FOR C A S F E W W ~~iTuesday4:0pm Births Engagements Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Notice ZCMBERSON-Bob and Lillian Mr. and Mrs. Athur Bcd- ELECTRIC train, American TV, ADMIRAL 21" table mod- '50 AUSTIN engine. MArket NOTICE (nee Cale) are happy ta an- win, Newcastle, Ont., wish ta Fiyer. MA 3-7150. 46-1 eclwith radia. Phone MArket 3-2955. 46-1* A a »ouxc Ui brt ai a on at an ou ce he en age en oa WATER for sale. Robert Cale, 97.4 - '52 CADILLAC, without trans- ai Carl P, Gùelph General Hospital, on their daughter Marlene Lillie MA 3.5476 or 3-5805. 45-4* LARGE size wine doil car- mission. Phone MA 3-2923. Townshipc Tlbursday, November 9th, 196 i., ta Ralph Smith Murray, sonnae A brother for Steven and 'ai Mr. and Mrs. Clif ord M ur- W ATER for sale and cieliv red. phon. eCrectc511. n.T le l 46-1 n or aboi , t e r r i . 4 6 - 1 * r a y , F o x b o r , O n t . T h e m a r - C a l C l i i i P e t h i c k , C O 3 - 2 1 3 1 .l r k 5 1 .4 6 . *-5 C R Y L R e a ngrd o . w t t h e £ - nage wili take place early in 32-tf LADY'S wînter coat, size 14; $150 or near. Seen at 3 Car- for the Est FOWLER-Ron and Eunicei December. 46-1* FIEODi tv odirsseszs13ad1.Tle. lisie Ave. 46.1* 23rd day <riee Randall) are happy ta o eghs-1 od.C -25 phone MA 3-3495. 46-1 1961 PONTIAC Strato -chief, aiter whic: annune te irt a teiri.i.arige40-tf 300 SCOTCH Pine Christmas automatic, radio, white wall will be dis daughtem Deborah Kim, at i tes rnd 'trs lcrcwpr n a Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ILYTE - HEARD-The weddingGERHARD Heinzman teeiaruedo6 and up. Bob! trs lcrcwpr n ah gard only ville, n W edn sday, ovembe i was s lemniz d in M llbpianon gYoungmanon.Kendal.6 .46ou41 crs, private4lyrs 7500. o5n owh chch the , s olemrz fed n M:lbrookv. oo o dti n O -2 8mileage, Cash. Telephone MA have then vill, 1an1.AednsesdafovembgerWas 46-11 ELECTRIC train set on 8'x4' 3-3395. 46-1 DATED ai 46-1 4th, 1961, of Elenor MayTRKY Heard, daughter of M. and n'sTreyS fresh-kiled. Lym plywood Plus additional 1961 METEOR Demonstrator, E. ofNo Hd. ersTre Farm, MA 3-5049. features. Phone MA 3-7275. 2-dr.HrtoEatoai, aiRoi MEACHIN-Vivienne and John Mrs. Mairw'ood HW. r.arra 4.1* whie wli tires, ridsiel ai c are pleased ta announce the Enniskilien, ta William John i ____46-1white____tires_________ofC arrivai ai their chosen daught- Lyte, son ai Mm. and Mrs.1 MIXED slab wood. Rcsawcd LADY'S 3/ dark brown Mou- washers. 1961 Cornet 2-dr., er, Mary Caroline, a sister for Reginald Lyte ai Lindsay. Thein stove îengths. Newcastle ton coat, size 12, excellent con- black with white wall tires. Reed. 46-1 ceremoy wsprome Y43. 40-tf i dîtion. Reasonable.. MArket Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 NOTICE nh wv.Dr as rfor ed. by4î363-5048. 46.1* King St. E., Bowmanville. AU dcamr ________ the RevaDr. Harold6B. 3000 BALES good quaiity hy Phone MA 3-5689. 4Q-1 ai Lucinda High) and___Jack,_ason,______- apply Donald Davcy. CO!I.ADYS Mouton full length. fteVl Paul, and Jack, aHsonian, P ooga 3-2577.46-1 coat, size 18-20. Library desk.1 Livestock For Sale died on or Paul, a t Ml e m o rial Hospita9, P h-o r4p6y-1IB oth in good condition. Phone of___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ i Septeni 1961.AnviierorovMbr 9, CHOICE pruned ChristmasiMA 3-2938. 46.1*ITWO panies. Phone MArket filed with 196.- boter orMak.TOGR~APHY trees, reasonable. Donald Part-I.3-2646. 46-1 solicitor ai PHO e c Pontypool, R.R. 1. 45.2*IBEAM scale, 240 lb. capacityl portait * P ssp rts ALSC don, indo s, wn-on platform, 40 lbs. in scoop.ISHEEP on share basis. Rams day ai Nc '-PRESTON- Ray and GailPotat asot LC dorwioswn Nearly new. Phone Black-1i0r sale. MA 3-2160. 46-1 wiistribted (n ag ei) re ha py ta Wedin s A nieraresings, sîdings, carports, rail- stock 986-4239. 46-1140OPIGS, 1500 bales straw. E. ta those c' th%'S riv i aiS elatings. L amne Allun. MA 3-3871. ann ce a sf a46-2o seiat ORDERS taken for Christmas Dupins, phone MA 3-2193- undersigne' thei1uher, T b.9%o.atmmy caStdi decorations for table, mantell 46.1 had notice' thr,6 bs 9 o. t emr- Astor Sui SAVE on lumber, direct fromand door. Samples available.IYOUNG pigs for sale. Ray DATED at lai Hospital, Bowmanviiie, on M iil ta you. Phiilips Lumber Ph nyA354.4.*Ba b mn .. 3 ukt n a i N unday, November 5, 1961. 