PAGE TEN WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th, 1- KEDRO NThe 2Oth Brownie Pack h el 4'. their Hallowe'en party an, (Intnddf0r l.ast week) Ifee table, and a pair of sheetsiWednesday. Prizes for theï On Thursday afternoon theland pillow sqIps when the best costumes were given toi ladies of the Kedr<in Women's Tre9unnas moved out of the Cathy Souch, a witch; Sarah' Auxiliary held their meeting cOmnmunitY. Jane Sage, a lion; Regina Sch-: at Fairvew Lad ge. The Mat-. The December meeting will leiss, a Hawaiian; and Trudy ai ron of the lodge welcomed take the forxn of a dance in Hart, a hobo.I te.MsJakGlovr the! the Cornmunity Centre. Last term the students of thnen Mofs.h Jack rae,1 nMna vnn hi Kedroài Public Shool sent ini couvnor ! te prgrame~ n Mndayeveing he~entries in the A.B.C.'s of In- 1J ~ j I introduced Mrs. Jae Stanr, thej Scout and Cub Mothers' Aux- dustry WiigCnet n W. A. President, who accOm-iialry met at the church fora n a bout tin.g C ntst, andlr Spanied a sing song of favar: re-organizatian meeting. Mrs. forgot au tdrn h If J i~~~te hymns. Mrs. Grant Glover!G NM Varnum, President fumer It asapasn (I read a passage of scriptureAuielesfo law, spake rise this week ta be noti-1 yF fi, ndled in prayer. oAuthe dieso Ohewa sous Shax P an two students, Beth bF % .!--"? Mrs. Harvey Crossmngaeofficers, and condueted the wnPie d ain rig adi At two reapiizes,"andtth DtyinOaddiecAlthaugh Hanourable W. A. - .-, two readings, "In the Days o!~~1 eeto. The officers for the1 tion ta hi wrsteGofla adteana the Rocking Chair" and "In coming year are as follows: school wouldreive $10. mt e oeng a! l the n ari ar theWod toe lo."Mrs PstPrsien, m.Harry The Xei¶ron Wamen's As- atian of Agriculture last week1 A DURO PUMP Charles Thomias played theiRose; President, Mrs. Robert sociation met alter church on aitrrt oea i piano for a sing-san'g af old Fraser; Vice Presidents, Mis. Sunday tL0 do sme planning eak as a swan sang, l 1! amiliar songs. Mrs. WilliamlJack Elliott and Mis. Taylor; for their Tea and Sleof1 has turned out that hie wasi Meana etter iving Werry read two poems, "«Ad- Secretary, Mrs. William Skuse; Home Baking and Christmasdevrig hs atmjo (~UR DURO Water Sys- ventures in Stitches" bY Pa-1 Treasurer, Mrs. Allan Wllbur; novelties andi gifts, which will tuespeeh ovs d t ther Hgicul- 0/ temn gives us fresh, pure tience Strong, and "The Tea- SewigCnvenor Mrs. Merle take Place inr. N ovemberthe inh water when and where we pt." Mcrst, Robeer Dae cain c ns Visiti Co nvenor, Mrs. the Lawer Hall o! the chureh. vays portfolio in the new cab- needit .. ddsto ur on-'Derý Brnet. he ew re-inet announced later in the nec it.. ddsto ur on- thescrptan evryoe in- ere Banet. Te nw Pe- Mrs. Eîmily Stover and Miss week and was succceded by venlence and comfort of daily eci in playing "The Foolish sident, Mrs.Fraser, insaled Ola Butterili, of Kingston, aohrBll hsoewt life. Kingdcom." Mrs.b Mrs. Ross Toriemny o h okwere weekend guests of Mr. the surname Stewart whot DUOPumps are a alccompanied byr te wrkand Mrs. Lisle Noble,.ae rmMddce ony DRavai - Lee, sang a group of songs, of the Scouts a.nd Cubs theè Miss Marion Booth, Mis. able in ail sizes ta meet in- "Little Old Lady," "Look for Auxiliary decided to circulate Harold Werry, Mrs. Mary Bair cornesGom d eex urgd the ivua ned.Se your the Silver Lining"l and "Bar- three aprons in the area. Fn-. and Mrs. Alice Sinclair at- Federation ta mave toward thet Pluniber or DURO dealer ney GooglIe." Mrs. M ur toan;ends and neighbors who wish tended the Women Teachers' establishment of anc strangy for fREl ifolraino