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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1961, p. 5

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V- ,Rtegular rîce ________-13.35 - -----~-19.60 Add $1.00 for dry charged batteries INSTALLED FREE - FIT MOST CARS OPEN TILL 9 EVERY NIGHT Blackstock Garage Proprietor PETE KEUNING PHONE 986-4961 -mi-ndedoôfthe Safety-Rall1y for Durham and the Public School Safety Competition in Orono Town Hall. It was voted to award two Iprizes ta Grade XI at the Cartwright High School Com- mencement as no Henry Thompson Memorial prize was won last year, and ta give the usual writing prizes ta Grades 7 and 8. More labels were handed in, knitted pieces for Unitarian service were ex- "'ibited by Mrs. Vine and a î7.I. silver spoon ta be pre- .ented ta a member who is .noving out of the community. of the F.W.I.O. Farmn broad- cast ta be beld in February whicb will deal with Techni- cal and Vocational Training. Mrs. Grabam gave a splen- did talk on the day's motta, "When a man dies, he holds in bis hand only that wbich ho bas given away". The Rall Cali "Wbat I want done with my most pnized possession" was well and sometimes hum- orously answered. 'Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Convenon o! Citizensbip and Education intnoduced the spec- il speaker Mr. Tom Harris, Part Penny iawyer wha gave a most informative talk on "Womon's Rights" and held a question and answer period lacer. Ho expiained the Dower Act and the Dependent's Re- lief Act, the making of a wil and expioded some common beliefs ne samne. The speaker described tbe proceduýe when a man dies without a wiii and the extra expense and incon- venience ensuing from saie. Also the position of the young widow left with sevenal small children, the estate tied up until ail children are 21 years of age, wbo finds it difficuit ta support them and applying ta the court for funds for edu- cation etc. Often the court! stops in ta divide an estatel, in a manner even the deceased penson probably would not bave wisbed. A will may be cbanged at, any time, but no wili made 1, pnior ta marniage is valid un-ý less made in contemplation of marniago and sa stated. Second. marniages are included. Mn. Harris explained that probat- ting a will means pnoving the will is genuine and anyone may contest; same within 7 days. Ho deait with joint pro- perties, succession duties, bank accounts, life insurance and' safety deposit boxes. In conclusion Mr. Harris said, "The man wha makes ai will leaving everything ta bisý wife and makes ber bis exe-, cutor is the best wiil o! all. We concern ourselvos toa much' with aur children. Our first. duty above ail is ta each other.! Childnen, boys an girls, can, do for themseives now-adays People go overboard ta bene- fit children and depnive wives wbo are past their day a! hav- ing any eanning power, of their nights. We are doing aur chiid-, non no good by leavîng tbem* a lot o! maney. We owe them. to be brought Up with char- acter, education and opportun-1 ity. This fulfilis aur duties." Mrs. R. Davisan extended i the thanks o! the gathering ta Mr. Harris and ta Mrs. Mc-. Laughiin for procuning this ýinteresting speaker. A deliciaus' !lunch was enjoyed and a Cecilia Jackson and lier par-' ents in Toronto. On Saturday evening the Hylands were sup- per guests with lier parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. MeCabe, Lotus. Mr. David MeMullen of Osh- awa spent a wcek with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Robin- son of Port Hope were recent weekend visitors. Friends are sorry ta learn' that Mrs. Charles