I J" - NESDAY, NOV. 15tb, 1961 *CLASSIFIED Cards of Thanks i Cards of Thanks TO the friends who sent me! We wish to thank Dr. Fer. giftLs and cards, called to see!guson, nurses and staff of me and inquired about meiMemorial Hospital, relatives while 1 was in the hospita, friends and neighbours for my sincere thanks. I apprecia-ijkindness, floral tributes and ted it very much. messages of sympathy show] Elsie M. Hooey,. during the loss of a beloved 46-1 husband, father and grand- ________father. I wjsh ta thank the doctors Mrs. William Moore en d nurses acld staff of Me- and family. 461 marial Hospital for the kind< 46- riess they showed me during iwuc ie otakD mny stay there and also to the wollietthn Dr people who sent me so manyýMcKinney, nurses and staff of nice cards. !Oshawa Hospital, for kindness Mrs. June Reader !and care. Special thanks ta 46-1 iRev. Crawford, Ensilî _______.relatives, friends and neigh- bours, Enfield W.A., and for We wish to express our sn- cards, fruit, flowers and acts cere thanks and appreciation of kindness. Many thanks ta to relatives, friends and neigh-1al. bours for the beautiful flowers. George Hubbard. and gifts we received on our 46-1* 40th anniversary. A special; thank you to those who helped1 We wish to express our in any way. ýheartfelt thanks toa ah our Etta and Sid Venton.- 'friends, neighbours and rel- 46 4:atives for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and We wish ta extend our beautiful floral tributes re- heartfelt thanks and apprecia- ceived at the time of our re- tion for the acts of kindness, cent bereavement. Special messages of sympathy and tharcks toahal those who sa beautiful floral offerings, and capably carried on with the toahl those who helped in any work at home. way during the illness andi The Sharp Families. dleath of my dear mother. 46-1* Harold Gili and family. 46-1 1 wish to express my sin- cere thanks to friends and We wish to express our sin- neighbors for cards and letters cere thanks and appreciatian J received in Bowmnanville anc toaOur many friends, relatives, Oshawa hospitals. Thanks ta and neighbours for their many Doctors McKenzie, Grant anc acts of kindness, messages of Campbell, nurses and staff of congratulations, fruit, flowers the above hospitals for thei and gifts on the occasion of good care. Thanks to L.O.L. aur recent family addition, for plant. They were much appreciated. Viola Morton. Don and Betty Bishop. ,__46-1 16l Mere words are inadequate We wish to express our ta express aur most sincere sincere thanks to relatives, F gratitude ta each and every- nieighbours and friends for one who contributed to the n'any acts of kindness shown lavely gifts and thoughts in at and after aur recent fire,hour of our 25th wedding also special thanks ta the anniversary. A very special different organizations which thanks to our daughters and helped us. We certaînîy ap- committee of close friends who preciated it. made this lovely evening Marion and Mickey Adams. possible. Thank you again. 46-1 Ralph and Leona Sadler. ______________________46-1 DYKSTRA'S VARIETY FOUDS Iaone MA 3-3541 ARK'S RICH BROWN tans wilh Pork 15-oz. tins 2for 35C LAKE BRAND PEACHES 15-oz. tins 2Zfor 33c. BONELESS RIB STEAK RIE ROAST only 65C IL LEAN, BONELESS POT ROAST only 57c lb. FRESH PORK LIVER only 29c IL ONTARIO - FANCY Ncîniosh Apples only .59C a 6-qt. basket We have added a Cornplete Line of FROZEN FOODS For Your Shopping Convenlence. Town of E NOI DOGS R àIT Li By-Law No. 1711 o1 ville provides that no a within the Town. Council, by resoluti 1961, rclaxed this prov December, 1961, Januai of 1962. Accordingly, please after the lst day of Api be allowed to run at la palit'y. JA We wish ta thank aur rl. atives, fricnds and neighbours for the lovehy gifts of a cofcee P table, centre pîcce, floor lamp and magazine rack, given to us at the presentation, held iin our honour at Browns School, 'with special thanks ta com- mittee in charge, those taking part in the fine programme and ta alh who belped in any way. Sincercly, Helen and John Sinclair. 