t>WMDNMSAY, NOV. 15th, 1961 Hat Shop Busy Spot At St. PauI's' Bazaar St. Paul's Church W. A. Mrs. James Castie greeted the A1 Ixeld a most successful andl visitors at the upstairs en-'0f <oi well attended Fali tea andîtrarice and directed them to'ppe bazaar en Saturday afternoon, the various attractions. The pape November 4th. The s un n y' presiderit of the Eveping W. Lynd aRutumn day encourage d a A.. Mrs. H. A. Cuthbertson, table ;4Mger crowd than usual. n the mjnister's wife, Mrs. The tea was held in the,H. A. Turner, gave an added The Opacious upstairs lecture roomi welcome. were Under the supervision of Mrs.! The lecture room was dec- ýr Jack Welsh and her grouD.lIorated in autumn clolors. The jon"ý The Convenors of the varlous1Ilarge tea table was centred Here, booths displayed their wares!with a basket of lovely bronze andc In the downstairs auditorium chrysanthemums and flanked table and ini the primaz'y room. t by rnuted orange tapers. Those eo Mrs. Bob Carruthers and: pourng tea and coffee were of Th Mrs. H. A. Turner, Mrs. Ro- the h FIN QALTY bert Stephens, president of The * U the Afternoon W.A., Mrs. D. leader r 1KONUMENTS AND W. Arihistead, president 0f! itt9 MARKERS ;the afternoon W.M.S., and 'homne Mrs. H. A. Shaw, acting pre- were ~ of me. 1 sident of the Evening Auxili- Frost, ftUFi ~ary cf the W.M.S. raine al1 STAFFORD Mrs. Johnny Graham and in th( ÈCJBROS. LTD. Mrs. Ross Adams were inl diesa charge of the attractive lunch ed vý tables. They were assisted by Mi-s. * Deala a younger group of ouGt. CGh girls, in uniform, Miss Heath- tt er Moore, Miss Lynn Frost girls. Stafford Brothers and Miss Ann Ferguson. These Mrs girls served a large crowd of vefled LIMITED !people in an efficient and edb Nonumeout wayand are ta bean 1 Box 133 Mrs. Frank Osmond a n d terPt 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby Mrs. Manseil Stacey sold con- hlr Phone Whltbycert tickets and f ook tesbe table. Mohawk 8-3552 money. Mrs. Jack Welsh, past IT president of the Evening W.A. The manag Mrs. Ideal Christmas Gifts Fre son w for the Lady! Suh severa HELENA RU8INSTEIN YS to b COLOGNE OR SPRAY MIST Vis a, PERFUA T ABU . . . a atn PERFUME - STICK OR SPRAY DUSTING POWDER - BATH Available in Attractive Sets Vis AýE $3.00 9 gift COLOGNE SOAP HELENA RUBINSTEIN EAU de PARFUM $200 - $3.50 MIST $2.50 - $4.00 ,DUSTING PQWDER $1.25 - PERFUME SPRAYS $2.75 $2.00 - $2.50 VISIT YOUR REXALL STORE JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. WE DELI VER MA 3-3361 TO CELEBRATE NATIONAL JEWELLERY WEEK Nov. lSth to Nov. 25th We Off er. . . 1,? Sparklhng 'Round a Large Cultured Pearl THIS'$59350 HEART-PENDANT is YOURS FREE Wfith Fach and Every j6ribalIn~ot iamonb 31inq in tbe Peerless Desirée Collection Now on Display from $99.50 HOOPERS Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. E. MA 3-5747 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILIZ. ONTARI O was assisted ln the kitchen by President Mrs. AI Cuthberf- son, MVrs. Victor Miller, Mis.J E. L. Ewert and Mrs. Oliver Dairyrnple. Christmas atmo s p h e r ou.aded the upstairs tabl Lrds, Christmas gifts, g:l r and accessories. Mr. Eldridge and Mis. CIL ly were in charge of ti Land did a brisk businee ie majority of the booft esifuated in the down sauditorium and the ad ig prim.ary classroon ýthe crowds congregate chatted arounLd the bak eand exclaimed over th Sand artistie arrangemer 7he Hat Shop which wa hîghlight of this bazaar. ie C.G.I.T. girls under th ersbip of Miss Ruth Hew sold the ever popula e-made candy. These girl SGwen Graham, Glenn :Breada Virtue and Loi eHodlgso>n. Dressed