PAMET? !W~ rA~.&1~TA~ ~rArW~MA'~ W$A&~7TTTI f~~J'rAD1n ta..LUIJ Cornmissioner McC o n n cei11, ;1 F-ormners ni n OldS Chief oriùsneofte U i nBoard of Grain Cmisoes Annual Convention Teesekr aevi, The. Ontario Farniers Union Ontarjo. Centering the nead wered rnany questions f ronm Dield their lth annual con-Itable was a iovely tenth annm- the floor. Splendid reports Vertion in the Agriculture j versai-y cake made b-y the Pro- vere alsô given bv the On- Buildlng at Lindsay on Oct. vincial Lady President, MrS. tario Provincial Executive. 23, 24, 25. H{arold Hopkins. Fenelon Falls. Tuls was one of the rnost; On Tuesctay evening a dance! sUceastul conventions that bas: %as held and a good time en-le been held. A large nuxnber:joy,,ed by a]. During intermis- ' se Sale of delegates and members at-ision the lucky draws were tended from ail parts of On- made. tario. Dur"hami Courity was! At this convention rnuch Ri se Durinig YcrY YJell represented. iimportant business and rnany, Soine of the highlights were resolutions wvere dealt with.1 the lth anniversary banquet'Speakers were Mr. OLa LastTuart- MOnday night with Past Pre-ýýbull, Minister of Co-Opera»ý aident A. V. Cormack, Parry;tives in the Province of Sas-: Optiniîsrn was the keynote Sound, the guest speaker. AI- katcbewan; Mr. Ed. Nelson,.i ot a 3-day Marketing-Sales* 90 seated at the head table President of Aberta Farrners' Meeting held by J. 1. Case; were the four members who Union and Vice Pre.sident of; Comnpany, as department heads; erganized the first local in National Farm Union: alsolfrom the U.S. and Canada, gathered at the firm's Racine, 1H Jj as mnfatueWisconsin offices to plan 1962; Iii 14 fulIl Ene of farm tractors and ifmachiner ' as well as indus.-, ri.1 tractors and equipmenl.' do IXVith sales al retail for- Aug- Li st and September up sharply)- I over the same months a year you w antOcobe prospects; ter sales that would top the in,, ake m ~ore year by "several million dol- j lorspacodngpeidofas to Morris W. Reid. Case Director of Mar- WEL DN' WST TMENnpTIIAT ng 0WD AND TROUBLESOME CHAIN SAW TRADE NOW ON A BRAND NEW PIONEER CANADASNO.1 CHAIN SAW S. S. MORTON & SON 4ONTARIOQ 'I K Addiiniz Iothe gerieral op- limism of the sales managers and department heads attend- ing the conference were in- dustry reports whicb placed r the level off sales o! farm equipincnt and tractors somne- ,vbat below a year ago ýfor' August, September and Octo-i ,ber. Company officiais were re- luctant to make specific pre- dictions for 1.962. or ta reveal the direction which Case pro- I motional activities would take, other than to state that th ey * were very well saiisfied with the lasi. quarter sales drive which got underway in early 'August witb a concentrated 10-day sales pî-ogram. ,t was indicated lhat 1962! marketing plans would lakei into consideration the suc- cesses off the current peri"od, in which localized promotion and advertîsing aiînednoai. boosting equipment deron- straLons lSpayed a pri part. FARM SERN DEAD, OLD & CRI] FARM STOCK Removed Free of C Immediate 24-Hr. Si Ask Your Operator ZEnith 6655 Licence No. 46-C. No Toli Charge Nick Pecont - Peterli N.