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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1961, p. 9

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q1m C AMWAVWTA, n mnurjw . qm - ~IU hi JamiesnHwad dnodon Mi rPle-5. Oe58 E IlE M ' Peter Tondiff, Wayne Barrett.esn Hwr. mndoMundayTi 555. k -~ 1' D *Braves - (Doug Waton)- Junior Boys P U B LICGreg Couch, Albert LePeî Leach 5 - Wilson 0. Hutch- Doug Lowe, Jim Mclntyre inson 3 - Deaupnie 2. ~ lIAI' I P ne, Don Taylor, Anthony Beauprie ________19 Harrison, Walter Rickard Wilson 8 S K A T IN G PeterWcnry, Robent Bothwell' Hutchinson .. Denrus Homeniuk, Tcrry Wal- High Single-. N. Neads 225, ton, Kerry Dickens, Danny R~. Beaupnie 197, B. Colville Leon 15 __ 8* O r.avu Pirates (Carl Devitt, Dlck High Double- B. Colville ___ect David Van Neat, 367, R. Beaupnie 364, P. Mac. Gary Shmyr, David Gibson, Donald 319, N. Neads 303. .FRIAY, NOVEMBER 3rd Don Murphy, Terry Devitt, Junior Girls SATJRD YI OVE BER 4thRichard Perfect, Wayne Han- Gay 5 - Brown 0, Hately SATU DAYNOVMBER4thcock, Robert Thompson, Don- 5 - Mulhhlland 0, Yco 5- Dad- AMUSSIONald LePage, Geor Le Saunders, son 0. AdlsScRicky Dewell, Terry Cox, Hately ... 2 Aduts50 -Children 35e - Spectators 10e DnyWIia Wre a.Gy23 raff, Bannie Carter, Paul Mulholland _______18 SUN AY KATNG - (Reg Wiilatts, G. Brown_ 12 3:00 t. 5 P.m. Majernison) - Charles Ewert, Dadson2 __________________________ Barry Whiteman, Steve Burns, High Single- S. Gay 199, John Russell, Tcrry Smilth, M. Yeo 172, K. Mulholland CHILDREN'S SKATING Larry'Simpson, Morris Honey- 165. ",an, Donald Shortt, Glenn High Double- M. Yeo 332, WIEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER Sth Rabb, Jlm Dilling, Ronald Le- S. Gay' 330. PgBruce Coombes, Brian Hlgh single crests were pre- 3:30 te 5: 30 p.rn Joncs, Greg Brooking, Larry sented to Mary Munday and Chdren------------. -» 25e Hellam. Richard Perfect. N. Neads Lions - (Kcith Shacklton)- qualified for a single crest in Aduits accompanylng cbildren 25c jTom Veitch, Gerald Wright, the bantani boys age group Wayne Down,, Bon Hooper, with a 225 game. L&N STATEV1ftN, BOVWMAr4VtLL, ONITARIO ___ ___PAGE -Iqm 1962 ACADIAN 1252 tnd Norm O'Rourke-250. ITeam Pt&. F. Mohun ______44 N. O'Rourke ______34 J. Castle -_ _ _ _ _ _29 A. Spicer _____27 0. Etcher _____-21 H. Bromel _ __ __211 M. Harrison _18___ I1 -~Recreation Reviews By Dougila ig MINOR HOCKEY 10:20 to 11:30 &.m. - Re- -Robert W loghby, Ken' Listed beiow are the prc membrance Day Service at Taniblyn, Rlkyu Thornpaon, lice tirnes for the Minor the Cenotaph.- Tommy Lewis, Brian Burgess, Hockey teama ini Bownian- 11:35 a.m. - Rangera and Keith Mountjoy, Ronmie Mac- Ville. Two teama wUI have Rockets. Lean, Jacky McKnight, Mur- the tce for an hour at a tinie. 12:40 p.rn.- Rama and Gi- ray Ormniston, Pion Van De They may use the trne any anta. (Clean Ice). Walker, Bruce Walters, Rod- igry they see fit. 1:50 p.m. - Barons and ney Lan lais, Joey Strutt, gaturday, November 4th Hornets. Robert Wilson, Arnold Hara- 7:00 a.m., - Hawks and 2:55 p.m. - Generals and den, Brandon Lander, Phillilp Red Wings. Jets. MacLean. 