r WEDNMAY, NOV. igt, 1961 -. ------' ---------i -- ----------.--------- - ---"r-- - - - -- I - TE CANAD!AN STATES19AN, IOWNAHVIL!ZONTACO yremarks about ber maeny ac- new hymn books and 25 new P 1s ~LSan'oito tivities as president, in which I NLlayer books. Following the fTE R ~ Udvtosoelgwt tshawa Presbyféry she thanked each and every Northumberland - Durham sevice thse triends amd the P1C111Food CounIIhm2 n il edn wohave worked with her George Wolfe, and their wives iI lSeas aeatl n"on Holds Semi-Annual uin hetre easoi r-ruath Unit Report wreeneta1 adseveEpau SrO rm ni~no evc»a ed a vote of thanks to the the Rectory by Canon and an president, and was seconded Report for September 1961 in the schools at Intervais pre- Mrs. Ashinore., At the recent annual meet- Elght hundredansvnt-w gvea odrprto M eeting in O shaw a byMrs. H.<W. Blakely. Then Commnicable Diseaue vent the sjread of specific. Sunday aternoon the fol- ig o the Plant Food Coun- five fariners areterd~ hi 0dy pn tCm Mr.CatnLe h irst cntommunicdeaddble161Cmptiio. ugig reoia Radn b Ms.A Mrs W H war o To - o ga izaio 'n the Ch rch Inpresident of the Presbyteryl, 0f the 39 cases reported c m u i a le ds a e ow ing m em bers of t t c ' o nt ie a d e a d te othe fivoe i lss n er t e r nt nd t a ur rs r p r onto, . a owrdno -orgS . ukes zd - t ro w in the ir In ' . . a e fo w r o b i g u g t e m o t , 1 e eA udiom etry B oys' L eague of St. John'sd oco n i nua edua tnd a p ainsupo ter fvisio n o t e i e!r p v M s . H h s o i c l 'Uni Church, was the guest dows and open the door, Here the grcetings of the Oshawacikn , esnmase, Teadimtrsr eCrce attndSt. anmesong e iin 1962. wasanswred y "A incden spe Xrat the Semi-Annual' are some things we'll be need- l Presbytery, and p r e s e ni t e d; 7 scarlet lever and 6 whoop- prograimme has Mgain resumned o:srvieonugl as Can m gmayctviethe2, Brandtokpae4n.coe metingo anhe sw soin red, arenat o featv aig htw av a'nha enrpotdtiear. Counties. holarUc Warren Robrer, Harry Sche- educational program includes Winners of 196 atr n rm dys o. a The uig tat wemathaGeorgesbeeandpoDonalds Ycounty level partcipation in Competition wr:Frt Iftni eehne u o Mrs. Uic~~~~~~th important Pasture Impro- ford Wightman, Lnatr ein o u asng a held in Albert Street United shall not want them any' mïottadn leader in her. Tuberculosis first to be done before the! Dcywney, Ralph Grace, Doug- veinent Programi and Compe- Glengarry Court;scnza.Metn lsdwt u Churcb recently. Mrs. Howard this year. Heave out indiîf- I Mrs. William Randy and A -meeting of! the Interna- winter weather sets in and a.- las and F'loyd Asselstine, tition sponsored by the Soil Herbert Waechter idatoesogadpae.Es has held many executive posi- ference, careless and cold,iMrs. William Wilson sang a tional Union against Tubercu- a result, durin.g Uic month 0!, Bnan and John Wolfe, and adCo mrvmn s rc ony hrLwec ru evdatsylnht tien in he . A.and he hreabareexcses o olen uet Marvellou.s Grace" ij*ust losis was attended by Dr. September, the sohools in th(" their leader, Mrs. Fred Ham- sociation of Ontario and ad- Markusse, Wyomin' Lmtn1 ais etmeiga h W.M.S. in the Toronto Con- retold, Hoary old