-------------- ---- .- w Nov.- 5-. 12- 19- 26- Dec.- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SPOIRTOpICSI By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 SHORT COLUMN S Our abilities as a sports reporter reached Iow ebb this wveek and therefare as a result we've camne up wlth a short qelumn. Intentions were there, but due ta circumstances the news wasn't - actually you readers are fartunate <we hape) in findîng what we have written. We had ta rouse ane af qur staff members aut af bcd late Manday night ta find out that Bowmanville High Schaol edgcd Oshawa Donevan 21-20 - n last Friday's rugby gamne. Later on, Jerry Marjerrison delivered the Goodyear teams and schedule which wc hope tb have in this week's Statesman. S This reporter headed ta the narth country for the weekend, which pravides us with some kind af an excuse, but we came up with samething af interest. It snowed and crrly Monday morning the car was covered with Ice. Sa what happens an arriving home - peaple tell us the samei happened here. WelI anyway, we did drive past Conn Smythe's farm, and he's a sportlng figure, isn't he? i. i. . i. i REDMEN WIN We did sce the first bh aio Friday's game, but when the ramn commenced, this scribe (the editor will ike this) wtent home. On the hast play cf the bahf, John Twist inter- cepted a pass and raced some 20 or 30 yards into the end zone ta give the B.H.S. Redmen a 12-6 lead. If any kind-hearted student Is willing ta help out the old sports editor by giving us details on future games, ve'd like to hear fromn you. t t. t t i TOWN LEAGUE BASKETBALL The Town Basketball League which proved sa popular ., last year is preparing ta start the new season an Navember ~ 14th. Anyone wishing ta play wha didn't participate before,~ .' 4 is asked ta contact Ted Dadson, Jim Allin or Recreation Director Doug Rigg, immediately. These seven young The four-team laop will again operate an Tuesday Field Meet held at Bowmý rnights at the B.H.S. gym, with the double-header starting at from hef t to right: Sr. Gir 7 o'clock. Whistle-tooters are urgently needed, s0 if you are rapable af refereeing, give one af the three named above a cahl.M t t t Men's Mai THANKS TO SPONSOR1 We had been asked ta use the medium af this cahumn Bowling News ta thank a sponsor and we are anly toa plcased ta print this lSaeswsthbimn Item: "Manager Frank Wright, Coaches Dan Girardi and inAthf samgles wathe ig mlda Fred Cowle, and the players, wish ta express their sincere 328 game ta top ahl bowlers thanks to Alvin Boyd for sponsoring the Western Tire for the evening. AI Osborne Juvenile Club". had 314, Stan McMurter 308, t t t tBill Westlake 305 and Ed. Les- GOODYEAR HOCKEY - THIS SUNDAY I Obon wn30 hg Goodyear hockey action gets underway this Sunday triple money with bis 7551 afiernoon at the Memorial Arena. At one o'clock the Hase score. Bill Westlake was sec- pla th Fa Betswit th Mas ad Ofic taingta heond, 742; George Piper and playtheFanBels, wth he atsandOffie tkin totheBob Richards bath hit 729, Bud ice at twa. Moses 728, Mel Burgess bowled League President "Barney" Woodward, Executive Dan 724 for bis best effort since Girardi and Jerry Marjerrison, along wlth the team captains jaining the league; Stan Mc- met Manday night ta uine Up the teams and draw up the Keurt e 21 andEdfLesle 6 1961-62 schedule. We hope ta have these Items elsewhere post Mffc ilstaf f t hre on the sparts pages. Etcher for the low single Say . . . that wasn't such a short caîumn aiter all, game. Bath bowlers turned wasitNex wek e'h hae sme ew ontheSharocs.in a 103 score. Jack Parker wasItNex wek e'I hae sme ew ontheSharocs-had 115. Morley Etcher went on ta, set the season's low triple, 405. George Stephen rfdbiIIibUkIIII U..