---'r '~ -~ r - r. PAGE TWO-- HavetM wbo welcomedth us. Senio Citiens H ve ns. Marsden then intnoduced1 Mrs. A. Menkley ta the gnoup, and eeyn a eihe Inter stin rr~amIuwith the lovely vocal selec-1 Inter stin Pro ra m tions pnesented by this talent-1 ed guest. Very abiy accom-j panied by Mrs. R. Oke, Mns. Vienna Still", and "lb is Only' The opening meeting o! the discussing the past summer. ' a Tiny Garden". 1961-1962 season of the Senior' The meeting was opened byj Mns. Marsden then introduc-, Citizens o! Bawmanville was!the immediate past president dMs.R tegraiEns held et the Lions Cammunity of Club 15, Mrs. Don Marsden,ikilîen, wha delivened a most Centre on Tuesday, Octoberlwhoactda isrs fcene- - Oth Fity-igh meber ai1 atedas istessai enJoyable talk and sbowedi 1 Oh. fft-eiht embrs f ,manies for the evèning. Mns. some beautif ul slides ai Alaska the group wene present, andlMarsden introduced Mrs' Tom and Switzerland. At the con-1 enjoyed grecting friends andiGatcheli, Club 15's new Presi-Iclusion ai ber presentation jMs. Stenger wvas wanmlyi Ithanked by Mrs. Gatchel.i. The members then formedi OW E SL N groups ta play crsadgms OW E S FL ANDhe neading group was con- ducted by Mrs. M. Hutchin- son, wbo always provides xonderful enbetainment. IN THE Lunch was served by Club, 15 mmes ndtecorpnize, was won by Mrs. Williams. TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGT ON Tmeetaingber d it he m feting close wb desined lb were given safe and THE CORPORATION 0F THE1 comiartable transportation ta their homes by the Bunley TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON *Bus Lines, a service whicb is very much appreciated by the OF ýSenior Citizens group. *The nexi. meeting will be held an November l4th ati 8:00 p.m., at the Lions Centre. and ail Senior Citizens ai' iBoxvmanville are mast wel-ý came. BY-LAW NO. 2196 NEWTONVILLE NOTICE Mis-, Doralhy Siapleton af IN THE MATTER OF Section 30 oi The Planining Act Kingston spent the weekend at (R.S.O. 1960, c. 296) home. - and --Mn. and Mrs. Cleland Lane IN THE MATTER 0F an application by The Corporation were wcekead visitons with of the Township ai Danlington for appraval of its Mn. and Mrs. Harry Lane ai Restricted Arca By-iaw 2196, passed bhe 3rd day of Owen Sound. August, 1961. Mrs. Gea. B.xan spent Sat- APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING urday with ber sisten Mrs. Leslie Sanders ai Part Hope. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD heneby appoints ý Mrs. Margaret Shaw of Pic- Manday, the 2Oth day of Novemben, 1961, at the hurto.n. vas an ..avernight guest of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, (Local Time), nt the Council Chambers, Township of Darlington, for the hearing of ail parties interested in supporting or oppos- ing this application. DATED nt Toronto this 18th day of September, 1961. J. R. TURNBULL "Seail" VICE-CHAIRMAN "RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW" A BY-LAW to amend Zoning B.y-law Nuînber 2111 as amended by By-laws numbered 2126, 2132, 2136, 2158 and 2163. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington ENACTS as follows: 1.That Section 2 be amended by adding thereto sub- section (p) (i) as follows: "(y) (M "SHOOTING RANGE" means an area including buildings and structures used by an approved gun or revolver club for the purpose of carrying on private shoot- ing events wholly within such area. For the purposes of this definition, "APPROV- ED" means approved by the Attorney- General's Department af the Province of Ontario." 2. That Section 3 (a) i) be aniended by adding after the last line the following: "Zone OS Open Space' 3. That Section 5(a) be amnended hy addinig thereto the following: vy) Business Offices An office of an instirarice agent or' an insurance and real estate agent located in his dwelling when Vsed by such person as his private residence and when such resi- dence is in an R2 or R3 Zone, provided that the ground floor area for such business use shall be in addition ta the minimum ground floor area requirements of this By-law but shallflot exceed 25 per cent of the total floor area of the dwelling." 