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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1961, p. 2

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PAGE WO ~~~~~THE CANADTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOWENSAN. h 11 Miel ke te extend a speciai tbankli LIIJ. ou to oun cliaperones, Mr. Courtice High Hoids Powerand his art classes forVetR s ak a their veysuitable decora- enAlian Fraser and Bob! 'Ghostogether' Danice e .C. 'sfoatinges wh werk Kiwanis President aren fr cting ahs och o ok e d on the door and in the' Boss Jackman was elected Tempiar is assaciated with theE By Lois Ashton 1 For exampie, one of the fci- cafeteria, Mrs. Drcw, Mr.'rsdnofteBwavl!Rbn ahr Cmpy,1 Jack-O-iantcnns, wi t c h e s, iows fnem the school drcssed Joncs and Mr. Blake for their Kiwanis Club for the ceming ! Oshawa, and is an active mern-l gbosts, bales of bay, black as a beautiful yeung maiden, kind help, and the beys frern yean at the dinner meeting of ber of the Oshawa Yacht Club. .cats and weird sounds pro- began flinting witli one of bis the "Get' for previding music the club heid in the Fiying Mr, Taft aise stated that Mn.1 vided an ecry atmospherc for boy friends and whie dancing for the dancing. Dutchman Mater Hatel on Templar has had 27 yearsl the "Ghostoethcn'" Hallow->with.him practically had him, odyeeig r aklxeinei hpigo h! e'endane hed o Thrsda covined tat e souldceae ýman was elected by acclama- Great Lakes.1 right at Ceuntice High Schaoi.!kceping steady cempany witli I L Enn. ýMn. Tempiar iliustrated bis As thegucstsarnive thcythe girl he had brought te the j iOthen officers clected fer taik on shippîng with asne wene cscented through the dance and transfer lits atten-, 1962 wcre as foýlows: Ist vice- cf fine colored siides dcpict- Spook Lane wliere witches,î tiens ta this newly"found Im. .. ..h resident, Ron Breaks; 2nd ing lake slips and liners, asi cobwebs hitting y'cu in the fiame. LDIess U Prtiy vice-president, Dr. John Hen- well as scenes taken through- face, and gnev'ysliadows sent' Allan Fraser dressed in a idry; secnctary, Don Mountjoy; eut the Great Lakes, the Wel- a chlll dewn even the most Scottisli kilt and Bob Burtoný The members cf Bowrnan- treasuren, Gorden Beecli. The land Canal and in the bar- courageeus of spines. representing a beatnik fnrnm ville Cub Pack No. 3, whidli new executive wili take office bers af New York, Brooklyn Strange creatures annîved se Gneenwidh Village. acting as is sponscred by Brandi 178 en January lst. and Miami. complcteiv disguised that they M.C.'s announced eacli cf the cf the Canadian Legion, had a Directans eiected fer one Mn. Templan's cemprehen- wene unrecognizable by evcninoveity dances. Tic evening'mcst enjoyable time iast Wcd- year wcne: Gerry Brown, sive knewiedge ef every de- their closest acqitaintances.!opened with a kîss candy nesday -evening at the Liens Bill Ceblan, Harny Locke and tail in regard te the numbers scnamble and an eliminatien Community Centre. Tic lead- Cranston Scott. Those elect- e! slips pictured was amaz- dance won by Liz Reyenga ers, Cub Master Jack Welsi cd for twe years wenc: Gar- ing. He gave the tonnage cf and lier escent. and bis assistants John M. don Clarke, Hank Jensen, Jimn each ship shewn and teld PùrdAs the dance pnognessed tic Knight Jr., Mrs. Emma Bnagg Ceiliss and George Bebee. where and when eadli was judging of the costumes bic- and Paul Welsli, wcre in char- Bob Taft intnoduced the built, and gave its intcresting JOSTON, LOS ANGELES came thc highliglit cf tic' ge cf arrangements fer the gucst speaker, Charles Temp- histery. He was thanked on LONDN eenig. n. pees, r. ew-pany. an, Oshawa. He teld his fel- behaîf of the Kiwanians by ens, Mn. Power, Miss Bîelaw- Frank Burns, ciairman cf iow Kîwanîans that Mr. Don Mountjoy. ski and Mn. Bnewiee, acting1the Legion's Cub Cornrittee, as