scandais, sur- ýbefore the communion service. Horner on September 11-13, Millbrook district, including ilton. Mr. and Mrs. George'mnseebyheFedCos out;frhCancSihoefMs.Td eryo ference and the Toronto east'mises untrue, Sadness, anx-,In the afternoon Mrs. J. F. 1961. This meeting, attended Cavan and Manvers Town.. Wolfe and Mr. Neil Bailey an EtensioBrahe edCs o h eocoi County; TusdurttrnonNv.C8 Presbytery, and was twice on iety-wave themr Adieu. Sweep1 Patterson and Mrs. R. R. by representatives !rom sixty ships, were visited and tests; also attended. Warren Rohrer Ontario Departinent of Agri- fifth, Fred Nurse fGog- t2pn a Commission to General out discouragement - bail to! Thompson of Brooklin W. A. counitries, revealed that the completed. earried the banner for Black- Council for the United Chureh his back, This year we're conducted the worship ser- prblenuis found in Canada are This year, along with grades stock League. The afternoon culture. towil, Halton Couny pro ~~~~~~~The Plant Food Council Is Judging in theNotSoereurCG.Tme- Womnen, the new womnan's or- planning big things to at-i vice, and the quartet froin world-wide probleins. These 3 and 7 which have been our wa topped off with lunoh in helping in the 1961 Pasture and North Georgan ayPs-ng ashdonOter5h gamizatîon in the U ni i t e d tack, Faded old prejudice,! Brooklin sang "To Live to ineluded the developing re- past routine grades for test- te Diocesan Centre. Cmeiini 3cute and ture Competition okpae ttecuchwt ar Chi.uch wich ill ommece huged a Ui heat, Man lt-. Hlp Ohers, Mr. H.N. Ak- sitanc o! uberle bdilhita ig, bginnrs wll as. be Mr d nd Ms. DnaldWar-distrctsinstnarctsHeintakenonrepteber 5. 2 and27. EeBowan ad Caole e25e lu 1962. ~~tel jealousies - bid them de.! seY, Mrs. G. D. Cook, Mrs. Uie anti-tuberculous d ru gs donc. By including thein, it ren and famllY, Nbleton, the forio! donations for pri- Farnsworth & Son Srt-i hreo osi.Nx Mr.Hwr hs sbrpart. Sweep every corner and1 Norman Elves and Miss C. K. and the problem o! tuberculo- is hoped that fewer defects were Sunday guests of Mr. zes, farmi tours, judges' travel- cane Farin) Huntsil Ma etn nNv 5h r.O subjet "Ou T~is" whih wa' every spot, Wish good Simpson, accompanied by Mrs. sis in the over fifty years of will be left u.nrecognized for and Mrs. Harold Martyn and ling expenses and saine other koka District) wer wre stnldi il td n sunec four as in h hme, i riddance to ail o! the lot. M. A. Agar. . ge group. any length of turne durng thc boys, items. -the first prize. cat.W lsdwt aa ine ou nipats, in the hore, nu.pty and garnished, the~ Mrs. Ives announced an im- There wcre no new cases, child's school life. A good nuimber frein here thecomuniy, n te wrlddoor open wide, High under- portant event ta take place in deaths or admission te sana- O! the il audiogramas made attended anniversary servicesE and in the church. She opened takings are welcome inside. Albert Street Church on Na ori-uigtemnh w sarsl !a eetnwo tNsitnUie hr be tl wt tesuict~ Mrs. L. F. Rchardson, pre- vernber 12th, a Sunday even- eron wr discharged froin et an carlier date, 5 were de- Sunday. E N N IS KM IL L E housecleaning, as part of a sidnt o! the