Fallis is a patient in Port Perry Hospital and trust she xiii soon be able ta return home. Mrs. Wm. Hooey was able ta come home last week fol- lowing surgery in Port Perry, Hospital and ail wish her a: speedy recovery.i Mr. and Mrs. Harold King of Wilfrid and Mr. and Mrs., Camm Thornhill, Lindsay,! hearty vote of thanks given ta Mrs. Hudson and ail who ar- ranged the profitable after- DCORATI14G CENTRE FOR THE BEST -IN- CUSTOM DRAPERIES AND WALL-TO-WIý , BROADLGOàl Two Locations OSHAWIA 19 BOND ST. W. 723-4922 PETERBORO MARKET PLAZA RI 5-6874 Dave Preston, Prop. 25 Centre St. Bowmanville NIA 3-5912 BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE CUSTOMERS' TO INCLUDE OSHAWA - fl - Starting November l9th, we plan to widen the scope of your local telephone service. This ineans that: YOU WIîiL THEN BE ABLE TO DIAL FRIENDS IN OSHAWA WITHOUT LONG DISTANCE CHARGES AND PEOPLE IN OSHAWA WILL 0F COURSE HAVE THE SAME CONVENIENT SERVICE TO BOWMANVILLE. - ---a -- THE BELL 'TELEPHONE COMPANY OP exuxDà« f g- wear, your expression makes, and Mns. George Johnston. [parents Mr. and ?&o.L.H-M.adM.JcGbonf the first impression" was also FrT. Mr. Daniel Smith returned to Ilnd.ParvMu.WlrtC. really good. Current events, elgon F ouo ay Toronto on Saturday wîth his Recent visitors with isEvlnCfe a Rep r s f o a i yMrs. .ilHil.- daughter Margaret a 1 t le r and Mrs. Bruce Heaslîpwr n ec caoalc R epo ts ro.wa i ys e, Religi (.rcicespending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jc IllDistrict President, held "j"rantThow in Won n n ttts her interesting and helpfuliTe G acDfIVnd rn s Local folk attending thel addressso InonitutofsWtrk40t4 Wedding Anniversary A WeekysTaonbyERev.oR.R.oNicolsoncelebration of Mr. and Mrs. o c r and how this may be accom- AZ.ekAdams in Rv.theR.Licgison Hallb BLACKSTOCK W. I. 1 Grove W. 1. on Nov. l3th. plished b3r the homemaker, Te'po! au ndZ.nddgain vs h Atdaedretta ee o m n he on a llaIvie T~nyegtLde noetA letter from the secretarv rtn oteCrsin nýmsr naohr ht-pr et-ahatwt nes throug'h planning and theý h 'psl alwhl :de n erdn a hftetneetta vrBwavle n Stra a venteretiladeetng of fPotPerdTopia ux- ithree Ts-Tools, Ternperature, wiig ote hotannnmie-i aohrta ar-1 etio- a heart ihnteanse!evening were: Mr. and her Women'estittmeeathe o'ioaf wsrt ead, eHopsial Tiing.the cit<>ofEpheu, wrote in' entswere found wilng cnIfetos îvî mtosadGeorge Bowers and £amily, S b cripi on nn a theomen Mrs Neil alcthak rpathelp n shiMssrakHsin ru letter these wise and in-Itinually ta abandon their off-lquick tears. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Beacock honeo Tues eeigl Mein'ing if possible ta heîp nowleader, who bad introduced51i id a.i eth os fdes- Tess fPal'eatis s et n d es and family, Mn..anddMembership onwedyevnn.Me it tedgda.Vtd ateseaeepese hn one nother, tenden-hearted, tinies, in order ta escape in1 n eogra'eart s s d en nde- and family, .adMr.,Fred, opened by singing the «Ode h h ol ra.V tedt! a ers. Wi se M. al-s forgiving one another, as God convenence, anxiety or bur-' his epistles. "He loved his con-Mr. Wilfrid Vine and family, I ADULTS $5.00SUDNS 25 a.nd Mrs. Raiph Larmer read give $5.00 and several bocIk s .Wsmn r Ml in Christ forgave you." (Eph.' den" 1erts with a tender affection., Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Williams Scele fCnet the Mary Stewart Colleet. oicket were taken for sale» colm, and ail who had assist- 4- 32 RSV). H called them-"My blvj and family and Mn. and Mrs. IDcddta give 1,izes to the!ed, and the meeting elosed bPaul wnites out ofandhis own Secretary and Treasurer's; top students of Grade 9 and, with 'The Queen.' nPchlChris t f pei nce. ed," "MY dearly loe"Ja.aliadfmiy Dec. 2 - Grc Chrch-nteHl reports wene accepted. It was 10 in home econa'mics and A rie asgieChh randsteian e e ace for- ieh in aur 1anguage eas ympathy is extended ta: decided to adopt a six yearýshop work as bas been donemthr wit tesmles at fr dear s." Tbey w ere ahMn. W. G. Philp and his son 1 hi old girl of any nationality. inpeisyar.mhe merlIy had been hard-hearted. 