~he "Vomorrow" They Gave Their Lives For - ( Tryirig t find a symbolic photo, The Statesman photographer came up with this picture at the Remembrance Service on Saturday morning. It seem- ed to reflPet the spirit of the occasion. These young hockey players, just off the ice, had paused with many other members of the community to pay their y'oung tribute to those xvho through their supreme sacrifice had made it possible for tLhem to lîve in freedom - even freedom to play hockey. In the background is the cenotaph, wîth Legion representatives at the salute following the laying of wreaths. The flags for xvhich these men fougrht are on the lef t to cmlt tii? setting. ~~~rhamFarmers Do Wel MayorWins Sweepstakes YFor Best Box ofAples At Royal Winter Fuir 'Volume 107 14 Pages Make Progress 'On Planning for Santa 's Parade Plans are going forward ail the heip possible, both fin- rapidly for the huge Santa anciai and otherwise. In Belle- Casparade scheduled fo ille, eeral hundreds of dol. Bowmanville on December lars are raised by a special 9th.1 tag day early in the faîl, and iHeading up the organization Ithe permanent firemen take are Carson Elliott and Ian1 care of the construction of the Turner, represe n t i n g the many floats. Unfortunately, Chme o omec ndtesuch an arrangement is impos. Kiwanis Club, respectively. sible for Bowmanvillé, but They paid a flying visit ta Mr., citizens can help by sending ini Elot's former home, Belle- money ta heip buy materials. vilearly this week where rent costumes and so on tc the firemen have undertaken make this one of the bigges, a similar projeet for the past events this town has ever seen several years. They were given At present, no arrangements wonderful co-operation and!have been set up concerning assurance of considerable as-!where donations shouid be sistance with costumes, floats, sent, but this xiii be provided etc. Mr. Eiliott organized the next week. Belleville parade prior ta ,coming here.A fers of help from Doug Rigg're Fa il of the Recreation Department ,~ and the Tartan Club, headed IO1f Television by Mrs. Ede Hiiditch, has of-! fered ta assist in making cos-!T tumes. The Oshawa BarberTis ar a Shoppers will aiso be render- s atur a ing assistance.j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre The project, as planned, will and their daughters Cindy consist of as large a parade as and Wendy, R.R. 4, along possible including ail manner! with their prize - winning i of floats depicting reindeer andi sheep, will be the featured Christmas characters of al stars on television this iveek- kinds. Thiere xili be no com-' end. merciai floats with advertis- The Canadian Broadcast- ing. No further information! ing Corporation decided te bas been released concerning do a haif hour show over plans for a proposed mnail Channel 6, Toronto, to give along shopping section of King1 viewers an idea of the work St., with traffie diverted ta entailed in preparing sheep the side streets. for showing at the Royal In the meantime. because Ilinter Fair. They have spent this xiii be a costly Nenture,!,niany hours at the Ayre the organizers are asking forl farin, photographing Cindy and lVendy especially as they Canadian Club thaedandep Speaker Mayor Wilfred Carruthers!class and in the 45 tray class 3 ~Jagain came up with the tnp1 won a third. S W. prize for appies at the Royali E. S. Cobbledîck and Sons, 'ELLWinter Fair in Toronto. He ,Newcastle, sbowing for the )ELL ,won the Sweepstakefo best first time won a third on Com- )RIAL lin the show on a first prize merdiai Display, a fourth in )RIAL !box of Spys. In the single box1 the nine tray for McIntosh :class, hie won a f irst and f ourth and a third in the nine tray Peter H. Aykroyd ARSHIP l for Northern Spys and a thirdý for Northern Spy.1 The next meeting of West for Mclntosh. In the 90 tray! Other reports of cattie, hors- ;Durham Canadian Club will ND ý class, hie won f irst f or the best1 es, etc. arc gradualiy drif ting 'oc hcld at the Lions Centre, in the show and also won a iin ta The Statesman withS'owmanville, on Wednesday,ý Rcturiis ,second on Northern Spys in!more complete details for next ýNov. 22nd, at 8:15 pa.m. whcn tenine tray ciass. ýweek. Howcvcr, at this time,kgetsekrxiib ee . ------to D.ate His son, Robert Carrutherslit can be said that Durham gusy ekro e is i ector of! $,0 took a third for Deliciaus in ýfarmers are certainly aking the Information Division of' * jthe single box class, a third more than