Prcsbytery W.A. ing with the Five Qaka Staff. oprsl. feots sill present since last Srie i. . oc nt r.adMs.Hrr trtHyon oAl womnan's task in the home, tad Servicesaun BorekstckhUnitiMn.candeMces. Ha5r30StrutiHaydon, tetAtaiston175itittn augsigthat as in bouse- thland tMr s. Howad fr erthiwi l commen l c upr e erar e. Attlo 7 est d will commence at 9:50 next Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowins, Mr. and Mrs. W.J.outr lagg stng tdo a d th n sised wthinh a ot iu k su pe.Ho e iit w r n ad.Sunday, Nov. 5th, as there is Oshawa, were visitons at C. M n. and M :rs. Te W ry cleaning do we inpanrnodicusvsiang with' Mrs. G. R. Booth from Sim- Public heaith nurses made Sanitation te be a baptismal service. Pethick's.angil eevsoratM discard aur old ~Iand thrnouthi Cro.W.le, Ivso n dtii e AA. ' SretChurch waa the 507 visita ta famiiles, 3Sh4s3htaeno esnbofn .N.Cmbliad M.an us ee riand Mirls ihw r ysOoo thuhsand hbts lhome rolonteinterpretatii onganist for thc day and the the visits being on behai! of Swels mat are e an pnvid Mr. J.A.SCtarempend MDnn.Gland Rs. oney werean MSec oBillEvns orTr- the task et being a h oýf By-laws o!f the United members o! Albert Street W. infants and presohool childreru. dwelint eadt f c i d-MVf.A SotaeaedigDnaGi adRde ee e oigE maker is one with long hours 0hrhWmn hs n h .sred thwlnh t one adequate aiiies are thîs week ini Toronto. Sunday evenîng callers at key Supper Nov. 8h and no medals, it should noti Cuc oe.Ti n h .sre h uc tnaSho elhdrce oteatntoo h take ail our time, the hours' report o! the ceurtesy coin- under the leadership of! their Sho elhdrce eUcatrto !te Mn. Rupt. Bycrsa nd Mrs. Mrs. Gco. A. Scott's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Hr ude In ac wek ot se fo tismittee brought the all-day1 president, Mrs. Eric Cooper. Sehools opened in Septem-. Environmentai Sanitation Sec- Edna Gibson, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Skmn- Hamipton, with Mn1 ndMs job aboule careue dgt- smeeting to acose. Duing, Reports, Bible Study and dis- ber With an aproxmatfl en.t fTPo! vincb Tirltee su-cas onfrienda in the vil- ner, Tyrane, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan. ted ta nld o' work. 14 locals enjoyed the fellow- thc very enjoyable day. children in the elementery schools directed te the above a vnng on MCyMrokiw r M. and Mis.Statam God gives us eut time to do' hpadpormo uste ehosadfu huadsu etioned Scction's attention Misses Gertrude Henry and Sunday visitons at R os s with as we please - good on final meeting of the Associ-dnsinteHgccboso nMap,16 ererinpofct-hoi nfiTnne pn .wr iiosa rdHl cae ekn thm.Mr. and Mrs. S. Kcrsey,rodsJ.Hapn., -c < bad - and how turne fies if tien. Copies o! its 15 year his- C1TI Northumberland and Durhamn cd !ollowing the neopnn !U wekn thm.Mnr.and Mns. A rn t we alseaurselves in doing tryw..)ientoal t heS LEM ouites sehool this September te de- Mr. and Mrs. Don Pargaten Hamipton, were Sunday v5isi tended the Thakofrn good. lucDor ur ehurch wab eppropri- Service providcd ta indivi- termine if iprevementa had andI childnen, Port Penny, toi-s et Ha.old Ashtan S. Services eýt ScuggIsado A womnan needs the poweur Seated at