i Atil1 Icîd icnutauc splondid progranmme. and luccItlcc . i<iîIW ith" e<>rY. HAMPTON W..i.hîck tIX)oasçsi F1~~ ~~~ Hampton W.I. held its Oc-.tîiii is ls a flie. I. lober meeting with a splendid ltveI'ythlei f c(J ie Sun is i attendance. Much business............ l, nve iod, LuiiWLIS GOOD...wmnd GOOD forYOUI Men who drink a glass __________ of milk get a quick "pick-up" that chases away that tired feel- ing. It's the best way to get the extra energy you need for a day's work. Try it today! PHONE MA 3-5444 For Delivery GLEN RAE DAIRY 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE .*ie '.,,,oi meieing t àestLibe-i ton Presbyterian Ladies Aid un Tuesday evening whe1n plans were made for Thank- fftering services thi-s fa-li.- k5Pi~ioeau rED'N;ESDAY, OCT._llth.é4 Topeka. Kan.; W. L. Il al Windsor, Vt.: G. H. Reynolds, Goodieiir Atomie Corp., Ports- nothti. Ohio, and L. A. Mur- pli > v Goodci er Aircraft Corp., Litchlfield Park, Ariz. Carlson, Point Pipasant, W. y M an gers Va.: G. McGarrety, Quebec, le 4M eet at Akron Ohio J. A. Ilrown . lý'a'orth ~ ~~~~~Akron. Ohio, Oct. 2-Mana- cnh.Qee: .B ord -w0W o t Living? gers of Goodyear Tire & ber Company plants through- neklv TaIk hy Rcv. R. R. Nicholson out the United States and fýCoti nt uer thy da sto I iewoî vn? ýCanada met here today for sorrw fee s fom Is lfe ort liing Ittheir annual conterence with Anîd crw r, depends altogether uapon the other company management. kuîow, whatever thou abject of your life. Your defmn-: urn th coig or Icusa eeniition of life precedes the ans- das the managers will be 'i'î. :umething better flot ta wcr to that familiar question. brîefied on the overal business hi'Nobody eaver Finds lifwot climate, especially as il per-ý Walter Lippman says Ihere living. One always bas tu a Mak tains to the rubber, automo.1 il"( ý')( 9 e and women it worth living, Life is an ach- tive, and related industries, tWercly-two years of age. whom lite bas been abund-atnd ta exehange informa-; Srie ycars ago, at Yale Col- antiy worth living, have madeltion pertinent ta their own lga student committed suie- it so, by an interior, creative geographical and p r o d u c t ide. 1-is father, a well-knowxî spiritual contribution af their areàs. main of letters and a puet, was OWfl.i Sam DuPree, vice president asked by newspaper reporters, In his interesting book in charge of production, wel-' wheherho oud acout fi What Lite Means to Me," Dr. comed the managers during, whis e by' ac.H ould cutemr Wiitred T. Grenfeli saYs: the opening session. As thel hMs o s aw nHe oldreson ýLite ta me is ever beautiful. conference progresses, t heyv lity on s noeo inî Lite is a thousand times worthi wilî hear from other companyl The mark from 1 us today do not know what while." officers. the reason for lite us. We do Cbauncey M. Depe%%, the: The Canterence closes Frî- Ladroth yo hgr not understand life. Anyone tamousAmerican, as an day who pretends to, is blutting. earnest Christian, who loved1 Plant managers or ilhe-ir re- ta' h a rmT iWhat we want now in place lt n on twl ut presentatives attending t h e: enitrsti ii ut roligious faith, is taith in living and shortly betore his 191PatMnaesCne- lite itselt.", death, saîd, "From my exper- ence included: H. R. Sontag inghandtohisneighboui ience of ninety-three years I Beaumont, Tex.,- H. G. Mc- aware o! budgets, babieý arn more firmly anchored to Neill, Bownianville, Ont.; C. T. he's an expert-a lite il the Bible than ever before,, Clark, Los Angeles, Calit.; H. and believe implicitly in its 1A. McKew, Car' silG. valued friend. teachings and in the God it P. D. Ostcander, Cedartown,; portrays. I have always telt Ga.:R. W, Jenkinson, Che-! gk a real dependency on God. 1 ais . R. Thomas think o! God as being interest- Deatr Ala.; A. C. Michaeîs,! he I ed in mortals and murtal at- halisdena.; B.IA'he 1sk faisChis a hs arhl Gdsen Aa. B A Rsisk, ftUI ASSURANCE fais, hrst s hs artlyHouston, Tex.; E. T. Rutfner, IV Y.manistestation; Christ, who Jackson, Mich.; D. R. Remihef/cwpaý-t understaod, lived, toiled, and gio, Lincoln, Neb.: J. C. Moon, suttered uapon earth as men Medicine Hat, Alberta; A. L., Reprc'sentative and women do; Christ, w ho Rodgers, New Bedford, Mass.; died, as wla must do before WCIL'A W. Denns', New Toronto[ live again. Christ is God's ,Onit.; F. H. Manchester, Nia- pledge o! love", ara Falls, N.Y.: R. G. Cumn- ,"A thing I have neyer lostimings, North Chicago, Ill.; O.