rt atrgv d, "My to make a contribution are ta Federation dinner at Brooklinar onitan in Ontari.f fo FE fler«Runing Financial. Career" by Stephensew thei money on the apron United Church Hall this week. He said sma]j, ineffective com-L Water, te Farm Necestity". Leacock. with a Patch. On Friday, Mrs. Everett modity groups cannot achieve Mis. Jack Glover thanked A speciai service commemo- Mountjoy, Mis. Hugh Gan- for the farmers ivhat collect- the ladies o! the Lodge for ratinig Memorial Day was held non, Donna, Janice and jijl ivc action can. His opinions their hospitality, and Kedron United C-hurch on called on Rev. 19. H. Wylie, in %ert, echoed by some- thoughr was served. Sunclay morning. During the Toronto. flot ahl- of the 9 past presi-L ~,On Satuîday eveningr the service an induction service Mrs. Ben Hlitchens, Mrs j dents o! the CFA who werer S Doubles Club entertained the wa held for this yeaî's Sun- W. McNally, Mrs. R. Bishop honoured at this 25th anniver-c members of the choir at their day Sehool woîkers. The tea- and Mirs. Ted Maidman attend- sary convention, the theme o! Dl November meeting. The meet- cer and officers were as1 ed the Central Area Gr ic wa "Tm FoDCci ing was held in the Communi- foîîows: Guide Training session in convntin ddne ty Centre, adjournIng to the Begnners, Mrs. Ronald Mor- W'hitby on Saturday. Whilc thecovnindntt church at the close for a stib- isan,. Derek B a r n le t t; The cOmmunity extends its make decisions on certain im- stantial lunch of pie and cof- C'hurch Kindergarten, M r s. sympathy ta the family of the portant matters, it took Mr. F fee. The meeting opened with Murray Mountjoy; Kindèrgar- late Mr. Norman Brown who Goodfcllow's advice scriously a worship service. is. Ev- ten, Mis. Ted Maidman; Jun- passed away this wcek. Flow- even before it was given be- erett Mountjoy read a portion ior primary, Mis. William ers were placed in the church cause it unanimously adoptcd of soipture, and Mrs. Bill Woodward, Mis. R. Wright; in his memory onSna1 eouio ahn o tp RSnaled upaer r.SnirPiay Girls, -Mis. nioining. ta bring agriculture under anc Stne Ogle gave a reading. William Rosnak, Mrs. Bruce Guests o!Ms Evrtuntdadtrgeorni- ITU?~f ~ ~ Te CubdecdedtasposoSenior Primary Mountjoy on Sunday weîe tion in Canada. The resahittion p urira & urIFINRSI the Candlelight Service againB 1sMr. Ro Robinson; Jun-~ Miss Sybil Langmaid and ivrs, asked all fanm organiszationsC LIMITU PF82 this year, piobably on De- jor Girls, Mis. Stanley Ogle; Harry Rose and family. and commidity groups ta workd LN OCA A Acember 17th. Junior Boys, Mr. Brian Lee, Mis. Brian Lee this weelc taward thîs end which we IOND N A A A Court Whist was enjoyed. Mr. Ronald Werry; S e nio r entertaincd Mi. and Mis. John1would interpret as the green Prizes for high scores weîe Girls Mis. Bryce Reeves, Mis. Walker, o! Connecticut, and light for further negotiais give taMi. ed aidnan en itchens, Senior Boys, Mis. L. Simpson of Toronto. by the Ontario executive o! Jn A CK sRO Bi-Il~d~ Rosna. rizes r.WllamWrr Mr. Walker, an uncle of Mrsthe OFA with the Farmers'IC ]PLUMBING and REATING Mr. Derek Barnett and Karen R. Bishop, Mi. Earl Burke, Of "The Gay Life,", wacehich1 resolutian nated that bath or- Pasoe.Mus. Harold Werry; B iblIe played at the O'Kecfe Centre ganizations were working ta Division Street South A letter fr&imMi. and Mis. Class President, Mis. Everett this Past week. the same end and for tke samne MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE Jack Tiegunna wvas rend Mountjoy; Cradie RaIl De- puipase. ___________________thanking the Club