4. That Section 11A be added to the By-law as follows: "11A OPEN SPACE (OS) ZONE The following restrictions shail apply: (a) Uses Permitted 1) Recreational Parks, playgrounds, curling n nks, golf courses and shooting ranges. (b) Area Requirements No person shall withf n any Open Space (OS) Zone erect or use any building or structure except in ac- cordance with the provisions set out in Section 12" 5. That Section Il (a) iv) be amended by adding atter the word "playgrounds" the words "curling rinks" so that the paragraph reads: lv) Recreational Parks, playgrounds, curling rinks and golf courses." 6. That Schedule "A" be amended by changîng from Local Commercial (CI) Zone to Second Density Residential (R2) Zone the area described as follows: The westenly 306 feet of the east haif of Lot 25, Concession VI, for a depth of 200 feet measured northerly from the northerly limit ai the original road allowance between Concessions V and VI. 7. That Schedule "A" be amcnded by adding to the "Land Use Legend" shown thereon the following: ý(OS) OS OPEN SPACE" 8, That Schedule "A" be amended by (hanging frorm Agricultural <A) Zone ta Open Space (OS) Zone the area described as follows: ALL and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, Jyîng and be- ing in the Township of Darlington, County of Durham, Province of Ontario, being corn- posed of part of Lot 21, in the Fifth Con- cession of said Township, said parcel or tract being more particularly described as follows: Commencîng In the intersection of the easterly limit of said Lot 21, with the Northerly limit ai Taunton Road or the road allowance between Concessions 4 and 5 as widened to 100 feet according to a plan of said widening made by J. L. Sylvester, O.L .S, and dated Decemnber (), 1958. Thence South 71 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds west in along said northcrly limnit a distance ai 532 feet 2'.t luches to a point being the intersection of said limit with the southerly production ai a fence running northerly and southerly. Thence north 18 degrees 06 minutes wcst in and * long said production af fence and in and àlong said fence a distance of 1430 feet. Thence north 71 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds east 533 feet 9 inches ta a point in the said easterly limit of Lot 21. Thence south 18 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds past 1430 feet more or less to the place of commencement. 9. This By-law shall corne into effect on the day il Is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME ON THE 2th DAY 0F JULY AMD. 1961. Garnet B. Rickard W. E. Rundlp Ree%-e Clerk THIS BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ON THE 3rd DAY 0F AUGUST A.D. 1961. G Mret 0.8-1ar1W-E.Rud3 with Mns. Willis Joncs. Mr. and Mirs. Arnold Wade attended the O.B.A. Banquet held ai. the Fisher Hotel, Guelph, Saturatay night. Mn. and Mns. Lennox Vasey aif Pont McNicol spent bbc weekend with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- Cullough ai Part Hope and Mn. and Mrs. Milford Davis ai Lakefield were Sunday visitons with Mrs. Gea. Mc- Cullough. $3,27,91,on 45c per new Coates, Sunderland, were vis- Mns._Wesley Huils,_Solina. attcnded the wcdding of er sliare, companed with $3,625. itans ai. the Pascae home.__ siser Mis ivin eaty a 80 or six manths cndcd Mn. and Mns. Murnay Pres- Mn.te Melvin Maybee Hopdea. onSept. 