PAM Msx ___________________________________ T4SMA N ~Lm1' >1(1 Whitby Mayore* At Rotary Lun< The duty of every citizen ta Mayor and take an interest in municpal manville Tc affaira was emphasized by effeet its pi Mayor Stanley Martin of lof directors, Whitby, the guest speaker att Tom Reli the Bowmanville Rotary Club!the Civie luncheon meeting beld at thelfe~mer Tom Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel troduced ti en Nov. 3. Mayor Martin ur- He said th ged that credit be given ta who wasb xneib e r sof Bowmanville Hill, bad b Town Council for their ef-ithe life of' forts and projects so that theyisiderable PE will be encouraged to serveltold the Rot &gain.1 Martin had President K. N. Morris said1 large heatir thal the Civic Affairs Commit- 'business in tee arranged the pragram. He years. called on M. S. Dale, chair- Mayor Mg man of this committee. community "In a few weeks we will cussed by M eleet the president and board a Rotarianz of directors of the larges:t bilsi. years on Tov ,mess in town," Mr. Dole sta- two as Mayc ted. He pinted out that mun- Rehder poin Icipal governmeht is the mast. "My objec Important local undertaking instili intere for all citizens, and that the civie electi<: -Mayor Marti manville isi i~; ~ant part of pal governin the clasest t NomELOERS explained. The costs UMLTBIEACHEER great in any WE RAVE ALL in Bowmar UIMENT costs are ee aein Whit < « ~ TiNg pointed out. X 1fRV tian ta the i devoted ta ed "Despite tl i that there ns gardingé ttheE Board membi in that of otl an Naminatic aîso less inter es made by Sc bers and Seh dates thon in . presentedý ai'] ELECTRI cri).part of the1 CuOi UCING REPAiRS spent an eduq REFRIGERATION -ELECTRIC Mr. Dale that IWfO -SALES -SERVICE the board oaI TTV- RADO -APPLIANCES manvilles ma ROYAL THURS. TO SAT., NOV. l "The Wackiest in the Arm) (Color) Jack Lemmon, Ricky f 1 ALSO (TAwelve to theMI SSait. Matinee 2 p.m. "Wackiest MON. TO WED, NOV. 21 "Portrait in 8/ Lana Turner, Anthony Quinn, Sa: (Aduit entertainment) voting for the board o! direc-ETTTf tors. In any municipality you ENILJ.J Sp eaks are entitled ta use yaur fran- chise througli the payment ai Mss. Keith Davey and Elaine, Itaxes." visited with Mr. and Mis. Carl cheobn -Wise municipal gaverniment Sargent, Ida. ~ID~DE looks ta the future as well as Several irom here are en- the present," Mayor Martin joying the Royal Winter Fair. 1members ai Bow- said. "Industry is a must forlM.adMs arnSib .own Council are in the weli beîng o! any munaci- Mran s.W reSmto resident and board pality. Our success with new Oshawa, were vîsitors at the OJ 's industry during my term o!fPascoe home.W hder, a member o! office in Whitby bas included Omitted frorn the list o! W Committee and a the e>ffansion ai Dupant, and guests at the family gatbering u. wvn Cauncillor, in- Dunlop bas brouglit its head- at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coch- a' the guest speaker. quarters ta Wbîtby."1 rane's xeddîng anniversary te iait Mayor Martin, "It is your duty ta, take an celebration were Mr. and Mrs. ýa born in Richmond interest ini your municipality. Ivan Cochrane and Judy ai 's been prominent in Be as ca-operative as possible Nestleton. CI Whitby for a con- with your Town Council. Give eriod. Mr. Relider its members respect for the Jc tarians that Mayor work they have accomplislied. B KS O K th conducted bis own Promote tbe best people for st .ng and plumbing office, be willing ta lake an ttehm In Witby far 45 active part yourself. Do not be h ...mta oe te critical unless you are wiîîing O! Mrs. Ernest Larmer Wed- P [rtin's record o! ta serve as an officiai or on nesday aiternoon, with 19 ai ladies and 8 kiddies attend- S service was dis- one o! the town's boards," he ing. rsdn eda ril Mlr. Rehder. "He is urged. .Peietra natceh and lias served 11 Mayor Martin urged the Ra- enttied" an ess l o! the p ýwn Council the last tarions ta do their best ta in- Higourafa own"0Got h ae ,or ai Whitby," Mr. still enthusiasm and ta get rid Oinging cf the ohym.n "O God t rted out. o! any apathy among the vat- OrHi"seofrdpae.