IýDNSDAY., NOV. 15ti, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVM=L. ONTAM1O AENE Goodyear Hockey% Hose RaIIy fo Tie Mats Fan Beits Down Office The Fan Beits downed th Off ice 6-4 in the opening garr of Sunday's Goodyear Hocke League double-header to talE &ver first place. The Hose, foi ced to stage a late rally t earn a 3-3 tie with the la: place Mats, fell back to seconÉ a point off the pace. The Fan Beits rolled Up 4-0 bulge and led 6-1, befor the Office came back with pair. Bruce Colwell, Jim Mc Knight, Gerry Marjerrisor ]3ob Marjerrison, Alex Aiex ander anid Fred Cowle dividei the winners' tallies. Winstoi Vanstone fired a pair for tih Office with Raye West add ig the other goal. In the second garne, the Mat scored three times in the firs 13 minutes and maintained th, lead until 15 minutes from th, end to appear well on the wa: ' 0 their first win. Goals b. D3on Bagneli and Scott Essery two minutes apart, cut ti ,margin and Don Masters san] the equalizer with a minuti and 50 seconds left in thi game. e Gary Cooper scored twlc W L T Pt. Ken's M ie and picked up an assist, wh1ile: Fan Belta - 3 1 0 6 Bow'ville y Ted Fairey notched the other Hose 2 1 1ià5Liberty.1 re Mats' goal and drew assists on Office 1____i 2 1 3 Selb3' Gr r- both Cooper markers. Mats - - 0 2 2 2 Cowan E to Bow'ville ýst -Nels Os1b SMixed Bowling League Fias1a iay Hap's B.. re t inalyhappened-. league- the high triple mark by Il Pepsi Col a leading Mohun lost a game. pins over Hilda at 731. AI Lobb Robson Iý cSpîcer lived up to captain Art was next at 711, followed by n, Spicer's pre-game prediction, Cec Mutton- 709, Murray Naine .that they would hand the lead- Grant-691, Cliff Trewin- Dr. Howa dIers their first loss, by dealing 689, Art Spicer- 681, One Russ Gin )n Mohun a 5-2 defeat, Friday Etcher-67Q. Jim Castle-641, AI Osbor .e night. O'Rourke took advant- Norm O'Rourke-633, Bob Larry Pil 1. age, trouncing Hilda Brock Glanville-609 and Ken Lux- Russ Hal 7-0O to move within eight points ton-604. Ed Lugte tof first place. Other high singles were Ed LesliE St Castie, upset 5-2 by Harri- rolled by Ai Lobb-277, Mur- Ernie Pe .e son, slipped a notch into ray Grant-275, "Duke" Brunt Frank Le e fourth, with Spicer taking over -274, Jim Castle-268, Art Carl Les] [y third. Elton Brock, continuîng Spicer-259, 251; Cec Mutton- Hap Palr )y on the move, swept to a 7-0 259 and Elton Brock-250. Ted Bagi Ywin over Bromeli, while Et- George F ie cher downed cellar-dweliing This is a lousy depression. Alf Sarn< * Palmer, also by a 7-0 score. Every body's w or ki ng andBill Heai te Hilda and Elton Brock tied everybody's broke. .-At least Jack Gaý ie for high single honours both we didn't have to work in the Morley V at 302. Elton's 742 earned him last one. ,eor- IE.J1uI Clarer Jack1 Norm Shamrocks Stili Building Haro]( bY Bill Orme Fans who showed up at the ,ocal arena On Monday night ou this week, received a plea- Sant surprise in the appear- ance of three local veterans, nut for the first Urne in sev- eral weeks. The trio, Lloyd Hamilton, Don Masters and Bob Marier- rison made up a lune that clicked smoothly and should provide the extra scoring punch needed to make the Shamrocks offensively strong- er. Following the practice, the signing of players cards took place and Coach Bill Morri- son announced that there will be no further workouts this week. Next 1E/nî1r1v ,ddht wirl Ilwknwwh~ OMINION 'Tve always known that 1 could depend on DOMINION Ic the very best in meats . .. tender, juicy and full of flavou Now I know whyl DOMINION selects only the very bestc red and blue brand beef... the one out cf ten that makes m faniily smack its lips in approval. And DOMINION is justa choosey when it buys' pork ... lamb .. . veal ... poultry .. ail ineat products. Only the best les good enough ic DOMNION ... good enough for you. And the best costs n more . . ; ofien Iess . . . at DOMINION, because cf mpr efficient buyin g . .. more efficient handling. To top it aa DOMINION and only DOMINION off ers friendly personz service as welI as self-service. No wonder smart Canadi& housewives from coast to coast say 'DOMINION IS FAMOT. FOR MEAT 1"'f This Weeks Specials « Serve Soup and Crackers - Ifeinz 10 oz. Tin « TOMATO SOUP lic Pillsbury - White and Chocolate 17 oz. Pkg. CAKE MIXES 2Ifor 59c Kon-Tiki - Choice 28 oz. Tin SLICED PINEAPPLE 3 for $1 Serve on Toast - BilIy Bee 12 oz. Container CREAMED HONEY 23C Preniium inside Each Pkg. Salada Prior Park Cello Pkg-. of 90 BLACK TEA BAGS 89C Boston CORNED BEEF LOAF 12 oz. Tin 39C DOMINION QUALITY PRODUCTS Domino 16 oz. Jar - Special CHEESE SPREAD 53C Domino Special LIQID24 oz. 32 oz. LIQUID TinTi DETERGENT 45c 59c BAKERY FEATURES Gilchrist Each CHERRY SPONCE CAKE 2.3C .. - I., Riclunello SCONE ROLLS "G. B. BACON BUNS -P kgy. c f 12 23C Pkg. cf 8 25C kAlMrchandise sold at your Dominion Store Ltd. iunconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfactioll. the final practice prior to the real test, when on Thursday at 8:15 p.m., Shamrocks enter- tain Port Hope Ontarios, ln what will be the league open- er for both these clubs. It appears now that local hockey fans are ln for a winter of good, fast entertainment and team officiaIs and players alike urge the full support of noRichmello )re d,4 PINT BRICKS SICE CREAM 8S Canada Grade A Medium Size Braeside RA (HICKEN LEGS CHICKEN BREASTS lb. j Florida No. 1 Seedless Ruby Red Sze 96s GRAPEF.RUIT 10 for 49C Ontario Grown Fancy Eating or Cooking SCARLET PIPPIN APPLES 6 qt- basket 49C Values effective in Bowmanville until closing t'une, Saturday, November lSth, 1961 DOMINION STORES LIMITED Men's Major LeagueI Standi ng End of 9th Week Don Bsop723 FfstScede i Jack Munday -27 200 ITeam W L Pts. Frank Blunt- 27 200 w