ali] he traditional white mid and navy skirts, they look very tx-im and nautica Turner ia in chargeo .T. instruction througl the year and these are he s. Xeaes de MI-le con id the talent table, assist >y Mrs. Ron Hetheringto Mrs. Jim. Colville. Mr, r Jefferyý and her daugi Penny were ini charge o lren's wear, a popula ýPenny was aise ia C.c mniform. Le bake table was capabl aged by the Elgin Si punder the leadershipo Howard McRoberfs. MxE Smith, Mrs. Lawreno ns and Mrs. Stan Hodg were the helpers. Le young anid very activý h-way group organizeý ral new ventures and ai ,econgratulated. for thef itive and artistiec creativi ire into the fashioningo [-mde bats and delu, boxes. These hat boxeý y articles of beauty, weri 1ore by Mrs. Ray Stain-to ffrs. Harvey Lunney. The kly found new ownerE ;girls are now fakiri rs from. those not fortwn enough to secure onea bazaar. They make ex nt Christmas gifts. s. Eugeae BethuLne an< Murray Abbott sold bol and used jewellery fron iell stocked and varie< er. Mis. Kari Piper an( Herman H-aass rnanagec fascinating ribbon an( ýn table and also the par post table. Buttons wen lyed on a rotating stand Mrs. Ron White, MrE tKYilleen and Mis. Glec A acted as hostesses an( ladies in The Rat Shop lature o! the bazaar. Thi Shop was decorated i e, Using a white antiqu. or, antique white irci rs and white hat stand The lovely hat boxes an( bats themnselves made th! 5cinating room of unusua n. YELVERTON 1%U. and Mis. Wmn. MeCal, entertained Mis. Fred Teons o Flnniskilleni oves the weekend On Saturday evening Mr. an( Mrs. Art Hyland o! Nestletci and Mr. and Mss. Stan McCabi o! Lotus were aise guests. Cz Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lloy< Slemon o! Haydon were even ing dinner guests. Last weekend Mr. and Mre Howa.rd Malcolm and Mr. an( Mms. W. J. Malcolm visite% with the Jim Philps la De i- troif, U.S.A. -Mi. and Mrs. Balfour Moci visited last weekend with Mi and Mis. Morris Holmeso Peterborough. On S u n d a: the Moores, bar interruption hwere scheduled ta visit Mr, Sam Sedman o! Wbflitby. The Murriay and Howan Maicoinas atfended the "Royal this week. We at Malconia enjoycd change a! scenery while at tendlag fthe O.F.A.'s 25th An nivcrsary Convention in Tor onto Manday and Tuesday. OBITUÀRY MISS LAURA FALLIS Miss Laura Fallis, aged 61 yeans died la Civic Hospital Peterborough, on Sunday, Nov ember 5th, followiag a lingeî ing illness. She was bornata Bethany daughter o!fthe late Mr. aný Mrs. Richard Fallis and hac lived bore aillber lifetime. Sfricken with a cripplini disease la early childi;ooî much o! ber life was speat ir a wbeel chair, yet site neve complaiaed. Her sunay dispos ition and real scase o! bumor ber inferest in people and al commuaîty affairs was some fhing to marvel at. She de rived much pleasure !rom hi wosk as local corresponden for The Watchman-Wardei ncwspaper li Lindsay an( raany fimes ber accountso humorous incidents were pici ed out by other papers. She is susvived by fwo bru thers, Fred Fallis, af home Harvey Fallis o! Lindsay, fouý sisters, Mss. Hugh McDonali Irene), Mrs. Roy Ferret (Bertha), both o! Cavan, Mrs William Fair Ida) o! Fair mount, Mrs. Cecil Hughu (Edna) o! Toronto. She wa predeceased by ber parents a brother William and a sistuý Mss. Myrfle Talbot. The funeral service was hb fromt the United Church ii Bethany on Tuesday a! teraoo: the Rev. George Richardsci officiating and organ musi played by Mis. Mervyn Por teous. Pallbearers were Hugh Mc Donald, Roy Ferren, Wiflian Fair, Cecil Hughes, Joe Fai] WaUcer Fair and Leslie Chail ice. Burial was la the fanail 1plot at