Uic head table ately decorated with flowers, dual childi-en by the Health been nadteby ter oa rds .pnaSnday eltMervnon Uide with M. and Mr.C.B Wgsunay O! God ta keep her ideals hi-gh iwith Mrs. Richardson wene' fruit and vegetables for our Unit staff includes: promotion dnn i une oias n n r.Mry ia xnde ihM.ad M rn.M. and Mrs.A.LWen A D RO P M for the world cannot do with- Ithe foibowing - Mrs. W. E. Harvest Home service Sunday o!thue pninciple that eaeh per- w a daln 197insetner Mr n d MA. .id W-eGant rn Sndayiss andSr-atnddanvn oeue made enda197 iner- Mn.aand Mns.dDavdeRo-aGrant,.BAian.adaMissnMer- sThe sericespatvAdmonos ahdueanshaveter Livingx- elosed ber talk with a poem Lanke, minister et Albert cd e selection and were as- amination by bis ewn physi- vs itatin wonkin ein tera Dl.ed ita, ReP nd Mhese nt atudaywit t einA. is aUtUR aerSs which was composed with the, Street Church, Mrs. H. Mel- sisted by the Four-mn-Accord cian peniodically, and espec- sO! the 516 rkinen, 23 Renerwiland e.P n dis. rapaent sa Mn ay d M er A. Mn.andris. LoadSan ae hnadwce Prcsbyterial, Mrs. H. W. Blake- L. Clements, K. Breaks, K. change in bis way o! living building lots, 37 milk produc- Mn. and Mns. John Row- Brunt. tor.iand l ris , n. ned1 . dst arcn FINE new a~~~~~~~~~~ er fanins, 158 private sewage land, M- n n.Satr n n n.Hrl at , M il w acSndayvstn t vneceaEcmoto al FIEQUALITY Iv and Mrs. Charles Naylon, Buttery andl E. Down. The entailing nw strains; and dspsMryt.s5 esarantdMi rk wreSu- nfo d !aiyHapt M.anM.adMs.KthCde- 1fe MONUMENTS AND vice-pnesidents, Mrs. Roass two selections by the quartet shouid sec the dentist every in1speonsad2 is i-da ieroogu esta Sun.-nsand ,Hmpiton r.and Mran.s. Dickinson, treasuren, Mrs. j.were greatly appneciated. Rev. six months. rsetosad2 alsi'dydne uss n r r.Kn Hrigo n a MARKERS IC. Naylor and Mns. A. E. Ham- W. Housiander, Bowmanvilic, A record la kept o! the vetigationa wenc the major andI M.is. Walt Lai-mer end Kelly, Oshawa, with tbe C. Miss infe oe iaDUOPiaaacaal ý0,Aýk 4 Lookfer *No sous. 't'à yeur ilton, secretaries, Mrs. Frank gave a very thoughtfui ser- hcalth et eaeh child, the !ind- items. Bruce, Toronto, were ater- Fengusons. MdiaandWi-dGe nt i- al nal ie eme n ourn eo emnw Black and Mrs. A. W. Brad- mon basing bis remanks on inga e! the public health nurse Meat Inspection noon callers o! MnU. and Mrs. Mn ad r.Loy at noal r and MusW.A. dvdalnes Scyu SRFFRD fond, iterature secretanies, "Gratitude." Mrs. Ken Sh.ack- suppleinenting Uic examina- O! 543 animnais inspected J. A. Jahnston. rnandMRa.LyA shcompnelde r an etc aewr lme rDR elu lWtary, Mrs. G. R. Booth, organ- Bea Craig assisted et Uice an- and observations of the teach- condemned, including 5 swine. Bnian and Wcndy Lou, Ton- Mrs. Grant Weiry.ultiii ist and Mrs. Eric Cooper, pre- gan. er. Suoh findingsaran based In addition, 28 pontions were onto, were Sunday supper Gabriel Kovacs were Saturday Mr. endI Mrs. O .Abo aeteFi eust dfuIhorizeI ident of Albert Street W. A. Sincere syrnpathy is cx- on vision tests, using Goed- condemned. gucats of Mn. and Mrs. HaroldI evening guesta o! Mn. andI andI Charles, alongwt n *Dealer At another table situated