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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1961, p. 16

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New Officers Installed at Beehive Rebèkah Lodge Entertain Local ladies B&P Members and Guesîs I-fear Women Executives 0f Toronto Trusts Cor p. The Bowmanville Business lent work in this connection.i and Professional W o me n's 'Mrs. Frank also spoke of the; CAubhel anexcedinly n-1club's plan to furnish a child-' joyable Pot Luck Supper atý Memorlal Park Clubhouse on ren's room in the new wings 'Niursday evening. There were'of Memorial Hospital. She1 84 present jncluding membersý'announced that the chairman and guests. Mrs. Rhoda An-!of the Ways and Means Com-s derson, chairman of the P:ro- mittee, Mrs. Marvleen Bird, ý gram Committee, and Misshas been appointeil convenorr Igelen Devitt, chairman of the:for the Pyramid Draw, andt Mernbership Committee, were the returns will go towardsN co-convenors of the successful the furnishing of the child-1 event. Iren's ward. This draw is like SPresident Mrs. V i c t o r i a'a 50-50 draw and it will be f'rank welcomed the guests. made at the club's December She stated that the presidentsi meeting, the president ex-a of every women's organizationiplained.r in town and the wives of the The beautiful floral decora-i p)residents of the others, and tions o! the clubhouse were1 the wives of other publie donated and arranged by Mrs.1 spirited citizens, were present. Mabel Bagneli, the historian.9 She said that ail had contri- A lovely centrepiece of yel- buted to Bowmanville through low, white and bronze chry-a their work in community pro- santhemums, interspersed withi jects and benevolent cam- wie colored sadaos paigns. adorned the head table. Vases i Plan to Furnish Room of bronze and yellow 'mumso The convenor o! Business centred the other tables, andt Women's Week, Miss Edith ail were lighted by taîl yellow3 Brooks, was commended by and white tapers in crystal t the president__for her excel-Icandlesticks. i BLUE COAL LTD. ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENTn 0Fn STEPHEN FUELSb Office: C.N.R. Yards, Bowmanville a PHONE MA 3-5410 As the Authorized Dealer for ,blue ï oal'7 Biue Coal Ltd. Is pleamed to announce the appolntment of Stephen Fuels as the auth- orized Blue Coai dealer servlng residents ln the Bowmanville ares. Oniy top quality. speclally testcd, Pennsylvanla anthracite re - relves the Blue Coal Seal of Approval; the distinctive bine tint that'. your guaranie e o quality. Bine Coul starts easiiy, burns hot and dlean wlth lesa ivasté thun ordlnary coal. See for yourseif . . . cal Stephen Fuel* today for top service ani top quality Blue Ceai. Phone MA 3-5410. bue col THE and funds heid for the auçport of widows, dchidrn, elderly people, and other dependants. "Assets or property ini the care of a trust conmpaay are dealt with according to in- structions contained in a will, trust agreemient, or financial agency agreement. Separate records are kept for each ac- count," Miss Clarke further explained. She also spoke of the many valuable services ~avalbe to peethrough~ Il Importance of a WilI HeadTabl Guet~i The importance o! making ai Those at the head table in',will was discussed by Miss addition to, the president, Mrs. Lewis, who said that the first Frank, were the two guest will was made 4,000 years ago speakers, Miss Nan Cl.arke and by a Pharaoh of Egypt. This Miss K. R. Lewis, both of ancient will was oniy 168 Toronto, Mrs. Rhoda Ander- words long but contained pre- son, program chairman, Mrs. cise directions, she asserted. Shirley Collis, recording sec- It is important to secure retary, and Miss Edith Brooks, the advice of a lawyrtda the corresponding secretary, u il isLwYis sto d who as lsotheconeno ofThis can be done at a small Business Women's Week. cost, and to fail to do so can An invitation was received prove to be most expensive to from the Oshawa Business and the estate, be it large or smiall, Prof essional Women's C 1 u b that is involved. She spoke of asking the local B. and P. Wo- the Estates Act and its many men's Club mem-bers to attend amcndments, and gave in- its National Night Dinner on stances o! how beneficiaries November 