8:05 a.n. - Canadians and The regular achedule will Bisons - (Bob Stevens) Bruins (Clean Ice). get underway on Saturday, Barry Virtue, Barry Cowan, 9:15 amn.-Tlgers and Cuba November 18th. Wayne Paeden, Steven Ponsey, 10:20 a.m. - Braves and FIGURE SKATING William Blackburn, Harry Pirates (Clean Ice). The firat clasa for the Fig- Willoughby, Hans Rietmuller, andureSkaerawl e hld hisLennis Ellis, Reglnald Bail, 11:35 a.m. - IndiansadueSae wlb dtis David Johnson, Randy Cun- Vikings. Thursday, Nov. 2nd, at 4:00 ningham, Chris MTvlh I12:40 p.m. - Bombera and p.m. sat the Memorial Arena. Chne tvnMcal Ke- Bons (Clean Ice). The classes are under the Charlenn Reven M utaeton,.. .. 1:50 p.m. - Orphans and direction ohMsoBr era FreRbroo Cornets.Arne Smith and will meet>. 2:55 p.m. - Maroons and every Thunaday from 4:00 to ChomraliC Cattran g )akr Raiders. 7:00 p.m. for the next 20 JJ.m DusCtan,ichard arstoe, Saturdsy, November Il weeks.JLawretnce CoRticed Gntoer 8:00 a.m. - e s and os EINR KTN Snowden, Bruce Welsh, Thomas This is the 1962 At 8:05es lan lie).s n The Recreation Depart- Welsh, John Knight, Eddie Bons new, exclusively Canadia:i Huskies (Cleaande). ment'a Beginners' Skating Tom Leadbeater, Harry Oyler, Motors of Canada. It ha 9:1 a..-LafsandDeas.sessions will e underway Danny Cowle, Paul Martin,afo -orsxclneeg next Monday, November 6th Stephen Davey, James Steph- or rsxclne ni at 3:00 p.m. at the Memoial enson, Phillip Harness, DavidDadHreDaiFon Arena. This group la open to Reid.Dai rmDvd on Let T k chldren seven years of age Ifldians -(Jlm Murphy) - tain, Bryce Balson, Guy Parks, Lefs Tal Aad uder ho ishto kate Tomy imponBil i,,Aflan Flintoff, Arthur Jack- 1 1 ýSupervision will be On Clayton Bennett, Jerome Bill. son, Robert Gray, Dale Cholik, h4nd to assist the children ett, Jimmy Rogers, Clayton Doug Tullock, Richard Wig- ~iC rs,.* where needed.coday Campbell, William Ruiter, Ian gans, Ian McQuarnie, John Parents are odal in Strachan, Dougie Stutt, Dougle LckaTePe. Sa tvn) FA M RS A D vited ta attend and assist Crough, John Langley, FrancsisTePe Sa tvn) FARMER AND.their children with their ska- Cook, Bernard Kitney, Wayne Tim Prout, Garfield Webb, COMM NISM ting. There ls no charge for Kean, Dean Knox, William RorceSlMeaosDFred Brn COMMUNISthe parents who accompany Mairs, Doug Vivian. N i k i t a chlldren. Vikings - (Bull Simpson, dett, Gerry McDonaid, Earl K h rushchevThe fee for this class will John Noble)-BruceSmpoMailey, Robert Slemon, Ash- recnty tldbe $2.00 for the complete sea- David Metcalf, PaulK- ley Osmond, Gerald Reynold, son f 20Robet McMuiea, e1ni Mc theon2of Co weeks. To register, Patrick, Terry Trevail, Kari Brian Hone, James McDonald, gre 2sd on-th just atend the firat session Kent, M!ke Donoghue, Barry Roer ansldDens c next Mnday, ov. 6. Chatten, Paul Johnston, David