àL...., iImmmm. of softball fame had 440. Teams Office- Bob Fairey (Capt.), <ý, Dudley, R. Preston, G. H-eath, R. West, Mort Richards, A. Wiseman, B. Crossey, R. Crambie, Moe Richards, B. Jobnson, W. Vanstone, G. Ra- secath, F. Mohun, D. Welsh. Hose- J. Cowling (Capt.), J. Fowler, Bruce Cole, D. Mc- Cullough, D. Masters, D. Gir- ard!, S. Essery, C. Kîlpatrick, H. Lane, Bill Cole, J. Richards, L. Piper, J. Finn, B. Ellis. FanBets- B. Marjerrison (Capt.), V. Vanstone, T. Mas- ters, L. Prout, F. Cowle, H. Quinney, B. Lyle, G. Mari er- rison, J. Clark, S. Thompson, A. Alexander, J. McKnight, R. Willatts, B. Colwell. Mats- T. Fairey (Capt), J. Mantle, L. Hamilton, B. Woodward, R. Burgess, A. Crossey, B. Sheridan, G. Coop- er, N. Yeo, L. Stainton, J, Bond, P. Stacey, J. Robinson, .J. Lunn. 1961-62 Schedule Oct.- 22- Hose vs Fan Belts Mats vs Office 29- Office vs Hase Mats vs Fan Belta Mats vs Office Hase vs FanBects Office vs Fan Bchts Hase vs Mats Fan Behts vs Mats Office vs Hase Hase vs Fan Beits Mats vs Office 3- Hase vs Mats Office vs Fan Belts 10- Office vs Hase Mats vs Fan Belts 17- Mats vs Office Hase vs Fan Beits 24- Office vs Fan Behts Hase vs Mats Jan,- 7- Fan Beits vs Mats Office vs Hase 14- FanBehts vs Hase Office vs Mats 21- Mats vs Hase Fan Behts vs Office 28- Hase vs Office Mats vs Fan Belts Feb.- 4- Hase vs Mats Office vs Fan Belts Il- Hase vs Fan Belts Mats vs Office. M THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO FRIDAY, OCT. 20 - 8:30 p... $6,200 in PRIZES 1962 Plymouth or $2,OOO0 in Cash Peterborough Nemorial Centre MEMORIAL ARENAi BOWMANVILLE I PUBLIC SKATING w 8-10 P.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 ADMISSION Aduits 50c - Children 35c - Spectators 10e SUNDAY SKATING 3:00 to 5 p.m. CHILDREN'S SKATING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25 3:30 te 5:30 p1m. Chlden... .. ....... . . 25e Aduits accompanYlng children ..- 25e I. Champion ~AthIetes at Bowmanville High School Field Day ~' "~ i i i -~ A' 4 4* 4 PAGE LPG13T USED CAR 'wCLEARANCE athietes won top honors at the Track and anvihie High School recently. The are, ils Champion Christine Sorensen, tiedfori jor LeagueI -Features This Week 1High Single-Aif Samelis 328 ----h Triple-Ai Osborne 755 Low Single- Ken McWilliams, Morley Etcher ------------------ 103 Low Triple-Morley Etcher 405 This Schedule iDr. H. B. Rundie 368 Bob Williams 809 Glen Lander 89 1Morley Etcher 405 "Night Hawks" Ladies' League Teamn Points Evans . 14 Buttery 8 Wiseman ___-8 Cinvle 6 Ailey Chatter Wright 6 Kramp's Furniture team Sot____ came up with three big wins Averages over Hap's B.A. ta take a M. Buttery - ___195 stranglehold on first place M. Coyle- 185 with a grand total of 12 points. M. Hodgson 185 Jury & Loveli and Cowvan G. Scott _ _ __-184 Equipment are tied for second M. Wiseman _______182 place with a total af 10. G. Bain . _ __ _179 Dr. Howard Rundle is hold- J- Evans ____-175 ing down top position in the U- Hagerman 164 aeae.The Doc. is boast- G. Coombes-_____ 160 ing a 238 average for 15 games. I. Wright15 AI Osborne is in second place, G. Firth . 155 four points off the pace. Jack V. Pickard _______155 Gay lias 231 for third place. IVI. Crago 153 Some nice scores were re- L. Conners 152 corded by the following mcm- B. Kelly - - 151 bers: Mcl Burgess 280, Garf D. Charles -_____151 Clarke 265, Bud Moses 282, E. Pickard - 150 Matt Harrison 265, Mcl Dale W. Wright 148 287, Carl Raby 263, Dr. H. M. Firth . ______142 Rundle 284, Ross Wright 260, B. Haliday 141 Ted Bagnell 291, Howard W- McNeil - - 140 Bromell 264, Paul Chant 286, F. Allen ___ 138 Frank Lewins 280, Bud Hen- J: Siebarth -_ _ _137 ning 265, George Glanville 263 J. Brooking- 137 Morley Vanstone 288, Clarence M. Leaman - - 136 