'ert l. Merlin in the loss of a son and Feb. 2 - LacB he eC nda Op r Mrs. Saunders, Caesarea, is Roll cail was weil answe-i a;te lucky cup, Mrs.~ merciless persecutor of the! tAswhe study bistocrywe fin 'bonth n. oran Philp o ta be asked ta display hred with a jar of jain for PtIhsWilson; the lady with Christians. stogs hratoTrnothsps ek Christmashherî HospotatePder-! Mr;. GehrgthatlfeewCompany Cherita gifts, cards, etc., atIGery bial. Mrs. Mervyn the mast articles in ber purse, Paul says we are ta be n tne- r.GereWof asbs Apr. 7 - Jacque bon ins th etmeeting, Dec. 6tGam gave a very interest- Mrs. Wiseman. A deliciaus "tender-hearted." Wbat does; "' ' fr tAbraham Lmeeincoi as a and the roll caîl is ta be ans-lIing report of the Area Con- lunc of toasted bun, cheese tibis mean? 1 .Arhm Lnon'a ftePebtrinLde i OTC wened with 'Something for vention, and Mrs. Arnold! and bacon, with nelishes, and Shlr elu httemno imwi n ra b rsyeinLde i OTC N EBR0 H the Ghildren's Ad' P 1 a n s1 Taylar's response ta the mot- coffee and cookies was serv- Greek word translated "ten- ' i sesetbohrac tebude a odyeeigwe ia XEUIEO HN'M.I.R AE wenemadefor visiting Mapleita,_"0f ail the things youled by the group and hostess. der-bear-ted" means - "Ta epsssdbe rceo tender-pl an er a e lfo ra -t' O828 fuli 0f feeling, easily touched ns r aneiefderewing r.andver Carclera «During the Civil War he tionofM.adM.Chre HMTNW1. and moved by another's woe. .wudotnvsi h iiayGIZ isti the Presbytenian HAMPTON W. ouTedsameeword istrthelatedtary Church Hall on Wednesday most enjoyable pfogra in the First Epistle of acofr and sken- ng courage the woundedansckeeig CH N E Fwas presented at aur W. I.jPeter (3:8), as "Be pitiful." 1soliers. Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Sm CHrra F Noed bteest g rou asiTendeVranseartes'"av In May, 1863, he was pass- ells, Sharon and new babiy arragedby he wst roula tnde hert. ing through a haspital cheer- daught er of Peterboroughý and presided aven by Mrs. M. j Let us note, that tender- Ln>h ains hnh setSna ih Ele' O W N E R S H IP ' chuntosefr hirri heartedness is a distincly came ta th bedside ofa 5boLyIS W A ON R H Pcail "A hobby you will hope do not know what it means. morta'lly wounded. The Pre- .9WhrSm tWmnSop ______________________ta have time for w'hen you re- At tbe very time these Rev. R. R. Nicholson sident took the dying boy's j tire." From the response there words were written gladiator- thin, white hands itota is L.will be lots of seiving and mat il contests were being fre- The cruelty of the Romansown, and said in a tender LADIES' BULKYI T Ella G it ~ O p making. quently held ini the amphi- at the time of the birth of:.toel "Well, my boy, wbat can ElIc s G it Sh p 1The motta, "One of the best theatres and arenas in the Christ is seen in King Herod I do for yau?" The young things ta bave up youn sleeve great chies of the Roman Em- the Great, who commanded' soldier asked hlm ta write taiCAD I has been purchased by 'is a funny bonl, was pre- Pire. At the conclusion of the that the childrcn of Becthle- his mother. The President didC AD GN Mr.andMr James Brla and will reen I pared ànd given by