Hsis-(ensTeny Runsiarty GIRLS BROOMBALL Passant, Brad Iliffe, Keith-en iryJmsKt that in anoth- If you know of any girls Swan, Danny Robinson, Rosa -ey TinyaesKt er 20 years ýinterested In playing Broom- Keatley, Ronald Piper, Ken ChaRbrtLEarg, RAlan Russia would catch up to balplease have them con- Mountjoy, Bily Scott, John Brown PharleHugEttn, Jai and surpass the West in tact tue Recreation Office by Hubbard. D PulckieMcNal, ary production and liv ing stand- i Monday, Nov. l3th. Pce Wee Hockey League Taylor, Bill Wright, David1 ard. ýIf we cannot find another Hawks - (Don Gilhooly)- Ailison, Bill Wade, Joe Reader,1 In' o ding helarely 15 girls interested In playing Glenn MacNeilî, N o r m a n Paul Parker, Robert Welsh. lu e oin, . lrglybroombail thus year, we will Neads, Mike Etcher, Claire Midget Hockey Leaine repeated the dlaims of the have ta suspend operatian of 'Syer, Don Ruiter, Brian Saund- flolshevlks of lVorld War 1, this league for the coming ers, Allan Maguine, Gary Stain- Orphans - (Don Russeil, Jim biandly lgnoring the tact scason. ton, Jim Williams, Gary Petter- HGgs>-iey, GrssnlMrken that 44 years of Communit TOUCH RUGBY sen, Terry Shuttleworth, Steve WreeneyH ron ar tino, raie have faIled to material-Suesod Doad FryWynHrioHnyKoy ly narrow the productive Three games were played Wamrsr d, Jeffnlh ooey Brian Forscy, Bill Hall, John uap between the two last Saturday morning at the Wre leJf ihoy 0High School grounds. In the Wings- (AI Webb, Ted Mut- AllUn, John Adams, John Bak- systms.ton)Da»er, Bnian Bnadley, Gond Fin. systema. first game the Raugh Riders to)Dvid Wright, Phiflp ney, Erie Fernlund, Gary Since we are ail unwilling chaflked Up their third win by Mcoad, Don Hutton, Ron- Griffin. vlctims of a cold war that defeatlng the shorthanded nie Webb, Jim Robson, Gregg Marnons - (Jini Coylc, Grant maygethot hee ae sme ombra 1 t 14 IntheCorden, David Stutt, Bobby Malley)-David Nemis, Phil simple facts that reveal the second game of the morning FitfTmyCoDi Johnson, Alan Raby, Ivan system we may have to the Tigers handed the Eski- Hellyar, Greg Hutchison, Jerry Milla,Harold Cooney, Jack flght: mos their second defeat of Johnson, Gary Lowe, John Rose David Conroy, Doug the season by a 14 to 0 score. Sikora, John Oylcn. Peelng, Phifilp Bragg, Andy Russian agriculture, basicIntehidadfalgm Canadians - (Carl Devitt, Murphy, Larry Hately, Pat source of ail the weaith and Argos came up with a high Dc efc)LryDvtVinlsh, Pete Bothwell, Howard strngt ofthecoutry sorig atac todefat heJohn Westover, Bill Wood. Burgess. stengtho f the counmt yascLorng attackorth efeatotheward, John Worden, Kim Rog- Generali - (Bruce Colwel) mplyo ers ontee eLos 80frth in rs, Steve Johnson, Todd Pen-.LryRnDai rwod m y wokr Oftie.third defeat. League stand- found, Ken Rice, Joey M-Lar ad ai rwod trne. as much land sa the lng as of Saturday, Oct. 28: KghDvd E onsJohn CnHugg imKng Du À United States, yet produces W L PtsKnt David Ednoxdo etDilCrmbe oniy 4 per cent