Fallia' Cemetery. Celebrates First Birthdav IFoster Mother1 rf e s as is. t- la- nai r-:i ke! rs.I ~Tells of Her Experiences 1 amn the mother o! three chîldren of my own but there are usually five of even six chlldren living ia our house. My home is known in Child- ren's Aid Work as a Foster Home. When firsf approached up- on the matter I was very hesitant about taking littieý strangers in to live with my own childrea. That feeling, bowever, has passed long ago for we have learned to love these little charges as much as our owa. I should like f0 tell how one of them happen- ed to corne into our family. Jiîmmy, who is now six and wilgo to sehool next year, caeta us from a very sad back2gYround. He used f0 be left ah alone for days on end in the place that passed for a home. The father is be- i eved ta ho soinewhere in :Western Canada and the mo- ther, a wholly irresponsible person, preferred the kind o! life she was living f0 the care o! this lovely little boy. \ 4' 9- This weekend on Sunday, November 19, 1961,1 rlittie Stephen Joness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur d Joness of Oshawa, will celebrate his first birthday. re Stephen is the only grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Morrisr ir Joness, Carlisle Ave., town, and Mr. Ross Rombough,1 eAj ax. -Photo by Hornsby cet s, ' ret M W'ecdIcngsc ,s.t rg MOORE - BLACK veiled rose-hats were in a bai- OnFîanvnig e~- moniziag shade o! green and at O Frdayeveing Noem-their cascade bouquets were X_ ber 10, 1961, af 7 o'clock,ilaSt. 0f piak and white carnations. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Mi. Gerry Cox o! Toronto Oshawa, Linda Patricia Black, was bost man and the ushersl d daughter o! Mis. George Black, 1 were the groomi's twin bro- th R. R. 3 Bowmanville, and the ther, Mr. Dave Moore, and an- i late Mr. Black, and Mi. Paullotber brother, Mr. Ron Moore, d Douglas Moore, son of Mr. and botb o! Toronto. id M.Gog or !Tr The reception was held at onto, were unifed in marriage the Sandalwood Restaurant, id by Rev. Derek Allen. NrhOhw.Teget re Bouquets o! white !Mudt were received byth rd', d- and pink carnations'fre mother la a blue crepe chif-t ran effective setting for the fon sheath with matching n ceremony. accessories. To assist, the id The wedding music was groom's mother was in a soft p, played by Mr. Frank Waters green satin brocaded sheath ne Of Courtice and an uncle o! with confrasting accessories o! n both fthe bride and groom, Mr. blackc. uc C. J. Lloyd of Leaside, wa The bride's travelling en- >n soloist. semble for the wedding trip d- The bride, who was given f0 Ottawa, Montreal and other id in marriage by another uncle, Eastern points was a peacock is Mi. Lenard Clark o! Toronto, blue sheath wifh matching ai wore a full-leagth gown o! marabou bat and white mo- white satin brocade w it h hair coat. Mr. and Mrs. Moore sweetihearf neckline and lily- will reside at 20 Balaclava Dr., pointed sîceves. The full skirt Scarborough. was accentuated by a scallop-E ed heinline which flowed backward inta a short chapel ELLIOTT - RILEY >e train. Her bouffant veil was ln an autumin settjng af St. Of caught to a crown o! pearîs John's Anglican Church, York ýd and crystals and she caried a Milîs, on Saturday, Oct. l4th id cascade bouquet o! pastel pink' t43 .. arcaCr1 ne ross an eneto o Riley, daullhter of Mrs. Tho-1 )e Misiaa ent o- mas Rlley and the late Thomas amanville was maid o! bonor1 Riley, became f lie 'bride o! yand the bridesmaid was Miss Douglas Bat lito1ý nJanice Bakiitro h o o etyElot ny Blak, iser f te!sonofMr. and Mms. A .W. D. bride. They were in short