WEDNESDAY, NOV. Sth, 191 oVol MTl 3ATESMAN, BOWMIANV Jhe Isegister Holes in One Mein's Major League _______________ Frank Lewins won top lake 718, Ab Piper 712, Ron single money this week bowl- Brock 709, Elton Brock and ing a nice 338 game. Three Russ Halîman 708, Jim Castie other bowlers fallowed Lewins 700. over the 300 ma*k Morley Keith Shackleton won bath Vanstone had 305, Ron Brock low scores bowling a single 304 and George Stephen 303. game af 97 and a 3 game to- ~- leven bowlers hit the 700 tal of 413. Stan McMurter had class witb Russ Haîlman 99, Gord Wallace 103, Bob Wil- leading the bowlers with 764. liams 105, Dick Patfield 106 Frank Lewins had 756, Larry and Big John Moorcraft 111, Piper 748, Dr. H. B. Rundie Whistler Ross Wright had a 745,. Carl Leslie 736, Biul West- triple of 427. AIIey Chatter It has been brought ta aur Le T a1k.attention that several bowlers ing their games ahead of time for reasans other than busi- (C ars ... egekosta dn- day night is bowling night and THE USD CAR they are asked ta try and THE US D CAR make an effort to be on hand. GAIB EThe league is meant for ol GJEBLEers who enjoy bowling and not just ta be used when you A reputable have nothing better ta do. dealer af My Treasurer Fred Cale stili is a c quaintance waiting an a few bowlers ta has an effect- pay their first schedule fees ive way of sa dig dawn and pay up and dispelling the relieve Fred of a lat of extra doubts of bis work. cautiaus used Dr. Rundle bas maved out car custom- in front in the averages with ers. He does it by simply a 235 and a 2 point edge over explaining bis basic business runner-up Russ Oke. principles: Kramp's Furniture stili have the edge on all the ather teams *Nelther of us eau be in the standing. Kramp's has absolutely sure at tbis mo- 18 points, Jury & Loveil 16 ment that this car will per- points. orin as we believe it will," Some mare gaod games this this dealer explains. "But week. Jirn Castle 280, Ken the difference iu buyi*ng Luxton 295, Russ Oke 272, Russ froin us la that we are here Hallman 289, Carl Leslie 272, to make It right if It Don Bagneli 290. deesu'V.' ir 1rný nfTeain Standings I know of ne perceritage figures on the subi ect, but it is a safe assumption that fully haîf of the used cars traded into dealers are in need af impending repairs af one kind or another. That is one of the funda- mental reasons their owners decided ta trade in their vebicles. But even an expert ap- pralser ean be fooled In evaluating a cars condition by faults that Just don't show up in a mechanical check or a ride around the block. They may show up only when lts new owner has put several hundred miles on It. If the owner bougbt the car without regard to the dealer's reputation for in- tegrlty, that may be sev- eral bundred miles too late. Te take the gamble out of a used car bought froin Robson Motors Ltd., we have five operating prin- eipies to protect you: we neyer knowlngly misrepre- Sent a car to be somethlng lt ls not; we neyer retail taxi cabs or Police cruisers unleas specified; we neyer seil cars which have been ln a major collision; ail cars are Plainly prlced; the naine and address of tbe former owner la available on re- quest. Presîdent, Visit fthe Bowmanville Museum this month. Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Fi- day and Saturday. Robson Nolors Lid. 166 King St. L. Phones: MA 3-3321 Oshawa 725-2712 Teain w 1 Kramps Furniture 18 Jury & Lovel -16 Ken's Men's Wear 15 Bow'ville Cleaners 141 Lander Hardware 14 l Stephen Fuels ---- 14 l Cowan Equipment 12 1 Bow'ville Hotel 12 1 Selby Grant Heat 11l1 Liberty Bowl ___11I 1 Canadian Tire .... il 1 Nels Osborne Ins. 10 1, Firth's Meats 10 10 Hap's B.A.. 9 lJ Pepsi Cola 8 lJ Robson Motars. 7 lJ High Averages Naine G Dr. H. B.* Rundle -_ 24 Russ Oke 24 AI Osborne .. 24 Russ Hallman - 24 Larry Piper ____24 Ed Leslie ... 24 Carl Leslie ____21 Bill Hearle .... 24 Ed Lugtenburg 24 Alf Samelis ....24 George Piper 24 Frank Lewins --24 Ernie Perfect ...24 Jack Gay ... 24 Bud Henning --12 Elton Brock 24 Bud Moses . .24 Ted Bagneli ____24 Hank Janzen ___24 Clarence Oke 24 Morley Vanstone 24 Jack Bond-- 24 Norm O'Raurke- 24 Hap Palmer .** 9 Harold Bennett 24 Bill Westlake ... 24 Dave McKnigbt 24 Coulson Waolner- 24 Ron Brock --24 Aib Piper _____24 Jim Castle _____24 Bob Williams- 24 Don Bagnell ..~ 24 Don Bisbop ____24 Jim Callan --24 Bruce Vivian 24 Stan McMurter 24 Jack Lander -____24 Bill Bates .....~24 Harry Snowden- 24 Frank Blunt - 24 Bill Oke 18 Mfurray Larnier - 21 Bert Engley ..~ 24 Features This Week High Sidgle- Frank1 lus 338. High Triple-Ruas Hall Ave. 235 233 229 227 224 223 222 222 220 220 219 219 218 218 216 216 214 21" 212 211 211 211 209 209 209 209 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 207 205 204 204 202 202 202 202 201 201 200 Lew- Iman li PAGE NDlR Bowling1 e a e Avera h Bernice Buday ,e Hilda Brock- g Doris Joli Onie Etcher- dOlive Patfield a SJune Baker n Donna Preston d Kay Beauprie o Joyce Lyle SAudrey Bickell Lorraine Martyr ýe Bernice Partne, ~Vi Coole Grace Blackburi ýe Muriel Holroyd 299, 235, Olive Patfield 298, 231, Ber- nîce Buday 272, 264, 224, Onie Etcher 271, 212, Hîlda Brock 263, 235, Peggy Haynes 259, 204, Lorraine Martyn 247, 204, Dell Vinson 243, June Baker 241, Norma Gay 241, Kay Be- auprie 237, Ada Richards 230, 209, Molly Mairs 230, Audrey Osmond 227, Vi O'Rourke 226, Dot Brooks 223, Joyce Tenn- ant 221, Donna Preston 217, Helen Piper 214, Bernice Part- ner 211, Helen Dunn 211, Alyce Hodgson 211, Karen Beauprie 208, Audrey Bickell 203, Doris Joli 201, 200, Evelyn Embley 200, Grace Blackburn 200. field At the banquet, Saturday, Southview Golf Club members paid tribute rtyn three of their colleagues for scoring holes in one, real rarîities in this ga 1 ----- ---- They are, from left te right, Mrs. Cha ries Cattran Jr., Albert. Rundie and' eston___- Don Gi]hooly. rooks orris OHA Gives Okev for Mixed BOWMes i Shamrocks to Get HeIp Fm by Bill Outs, Orme When the curtain gees up oni the intermeasate hockey *season two weeks from Thurs- 3day night, local fans will be 3seeing several new faces in the b ometown lineup. 1 Playing manag er, Terry 1Masters, has appiied for and 1received the go-ahead from the O.H.A. Convenor te bring in several players fram eut- side te boîster the team stren- gth, which bas been weaken- ed by the failure of several of the local regulars te turn eut te the practices ef two exhibi- tion games which were played last week. Negetiations are presently being carried on with Orono, who may net be ficlding a team this year, and it is hoped that a complete forward line may be brought up fram them. Alan Glaspeli, a defenceman whci bas been working eut with the locals this season will definitely bc on the regu- lar lineup