à NE D Y, N V. lt, 161Tz ! NÂl A% 'I " «tiA . WM . £ M - . N A. - Newcastle Native Rememb; red During Service rnToronto Newcastle:- The staorY a! Edwin Hancock, wes pneach- fie11e o! a native o! New- ing anniversai-y services in castie, the laIe Fred Victor, the Newcastle United Chureli, Massey was told by Dr. Hun-, where the MaSsey family wor- Ilsett In the broadcast service sbipped in former years and from 1the Fred Victor Mission,1 ta whieh the Masacys hiaitcan- on Sundey morninig over radio tributed so much. The corner station CHUM. stane o! the present building The. Mission was obbservin was laid on May 24th, 1876, Its anniversary ln the Sunday and Ha9rt Ma.sey's son Chai-- services and the miri,*ter t0ld les was the first orgaxist. part o! the story o! Mr. Mas- Newcastle Ontario in 1875. H-e said Mr. Massey, thoughNi r d i h. died a young, man, had donc much traveling through-, Dr. Hunnisett, Fred Victonr. U k y Massey, who was the son af Hart Massey, \vas a delýn Lo s S o t o! great assistance ia the es-, Newcstl:- More than one t.ablishment o!f the mission !hundred manksmen o! the vil- which later bore his naine lage and district participated and bas eontinued te be op- in the third annuel Turkey erated by flie Methodist and Shoot conducted by the Lions later the United Chuncli for Club in Waltona Park on Set- the past 75 years, serving the urday afternoon. temporal and spiritual needs With the weather men ca-' c! the people in downtown operating per!cctly and a good Troronfo. turnaut of Lions club zniem- It was rallier a coincidence bers, Frank Hoar, ehairman o! fîhat on the same day anather the committce, conducting the native son of Newcastle, Rev. shoot said il was a most suc- -cessful event with lots o! help ta conduet thc shoot andi dis- NOTICE pense the eo!fee ta the pat- rons. VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLIE Twenty-one shoots were con- Voiers' List Posted ducted betwe:n one and five Clerk's Notice of First Pôstlng a nice big plump bird going cf Voters' List as the prize in eech round. VOTERS' LIST, 1961 Use o! the park for the shoot Munieipality of Newcastle was donated byLion George Lounty cf Durham Wallon andI a fine afternoon NetfIce Ie beneby given that was enjoyed by ail partici- 1 have camplied with Section pating. 9 of the Voters' List Adt and that I have posted up et my office et Newcastle on the 3rd day o! Novemnber, 1961, the lEt o! ail persans entitled ta vote in the said Mualcip ality at municipal elections and that suchli hst nenains there for In- MA3 30 spection.MA3 30 And I hereby cehi upon ail fer votera te take immediate pro- ý33 ceedings ta have eny errons on a omissions cornected according Ut ~law, the last day for ap-É ~eais being the l7th day of omi ýé!ovember, 1961.N Dated this 3rd day o! No- 1 vember, 1961.t T. LENNARD,r Clenk o! the Village ' o! Newcastle. 44-2t A Civie Service of REMEMBRANCE wiIl be held in Newcastle Community Hall SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1l AT 10:45 A.M. AIl Veterans and the general public are invited to attend. D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve, Village of Newcastle. Wedding and engagement announcements, birth announce- menta, confirmation invitations, golden and ilver anniversary annauncemeata, @ec ThermossengTavin (EAISED LETTYRINGo). rt...