judges, chose the folloxingland another member, Bon as winnens: Best Haliowe'cn,' Johnson, wcrc tic judges, andK E N A L our witch from Spook Lane,itlicy had a difficuit task in CH ISTIANthLpty;MstOig-making a clicice between ail (Intended for hast week) two places. This wiIl be1 nal, Harnv McReclis, thc pro-'the amusingly costumed Culis. After oun anniversary serv- especially inconvenient as deer n.icstor hebi nek e;ntig The prize winners wene: 1. ice, Sunday evening, Miss C. huntîng season is at hand. arather obese tramp; Best ne- ayne McRobcrts, garbed as W. Stewart entertaîned at lier Ago nw ahndfo Eiane Bb a woman; 2. Ricky Knight, home the choir, tlie organîst, near and fan for the tunkey ýV10 IT0Rpresentation, clin eeeIda squaw, 3. John West- Mrs. Jack Aluin, and tic Rcv. supper held Wednesday even- AN -iNiENAiSNALCind eelauil; liesmthe iDonover, a scarecrow. Speciai and Mrs. Porter of Westminst- îng mn the Sunday School bal 61ýDAIY 1 i .APR Mastinerson as a vcy gresemeDo guests present wceeBoss Jack- er United Churcli, Oshawa, Of Kendal United Churcli Frannsten: sta ctdrus"' man, Mrs. Jack Wclsh, Miss who had ail se weli assisted in The ladies pnovided lots cf Frakentei: Bst osturne 1 Laurcayn Welsli, Mrs. John M. our service. Mrs. Jean Loft- cvcnything. As the folks icft girl, Olga Knczanowski alingtJ.MisG nOtoosendultnwce cm they voiced thein appreciation prepriately dressed asa a l'y nd Mis No rmaGowboth bers o! the choi,.o! the good dinner and many Inerstngo! high seciety; Best costum- o a w aoen Miss Beverley Anderson nemarked thcy wouid bc back Acuae senting' a wcii-d.ressed lady; Drig the early part o! the spent' the wcckend with Miss for another next ycar. We Best costumed couple, Mnr.andin umber of entertaining garnes. Bill Hoy had the misfertunc from Orono with us. As the COMs.Jon obnt, icnelyele asfolocdbya ost te have his iglit hand injured cnowd gathened in the dhurci, ieeelctdpremier o! Ontario, enjoyabie Carnpfine with Be- in a cern picking machine. Bey. R. C. White entertained Lois Ashton and John Twist, ver-Scout Jim Hutchinson o! Bill Stapleton is home again them wîth pîctures. I.tuuotionol Newii Coveroge Mrs. Alice Dnew and lier the~ D. M. Rose Troop, Oshi- recuperating aftcn an opera- A numben of toba-cco ewnersi capable helpers scrved a de- tini1enna optl adgocsatne ae ------ -- -- - -----'lcossako iedul-awa, in charge. to M eoilHsta. ndgwr teddafr- TheChrstan cinceMoito _'liiou sackofeidrdouh- Rover-Scout Hutchinson did nrs. R.McMackinhlas geneby weli party in Port Hope Wed- Ohe ChrwaySt.,son SnceMito nuts and ape from the cafe- erfejbateCm- 'plane te visit lien son, Mn. and ncsday cvening for Mr. J. V. ýtradeconated with a Jack -Ifine itual was impressive. A Ms. George McMackin and Eagan whe lias been manager $end your newspoper for the time O-Lantern, autunin leaves andruin igsn aise en- farniy at Calgary, Alta. o! tic Royal Bank in Port check.d. Enclosed find my check or, orange candles. Tic eveningi rousing singsanwa hs With Mn. and Mns. George Hope. frine order. C 1 yeor $22. ,r then continued with dancing. cookies, ciocolate milk, applesMre nSna ee r ercie iteri S6 months $11 El 3 months $5.50 Two latecomres ta thc party pausadbg !tet and Mrs. Russel Rusk, Mn. andovrtewendbtmc aroused a great deal o! cuni- 1wr sre.Mns. Chantie Eiscy, Kenny and more is necded for ploughîng esity. This couple was in the: ecsevd Dennis o! Tenanto and Marilyn and te fili up oun watcr suppiy Nome fonm of an eldcnly, lient over Elscy of Oshawa. before thc greund becomes gentleman wbo had long since TheLl±~ u charivari gang took frozen. .Addressnctired from the Genenal Mo- YE VER O uhpesr nsrnd tors and an cxtnemeiy band- Mn. and Mrs. Jack Fonk in the cîased Kna Scho spusy City Zone some ainforce officer. We'rc (Intcnded for last wcek) wee small heurs o! Sunday it id K n te a hol