Oke 263, Bill Shotter 291, Russ M. Sedman _______136 ýOke 262, George Piper 273. R. Robertson 136 H. Allen 128 Standing End of 5th Week A. Perfect _______127 First Schedule D. Vivian 126 ýTeam WV L ]pis. G. Dick _____124 Kramp's Furnitute 12 à 12 L. Burgess - ___122 Jury & Lovell io10 5s10) V. Sarginson 121 Cowan Equipment 10 5 10 J. Parker -______112 Lander Hardware_- 8 7 8 0. Moffat ___ 109 Nels Osborne Ins. 8 7 8 M. Holmes --------------- 109q Bowmanville Hotel 8 7 8 High Single-M. Coyle 283 Ken's Men's Wear 8 7 8 High Triple-G. Bain _- 628 Stephen Fuels --- 7 8 7 200 Games Bow'ville Cleaners 7 8 7 M. Coyle 283, M. Crago 226, Liberty Bowl__ 7 8 7 A. Perfect, 202, F. Allen 244, J. Canadian Tire --- 7 8 7 Evans 243, I. Wright 229, G. Selby Grant Heat. 6 9 6 Bain 240, 219. Firth's Meats _ 6 9 6 Eap's B.A. 6 9 6 Pepsi Cola 5 10 5 o dy a Robson Motors-- 5 10 5 o d erSe Averages Name Games, Dr. Howard Rundle 15 5lan Osborne 15 Jack Gay- 15 George Piper --15 Russ Oke - - 15 Bud Moses 15 Carl Leslie ____12 Ernie Perfect- 15 Larry Piper 15 Alf. Samelîs 15 Frank Lewins --15 Harold Bennett- 15 Bob Williams --- 15 Ed Lugtenburg- 15 Don Bagnell --- 15 Norm O'Rourke- 15 Bud Henning -- 3 Russ Halîman - 15 Bilh Hearle ---15 i1Ed Leslie ---- 15 1 Clarence Oke .. 15 Dave McKnigbt- 15 Stan McMurter- 15 Harry Snowden 15 Bruce Vivian 15 Jack Bond 15 Matt Harrison- 15 Hank Janzen- 15 Ross Wright --15 Ted Bagnell 15 Ab. Piper - - 15 Bruce Milnc 15 Clif Trewin 15 Fred Cale .-___15 Bill Westlake 15 Morley Vanstone- 15 Don Bishop ---15 Frank Mohun - 9 George Joncs- 15 Bert Engley- 15 Ray Fry - 15 Frank Blunt- 15 Jim Castle ____15 Mcl Dale ____15 Jack Munday 15 Bill Oke ~15 lack Lander- 15 The Office taak a slim onc Ave. point lead atop the standings 23, when they dawned the Ban- 234 bury 5-2. The.Combines, tied 231 for first, before Thursday's ac- 229 tion edged the Belts 4-3. The 227 Hase Room posted the only 227 shutout ai the night upsettîng 226 the Machine Shop 7-0 ta get 225 back in the battle. The last 223 place Cornets finally snapped 222 their string af goosc-eggs by 221 winning aver the Laboratary 218 5-2. 2181 In a pair ai upsets the Lead 217 Press downed the Braiders 5-2 217 and the Tigers dccisioned the 217 Fan Belts by the same count. 217, Ted Bagnelî's 720 total took 2161 high triple bonours, follo-wed 2151by John Carter 710, Fredi 215 Smith 697, Pete Bathgate 693,1 212 John Coomîbes 677, Walt Hate- 1 21211y 659, Ron White 658, Jiml 211 Bedford 647 and Jack Bond1 210o 646.1 210 Pete Bath-gate rolled the 209 high single ai 322, other big 209 games going ta Ted Bagnell1 2091 298, 234; Walt Hately 292, Roný 208'ýWhite 283, 245; Howard Bro- 2071mel1 270, Jack Geddes 265,' ,207!Fred Smith 262. 240; John! 2071 Coombes 261, Murray Grati 2051260 and John Carter 257 randi 205 243.1 205 Team Standings i 203: Office ....................... 241 203 lCombines ........... -23j 2031Braiders . -.. ......... -18ý 2021 Belts .... ..................... -17V 202, Lead Press ........- 16, 202 Fan Belts --.- ...------ 15. 201 Mhchine Shop ............ 141 201:Hose Roam . .........- 14 200; Banbury ...-........ ..8 200 ý Laboratory ................. 71 200, Tigers - .........._... 