&. and f" i ike thé finet band engtainÎ. Th;fettera' have an elegance and individuality obly tâ.fieet hand en. graving canmatch. Thermo.,engravýing moeàrnn m<) Ceai. about hall « nuh ashand e cia , because h eiimi tuthé copper Plat. fIat makes hua eqgving 60 xpensivo x" i ITs READY VITRIN TU£REE 0f course you can order matching enclosure carda5 reception, response, thank you and at home carda, etc. Select mrors aur giant catalogue cf fiawiessiy correct papers. Il distinctive styles cf lettering. Weddings ;rzcd as low as 50 for $9.00 and 100 for 113.50, com-. elt. wvith double envloptesand tissuea. available at 4C(analianS&a tesman ý- -Mr 1 Hon or 'Cec' Carveth On His Retirement From Bail Executive Newcastle-On the coin- year et the park. These tour- pletion o! more then 30 years nameiîts have cantinued each au an active member o! New- year since thet finie. castle Basebali Club, Mn. C. Afler an enjoyable dinner R. Carveth was honored on and a !ew inspiring words his retinement aI the aual !rom guest speaker Aîrnold banquet o! the club belInWdte .BA prsta the Elmhunst Hotel on Fnl- Wee, athewO.B.A. nepe sene Culay evnn Oct. 271h. ctiveanew eectiv pesw Mn. Crvth was pnesented chasen tarepletic presWant with a black leather waîîet laceup. Presidat is TamWal- bhe membersto o th lb inand Treasurer C. R. Carvelli, thememerso bis lng ser-with IrvnMcCullough, Gea. rcognition o i ogsr Kimball and Earl Foster as vice. In making the presen- eeuiemmes tation, Mn. Wallon spoke o!fxctvemmes thc way Mi-. Canvelli had The new executive elecîcd sent cigarettes te the boys for the next basebali season whben Uiey were ovenseas on includes President Bill Brunt, active service during the war Vice Pi-es. Ted. Lane, Sgçre- mad - the presentation of! the- tEry;- Tlrèàsue-i'Devid Rick- Ivatches te the men which he ard and six executive mcm- had arranged, at banquets ln bers, ei-il Poster, Ron Dlck- thein honor en their -neturn. Inson, Chanlie Tnini, Davld Mr. Carveth had alse kept and Gary McCullough. Mr. baseball active lni Newcastle Carvefli bas consented te act durlng the wan wlth a clvic as an advlser to thc new ex- holiday teurnament every ecutive. i i t I i c Native Son Returns As Guest Preacher For U.C. Anniversaryý 1*ur r rances zioa.r, a«L theI rall cali was answered by each member telling "Something we are thankful for". Mrs. G. Gray told the story of a littie boy called Shamia who lived in Pakistan. The story was entitled "Beyond the Bamboo Fence"l. The worship period with the theme "Thanksgiving" was conducted by Mrs. Powell. The activity period in which the story was deait with was conducted by Mrs. C. Flintoff. After receiving their World Friends magazine and a treat the children were dismissed. Community L Bowling Newcastle:.- Following is a list of the high scorers in the com-munity bowling lanes iii the variotis leagues during the week ending Qcober 28th. Monday Ladies' League (200 and over) - Marilyn Couch 238, Dorothy Mercer 227, Ruth Irwin 212, Helen C our ou x 205-. Tuesday Men's League (225 andI over> - Larry Pearce 282, ROn Munro 256, Brian, Rowe 235, Ken Whitney 234, Bill Lake 232, Lowell Highfield 229, Irv MvcCullough 225. Wednesday Ladies' League (200 and over) - G. Gray 255, R. Couch 242, 1. Cunningham 226, J. MikIos 211. Wednesday Junior League (150 and over) - Darlene Bowen 206, Nancy Gaines 201, Bob Carpenter 179, Ron Goode 168, Arthur Montgomnery 165, John Cunninghamn 157, Bob 1-eatlie 155, Glen Rowe 152, Betty Couch 151, Jim Basker- ville 150. Newcastle:- The 137th an- Church was observed on Sun- (200 and over) - MablLei ~wn233, Art Dubeau 216, Rus Snivertary of the congrégation day, wlth thc Rev.E Powell 213. of te Necaste UntedHancock, B.A., o! Aunera, a Friday Mixed, League (200 native son o!f thc eongregetion and aven) - Tracy Enm b i e y as Auestpie-acher barth main- 256, Alibert Peerce 248, Irene Ev nn . .Igand evening. Cunningham 243, Ruth Bona- Uic ornng eivce i-.than 242, Alice Rawe 239, Bill i In Mr.