for the partment, Mrs. Joe Starr, Mis. Mi. Gaodfellow also told gift o! end tables and a -caf- Hrst; Suprerinen, M u. Ear the convention that Deputy I Hurs; S-peritendnt, r. N w O iIcers Minister COuf! Graham wo« Jack Francis; Assistant Super- has suffered a prolonged ili- 1 i.iatetMr.Wler ness will nat be retuining ta Mr.WiliamWeryMr.TeEle tyd Bbis office. Fari people willC Maidman.; Treasuier, MT:. Ah-y U be genuincly sorry ta hear REEBRvin Spencer; S ecretary. Mr oa O.. that:such arelatively young Il E D Atg Scholl would like t oa 8Ontario airerlonger aleta serve them. Mr. e Elf R Y T ES Dthank the cominunity for sup- Union heid the Noveniber Goodfellow gave no hint about WATCH THEpouting their UNICEF pîoject meeting at the home o! Mu. bis replacement-.- vhich is nOtat WAC TEjon Hallowe'en night. A total and Mis. Donald Lamnb, Ennis- suîpîising since he probably g o !o $52 was collected.le. President Otto Bragg had a pîctty goad idea that s (" F10- TV FARM SHOW Taking advantege of the conduoted the busines and he wasn't going ta be Minister e perfect weather, a reo<rd dealt with conrespondence. o! A'griculture much longer. Commentator Larry Burt discusses how te number o! Trick or Treaters Reports !rom the recent However, the fact that hie ask- Itmade the rounds. The Boy Provincial C on v en tion at ed assistant dcputy minister "FARM BETTER ELECTRICALLY" cot enjoyed a Hallowe'en Lindsay were given by Mis. Biggs ta act as Master o! Cere- F C MNUL BTOONT i220pm to 2:0 arty at the chuîch on Hal- Hugh Coutts, John Malette, manies at the banquet tendered CHANEIL9 TRONT 1220 .m. o'1:30p.flL lowc'en. The variaus rooms Elmer Cox aiid Otto Bragg. by the department for the fed- I et Kedron and M a x w e il E-leetion, of officers resulted cration could be highly sig- F, Sehools enjoyed costume par. as follows: President, Otto nificant. Bal eitr rBragg; Vice 'President, Ivan Mr. Goodfellaw thought far- w ---i.Bal; SeretCox. a su rile r, mers could look foîward ta the R Directors: Publicity a n d dlay o! deficiency production 0 EduPoa ndial, Mi ug Cts. L e epresent surplus production cc M u n i ip a l Ele c n Wood; Organizational, I{ugh position. While he predicted hi Coutts; Auditor, Joe Trudeau. that oui faim populationDeebrmeig a wuWpobbyb ont ~ 5 * *heldat he ome e 50A 000 by the end o! the next cc a %Fw*wu** p UT .urxu of the Township of Clarke will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO en FRIDAY, NOV. I4the 1961 at the hour cf one o'clock in the afternoon for the nomination cf candidates for the office of REEVE, DEPUTY-REEVE AND 3 COUNCILLORS for the Corpcration cf the Township cf Clarke for the ensuing year, in conformity with the provisions cf the Municipal Act of the Province cf Ontario, also nomination cf three Trustees for the Township School Area cf Clarke by Ratepayers in the said Township School Area cf Clarke. If more than the necessary number cf candidates are nominated, and a poil is required, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DEC. 4th, 1961 when a poil will be open at ten c'clock in the morning and continue until seven o'ciock in the afternoon cf the same day and no longer in each Poiling Sub-Division cf the said Township. Polling Places for Election of Municipal Council and School Trustees PolIint Places No. 1-communlty Hall, Newtonvllle No. 2-Sehool Hou@ ln S.S. No. 5 No. 3-School House i former S.S. No. 9 No. 4-Orange Hall, Kendal No. 5-Township Hall, Orono No. 6-School Hous ln S.S. NO. 15 No. 7-Seoo Hos iS.S. No. 18 No. 8-Sceoo Hous i S.S. No. le No. 0-Couneil Chamber, Orono And at said election, EL