23 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Ca., Kinmount, Ont a r 10. PonIM -54366-*l1* E. Ric3 Bretndy f o 4hoe-M 3-2502 Phone 17r11. 45-tf POTATOES, dlean, excellent Solicit( ___________ PhonenMA in 75 lb. n bags. M.1FOR good quaiity hay, rerner- of Luc j Deaths MARR-At Southaven Nurs- p Irrg Home, Newcastle, on Wed- siesday, November 8th, 1961, Idia May Gardiner, aged 65 yecars, beioved wife af Thomas Barr and dear mother of Douglas, Tyrone. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile, on Sat- urday,, 'November llth at 2 o'cloclç. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 46-1 L< UGILEY- At Southaven Ný2ursing Home, Newcastle, on Sunday, November 12, 1961, Mary Agnes Ferguson, aged 80 yrears, wife ai William N. -BsuckIey, dear mother af George, Huntsville, dear sister of Tena M. and George B. Fer- guson bath of Newcastle. Ser- ,vice was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile, en Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 2:30 i..Interment Orono Cerne- te. 46-1 BYAM, Ethel May-At1 marial Hospital, Bawmarnv on Monday, November1 1961, Etht>l May Byam, belo wife ai Lionel Byam andd nioth«.r ai Doreen (Mrs. W ermTPa k), Yvonne (Mrs. Jai h), Clifiord and Gr ville, a e 68 years. Restini Northcutt & Smith Furi H~ome, 53 Division St. N., Bi inanville, until noan Thumr Zqovember l6th, thence ta Unit.ed Church, Tyrone, service at 2:30 p.m. In, mient Bethesda Cemetery. COCHRA.NE, Walter Orvil AtMemoriai Hospital, B ~uanville on Mondgy, Novi cr '13, 1961, Water Or Cochrane, husband ai L Pahm and father ai Jean « Harold, Toronto. Brothe: Hazel (Mms. G. Stinson), G. et, Lloyd, Russell, Leslie,I -' and Verna (Mns. H. Adams' his 6lst year. Rested at Noi cutt & Smith Funerai Ho 53 Division St. N., Bowrr ville. Service was held ini Chapel on Wednesday, Novi ber lSth, at 2 p.m. Interri Hampton Cemetery. 4 GRAHAM, Edna KathleenN son-On Fmiday, Nov. 10, 11 at Toronto, Edna KathleenN ~son Graham, daughter ai CI les Wilson and the late Fi Forsyth Wilson, mother William Jack, sister ai Freý Bella, Kenneth, Virtle and late Basil Wilson. At thef erai chapel ai A. W. Miles, St. Clair Ave. W., Tono Service.on Monday at il j Interment Bowmanville,( 41-tf Flowers CARNATION FLOWER SHOP MA 3-7141 After Hours MA 3-2944 55 KING ST. W. Funeral Sprays from $4.00 upl Hospital arrangements fram $1.75 Daily Fresh Flowers from our own greenhouse. Corsages and Brides' Bouquets 10% Discount for ail flowers ordered for Churches, Clubs and Lodges Satisfaction Guaranteed 46-1 Coming Events Dance ta "Kawartha Ram- blers"' in Pontypool Hall on Saturday, November 25th. Ad- mission 75c. 46-2, Plan ta attend Maple Grove Home & School Bazaar at Mapie Grove School on Nov. 18 fromn 2 ta 4:30 p.m. 46-1* Monster Bingo, Thursday. night at 8 o'ciock, sponsored by the Junior Chamber ai Commerce, Red Barn, Northý Oshawa. 45-tf Haydon W.A. will hold a bazaar on Nov. 22, at 2:30.1 Home baking, dry goods, country store. Lunch will b served, 25c. 46- 46-1 Chartered Bus going to Buf- fala weekend ai Nov. 24. îlje- Hotel reservations arranged.4 [30W. Phone Tu 5-2527, Port Hope. vern- Rowe Travel Agency. 46-1 .ville Goodyear Employees Recrea- L.eia tion Dance, Saturday, Nov. 25, :Mrs- 8:30, Bowmanvîlle Legion Hall. and Cavaliers Orchestra. Members 'r Ofi.50 non-members 2.50 couple. arn- 4- Ivan s) in Hîgh School Commencementi orth- exercises will be held at thel orne, High Schooi on Friday, Nov. nan- 24 at 8 p.m. Parents and ithe friends oi the High School are vem- invited. 45-3 KEYS cut automatically, while Mantel; RR. 3, Bunketon. Tele- 'ber Port Penny 985-2966. Pick- you wait, at Mason & Dale poeBlcsoc 8-40. up or delivered. 45-3 Haowmanvil3l Kin St. Ei 46-3125~ HEAVY Hybrid pullets, la- NOTI Bomnil.46-tfCERAC1o î-Lt Lg ng, also some potatoes. Tele- IN TH THISTLE baby carniage, good gage, only 5 pieces leit, dnast- 46-1 Tosoc 96-70. wnlir condition, white with blue jically reduced for quick sale.461Tw q trim. $25 or best ofier. Phone An ideal Christmas gift op TEAM - Black Percheron County MA 3-7139 aiter 3 o'clock. 46-1 cr's Jcweliery & Git So, 9 mares, ages 6 and 7. Phone High S, APPLES-Macs, Courtlands, King St. E. Phone MArkjt,Mongan Bigelow, Bethany led. Spys and Delicious, $1 bushe 3-5747. 46-1 Ir131. 