ius o still wondering who this pair CutNseonadyeî- morning, Oct. 22, at ticir home bendlis wAifn !amilyefo Court_________an on tic Fourth Line. iaefhswf ndaml ttecouid be! Maybc you can lielp verton members o! Court ta res n saeus. Manvens jeîned forces te stant Mrs. Lanry Waters is visit- esdin TeSuet Counicil would a eky olnglauea ng lier daugliter, Mrs. John Tic sceneny in oun village! TIc Studowlngents' atThompson. and all oven aur countryside Bethany Bowling Lanes evcry On Sunday, Oct. 22, Mn. andj has been lovely this year and Tuesday cvening. Wliy is it Mrs. Charles Gay visited Mrs for a mudli longer period than tha bxvlngaliysscc hghWill Hamnilton at Havelock. usuai. Tic nain and winds1 in centre sloping te thc Out- SIc rcturned with themn for a over the wcckend bave brougit side-or dees that mereiy re- weck's visit with relatives and down mest o! aur brightiy Yclvertonians wcre present Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass Mid-merning Tiunsday, fine tbis week at the tince func- and Ronnie moved on Saturday again visited aur cornmunity tiens beld in conjunction witi te their new home, 85 Qucen when the bouse on the farni iJanetvilc's United C h urc i St.,Bowmanvilie. of Joc Garczynski (tic one-1 ceilbration o! its Centennial. Mrs. Eva Hamilton of Have- time Bill Langstaf! farm) was j On Wednesday evening a "lien lock visitcd .bcn cousins hene, burncd down. Mns. Garczyn-1 party" o! sorts when Mrs. Mrs. Gay and Mns. Gcach. Mrs. ski was in Kendal and Joe was BRey.) R. R. Bonsteel O! Hamilton and Mn. and Mrs. chasing a cow eut o!is fali lBrente addrcssed tic gais. On Geadi and famiiy were dinner grain wien lic noticed smoke Saturday evening a bot chick- guests Friday cvcning with Mn. !rom the upper portion o! tie enie tper nsmch en- and Mrs. Jack Carscadden. hbuse. Dy thc time lie lad se- Every day's a good day speaker. Tic cvcrfiow con- Mandens inspccted thein hunt- tume it was fearcd the fine whe yu erv yurand cranny and left stnaggiers day. tic house mugit catch on tic farnily lots of our i hîke ourselves wlio arnived Mn. and Mns. Allen Foster trees acnoss tic road on Ncd just five minutes eanly, dling- visited in the Simcoc distnict Fester's side, and on inte tic extra-rich milk. Pour ing te every possible roost over tic weekend and brought woods. Ed. Youngman came itonceeas dssrt;_* obtainable. Rte a wry ne- Mns. Marlatt home with thcm. with his fonestny cquipmcnt it n erals dssrts ~ ~flection o! tic "tirneliness" of Reg Elliott lad thc mis- and had plenty o! watcr fromn seveitasarerehigthle Malcolm clan was tiat at fortune te get bis right arn the creck whidli runs betwcen sere i asa rfrehin ~lcast a dozen o! tliem wcecaugit in a pulley last Mon- tihelieuse and barn. This is between meal snack; ~lcft stranded in the stairway day wien thneshing at Roy anether Case when if prepen keepthemhealhy!at the morning service. Mcrcen's and had it broken in equipment bad been available kee thm halty!Wc xish that this samie tic bouse would bave been pnoblcm o! lack of space for ' f~ saved. This is tic fourth fine _____________hein lange cangregation shah LaMON' since Sept. 13 - tince barns Cniu opla gue our good (two in Kendai fine), a to- Jaevleneighbýons tireugli. (Intended for hast wcek) bacco kiln and a bouse. This PHON outthenest o! the year - an Mn. and Mns. Henry Dant lias been vcny bard on Mn. uuuland unique anc YOu'Illand Ken visited at William and Mns. Ganczynski who lad M A 3 5 4 hv oadmit. 