E. Milion, Cierk, shall be Rteturning Officer. Deputy Eeturning Officer James Imlach Wellington Farrow Cecil Malley Arthur Thompson George Morton Norman Bahrstow Lawrence Harris Orme Falla a. B. O. Coatham Poil Clerk Mrs. Leta Samis Ross Adams Mns. Chas. Fisk - Mrs Helen Couroux Mrs. Olive Miller Roy' Thompacu Mn. Fred Grahamn Mrs. John Stark Mms lone Forrester H. E. MILLSON, Clerk. God Save The Queen Mrs. Lew Wood. Lunch and a social time foflowed. Winners o! Farni Union Draw were: Ist: Mis. Laine McMillan, R. 3, Chatswoith; saId by Mis. J. F. Gam'ble, Chatsw o rt h. Seller receives $15 to be giv- en ta Local 7. 2nd: Henry Metcelfe, Beach- burg; sold by J. H. Metcalfe, Beachburg. Seller 'rece i v e s $10. 3rd: George Little, 89 Heu, chuiner Ave., Belleville; sold by John Mclnnis, Roslin. Sel- ler receives $10. 4th: Mus. C. Bell, Bay!ield; soid by Lynda Hill, Bayfiel. Seller receives $10. 5th: Mis. Doris Patteuson., R. 4, Bawmanville; sold by Miss Barbai-a Browes, R. 4, Bawmanville. Seller receives $10. Ferm Union Week Member- ship Drive Nov. 20-25. ELIZABETH VILLE church services and sunday school werc held as usual. Wedncsday evening we helà our an/mual fowl supper with Ian exéellent crowd. We serv- i cd supper to, about 500 people. IA bus load of senior bitizens 'from Cobourg before five a 'dock sure spegded things up and we weue kept busy fîom then on. On Friday a!ternoon funeral services Were held for the late John McGahey in the United Chuich. Rev. Wright con- ducted the services. On Satuuday evening Mr. and Mis. E. Fowler attended the Legion bot dinner at 1 Bewdley. JThe deer hunters returned Sunday with some venison. The group included Elmer Fowlei and Alan Sheppard from here, Wayne and Ron Yarrow, Oshawa, and Wilbert Fowler, Peterborough. iMiss Gloria Quantrill was bridesm.eid on Satuîday for JMar Beckett at Newtonville. Mr. and Mus. V. Peacock spent Sunday at Milligan with Honey and Mary. The Muldrews were dawn froin Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Morris had i another entertaining day for the young boys on Saturday. Mu. and Mus. Milford White jcelebrated Mrs. White's birtl 'day on Saturday evcnng àn Suzanne Thickson baby-sat for themn. Mi. and Mis. Loongyear visit- cd witth Mr. Chris Smith o! Coîborne who was staying with Mis. Briniacombe. Mi. Sm-ith visited bis old friends iu Osaca where he lived for a nuniber o! years, and celc- brated bis 92nd brithday on Sunday whiie there. ro w Bd ro w airbairn 25 yeais- 1986- he thought production would be higheî be- cause o! improved faîming techniques. Hawever,. with a population expansion ta 81/2 million in Ontario, the de- mand for food and other faim produce would more than off- set an increase in production and farmers might find them- selves in the happy position o! seeing a sellers' market again. Without bointing ta condi- tions- such as cheap imports -that could influence thîs pas- sibility Mi. Goodfellow added that marketing plans fou eveîy commodity were needed. He feit that ca-ops wvould incîcase until they were handling 40 ta 50% o! the farmeis business but that private enterprise would always be essentiel ta provide the balance wheel. He urged OFA members ta get more good farmers into faim organization work- an ald refrain of this columnist. Bill Tilden, wha was ne- elcctcd president o! the OFA, told the convention that the organization must have marc money ta provide the services its membeis were demandîng. Contributions last yeaî amn- ounted ta ncaîly $170,000 but werc still short 9 expenses by ov'er $1,000. Ie didn't say that direct membeiship might increase the income