46-1 'Al and up, also potatoes. S.BMArkEt Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, 170 CHOICE quality Hereford against R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Mre for good used television sets, and Durham stock calves and named 32595. 452* efields bed. dr ser:. 11/2 year aid stocker steers and day of INSULATION, biowing meth- od, with rock wool. Wonk- manship guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Hamry L. Wade. Tele-: phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf SINGER treadle sewing mach- ine $10; pressure pump and tank $45; young man's suit,« dank blue, size 38 medium $25. Phone Newcastle 2421. 46-1 BOYS hockey skates, sizes il1 and 2; sport jacl:et, size 7; two trench coats, size 8, like new; spning and winter weight. Phone Oshawa 725-5937. 461* BROADLOOM - wall-to-wall, or room size. Free estimates on wall-to-wall. Samples tak- en out ta your home for coloun and deconating ideas. F. A., Kramp Ltd., 37 King St. E., MA 3-7071. 34-tf PREPARE for coid weatherl ahead! Sec us today ion frec estimates on Aluminum Doors and Windows. You will be amazed how economicai they are fnom Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmran-1 ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 42-tf1 SEPTIC TANK î3TONE DRIVEWAY GRAVEL CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVEL Cellars and Trenches Dug LELAND PAYNE Phone 4204 CLARKE (Colleet) 25-tf SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 401 Tower Structure with singiel B213 AIi-Channel Aeriai cam-1 plete, instaiied and guaranteed for one year - $58.95 OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. 361 Gibbon St. Oshawa Phone Coilect 728-8180 Salem W.A. arc holding a 38-tfî; bazaar and afternoon tea at tic: the church, Wedncsday, Nzov.!SAND AND GRAVEL 29 at 2:30. Home baking,i sewing and country store FOR YOUIL DRIVEWAYS 1 - -- .IA NTTn r '.V.I% f.-; i 1booths. 46-2 IN uLâtN= Hilda Old Tyme and Modemr HNnER OTRL ai o Dancing in Newcastle Hall, Co 3-2682 eeda, November l8th. Dancing stants For Prompt Service and 1the at nîne. Spansoned by Ladies' Delivery 15-tf fun- Softball. Music by Jîm Fishen. s, 30 Admission $1.00 per persan. USED MACHINERY - M.-H. rnta. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45- 3-furnow, 3-point hîtch, plow; a.m. E chne - Massey 3-ftîmrow plow, on steel; a.m EuhreCand Party, Memor- Case 2-furrow plow 3-point Ont. mi Park Clubhouse, Liberty hitch;, Case tracton spreaden 46-1 St . o.2, ..,Po on rubben; International sced LEWIS-Suddenly at Kings- and Clinic. Lunch will bc' ton-On-Thames, Surrey, Eng- scmved. Admission 50c. Doon land, Mms. E. C. Lewis, dean prize. 46-1 riiother ai William Lewis and Bazaan, Wednesday, Novem-ý Ipving grandmothcr ai Wcndy, ber 29, at 8:15 in Eîrniskillen D~onna and Jimnmy, in hem 66th Church basemrent. Home Bak- 3mear. 46-1 ing, aprons îancy work etc. 1WACOUGAL -Dougldbountiful lunch served. Caine (Mac)DOUGALL - Dougaeldor-and bring a iniend. Enniskillen onto Hydro). Entered into rest Parsonage Board. 46-2 at Uic Roach Nursing Home on Turkey dinner, St. George's Thursday, November 9, 1961, Church, Newcastle, Wcdnes- Dougald MacDougall, ai 19 day, November 22. Thnee sitt- Margdon Road, Toronto, dean îng at 5. 6 and 7 p.m. Aduhts uncle ai Mamie (Mrs. W. Wise- '$1.50, Childrcn under 12 5Oc.,l ,Man) and Alan Gniffin. Fun- For tickets cali Mrs. H. Kel- eral service was heid irom the sey 3461. 46-11 'Yorke Chapel ai Turner & D-urham County Fedenation Porter. 2357 Bloor St. W., Ton- ai Agriculture annUal mneeting', onto, Sunday evening, Novem- banquet, Hampton Hall, Sat- ber l2th. Interment McNeil urday faon, Nov. 25. Mn. Wm. Ccrneteny, Wick, Ontario,, on Tilden, President ai Ontario Monday. 46-1 Fedenation ai Agriculture, P EE, Alce aud-At BW -speaker. Banquet, $150. 46-2' PEEL Ahce aud At Bow W oodview Comia uii îty Centre' gnanville, Ont., on Sunday, -Monster B i n g ri. Twenty nïov. 12, 196 1, Alice Maud Peel, gmstet olrfv widow ai Frederick James games-twenty dollars; $1v0 Peel; bchovcd mother ai Ever- ' a e -t it d las; $5 ardBowanvile;Helen and jackpat, and twa jackpots at ar, o ma vll;$250. Door prizes. Next Stanley. Resting at Bates and Monday, 8 p.rn.. Red Barn. Maddocks Funemal Chapel, 124 Oshawa. 