ùCraciken 225, Barbera Ail- P ac s Bae t spoke on Uic subject, drcad 203, Betty Bon21 "'Void If Detecbed" and In ficBhe 21 il. evening "A Sure Thing." In Go to bi is evenlng sermon Uic guest fn~rv G o a iiula ministen took for his text Ro- BflUOWNS Newcastle:- The régular mens 8: 38-39, "For I arn per- M meeting of fthe Ev en in g suaded, that neither dcath non Mr.< andI Mi-. E. Cali and Branch o! St. George'. Wo- life, nor angels, non princi- Sr, Ga Simipson, Taronte, hadý mian'e Auxiliany was lielci in palities, non powers, n or MSun d ineihM- n the parish hall on Wcdncsdey, things present, nor things teMs.±cSimipson. October l8th, with 19 mcm- came. Non beight, nar depfh, Miss Geargie Sinmpson had bers in affendence. non any ailler ci-cature, shail an aperation on her foot et be able ta sepai-e us fi-rn MemorilHsiai, Bowman- Following the opcning pnay- the lave o! God, wîich i- -i ville, last Fniday but is backý ers, the needing of tle min- Christ Jesus aur Lard." la ta schoal this week, allliaughi utes o! thc lest meeting and developiag his subject "A st11 limiping a litîle.1 reports cf officers, flic Dorcas Sure Thing", the speaker told Mr. and Mrs. W. Cal visit-, secretary brouglit some knit- a!flice peniod o!flice twentics cd in Tai-auto on Sundey. ted goods for childi-en. A bale wîca everyone was interestcd Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Mer- o odused clothlng was in making money te invesî lantii, Bowmanville, with Mn. and packed andI each member bad stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.,Ms lx ariadbosn brought to the meeting a andI Uic crash o! '29 wîped it Sunday. Christmas gift wrapped and aU out andI many hle îs A ver success!ul Hellow-ý labelled for hblidren ini Uic than nothing left. He spoke' e'en pei-ty was beltI by Uic Indian Schools. In ail six car- o!flice present generatian Home andI Sehool Club on teo-s o! clôthing andI two car- wihen we anc building up an- Fridey niglit at thlic soool. tons ol toys were essemnbled manients, etc. for peace and Many young andI old came in: for thc bale. scrt.Sm ammnsaevaried costumes andI made IL Mr.. K. A. Stephenson who neccssary, he seitI, but nuc ifci o h ugs r bact nepresented Uic pariait at leUr boymbs could wie i and Mns. Fletcher and Mi-.. J a meeting cl Uic Deaneny Ex- eut. 'Cursan Sr., ta Pick thecvin- ners. ThcY ditI a fine job and ecutîve gave à sumnar of Uic In conclusion thc speaker, the fallowing are thc winncrs meeting. She was thanked by salci thex-c !s only ont "sure o! thc prizes: the. président for giving o! hilng" fan peace andI secunlty Girl, 5 and unden, Indian! lier time as a representatlve andI that la "the love of GotI Mai-go Allin; Bey, à andIun' o! ic anih.whidh is in Christ Jesus oui dci-, Kîtten, Doug. Pitt; Girl, Mis. Dewdney repontecl that Lord." 6-8, Artist, Joan Cali; Boy, an electrie steve would La6-8, Witch, Russell Allun; Installed in flic kitchen o! he Lrge congrégations attend - Parih