o! the OFA but he thought it would develop more interest and loyalty. Howeveî, the conven- tion effectively shelved this issue for another year by re- feîring the resolution on direct membcîship ta the Board af Governors. Mr. nd rs.Newon e-nanvudle, OnItaio, Box 730, ItsMr. and Ms. Cew enMce Telephone MArket 3-5513. Wintosh, Mi.Spnd Mus. aned________ Wils, Cold SWoinds,Mi.hand, wee red Woadis, Osawa, ed BURKETON Cameion's. 1Mis. Fred Cameron went Syipathy fa extended ta on a bus trip ta Taronto. Mi. and Mrs. H. GUI and Mi. anid. Mis. Don Prout !an-ilinl the passing o! Mirs. and sons, Bowmanvllle, visit- James Gill. ed at Ray Camierons. -Mi. anid Mis. A. J. Trick, Mr. and Mis. Wilfîed Frank Lindsay, called on friends and and David, Scarbôî, Mi. relatives lu the village this and Mis. Robert Killen were week. supper guests ait Wes Cam- Synipathy Is extended ta eron's. Mus. M. Lavelle aud faTnily o! Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Gil- Taranto, fthc former Bernice nour, Peterborough, w e r e Barber, and relatives in the Sa'turday eveuing visitors at sudden passing o! Mr. Mal- Fred Cameron's. colmn Lavelle. Mr. and Mis. Dave McCul- A number froas hiere at- loujgh, Oshawa, visited at tended thec chicken pie sup- Frank Pascoc's. per in St. John's Paîish Hall Mu. and Mis. Frark Pascoe in Blackstock Friday night. werc Sunday sup.per guests at Mr. and Mis. E. M. Adamis Ron Dickinsons Oshawa. visited with relatives lu Bow- Mi. Henry Dent and family manville ou Saturday evening have the sympathy o! the and then went on ta Toronuto communii ty iu the passing of and spent Sunday wth Mr. his father, William D a rt, ajlid Mis. Ernest Goodrnan. Woodville. %r adMis.Chre am Mi. and Mrs. Aubrey Hir- sley, Toronto, and family, SundaY visitons at Fred Cami- eron's. Mr. and Mits. Nelson Friceý visited at Fred Dart's, Wood-, Ville, oft Sunday.1 Mi. and Mis. H. F. Stephen,1 Mr. and Mis. Ted Colis, Osh-1 awa, weuc Satuuday evening guests at Rosm C. Stainton's. Agricultural Calendar November 10-18 - Royal Winter Fair: Beef Cattle - Nov. 16-17. Dairy Cat-tIc - Nov. 13-14. Queens Guinea - Fni. Nov. 17. S h eep - Monday, Nov. 13 (Dai-sets, Lincoln, Çheviots, Oxfords). Tuesday, Nov. 14 - (Cols- wolds, Sautbdowns, N. C. Cheviots, Corriedale s). Wednesday, Nov. 15 - (Lei- cesters, Suffolks). Thuusday. Nov. 16 - (Hamp- shires, Shropshires) Chams- pionships, Trophy Presen- tations. - S w ine - Mondey, Nov. 13 (Yorkshiues, Tamworths). Tuesday, Nov. 14 - (Le- comibes, Becikshires). Wednesday, Nov. 15- (Landrace). November 20-21 - Zone Rep. Conference Lindsay. Novemnber. 22 - Durham Jun- ior Faîmers Association Meeting. Thui-sday, Novembcî 23 - Dur- ham County 4-H and Junior Farmer Awaîd Night, Or- ono.t Tuesday, November 28 - Dur- hem 500 Bushel Potato Club Annual Banquet. November 24. - Decemnbeu 2 - International Deiry Show, Chicago. Eriday, Deceruber 1 - Durham Holstein Club Annual Ban- quet. Tucsday, December 5 - Dur- hem Holstein Club Annuel Meeting. Tuesday, Januery 9 - North Durham Apple Groweus An- nuel Meeting, Depei-tment o! Agriculture, Brighton. Thuusday, January il - 10:00 a.m. - Duuham Soil a n d Crop Impiovement Annuel Meeting, St. John's Parish Hall, Bowmanville. Prepaued by: Ontario De- ock and Brian, Oshawa, weîe were Saturday evenlug guests, PHONE MA 3-2279 1 1 ---,Pe o! Mr. and Mis. Glen Lowrey, win Brown, Lindsay, wrffl and fam-ily.. 1 ySmthSunday guests o! Mr. and J Mr and Mis. l".!y mihrs. Orvus Smnith and famnily. and family spent the week- Mi. and Mis. T. Hodge and - end with Mr. and Mis. Clay- family wei-e Sunday guests a1 ton Vandernere