~ ctive todoy is ta ers. He advocated a positive Durinig the business period ur est ini the coming approocli, neyer a negative at- a letter asking for moie ban- ca on in this town," titude, ta mynicipal offairs. dages was read by the Suppiy pc tin asserted. "Bow- Walter DeGeer, a past Dis- Secretary, Mi1s. Carl Wright. fa, weli operated, and trîct-Governor who is also a Anyane having white cottons the most import- former Town Councillor, thon- which could be eut into ban- be polities is munici- ked Mayor Martin on behaîf doges kindly leave ait the pa ocut because it is o! the Rotarians for bis ex- home o! Mrs. Cecil Hill be- ta ta the people," he cellent address. President Mor- fore Nov. 29th. TI ris also expressed bis persan- The raIl coul, "How con I pa o! education are ai thanks ta Mayor Martin, contribute ta world peace" ni *municipality, but and presented bim witb a was well answvered. Mrs. Ro- e]s .nville education capy of "Seveni Paths ta Peace" mcii canducted the Devo- n higher thon they a Rotary book. Mucli opplause tioal period, taking as ber tir tby, the speaker was received by Dr. George subject "Ye are the Light o! ai . He drew atten- James, a former Maor ai the World." The offering wos ho fact that the sums Bowmanville, and editor em- received by Janice Dorreil ni ýducation are spent eritus o! the Canadian States- and dedicated by Mis. Frank an flic Schooi Board. mon, when bis birthday was Butt. Mrs. Leitli Byeqs read O'! bis you will find celebrated by bis feilow Ro- an item an Peace. Msds. Ern- à s less interest re- tarions, est Larmer, P. Romeril, Lloyd Mc electian o! School President Morris annaunced Wright, Ken Samneils, Rolpb dei bers thon there is that the Bowmanville Rotary Larmier and L. Byerý then lii ber officiais. Aiso Club's onnual Ladies' Night presented o piaylet entitled thi [on Night there is xiii be beid on Soturday, "Where the Worid Becins' ta rest in the speech- November l8th. He said that which ws ot nerstigfai ;chool Board mem- Rex Walters and bis Fellow- and enligbtening. 0V hooi Board candi- ship Committee will be in Meeting closed with the ev( ni others that are charge o! arrangements for benedirtion, after whieh lunch MO thouglitlie largest the event. was served by the group and ticl town's budget is A letter a! thanks for the bostess and a social hour tOî ication."l gifts presented ta Don Morris spent. onl rtin agreed witb for bis new baby daughter wos Prize winners at the L.O. the ýt Town Cauncil is received from Rotary Ann B.A. euchre party Tuesday doE directors of Bow- Dorothy Morris. Bill Thies- niglit were: High lady, Miss iajor business. ,I burger tlien mode a presenta. Cora Crozier; low lady, Mrs. ugbt stock in a tion o! o stuffed mink from Hector Shortridge; higli gent,- uld most certainîy bis Mink Ranch ta Mr. Morris Mr'. Fred Cowling; low gent, ýur priviiege _of for the new baby. Mr. Flem Thompson; lucky , ~ The winners o! draw, Mrs. David MeLean. - draw were Walter Dc Gèer and Tuesday, Nov. 7th, Durham Laurie Oxenbam, Whitby. and Northumberland T. B. As- CE MANVILLEsociation held a Fireside Chat at the home o! Mrs. Ivan [A 3-5589 te Tbompson. Mis. Pewtress,ex EX-DLurIIamie ecutive secretary, gave somne highligh'ts o! ber timieaot the 18 rrom national Con ve nt i on. Mis. 1 -18 Reti res FDcpresident,eaonducted Car Fam film on T.B. The survey in- S hip ldIIy Court Northumberland will be in 1962 and in Durham In 1963-. pi The retirement o! W. J. Eck Persans fromn different points Lie( as Probation Officer ond Fam- in the township were present 64 y ily Counsellor ait the Torontb in the hope that oui' next sur- Family Court was reiated in vey will see 100 per cent o! FNelson the Taronto Telegram recent- the people in Cartwright came F le~. 