17, 1960. Operating pro- catt, Susau and Cindiy, St. Unied htîcb Pot Hpeonfits totalled $9,654,590, while Cathenînes, Mn. and Mrs. AI- Sabuirday. $2,181,999 was provided for lan Taylor, Liada and Bever- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ilender- depreciation and $3,845,000 ley, Bowmanville, visited at son, Peter aud Carol and Mr.1 for income taxes. the E. L. and Donald Prescot and Mns. Clinton Brown were Results in the current fiscal honme. Suda vsion wthMn adyear are cncauraging, Mn. Mr. and Mrs. G. RBowman Mrs. Roland Bowcn ai Broute. McConmack says. Prospects and Mrs. W. Gray had dinner Mn. and Mes. Melville Samis fan remaining montbs appean with Mn. and Mns. A'. E. Ri- and Mn. aud Mns. Hugh Sta- favorable. Purchasiug power bey and attended Bunketon pleton, Lynda and Carat spenicontinues ai. record lees u Thankoiiening Service. Sunday with Mn. and Mns. overaîl dcmand for fondpro- Mn. and Mrs. E .Prescott. at- Gea. Kimbalai Newcastle. ýducts nemains stnnng. I tcnded H-ampton Thankoifer- Miss Joan Falls oi KeudallI Wonking capital ni $23,875, ing Service and were guests spent the weekend with Mn.1536 ai. Sept. 16, was bbc stran- oi Mn. aud Mrs. 1-r. Smith. I and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer. ýgesi. in histnny and $2,443,366 Mn. aud Mrs. Percy Lloyd Mrs. Gea. Ovens is spend- above Mancb 18. Cunrent as- and childncn, Sharon, wene ing a week or two wit'h ber scts wene 2.4 times curnent weekend visitons ai. tbc Lloyds. granddaughi.er, M rs. Keith liabilities. During bbc six Also visiting with the Lloyds Stephenson ai Clankson. months, $2,480,461 was rein- wene Mn. H. McAllisten and A miscellancous shower vestcd lu the business, increas- Mn. G. Keats et Oshawa. was held Friday nighb ai. the ing earncd suirplus Io $30,670, Misses Sandra and Marilyn home ai Mns. Raiph Baughen 640. Shareholders' equity ta- Honey, Dantfard; Miss Myntle for Miss Jane Hancock ai On- bals $45,892,589. Tamblyn, Toronto, were wcck- ana, During the balf year five end visitons ai. W. Bowman's. Don't forget the W.A. Baz- suipermankets \vere opened aud Our W.A. beld thein annual an ta be hcld in bbc United eight stores closed, rnaking a bazaar lu the schaol Friday Church basement on the ai-1 total of 35 u openation ai. nîght with a gond crowd and 1 ternoan ai Nov. ltb. 1 Sept. 16. Five mare super- excellent neturns. Mn. aud Mns. Cliaton Fan-i- now and son Glen attcnded bhc Annivensany ai. Newcastle TYRONE and later werc gucsts ai Mrs. Henry Bowen. A ve.rY suuuessil Hallow- leaders aud twelve girls were Mns. Marjonie Watson and c'en Masquerade Dance was in attendance. The raIl cati. Mns. Gertrude Ellicock ai Ton- held in bbc hall Sat. night, was "One ncw thing I have anto wene Sunday visitons with sponsorcd by tbc hall board. learned about cutbing out and Miss Bertha Tbnmpsoa. A great many came in costume marking a garment." Our The sympathy of this com- ni cveny description imagin- demonstration is catit 1 e d muntty is cxbended t0 bbc able making it vcry difficuit "Measurements and Patern family ai Mns. John Lancas- for bbc judges ta pick tbe Alterations." The membens ber wbo passed away ai. Mcm- winucrs. Everynne rcpontcd a are nequested ta think ai ideas anial Hospital, Bowmanvillc an wauderfiîl time. Many tbanks for demanstration, Achieve- Friday. from the management toalal ment Day, fashion show and Mns. Jas. Kendelaud sotwocmluosmeor ote- record book covers. Audney Danald ai Toronto were wcek- wise ta bielp make it such a Wood demanstnated how ta end visitons with Mrs. Ralph: succcss. sew in reinforcement fon cur- Boughcn. At tbc home ai Mns. H. ved seams. Mns. Stainton read -Stainton on Wed., Oct. 25, the about garment fibting. Sewing fiith meeting was introduced duties wcne continued on Iby the 4-H Plcdge. lu bbe ab- blauses. Mrs. Stainton senved Em pioyees sence ai Esther Aune Rose- a deliclous lunch. Home Econ- vear, Lynne Stainton cbarac- amisi. Miss Marlon Waddel terized as Presideut. The pre- will attend the sixth meeting ÀAvinus mecting's