Mns. Wil- fight, as the victorieus gladia- hem, under twa years of age, se, and when ho was about te i ie -WieOi Mr fu r.a y W ~I lison and provided lots of tor stood with sword drawn should be put ta death. leave, the boy looked up ap- Reg. $9.95 - CLEIN laughs. and bis foot upon the pros- When we examine the con-' pealinglýV. "Won't you stay The Nestieton ladies were trate form of bis conquered dition of thie world to-day, we, with me?" he asked. "I doCodry& ueeW tr M ONDAY, NaV. 2Oth our guests. Mrs. Lawrence adversary, he would look ta find that hardness of heart,i want ta bold on ta your hand," JC K ETro & S hightful solos, " littie bit o dies, for their decision asta everywhere, ta soking ad:tIe lad's meaning.Th appeal an wl b kon 5Heaven" and "How Great the fate of the fallen gladia- al.arming extent. The worldlwas too, strong for hm ta re- ta serve- Reg. $24.95 - CLERN Thou Art," accompanied by ton, and invariably they would needs to-day, perhaps as ncver sist; so he sat down by bis a Mrs. Taylor. lean forward and stretchinc, before, the Christian grace of1 side and toak hold of bis thin Wise ta buy B.L B a c* ay s if S opMr. eaoc rada om her rm otthy oud eneres.hanid. For two heurs the Pro- A L O B a c ay s~ Jft h p shhd cmpsd inhonoofn er tmbs out t o ind tendernes neyer makes a sident sat there patiently, as I KI 10 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE ýthe 60th anniversary of their dicate that the victim was ta man weak. In its perfection though be had been the baysr;4 0p ma Intiut whihthy ilbebeptot death there and it is found only in strong men. father. When the end 4 came, * * *celebrating in the near future. thon, before their very eyes. Some writers have declared ho bent aver and fol1d the R eg. $12.95 - CRI NG - Mrs. K. Sameils also nead a C. Loring Brace, in bis it is the hig ' est evidence of pale bands over the young MV PHONE MA 3-3121 fine poem. "Histor.y of Humane Progress strength and is t'he sign of soldier's breast, and left the We carri o it rec Mrs. VanNest of Bowman- under C'hristianity," says "Sla- poise and confidence. lhospital in tears. GINGERi FOR FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY OF ville gave a detailed demon- very in the Roman world was W. E. Gladstone, the greatý Tenderness was charactenis- SERICEstration of making ornaments in part sustained by a prac- Christian statesman, was ten-1týic of our Lord Jesus Christ, ALE "London Las&" BL U E GILLRD' CLENITSERVCE from driftwoed. Sbe certainiy tice so revolting and inhuman, derhearted. He left the Hanseand no man's character is -more fIavoi * * * *proved very capable. Plans as hardly ta be comprehen- of Commons ta go ta the barei complete without this sweet -more sparkla were campleted for our ba- sible ta modern ideas - the garrot, where a poor street!and graclous quality. -more for $2.981n 3. Enquire about our prompt zaar. systematic expasure, or aban- urchin, that ho kncw was ly- 1 The world to-day is yearn- yu oe At our Christmas meeting donrnent o! the childnen of ing iii, and there hoe prayed' ing for tenderness. AU araund yormey- NL AFWLET wiil be taken ta be sent ta the defectîve cbildren by the ricb. St. Paul xvas flot a weak hearts that long for sympathy, -Golden Plougb Lodge. Se completely had iuxury man. Ho was one of the' kindness and love. Let us R S E Lunch and "God Save the eaten away tbe natural in- strongest the worid bas ever, therefore cultivate this Chnis-Ee.t$995C AIN - Quen" brought ta a close a stincts in one, class, and sa known and bis beart was oneltian grace of tonderness.Re.t$195C very special meeting. 