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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1961, p. 7

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W! ................ ~ *' ~ hea-d has been -p ur chia s ed. T hi s flon Io the newlx' inducted'pointed out. He citcd ASE oceqanuo-A'Brn 91-*ganist Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.m. wiil be pîesented in the near Mlinister and Io ttîe people' tation from Geor-ge Bernard ýM a i O LE E A I U _______ future to the Cub Master o! '%-as delix-ered bv Rev. A. ..I b w 'a i fn fiim AI EGUS" I Yi. arrndAlplsi i roller Bowmanvîlle Cub Pack No. 31,'Calder, B.A., B.D. The Inti- mortality but does îîot know LANVERE OILS which is sponsared by Branch;rmations: The O!fering for the what to do with himself on' Set of 8 1 . 96 cC P U E aone Commander Ab Ma- xvas then receiveci, The Pray- "People have become spec-' __3.98____ ANNIVERSARY SERVICES viCtznhi himn an- er o eicto.Tbanksgi.v- tatoîs not participants. The.v Treasure Troe 10 5' ila1 . MORNING WORSHIP Legion Public Speaking Con- Beniediction Nwas *pionourîcedlbeiiîxg enteitained by inovies,: these1o ie heavy- CHEB GHOCOLAT S Eg.Eg tests this yeai xill be oilowed bx- the newiY inducted min -tee sion, or ganies, but are; weight glasses. Each glass1 0 Guest Speaker te speak on any subject the-,-fer. Fred R. Swann, B.A bred when le!t ta their ovný illustrates a different "Gun tvihcruobafr' ASRE CE cos.In previaus contests The organ postlude was PlaY-Idevices' This is bad, but it is of Former Days". Gold aritso revshs.1pudb AsoiteS ceary, B ad o v n ei fin d ta certain stipulated A reeption was eld after- t eaders beco mne disillusioned."I man's ift. 8 8 C 10 au .5 0s rg .9 j A s s c r a e S c r t a r , B a r d o ! E x a g e l s mto p ic s . .v a r d s i ii t h i S u n d a y S c l1 îo li A tis ts bh a v e a p r iv ile g e a s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ andi Social Serv ice Brancb 178 Public Speaking Room. The IModerator, Mn-. Iwell as a duty ta experiment, P E C IP I N 7 pin. - EVENING WORSHIPContest wil be held in Jan- Grahani, gave the welcome +0 1 but they sliould be aleit tae D . R M D E Cantest in Febr-uaiy; District h-Ian Hobbs gave the welcome , a cure, Mr. Hansen statedý ]ev. W. G. Berry Public Speaking Contest in 'ta Bown-ranvillc: the welcome firmly. He also contendeci March, anid the Aiea Public by thei Ministerial Association that certain words thiaugli' SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Speaking Contest in April. was given by the Rev. A. C. mucb m-isuse have last their Higli Scbool students and Herbent, minister of St. John's meaning. Such woîds are ONJHSN MIR. DON ALLMAN O OSHAWVA Publie School pupils who ai-e Anglican Chuîch. The wel- tellectual, cultural and crea- viibe the guest sololst et botb services interested in taking part in 'came te Nestîcton was given- --..---N EW CA STLE - PHO N E 2OOi the Legion Public Speaking by A. Hooey, and 10 Ballyduf! E C S L H N SUNDAY SCHOOL Contest are urged ta ionfai- rep. ly askg.vAn aby Gati el their teachers. Funther no-rpY %a gve byM. Ct Cash oa 9:4 a.. Juio. Iitemaiat adeSnio mtio ouaye frarde tiSwrn 11:00 arn. - Beginners ýthe teachers in this conection Rev. ar d Mis. Fred R.' F r nd pi anc 11:20 &.m. - Kindergarten and Prirnary during the next montli. Swann arrived in Bowman-, Baysttn erieThe winner o! the 50-50 ville from Ingleside on Tues-ý throuth EU DMcR E G O Baby-sitting