1aut for a chest x-ray. Mr. Eck's experience in wel- O.N.O. met at the home o! M( '1fore and institutianai work had Jessie Gunter on Tbursday, T oon its origin in November, 1911, NOV. 9tù. Cornmittee in charge wben Mr. Fegan's Homes Inc. Onnoi.nced arrangements for Ship" invited him toaoct os Farm "'Husbands' banquet and niglit IManager at a Canadian type a! Bowling"l at the Acres, Dec. -training farm, ' the "Homes" 2nd. Plans were mode for part 10 - 22 bad opened at "Goudhurst" caterin'g for the Donlands Ho: Kent, England. banquet Nov. 2lst. Roll cal, lUReturning ta, Canada, he be- "A eharacter I admiire". NmsA came farm supervisor ait the were drawn for tîhe homes f G. aCK a former Mimico Indu s t r i a i meetings in 1962. It was de- andra De Scbool for Boys. He served cided ta support the d.oll draw for a time with the United for the hospital auxiiary o!f Churcl it atn outdoor training Part" Ferry as usuai. Lunch Mr praject apened by church, Nor- was served by the group. c - - - ,Val, Ont. Possibly bis busiest Remembrance Day was ob- and bappiest yeors were those served by a service in the sbared with bim by bis good United Churioh Saturday, Nov. Tooth wife when the couple managed Ilth, canducted by Rev. Ra- Off: loth and superintended the "Wark- meril, ossisted by 'Canon Ash- 151 Brushes ling Boys Home" at the corner more. The Guides, Brownies, 19e-29c-69c lo! Gould and Churcli Streets Scouts and Cubs, with their Off]( ------___ in Toronto. leaders, were in attendance 1'he "Fomily Court" work, and alI marched ta the cena- ITOLwlîich had its inception ait the tapli where Mr. A. Carrutli- ETOLold Court Building dawntown, ers, M.P. piaced the wreath. tains xvas completed for Mr. Eck at Txvo minutes' silence was ob- Of Id Minerais the new, modern building on served followed by "The 40 K 9 -5.49 Jarvis St. Part-time duties as Queen" and prayer. Ofic special Constable for Magis- Services in bath churches Orn l- ol frnpq is i r the 41-ppor t t i wih Re e br n e a.9m GER] Cont; Vitamins as 1.35 -3. It r e ss a!ont. E-ast ond otherM. 'and. -Mis. RyMcLaughlin King WE FffT members of Janetville L.O. and !amily. P TRSES IB.A. conducted the Electian Mr. and Mrs. Harry Becker- F m_______ and Installation o! officers for ieY, St. Catharines, were the -j ....~' 1 62.guests during the week o! Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright and ca]led on other friends. Temp * ~ * M r. and Mrs. Kenneth Duns. more ond Beth attended a wediginDrhv.aur ~* ddigiDravatr.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ven- SADI ning and Linda visited Mr. "' and Mrs. Dole Gunter and babe at Napanee during h weekend.