IElott o! Wiliowdale. r. full-skirfed peacock green vel-1 Rev. L. S. Garnsworthy of- Id vef dresses 'fashioned withi ficiated. Mr. A. F. Cameron' ad sweetheart neckhanes and wore: played the wedding music andi e- matchiig shoes. Their tiny Mr. Chlie Ollikkala o! radiol and TV sang 0 Perfect Love Gerenn and the 23rd PsalIn. r. e Cash Today Standards of white shaggy! of ~~chrysanthemnumis and lgtd y For Old Appliances tapers were on the altar o! s. hrug the church. rs.thrughMr. Paul Riley gaebis sis- 8STA TESM A N terlinmarriage. She wore a rd CL A 8SS1FI1E DS full lengtlh gow'n o! white 1T' Phone MArket 3-3303 peau de soie. The skirf fel la - - folds over panels o! Alincon a lace and tiny seed -pearîs cn- lianced the neckline of the n-1. fitted bod'ce appliqued in r- ~ALLAlencon lace. A crown of FALL seed pearîs held hier veil o!, Ired French illusion aadý she carried a bouquet o! lac, and old English ivy designed by Ondeura. Mrs. Robt. Hatch o! New' SUPP IES Hambur;z was mafron o! honor-, SU PLE i Mrs. Mel Peters, Owen Sound, 1 V_ Catherine Ti.ghe, Owen Sound, r- SEE OUR LARG E Doris Bishop o! Toronto, and the bride's sister Lyan Riley,, Y, SELECTION 0F 1962 were bridesmaids. They wore' d, identical sheàth style dresses d A lo peacock blue peau de soie, W a..papers ihmthnov sirs g gathered to a bow at . thec ýd BOTH IMPORTED back, with shoes and head- n dresses to match. They car-, 'r AND DOMESTIC ried crescent bouquets o! ýs. yellow and white shaggy r, * .I bysanthernums witih greeni ili e-Full Line of: Douglas Waddell, Willow- e-i dale, was groomsman. Ushers ir KE PROUCTS were Elliott Dunbar, London,i nt Gerald Ccx, Douglas Burnel' er SPRED SATIN and Paul Riley, Willowdale. d LUO1NML The recept ion was beld in, of LUX R ENAMLS theStarlife Room o! the k k_ THIX PAINTS Lino Ho tel. Receiving the 150 guests with the bridal party,ý AND ENAMELS Mrs. Riley wore a mink fane peau de soie gawn witla se- SREZ WOOD FINISHES qui fim and matching fea-: un ther bat. The groom's mother adAnVANSE chose a dress o! Alice blue peau de soie and matchiagý r SECA velvet pilîbox bat. es For travel by planie fo Mi-, as CLEARANCE ami, the bride. wore a forestU tsjof green original Shedlack .. er W i~jacket dress, matching It.. id W allîpapers scries and green orchid cor-' The child's plighf was j brought fo the notice of the1 Northumberland and Durham Children's Aid- Society. One day a Social Worker drove into our yard wifh a little Dassenger la bis %car. Would, I care to make room. for one more? At first I was all against if, fearing what my husband might say; but he himsel-f settled the question by coming up at thaf moment. The look o!f vonder in Jim- my's face at all he was seen in a faim-yard did more to win us over t-han all other' persuasions. If seemeêt onlyi the Christian thing ta do and we tcook this child ln untilI the Society would do what if could toward straightening the tangled affairs o! bis fa-' ther and mother. Jirnrny is an exceptionally, bright boy and has shown' much imlprovement since be- ing brought into a normal1 family circle. I arn ail for lending every aid possible foi the support o! the foster home movemefif so that these un- fortunafe littie îmites may be saved the' experience o! bav- ing ta be put info shelfers or charitable institutions whicb,I though worthy and necessary, are flot able to give a child the sfarf il le that he would get ia the atmnosphere of aý natural family circle. The Children's Aid needs, your financial. assistance now to continue ifs essential ak. Send donations fo the Tro ro n- to-Dom-inion Bank, Bowxnan- ville. Reafly