at tended te Mn. and Mns. Sam Lite chants, repeated every General Remarks McLaughlin and !amuily. Mrs. H. Murphy. andI Mrs. W. J.Bagain i ight angles to this and in Buttery and family and ber thi-e years routmnely; hearing Mrs. et aitn o-Az n r.DvdSan rG aeM.A .M-adJncPo front a! it were seated the sisters andI brother andI fami- tests with audiometer, et îeast m . Bletty amildedto heBo- n.nd spe Davthe wkn ain, Mn. raeMny.JM-and HetJanvi ice, Pf rovdnew Stlafford Brothers pat presicients o! the Presby- lies in the passing of heur me- once in elementary sehool; in- nuasngîle sa dcd rttie wbc LondonrM.L spent th weekend Lawi-a n thervston lso Mn.Brc As- LIMTEDterEW.A.,Mur. Ca.onAe.,therMrs.J.IancstrnasLeee iotinregrdtars.yicaJ.usLanct!asntepar-trnewit bi inthr Ms. ewiinpntegareekddwit Mn. tn, ilakstck Mra. A. A. Crowle, Mrs. E. D. Friday. Mrs. Lancaster bas details andI consideration obasiS* hr r o nteSanas als ifrn Margaret Evans, A ru n del, Mn. and Mra. Cl Mou et onsHea'lth Ui usn tf ie nhs ahrM.SanSano eev Mou et on ,Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, made ber home with Mn. and behaviaur and e nuo io n a ]s nit Nraseiorn rstafeim or es onbi s italM. win ebec. titnwn iiose a Bx13Mrs. W. C. Ives and Mrs. M. Mrs. Buttcny for the pat ive health. suevseraffp slenior tnure, in Po rt ey Hoapital. - Mns. A. J. MdL.ggan, Janet,' vid Bothwell'a, Mpe rv,11 Box 133J. Tamblyn. Each o! these yecrs. The public bealth nurse con- lvnsafpbi cihnr us agrtreWi- Bruce andI Victor visited Mn. and caflens at Ala1ra',- 318 Dundas St. E. Witby ladies took part in cutting Several ladies attended the fera with the parents about ses, one audiomneter tccbnician by, spent Uic weekend, and and MMm. P. Va.neyk Sunday Bownianvîllle. Phone Whitby the birthday cake which was W. A. Presbyteny meeting at apparent defecta or other on fuil-time andI five nurses Mns. Harold Werr3r and Miss afternoon. Mn. and Mn. .A it MOhawk 8-3552 the deconation on their table.lIAibent Street Chunch, Oshawa health conditions a!fecting the employeci on a part-turne basis. Miriam. Weni-y,. Toronto, wene Mur. end Mrs. Bob Millford Tyrene, wcre reci istn Following the president's1Ilast Tnunsday. chiid. She keeps in tauch wîtb Dr. F. Rusbton, Officer in Sunday callens with Mr-. and ad Mn, orie r.ada 1. andI Mrs. F ehc -1 Mn. and Mrs. Wiliand Lock- the teachen. The teachen is Charge e! Milk Contrai for Mns. Clarence Manlow and adfmlCutie n n tM. and Ms. R ites har, iaaraFaîs NY.,wee esonsbl fr xcldig huthe On tarie Departinent a! Bill. 1&s.i F. E. Alexander andI Mn. and p Robin, Toic twn weekend gucats o! Mn. and drien with apparent Heathateneda taf e- Miss Mirianm Swain, Osii-adMusCci owB -Sudyvitnet.R.Pc- com n g o! Sanitary Inspecters on ewa, end Mn. Jack SwainSMrSundobertternoon Ms.Sam Buttery. families of children with coin- n r akSan ia nville isternoMn. Rbn d' F OR THE BEST DEAL * 0 Members of the Four-mn- nurse for advice about Uiis Septmber 22, 1961 tOdiscuss Glen Rosa, spent the week- M.ad s F. 0 Smith, Mrs. LUIDon 1l LILILI, MP S FEN R ON Accord quartet wene guests et The public hcalth nurse visâ*ita sadmlkcnrl eda hi respective homes. M.a ... ,Soan-banugh, apnt