and this is a young- ster with plenty of dash who can hand eut plenty of stiff checks as well as put the puck into the net. It is te be hoped that the local fans, whose support means everything te the mor- al of the players, will turn 'but in much greater numbers than they did for the exhibition game with Trenton here last week. Approximately 80 paid admission for this game while, the following night in Trenton, nearly eîght hundred watched tbe game. A team, hockey or otberwise, can eniy produce at maximum with the full sup- port of their fanse. Ken Nicks, local merchant, bas announced that he is dona- ting a trephy, te be awarded ta the Most Valuable Player an the Shamrock team for the coming season. This should provide extra incentive te the team. Coach Bill Morrison will be putting bis charges through 764. Low Single- Keith Sback- leton 97. Low Triple- Keith Shack- leton 413. Features This Sehedule Dr. Rundle 368. Ed Leslie 819. Glen Lander 89. Gord Wallace 368. ili, * ON NATIONAL BRANDSAt_=tow'RiÉ 1AtYour Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. .111 BROMO SELTZER__98c size -- 8 3 c iii BUFFERIN 79e si»z--63c 11 CREAM98e size and 'COLGATES DENTAL CRA35e size - Both for 79Yc 1111 DETTOL. $1.25 size -1.09-111 ËLÀORIENT DEODORANT- 89e - 74C ~LAYORUS- $1.25 __.-99C Ill é jijj 10, NIVEA CREME-$133 Jar -- 9 9 C "I F il. ij il" PHILLIP'S MILK of MAGNESIA TAIBLETS. 59c size 49c .,i SVITALISsîo ---- 69c GILLETTE SUPER BLUE BLADESsi.oo size 8 9c"' WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEI< liii BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE 4I "COWLING'S DEUG STORE JOHISONS DEUG STORE.1 SALEX NcGEEGOE, DEUGS ORONO JURY & LGVELL STUTT'S PHARicy 4 i& 4&eiJ.eL AL-4.m ,4-m. eJ. .2. j. .AL. - A- ;ide Town practices Monday and Thurs- day cf this Week and again pnext Monday in preparatien ;for the league opener which ewiIl see the Shamrocks hast- eing Port Hope Ontarios. "NSight FHawks"' Ladies' League Teain Standings Evans -- . .------ .--- ------ B uttery - -------------- Wright ------. Scott....-.--- Wiseman------ C oyle ---------------- Averages M. Buttery __..------ G. Scott V M. Hlodgson ----- G. Bain.--- I. Wright. .... M. Wiseman . . M. Coyle - -- --- J. Evans ..I V. Piekard 1f~ G. Coombes E U. Hagerman 1,1 E. Piekard.--- E F. Allen .... Vr B. Haliday J I W. Wright_. -------... M. Crago . ----- ..--------i L. Conners Iz M. Holmes 14I J. Brooking 14I D. Charles ------ iý W. MeNeil ____14 J. Siebarth ___ 1 G. Dick ---- 1 L. Burgess-___ M. Sedman--_ __ M. Leaman H. Allen ---_ R. Robertson A. Perfect.. V. Sarginson - D. Vivian ___ 1 O. Moffatt .. oi High SingîÀ_ïujIO9. High Triple- M. ~r 641. 200 Gaines A. Plazek 309, M 4t ery 254, 201, G. Bain 210 'Coyle 253, B. Halliday 25iŽ3, M. Holmes 229, W. Mil 219, G. Dick 202. Tesiniim Jaquel 192 185 179 178 176 170 170 170 169 159 159 158 ,-ià The first major the Mixed Bowling i saw Mohun decisioraY place O'Rourke 5-2tne night. Victory ext!r s' undefeated league'J margi.n te 13 point ints Castie edged th e of doser te second e hile a 5-2 win over E -2 to Spicer downedB Cs hold fou.rth, two iCs tle. !,Brock Last placers lkk win- and Palmer mi a four- ning 7-0 te mOos5 leav- way tie for fift1t in the ing Palmer aI4.ji i o n e d cellar. Harri*sth ih' Hilda Brook .5 hnit' other attractyed ini a top Elton Bro q8 to walk effort, rolllhhîh triple. away With went te Ar- Other 600 t Art Spicer n6dSle,71, Ken Lux- 676, Ji.iri O'Rourke 642, ton 653, "7 Hi1da Brook Vi O'1Rouf4tnt 629, Mary 631, "DufAl Lobb 613, Wilcoxcl,é3 and Glen Fry 611.