their share of the the National Capital Commis-i * for Deliciaus in the fine tray 'top awards this ycar. sion in Ottawa Mr. Aykroyd,' * Ia native of 1%Montreal[, is a Uni-ý * V'uBE...h:d ~ I. L ~versity of Toronto graduate n * X iw LI IInis C l~ub e i r civil engineering. He bas lhad -------wide experience in many1 fields, but his most recent i * Interesting Address work bas taken hîm aloe 'Canada, pubiicizing the Na-! ýations te o tional Capital Plan for Ottawa I ýO n -rm.. M ac linery ýand the 1,800 square mile sur-1 rounding area. Known, as a X 115 At the dinner meeting of 12:153 o'clocliz mstead of bbe dynamic speakei,,lhe bas beeni the Boxvmanville K i w a n i s uisual Monday evening dinner in great demand across the in ile Club beid at the Flying Dutch-j meeting. country by bath large andi in il mnMotor Hotel on Monday, Ian lbc'rreote n hsmall groups of citizens inter-1 evening, President Ted Hut-, meeting held by the Boxvman- ested ini the future of Canada'sI -ton announced that the an- 'ville Chamber of Commerce beautiful capital. Tlhere xiii Ipts %vili be nual President's Conference'iasr week. He stated that the be a few tickets availabie atj incom tax wîll be held on Monday. No-lsuggestion of the local Ki- the door for those wbo wouid' incme ax vember 2th. He alSO sCltubwitns Clu Santa Claus'stili like ta become membersý oses. that the club w'il hold a ]Lun- parade be helc i'n the town of the West Durham Canadian: cheon meeting on that date at * TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) i Club. Kinettes Make $350 Donation to Hospital Recentlv. several members of the Kinette Club si owmnil met w~ith officiais of the Memorial , pitlhe-e ta make thiewî donation of $350 toa help jhis theplayroom on the children*s fluor of the seiv wing. They are, from lef b ta right, Hospital Ad- îministrator Bernîard Holden, Building Chairman Harry' V. Crvdermnan, IMrs. Don Stutt, Chairman Kinette Hos-.ý pital Comnmittce: MINrs. Osborne Williams, Kinette, President and Mrs. John Werry, member of the Kinette j Hospital Cornmittee. -Photo by Rehderl The program will appear this Saturdayat 6 p.rn. on "Country Time". Early reports also indicate that the Ayre sheep are do- ing extremely iveli at the Royal this year, although fnal judging will flot take place until tomorrow. It is aiso understood that Boyd 'Ayre, a brother, Harold Skinner and son Lloyd of Tyrone are present at the Royal with their sheep. In- cidentaliy, Mr. Skinner Sr. w sguest on a fanm tele- vision program iast Sunday. Jctts art IIEAVY CASUALTIES DurhaiCounty's Great Family Journal BO-WM-ANVILLE,- ONTARIO, WEDNES-DAY, -NOVEMBER l5th, 1961 Whether it xvas the present nuclear bomb scare or better organization and cooperation, the fact remarns that seldom in recerit years has there been as large a crowd at Remembrance Day services in Bowmanville as attended on Saturday morning. As, this photo shows, there were hundreds standing for i over an hour in the chili winds, Vetlerans, Cadets, Scouts, Guides, Brownies and others. Most merchants bhroughout the bowvn had closed their businesses and were present during the service. Unfortunately, the public address system wasn't functioning, but even those who could flot hear stood in reverence... many, possibly wondering if the world was on the verge of yet another and even more deadly excursion into war. Leg io GivesMany Groups Parade Donation to Largest Crowd in Years IDippeli Fund A ed pca evc Branch 178 of the RoyalU Canadian Legion at the meet-Ate d p ca S rv e ing held on Thursday evening; in the Legion Hall, voted toi donate $50 to the L. W. Dippel Memorial Scholarship) Fund. Ma rking Remembrance Day President James Woodward* anounced that a joint meetingl of Branch 178 and the Bow- The iargest crowd in severai led by the prize winning Bow- in command of the Color maniville Ladies' Auyiliary ta. years gathiered at the Ceno- manville Legion Pi Band. Party, the Royal Canadian Legioni tapsh01n Saturday morning, President James VTodward- A det'aèlmenf of the Ontario wili be held on Thursday ev- November 1 lth, for the Arm- headed the marching mem- Regiment Cadet Corps under ening, November 23rd. Mem- istice Day Service of Remem- bers of Branch 178 of Royal the command of Lieutenant R. bers of bbc Board of Directors brance. The event was beld Canadian Legion. President Davies also marched in the of Memorial Hospital will be under the auspices of the Millie Bates andth members parade. No. 2464 Ois4ario