ý ifaith in the etticacy of pray- -- er. I have tested il repeatedly It bas neyer tailed." These are nut the words of apreachei-, or of some clois- tered saint. Depew was a man jaamost eminent railroad Rev. R.R. Nicholson man, a great orator. He met wtdeait with ail kinds of Dr. H.S. Coffin says: "That people; bis original thought, is a false antithesis. The reli- bis brilliant humor made bim gîous înierpretation supplies one of the most popular speak- faîth in lite. Both our science ers in the wurld; yet he re- and our. religion make two mained a humble, prayerful,! assumptions- that aur world trustful Christian. is intelligible and that il is Is lite worth living? Yes! worthi knowing. That is the To a Christian lite is infinite- unconscious faith of every ly worth while. It is no empty sc-intLiflu inVestigator. Religion dreamn but a divine realîty. elMaiFrs' nwecpbok1., makes it explicit in its con- The apostie Paul says: "Foe _.-oe vthCnüa h viction that behind and in the me ta live is Christ and luýQàY world is a wise and good Gad." die is gain." FLOYD Il. McKlNLEY N1..arns Avenue Bownianville, Onitario Phone ',NA 3-51372 DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 14 7 Davenport Roadi oronto 5 Have you looked at your kitchen lately? Are the walls cold, bare, even drab-Iooking? Are they merely neutral- when they could contribute so much more to the personality of your home? Sunworthy wallpaper makes such a wonderful difference! The warmth, the texture, the colour of Sunworthy wallpaper can work miracles in any home, old or new. Ready-pasted wallpaper is fun to apply-it's so easy 1 I3eeauise today's Sunworthy wallpapers are plastic coated, washable and fade-proof, they're practical too. Choose yours now from your nearby wallpaper dealer. E :r] Holidaying for Thanksgiv- with dead grass and debris -ing with Mr. and Mrs. Norman beincr burat up. It is bu be Kennedy at their farm on the seeded this tait. Sixth bine were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Jack Neal, Garnet Colîcît, Janie, Susan Neisha and Kr'nny were guesîs and Stephen uf Georgetown; Sun'iay witb Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wood- Don Lake, Newcastle. ward, Douglas and David ut Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Lang- Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. staffadt<y n r n Robert Collett and son Philip, MrS. Gib Melcaîf visited Gib's Georgetown, Wayne Kennedy M i and Miss Sandra Mercer u aetr - s c, Orono.Sprucedate. Orono.With Mr. and Mrs. Eddieý Miss Carol Little and Ran- Couruux Sunday were Mn. nie Gay are attending Teach- and Mrs. Ray Moore, Ricky ers' College in Peterborougb. ac oneu oot n Tbey have already taught their Mr. andi Mrs. Carl Langstatt, third practice teaching lessan. Linda and Debbîe. There are twenty cblîdren Miss Betty Finlay andi Mr. living in the village attending Emeny ut Peterbonough vis- aur new public schoul andi two ited Mr. andi Mrs. Geach andi going ta the separate R. C. Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Carscadden school. Some yeans ago aur Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geach village was composeci chietly andi tamily wcnc ta sec Mr. ot older residents but naw we and Mrs. David Sutcb and in- bave many yaung couples mast tant daughter, Kim Christine of wbom are employed in the Sunday attennoon. General Motars. Mrs. Ney Little, Mr. and Mr dMs. Paul Mercer, Mrs. FrevahatteM r.ant Guelph, spent a few days with day foe r aar tStn- er parents, Mn. and Mrs. Tedfra otrtrptam-heWarren. U.S. ýMns. Allen Foster, Mrs. Mar- Mrs. e Coatham and î-'att andi Mrs. H. Faster book ily werc dinner guesîs Sun- a trip ta Teeterville last week. day with Mrs. W. Mercer. Mrs. Marlatt remaineci for a Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- holiday. son, Jerry andi Susan spent Anvray srie r the weckend in Algonquin being hcld iii Kendal next Park with Bctty's sister, Mrs. Sunday witb a turkey supper Baulkc. Il would be a litIle hein" held on Wed., Oct. 25. cool for fisbing this weekend 'Se adi tor particulars. -su ditterent tram lasI.