now, isn't the nIosft eurious thing la the worlda woman who isn't? Live in your heart as though vpl-v were »e ,in 'm s mtu a.... 1 1 1 47 KING Sr bled then sang the "'OId Rug- bounteous lunch, Including a ged Cross". beautiful wedding cake made The remainder of the even- ing was spent in dancing ta by Mrs. Berwin Adams cf Osh- music supplied by the Day awa, brought the annlversary brothers -of Blackstock. A party ta a close. ~LŽry Ceaners %C/nucU1e Local Couple Have 4Oth Anniversary A happy and delighfful cv- ening was held in the Lions Centre on Saturday, November 11, 1961, honoring Mi. and Mrs. Z. Adams, Church St., on the memorable occasion o! fheir 4th wedding annivers- ary. Following the arrival o! the bride and groom o! 40 years ago, Al! Randle, chairman, very capably expressed the best wishes and congratula- fions o! ahl assembled for the anniversary couple. He con- cluded bis remarks by wishiag the "young" couple success and happiness ia the future opening o! their nursing home. Family and guesfs enjoyed a pleasiag musical program as follows: solo, "Bless This House, by Harold Hay, Osh- awa; recitation by Margery Gray, Newcastle; piano solo by Joyce Gray, Cadmus; duet, "In The Garden" sung by Ber- wia Adams and Marilyn Jack- son, Oshawa; recitation by Marquerife Beacock, Nestlefon. The Day brothers then enfer- tained wifh a song, an old favorite, "Marriage Vows", also playing the guitar. The program ended with a recita- fion by Margery Gray. Blaine and Bryce, twin sons of the bonored couple, then presenfed their parents with two lovely platform rockers on behal! o! their brothers, sister and families. AIl assem- Cala Leslie CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Home Cleaulng lu Dangerous. Cleaning fluid should be handled only by experts to avoid explosions and lire. Maple Grove Home and School Tea and Bazaar Sal., Nov. 181h - Maple Grave School FIRTH BROS. ;T., E. "QUALITY MEATS" LEAN, FRESH, SIDE PORK S PARE A No. 1 GRADE (REAMERY BUTTER WITH A $2.00 M4A 3-5081 YOU CANT MATCH THESE! HAMBURG HEADCHEESE BOLOGNA ANY ITEM 3 LBS. 89C FOR YOUR STEAK LOYERS! FREEZER BRANDED BEEF ONLY 45-LB. LOIN 0F BEEF AVERAGE WHICH GIVES YOU PORTERHOUSE Steak LB. 7c T -BONE or 7 WING Roast RPE All Our Meats Are Guaranteed - Phone for Prompt Delivery Ser'yice "Tropican AdZ PURE FLORIDA ORANGE< JUICE DRINK ... MILK and ORANGE JUICE. FOR GOOD HEALTH :Children and aduits should drink at least a pint of milk daily because milk is the world's most complete food. Milk contains every vitamin and minerai the body needs except Vitamin C ... and "TROPICANA" 100% pure Orange juice is rich in Vitamin C "ýTROPICANA- 100% pure Orange nto utr fe!Juice is made fo ihs ult Intrductr OferFlorida oranges and bas a delicious flavour. One carton contains the - Clip This Coupon - juice cf a dozen oranges so the cost -~is low. Look for the USDA shield on the carton ... it is your guarantee THIS COUPON\l of purity. GOOD I1fl HAVE FOR M PTtpcaa on purchase of a carton of Topcn "Tropicana" ORANGE JUICE ORANGE JUICE, DELIVERED DAILY OFFER EXPIRES SAT, NOV. 25th BY YOUR MILKMAN PHONE MA 3-5444 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY GLEN RAE DIRY 98 King St. W. lb. 65c PURCHASE Eowmanvmfe Johuny Patterson, the famoum Irish clown, Iay critlCSlll7 Ut The doctor, having doue al be could, elosed bis medielue case and prepared to leave. "'I'l sec you lu the morning, Johnny," he said checrfully. Iustinetively, the dylut clown smirked aud gave bis eye a. prof essional roll that had helped launch mauy a quixi. "Sure, doc", bc1 murmured, "but will 1 sec you?" 1 1 %. 1 - mmwý j ma