oa Mn. and Mrs. Bob Craig atter famnileis a! chilciren with coin- Charlotte M. Honneur, Mn. end Mrs. Han-y VanBouavlweeSndy itA.LWansP Uice church service on Sunday. municable disase. B.A., M.D., D.P.H., Camp ettended tbc Centennial supper gucats o! Mr. and Mi-5. Mr. and Mnrs. Atu e-LNITD P8 F RFA C N 1and !amiily, Brookln, witb huc Sunday and were the Mn. end Mrs. David Craig day visitons et S. R chc'._____________ FO R D - FA LCO N Mr.and ruc Lh.n IJa~icliibsoedci ticro!Heihson Heslin Jawnervie s.Unit e sofMr a d Mn- werSunday dinne ussfJA K IROUGH WhtrM.and Mrs. Herb B AK TC Jack Theurer, Scanborough, Grenfdil Cash, Bobcaygeon. Mn. andI Mm. E1 ases !Cag andfmily, Oshawva, The L.O.B.A. beld thein Gilbert Marlow. spent tbc wcekend wîth Ar- Mn. andI Mrs. Fred Broad, Bowmanville. G A LA X IE 5 0 0 wMcLu s .r .first eucle partyfor the sea- Pourng tea and coffee wene uirn'Vna Trao wrSna vstus Ocee etigo P*~ LMIG ETN Mr. os aeJae adMr adMr.EdarHrn f r.ad r. .Fletcher. A. was held ietthhoea DisonSreSuh Luloyd ihr dMs. night. Prize winners werc: A. Johnston in the afternoonOsa ,Mran T.ElMs JnSwd, Oshawa, Mns. Keith McGilloOcbe A355 BWMNIL HihladMus.H.SoRicharndsMs.Rssl outoyanITnewin, Doreen andI Donald, iS spcnding a holiday witb 24th. Mna. L. Staitnpne Hig layMrs H Shrtidg; nd rs Ruse Méntoy ndEnniakill en, were S u n sI a y 'Mn. and MMm. James Sawden. Uic meeting with otaas Mr.W hpaHmp- as high et .Js isnMrs. Roy Taylor in the even-__________________ FO R D TR U CK S ton, WChar pGrdn acHak- low gt, M Js. Gbson, asin. guests o! Mn. ansI Mns. Fred Murs.nRdaondl;as ing.Trewin andI beys andI Mn. and ___________________________________ Msse MaionButeny low gent, Mns. W. Archer; The Girl Guides and Boy Mrs. Albert Wright. Cas n T uc s BetisesMich tell wth nd lucky draw, Mrs. Redmonci. Scouts helsI their Habowe'en Mada. Kenneth Samelis, P. A -1 Used Ca s e d T u i. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. On Mfonday evening a group Pat n Uic Recrcation Cen- Ronuenil, J. Cannaghen and W. Misses Lois Ashton, Ennis- o! nighbbrs andI ladies O! St. Jtu-c Friday night. The evening Archer attended thc W. A. killen, Olga Krez a n o w s k 1John's W. A. spent a pleasant was s'pent in gamnes, dancing Presby-tery in Albert Street SEE Messrs. Carlos, Jin andI Da- evenîng atet chorne O! Mrs. andI cxploring the Spook Cbunob, Oshawa, on Thurs- vid Cryderman, Maple Grave, John Hamilton in boueur O!flieuse. Following were pnize day. H A LE 'S M OT R AL S witb Mr-. andI Mrs. E. Twist. a recent bride, Mns. Barny winners: Best dressed boy, Mns. Ashmore and Mrs. J. Fisher (Frances Stanilanci), Bian Dunsmone; best dresacci A. Scott attended thc Angli- Isn't i pecuier thaSAiLES who was directed on atreasure girl, Margaret Cannaghan and ceni Educational Canfenence ahway st la t a few dye hunt bbrough the bouse andi Helen Swain (tied); mnoat in Bloor St. Obunch, Toronto, i St E.Bage awy trs! e eT ound a goedly iiuibei of! comical, Dennis MeLaughlin; on Friday. Kig S .E owmanvile e arier for the othen fellow? beaut!ul gilta. moat original, Carol Rehin. Mrs. George Fowler spent Remember when you uscd M LI go ta bcd with the cunîew? The Talent Tee sponsoedThe