Hll i th ner fu edtheannlversary services Girl, 9-11, Gypsy, June Kel- tuean d al the metngea !U iewere conducted by thescy; 'Boy, 9-11, Clown, Jim Pitt. lrue, t andUconmeetiong ws ministen, Uic Rev. E. C. Wood- Girl, 12-15, Mn. Dandy, Lin- tnhe e a onluio wthland, who welcomned thc m - da Coucli; BOY, 12-15, Old th srvngo! pun-pkin pie u' t Man, Jack Cnowells; B esti and whipped eream andtI fa. ciel mrsto thes peies Sedressed comie, Pie-eyed Pal- CardPse chir. nde th dirctin o ly, Wendy Wilson; Best tIres- Cari! Pae r tth B chor. NuTndn Wicllsclon o! sd couple, Hospital case and On ctoen 51h fe Band Mn Nomat Wllim.,ch rchfiend, Don Crowells an d sponsored a Card Party in thc organlat, presentlng th n Bal Wicn Pariait Hall when gamet of tflem "GotI MY King" by Wal.- Brdzt Wlsn euche, bidgead cribbage lace Heaton a e Uic mornlngd ady were played with the follow- service, andI "Let flic People t:îrn Belle, MrS. R utIh lng pnize winners: BoytI Han- Pi-aise thc Lord" by H. Sm .art e rown; est rsegpt ri, rs aweneLady, Ac rw.Bes ri, ns aweneGaines, in the evening service. dressed conie, Arohie's boy Mr&a. Ross Dickinson, Mrs.1 The Rev Mr. Hancock who friend, June Pitt; Beat dressedi, Deug Cunningham, Mrs. Bran- was born antI naised In New- couple, The Sicepens, Peggy, niga O f Bowmnvi and castle said il was twenty years Boyd, Lyn Stphenson. Mr. Cuties-. since he livetI in thc villageî On October 19th the Busy, The partv concluded wilh andt fat if has been ni.nc years Becs met ah flic hom-e of Mns. delicicus re freshmnents includ- 'since he preached a sermon Wellington Farrow with toný lng sandwiches, email cakes in Uic olt home dhurch, but menibers present. nhe ladies andI coffee served by meni- le waa able ta reeall Most of played ecdlre and Prizes were boun 01 the Branci. his boyhood acquaintances. won by June Pitt and Wi"lda dancing country style. hcld in the Chapel cf North- an~-~ N~wf~-,twyi11~ ~ a,,A Phon. lI(Arkt 3-3803 Food prices effective Nov. 1, 2, 3, 4 We reserve the right to lmit quantities ]Briglit's - 48 os. tins Tomato Juice 2for49C S wifts PREM Pard Beef and! Bec! & Gravy - 15 et. tins DOG FOOD Whole Flank on BeansthPok_3;r35cLOIN OF LAMB Ib.29c 43 C -ONE 24 OZ. FARMHOUSE F REE APPLE.PIE with the purchase of one Farnihouse Building Up 0 m w do By $30j323 Over Last Year Phono 3621 Newcastle:- Acording ta Thspetor fr hebvilaghin- value of building permit. in the village have nisen more than $30,000 in the first ten montîhs of this year over the i?7lewcas t/e In 1960 there were 14 per- engstire1 th total esin 1960 mats taken out for new build- value cf $57,500. Five per- S o i l andc mits were issued for mtera- tions with a combincd total o! $5,650. Ail permits lssued Mrs. H. R. Pearce hasn e- Mn. and Mns. William Hoy, in 1960 were valued et $63,- turned homne following a two Brenda and Larny a! Kendal 150. weeks' visit with ber sister and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Voutt Duning the first ten months Mrs. A. H. Fisher and daughten o! Uxbridge wene Sundey cf 1961 there were 13 permits Marion in Belleville. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Issued for new buildings, 12 Mn. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith John Voutt. o! thein dwellings with a o! Hampton and Mn. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Semis total stimated value o! $80,- Jlrn Stark and Ted o! Stark- and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Staple- 900. ad 10 for alterations ville spent Saturday evenini ton, Linda and Carol of New- with a cornbined value of wlth MS. Henry Bowen ana tonville attended the United, $12.575. Danlene. Churcli Annlversary service The total value of building Mn. and Mrs. H. G. Freenien on Sunday monning and were Perits issued at the e nd of o! Maple Grove wene Sunday dinner guests with Mn. and! Ontober this year was $9.3,475 guests wlth Mn. and Mrs. Ross Mrs. George Kimbaîl. or tý30,325 mare than he 1960 Allin and family and attendedtoa the evening Annivensary Serv- M r. and Mrs. Arthur Stcw-ý ice at the United Church. art o! Sandiego, Califonnia and- - Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lennard Mi-. and Mrs. Alfred DeGroot andMrs IeneRobrt spntof!ohetr N.Y., have been M s in B n Sundy in Scarbore visiing visiting with their aunt and sin B d wiMn. and Mi-.. . uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sa Whytall. . Brown. Hears t r Mr.an Ms.BrceWhtny is Seia ogrtý, Ry. Mee n Trond M B uce Whit rnc Mss hel ogr, .,n where they attended the fun- Mrs. Percy Brown hes joinedO f P ksa erofe un entohe tueyr.henddsiughtaffcf Mi-. radPkil ery Wfhirtncl aey.Mn. pthe ling tafo!moniad Newcastle - The Mission Mer. ain eyr. CHospFa- il o m nvr ie andBand met in the board raom Mn. and Gns.oClNetonvFr ille o.cs.ommnc erd t fhie United Church an Mon- row nd leno! ewtovile Nv. st.day, Octobcr 23rd with 26 were Sunday guests with Mrs. Weekend visitons with Mrs. children and thi-ce leaders in Henry Bowen and Danlene and George Smith wcre Mrs. Bert attendance. The meeting Open- attended the United Church Caldwell o! Toronto, Miss ed with a few games canduct- Annivcnsary. Dorothy Stapleton of Kingston cd by Mrs. S. Powell aftcr Mn. and Mns. Dick Anderson and Mn. and Mns. Grafby O! whiclî the busine'ss pcniod was and son Richard o! Oshawa, Palmerston. conducted by the President, Mn.. Stella Anderson Mns. Mrs. George Smith acconi- Debbje Darling. The Mission Floyd Butler, Mr. h{anion penying mrs. Irwin Farrow Purpose was repcated and the Parker and Miss Hattie Mason ettended the Anniversany serv- Mission Band Hymn sung. The were Sunday dinner guests ice at Shiloh Church on Sun- minutes of the Seotember wîth Miss C. B. Butler and day and were guests of Mr- meeting were ncad by the Sec- Mn. GeorgeButler. and Mrs. Percy Farrow. reavFrnp nrmn 1 il à -. vTEN iAIN ANXA CHOCOLATE (while they last) at thec reg. pnice AAAAjJULa balI UJ i Short Cut Whole or Iffaîf 4for 45c [FC l' IM R bp 1%ar -ozU. jar SPECIAL OFFER! West Beni! Electrie BEAN POT (oni> $4.95 wlth 1 label) FLORIDA'S FAMOUS INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT 10 ~SIZE45 Criaji, Garden Fresh - No. 1 Grade - Sîze 24ts LETTUCE 2Iforl29c Californla's Finest No. 1 Grade Emperor GRA&PES 21 bs.15c Crlsp and! Tender No. 1 Grade - Sise 24'& CELERY 2Ifor 25C Tops ln Vitamin "A" - No. 1 Grade - 3-1b. celle bat CARROTS 15C SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanville IGA Market RO WNAN VILLE - ONTfAimo Troms' IGA Market NEWCAkSTLEI GIanIK Roast - Chops - Stews Swift's - 1 lb. cello pkI PREMIUM lA Swîft's Premium Ridica hSliced SIDE E Swift'x Brookfield Skiles PURE PORK lb. 19c1 IIENERS 43c S-llbpkL 45c MEAT THERMOMETER W: . ý , ndsome Stainless Steel Meat Th-r'ineter by visitlng your nearest IGA httire meat counter. Simply write your name and addremi on the official entry b!ank andI deposit it ln the officiai .intry box. If your name tu among those drawn yo wil b. the receiver of this useful kitchen gadget, Call. Nexi ni.etlngwili b. a the hiome of Mns. June WilsonC m lt Lit o a e on Saturday evening, Novem enerai tei mn ol. For Old D.O.