'Dant's, Woodvilc. all thein cioties, bcdding, etc., ________________ Sympathy is extcndcd toiMn., and Mns. Sam Lee, burnt, and were in tiglit cmr- M.Georg e Chapman, Mrs. Toronto, visitcd at Robent cumstances befone, as lie bas C v ryPreston, Lavenne, B3-i Killen's. been iii witb diabetes. visitcd at Aubrey Hircock's, Bowman ville Cenotaph Mn. William Killen and son Mrs. Ritson Robent, Philadeiphia, U.S.A., visitcd at Robert Killen'a onAi onl tic wcckcnd. MUUresses i Mn. and Mns. Tom Curnie and famiiy, Mn. and Mrs. Wl fred Frank and David, SeanSt. Iu's W A 'ýberougli, visited at Robent Tcgetsekra i Sa t urda y~, N o v. i ith Mn. and Mns. Wes Camenon Octoben meeting o! St. Pu' attended the funenal o! the Afternoon Woman's Associa- late "Pete" Brown at Oshawa tien was Mns. D. H. Ritson. 10:30 A.M. i on Friday. Mrs. Bitson gave a vcry in- 1 Mrs. Alex McMaster, Joan formative talk on Bermuda. ! and Boss visited at Arche Rer description o! tic Islands ! Joncs' at Ennismere on Satur- fnomn the viewpoin~t o! a nesi-J Ail veterans and the general public are invited day hne yoM~. dent varied fnom impressionsý Mrs.Chales aylr, Ms Fo! tounists' tales and travel-, ta attend. We respectfully request that ail B.Gaspell, Mns. Ray Ca er'gues. oMns. Ahex McMaster at- Pictunes o! tic beautiful ~'tcnded tic meeting of the flowens, the pont, thie air base rnerhans wil c-op ratein losig teirplac OsawaPnesbyteny W.A. at and histonie sites added in- Allient Street United Churdli, tenest te lier addrcss. Mrs. of business during this special Remembrance Oshawa on Tiunsday. Ritson told about tic wondcr- Mn. and Mrs. Henry Dr fui work af the Salvation~ and Ken visited at William Anmy, with special reference Service. Dart's, Scarborough, on Sun- to, correction homes, Paisi day. Best Homes, and residencesi Johnny Monahan entertained for wonking girls and beys. Wifrid D. Carruthers, some o! bis friends at bis Mrs. Herbent Galbraith in- birthday panty. tnaduced Mns. Ritson and MayorMn. an d Mns. Fred Ward and tbanks were expressed by Mrs. farnily, Town Line, were vis- A. McGregor. itons at Wes. Cameron'a on Mrs. Boss Stevens opened 1 Sunday. the Worship Service with "Thoughts on Thanksgiving" OBT A y lier two, grandsons Carl and, Hudson, 60 Adanac Drive, andciud with the theme BT A Keith Hudson acted as bear- Scarborough, her son-in-law "Go teach ail nations." Mrs.i icrs. and two grandsons, Carl of Wilfrid Carruthers assisted in' MRS. J. 1". ROBINS rcvleadKihtho . reading the scri pture frem She was buried In the Unit-Brkvlead eihtho . Matthew 28: 16-28,. Mrs. Ellen O. Robins. xvife ed Churcli Cemetery at Littir________ Mrs. Robt. Stephens presid- of Rev. J. U. Robins of Wel- Britain, the cornrunity teý ed for the business sessionilington. died on Qet. 2Othl,, which lier grandparents caneý M 0 N EY when a donation was made to1961, at the home of her dau- as pioneers fromn England.1 theAnivesay Organ fundOghter, Mrs. M. S. Hudson. 60 Manv friends from this and, andalo o te eaones r-Adanac Drive. Scarborough.Ille surreunding oornunities1 AVAILABLE FOR adr aisr toet aon ws so-She had been an invalid for where she had also lived andi der.e four coherateing Wa 50yars in her home in Wel- served came ta see lier laid1 l jlicitednfor thesE. MninIR W.CAÀG CE Bazaar in Novemer.lnto.trst Group one is working on ai Mrs. Robins was the dauh- A a iffad - -- he layette for the next bale. and ter of Rev. Josephi Archer andi exceiied adhsif eo- * ~ i .JAL Mrs. Bowman announced that Martha Hardy of Little Bn l es which wiil continue to en- i BHS O E donations of good uscd cloth-i tain and sister of the late Dr. ricli those near and dear to i ing wouid be welcomed. A. E. Archer of Lamont Hos- her. She ieaves ber husbandji Barrister and Solicitor A letter was rcad from he pital and the late Rcv. W. R Rev. J. U. Robins, ber two 130 King St E. Oshawa ArcerofLaefildan daughtcrs, Miss Marjorie Ro- Presbytery President urging tArer of Lth fe l aMi s Mi ins,292 Wiidwood Park, RA 8-6246 rcncwcdeffort e that e cern-Archer Winnipeg and Mrs. M. S. T. ____________ plete our commîtmients fori ___ ____ 1961 and have a balance toý She was boro 87 years ago, carry into the New Organiza-lin Uxbridgc and movcd abouti tin The semi annual Pres- in