-' Build your bank balance. .. Build you] Unexpected expenses do happen. Things like dentist bills,i and dozens of others. Often these expenses must be met iii adequate bank balance ... well, many a good man feels a si can avoid this. Make sure Nfou always have at Ieast twc bank. Depoeit regularly. Watch the balance build. EnJo3 security . .. the peace of mind that cornes with money int bank has other advantages too. You pay bils easily, and on special discounts. You avoid charge account service fees. " special sales. You establish credit for intelligent borrowing.1 benefits. More than anything else, money ini the bank protectsy Build your bank balance and build your peaoe of mind. Star CANADIAN IMPER BANK0F COMME OVER 1260 BRANCHES - 14 'i party was held in the ehurch B SC T.P Thrkovich in the lois of heri on Saturday evening with a BASE .INJI.i fthr F acts to Think, A bout fair attendance. A short pro- Mr. Clifford WilsonanMr grmm ncluded the !olflow- Kathy and Murray Twist,' Bul Curtis, spent the weekend; TII "1 g: reading, Mrs. J. Jonesý: Salem, spent the weekend at Coe Hill at Mr. Curtis'! C>n ra u C ) t u urn rs piano solo, Chervl Ashton-, with their cousins, Esther andýhunting camp. O n F a t - ut R m o s piano solo. Patsv Tbompson. Kenn v Cryderman. Mrs. Clifford Wilson visited; ByDon Fairbairn Bowmanville. Sundav vîsitors wrth Mr.,ber daugbter, Mr. and Mrs.ý Prize winners were: Adultsad Mrs. Howard CrYdermanýBil lekadKreO- A lot off people have had a lot ta say recently about -H-allowe'en ghost, Mr,. EF.arî and famil), included Mr. andý,awa. on Saturday. radioactive faIl-oui. and its possible effects on ail off lis. Much Trewin: best dressed gentle- Mrs. Ernest Twist. Raymondý Mr. and Mrs. 'Mm. Steven- off this talk had been pure speculation but it bas upset a. mani, Bobbv Jones; c o mn i c and John. Salem, Mr. and Mrs. son.Oaa M.nd rs large number of people and ut bas already had repercussionsicilown, Lynne Read.W.Bre an Kth. s- Hans Geissberger, Zion. were in he grculurl aea.Scre & hilren-Wtch Jhn ihawa, n an n ebie,5S0nda, visitors off Mr. and! ithîrnes have bad much to ,l-e-Wie.Jh i-Dunk, Oshawa. Mrs. J. R. Metealf and Mr. do with increased sales off milk powder. We bave it on gondley, Little Red Riding Hood. ,Mr-. A. 0. Trimble has re-IRosq Metcalf. authorîty that a number off doctors in Toronto bave been Shirley Tabb: Comic, Freddie, turned borne after spendingll-- -- - __ stock-piling milk powder - wbether for patients or personal tihe riLder, Det nash ton: the past week a patient in, Lise we doni. know. Also, we understand one of the large Heartsr Mary Potts: Small:Mmra optl omn chan toes as wekplaedth laget rdr i hstrvforICown. snTillex': Onion ville. chaî streslas wek pace fle lages orer n hstoy SsanMrs. A. Metcalff and familyv powdered milk. Clown, Doreen Trewin. ateddaptlc inri, Now, this rnaY reduce the large sur-i Judges were Mrs. lobbs, attndroledra poteuckise, n IA 330 honor oJ.erWsister Miss Mr, u.~~ma pls o pwder being beld by bath the rs . Wodean Mr. WDown. at the barne of Mrs.fe ',Thompson, Lunch was served. Carl Downri on Saturday, Oc-'Ut FUK UW ederal goverrnent and processors - tobr2lt which would be a good thing -- but Il Mis;s Phyllis }{olt and. Mr.' wl ieyas eraethe consumption !George Hoît acc o mpa ni e dl SU and of lud mlk ndin he on ru no lelpCatle Pr*es ther sstr Mss nn ocE a nd thoveuïrall urpus themg in t îiryl ati P ic s herstker Moists. J.nello.' lent navisi industry, Any decrease in fluid milki Ex elleonA ý Th -WeNeed U" group of' FA L W consumption onIv ieans the excess wholei Sal e M