2Oth when Hon. El- are affected by this statute. len Fairclough i wll be the Miss Lewis also graphically guest speaker. explained the effect o! suc- Mrs. Frank gave ber report cession duties. as a delegate to the recent A vote o! thanks ta the twoý Businiess and Professional Wa- guest speakers for their in-I in' Hamlton reen. he tld formative addresses was mov-1 in amitonrecntl. Se tlded by Mrs. Beryl Hughes. Pre- of the inspiring speech given sident Frank also expressed by th e national president, prcaint isCak Miss Una McLean, regarding anpeitd t Miss Leisfoaeree the International Board ad isMeisfoeherbe- ing in Rhodesîa. fca die $370 or UICEFThe beautiful voice o! Mrs. $370 or UICEF Nellie Pring was heard to ad- Mrs. Marion Je!fery, 0ol- vantage in several selections venor -for the UNICEF Tag including "Hame o' Mine" and Day, held recently by the "At My Spin.ning Wheel." Her club, reported that returns piano accompanist was Mrs. now amount to $370, and those George Knighit.P fromn Newcastle are stili bo Mrs. K. N. Morris, wile o! come in. The Sunshine Coi !x- the president o! the Bowman- mittee report was given by its ville Rtr lb nbhl chairman Miss Agnes Wad- o! al Rtare ub, othn ehe dell. A igogwsejy Bowmanville Business and idan t was led with verve Professional Women's Club for by Mrs. Jeffery. its gracious hospitality. She Hold Dutch Auction :also congratulated the club on Mrs. Audrey Cookson, the the splendid work it is doingr treasurer, was in charge o! in the community. the Dutch Auction. She wvas Guests Who Attended ably assisted by Miss Velma Gay, a past president, as the The guests present were timer. The Dutch Auction was Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers, wife 1 exciting fun, and the guests of the Mayor, Councillor An- 1 and members enthusiastically nie Oke, president o! Memor- 1 vied with ecd other to win ial Park Association, M'rs. 1 the attractive prizes. Harold Turner, wife o! the The winners were: Mrs. minister o! St. Paul's UnitedI M~'arion Jeffery, Mrs. Elva Church; Mrs. Peter Bathgate, Elokin, Mrs. A. L. Hooey, Mrs. District Deputy o! the Com- Marion Henning, Mrs. N. Hor- panions of the IForest; Mrs. W. riick, Mrs. Lawrence C. Ma- M. Rudell, president o! the son, Mrs. Bert Syer, Miss Isa- Bowmanvîlle and D is t r i ct bel Davis, Dr. Charlotte Hor- Branch o! the Canadian Red ner, Mrs. Shirley Colliss, Mrs. Cross Society and Divisional W. K. Housiander, Mrs. Me] Commissioner o! the Girl McNulty, and Mrs. Beryl Guides, Mrs. John M. James, Huvghes. wife o! the publisher o! the In introducing the guest Canadian Statesman; Mrs. Lea- speakers, Mrs. Rhoda Ander- la Thrasher, Worthy Matron son stated that both are off i- of the Durham Chapter o! the cials of the Toronto General .atr tr r.C it Trusts Corporation. Miss NZan wistle, wife of the president Clarke is a Trusts Officer, and of the Tennis Club; Mrs. W. Miss K. R. Lewis is the Per- K. Houalander, wife of the! sonnel Supervisor. minister o! Trini-ty United! Roleo! Tust ompales Church; Mrs. Tom. Gatcheil,1 Roleof Tust ompaies president o! Club 15; Mrs. Ro-' In her comprehiensive talk bert E. Bate, Ist vice-presi- Miss Clarke defined a Trust dent of the Bow'manil a Company as a business organi- dies Auxiliary to the Cana.- zation with long exiperience. in dian Legion; Mrs. Michael G. settling estaýtes, administerîng Heenan, president of the trusts, managing property and Catholic Women's L e ag ue:ý iinvestments, and in rendering Mrs. Jean Williams, presidentli jother services o! a trust na- o! the Kinettes; Mrs. Jackç ture. Emmerson, president of the "There are more than 30 Bowmanville Nurses Associa-' trust companies ready to serve tion; Mrs. Elva Hockin, one of you through 185 offices con- the two presidents of the Jack veniently located ln large and and Jill Club o! Trinity Unit- small centres throughout this ed Church; Mrs. Jack Davis, country. This brandi service president o! the Ladies Bowl- enables Canadýian trust dom- ing League; Mrs. K. N. Morris, panies to bring complete trust wife of the president o! the !service to smaiier communi- Bowinanville Rotary C 1 u b ltics." whose husband is also Bow- She pointed out that trust manville Industrial Commis-, 'companies next