7 Intermediate Girls Championship, Karen Sorensen and Linda' Hughes, Sr. Boys Champ David Werry, Intermediate Boys Champ! Bob McManus and Jr. Boys Champ Lloyd Clifton. Recreation Reviews* Minor Hockey There will be a meeting of coaches and managers on Thursday, October 19, at the Lions Community Centre, at which time tne rules, regula- tians and teams will be drawn Up. Anyone interested in coach- ing or managing a minor hoc- key team is învited ta attend this meeting. The minor hockey teams will hold their first practice sessions on Saturday, Novem- ber 4th. Men's Basketball If you are interested in play- ing Town League Bashetball please get in toucb with Mr. Ted Dadson at MA 3-2569, Jim Allun at MA 3-3542 or contact the Recreational 0f- fice at MA 3-3379, Extension No. 6. The league is scheduled to get underway on Tuesday, November 4th at the Bowman- ville High School. Dancing Classes There are stili a number of apenings in the Wednesday aiternoon danc i n g classes spansored by the Recreation Department. Instruction in Ballet, Tap Dancing and Baton Twirling is under the leadership af Miss Irenie Harvey, C.D.T.A., R.M. T,. A.C.C.M. If you are interested In these dance lessons please get in touch with the Recreation Office for further information. Square Dancing The next meeting ai the Bowmanville Square Dancing Club will be held at the Lions Community Centre on Tues- day, October 24th at 8:00 p.m. Due ta the great interest shown this Tuesday will be the hast day for new registra- tions for this term. If enough people are still interested arrangements wi be made ta try and start a new graup early in the new year. Flutophone Band Fifteen boys and girls show- cd up for the first session of FOR THE HUNIER!1 Rubber Insulated BO0OTS Sizes 6 ta 12 $8.95 . $10.95 $12.95 KINGTREI) Leather Insulated BOOTrS Sizes 6 ta 12 9" height boots --$15.95 6" height boots ____- $12.95 GREB CAT TRED Leather Insulated BOOTS Better Quality Sizes 6 ta 12 $22.95 Ellis Shoes 49 King St. W. MA 3-5941, Bowmanville i, )r )f y ýs ýt the flutophone band. Classes are held every Fri- day, 4:15 ta 5:30 p.m. at the Lions Community Centre, un- der the direction af Mrs. Diann Rigg. Touch Rugby League Last Saturday morning saw the start af the Touch Rugby Leagues regular schedule. In the first game at 9:00 a.m. the~ Tigers defeated the Lions 24 ta 6. In the second game af the morning the Bombers beat the Argos 20 ta 16. In the third and final game the Roughrid- ers defeated the Eskimos 15 ta 6. Listed below are the play- ers on the variaus teams: Lions- Larry Perris, Wray Rendeil, Donnis Lemon, Rab- ert Swan, Lee Lemon, Bruce Meadows, Paul Meadows, Tom Car t e r, Larry Juszcysnki, Brian Patrick, George Moore (Captain), Don Yourth, Mur- ray O'Brian, Arthur Jackson, Charlie Evans, Steve Forsey and Lau Bruce. Rough Riders- Kari Wav- ersveld, Greg Broaking, Terry Baker (Captain), Tim Brae- brook, John Morris, John Bah- lentine, Greg Adams, Doug. Craugh, Ricky Kilpatrick, Mike Marshall, Greg Corden, Ross Myers, Joe Rehder, John Connors, Gary Baker, Bob Clarke, Mitch Donaghue. Bombers- Brian Peters, Dennis Tierncy, Irwin Col- will (Captain), Fred Brae- brook, Bill Scott, Eddie Bons, Barry Whiteman, Doug. Aber- nethy, Peter Vanstone, Keith Swan, Bruce Smith, Mike Bothwell, Larry Devitt, Daug. Firth, Ron Beatty, Ashley Os- mond. Coach-. Dennis Tier- ney. Argos-Guy Parks (Cap. tain), Don Forsey, Dan Now- Ian, Gary Preston, David Stutt, Tim Brooks, Daug. Mc- Feeters, Terry Devitt, Larry Lee, David Wright, Bobby El- lis, Lanny Burns, Ron Webb, Ken Martyn, Doug Hayes, HAYDON i e.W. Crawford, Ennis- killen, was supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family, Friday. MU. and Mrs. K. MeKenzie and family, Richmond Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid and farnily, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim and family, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison and family, Oshawa, were Saturday even- ing visitors at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomp- son and Cindy, Bowmanville, were Tuesday visitors, and ýMr. and Mrs. Donald Thornp- son and Valerie were Friday evenýinýc, visitors at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Locke and John, Port