report was on Sat., Nov. 4, la bhe S.S. Buyin M ore rcadl by Jean Malette. Threc roam. i iThe Exploners met witb il t -. fr ~ M ~ M ~ rhtlrrn and t trleadrs. rs TVr 1 A total of 61 Ontario estab- isihments have already ex cecded la§t year's total pur-_ chases by employccs ni Cana. da Savings Bonds under the payroll savings plan. In his first report of the 1961 campaign, Cifiord G. Beatty, Ontario regional dir- ector, announced that Canada 'J-II Savings Bonds sales ta dateÀ indicatcd "a favorable trend". The payroll savings cam- paign is bcing carried out li How To more than 2,200 establishi- ments throughout the province This Inve by a 60-man force oi super- visors and organizcrs and is O o now li its second weck. Mr. Beatty noted that 23,381 Now ..bel arc applications with a value of, $8,555,000 have already been ulistI arrange fc processed by Ontario cam- ý àpecial posses * paign headquarters. Campaign covered bv OuI ,officiais are hopeful ai a lOf ARTICL ES FlX per cent increase in bond pur- eooia chases through payroll saving i eooncalProl over last year's total sales nanalpoe wh ich amnounted ta some $77-' ]os% hv ire,' thef millions,.raccidenitai dama He revealed that the' 61 On-ý other pcrik. See I taria establishments have al-' the detailç. ready exceeded their last vear's total sales by approxi- rnately $211,000 and have prn- cessed 435 more application.%S for bonds than îast year. & STUART these establishments, 117 are, offering Canada S a v i ni g s JAMES Bonds through the payroîl de- 'd uction plan for the first INSURANCE R time. - King St. E. C.N.E. President -- Williamiý P. Freyseng, Toronto manu-'; Office facturer, was elected president r of the Canadian National Ex-JMA 3.5681 hîbitiori, this vee.. He willi direct the affairs ofthtte As-' bProtect ,stmen t ,r Trip c ou leave, ask for.those e4tra -sions to be iPERSONAI, 1OA VER. Thig liîcv pravide% .ctiofl agains. ft, windstonm, iage and maav le tus today for REAL ESTATE Bowmanvllle Resldence MA 3-5493ý 1'. Scott. and Mrs. G. Milison. .. Explorers meeting was open- cd by siugiag "This is my Fathen's Wnrld" followed by the Purpose and their Motta. Maxine Alldrcad read the minutes, then we said aur pass-ward. The roll cal]. was wbat you like best on Hallo- wc'en and for the nexi. ral4 call you have ta bring a poem and rcad it. Mns. T. Scott read a stony, we ahl sang our clos- ing bymn and prayer. A Hal- lowe'en panty was enjayed 'along with lunch. The Explar- ens nuay go ta tbc Bowman- ville Museum on Nov. 4. Mn. and Mrs. C. Harper and Ricky Payne, Scagnave, visit- e d wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy. Mns. K. Davey and childnen, Enfield, wene Satunday tea guests and Mn. and Mns. D. Anderson and David, Bowman- ville, wenc Sunday tea gucsts aif Mn. aud Mrs. Lloyd Skin- Iner. Mn. Douglas Stainton leit on Stray for Flint, Pich., where he is atending the General Matons Institute af Engineering. Little Dawn Van eyk enter- tained Shenyl and Douglas Smith and (aterine and Aie Penwarden at her 5th Birthday G in" r Ai Party. IMrs. W. Chapmaa, Ham )ton, visited on Friday ai.tbbc . W. U-zig$] a 'Waadley's home and on Sun- day Mns. Joyce Seilick and BOTTLER: !amily, Bowmanville. Toronto, visîted Mn. and Mrs. Hf. Windsor. H M L ' Mn. and Mns. James Simp son, Douglas and Nancy, Otta- wa, spent the weekend with N>. and Mrs. D. Stainton. Au*orizd boWtt.vof Fanunel .mdr coMT nef with Ce Mn. and Mrs. Carl Disneyi - Atffl "M UG Lemon-Lime Golden Orange e S F O A-COA L IEVER AGES (Oshawa) LIMITED OSHAWA, ONTARIO E-. a -THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO0 WEDNESDAY. NOV. lht. 1961 Pickering, were supper guests! Mr. and Mrs. George A1i-,ing. 