46-1* BASE LINE The organ recita! given In St. Paul's United Church by Mr. Davidi Ouchterlony af Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto, was much enjoyeti by those attending from this comniunity. They includcd Mrs. Edward Faley, Mr. Ross Metcalf and Mrs. A. Bamnes. Mrs. J. R. Metca'hf and Mrs. R.oy Van Camip attended a party ta honour Mrs. A. Beech at Maple Grave, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 7th. Mrs. Benny Woodward and Jack, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. T. A. Patterson werc Sunday visitai-s with Mr. and Mrs. George Coombes andi Bill andi Jck. Mrs. Sam Battaims spehit the past wcek visiting ber son Mnr and Mrs. Douglas Battams and ber daughter Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Tunnbull and their lamilies at Elgin. Mr. a.nd Mrs. C. W. Downey, R. R. 4 Bowmanvilhe, w c r e recent callers with Mr. and Mms. Fred Wright and family and received the doily Mms. Downey bad won at the G'aod Neighbar Club draw on Nov. 1 st. Miss Normia Taylor, Tor- onto, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Coombs 'and Bill and Jack. iMrs. Sam Snowden, Mr. Hault Macklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Noble Mctcalf. al of Osh- awa, were Monday dinner guests of Mr. anti Mns. Roy Van Camp wben Mrs. Van Camp celebrateti her birthday. Mr. Neil Brownell spent the weekend deer hunting at Mink Lake, Mr. and M1rs. Reg. Coombes, Oshawa, were Sunday evening callers with Mr. andi Mrs. A. Bamnes and famîlv. Bowmanville FICE UNNING ARGE f the Town of Bowmian. Fimai shall run at large ion passed in November, ision for the months of Fi ry, February and March ebe advised that on and ril, 1962, ne animial shall arge within the Munici- MES A. HOSKIN, Dog Cantrol Officer. i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILIX, ONTARIO -- PAcE T~IRTEE~~ lows: Past President, D o n; Perry Vaillaincourt, Lindsay. monthly meeting et the achoat g& S Taylor; President, E r n e s t1 Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. ac- Nov. 8th. Miss Bragg's roorn Hockaday, V i c e President, campanied Mrs. N. Fice, of wvon the attendance prize. Mr. Jesse Van Nest; Secr e t a r y- Taunton ta, visit Mr. and Mrs.~ F. Blackburn and Air. Norton In_____________________sC o u r Treasurer, Doreen B r o o k s: Fred Dart at Woodville on' are in charge of preparations -ANDREWS-In loving mem- Joan Harris, Francis and Do'-ý Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach. was made last Saturday. The ory of Norman R. Andrews,!'a onso, itJIadMy-AsoiaioDecddilbu ~~~~~~~H l ihnase waBoeme owmaflle non'tn itn n y-Taunton, visited on Sunday IAscaindcddt u r19 1960. aayNoeme tie Tink, Charles and Frncs ith Mr. and Mrs.D. Fîett 'mattress cover and blanket for dAyear has passed since that 'Tuesday, November 14th, 1961 tinued an for about 4,000 feet tenced ta 7 days in gaol from Smith and Frank and Grace and famnily. Ithe cat in the teachers room. n sad day, Harry Walter Jakeman, 21,' and camne to a stop around a November llth, the date of Wright. Mr and Mrs. Harry Kriox1 f chlre or UCF t H1ed $3.0 d When one we loved was Bethany, paîd a fine of $250I curve. The northbound car the cffence, and a fine of $101i The C.G-I.T. gI'oup met on and sons were Sundav visitors Mors.UJN BuC Ess trloduedn - aldawypu cssa $ o cni-turyied around after being side- and costs af $3 or 3 days more Saturday af ternoon with jean with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cry- MsJ.Bresitoud God took him home- it was tion an a charge of Criminal1sw1ped and caught up with a.. the liquor charge. iBaker, president, in the chair. derman and chidren.cuprniaMrNot.Th His will