-gte Mi. and Mis. James Can- ning, Susan and John, Osh- Pic] awa, were Sunday dinner RA .' guests o!fMj-. and Mis. Lamne Thompson. Mr. and Mis. Alex Clements, Newc Narwood, visited last weelc, and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and O two lady friends visited Sot- urday. with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- KEI' sel Mauntjoy. s.George Fowler spent 141 Ki the weekend ,withi Mr. and Office Mr.George Ilutherford and Tele VCANADA Allan, Oshawa. MonL Mrs. Lewis Henryr is spend- 5 ~ ing a while with Mr. nnd Mis. iJaek Webb and famîly. We 59e Hazel Bishop Lipstick 1.25 Hazel Blshop Lipstick Both for 1.25 Stri-dex Pads 98e Clearasil oint. flreck Raur Spray 59C Special Piices 63e Pepsodent Poste 49e 1.19 Colgate Poste -- 99e 98e Brlsk Poste 79c 79e Vam 69e Spray Net - -59e, 98o Vacuum Bottles 79e Noxzema Cream 1.35 Hot IVater Bottles- 77e 1.50 size Woodbury Shampooa---------- 98e 2.00 size Egg Creme Shampoo ----------- 1.29 C13R1STMAS CARDS Connie Franc New patterns - New sizes Silvikrla 79e- 8. -1.0 -1.50 5.73 Value Gillette Blades and Foamy Shave Creai COWLIN( PHONE DU TR f" 3-5695 DU TR Free! Marie as ne. butter recipe fg'7~quantty for women'a groupa-write todayl A Division of i.DAIRV FARMERS 0F 14 7 Oav.nvort Road, Toronto1 What It Feels Like To Be "Un wanted" 9' ME HAMILTON - ORON() Phone i r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Faims Business Properties Mortgage Loans împt, courteous service &AROLD C. PEDWELL Real Estate and Mortgage Broker castie Phone 3856 pito me r y [TH A. BILLETT. O.D. Optometrist :Cing St. E. - Bowmanville *Hours: By appointment lephone MArket 3-3252 i- Tues. - Thurs.- Fri. 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Thursday evenings led. and Sat. -*98-1l A feeling of not belon or flot being wanted is ont eften hear and read about what is it really like ta be wanted. This feeling of b unwanted among ebldre] as comman among adults. ten times this feeling or ation on the part af ac is a direct carry-over 1 bhildhood. I am reminded of yc Johnny. He is naw gaine thirteen years of age, smai stature, sensitive, with 1 igs that are easily hurt tears that flow qulckly Profusely. He first came ta ttention o! the Children's Society durîng the sum àolidays. We recaîl receiving a 1 phone eall from the Pc ate one evening ta the el tat Johnny had been pic p for breaking into a par ,a and was now sitting in olice station "«awaiting lt as it seemed. For several days Johnny Deen away from home, )arents bad flot even bothE ýreport bis disappear: bhis lack of interest on )art af bis parents burt Job: nore, perhaps, than anytt, dse. Wben we met bim, be ,red, dirty and very M traid. However, after a g lt bath, samne faad and a g gbts sleep Johny was re nd afixiaus ta talk thi rer. At eight years of age nother had died rather s lnly and bis father bad s min ta live with an aunt hree years while he stri, 1straighten up bis own irs and make plans fai vn and bis son's future. H( ver, the sudden lass a! iother and then the sepa bn from bis father seen )a mucli for bim. He camne .ly one conclusion "mry r eV<s gane and my fat] 0 sn't wan t me any moi Business Ufrector, A c c unt anc RAY J. DILLING ,ertified Publie Accounta: 93 Churcb Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building 3r. King and Temperance E Phone MArket 3-3612 YfALE, FRIEDLAND-EIf & COMPANY Accountants and Auditori ýensed Trustee ini Bankrupl King St. E. 725-11( Osbawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. Friedlander, B. Comn., C.P. OÔNTEITH . MONTEITj RIEHL & Co. 35 Simcoe St. N., Osbaw Chartered Accountants 725-3527 Bowmanville Cail ZEnith 45750 rtners: [n. J. W. Monteith, F.C.Pj B. Monteitb, B. Coin., C. G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.1.