&P. Band Photo Brown's Sohool wau gally I u su fOt1t ht They are Jules Re decorated i wth flowers, bell Indris hur g wOc adepigkÏ4J hr f arusRoe- streamers and balloons u rtorhaigwemd ik fte ! aksRc the presentation, heltI for reference to a group photo nigk), Alex McLeod (New- John and Helen Sinclair on braught ta the Statesman of- castle, now of Toronto), AI- Oct. Ziat. Jolm sa the eldest fice by T. Wesley Cawker of bert Darch, Wni. Tapson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sin. the faniaus Dominion Organ Richard Hughes, Wesley Per- clair of R. R. 2 Newcastle, & Piano Co. Band taken In ey, Thos. Pingle Wm. Tuciser, and Helen is the daughter of front of the Post Office, now1 Sid Hu.ghson, Jack cÎcDUg- Mrs. Vera Dennis of Toronto. Publie Library, arouri4 1904-i&a1, John Jones, Isaac Hobbs, Whtn John andI Helen were 05 Wes. was only able ta re- Howard Varce, Wm. Grant asked to take their places at cognize three cd the bands- (Bandmaster), Albert Cô x, the front ofthie sehool to re- Men- Milton Tîmrblyn (Oronc). Wes- ceive their gifts, Mns. Joan On showing the photo to ley Kerr, Toronto. Couch pinned a corsage of Editor Emeritus Gea. W. James Pour cfthie above men are munis on Helen andi a carna- he recognized ail but three. still1 livlng-Alex McLeod, Al- tien on John, then stuck a pin So ta score 100% George took bert Cox, Milton Tamblyn andi In the balloons above, shw the photo ta Oshawa and Wesley Kerr. The photo wil] ering them with confetti. showed it ta Albert Cox who' now repose in the gallery of The presentation aIddr e ss is one o! the bandsmen stilllthe Bowmanville Museum to readby r. im.Curon r.,living. Luckilv he had a simi-ibe admired by present and read by John'. Jin Cuinsoc- J r., otwijithe naines o! future generations as a fond key and baseball, and of the ail the members of the bandimemoryr of the D.O.&P. Co. gooci wishesfo John and neatly typewritten on thée Band. Helen froni the people of Brown's section. Flnishing the address Jim presented the, O B 1IrT U A R I E #S couple with a coff ce table,' centre piece, floor lamp, and iMRS. LEWIS CRYDERMAN cutt & Smith Puneral Homne a magazine rack. John ex- on Wednesday, October 25th pressed his thanks for the After a short Illness, the and was conducted by Rev. lovely gifts, and hoped his death occurred suddenly at Perey W. Page of Hamnpton friends would corne ta visit Memoriai Hospital, Bawman- and the Rcv. Frank Cryder- them at their Toronto home. ville, an Octaber 23, 1961, of man of Tirnothy Eaton Mem- Mr. Stan Couch, as master Pearl (Clarke) Cryderman. anial United Church, Toi-ento. of ceremorijes, had a fine pro-1 The Deceased was bai-n in Interment was in Hampton gram lllned up far the even- Hampton, May lst, 1887, and Cemetery. ing. Tina Kozub with ber ac- Was the daughter of the late Palibearers were: Perey cordian played several fine Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Clarke. Dewell, Sarn Dewell, Earl selections. Jim and Bill ScotIt She was married in Hamptan Luke, Jlack McNab, Keith of Newcastle played selections an Dec. 21, 1910, ta Lewis R. Peters and Art Reynolds. on their guitars. Wendy and