Ontario in the Campbeil-' bytcry Wornan's Associationi:ford, Hanilton, St. Catharines[ TOWN OF DO WMAN VILLE meeting xviii be heid in Al-Iand Moorefield areas as lier' bert St. Church, Oshawa, on'father was stationed at vani-, Thursday, October 26th. elus places. After lier mnar-1 Foliowing the W. A. Bene- ri age she lived in mission, diction, Group 2 prcsidcd o 'rfieids in North Hastings in the social heur. ovrthe Little Britain - Oakwood district, at Wellington, Bow-' manville, Listowel and Tren-ý ton until her husband's re-' Drama GrOUP tirement frorn active ministry, Dot ramaeintGroupmein WiII Perform Wellington until shortiy beT t n tlm n D & LMrs. Robins was an active 0OF At P teroro heiprnate te lier husband in the churcli. In circuit after, The Bowmanvîile Drama, circuit she worked in the Wo- ýWork5hop met at the Lions mcn's Organizations, organiz- A lively greup discussion land frequently acted as organ- 1 9 6 1 T A X E S advocatcd changes in admin- ýist and choir leader. Her vib-ý istration te enabie the mcm- rant Christian faith influenced bers te become more activei many with whom she worked. ARE DUE AND PAYABLE participants in ail the phases I The funeral was hcld on of damaic wrk.Oct. 23rd at thc Ainsworth It was resolved te postpone;Funeral Parleurs, Wellington, I the production cf Williamlthe Bey. J. F. Lane giving the N v 7 h 1 6 Inge's "Dark at the Top of the address. The flowers and thep Stairs" until the members had mnany expressions of appre- had more experience and ý ciation for hr'r work and life would then lie able te niake lin the chuncli testif ied te the JACK L. REID, B3owm-anville 's first fuli-length esteern in which she was heîj. play a memorabe -vent. Mr. HarrY Pierson, Mn. Ken"- Clerlc It was decided Te substitute neth Lane, Mr. J. C. Dart, her an eiglt week course in work-1 son-in-law M. S. Hudson, and W__________________________ shop activities, under the dir- ectorship cf Mr. John Shoe- maker. This will enable ail members cf the group te be A AR B K N actively performing and cx- perimenting in whatever as- pect cf the drama is best suit- cd te their inclinations or capabilities. New members intenested in the .theatre are always wel- z cerne and our next meeting is in the samne place at 8 p.m. on ýThurs., Nov. l6th. The werkshop's first pro- '. duction for the xvinter seasen can lie scen at the Peterbor- ;ougli Drama Festival on Fri- , ~ day, November l7th, 1961, at . 8 p.m. in the Qucen Mary Auditorium, Monoglian Rd.. eeMe assnwbueep Peterboroughi. It is one of, booeeBa ari o tes butecp Tennessee Williams' intcrcst- Dai o quat, y for aosro-rite ay i ing eariy picces called "The lFOISISo wres rus-rt tdy Case cf the Cruished Petun- Âec ADvsino las" and is being dircctcdbyura DAIRY FARMERS 0F CANADA Mrs. E. Samuel cf Orono. 147 Oavenport Road, Toronto 5 Gee .l4. . . . . . . . . ._. No scasons within the walis of youn home. A wonderful, feeling of warmth throughout the year, safe, economical Esso wanmtb. Se dependable and dlean, se completely auto- matic that you'll bardiy realize it's winter once you're inside. Relax and Ieave your beating problcms te Esso. You'I lave a constant supply cf top-quality, ciean-burning Esso Furnace Oil, delivered te you automatically as the weathen ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPIERIAL. FOR THE BEST demands. On budget ternis if you wish. Heating equipment service dealers, trained by Impenial Oul Lirnited, will give prompt and expert service when required. If you need ncw cquipment you can choose from a full lime of burners or complete furnaces, installed on very easy monthly ternis. To enjoy the wonderful world of Esso warnmth just caii your nearest Imperial 011 sales office. OIL HEAT --.0 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8th, 1961 l' '. -PAGE TWO

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