rs. RUnitMdE M u E Wl at arethie lacts about strontium 90 contents ini An al lime hîgh average orf October* 23rd r r nulk »1 The real ones got prett 'v w losi. under the headlines 1S439.00 wvas obtained for 49 rs Danny Battais has EM B although vwe were glad to see the Mî1nister of Health and head of ptirebred Hioistein ireturned home after speniding Welareandthepreidet o DirvFarersof anaa bthcattle sellîng at Grafton on the past week vrsiting her, Welai- an th prsidnt ! DîryFarner ofCanda othOctober the l2tb. These cat- sister !i Niagara Falls. pointing oui. some o! them. First off al, Most. of tbe food t]e, ail sired by buils in usel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bat- TU~ESI Canadian cows will be eating in the next six months was through the Quinte District tams. Rav and Vaierie wer-e safeIl' under cover before the Russians started their latesi. Cattle Breeding Association.' Simdiia. visitors with his par-' WNa îh tests so there is nîo immediale danger of any increase o!fnmade up the 7th Annual Saleents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bat-' str-ontium 90 in aur milk. Everi if this big cloud deposits man-aged by Hays Farnus aiUtains. CFP TO - TV F Oakville. and sold ai. Grafton.! M,-. Br-uce Battan-s, M r. r I g that strontiumî 90 levels would reach a danger point. opng thldeal o e as a -amugasBattams ca n Mr.ý omnao aB nilk and we also believe there ar-e rnethods off removing sired by the $33,000.00 Rosate family on Sunday afternoon. Ji Channeli 9. Toronto 12., radioactive elements fromn livestock feed. Anyway. why ail Citation R, and oui. of an ex-, Syînpathy off the .onmuri-.. the ussabot mlk'Othr ting \v ea liestckcellent daughter off Rokwoodi t. is extended ta Mrs. John thefus abutnuik? the ting \~ ea lvesock iRocket Tone. Buyer for ti,~-__ poultry. fruits and vegetables ar-e similaî-ly exposed. Andjcaîf was Elgin Cunnington ofi we inight add - -bave been for years' Brampton. And the final Point for those %vho are bu ' irig iip milk The second high priv-e ço ASK VOUR powder -- how do you know it À7asfi*t imade fromn milk pro- $800.00 was paid by Roy R. duced during an earlier period \Vhein we bad increases 1, faîl-,Mulleîî o! Peterborough for a oui.? That isnl'i to sa i t's daîîgerous because the besi. very tyipy cow .onsigned hy c~ iz24. Ayh-ner Pet'herick & Sons o f o scientists say i.heîe has neyer been a period in Canada when Campbellford .A daughter of. fail-out reached levels luazardous to healtb. Pabst Sir Leader Rag Apple. Just ta finish off the milk story, il bas been shown jnconsigned by Morley Philip of AGENT AB( laboratoî-y tests that a milk-egg diet increases chances ofi Cobourg wvas sold to Mexico: survival afler radiation b\- almosi.t % Apparent ly there'sijfor $7000'0. This samne buyer Scenir-Do7-' ra ta somthnginmik ha cuneratsso-n o te ffct 1* purchased a second bred hel- *Ai-inclusie fares srdithiio nIl as also ee s n o whestrontm-..,fer for $650.00. 