invited ta attend, and a chetlue Mayor and Bowmanville Town of the Bowmanville Ladies Training Schooi for BoysADc-' (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN i Council, the Bowmanvlie Min- Auxiiiary ta the Canadian Le- det Corps was commanded by isterial A"sociation and Branch gion followed. Captain, H. A. Cuthbertson, as- 1'178 of the Royal Canadian lst Vice-President Ross Mc- sisted by Lieutenant J. Pater- Legion, ta honor those who had Knight was the parade mar- son, Lieutenant Keith Tinline, given their rives for their Ishal. The Color Party was Lieutenant Bert Robinson and ci fÇ~tci The parade started in front Bates, Ernie Perfect, Jean Bur- Local Boy Scouts, Cubs, Girl of the Legion Hall. Queen 'ton and Georgina Carter heGuides and Brownies aiso -The Goodyear plant IStreet, at 10:15 o'clock. It was1past president, Ed Rundie was <TURN TO PAGE SEVEN> had quibe an exciting day on Monday, when three employees were baken ill quibe suddenly. Hubert Murphy, George Perfect and Lorn-e Kerr were al taken home or bo hospibal wibhin a few hours of each other. On Tuesday, AI Osborne of the office staff followed them ta make a fourth. At latest report, bhcy are doing as well as can be expected, xvibh George Perfect back at work. We also under- stand that Councillor Wes Fice xvas bruised a bit when a beit hit him, but says he'll be going sbrong for Nomination Nighb on Monday. HOME WORKERS- Oshawa Wood Products showroom at Courtice was jammed on Monday by over 70 do-it-yourself construction men and women who arrived in the fog to hear how to f ix up a recreation room. The several speakers pro- vided a veribable fund of information concerning the newest produets for such acbivity. along wibh technical details on "how it should be done". No doubt the haffimers around the area wvill be busy for the next few months as those atbending the course put their new found knowledge into action. GOOD RESULTS - Xe continue ta receive re- ports of exceptionally fast resuits from those tiny classified advertisements. Recently, a note was inserted saying the police had a lost diamond ring in their possession. The owncr called before 9:30 Thursday morning and identified it. Last wveek, a home owner offered his house for rent and received over 25 calîs. In the same issue, a lady offered an item for sale and had it sold by 11:30 on Thursd ay morni ng. t t1 NOMINATIONS Monday evening, from 7 to 8:30, the Bowmanville Counicil Chambers will be the scene of the local Nominations for various public offices. Citizens are urged to be on hand bo hear the addresses, campaîgn promises, reports of sbewardship, etc., of those who are planning ta run again, and those who may stand for office for the first bime. Î_ a NEWV OFFICE - Work started this week on a nexv building that wvill be occupied by the Ontario Dcpt. of Agriculture's local office, now located at the corner of King and Temperance. The new structure is on Dr. Hendry's property wvhere wvork is currently being rushed on a Do')minion Store supermarket. Other construction activity in the community includes a start on the Waverley Road cloverleaf where bulldozers and land movers have been preparing the site. SENSITIVE SPRINKLER- The fire brigade rushed ta answer a caîl from Bowmanville Foundry on Tuesday morning, but when they arrived found employees battling an excessive amount of waber instead of f ire. Apparently, one of the heads on the sprinkler system became a bit temperamental and blew its top. spraying water a]] over the place. Some damage resulted to a pile of sand used in mouldinc. Bank Loses Ornate Chimneys The Bank of 'Montreal in Bowm anville lost some of its ornate grandeur early this week when chimney expert Herman Van de Belt and staff, assisted 1 by the crexv handlîng this huge crane, removed six chimneys from the roof. The operation was a spectacular affair in keeping with the historical importance of the changes. These chimneys were built in the days when labor and ma- teniaIs were cheap and fancy comnices and decorations were in vogue. Un- fortunatelv, Ihey had outlived their uscfulness and now will be replaced by Imore modern but less decorative outiets for the heating gases. Spectators and sidewalk superintendents wvere present in large numbers during .the rémoval proceedings. 10e, Per CoDv NUMBER 46 Large Crowds Attend Remembrance Service LOUIS DIPP' MEMC SCHOL.P FU] $4,0O $3,000 $2,000--- Send dona P.O. Bol Bowmc Officia] receil inailed fori purp(: -U -1 i-