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfaot, C.A. h ir opr ac fi c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. ce: Chiropractor EgnSt., cor. af Horsey E Phone MA 3-5509 ice Hurs: By Appointme D entfal IL W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S ffice: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. King St. W. Bowmanvil ce Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 P.M. daily sed Saturday and Sunda )ffice Phone - MA 3-5790 use Phone - Newcastle 35, DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home Liberty St. N., Bowmarnvil' Phone MA 3-5604 Ebenezer Explorers met witli 14 present and two leaders. Chie! Explorer Margaret Goy ne canducted opening cere- maonies. Keeper o! the Treas- ice Wcndy Brown toak col- lection and Foula Wordcn gave, the Dedication. Money for UNICEF was turned in and $18.75 was collected. Oui new Explorers learned the hynn "This Is My Father's World". ýe Ail o! the girls enjoyed plac- Sing pictures on a large world kta represent the wards o! the liymn. When compieted oui world was filled with things e we shouid see, hear and not- ice in' aur everyday living. Senior girls completed their -work on the penants and the Intermediates helped the Jun- iors ta write aur hymn in their eExplorer Books. Warship was given and ahl read in unisan oui seriptures. Following aur prajeet work a few games were enjoyed Ënd closing ceremonies. conducted. Several local dcci bunters have returned and ail weret very success!ul. Glad ta know Miss D. Cook- man of South Courtice Sehool was not seriousiy hurt follow- ing lier accident on Monday niglit. Congratulations ta Mr. and' iMrs. Gordon Barber wh were morried at Courtice Church Saturday. A eommunity sbower was neld ta bonour Miss Marjorie Gatcheil wlio will be married later this week. Mr. and Mis. 1y Brown, Miss Virginia Browny and Mr. Bob Fairey motored ta Middleport, New York, on Sunday, ioilow-1 ign the death o! their cousin there. BE HÀ YRichardson, Mrs. William l of Whitby visited with Mr. and Mr. Herb Kennedy, who has Mrs. Ross Cari on Thursday. been iii at his home far some Ladi s G id of S . P ul time, is now a patient in Civic e, ulIdcf t Pu Hosptal? Pter orogh.The Ladies Guild of St. Mrs. Ina Gribble, Lambeth, PaulFs Church were enter- spent the past week with Miss tained at the home of Mrs. Laura Marton. Charles Smith for their meet- Dr. T. W. Scott and Mrs. ing on Tuesday night, with Scott of Burlington were Mrs. Morgan Bigelow presid- guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tho- ing and leading the devotion- mas Jennings during the week- al period. Secretary Mis. Rab- end. ert Sisson read the minutes Dr.S. . Sellr senttheand correspondence. past week with a deer hunt- esemesard op- skrsfor the new juniar chair Alex MeMaster is a patient members, also ta donate $15.00 in Civie Hospital, Peterbor- towards expenses of the Sun- ougliday Sehool Christmas party. Mrs. Ross Hall, Mrs. Olive A sale of home hakin-a ill~1 Feature! - Save 15e! »Red & White Glant 8-oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE 99C Feature! - Save 10e Vinyl Paste '11.TIn. SIMONIZ WAX69 Bakery Feature! Westan or Sunbeam Ret. 39e ech I>RICES EFFECTIVE AT THE LISTED RED & WHITE FOOD STORES ONLY MAPLE GROVE MARKET. . Maple Grove CORNISH'S MARKET. ...... orono, Famous Bradford Marsh No. 1 Grade - 3 Mb. poly bag Fresh California Crisp, Curly 6f r9 No. 1 Grade - 10 oz. Cello bag k A ng Within the thrqe years that we Johnny and bis dad were sep- ut arated the father bad remar- in- ried and finally the boy was ng brought home as it were, to is meet bis step-motlier, and ta f- try and, take up where be had ýn leit off at the death of bis own ts mother. )n By this time bis step-motber had given birth ta two child- ngren and Johnny feit very much on, like an out-sider. When asked of ta do tbings by bis step-motherj *f.. le felt as thougli she was tak-1 id ing advantage o! bim and then, id again, wlien she checked him he