Negligence. He had been con- 1'Wall and they bath came back Anthony Horvath, 60 Scu- The rol cal W'at is your F Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires visit-itheme for the meeting was and clledpolie. Igag t., as cnviced a goa in ife"was nswerd bycd Ms. Ehel utto, Osawa.Educeion" He ehowd tw Within aur hearts he lîveth victed on October 31st for theladcle oieeo S. a ovce fgachin ife a aseedb e T the Sto. sa.1inermsting filmns "Skippy and i still. offe'hce which was cammitted Said Magistrate R. B. Bax- Careless Driving. He went viace girl. Inth worship ser-! M~r. and Mrs. E. H. Peever, te3R"ad"nwrn h -Ever remembered by bis on October 14th. Judgement terîn giving judgement, "I thraugh a red light and wasJ.Ko waass- Oshaw;%a, were Sunday teaCl's h' n aesm rfamily and sister Margaret for sentence had been rsr-will give you the benefit of thce involIved in an accident. He ed by Doreen Hamner, Arlene i gu ests of M r. and Mrs. Ray hldvWy, n aesm reserv- 1 Westlake, Jean Baker andacoadfmiy comments on themn. Lunch If Farrow. 46-1 ed ujitil today because as the daubt and dismiss the charge paid $50.40. Shd pie.Te ru cl aMsoan<d fR«iîy Kngto as served by the group iii, ;S Shropieshe_______Hrod__e, insoni '~BOO EInlvigmeoymagistrate said, "My first in- of Failing ta Stop. On the The preliminary inquiry lected $ 16.65 for UNICEF. 0:A Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne,'charge. ' of erduhe v uh lnto a osn you ta charge of careless driving. 1 started inta a charge of rape Vesper service will be held inHamptan. visited Mr. and Mrs.1 -o aserd away No v 8,ut95, gaol. This type of driving casts will convict. I think your first laid against William and ROY December. Dianne Tink gave Arnot Wotten and family. j "For QUALITY Cars and ganded auterv. 8u s9a9n lives." inclination was ta keep an go- James Duncan of Oshawa. a splendid report of the 4-W' Mr. and Mrs. E. Crvderman, adSrie Elan ain wo ashe a wsa nv Mrs. Helen Emily McLeod ing. You may be stretching This offence is alleged ta have Club girls conference which Mr and SesrHaoicPaco 0 2 1959.wopase aa N .Curtice, was today convictd the truth. If you were bother- been committed n September she attended in June.an Mr. and Mrs. Charles - SEE - -Ever remembered by Mr- been involved in an accident you were, yau should have after three witnesses were The he ofsClr anmewart uethshMr.ad rs Jn *and Mrs. Chas. Johns and fam- on 401 on the 12th of October. done what a reasonable and heard and will be cantinued Lako oebr6 o- pes aeo.o h ca of Dad She told thne court that her prudent pra al aenx ek ship 'was led by Joyce and'sion of the birthdav of the! M T xBROWN-In lovîng memory was because her brakes fail- pulled ta the right. You fail- Eight convicted under the DnTyo.CaaLakgv atrsmte, Ms Eî A E .ofDdwopassed away Nov. ed. They had been repaired 2 ed ta do this. Secondly, you Highway Traffie Act paid $119. a talk on Safety in the Home. Pearce.R s2nd, 1955 and Mother who days earlier and she had the had no idea where you were Three dog contrai violators The members divided into, Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson M T R S L S d passed away November 18th, right ta expect efficient bra- on .the road. You say your were asessed $18, ane meter groups ta discuss and write and family, Bowmanville, Mr. LIMITED - 1958. kes. She noted at Pickel Rd Position was straddling the viohator $6. further the subjects of Falls, Edwin Ormiston, Ebe n e z e ri, whit lin, 4 nchs toone ootFire, Burns and Scalds Elec- visited at Mr. and Mrs. Tam EarI McQueen, Pres. -Eerreemerd y oron tatbe baks er bco-over the white line on another ~ lTT trical Hazards, Suffocation,iBaker's and Mr. J. Baker's.29KNGS.E kl Wilfrcd, Babe and girls. 