~ 's 293 game took Jim ýhonours, followed high sJSlep 275, Hilda by Ar Vi O'Rourke tied Broclçl hi'-h single at 265, for laand "Duke" Brunt AI 1î 265's, Art Spicer ai:se Norm O'Rourke 260. 262, Friday Afternoon Ladies' League 200 Games Alyce Hodgson . ..... Joyce yle218, 233; Aud- Dot Oke .................. rey Bickeil 208, 251; Marg. Mary Cowan .... ..... Coyle 200 Fran Patterson ........- Team Standings Doris Holroyd ........... Bickeli ......................... Il Vi Norrish ............ Bradd ............ . il.. ....1 Doris Welsh.. Dunn .........................-10 BaSles............ Lyle.................... .... 9 eles..... Coyle ............................ 9 Marg McDonald ......... McDonald ............. 9 Theresa Eby.......**,-,, B.ucknell ....................... 9 Nance Celmer -........ Patfieid ............. 6 Daisy Bell .............. Gibsron ......... ... ..J. ean Harness .....-..... " UTý rv ........ ------ Averages Audrey Bickel.......... Joyce Lyle ----............. Dot Brooks .............. 0111e Patfield ............ Helen Dunn ........ - Jean Lobb ................' Marie Yee ................1 1Lii Hooper .--......... Marg. Coyle ............. 1Pat Bradd ................ Marion Malley......- Marlon Gibson ......... Sadie Bucknell .......... Marion Colville ........- Joyce Helden ............ Greta Shields. ........ Hilda Sininick . ........ Ev. Large ................ Dot Nicholas ........-. Elsie Richards ........... Kay Doddls.............. Velma Kitsn .. Dot Perfect . ........... Ruby Hutchinson....... June Clark .............. Helen Hunt -...... Meta Moffat ............ Cezette Neads ........... Winnie Brown . ....... Leono Mils ............ 152 150 148 146 146 145 4 Teeniage Ys Charles 5- Brown 2; J. Brown 7- Callan 0; Phillips 7 .. T. dani0. Team Pding 2 D. Brown-----------2-6-4 Charles.... .-.-... . 3.. P'hillips.... > .............21 T. Callan -. ...........2 J. Callan................... 19 J. Brown..............15----- Hig S"- M. Charles 235, 232, 2,.VÎÏt, 19 R. Thompl 212, W. Burgess 205, B. Fi 209, J. McKnight 215' 235,. 'Callan 227, J. Oke 216, D. ywn 217. Hieh ple - M. Charles 678, J. jKnight 628. Paed 5 - Munday 2; Van- stone , Coombes 2; Alioway - eain Standing Paed' ......... ...... 4ý Vanle ..- ......... -.27i AlloýY .. ........ .....- .24~ Cç0)pes ..................3 .-................ 21 Miray ...................... 20 igh Single - C. Luxton 2M. Munday 219. Iigh Triple - M. Munday ~,D. \Vessells 502. Junior Baya Beauprie 5 - Wilson i 0; Wach 5 - MacDonald 0. Teain Standing Leach ........ - ....--------33ý Beauprie ..-............ 24 Wilson ......................... 8 MacDonald -.....------- --5 High Single - D. Biekeil 166, R. Beauprie 163, R. Et- cher 161. High Doubles - MacDonald 305, Biekeli 302, Colville 298. Junior Girls Brown 5 - Yeo 0; Gay 5 - Hately 0; Mulholland 3 - Dad- son 2. Teani Standing Gay.---..-------.-. ...... 