'Miller enjoyed a trip withM R cvt pay rs H ld o enayof Mr.band M . d adMaieatnedvle litdMs ecyM-IMl Lk n iitedtMF an iRon Sunday foMr. and Ms. R.'dread, Mr. and Mrs. LloydI Mr. and Mrs. N. Cox, Stouff-'and Mrs. W. Rahmnto0Four\, a ,,.Jo hmbranM. social evening st the home Coy. ýMrs. C. w. Rahm. i, ~and Mrs. KnChamberlain, a r n r.Jc cs, M.adMs alPect. a .IG eneral M eeting ý~~~Mr. Peter Symons, Oshawa oM.an r.Jc esM.ad r.ErlPsot Lst ody tron - and Miss hyhls Mayard, nville, honouring the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hardy Sammy Reyenga was chosen ,adeMisted with Manand occasion of Mr. and Mns. David and Gerry, Mrs. Ace Abbott ta represent Tyrone Sehool at Mrs. oy Manard.Alldread's 35th Wcdding Anni- visited Mrs. R. Murray and the Public Speaking Conte % ,A t ow n hip allý M. an Mr. G Estbroksversary and Mr. and Mrs. daughtcrs, Toranto, an SuIn- at Hampton. The judges wene Oshawa, vene necent guests aifAnaverry ha 1st nidayevn-'Ms.E Mrhad r. MW . hiaD. R. HilMs. R ls Darlinglon Ratepavers As- his own eilidren, and pepeMr. and Mrs. A. Knowlton. ýniesr atFia vn1Ms .Mrh n r.W1eladMs .Hls sociatian held a general meet. are forced ta build a 1500 sq. M n r ing at Hampton Tawnship Hjdi lbt. dweuling negardless af abil- Mr n r. S. Hall and last Saturday evening. As the ity, (financial, physical or family visited Mr. and Mrs. L. ;attendance was not large, the bath) and indinectly contnibu- Beech, Burketon. Imeeting was conducted in an ting ta the already alarming Mrs. F. L. Byam is a patlient informl mannr. numer of entaldisturban- in Memnorial Hospital, Baw- ( 1.t e s n l *1V ýS r jActing president Karl Col- ces, that is dictatorship, ane manville. is r resinatianda h as rune-speaker suggested. jMr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton, To meekly accept such die- rAnn and Peter, recently visit- 1hwa t t - ,jhis rsignatin as hehas reed Mr. and Mrs. Lyle ates cenýly ceased ta be a resident tatorship is a deplonable weak- Millbrook.Nates ai Darlington therefore does ness an the part af bath tbe Mn. and Mns. George Willis not qualify ta be on bhc cxec- local autharities and the gen- and Ray Cannington, Mr. Gary utive. enal public. To grumble about Willis and Miss Carol Snow, t/i 1?a a la . /u t e Three new membens were it flow and then is not enough Toronto, were Sunday guests th C n d 'S f ur ,ratified, they are Harold Pat- ta combat this grim situatian. Of Mr. and Mns. W. Park Jr. Neo-ridCadinnusiastcsreovaalabefrm2co$10 t er, Hampton, Ewald Wihlidal, People should be more aient Mn. and Mrs. D. Stevenson a sliare. Maple Grave; John DeHart, andinterested in what is hap- and Kathy, Cobourg, and Mr, aaasidsna uptrahd e I iehg n.uy 91 Pnestanx'ale Rd. pening not anly ta themn selves and Mrs. Eric Marchand, visit- ad'siutrlotptech anwl imhg n iN,191 Three more are needed as but ta their fellow men as ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Parkinson. Today, the future looks even brighter - - with authorities forecasting an som ofthepreentmemerswell, said Secretry Mary Bu- Mr. Parkinson ncturned home 8% increase in grass national produci. for 1962.qà soai the peseon member dai. Is this not the basic teach- from hospital lasi. week much 1 Until recently, Canadian investans have been unable ta shar, in th e Pro 1fis"Il said thune iand amor e wayrgt ing ai Chnistianity? Are weimpnoved. potentialities ai many ai Canada's grawing industrial enterprises. indivi duals wlno could take an not willing ta iight if nced be Mn. and Mrs. Harry Beckley,î Today, this is cbanging - - with many ai aur most prnmising Canadia,î active part. Contact tbc As- ta preserve aur demacratic St. Catharines, visibed Mr. o.. companies encauraging investors Ia share -with thrn in the sociation if wiîîing ta serve way ai lufe? Ta be saddled Beckett and Arvilla. apportunities by issuing blocks ai shares. or knaw oi another interested with montgages and instal- Mrs. R. GlaspeUl, Mrs. T.1 Arnong these new, law-priced Canadian industrial shares, -w\hich