46-hf ing "spangy". She presented 21nd9ierm.KuraNVceGr SgT.ura, car.e 0 DADSON-In memory of a a letter fromn the garage that occasion. This is driving with- H O IAadFram.Mra ie r elen Hopn, e, Prince A BOWMANVILLE every dear friend, Ada Dadson repaired the brakes and the out due care and attention. showed movies ofn the Threl':Miss enHoPrceA- who died Nov. 18, 1960. court noted, "the repart from "lThere was a time whcn an The Married Peoplc's party,' M picnic and other scenes.' bert, visited Saturday night: Authorized Dealer for That unselfish life; it has not garage stated that your hand error in judgement might a miost enjoyable annual ev- All enjoyed a social time ta- with Mr. and Mrs. Kcith Cry M POT CR * died. brake was unserviceable, yet have been acceptcd as a de- cnt, was held in Solina Çom- gether., derman. 1 j PRSCR -Don, Audrey Rundle and you didn't sec fit ta get this fence. Not today. You were munity Hall on Friday night The missionary program at, Miss Jean Rundle, Bowman-1 MORRIS - RAMBLER -family. 46-1 brake fixed." Mrs. McLeod on the wrong side of the road. with an attendance of go, Sunday Schiml on Sundav ville, visited several davs with MA 3-3356 d denied that the garage man On Highways where the speed coming from aIl directions. morning included a vocal soloMr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman 's DADSON-In loving memory tald ber this. She was con- limit, is 60, the courts cannat For many this was a special by Jean Baker and a storv1 and famnily. * . d of a dear friend, Ada Dadson, victed and fined $25 plus costs allow for an error in judge- visit ta their hame communi- well presented by Mrs. Wes'.1 Mr. and Mrs, Wes Werry' owho passed away Nov. l8th, of $18 or 5 days, because she ment. Errors in judgement cost ty ta renew friendships of Hilîs. and familv were S u n d a y' 1961 Pontiac - . d 1960. didn't do what a reasonable lives. You could have pulled ta former years. These gatiher-1 Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin1 gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd r 4-D rdi, e r.a if Time takes away the edge of and prudent persan would do, the right. You couhd have re- ings are eagerly anticipated and John. Mr. S. C. AlhiniMetcalf, Oshawa, who enter-'Cso aio ersa r grief, namely when she knew ber duced specd. This is not un- from year ta year by every- Bowmanville, were Sunday!tie oMM.ad s.Nbesetcker, we ares, But £uemuly turns back every brakes were faîhîng at Pickell reasonable ta expect. Y aur anc. Cds were played dur- tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. sedtfwhoe ieaiFida msooncndtin leaf. Road, it was lier duty ta get driving is hack of due care ing the early part of the ev- Wes Yellowlees and sons. sedtewne nFoia mauaecniin -Shirley. 46-1* off the road and not continue and attention." Penalty was a ening.j The AOTS mcn's group are 16 hv -r DADSO-In lving cmoryon ta the Courtice Road. This total of $89 of 7 days. He was Those winning prizes for1 having a father and son ban- S L MTotn ansadr DADSN-Inlovig meoryaction caused an accident whcn given until Nov. 28th ta pay. cuchre werc: High man, Har- quet in Solina Community S L MTotn ansadr eof a dear sister and sister-in- she crossed in front of an an-j Nick Tutkoluk, 212 McNau- ry Knox; low man, Bert Warr, Hall on Monday night, Novem- transmission. One owner' elaw who passed away Novem- caming car. ghtan Ave., Oshawa, was con- U.S.A.; high lady, Vi Ashton,* ber 20. 1ed Members of our Young Peo- car in top condition. -ber 18, 1961. William David Wall, 27, a victed for hunting in Darling- low lady, Ada Warr, U.S.A. Choir practice will be hl ple's Union were in charge of 199 V ks ae eYou suffered with courage life underwriter of Apt. 208, ton Provincial Park on Octo- In Last Heir prizes were Thursday nig.ht, Nov. l6th, atj the church service On Sunday. 