evening finished with ne- lest wcek with fniends in TPhoynecyjuat3-ow3t01 by the W. A. o! bbc Uniteci freshinents o! cider andI de- Peterborough. room Tuesday alltet tornoon a-A11A-+1.dlPnsi l oclasoito eInI isM riln --cer -~ - - - ~- evnin wasconidced uit Gudes nsIBnonie me atWhity, pen Ui weken il sympathy ta the liusband and Laug.hlin vwinning bbc nieMn. n-_ M'.LesCehran, - !amîly. ~~~~for ladies' high score, HaroldI Enfielci, wcee Sunday odine be v n e p rt r s t a LISTERINE . 98C ize -83 il amAyf omrctzenpassed DLubi~eVsLhr usavi were 3p ns. evN. g iv sy usîo aymr hn e Uan. r.LoaGet(itcteconsolation pnizes. viirs M. letnc eain, ac romis - 65csize ehlyut! asI Ltus dstrit Mn.and ss. FedJeannenrOOmDyj r-vnsegreeofrMrceiangdt faon WWt EPS DEN TOTHPASEell).c The decased lived in the Ail returned te the home of Cern. *oo 41111 for many years. To Uiose who Ni n ocnMloi werc Sunday visitons o! Mi-.invdulyeadadha t. mornweeted u- Yi' few otheurs. Minutes weurc ough. MicelSaro- conxfort control ~<~tirottwihcnb e, I~~~ RESDAN ~~~~~1.50 size Mr.1y iij and MrdM Ro McGil read andI adopted. Final plans Misa M. Thicaburger wasabyosuturwnplOfl of aBowavlevstdfins d.Alteofap- Saturday dinner guest at Mn.wiht 4'i ei-on undy. eea lte apr-andI Mrs. N. Davis'. Kcnneth ii saze - j e n undy.Ciation andI rcceipt for money Wright, Betliany, speuit a ha n omo orwîi OM ARRID (REAM DEODORANT--55e iz 47 wr Sunday visitons with Mn. sn o isos a e evewek wibb bis aunt and uncle, bfr o ul rrroeCn _________ fl ~~nd RFeeve oben ron wastVpêe's Home, Hong Kong. Mr. and Mra. T. Bamrett si oreetia 1.25 sze ________O~ 1,1I eeae Rete Brcowner av Decided ta seil hasti notes andI !amily wene Friday even-yorlclHdoautleti ~~AQUA VELVA pictune o! oui. church and Robt. Carnenon.* A oehaig week, nwocns E X -LA X49c si - 33 en theMr.auidu h rie. ansev.Rmrread Uic acnip- waa helsI at bbc home o! Mra. T e oeoto WX ACX FRT-SADECHW 33c jt Sricstokturc passage and offercd pray- Greta Cameron ou Wedsiesday gttems u feetwtY < place et tbc United Churcb ounclelîcueus lunch o! sandwiches, Long Sa-uit Home & Sohool BOWMAVILLENEWCASTLE n Sunday with Rev. Richardison nelishea andI coffee, !ollovwed meetings are ta le helsI on the o m BOWMANVILLEin change. Tbey were thc by a naw fruit basket, second Friday evcuing of o m n il COWIN'SDEU SOR JHNSNSDRG SOR 'lIchildren of Mn. andI Mrs. La- Twelve members o! Eastern eveny month, thbbc tmet COWLNG' DRC SORE JOHNON" DRC SORE vernue Curtis, Mn. and Mrs. Auxiilany L.O,L. Toronto et- ing te be on Nov. loth. AîLEX NGREGOR, R --ORN Clifford Fallis, Mn. and Murs. tended service in St. John's Mn. andI Mra. Cecci Langley P b i ttte CL iEIm OO1 Jimmie Curtis andI Mn. andI Cbuncb Sunday morning, and andI famiiy, Bowxn a n v ii1 e, ubi lteslo miso JURY& LOELL TUTTS PHRNAC ~UMrs. Bernards Neals. as a thank-offerng contribu- were Sunday zupper guests o!, ML. . ELLIOTTMnae JURY O.EL ST*T'S IRAlACYveembrance Day is obsen- tion te mark Canon Ashmore's Uic Kayacs. ChairmanG.VA - - - - -on Set., Nov. 4. Be sure jwork for the Orange Ondeur, M.r. ansIMsa. Archie Me. -4 Vo buy a Poppy. Ipresentcd thech~urch with 25 Neil, Haydon, Mn. and Ma-s. -- PAGE TirmTEM m