are now beconîing« piy ment payment bll the end of Scott attended the W.A. Pres- available, many carry exceptional capital gains potential. in some issues, gains 1 ary.your days along with the othen byteny at Albert St. United have alneady been very large. One new stock, initially offered at $3.00 per share, It was announced that a daily pnoblems, is handly wantb Church last Tbursday. rose ta $8.00 in less than one month. We're confident thiere will be equally lange press nelease will be forth- dying for. Mn. and Mns. J. A. Rosevear,, - - or larger - - gains in ather issues. comîng within the next two Those present ait the meet- Esther Anne and Normal Public interestin luyaung Canadian industnial tirms is sa great thiat the Toranto Stock weeks regancling the $400.00 ing expressed a desire to have Davey visited Mr. and Mrs.~ Exchange bas been studying special provisions for listing such companies on ihe land separation tax. a monthly informai gathering Oscar Ligbtle, Port Hope. Exchange. Bitter disappointment was ta play cards and other gamnes Mr. O. Beckett and daugbter Mayithssocsaryre ndugrthpeti. expnessed in the present and visit with people. The Arvilla spent a few days with ayothssocsaryre ndugow petil cauncil's and Planning Board's Ass'n wili be happy ta oblige Mr. and Mrs. H-enry Beckett,ý Investment Funds . .. such as Mutual Management and York Spectulative Fund.. stubbonnness in making arn- if the intenest continues, and Stratiord. are emerging ta belp finance and participate in new. grow- endments ta the Zoning By- the time and place will be ad- Mns. J. A. Rosevear. Mrs. ing campanies. law ta modiiy it ta such an vertised in the Coming Events Jean Abrams, Miss Meta Camp- Hlolding (Companleq like Keele -Indîzstrial Developments Ltd., are formed ta extent. as ta make t wonkable ai the Statesman and Times. saîl, Mns. H. Phiip, Mr. David correlate the enterprises of several small businesses. for the present genenation. If anyone wishes ta make cen- Drain ,attended the Teachers' You too can share in this big gain patential. The present situation is hardly tain flot ta miss it, they may Convention at Kingston, an, Clip and mail this caupon ta: a semblance ai the democratie give the Association their tele- Friday. systemi we are told we'ne liv- phone number and tbey would Mrs. H. Pbilp and -son Rau-1 f, r .d 1.. ing under, said ane speaker. be called. aiMssJaePipviie pwoo> ~ - ~ , , Wben we cannat give a par- Four people nenewed thefr Mns. Charles Wage at Bing- ci nanc a,~~flC Ii( t t .OI) tion af bis awn property ta menibenships. bamton, N.Y., aven the week-I ___ end. ,Dominion Stores Ltd. and children, Co1lingwood,ý in td were Monday lunch guests ai suite 1101L 121 Richmond St. W. h Miss Jean Pbilp. Toronto, Ontario Sale Re ch N w H h'Rev. and Mrs. A. Gardner, Sa e9e c e i Milverton, were Saturday~ Without charge or obligation on myv part. please send mie continuing informatian o callrs f Mr an Mrs L. MutalJnvesbment Corp., York Speculative Fund, and Keele Industrial Devclop- Sales ai Dominion Storesmarkets w îll be opened be- Ann is. mnents Ltd. I would alsa ike ta read your negular weekiy FLEETCASTER for Ltd. of $200,042,751 for 26 fore the end ai the fiscal year. Rev. G. Lokborst was guest news and views on current nmarket conditions. weeks ended Sept. 16, 1961 ; -speaker al. Leskard Eiarvesti were at a new high and 'Homne Services, assisted by thel Naine $1,922,104 ahead af hast year. FNP ET.lTyrone Choir, Sunday even-j Ades T. G. McCormack, President,, îNIE D ng. Ades--- reports that eannings were Mr ndMs Cr1aret Mr and Mrq. A. Huis attend- P mainaînd a a stisactry d Harvest Home Service at level, equa] ta 1.8 cents perM. and Mns. Neil WhitfEFldad United Churcb and wee Please write plainly Mn n r.Ri dollar ofsls etroi VProo ughMr. nd5Uý cllptQUfih i - 51 IVII. -ana a 6 ý i I 1/