28 Hately ................24 Muiholland ............... - 21 .Brown ...................18 IYeo ....... - . ------ Dadson ... .........4 Hgh Single - S. Dadson 219, M. Fogg 206, J. Bromeli 190.1 High Double - K. Mulhol-1 la.nd 333, J. Bromeil 323. i Drap in at your Vauxhali dealer's and take a look at the new Victor. This remarkable car marks the beginniug of new pleasure in metoring. Inside and out, every detail of the 1962 Victor is inspired by today's awareuess of good, clean design. This is the new Victor-boldly original, is lunes dlean and uncluttered. Available in a range of splendid new colors, i Deluxe, Super or Standard sedans, or.Estate Wagons. This is the new Victor -with dcep-sprtng seating, a vaat ara of windows, provision for safety beits.' Th&is is the new Victor -with the warlcl-proved Vau 4-cylinder engine, flexible 3-speed all-Synchro-Mesh transmis- sion or aptional 4-speed transmission with floor change. ixhafl Whilewali tires simndard on Cesia, oUonai ai extra cosi on othai' modeIa GET B3EHIND THE WHEEL 0F A NEW VICTOR-SOONI V1624 Vauxhail Victor Estate Wagon ROBSON 166 KING ST. E. PHONES: MA 3-3321 - MA 3-3322 Oshawa 725-2712 r' i i I t .1 t.. i w i 'j 'A 150 The man from The Mutual Life 149 147 Football is fun for the boys and for him. Ho 147 teaches hie sons good sportsmanship and it 146 gives them all a chance to play together. But, 144 life is not ail play for the man from The 142 Mutual Life. He has other goals. He helpe 142 people plan ahead for a sound, secure future. 141 He's a life insurance counsellor-an expert in 140 his field. A valued friend. 140 138 136 The Mutual Life 1345 IV ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA 139 127 The company with the outstanding dividend record 124 124 Representative: FLOYD H. McKINLE'f 122 Mearns Avenue 121 Bowmanville, Ontarlo 1201 IE VJLOX MDJ CIRSTA SUXS earrénthur 8tg iýý Vauxha1Velox Sedan In these beautiful cars you'll find truly luxurious comfort for six, with vigorous six-cylinder power znatched with two top trans. d a misions-smooth Synchro-Mesh Vuhl rs and tinie-tested Hydra-Matic. axitCeaSdn MOTORS LIMITED visited Mr. Trim.ble's sister I BASE LIPdfl Mrs. E. McQuaid, Pickering, Leaaue Mi . Sde oeadsnone dyls ek 1 r.SdiyLdea> Mr. Fred Gale, Whitby, Sydney, Adelphi, Maryland, spent a couple of days vi-Aitng -ages spenit the past week visiting Mr .and Mrs. Roy Van Camp Ave. witli Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van and renewin~g acquaintance 23Campu and farnily, Mr. a.nd withMr. Sydney Lodge and 220 rs Gron Van Camp and Mr. Sydney Lod'ge Jr. 20M.and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Mr. and M\rs. Ross Trenouth, 215 on Wednesday afternoon okvlewr Snavs- 213ýadeeig h aeLn tors Nvith is sister, Mr. and ______206 IGocod Neighbour Club held a Mrs. J. R. Mèealf. I successful bazaar and home 199'bking sale at the home of Mrs. A. 0. Trimble spent _____198 Mrs. A. Barnes. The weather Saturday with her mother, ______197 was favorable and a goodly Mrs, S. G. Niddery, Hampton. 16number of ladies turned out Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Trimble ________196to take advan.tage of the hand- were supper guests of their 188 made articles and home cook- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. rn____ 188 ing offered for sale. Result~ Faryna and children, Oshawa, r ____188 were very gratifying for ouý one evenrng last week. ____187 smail group. We had some ex- Misýs Sharon Leach, Bow- cellent outside help for which manvile, was a recent over- rn 185 we are duly thankful. night guest of Miss Grace ames Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Trirnible Barnes. ------- - ------- ............ 1 1 . 1 1 Il