Cryderman and spent the____ Bradley Wilson sang a very early part of her married 111e cute duet. Cousin Alvira with in Vernan, B.C., returning ta MRS. J. W. LANCASTER her sack dress, guitar, and her Hampton in 1918 where she jug of corn liquor sang hill- resided until the time of her Aithougli in failing health biily sangs. Incidentally, Cou- dcath. for some tinie, the death oc- sin Alvira is Mrs. Boisvert of Surviving are her husband, curi-ed suddenly of Elizaibeth Newtonviile, a fine entertain- a daughter, Mrs. G. Wilbur Beighton, 82, et Memnorial er. Then tihe ScotIt f amily, (Doris) of Hampton and a Hospital, Bowma n villi , on Bill andI Jim. on guitars, Kathy son Merwin of Oshawa and Friday October 27, 1961. at piano, and their father John eight grandchildren. The deceaseci was the dau- on violîn, did same good old She is also survived by onc ghtcr of the late John Beîgh- toe tapping tuneis. sister, Mrs. A. Richards (Aud- ton and Martha BuJlock andI Stan Couch thanked the rey) of Toronto, vwo brothers wvas boai-n l St. Catîharines. onies who had been on the Percy Clarke o! Greenwood She attended scihool ini Osh- program, andi asked Mr. Bow- and Orville Clar-ke o! Toron- awa and on Januiary 2, 1901, en, one o! John's school tes- ta. She wa>p predeceased by a marricd John Wade Lancas- chers, to say a few words. sister Mrs. N. Reynolds (El- ter who predeceased ber 18 Mr. Bowen wished the couple ma). years aigo. ail tlhc best in the world. A Deceased was a member of Froni the laIe 159o*s 1.111 very nice lunch was served, Hampton Unîited Church. 1955, flhc late Mrs. Lancaster andtheli evening ended in The funeral service was resideci in thé Port Granby ýi km - THE CANADIAN STA"RMAU- ithirvâ Ri u i ýT ip isvà% - q 1.wotriuta anwi FROZEN FOOD IL WMNISDAT. NOV. lot, 1981 CLASEIFIEDI from 1955 in Bowmnnville. Ini earier yeamw Mrs. Lancas- ter was active in thie work of Port Granby and Newtonville churches and for the last few Years of Trinity Unted Chur- ch, Bowmnanvllle. At one time she was an Eider of Newton- ville Church for severai yens. The deceaaed's life centred around her f amily and church. She was welI.known for her hobby of needlework and con- tributions of ber many varied pieces were always works of art and long to be remexnmber- ed. Surviving are £ive ojidren, Ruby (Mrs. I. Munday), Bow- nianville; Gladyu (Mrs. W. A. Lockhart, Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Sidney, R. R. 2 Newcastle, Ev-. elyn (Mrs. S. Buttery), Bow- manvtile; and Win.nifred <Mrs. C. Welsh), also of Bowmar- ville. There are 13 grand- children and 18 great-grand- cilidren. Also surviving are two tre- ters, Mrs. Wm. Hamipshire and Mrs. W. E. Nichols, anid one brother, Chas. Beighton, ajU of Port Hope. The f uneral service was. held at the Morris Funeral Chapel Bowmanville, en Mon- day, OCktober 30, and was con- duoted by Rev. W. X. Houe- lander of Trinity United Church, assisted by Rev. R. C. White of Newtonville. Inter- ment fOllowed in Lalceview Cemtery, Newtonville. Paâdbearers were six grand. sons, Bruce Loclchart, Bing- hamton, N.Y., Ray and Jack Munday, Ken Buttery, Don and Keith Welsh, al of Bow- rnanviile. Among the many ovely floral tokens, mute evidenc e of the esteem anîd affection in which thie deceased was held, were those from Newtonville W.A., Salem Church and WA., and Group 1 Trinlty W.A. Celt our Prico For Your Liveslock througb STATESMAN CAKE 79cli 1 1 STORE