15 okw ge Wekerntyurpi 1827 Victoria Park, Scarbor- ber 7th. He claimed that he awarded ta: High lady, Aima 7:30 o'clock. L arry esh tepeidn'Ne pat. neo er You fought ta get well augh. Ontario, plcaded Not came in by water fromn Oshawa Langmaid; low lady, Evehynl Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, av h ai owrhi n1- cniin But aîî was in vain, Guilty to a charge of Failing and that Lake Ontario wasn't Dewell; high man, Art Blan- Peterborough, Mrs. N. C. Yel-' announced the hymns. Bob' When God called you home ta stop at the scene of an ac- park property. chard; low mian, Ernest Lar- lowlees, Bowmanville, M i s 5 Blackburn gave the responsive 11 Fr Ta His garden of rest cident7 and Not Guilty ta a He was convicted and fined mer. Carol Yellowlees, O s h a w a, reading and the prayer. Scrip-198Fr It's truc what they say charge of Careless Driving. $30 plus costs of $11 or 7 days Stunts and games conduct- were Sunday evening visitars turc lesson was read by Grace Tu L He takes anly the best.* Three wîtnesses told of the in gaol. He was told by the cd by Johnnie and Hazel Le- with Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Blackburn. A quartet com- T uerulrd -Lovingly remembered by accident and a truck driver, Magistrate, "It is somcbody ger and Roy and Dorothy Pas- Gladys. Mr.1o To p pd of Ray and John Twist, brothers Georgel, Tedd told.o seeing w headlights lk you h wants ta pi coe rae considerable lu Mr.an r.DnTopIm Coomnbes and Erie Shac--r lado families. 46-1* caming toward him, then onlY cverybody's fun. By what right ghter for the onlookers as son, Donna and Beverley, kieton sang very n i c c 1 y Automatie, power steering _____one and he told of driving where you hunting here? I well as those participating. Courtice, Mrs. Donald Yellow- "There's a church in the val- and brakes, custom radio, DASsI eoyo u through the debris on the have found and I hold that you Several people found them- lees, Taunton, visited Sunda leybth ido. Ms DADON-n emoy f or road, the northhound lane of should know by what right selves attractively? g ar b ed afternoon with Mr. and y by tha e Wildwood."v Missr etc. A-1 condition. coid auhe away Nv. 18p1960 115. The southbound car con- you are there. If you go on with wearingz apparel (un- Wes Ycllowlees and sons. linspiring addrcss, basing heriv True was ber heart, ber actions' any peran's praperty ta hunt known ta them) until drawn The Women's Institute had remarks on the Young People's 1 957 Chev. el Air Hrkind, at Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wer- or fish, you shauld get per- from a bag passed around in a quilting and workshop fori Week theme "One God and 4 r He ife was a pattern ta ry's. mission. This is trespassing. a circle. Several ladies had the spring bazaar at the Com- 'Father of us ail." Don and 4-Dr. Uardioj those left behind, Sorry to report Mrs. Ted Some people have mistaken difficulty, while blindfolded, muni.ty hall on Thursday. A Ron Welsh received the off er- V-8, automatic, A beautiful soul in a gardien of Werrv is in Memorial Hospi- ideas they can go where they loca'ting their husbands (who Pot luck dinner was enjoyed. ing. Rev. Lokhorst gave the custom radio, etc. rest, ~~~~tai, Bowmanville. We wîsh like, fish wbere they hîke, hunt had donned masks unbeknown Durin.g the afternoon, Presi- anonmetadprnu- 2D. Itstruc what they say, God ber a speedy recovery. where tbey like. This is a free ta their wives) and kissing dent Mrs. Ralph Davis con-1 cd the Benediction. Marion 1956 Poniac 2-u. chooses the best. Miss Patti Werry is visiting country they say. Free for them. Aima Langmaid was ducted the business meetingiButtery and Bea Craig were eWhen tics of lave are broken, ber Grandniother Perigoe at themselves ta do what they the first one ta acconiplish ber and Mrs. John Knox who was pianist and organist for the Custom radio, ncw paint And dear anes have ta part, Caesarea. like. What about the people mission. In another hilarious a delegate to the Womnen's