Hope, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham's. Mrs. Arthur Read was Fr1- day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read and family, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton attended the 25-th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright at their home in Oshawa. Mrs. W. Thompson, Mrs. H-. Crossman and Ian Graham were on a bus trip ta Algon- quin Park on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, and fam-ily attended Enfield! Thank-Offer-ing Service aný Sunday. Sunday School on Sundayi morning at 10:30; Church ser-, vice at 7:30. W. A. October meeting was held on Thursday evening atý the home of Mrs. C. Garrard. President Mrs. J. Jones presid- ed. Programme was in charge of Mrs. W. Blackburn and group. Devotional was pre-! sented by Mrs. J. Potts. Read-! ings were given by Mrs. J. i Jones, Mrs. W. Thompson and Mrs. Alfred Garrard; contest, Mrs. Lloyd Siemon. W. A. are sponsoring a Hallawe'en Par- ty to be held in the church. Mr. Byron Taber and son Leslie, Whitby, spent t h e weeken with Mr. and Mrs.j T rrt and iamily. Coach- Lloyd Forsey. Eskimos - Jeff Gilhooly, John Taylor, Ricky Woolner, Doug. Stutt, Eddie Wilins, Ron Hooper, Bill Smale, Mike Et- cher, Don Murphy, Bill Mor- rison, Paul McArthur, Larry Taylor, Sandy Brown, Peter Buckler, Darrell Osborne, Don McMurter (Captain(. Tigers- Randy Ionoghue, Steve Burns (Captain), Mikel Dillon, Bruce Barrett, Larry' Hellum, Dennis McFeetcM Scott Burgess, Mike Mye Don Clark, Ralph Parkinson, Ron Shackleton, Alan Brown,ý Tom Wright, Charles Ewert, Tom Puk. Games scheduiea for Satur- day, October 21st are: 9:00 ar.- Argos vs. Tigers. 10:00 ar.- Riders vs. Lions 11:00 a.m. - Bombers vs. Eskimos. We are stili ln need of 1960 VAUXHALL 4-DR. SEDAN Two-tone blue. S p ecial ---------------- --- -.$1395 1959 CHEV. 2-DR. HARDTOP Impala Series, equipped with 348 V8 engine, stick shift, radio. Gleaming b lack -- - ----- --- -- 1956 BUICK 2-DR. Automatic, green 1953 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN Heater, gold and white- $2195 $ 895 $ 395 Used Car Lot Open until 9 pi. Monday through Friday Saturday until 5 p.m. More than 20 other makes and models to choose from. "YOUR QUALITY GM DEALER" ROBSON MOTORS LTD. W. J. McMechan, President Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhail Cars - GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MA 3-3321 Oshawa Direct Line 725-2712 NO 0Wes THE TIME! BEFORE WUNTER SETS IN 0.0. To Consider YOUR Hot Water Supply REPLACE YOUR INEFFICIENT WATER HEATER TODAY! Phone MA 3-3530 FOR PARTICULARS 0F RENTAL PROGRAM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE ONTARIO HYDRO 61 Temperance St. Bowmnanville 4 I Wuuuoye[ nUUWey Leaue 4 MUT WLPDNESDAY, OCT. 18th, 1 coaches for four af the six teams. If you are interested in helping this league please P B I get in touch with the Recrea-1 U BLI tian Office as soon as passible. Swimig wads METt INGj The awards for the variaus A Public Meeting bas been swimming tests wvill be pre- called by the Management sented at the Annual Swimm- Board of Memorlal Arena ing Awards Night ta be heldfo at the Lions Community Cen-fo tre next Thursday, October f~ O T 26th at 7:15 p.m. NIRAI,OC .2 à Ail parents and friends are at 8 p.m. ln the prta attend thisCouncil Chambers Hockey Mothers I'urpose is to form a Minor This group is made up ai Hockey Assn., ta organize ail the interested mothers af and supervise ail local Min- children playing Minor Hock- or hockey teams whicb ivili ey in Bowmanville. be playing with out-of- Tbey will hold their first town teams. meeting of the season next AduIts lnterested in asslst. Tuesday, October 24th, at the u& Lions Community Centre at lut are requested ta attend. 2:00 p.m. I 1 1 'Ir