1it thee wll e adonation of 2 N slfnSain GatTopos W IN TER D R I V IN G Nestl:ton Wmn's Institute F taeChrstas cmeetingd N sieln SatonGrant hrp osonwthA Usml E ORLYA YPA Vemnon members are askod ta bring Mrs. WVesley Campbell and r r.GatTopo e- osesorte Nvmegftmaed ma"o"w-Mrs. ChaeerEnron Hudsnt aa turnod from a visit in Liveiy QUART5-1Sc, 2 FOR 35c utlCrsms moseting e oebrgft akd"mn rIw- r.Cale mro s taSX12 OZ. BOTTLES 41ck meigof Nestieton Womon's man" far the Golden Plow splendid day visiting with with Dr. and Mrs. Jack Mar- PLUS DEPOSff WG-26 N E D S prsnrm Lodge. Mrs. W. Jackson wilI Mrs. David Hope and Mrs. low and family and in North _______________________ br, Mrs .Eesn is c r. W. Leyiand on the Ralpb Cook in Port Pcrry re-IByn ofedwt n ________________ ES EhelThopson Mr J or- unsineCommittee for the cently. Bra d ew UB RBA IT S ca lied attending meetings bore Mrs. Adelbert Beacock gave loy, Heather and Janice spent i 6.7x1 Tue ype1885 many years ago, the former a. short talk on ber impres- the weekend xith ber parentsl 6.7Oxl5 Tube type home of Mn. and Mrs. Fred sions as a delegate ta the Anea Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gardon , T &TNIOE 7.10xl.5 Tubeless --------____ 23.40 Hyland. Convention in Toronto. Mrs. of Rice Lake. Friends trust' 7.50x14 Tubeless____ 20.40 Items of business included M. Emerson member of the Mrs. Midgeley's mnother soon' veifying, the Needlecraft Ca- Federated Board brought in- enjoys better health. 8.00x14 Tubeless --------------------- 23.40 urse dates Nov. 22 and 23rd, formation ta the branches and Mr. and Mis. Taîbert Kellett, INSTALLED FREE wben ail ladies including non- told of bow proud wo al wero and Mr. Elxvin Tree of Miii- i members are invited ta attend. ta bave Mrs. Lawrence Mal- brook and Mrs. Sadie Hamil- WdrLc a al n 6.70x15 Tubes-------------- 2.90 The Port Perry Fair list was colm favour with three de- ton and Mns. Bertha Best of ,W*e oa rathank you notes from lightful vocal solos at the Wed- Orono spent Sunday with M.' those remembered in illness, nesday evening session of the and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. EXIDE BATTERIES and cards were signed ta two Convention in the Royal York Mrs. Arthur Hyland spent 1p; I pi--- - _ _ - - 1 svri asviiin ih issick members. We were re- Hotel. Mrs. Emerson alsa told forn tv' j~tnç il i 6 volt 12 volt 9.95 14.95 I'SPECIAL LOW PIKÉS *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* I At Yowj Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. Iii RYLCREEM _------ 3ctube 5c"I jPHILLIP'S MILK 0F MAGNESIA 12-oz., 69c 5 7 c 1: VASELINE ---White - 8-oz. jar 69c 7C '1 i:VICKIS VAPO RUB--- 64c Jar-----5 7c.11 SLECTRIC SHAVE-- - Willams - 79e ---5 7C.1 I:BAIBY POWDER.-J - & .J -75c ----5 7,I~ I: PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE ----65c tube ---- .5 7 c I 114. PALMOLIVE SHAVING (REAM- 65e tube _ 5 7 .1 "b'DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS-_- 79e -- 5 7 c IHALO SHAMPOO ---- -69c .5 7 c WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE ICGWLING'S DEUG STORE JOHNSGN'S DEUG STORE "i SALEX NcGREGOE, DRUGS ORONO, JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNACY JUST A REMINDER TO OUR BOWMANVIELLE CUSTOMERS ...Startint November lSth... to cal your frIend.s in OSHAWA, dial the full 7-figures of the llsted Oshawa telephone numbers and alo To Cail INFORMATION.**. DIAL 113. To Cail the BUSINESS OFFICE . .. DIAL 728-4601. J. W. LOWRY, Manager 'y .- ý , .- e-WMNESDAT, NOV. 15th, 1981 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 PACM Fm

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