In- service, Job, dlean Inside and out. Death leaves a waund that jý Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill,' who own the property, don't stunt Clara Leask and Pat stitute Convention in Toronto A nurnber from here attend- bard ta heal Mr. and Mrs. Keith MeGill. thcy cnjay any of your free- Best took part and several gave a* splendid report of the ed the Young people's churcb I bv ar aebe And an ever-aching heart. and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. doms, or is the only freedomn others provided entertaininent meetings. service at Claremont on Sun- thlaoghîycashecke thou 'Beautiful memaries are aIl we Frank McGill, Toronto. you grant them, the freedom carrying balîs Of cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink day evening. throushp and d hru nehave left, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Wer- ta tolerate you and your By this tume everyone was visited Saturday evening with Salem W. A. will hold theiroucrya0-y Oeof the dearest, anc of ry, Toronto, were Saturday whims ta hunt?" He was given ready and happy ta retire ta, Mr. and Mrs. O. Jackson, November meeting a t t.he, uigaate f the best, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. a week ta pay. thbe lower hall for deliciaus North Oshawa. home of Mrs. Sam Buttery on Our Sheli Service Station Unselfisb, thoughtful, helpful R. J. Ormiston. David A. Morton pleaded rcfreshmcnts. Here the pre- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shackel- Thurs. Nov. 16.I is now open for busiess. and kind, Mr-. and Mrs. Herman Haass guilty ta a charge af having sident, Don Taylor welcomed ton and Barry, Bo>wmanville,l A group of Tyras has been We haive recently Installed These are the memories she and Ronny, Bowma nv iille, care and contrai of a mator everyone and several prizes visited Mrs. H. E. Tink on. organized here with Bob Da mdem equipment for auto 'bhas lct bchind. were visitors at Mr. and Mrs.lvehicle while intaxicated, and were awarded. They were ta: Sunday. l vis, Glen Blackburn and Ron body underspraylng . . . us- .-Lovingly remcmbered by Keith McGll's. having wîne in a place other Margaret and Carl Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. George Gilroy Welsh in charge. ing the ncw Sheli ENSIS. mother and dad. 46-1* Mr. E. W. Beglev and Carole than a residence. John Erskine who were married the long- and sons, Colunmbus, visited~ Salem Home and Schoolý Proteet your automobile were Saturday alternoon visi- had rcported the man dead in est, 48 years; the couple most on Sunday with Mr. and Mms. Club held their r eguiar agalnst wlnter wcather. McGILL-In laving memory tors at Mr. and Mrs. Gardon bis car on the 4th Concession recently marricd, Dr. and Mrs. C. Langrnaid and family. 1- 1of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shunk's, Port Perry. 'of Manvers and P.C. H. R. Allan Stocks (Eunice Leask), Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid ~ C . CONTACT: iChas. McGill, mother leaving Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin (Pat) Corneli wcnt ta investi- 3 years; the anc driving the visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ge aeI sh £UU ErI cQe rus in August 1935 and father andi famîly wcre cailers at gate. oldest car, Kate Pascoe; the P'reston and children, Bow- Er cue in Navember 1941. Mrs. Geo. Squibb's, Church-1 Morton was dead drunk, no couple with the most children manville, on Sunday.Fo l Ap iacsW dnBrw 1Gane from us but leaving Mi. driver's license, and no owner- at home, Marian and Lloyd Mr~. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor FoBlupline ed o Bow memories Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor- shîp. Const. Cornell told the Broome with five sons. visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Lar- througlaJmCrmi Death can neyer take away. land, Miss Elsie Oke were re- court that Morton said bis The minutes of hast gath- mer, Blackstock, on Sunday. 