Service 'Draw was M. Mackenzie. Is- 'da. Tiiev are at 91 8TATESMAN ý igo. The przewas $.67. Queen Str*etL. Teyhvetre' C L A S S 1 VF D A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Stan Dunn was the seller o! childrn, triplet-s, two girls and; Phone MArket 3-3303 B0W M A NVI LLE - PH ON E 3- 9 ,the wînning ticket. a boy, age tvo. _____________ I t 4. - 1!.... EDNESDAY, NOV. 1st,. gni _________ E LA a ..N A I br1A N * " B O W I& e 14V IL IL E. O N T A R IO P G !Walter Pingle, Hampton, Mr. f5 ive" have been worked over- sians. The Reds having dis. n it drg.Asii-'rm oi8 e and MsAlrt oxsh, lrne n U yii U O r m1 e ddd.posed of the old culture of the lating questionaninsvrndOseeLeat e 'J-'e'son iSa Gand Athu o!Oan Mrs. hrsI ae50 ar o isliearistocracy and have substi- perioci was also ejydb hrdy ~rl2tE so a Glanville, Town, were in Ot>.rc. Abrahani g. !tawa ttendig thefunera of *cid O< a about culture as he hadj goal, hie asserted. PeIdn el 1 ý ý on the west side of Hligh oGn Culture bv North Ameri-led. Mr. Hansen explained. Canadian Club oeslDri SPCAIE Mr n m akWlhStreet. agrclet ilcans pzlsTRAINING x ru utuei idgnost hmtissao M rs. W m . S p ry . H u n t S . e - n l w r n r .D o u greT t ,rta in ed l s F rid ay ev en - e ns a l d a d th 21 i c p a n d . T y ar su r se a co t y a de Is vi oheten r n r, . an D. Rs Kngto. AllndonreaoanMr. and wih rn lied hyaesrrie onr ndi nepe-folw:WdedvNvm1DyShol-AyMn 15 i~iïngMr.andMr. FankNicols Kngson.iZ~ inhoor ! M. ad Ms.culvert w flh ow rnunder to find people in the UnitedIsion of the mincis and em'o- ber 22nd, Peter Akrd.D- D.R ldedadM.adHgh Street at the intersec- States and Canada constantiyltions of its ow'n people, he re- ector of the IfrainNgtSho us n SrRcetr ..Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Klein- 1r.H togo h ca .tion of Fourth Street is to bef talk of culture as if it were1 marked. Bado h ainlCptl hr. :0-90 Mrs. O. L. Metcaif. Toronto, stiver, Dashwood, Ont., were 'MsnHo!tern3onthe an OihmBeoaouhdt tefTirdaheabtrct.Mr vted hier mother. \'rs. J. W. weekend visitors with her se fter3t n 0 High Streets intersection.Mr. Hansen aise renunded Commission on"Panning SpcaCurefo VIh nB~mnil hspaetM.adMsFa wedding anniversarjes. Miss' Perhaps it is because Can- bis audience that the culture Canada's Capital".Tedy'Hueîvs hfwrea ~Mary Alldread was home from A letter wasl received from'ada and the United States a e o! ans' countrv has iAs begin- Januarv 30th-, Sir Rbi a enaeTpn Week. WilliamIs, Church Stree t. Torono for the occasion, and the management of the Royall new counitries that their po ig nfl rsadpoerdw ~h etrsfrte Fe aaou vlal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr Mis. Art Dolan, Willowdalej friends and relatives were !Theatre asking that counicil pesemt hv eo cos n- folHe artned ginte Und Kindom Iformaino eus fromn a mater trip ta Pensyl- were visitor's wthth fr-,Po Hean d fromS alemTyroe, . ld h usino u-vinced tliat culture is a status great present day tendency for Office. Friday. Febur 3dOH W ~'aa. erssiserandHop an Bowmnvile.I movies on the ballots in svimbol, but Mr. Hansen said he standardization, and acivocat- M. J. Coldwei Mrs. Jessie Kentner, Acton, law,. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey, Ms. . VWnesa ey C awke nsoigMncplEetinW mr nlndt l MrgiNawl hkdthe Marh l3th rodEihr il753 Was aweee \îMo Memrial ospial Auil- g lotbe hld inDeceber. thepreset da ttttude e- M. Ninll tankedthe ugA.tdito of "aturay 10SlactiSt.N., shaw her sister, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. Alvin Stacey bas re- iary, attended the Provincial sOded ha aby unlo r negreo h u-sekrfrhsifraieNgt.wowlseko Queen St. turned from a month's vaca- Women's Hospital. Auxiliaries Okre, tha t By-]aquesprtion_ John Dippeil, Kitchener, tion isitiflg bis daughter, PMr- Convention held in Toronto at, iar h ed t ubitthsuetion a e spent the weekenrl with his and Mrs. OIe Gunvald of! <l* the Royal York Hotel iastarid mother, Mis. L. W. Dippeli. garyAl. adas i a-week. President Mrs. Law- ThrredTw. lr, akRi, Weilington st. ~~~~~~~~couver, B.C. rec ao ie-31* h Tw lr, lc ed WelntnS. ec ao tVc-r'wilI write and inform the F AL Bab Hannah, Ryerson Insti-j r.Arthur Pingie, Los An- dent Mrs. Staln McMurteî and! Greg Cooper RylTetemngmn tute, Toronto, spent the week- geles, Calif., son of the late Mis. A. L. Hooey attended the' Greg Cooper bas been award- 1that under tbe Ontario Lord's FL end wth his 'parents, Mi. and Harry Pingle of Bowmariville,1 Tuesday sessions o! the con-' ed a York Scholarship Bursary. Day Act a petition can be pie- Mrs. D Hannh. ,was a recent visiter with bis vention. tMr. Cooper. son of Mr. andl aebttati utrpe Jo. hna . mes, Rpersonî butumerouslrlatives in Bow Joh E.JaesRyeso Innmnvi lle ativsnBwa. j We are happyvta report thatiMrs. Joe Cooper. King Street1sent JO per cent of the votersi stitute, Toronto, xvas home for i Mil ndOhaa 1%s. Ada Cunningiam is mak-IEaSt, is in bis second yeaî Artslin the~ munîcipaiity. He will' the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell AIT-gsaitato..rgrrsasaat York University, and planslasexai atnerhpU Mr. and Mis. John M. James. diaM. npMs.W ae;tient in Memorial Hospital.,'a -major in philosopby. He:Lord. Day Act regulations if Dic WrghtReiser. ail o! Toronto, and Cninhm a te an outstanlding student. An-1 sucb a petition is presented tI' Mr n i.and Mis. Jack Welsh and misfortune to faîl in ber home: nounceinent of the award Was ýa Town Counci[ in November' WG AL aind fbis oe, rs. Thosace faniiiv, Town, spen.t Sunday'about six weeks ago breakingo made this week by L. J1-or December, it is deemed ta' Wright, Cburch St., on Sun- dread. a oe and it it s e \tScoasepteb eee uin h o day. leg. 1eab e xpws erct hipand Bursary Com-Iing eray iMiss Mary Mitchell, Wbihi h ilb nhsiaiittee o! York University,! Fbuay wbo1 tihtOcbe eil behin ospitambeoîonîo Mi.BueWely a i iî graduate as a nurse from -until sometime in December. :'i....... . and Stephen. Peterborough",oonoWetrnHsptl seml.e IVisited ber mother. Mrs. J. Il Tneto e sstend Cauanng seiLovediMa Johnston, Horsey Si, on Sat- month's holiday with her ma-;n5 ea ofc and duing,1 DuIcu netyer irdpnfnay. î rpeîi L . aI44c SPECIALS iidather, Mis. J. B. Mitchell, Sil- ber absence Mrs. K. Nicker- Fred Vanstone, Queen's Uni- ver Street. son- is filling the position,. ft verit, insto, pet he Mi. and Norman Grif- Mi. Wm. G. James, Point ooorsieFotdVrit ake Wveekend with his parents, Mr. ynKrr and Mis. Morley Vanstone'!fifl, Courtice, Mr. and Mlis. Claire, Que., visited bis par-!D llId~T~ASREDC tU ~ L BehAe Mis. Edra Price and Mi. JiJaes, Dond Monda.Snc e o !tW. Chritan Edcation >PIS1U 5 Toffees a d B e e c h A v e . l r w i n S e x s m i t b , C o b o u r g , m e s oD r . n d a y .M is e t h e O fM A tNh eI IL U U IJ M L f MU ~ I LSEA3 Oliver Hold s 1 oc k-, Truli, Base Line, were supperirecent amalgamation o! the