to chartered sioner and Secreta.ry-Manager i banks are Canada's largcst of the Chamber o! Commerce;ý financial institutions. M o re Mrs. George Vice, wîfe o! theý than $7,000,000 o! assets has chairm-an o! the Bowmanville-' been placed in the care o! West Durham Advisory Com- Canadian trust companies for rnittee o! the C.N.I.B., who is administration, management, also Library Board chairman; investment, and sa!ekeeping, Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason, pre- she stated.' sident o! the Women's Hospi- Miss Clarke further explain- tal Auxiliary;, Mrs. Bert Syer, ed that these assets belong to chairman o! the Women's Scr- indivîduals, corpo r a t i o n s, vice Comîmittce o! the Bow- charitable, and other ins-titu- manville Brandi o! the Cana- tions. Sic added that they in- dian Cancer Society; Mns. A. clude savings, pension trust L. Hoocy, Girl Guide Mothers funds, the property o! estates Association;, Mrs. Betty West- in the proccss o! settlemnent, lake, president o! Court Ven- Ifour Prizes SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO, LIMITED S(ýnnounce .a0 the sale of their coal business in Bowmanville to Stephen Fuels, who will be continuing with our Blue Coal Agency as well as their own Reading Anthracite. On behaîf of aur company, Violet McFeeters, Bruce Vivian and myself express sincere apprecia- tion to all our fine customers who have supported us in the coal business for so many years. We have known George Stephen for some time now, as a personal friend as well as a highly regarded competitor. It is aur hope that all aur old customers will continue on with this man for their coal requirements. We know they will be in good hands. WALTER DeGEER, Manager. For Penny Sale Unclaimed In tie interval since thc Beehive Rebekali Lodge Pen- 'ny Sale was held on Friday, September 22, 30 more prizes have been claimed. Now only four winnlng numbers are 'le!t, 1019, 1278, 1615, 2823. Tie holders of these numbers should contact Mrs. Ruth Mit-i chell, 45 Street, tele- phone MArket 3-3897. Prizes claimed duning tie last five weeks were as fol- lows: Mrs. Manjonie Foran, baby quilt; D. Buckley, Agin- court, TV lamip; Mrs. Linda Bowen, cat salt and pepper cellars; Mrs. J. Cox, oval cas- serole dish: Mns. Mabel Bag- nell, embroidered baby quilt;! Mrs. Dobbs, cookie and pastryý press; Mrs. Robert Rints,j Whitby, yellow towel, Mrs. 'Marie Boumne, crochet doilie; Mrs. Margaret Perris, cup and saucer; Mrs. Bernice Collis, applique apron; Mrs. L. High- field, mauve bal! slip andi cologne; Luther Nîchois, laun-! dry basket; Mrs. Ernest Rash- otte, Avon talcum powder; Mrs. Keith Bickefl, three tien cake plate; Miss Linda Col- will, relish dish; Miss Ruth Shaokelton, lea! quilt; Mrs. Marion Hayes, four piece re- lish dish; Mrs. Don Morris, doll elothes and case; Mrs. Ray Westlake, toy set; Mrs. M. bran, two African violet plants; Mns. A. A. Merkley, girl's white dress; Mrs. C. G. Morris, pink wool dog; Mns. D. Collison, crystal dish; Mrs. Alma Perfect. colonial ladyi quilt. ______ TlÏe"newly installed officers of Beehive Rebekai Lodge, No. Inside Guard; Daisy Paeden, J.P.N.G.; Eva McMurter, L.S.N.G;, 125, Bowmanville are, front row, ieft to right: Mary Vinkie, back row, Annie Wood, Musician; Elsie Richards, Rec. Sec.; Doris R.S.V.G.; Audrey Wray, V.G.; Giadys Gamsby, D.D.P.; Mabel Wade, Brooks, Fin. Sec.; Elleen Snale, Outside Guard; Rubie Hutchinson, N.G.; Jean Rice, R.S.N.G.; middle row, Grace Murdoch, L.S.V.G.; Treasurer; Martha Goudy, Conductor; and Yvonne Cox, Warden. Greta Richards, Color Bearer; Edna Kerr, Chaplain; Helen Lamont, -Photo by Rehder ture, Canadian Order o! For- esters; Mrs. Marie Moses, sec- retary of the Lionettes; Mrs. Tom Buttery, District Com- nissioner o! the Girl Guides; .Mrs. Doug Rigg, wif e o! the 3owmanilic Recreation Dir- ector; Mrs. Harold Henning, lvorthy Mistress o! tic Orange L.odge; Mrs. Kenneth Werry, past president o! tie West Durhiam Canadian Club; Mrs. Jack Mundy, wi!c o! the pre- sident o! the Badminton Club; VIrs. Don Gilhooley, president of the Hockey Mothers Asso- ciation-, Mrs. Rachel Shackle- ton, president o! the Scout Vlotiers Association; Mrs. Miarion Henning, president of the Bowmanville Home and School