__________ The sudden drap from the! 75' weather wbich we had for Nele n about une wbole week ta cald N slfnSaii andi freezing Saturday and Sunday morning was not tua BesI ut good wîshes ta, Mr. welcome, and made folks and Mrs. Charles Briggs, nee search out their warmn clothes. Miss Rase Mount.ioy, whu were Some snuw flurnies Sunday married in Toronto un Satur- also emphasized that winter day, October 7. was un ils way. li was a relief ta know that Mr. nd rs.Ear BuloyTommy Graham, small nephew and daughters visited recentlyivu r n r vnRbe in Sunderlandi with Mr. and xvas able ta ncturn tram Osh- Mrs. George Durward wbo awa Hospital follawing an ac- have a new baby boy. ident in front oftheb Robrer Mr. and Mrs. John Bird andcihome last Saturday evening. Dougie visited ber parents, Mn. nd rs.Penc Bulcy Mrs. Howden o! Toronto anc day last week and Miýs. spent the weekend with Mrs. iVannatta and Cecil were Suni- ýJ cad day guesîs. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MeMul- The scbool yard Is being len andi Carl, Ballydutf and worked up and levelleci off Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sutan, -- - -- - ban and Dcbbic o! Ottawa were holiday visiturs with Mn. PONTYPOOL and Mrs. L. Hyland. Mrs. W. H. Johnston andi We are glad ta report that!Mrs. J. J. Watson ut Toronto Everett Mitchell is home againi andi Mn. and Mrs. John John- atter a few wceks in Sunny- [stan a nd Anne of Ottawa Wet'e brook Hospital. Mr. Bruno bhas, Tanksgiving visitors witb the also returned atter ten days Grant Thompsons. Mrs. John- in tbe same hospital. stan remaineci for a holiday. Mn. Verdun Lethangue un- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, derwent an uperation for ap- [ Mns. H. Samelîs, Mr. and Mrs. pendi citis neccntly. [Herma n Rodman andi Mr. and XVe extend our congratula-! Mrs. Elwood Gray w le r e tions ta the Van Dam Broth- Thanksgiving dinner guests crs, George, Jake and Sandy ut Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyons, who all won prizes on their ut Uxbridge. tobacco.: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist Mn. and Mrs. Archie Whit- were Sunday visitons with Mn. mec, Brooklin, and Mr. andIand Mns. Francis GisI, baing. Mrs. Laurence Godidard a! Mn. andi Mrs. Doug Fallis Bowmanville were Sunday and family ut Bowmanville visitons with the Paynes. spent the weekend witb Mr. Several ut the offticers and land Mrs. Clarke Williams. members ut the Unitedi Cburch Miss Ruth Pnoutt and Mr. met in thc basement on Tues- andi Mrs. Charles GisI attend- day ta discuss holding a Tut'- cd Ballydutt anniversary sen- i key Supper. Il was decidcd vices. lu have anc with the likely Svmpathy is extended ta. 'date Nov. 8. Wil1 appear under! the family and friencis of bbc -Coming Events" in the near late Mns. Jas. MeMullen wbo future. passed away last weck with We regret ta report bbe pass- interment in St. Mary's Cerne- ing of Mrs. James McMullen tery, Littord. of Lotus. Deccased was a sis- Mrs. Cccil Wilson and Mns. ter-in-law of Mrs. Lily Rîcb-, H. Samelîs accompanîed Mr. ardson. and Mrs. Lonne Lamb ut En- Mn. and Mrs. Elin Budd ut niskillen ta attend the funeral Simcoe spent a few days re-jIof Mrs. Thos. Patton in Fene-. cently at their home in the Ion F'alls on Monday. Village. Mrs, C. Gist was hostess for la S UNWORTHY WALLPAPERS CAP4ADIAN WALLPAPER MANUFACTURE RS LIMITE D 222 7th ST.,TORONTO 14, O NT. - MAKERS 0F FA MOUS BOXER & STAUINTON WALLPA PERS MAKE YOUR SELECTION 0F SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS AT ANY 0F THE FOLLOWING LOCAL DEALERS. ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W., Bowmanville GOODE'S HARDWARE Newcastle Orono ARMSTRONG STORE LTD. Oron o ROLPH HARDWARE PAETWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLLE, ONTARIO th e trend to wolipaper is a trend to Iovelier homes! T'he Mutual Life tîp, llead of Ilis lîouse- eMutual Lite. He takes a~ffairs and lends a holp- irs. As a fam-iily man hie's cs and bicycles. At ivork instirance counsellor. A viutua1 Life 7COMPANY 0F CANADA ti ilie viiitci(iiii<ing cdittideîcd record 1 L a -M ÀM a

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