Comn ittee gave a sur vey o!fI UI.M.C.S. Sbearwater, N ov a guests o! Mr. and Mis. David'St. Lawvrence Corporation, the: the ie.ponsibulities of Christ * r10wt lr Black or Blonde 40, 60, oCa1d0ieatTABLET$an Scotia, was a weekend visitor Preston Sunday evening. Howard Smith Paper Milis jan Education Committee..gA with his parents, Mi. and -.P1E re- id ndDuîTese include the selection and for1îPound Grai E. Holdstock. tfield returned recently frMýtd. With the Dominion Tarltraining of leaders for the'.. ~o John and Howard Rundle'a visit with Mr. and Mis. Rus- & Chemical Co. Limited. Mr.,Sunîday School and week]y t44 Jr., University of Toronto, sell G. Williams o! Niagara James bas been appointedýactivities foi aduit and youtb. : ensnBg 20Asre were with their parents, Dr. Falls, N.Y. Tbey also visited Manager of Information Ser iThe formation o! new group Dnio Bargain Bg 20Asre adMis. H. B. Rundie, over Mrs. Greentfield's sister, Pqis vices o! the combilied cm atvte and providing the T C 0 o 4 the weekend. iAllie Bragg, at Linwell Hall, panies with beadquaîters in uecessaryV equipment. The re-SAE2 Mi .B icoshs~ St. Catharines. Montreal. He was in TorontoiPor indicated a bealthy JL M LST GS adUD 4 M.LB.Nhoshsr-ithis week repîesenting 1,i5growth in this area but aisoe- turned home after spending a' Mi. and Mis. Howard Comnpany at the ltb Canadian revealed a growing neeci for Reg. 25epackage week with his son and daugli- Pingle, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Packagi ng Exposition where bo.ys' %vork and more room .r Re.2 pcae ~ ~ hs comany a s an p xibit for a cfi vitiies. hi Cmpnyha a Phi- t AI Strike. tienpral Super- REHOBOTH CHoSTIAN e - ndayWilfrid D. Carruthers FOIL ICICLES Ff REPROOF 2for 44cBB A recs aging report on the growthi A By-law was passed Io setI Foir Gift -Parcelq - Colourful Stick-onCO G SY U and function of the Sunda.v the date for nominations and REFO M ED CHU CH Sliol. oining ut he eed'or he ppontmet o polor Ile s o more room now and foriofficiais for the Municipalý Scugog Street, Bowmanvilleanepce fuuegot.Ecin 14 O n xece ftregowh Eetin November 20th will CHRIS MS B W o investgated.He also reported the formation be Bowmanville Nomination t Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minîster Harold Stapley. 114 Princeand funci ion of the S undayjNight and the meeting will! Reg. 10e package Dennison Telephone MA 3-5023 when bis motorcycle went ontitee. ber- at 7:30 o'clock. Election G A t fA AA _______ ~~~o! central at 12:50 arn. on; Harold Watson, chairman o! Day will be December 4th. I unfr gL ahR.60 Satuiday. The accident bpÀh uidn nesiaig Areport was presented bv iVGFT W R MA *NMAIP 5Vurforlc4 d WORSIJP SEVICESpened on Stevenson*s MilljCornmittee, gave an interest-ithe rhairnian of the Police t __________SERVICES__ Road. Mr. Stapiey suffeîed a ing report on the investiga-,Coi-nrittee, Councillor O. J. 9:00 a.rn. - English.concussion and is a patient in 'lion.z now going on regardjngýPresson Deputy Reeve Hobbs. Polyethylene- 59e value DABrn -16ore15 9mo English ý~~Memorial Hospital. His con-!the neressity of future expan- 'seconded by Councillor Wes .A Bad-1 11:00 arn. - Holland diinwsmclmrvdoiinadpsil ot n ey Fice, moved that quota- BUTTER DISH 44c M INERALI U 4 lWednesday morning, and it is!locatiuns. No defilile recoin- itions be obtained on Iwo new 7:30 p.m. - English expecteci lie will soon be 'a biemenda tjlis %were made. This! slbLîrbaîî tires