1This was the 116 aGroup disccount fares radatin. l hs aso eenshorn hat whn sronium90cons1gnment off John Good-ý rn-tatcSers' is in combination Mriith the calcium in milk, the buman bodyl fellow off Codrington , a 'heifer, rn-tat tas ismr nlndt bobteclii.which placed firsi. in bel- elass0 Great Lakes and Aaska is or inlied a bsrb lu the Northumnberland Black' w Hotels and resorts acro, Today's Tidbit- Milk filters won't remnove radio-active ele-i& White Day this vear. m Airline srce acrsC C5ONTRACTING R f ;Di RrEFRIGERATION - ELECTRIC MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE T.V- RA DIO - APPU ANCES ER EVERY DAY h The :arm Show" urt disin. ses how ta FLECTRICALL Y" 20 P.11. to 12:30 P.. omînen -n-nt-1u--tn-neîpin theprod L OO o!dca i n 1k -oietmnsbtcnhl n h rdcino la ik A.four year old cow, again S etIde rie of Cobour-g, brought $625.00.1 mi VY' O N1 the price being paid by Wil- - > J. K. WEBSTER lIE W .Nvrie neigýiam nCamp-bell o! Hawkstone, Seugot st. W. A ovenier nucti, Lea. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ontario. Many of the cowsTe.NA -54 PPLED will be lueld ai, the home o! lLeslie Grahanu Mr. Henr-y already In production, were Tl A354 1 Mrs. Arthur Bead Thursdaý, Ashton. Mr. Gardon Dudley. ptrrchased by local buyers.' 'harge evening, Nov. 9th, at 8 p.mý.!Bownyianville, Mss Ina Beryl One off the largest. buyers ai. The Worid's Most Comploee7Transportation System ervice Mrs. Alfred Garrard's meet- Read, Peterborough, w e re the Sale was Roy Valleau Off AAILWAYS - STEAMSHIPS - AIRLINES - MOTELS - COMMUNICATIONS - EXPRESS - TRUCKING PIGGVSACK rFor i-g. SundaY supper guests o! Mr. R. R. 7. Belleville, purchasi-ng' ________________________________________ jO M r. Henrv Ashtoî. picked a nd Mrs. Arthui, Read and 5 head. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50 ;quart o strawberries from his tyniie. The occasion M.____ :-tc60 o da , c. o h. -H enrv' A shton ceeebrate d his / /;IA' pateh on Mo dayOct. 0th. 84th birthday. fo 4 .'Ft v o e __ i Worthfrom (JheWorth )Orogb iMr .and Mas. F-i-ed Asiutoiu,i Linda and Janet Sharp, En-A N . %'Mr and rs. ert Ahtonandjniskilîen, spent Mond-ay .with their grandmother, Mrs. Lloyd Ash ton. Mr. adMrx. FarlT Tlonp-j ison weri> Sai.urday callers ai. - Mrsý. W. Thompson's. Miss Gail Tboniîpqmru, Toronto. visii.ed - ler grandmnotluer a short Lime !on Sunday evenirg. Mari e - I Miifson, Dolores MîlIson and..... Tonu. Millson accompanied ber. 'Mrs. M. Smilev nd fam-il, Bu.rlington,. spent the week- end with Mrs. Roy Graham and family, ........ The Auction Sale of home7 baking, vegetabies and other - _____________ I articles was a success. It was ,held in the churclu slued and sponsored by the church stew-- ards. Syrnpathy is exjtended to ýMr. Leslie 1{ancock and fm- li in the passing of Mrs. Hiancock. Mrs. Haacock, nee .. Kate Beath, lauglut at H-aydon .... school sevcral, years ago. Mr. and Mr-s. Lloyd Ashton, IRonald and Ray, accompanied -Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- loni on a motor trip and visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coul- ter. Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gar-Nwimaapo da /r.hhad Igna"hBd'byi/rrrjîrani. rard acconupanied Mr-. andNeimaaSotSdn-r.hsae igni 0hHdbyFe cji;asi. ýMrs. Alfred Garrard and Bar- :rv aîd were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Griffiîii o! Blackstock. ffu e bauywt od MrAtu eïadMrs-.J u 4,n wIiat wtq raaentlijng ride!' ýW. A, Convention whioh was' e ai. Albert. Street United E S OTa6 H V O E Church, Oshawa, on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Tom and Debbie were Sunday vii- In came the new '62 Cbevrolet - and ont went the days and over 700 sound and vibration instiIalors turning the tors off Mr. Tom Potts, Col- ýi when you