46-tf ,Avenue Rd. <just south ai Davenpont). Service in the. Cartwright High School An- chapel, Wcdncsday at 1:30 nual Commencement Fni., p.riiInterment Prospect Cerne- Nov. 24, 8:30 p.m. Recreational tory. 46-1 Centre, Blackstock. Presenta- tian ai Certificates and Diplo- SCOTT-At Memorial Hospi- mas. Awarding ai Profîciency tal, Bow.manvillc, on Sunday, !Prizes. Valedictory Address, November 12, 1961, Herbert IGYmnastics. Singing and One- NSatR.R. 2, Onono, in hisAct Pay. 46-2 7ith year, husband ai the late The Orona Art Graup will Florence Pearl Trcwin and hold an Exhibition and Sale dear father ai Trewin, Helen ai original ail paintings and (Mm. Dr. Rudeil), 'Roy and water calons, Friday, Novem- Dorothy (Mrs. James Little). ber 24th, from 9 a.m. ta 9 Service Was hold lu the Mon- .m., aud on Saturday, Novem- rsFuneral Chapel, Bownian- 9ecr 25th front 9 ar !ta 5 p.m. on, oWednesday, Nov. 15, un Dr. A. F. McKenzib's vacant ut 2 o'lckk. Interment Bethes-. store on Orono's main street. Cu C.metmn. 46-1 à 46-1~ and fentihizen drill, 13-disc; TRACTORS-Case "D"; Inter- national Diesel, Model "M"; Farmaîl Super "A"; Farmaîl Cub. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanvillc. Phone MA 3-5689. 46-1 THOMPSON FUEL PRODUOTS TEXACO DISTRIBUTOR FUEL Automatic OIL AND STOVE Deliveries 24-Ir. OIL BURNER SERVICEý Phone MA 3-3151 Oshawa 728-2870 42-tf FARMÉRS MARKET Now Operating at North-West Corner of THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE vanities, chairs, refnigenatons, washers, ail heatens: a gs new sleighs. Cal l men C 3-2294.,6t PRE-CHRISTMASSSALE- anut Magazine Racks, $3.95;H assocks, $2.95; G.E. Polishers,$ $33.95;S e a iy Mattresses.$ $39.95; C hstefieids, BedrooDms suites tac lear.M urphy Furni- iture, King W., Bowmanville.M MA 3-3781.4 6.1*A; te-, i Frir Rp-nt 1 mntirp-- lRerfl rqfMa fnr qrila APARTMENT in town. lýU 3-2383. FIVE roomed house, ci Available Dec. 15, phon 3-5706. $500 DOWN, $7,900 full price, 4-room home, 3-piece bath, at. tached garage, between Bow. manville and Oshawa. Hurry and call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5123. Lloyd Realty, Oshawa, Ltd., Realtor. 46.1 Re-oairs Ji 4 SIX-room house and garage, heated, modern conveniences. Phone Newcastle 2491. 46-1 THREE-room. upstairs apart- ment, 3-piece bathroom. Tele- phone Newcastle 4256. 46-tf COMMERCIAL property n Silver Street, formerly B1ack-ý smith shop. MA 3-3394. 26-tf MODERN 4-room heated apart- ment, private entrance, bath, newly decorated. Phone MA 3-3935. 46-1 ý FURNISHED apartment, three > ooms and bath, bright, warm ) and quiet. Apply evenings. r MA 3-3591. 46.1, il. -- -- 1 REPAIRS and rewinding, arm-; atures turned, to all makes of' electric motors. Higgon Elec. trie, 38 King East Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS to all makes of re- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig., gon Electric Limiteci, 38 King, St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf : TO CREDITORS ms against the estate ?andoff, late of the of Clarke, who died :)ut the 27th day of 1961, must be filed undersigned solicitor, ýtate on or before the of November, 1961 ch date the Estate istributed having re. , to those claims of e undersigned shall i had notice. ýt Newcastle this 7th ovember, 1961. Etichard Lovekin, Icitor for the Estate ,arl Pandoff. 45-2 -" , O CREDITORS ms against the estate a Maude Elliott, late llage of Orono, who S about the 8th day nber, 1961, must be à the undersigned m or before the 23rd ýovember, 1961 after te the Estate will be 1 having regard only claims of which the ed shall have then LI. 1 ýt Newcastle, this 7thl ovember, 1961. chard Lovekin, tor for the Estate icinda Maude Elliott. 45-2 TWO apartments with 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath. Centrally located. Washer service. Tele- phone MA 3-5277. 2:3 -tf SELF contained five 'room heated apartment. Separate entrance. Available Dec. 1. Phone MA 3-5336. 46-1* FREE rent one month, heated, modern 3 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, washer-dryer, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4, 63 King St. W. 37-tf i APARTMENT - 3 rooms and bath, heated, separate entrance, ,hot water, hardwood floors, centrally located. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-5431. 46-1 SOUTH Haven Nursing Home' -Accommodation for private and semi-private patients,' lounge TV. Fully licensed, new building, modern. Visitors welcome. Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf Wanted CÀ', SH on the spot; highest prices paid for dead and crip- pled farm stock; picked up promptly. Telephone collect CO 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Licence 115. 43-tf 11 - -1. - 1. -il y 20-521 f Strayed 1 1 ----À - - -inaiesmen: -1 -ý .1 Pets for Sale 1 FOUR six-week 01ý pups, imother Springer Spaniel. MA' ý.13-2891. 46-1 46-1 Real Estate for Sale Peter Kowal REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE,' ,52 King St. W. - MA 3-24531 99 King St. E. - MA 3-5868 Dairy farm with milk con- tract. 100 acres on paved road near Lindsay. Substantial 1 buildings. Fully equipped 1 stable. Good water supply. Priced at $32,000.00. Terms. $500 down for a little place 1 on Scugog St. Suit two people qerfectly, Full price only $4.000.00. 1 1 cmipll Salesmen: J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 C. Soper MA 3-2624 46-1 ýi- Sale or Rent 'i home for sale or rent. MA 3-2622. 46- ders Wanted V 1 -ý There's a Man's Job Waiting for You ... in Today's Canadian Army 'If ou are single, between M' and 23 and can meet enrol- ment standards, think over at the Army offers you. Good Pay. Fine Prospects. Travel and Adventure. Loads of Friends. An Early Pension. Get details of Army-career opportunities from MOBME RECRUITING TEAM' Bowmanville Town Hall Every Friday Affernoon OR Mail the coupon below te Army Recruiting Station Room 206 Federal Bldg. Peterborough, Ont. Telephone R1.2-7147 Please send me without obliga- tion, details on career oppor- tunities In the Canadian Army. Name Age Address (31ty/Town Married/Sintle Phone iPlumbing & Heating j PHONE MA 3-7127 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvillei 46-tf Personal eli f 12 ý 1 Room and Board 1 1 -- -71 ýj. , 1 HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 47 King St. E. Oshawa MA 3-3672 or 125-4701 214 Acre registered lot right ln village of Hampton, ideal for the large home builder. Also same area 5% acre registered lot, ideal for market gardener. Bowmanville Building lot on Liberty St. north with sewer, water# gas; ideal for home with walk-out basement. New 5 and 6 roomed homes, two locations to choeu from, choose your plan with some stone in the froint, car port available. CaU Joe Crawford, MA 3-3672 for homes, firme »d bulaeosed' List with Elowe a reters 48-1 Auction sale of furniture (antique), tools, lumber, the property of Harry Sanderson,- Lot 7, Con. 5 Cartwright Twp. on 7A Highway, 5 miles east of Port Perry on Wednesday, November 22. Two glass top cupboards, 4 chest of draw- ers, 4 bedsteads, 4 springs, 4 mattresses, 2 dressers, 2 stands, extension table, 5 rocking chairs, antique chairs, 3 small tables, sewing machine, trunks, chests, table linen, 2 bedroom china sets, cushions, 2 extra pitchers, fancy work, 2 large carpets 31/2x4l/2 yards, quilts, pillows, crocks, cutlery, an- tique dishes, fancy sealers, f food grinders, cook stove, 2 box ,j toves (wood), battery radiol cutter, buggy, garden tools, lawn mower, elm planks, many other articles. If weather is bad will sell inside. Terms Cash, sale at 1 p.m. C. Heayn, clerk, Ted Jackson, Auction- eer. 46-1* Wanted to Buy ROOM and board available, $16 week or $17 with lauJ9 Phone MA 3-2514. 46-1 Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE iTUCCO AND NEW WOM R. L. TAFT King St E. MA 3-5030 16-ti 1hitewashing Stables AND DISINFECTING Pumnina THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO WWNESDAT, NOV. Phone L. C. Mason's Law Office HREE-bedroom brick home. 46.2 closed from Nov. 11 until Nov. Central. Possession arranged. ý26 inclusive. 45-3* Write P.O. Box 12, Bowinan. -en ville. 45-2 LICENSED Nursing Home ne MA 46-11 RADIO and Television Repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up an delivery. George's, 14 Centre St. Phone MA 3-5713. 41-tf GUARANTEED television and' radio service, to all makes.:. Same day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883.1 49 -tf ELGIN St. - Good residential lot, 50'xl33' with sewer and water. Asking $1,950.00 with $500 down; open to offer. For further particulafs caU Mr. Siblock at 725-6544. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Rltr., Osha. wa. 46-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER Dairy farm, 8 room, brick house, bath, large L-shape barn, excellent farm. Must be sold. 5 Acres near Orono, excel. lent garden soil. Price $2,000. Orono - 3 bedroom, home, bath, oil furnace, nicely land. scaped. A bargain at $8,500. Terms. Hampton - 6-room bunga. low, brick veneer, fully mod- ern, large lot, garage. Price $12,500. Low down payment or rent with the option to buy. Immediate possession. Bowmanville - 3 room house, central, town water and sew. er. Price $4,000. 71/2 acres of land facing Highway 2, between Bowman- ville and Oshawa. Price only $5,000. Easy terms. 25 Acres with stream, good cottage site. Give us an offer. 50 acres, 5 roora house, barn 30'x3O', stream. Price only $5,000. Highway 115, lot 100 x 150, garage, well, price only $2,200 with terms. Highway No. 2 East of Bowmanville Telephone MArket 3-3644 SECOND floor apartment, ""0 bedrooms, private entrance, heated, adults only. Available Dec. 1. MA 3-5868. 46-tf .Liuq requirel thereof on or 1 Noveml which ý distribu to the undersi notice. Datec this lst 1961. E. B. Clinti solici rICE TO CREDITORS RE ESTATE OF L m Dippell, late of the of Bowmanville in the y of Durham, Retired School Principal deceas- persons having claims t the Estate of the above [ who died on the 28th E August, A.D. 1961, are ed to file full particularsI ,f with the undersignedi before the 27th day of ,iber, A.D. 1961, afteri date the assets wi'l bel ýuted, having regard only ý claims of which. thel ;igned shall then havel ýd at Clinton, Ontario, ;t ay of November, A.D. 1. ENZIES, ton, Ontario, citor for the said Estate. 45-3. DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM STOCK HIGHEST PRICES PAID RAY V IV IA N Locust Hill Phone Markham 11603 Collect 24-hr. 7-day Service License 102C61 heifers; 12 extra good Here- ford heifers pasture bred. Pri- vate sale, Thursday, November 23, George A. McGowan, ,phone 764-2213 Havelock. We ý deliver. 46-2 JAPARTMENT, three heated irboms and bath, modern, cent- iral. Available Dec. 1. Apply lApt. No. 1, Doncaster Apart- ments, 142 King St. E, Bow- manville. 45-tf PROM Lot 27, Concession 5 Clarke Township, one red Durham springer cow. R. G. Moffatt, phone 163J, Orono. THREE roomed apartments, for rent, 3 blocks from down- town, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, heated. Venetian blinds and drapery rods on all windows. RA 8-8122. 23-t LARGE bright furnished room on ground floor. Heated, cent- ral, containing new breakfast .suite, sink, hot and cold water, electric stove, electric refrig- erator, dishes, pots and pans, bed-chesterfield, new ward- robe. Phone MA 3-7201. 46-1 MODERN APARTMENTS AT 31 CENTRE ST. BOWMANVILLE Immediate occupancy Contact MRS* E* A. HODGERT 241 Third St. - Collintwood Phone Collect 1819 46-tf G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 C. B. Lovekin, Newcastle 2248 A. F. McGill, Orono 1407 46-1 De Wifh Real Estate 150 Acre farta on paved highway with L-shaped bank- barn, waterbowls, stanchions etc; 5 Roomed home, all mol, ern conveniences. New 0 furnace. Price $130,000. Terms. 160 Acre farm at Newcastle, 130 acres workable, stream, 100'x36' bankbarn, water on tap; 8 Roomed home, running hot and cold water. Asking $26,500. with $6,000. down. 75 Acre farm east Newcastle, large chicken bouse, stream; 10 Roomed home, 4-piece bath. Asking $15,900. Terms arrang- ed. 87 Acre HIGHWAY PARM. near Port Hope, excellent soil,,. large stream. Good Buildings. 8 Roomed brick home, all modern conveniences. 100 Acre DAIRYFARM on Highway near Lindsay with good milk quota. Excellent buildings. Bulkcooler etc. Has, to be sold soon. 100 Acre farm, west Bow- manville, stream, paved road,. 100'x36' bankbarn etc; 7 Room. ed home, all modern conven- iences. Price and terms ar- ranged. 7 Roomed home on Main- street Orono, in excellent state of repair. AU modern conven- iences. Price $7,500. Terms. 9 Roomed brick building,, Mainstreet Newcastle. Store with apartrnent upstairs. Mod-, ern conveniences i n g $13,000. with terms arranged. 5 Roomed, new, ranch style brick bungalow, extra well built, many extras. Asking $12,800. with $2,000. down. 6 Roomed bungalow in New- castle with all modern con- veniences. Large lot. Close to school. Price $8,500. with $1,000. down. 5 Roomed bungalow east Newcastle with all modern conveniences. Close to stores, post office etc; Asking $7,000. Low down payment. 