Association; Mrs. Ken Sticks, wife o! tie president of the Southview Golf Club; Virs. Nellie Lunn, the Bailif!; Jýr. Charlotte Horner, Medical Officer o! Healîli for North- umberland and Durham Coun- ties; Mrs. N. Hornick, Mrs. F{azel Inch, a.nd Miss C. Mc- Roberts. Several other guests were unable to be present due taprevious eamrnitments. Darlington1 Receives Tei Burketon D Eight tenders for tie Burke- ton Sehool debentures wex e received by Darlington Town-ý ghip Council held recently ini the Township Hall, Hampton.1 On motion o! Councillor Sid- ney Cornish, scconded by Councillor H. C. Muir, the council accepted the tender o! R. A. Daly and Company for $98.73 per 100. A letter from Gcrald Esta- brooks statcd that a group would like to appear before council, prefcrably on a Sat-1 urday, to discuss the proposcd1 Courtice Pire Brigade. Coun-i cillor Cornish said that the1 township is receiving good1 protection from. tie Bowman- ý ville Volunteer Fire Brigade,1 and added that a decision one way or the otier should bei made in regard to the Courtice * IA. H. Strike, will be present. tended. She added that this C OUrifl Reeve Rickard gave a re- farmer also supplements his port on the recent Lake On- income by working elsewhere. fort ario Development Association "The Dariington Planning uders fo Conference which he attended Board turned down ti p in Peterborough. He spoke of plication, but he plans to sub- reS n interesting panel discussion mit it again to the board, and ueb ntur s o steps cornmunity leaders I thouglit the council should esol take to attract indus- know about it," Mrs. Budai group. trY. said. Reeve Rickard replied Reeve Garnet Rickard stat- He reported that 113 new that It is a Planning Board ed that the best time for the industries opened in Ontario problem, and asked if the ap- last year. and that 30 per cent plication had just been re- group to appear before coun- had located in Toronto. That turned to have the form com- cil would be at a regular left 65 industries to be estab- pleted. meeting. A motion by Court- iished, and there are 981 Councillor Cornish stated cillor Cornish, seconded by otherl municipalities in this that the application had been Councilior Muir, that Mr. Es- province in competition. accompanied by a sketch tabrooks be directed to have Mrs-. Mary Budai, secretary showing where the land sepa- the group corne ta a regular o! the Darlington Ratepayers ration would take place. Mrs. meeting o! the council, was9 Association, appeared before Budai told counicil that the carried. counceil and spoke on land application would be accom- Announcement was m ade' separation. She referred ta a panied by the necessary sketch that the Ontario Municipal man who wants to give a lot when it is returned to the Board Hearing on the Amend- from his farm ta a daughter. Planning Board. ments to the Zoning By-Law Mrs. Budai said that this man will be heid in the Township had given a lot to his other Hall, Hamipton, on November daugliter in 1956. Literature is the orchestra- 20th. Derek Little of the The council was informed tion of platitudes.-Thornton Municipal Planning Consult- by Mrs. Budal that the man Wilder. ants, Limited, Toronto, advis- owns a farma of 160 acres. A teacher affects eternity; er to Darlington Township, Some of it is bush but he h lie can neyer tell where his and the Township's solicitor, working 100 acres, she con- influence stops..Henry Adams. Be your own best friend... A sportsman with a loaded shotgun or rifle in his hands has got 10 be his own best friend. He must leave nothing to chance. Neyer, flot for an instant, can lie allow anything to endanger the safety of himself or his fellow hunters. Only when the day's shooting is done, only when the gun is enipty and back in the rack. . only then is it time to enjoy the pleasures of social relaxation. For inany years The flouse of Seagrani has published messages advacating Moderation in al îhings~, inc!uding the use of whisky. At this lime, in the interest of safer hunting we say once again: "Drinkiug and Hunting Do Not Mix"l. THE BOUSE 0f SEAGRAM LTD. #~ THIC CANADLALN STATESMAN, 1 MANVILLLF, ONTARIO PAGE SIKTUN f WMNMATI MY. lut lui à."

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