had to plunk down a big bundie Io ride around car into one big quiet zone. ling-wood, wben Mr. Tom! feeling like a king. Ahead of you are front fenders willh steel ,înderskirtg ..........Po tS celebrated his 86thl Look at that fresh styling - clean. graceful, tasteful, that give extra protection against rust, slush and stones bisda.WRhTrnM isn't it? Imagine opening one of those big solid doors, (what won't our engineers corne ut) with next!). Behind C' Rahru-îarud îanily were lasi ' slipping ini. sinking down ini those sofa-wide scats and vou there's that goods-gobbling decpi-m-cI trunk. And, Smi-ilevsý. Bulington, andý engine-a fuel..shy 135-hp. Six or your choice of 'new along with Body by Fisher quality. Mrs. Alex Perger's. Hamilton. VS vigor up to an optional-at-extra-'cost 409-hp. whirl. ReaiIy bu h nl bn h ewJtnot 6 IBlake anud Kelly Sm.jilev!Ch bout tahs b e olytiged s-a promoowth6 were holidaying with Allisn wind - and go, man, go. Cerltlae ob eie %âpop nwwwt aind Bill Rahmi and Sybil Gra- Isn't tbat Jet-smooth ride something, tbougb? At each your Chevrolet dealer. Whisemail T'rie OpÊîunai at Eldra COR# r peace of mind ham1. adMsCe whedl a big steelm- coul spning turning the road into ra and familx were receni. visi- bli"re tors o! Mrs. Melville Jones. Anda nside -beui new way-s t£0 ler 3'our pie doctor bills, car repairs Orremee. 1h maaSotCueitroa ihsosjs rimediately. Without an The publie school pupil5 Sheam aaSprCoe nrorairhtsowjuta had a holiday on Friday wben! saple of how Chevrolet makes you more than pleased ther-teahe. r. ilon and proud of your exciting new '62 car. Deep soft scats. r mail flush of panic. YouRan. attended the Teach- - ihick deep-twist carpeting. Plush new upholtery in a bost monhs slar i te rs' Convention at Kingston. 1, o! new color combinations. And, o! course, vou're sur- mon ~1sSaiaIS in theConr.gat ula tions to Dr.! ruddb h niîkbe aduhaal rfsun C htnw feig o orge James, Bowmanville ruddb h nitkbeadubaal rfsa Iy ha nw felngofformer publisher o! The Ca-': ship o! Body by Fisher. When Chevrolet gives so much, the bank. Money in the liadian Statesman, who cele-! m ho needs pay more? Sce your Chevrolet dealer loday! i tÎe. ou apitliz onSaturday, Oct. 28th. time.You apitlizeMr. and Mrs. Peter Singer, You take advantage of Swanseaand Mrs. Martinu.îl,- But these are the extra tors ai. Mn. and Mrs. J. Cam. eron s. y'ou frorn the unexpected. r. and Mrs. George Ber. -t building' next paydy eSrda vstr tM.: A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE .and Mrs. M. Bertrini*s. ____ d(î' 1Mr. anud Mrs. Ross Ashton' Find out about the '62 Cherioef, the new Cresv Il and '62 Corer nt ai our lerai atitrrorizpderoe UAL and family ati.ended Burketon j (IMI. ~ jaruniversary service Sundavl afftennoon and were tea guests 1 ERCE Mm o o! Mrs. Edna McLaughlin. 1 SW. A. ladies held a meeting liYW . N IC TOSERVE YO.adaPan emade fr UieflEfWROYîîTW C.URICOSHAW Sunday School on sunayBW.v.- NV& .aILECOU TIC206AW bra-nce Day church service Phone MA 3-3353 Phone MA 3-3922 Phone 728-62 moing at 10:30. nAyReme- 1 A lwpe uer,"~*Wtch ,semant@" Sunday nrite er VCBC.TV y. Vk ,Vomi pI per lof tme m .an ll----- -7--r 224.50 " Z cowiW#hII% 6, w s COWAPtTEWMif412" ATTACHMiEJTS Pg~ SAWS LIS. mm~ ML B.R. 2, BOWMANVILLE- PHONE MA 3-2279 DOUT.. :a crU-ses "~ b. 'Si' & &iý % 1 M CANADIAn STATESMAN. MMTAIM) NOV. le, 1961.