5 Roomed, split level, new home, all modern convenien- ý ces, attached garage. Located No. 35 Highway. Down $1,000. Price arranged. 2 Semi - detached brick homes on Liberty Street, Bow. manville. All modern conven- iences. Price and terms ar. ranged. 8 Roômed home on Liberty Street, Bowmanvillle, partly rented. All modern conven. iences. Asking $10,500. Easy terms. 1 7 Roomed house in Lotus with hydro. Asking $2,000. Low down payment. 2 Acre MOTEL SITE on No. 2 Highway in Port Hope. Price and terms arranged. John F. De With Realtor and General Inmunea Newcastle Phone 3341 Donald MountJoy, MA 3-3958 Ross Davidson. Bethany, 3ORS Lorne A. Perrault Clarke 2231 46-1 !REGISTERED Beagle pups and:i aiso started Beagles. Bob Youngrnan, Kendal. 46-2 WEEKLY Work Wanted NOTIC rESTOCK SALESRELIABLE girl desires baby- In the irharn County Sales Arena sitting, weekends. MA 3-7171. OKE, De ýo - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. 46-1 All PE es, Cattle, Swine, Calves, FORMER teacher will tutor against 1 For truck pickup PhonelGrade 9 students in Algebra.10ke, late » 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day of Phone ALÀk 3-5718. 46-1* manville Durham, 3. A. Reid & Son, Sales]HEATING, Plumbing andion or al igers. 38-tf 1 Eavestroughing. Call Gould October, jHeating, Newcastle 4331. 18-tf fied to Letion sale of furniture at - Strike, Sc iBRICK, Mason and Concrete ick's Auction Shed at En- work, Chimneys, etc. L. Turn- trices at llen on Saturday, Nov. 18, er. T e m p o r a r y residence Box 64C tg-room suite, s t u ci i o Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tf tario, on and 2 chairs, piano, oil - day of 1 heater, quantity of YOUNG lady desires office particulai ows, bench saw. and motor, work, experienced bookkeeper Imi-ned rdwood chairs, some dish-land can use bookkeeping ma, lst day o -id ther articles. Sale atIchine. Full time or part tim assets 0 Cliff Pethick, auctioneer.jMA 3-2975. 46- distributE 46-11 SAWS Filed-Hand and circ- entitled 1 ular saws filed quickly on our only to , e household effects fromiautomatic filing machine. said solii estate of the late JameslYour saws will cut faster, trices sh Dur will be sold by publiecleaner, truer. F. Crowe, 102 DATEI on in the Agricultural Elgin St., Bowmanville, Ont. Ontario, ling, Orono, Saturday, 1 46-1* vember, =ber 18, commencing at BOWMANVILLE Maintenance Strik m.- bedroom, living-room Service-Cleaning rugs, up- Solic kitchen furniture, Frigi- hoistery, hardwood floors, ven- Mar3 refrigerator, Beatty etion blinds, new tapes and Anm ýer, both like new; dishes, bords installed, repairs, doors, Exec ,ware, etc. Ternis cash. drawers, furniture, etc. Jim of M .-eserve. Jack: Reid, auc- 1 Henry, MA 3-2817. - ýer. 45-2iBULLDOZING AND For 1 EXCAVATING LARGE', ,lave received instructions 1 New John Deere Equipment Phone IV, the executor of the estate ie late Mrs. Frank Oke to ROBERT STRONG Tenc by public auction on Sat- Phone Blackstock 986-4209 y, November 25 at her lateý Collect 44-4 FOR ence, 24 Queen St., Bow- ville, her entire hou , se- IRIIK 1 effects including the .- jHerman Van De Bellapartmer chesterfield suite, 6-piece GENERAL CONTRACTOR lot, situz ut dinette suite, both like Brick - Block - Concrete For furt 21" TV, 2 bedroom suites, and Carpentry tact H. size refrigerator, stove, NEW WORK and REPAIRS Division ýs, glassware, etc. Every- 1 PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON - in immaculate condition.1 3-tf TOWN to commence promptly at TENDK m. Terms cash. No re- S Tender Jack Reid, auctione,ýeer. A. B À A R gasoline 46-2 1 . n TT at the Ti s IIIE ims inie :)W- of lied of oti- ýcu- est.i. and ta e 15,31 CE TO CREDITORS te Estate of MINN eceased. )ersons having clair the estate of Minr ý of the Town of Bol e in the County il Deceased, who di ibout the 15th day 1961, are hereby no send in to Strike ;olicitors for the Exec t 38 King Street We 10, Bowmanville, 0 n or before the Fii December, 1961, fi ars of their claim. diately after the sa of December, 1961, t' f the Testatrix will ted amongst the parti thereto, having rega claims of which t licitors for the Exec hall then have notic ',I) at Bowmanvil this 7th day of N A.D. 1961. ke & Strike, icitors for ry Elizabeth Furber & ia Marie Strike, ,cutrices of the Est. Winnie Oke. 41, Dn- ONE bedroom apartment, oniý'B'-e-a-u*-t-if»til 5-room bungalow irst ground floor, Victor Manor, with carport. All possible i full King St. W., available early care has been taken to make 1 in November, space heater sup- this a fine home. Storm -aid plied, recently redecorated 3- windows and doors. Oil forc- i the piece bath, private storage ýnd ed air heating. Pierson-type be laundry facilities in basement. windows. Beautiful birch ties Ideal for couple or with one kitchen cupboards. Very ideal ýard child. Apply Wm. Curtis, for retiring couple. Priced to 1 thelVictor Manor Apts., or States- sell. i =- man Office. 