and famlly, iMu. and Mms Stan Payne, ELnwood. West Hiu.f Mu. and Mis. R. T. Havey Mxs EnaMcLauhinwas and fanxily, Oshawa, called on Sunday guest o! NMi. and Mis friends in the village on Sun- Roy MeLaughlin and !amily, day. Nestleton. Mu. and Mus. George Carter Don't forget Sunday School and family, Bowmanville, Mi. at 1015 a.m., and chureh wor. and Mrs. Kenneth Carquill nliîp at 11:15 a.m. and John, Toronto, and family_ spent Armistice Day witl. , * Mis. A. Carter. Gel zour rce Soruy ta report that Mis. H. Woodward had the mis!adtune For Your L ivestock a! injuring heu neck at work. Mu. and Mis. Harold Lax- through meispent the weekend with STA T E 8MA N Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth armer, C LA SS 1F1E9D 8 Peterborough. 0'L-Phone MArket 3-3303 Mi. Al Reid fi-rn Ohlo is - - - - spendinkg a few days in the village this week. i" ~ E VC Soîry ta report that Mrs. ARX S RVIC Jack Smnith is under the doc-. DEAD. OLD & CRIPPLEN> tor's care.1 FARM STOCK Mi. and Mus. George David- Removed Free of Charte son and family, Whitby, weîe Immediate 24-Hr. Servie Sunday guests o! Mr. and; Ask Yonr Operator For Mus. B. Hubbard. Mi. and Mrs. Dave Gatchell, ZEnith 66550 Oshawa, called on relatives in Licence No. 46-C-60 the village on Sunday.I No Toil Chare Mi1. and Mus. Jack Cambell,1I Niek Pec6nl - Petrborogh~ Woodville, Mr. and Mus.Ir-' WELL DON'T WASTE TUME ON TIBAT OLD AND TROUBLESOME CHAIN SAW TRADE NOW ON A BRAND NEW PIO NEER CA NA DA'SNO.1 CHAIN SAW 6-20Ai 224.80 NU-17 159.50 compeWo TWrO 16- âoiuw conn. WON g1"AAM S. S. MORTM R.R. 2, BOWMANVULE - ONTARJO i Fatures of the e Ford car FAIRLANE 15*À NEW SIZE- BEI WEEN àARILL-SIZE CAR AND A COMPACT-.. Te Farlane series # isacompletelynew àQà inIe ofcars. It gives _____ i >ou theroom, ride and performance of abig car at a Jprice bilow many compacts. It valble itwo scs Fairlane or the deluxe Fairlane IçM. S0 WELL DUILI laU CAN FEEL fII1 Visit your Ford Dealer now ... take a ride in the '62 Failane-and actually "feel" the difference. Its salid single- unit construction brings yau a new level of quiet and quality. That is bc- cause the floor, sides and roof are al welded into one solid unit so that there's no place for ratties to start. NEW V-8 ENGINE...* Ford has devcloped a-completely new V-8 engine that combines the strenglie of iran with the lightness of aluminum. As'a resuit, the 221 cu. ini. Challenger V-8, the newest from the world's V-S leader, brings you respansive power with smoother, quieter, marc econo- niical performance. A new Fairlane Six will deliver spbstantially better milcago than any other i its class and il is actually more econoinical than many o f the compactsl ROOMY AND CONFORTAILE FULL.SIZE INTERIORS.. Inside, Fairlane is nor a compact. 1% boasts traditional big car roami for six passengers. Posture-perfect front scats are generously foam padded. SThere is a wide selection ocf luxunious Interiors. And the optional choice of power steering and power brakes coin- pletes the remarkable standard ofbuilt- for-people comfort everywhere! AS SERVICE FREE AS A CAR CAN BEI The newFairlane enjoys Ford's famous built-to-takc-care-of-itself features. You go up to 30»00 miles between chassis lubrications .. Up lu 6,000 miles between ail changes. There's a new 30.000 mile or two-year radiator coolant. Brakes adjust themselves- automatically. Ford Dealers give a 12- month or 12,000-mile warrafltY, which- cve cornes first. Sec the aew Ford FairIa7W nwl CARVETH MOTORS Phone 3191 Newcastle, Ontario L- EL I. WALKEY, Reeve. 9Rw. ravAnTAv t2rrAvrvLnràw - ONTARIO il Il 5. S. MORTON Phone- 321%