up for misdemeanours of one id kind or another, he felt that er lie Was being picked on and discriminated against. e- The father found himself in ca Position where there were et canflicting loyalties ta bis son ýand ta bis wife and the other d chuldren. This often times led ita open conflict between the ds parents, ta the paint where Johnny "«just couldn't take it id any longer" and be left ýi home "for good" as lie put it. ýd A foster home was found for ýe the boy wbere be could bave itime ta think things out with- lout pressure of criticism. His ifaster parents thouglit a great gdeal o! bim and they were s kindly and understanding. hf NOW Johnny feels as tbough ýd le is really wanted in this ýd home. [y Perhaps witbin a few months gor a year we wili be able ta bring Johnny and bis parents ibck together again with re- 1newed understanding and ap- t preciation ai each other. This )r is the task ai a Cildren's Aid ýd Society-.. a difficult one but ftremendously challenging and r. This organization needs your [help now. Please send dona- 1- tions ta the Toronto-Dominion d Bank, Bowmanville. 0 '-M any Guests Present at -Kiwanis Dance -The most enjoyable dance, given by the Bowmanville Ki- wanis Club at the Lions Com- mnunity Centre on Friday even- - ng, was an outstanding suc- cess. More thon 50 couples, Kiwanians, their wives, and guests, had a delightful time. An excellent program aif music for dancing was pro- vided by Charlie Coclirane's Orchestra, Oshawa. The stage was transfarmed into an ef- fective autumnal setting by an attractive arrangment o! cedar bouglis, rosy apples and pump. kins. The Spot Dance winners were Mr. and Mis. Dan Milli- gan, Mis. Derry Hubbard and Jack Reid, and Mr. and Mis. Sandy McRobbie, Oshawa. The fine prizes for the Spot Dances were donated by Jim Collis, Gerald Brown, Cronston Scott, Ross Jackman, the president eleet, Casey Denbertog and Ceeul Aldreod. Mrs. Rae Abernethy was the fortunate winner o! the lovely door prize. A deliciaus lunch o! an array of fancy sand- wiches, also a wide assortment O! lusciaus little cakes and cookies and coffee was served by the Evening Group of the W.A. o! St. Paul's United Churcli. Mrs. Francis Thomp- son was the catering convenor. Guests present at the Ki- wanis Club dance were: Henry Reed, President o! the West- mount-Osliawa Kiwanis Club, and Mrs. Reed, Rae Aber- netby, a member ai the Port Hope Kiwanis Club, and Mrs. Abernethy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson, Mr. and Mis. Dennis Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mil- ligan, Mr. and Mis. George Stephen, Mr. and Mis. Banner Passant, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, Mr. and Mis. Gar- don Black, Mr. and Mis. Mur- ray Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ord, Wbitby, Mr. and Mis. Nick Callatan, Aurora, Mv;. and Mis. Gardon Bassett, Scar- borougli, Mr. and Mi.--ndyii -i r & i.. I.. hi 1 1 râ - T. au ai be held at George Waddeil'a electrical appliance store. It was agreed ta assist the Woman's Auxiliary in catering for the Durham County Five Hundred Bushel Club Ban- quet ta be beld in the Parish Hall, Navember 28tb and wait- resses and table conveners were appointed. Members decided to pur- chase a refrigerator and elec- trie stove for the Parish Hall kitchen and a committee vies appainted ta look irito prices. Cammittees were appointed ta serve refreshments nt the semi-weekly dances held in the Parish Hall. Mrs. Mervin Smith Invited the ladies ta ber home for the next meeting which will be a TUE CAMAnir,&m qrarvex#Apj urm,, 7MANVn.LE. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th, 1961 , i A 6for29c