8 T A T E S MA NJa crmbie Memaries that will always cent visitors at M'r. and Mrs. icense was under suspension. ering were read by the secre- Mr-. and Mrs. Frank West- C LA S S I F IE D S ac1icr linger Stan Turner's, Oshawa. This is under investigation. In ýtary, Doreen Westlake. The lake and fa'mily were Sunday Phone MArket 3-3303 ' Sales Wbîle upan thîs earth we Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rob- the meantime, Morton was sen- officers for 1962 are as fol- tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. _____________ stay. inson, Port Hope, wîth Mr.-________ 1-Lovingly remembered by and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. daughter Mildred and husband. Mýr. and Mrs. W. E. Sander- 46-1* son and Murray, Columbus, a SADLR-Infondst mmoryE. Wrieht's, Sundav. a1O h w o d Ird csLd SADLE -In ondet menory Mr. Melville Griffin, Black-Os a aW o rd c t . of Robert Sadler, a dear father stock, called on Russell Grif- k and grandfatber, wbo passed fin's, Sunday. away Nov., 1960. Sympathy isextnd ta wish to thank ail those pictured We oftcn sit and think of you relatives of the late Wralter And tbink af how you died; Cochrane, Bowmanville, andi eo h ted do ra na To tbink you cauld flot say Mrs. F. L. Bya.m of Tyrone blw w oatndd orana goodbye a-d Mr Herb.Scott a-Orono af themn on high P---- Longratulations ta YMr. andl Beyond the weary toil and Mrs. John Lyte (nec Elenor tax of years. Had on their recent mar- -Lovingly remembered and niage. sadly missed by bis wife Hilda 1 Miss Mary Grif fin, in com- and family. 46-1' pany wîth MiLss Mary Joncs,ý Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jones, ENNJSKLLEN jPort Hope.__ I NiagaEN randMrs. Bob Loclvhart, cnpann ,u nivda om adslc NaaaFalls, Mr and Mrs.: Our SALES DIVISION a further assist you inplnigyu dvd a ro nd eec Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, !Floyd Pethick andi Robin, Tor-, Lloyd and Earle, Blackstock, onto, werc with Mr. and Mrs.! tion of materials needed... or our HOME MODERNIZATION DIVISION will build al Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Trewin, S.R. Pethick.i Carol and Gail, Mimico, Mrs.1 Mr. L. Foîkines. Mr. A.' or p r of vour Recreation Room for you. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, were!Casserly, Mr. C. B. Dalton,' ar Sunday visitors with Mr. and Ottawa, wcre recent visitors Mrs. Earl Trcwin. at O. C. Ashton's as they wereBUY. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash- enroute ta the Rayai Winterý . tonw.r S. Rdman, iOs ih wa. u uirCorcmltdQUALU S a odPr du t to r Suda visOsawit aiOrJno hi opee UA IY0hw o d P o Douglas visited bis grand- their seven week term af parents, Mr andi Mrs. S. Ker- leadiership in the service of M AT ERI.A L S i t sey, Hampton. song with Mrs. E. Wright asL m te Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn director. Thei.r anthemn in- Low Down Payment 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU and Susa.n were Sunday visi-1 cluded a delightful solo byl - with - Oshawa Office and Showroom Mi fieadSoro tors at ?&. andi Mrs. A. M..i Master Locki MeNair and dUet ManOfcLadSoro Wearn's, Claremont. iby Mrs. E. Wright and Locki. i SmalI OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COUjRTICE - 728-1611 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt, Mm. Crawford's message en-Phn:7817 Mr. and Mrs. Perc. Ellis, Osh-ýtitled "Prevailing Prayer" was à Monthly Payments Phn:7811 JX-ZEnith 2-9600 awa. xith Mrs. E. Strutt andi most encouraging. BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-2130 AA C. Pcthick's. Mrs. T. M. Slemon is visit- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gilbert, ing in Tarant* with Miss Oshawa, were recent visitors IAlice Creeper. lwMMMý PAGE TEMTEM v