42-tf 2 bedroorn bungalow on Ice. highway Just east of town. Oil ille, lielp Wanted heated. Attached garage. No- Priced for quick sale. EXPERIENCED waitress, ap- We have many other houses ply Bowmanville Hotel. 46-1 for your inspection. R-E- LIABLE girl, 14 to 16, to ýwork in fish and chip store lafter school. Must be able to meet the public and handle cash efficiently. Apply 22 Division St. 46-1 LADIES Wanted. Make up to $26.00 a week doing simple home sewing in your spare time. Write - Bunnys, Box 7010, Adelaide Post Office, Toronto, Ontario. 46-1 D. W. McGuay REALTOR Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 200 acre farm, 10 room solid brick home, 4-piece bath, 140' painted barns, spring - fed stream. 180 acres workable.ý This is one of the finest farms I in Durham County. Healthi forces sale. $32,000 with $10,000 down. 194 acre dairy farm. Bow- .Manville area. House has all city conveniences. Good pro- ductive soil. Trout stream. For sale with Registered herd and full line of power equip- ment. Asking $55,000 with easy terms. 20 acres in village of Tyrone. Choice level market garden land, double house and barn. Suit V.L.A. Asking $12,900 with terms at 5%. 10 acres close to 401. $5,000. Terms. 5 acre market garden lots on Liberty St. N., $3,500. Terms. 13 acres with Christmas trees and small stream. Six miles from Bowmanville. $3,900 with $1,500 down. Centre St. 2-storey home with garage. Asking only $12,000 with $1,500 down. Serviced building lots in Bowmanville. We have a large selection of farms of all types, acreages, homes and businesses. Call WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville GET ready for Christmas! Earn big money selling: Cosmetics, ýfood products, daily necessities, gift sets, etc. High commission, bonus, 30 day trial, no risk. Familex, Dept. N.8, 1600 Del- orimier, Montreal. 46-1, SALE BY TENDER house, containng three mts, oil heatýd, large iated at 15 Silver St. rther information con- ý. V. Cryderman, 67 i St., Bowmanville. 45-2 KSHIP OF CLARKE ERS FOR GASOLINE ýrs for the supply of ý with storage facilities rownship Yard will be 1 by the undersigned rid including November Further information obtained from Charles )n, Road Superintend- .ono. Lowest or any iot necessarily accepted. [. E. Millson, lerk lownship of C'Srke: ýox 37, Orono, Ontario. 46-1 received up to ani 2-3", 1961. may be Stapletor ent, Oro tender nc H. To Bo HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plainil sealtd envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-281 Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 ý ROOM and board for young lady. MA 3-3707. 46.-ll IWOOD-burning cookstove, no .l LYLnl rnlJJJil w er an 34". Phone New- 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. castle 4146. 46-1 Produce Available in SeasÔn HIGHEST prices pald for live W, Farmers and Producers Inter- poultry, goose feathers, feath- ested In taking a stali please er ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone contact the RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 48-ti OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ALL kinds of live poultry, OSHAWA ONTARIO feathers, new goose and duck also old feather ticks wanted. Phone 728-6231 Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany RIL 1. Phone 7 r 13 iý*ý f ý- 1 isth, l"I' 1 à, b 1 E Ul LIVIIL illutiuttb Ineu-L nbLute iLur ocue iru ARENDS ELECTRIC MOTORS REPAIRS and REWINDING to all your Electrical Equipment. Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. Bowmanville 43-tt SAVE MONEY AT Dave's Shoe Repairý Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.nL SKATES SHARPENED, 35o pr. QuIck ServIce 26 ONTARIO STREET Closed Wednesdays 34-tf si ;54 & ulitp&&Iu Septic Tanks BERT TOMPKINS N 1EWTONVILLE Phone Clarke 4721 24-tf