smach Rough Ridera 3 0 6 DidWlo Gy DakeD,-Fermas, John Cowling, Bnian 40dcacrigt h ro 214DvdWlogbDn a Down, Bill Buday, Murray U.Sodce, ardientogr - The Ars 2 1 4 mant, Robent Peeling. Taylor, Neil McGregor, Paul U.S D pa t m nt et A g o-Ti ers 2 1 4 B u s - (J h T a l r- K en P eterson , L arry N em isz. culture. Bombera 1 2 2 Tabb, Bud Depew, Kenny Fox,Radr (B EisTry You don' have to look Eskimos 1 2 2 Bill Wright, Gary Bail, Tom Baer - Barry Conroy, Grz far for tic answcr ta this Lions 0 3 0 Joncs, Danny Hooper, David Pose, Bryck yua, GDa failure when you consider MINOR IIOCKEY Trimble, Don Bothwell, Harold Bridges, Gary Tubb, Larry the tact that the 5 per cent Ai, a meeting held Thursday, Strutt, Bul Hurrie, DavidBroeEre ate, ik of R usas i a n agricultural Oct. lgth at the. Lions Com- Pettersen, Robert Jackman, LronEreKeteMlt acreage stili pnlvately 0wIi. munlty Centre Uic Minor John Taylor, Gary Wilson. Leddy, Jerry Falls, John Kil- ed in the. forni of farmer's Hockey teama wcre picked for Lents - (John Lunn, John a c ouh, Dal RogPeer c "plots," currently produces the 1961-62 season. A total cf Fowler)-Dnlan Barber, John Cornets- (anoers.wl 82pe cntcfth cunry,523 boys registcred te play SprY, RnPduk ra Polard)- Wayne Durgess, eggs, 65 per cent of is Pl- hockey this season, making a Ogden, Wayne McRoberts, Ken Caaey Denhcrtog, James Hom- tatoea and 50 per cent of it total of 33 teams. Last year Mar'tini, Bob Dustan, Rlckey cniuk, Bon Harper, Ray Ad- green vegetables! 417 boys registered ta play. Woolner, Doug. Sleep, Randy .oc, Baney Hawthorne, John The worid han stîy ai This la the largeat registration Danaghue, Jlm Wright, John Bergama, Boss Mycna, Dan ciaimed Rasmîa' space ae- we have ever had for niinor Goyne, James McPhail, Glen Joncs,Da Hughes, Dill Em- COMPIlihments. Bat they hockey. First practices on Flnney, Mike Cawker.burgh Randy Cale, Alex shoald be measared againat Nov. 4th. Bears - (Nonm Bothwell, akeBilDpw the more earthly tact that Listed below are teams for JakHys-TuoBc-Mae -iJohDCew ngam MostRusian utoobil th varousleages.stnom, K a n e i Waveravcldp Bob Fcrnlund, Gea. Leadbeat- mrfl ost Rsiaatmobie the vai oc egue Mickey Oke, Grahami Burgess, eBya eaeGog ltrai neste ahatwhen AomHckyLeseJohn Ellis, David RobinsonMor, ~R aLeae, Georgey it ain. Kow hyBe- Rama - (Don Gilhooly)- Paul Morris, Doug. Tiqhe, BMowrn, JichValeres, Tmura cause spare auto Parts -are Michael Gllhooly, Stephen Borys Wereszczynski, William BodGryw JhnDepw, Tom se searce, motorista hide Nicholson, Richard Kilpatrlck, Killen, Mike Bothwel, Alan Wore, aryCoeDonLary their wipers INSIDE their Peter Pin gle, James Alexand- Calver, Doug. Hayes,, Ray Rip- roe, rs, aphAales. H cast vi, Paul Socker, Tim Taylor, ley, Tom Puk. _________ Isn't it good ta live in a Garyr Preston, Darrdil Hunt, Rangera - (Lyle Hooper) free country? Walten Sikora, Randy Rogers, Danny Nowlan, Lewis Bru car ogoGryMrhy hmsMrh o uhe, e n g e u Gary Alison, Dard D arrett, son, Jay Rogers, Bon Shackle- Alan Abernethy, Michael Le- ton, Bob Ellis, Randy Snawden, blanc. Bian Evans, Lee Lemon, Don- Teenage Boys Barons - (Geo. Cawken) - ald Macmulen, Neil Sweet- J. Brown 4 - Philllps s, J. Presiet. f Murray Canwkr, Doug. HenT-___InVral MaoL-ean_ -i Calazn 7 - Chane0, DA inow D. Castle _ _ _ _ _ D. Palmner____ R. Mitchell _____ R. Melanson _____ 1M. Melanson____ E. Prout --_____ S. Mohun ___ H. Sehili ________ Leader.