and on two I.D.A. Brand- 16 oz. reg. 50eAimea to retuin te bis homne. Con- w-as in the nature o! a pro-!rguarnyontiesfo te LA u Fi-ce transportation for those willing but unable stable Harte-Maxweil, OPP, ges rpor. plcaruîse-. onati onrare, I1 ~ Wa the investigating officer.1 Ralph Melutyre. chairman ta be 1.evdb h ono __ _44 L S LG T n atre 4 to attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 A car owned and dîlven b%/i of the Committee of!tears,1Cleîk before fixe o'clockTin Natural coloured Polyethylenc - 22 oz, and 5Oz. Jaet b a Douglas Frayer, Caesaiea, SU' twrs -0poed Fnda',Noeme 3rd, anddI Container ib.T1 befre p.. Studaynigts.ilined minor damage in a On' rmme of $.56.000 for 1962. - Plce-dnite , n ef rige rater Cnanr e Both for D I1 ________ ~ ~ ~ icr accident at 5:17 p.m. last Inciîîded inIi his programmne gvî oc 0atiite Oin il.br4(oiatet-1~~ *xi~ urdyo hSuo odis the ,gumio! $13,000 Ofor matter. This xvs arr-led.4Cmatet near Caesaîea. Constable *-ilsinr and Maintenanre,:- "Back TobGoc Hour liroacicasis C. Cartwright, OPP, -%as the,én S3,000 :fot extension xvork 1- BUBBLE BATH 44c CUTLERY T A 4 CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday Tbr1vsacllso tte .1. Forbes Heylain.char P .. rn 0, reg 0. Es-Gos -Ipun n rg CNR Crossing, Bowm-anville, :mani or the Finance Planning' akoler M I fM n e i a lt L O A 4 ~ at10:0 a.., hursav.TheCoi-imitîernade an earnest drivers o! the two cars %Wereiapaîfrai emesan ROM PAGE ONF Roy H. Dunne, Toronto, andi friends ta rcview their giv- irmiiiisti', o! the United Church Theodore Tiyon, Bancroft. ins- emenîbering alte'!Cnd 9iD.Brry Costbl 11.Wiht OPin'bes;igsfo M reFALL SALE Speccal Vaue.t Consabl H.Wigt, PPin-' bessngsf-rwbicb we shou]d jbas hiad a wide experience both m * M Svestigated. 'ýhow real gratitude. It islin Canada and in Great, "E-Z POR", The B aptisf C hurch --- --- oeben tr e rgivings o! the work wsoilerviceIroning Board MAGAZINEKAR C U B US Nelson St.near Libety Bowmanvlle, Ont.congregation up te a hgeî forn administrative responsi-1 U SBakbneie Nelon t. ea Li ert . o~ manil1, O t.P O p p yle ci. This oud cean the bility of Social Serv ice liones, G L o v e r-P ua a lasti ne lze d tel wlh Pasor- lmreBomery deenurs ndthe congrega-i10 the ge social problemrs Set ls Aot 1 ifee Pastr . lmor Booer ntion thexi w'ould be in a pasi-o! gambîing, beverage alcohol,1 DECA IIILKboarts ail14" Aboutn ig 8C M E In igt f te olowng ew rpor av -tion ta proceed with anylvicp and drugs and the laiger, 99c 10" wide. In Iight et t e following ews report -futur e pa s on or îenova- fild of international and ia-< Beautifil - decorated lear- b ar .1 lo gC A l p stc et f I - the Pstor subjct'PROM PAGE ONeitenEs cie n ytetional oics He has also' glass decanter for storing REGAL the astr's ubjct ner' wîlI be held in the Leg i conigregation. ý dune considerabIe pionceri and serving lulce, mllk, etc. RECIPE BOEob n itbx UNDAY EVENING NOV. 5 Hall on Satuîday evening, i Dr. Sylvester thien ronduri-jwork ln organizing schools of MagefiprcponsadB t o m als7uypatet November 111h, at 6:30 p.rn. cd a period of discussion On evangelism and bas contribu.t t-lpe a oesadB tro icu trypatcbx lcseio v at 7 o'clock, wili be Ernie Perfect, chairman o! the heviuspases o!thie oro- lcd many articles on this sub-: closes automatically. Accurate - 250 lb. capaclty %vith 21 d IMV. rAeAntau *IrAf"VOIrAlp s- t, il (t, 1'~~~ J

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