ïo, Valuei Lower , Prc. 148 D. Thompson 1 o 142 Ladies High Single- . 139 Bradley 249. 138 Ladies High Triple- ýJH. 130 Brock 670. 129 Mens HJgh Single- J 124 e 3 4 122 te34 111 Mens Hlgh Triple- D. Brad- H. Brock _____16 i ~~ E. Brock ____16 4 , Averages A. Spicer _____ 226 E. Brock _____ 223 M, MM RH. Brock _ _____221 N0 ORourke ___ 211 H. Palmer ____ 209 M. Etcher ______209 L. Welsh __.._____208 A.... XLobb ________208 F. Mohun _______206 J. Castle _____.. 202 Matt Harrison ______200 Arnold Sleep 200 D. Bradley 198 SK. Luxton______ 195 Hl. Bromel____ 194 ______ J. Nowlan ___.. 193 B. Glanville _______193 ,adian Beaumnont four-door sedan. Acadian is a bran-d D. Brunt -_____ 191 G Fry ..____190 ,n automobile manufactured in Oshawa by General kf Grant _______189 kas an overali lcngth of 183" and is powered by either C. Trewm _______187 jne. V. O'Rourke .~ 186 F. Bradley ________185 G. Wilcox -_____183 Mixed League Bowling J. But -_180 E. Bromell _______179 League-leading Mohun kept bounced Harrison 5-2 In the C. Mutton 178 thieir unbeatcn record intactlather clash to tic Etcher for M D Mutton ___~ 177 for another wcck and at the fifth. E. Cox 1 _____ 75 B. Charles 172 same time added two points The Goodyear League must M. Wilcox ____-171 ta their finst place margin, have uscd up the high triples B. Mitchell ____-110 Friday night. Mohun tnounced tram, the night before. The A. GWinatt ____ 162 Palmer 7-0, while runner-up only Mixed bowler ta hit 700 R. NGran ___ ..162 O'Rounke cleait Etcher a 5-2 was Don Bradley at 726.* Hilda M. Noln ______ 162 setback. A Luxton _________th lad62 lad- Harrison 162 Casiepote a -0shtot es' high of 670, whilc One J. Cox. ______ 160 Win aven Hilda Brock ta, take Etcher had 652 and ren A. Trewin - -____160 aven sole possession of third Bradley-636. B. Lobb 160 position. Spicer dropped two Jlm Castle's 314 game took M. Wiseman 160 points back in fourth In spite hlgh single honours, followcd Marion Wiseman _____152 of a 5-2 victory aven Elton by Don Bradley- 281, 260; J. Schil R.. 150 Brock. The lasers wercn't able Glen Fry-278, Mel Wiseman M. Welsh ______150 to vacate the cellar but et -273, Howard Bromell-267, J. Thompson ______149 least they tled two other clubs Morley Etche- 258, Joan Audrey Sleep ...148 for the Iowly spot. Bromeli Brunt-253, Frank Mohun--D. Charles 147 51 King St. E. MA J-57U .â. fiet wuw . kim ~1$79-9-1 LANDER HARDWARE' & Electric WEDNMSAY, NOV, . 1961 -- - . . ---, .- -&Il& %,IffljwL Le tri la i 51 King St. E. MA 3-5774

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