fl~J - WEDNESDAY, NOV. ISth. 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO Those present Included, as A re d phy and Mrs.W. Rahm, Mrs. able dance held by the Bow- presentation c iis Pei0usn1paeI eti o l well as Mr. and Mrs. HarveMtlllO ds al J. deJong and Mrs. R. Coombes maniville Kiwanis Club at the dent Hutton alopreseL at lu aaet ehl f fl Jones, the honored couple's ' sang "In the Garden" accom- Lions C«nmmunty Centre last prcain 7 ~~ L / l daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P L panied by Mrs. A. Hoar. Mrs. week. t~eitn he betn a lac !i omnil nDcmo eL irsoraz Turner and Judy, Toron,O nf Mv r. & iv rs.S. V ent.on L. Annis gave several short Jackc Morton introduced t~the meigwssetI i-gh their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- hunmrous readlngs. Mrs. R. guest speaker, Hughi Bottreli, Phone MA 3-3303non Jones, Denise and Shel O P~.h laspeil gave a few Interest- Napanee. He told the Kiwan- M - V ______________________________Mmr. Harvey Jones' children, tery. Mrs. A. Hoar gave a block man for the New Hol-U M Aifreda, Tommiy, S u s a n,Th 0hanvrayoth li.ppro -Cwr.TeWAlndMcneoijn, Mrs. W. Thompson, Hay- W. J. Linton of Plaster Rock, Chrissie and Matthew. Fol- Tedgofh ranrs yd Done Alun. welcomed his paper n i-C work.tten he W.. ln ahieCman.W ' dowthM.and Ms. F Omnd . *, IN are presently visiting lowing dinner ail returneci ta ney Venton was celebrated by parents' friends at the door, Christmas meeting at the home Mr. Bottrell gave an Inter- dowihM.and a s.weeke nd a charmingly arranged reçep- and was also in charge of!o Mrs. R. Glaspeil, Dec. 6, eting address on the latest 1E R an aml.Mr na.m Wtely hil presnthoed theanier-hetion held at their residence, 79 guest book. Everyone was de- at 2 p.m. tyaes f ainHeralsor showed Mrs. W L. PaersonMr. and Ma-s. Glenholmne sary couple with two eeti Division Street, on Saturday lighted with Mr. and Mrs. Ven- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rahm .nd ad M trse in W.t.Pesoen , Con- H n teidugtrbanesea ahn et. afternoon and evcning. The ton's only grandchild, I)ebbie children visited Mr. and Ms two informative films. The Hughonorand. the poplar Murdock. Ross HalaBobaanvmae.sMrs.first motion picture presented cesiSt. sevan MlasT. M.1Miss Evelyn Hughes, attended The evening wag spent re Iparty in, hlm was eentitle<I "Storv CHsESTlERFIELDSlle Bailey, Hamilton. the dance given by the Royal minisc.ing and a delectable former Chie! o! Police and Gorgeous red roses, chrysan- Mrs. Lelia Cochrane, Wil- for hei tor." Intfidepite Military College Club on lunch, including a beautiful Mrs. Venton was given by themums in the rich colors o! lowdale, spent a couple of days fth e akio s Igep iffer- Mrs. Harry Alin, Etobicoke, Tuesdav evening at HMCS anniversary cake, brought ta their son and daughter-in-law, autumn and carnations adorn- wlth Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. etsrs n the haresing of 5 pieceoKITCHEN SUITES spent Wednesday of last week York, Toronto, for the R.M.C. a close the memorable occa- M.adMs o etn dtehllvnro n with her father, Mr. W. J. Cadets' Guard o! Honor for sion.. Weston and their daughter and diningroom. Mrs. Venton's sis- of grass and corn for this pur- Berry, Queen Street. Governor-General Vanier. ______ son-in-law, Mi. and Mrs. L. ter, Mrs. Norman Down, Osh-Kj pose. Çma l amsl S o e ta d W. urock Hmiton aaandhe cosi, rs.Ru- ENDAL The second film, "The Earth Mr. and Mis. Raiph Arnes Last Sunday morning the W.MrdocHa m 00filtn. aw elan , hecoin, Mrsth. Rus-,deltwi on and 3111 were weekend guests congregation o! Trinity Unit- Mr hn 0 redscî-silRbis wohdb e .. . . wth i theLoFLsde00w cn o! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Black edCuc a h ra la. La rg ed to express best wishes ta her bridesmaid, presided over Rbnsn efltv i ss with srva o! o land. Disasters F O and !arnily, Sudbury. sdur o!hadtegr Don en- g the former Chie! and his wife, the teacups. William Bickle, oisnwr isLuasudi as floods and forest fires R AT nd C RP T sueo ea.gMs.DnVn who were also the rcipients Ebenezer, a cousin of Mr. Ven- Morton, Tom Morton and their were shownand methods o!fi hshst g n o oe Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennett ton, Weston, as guest soloistc v . o! many exquîsite bouquets of ton's who had been his best !riend, fromi Bethany. 1preventative action explain- Do h oseorcmlt n fsoka were recent weekend visitors On previous occasions Mis: el w beautiful- flowers, plants and man 40 years ago, was also Mis. Eddie Couroux and ed. The film advocated stripDrpi with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Venton had made otiber guest (FROM PAGE ONE) icards. Tbey also received a present. family and Mis. Carl Lang- farming, which lt is said has Port and fMrs. Charele. ons, eatnsiul To wn as end emd afn;so g.Bylong distance telephone cal Te per ety ponted table staff and daughters spent bene!itted many f a r m e r s.FUNT E& Mr. nd rs.Chares ohn, beutiul oiScoutsec e aain e e h en Bow-, from Bert Mortlock, Ottawa was centred by a lovely three- Sunday in Toronto with Mr. Again the advantages te be MAPINE accom.panied bv Mrs. C. Wood well known here. mcut anvi st roo wtheScout- Mr. and Mis. Venton looked tîered wedding cake. Tbose and Ma-s. Ray Moore while received from the use of mod- UDR o! Orono, visited Miss Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Ward Esuinan mani ster B o a ihScart- radiantly happy as they re- who assisted in serving *ere their busbands were of! deer ern machinery were pictu.red. M janie Hoidge, Toronto, last (nee Aliberta James), Shaker and the 2nd Troop with the ceived the guests at the ne- Mis. Venton's nieces, Mis. hunting. One forage hanvesten able te E' OY'COHN Sunday. Heights, Ohio, were guests o! Scoutmaster's Assistant, Bill ception. Mrs. Ventan's corsage Harryý Worden, Ebenezer._and Gordon Martinell, o! Rose- cut up to 45 tons per hour was LDE'W A Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundie, their uncle and aunt, Dr. and Bickle. The lst Bowmanville was o! lovely red roses. The Mrs. Stan Loveil, and the neatb, visi'te4 bis mother Mrs. pîctured in action. Hampton,' were guests on Mns. Geo. W. James. A fam- Cub Pack with Assistant Miss honored couple were marnied wives o! hier nepbews, Mrs. Hattie Martinell. Ron Brooks on behal! cf bis 34 King S.E A351 Wed.nesdav o! last week of ily dinner was beld in their Jean Stainton in charge- the in Newcastle on October 22nd, Carl Down, Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang- fellow memnbers moved a vote Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns, honor at the FlyIng Dutchman 2nd Bowmanville Cub Kack 1921. Mrs. Venton is the form- Ebenezer, Mrs. Arthur Cov- staff and Danny and Miss o! tbanks te Mr. Bottreil for Liberty St. North.. Motor Hotel Tuesday evening with Cub Master, (Akela) er Miss Etta Allun, daughter of enly, Bowmanville, and Mns. Cheryi Vernon were ta Ayl- bis excellent talk, and the MM Mr. and Mis. Ward R. Ho!!- attended by Mrs. N. S. B. Ganth Gilpin, and Assistantsthe lte Mr. and Mrs. ThomasW. Everett Smith, Napanee. mer titis weekend te see Mrs. mian and daughter Sally, Ell- James, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Tom Callan, and Mrs. Gaîl Vernon wbo is in hospital. Wood City, Pa., visi'ted ber James and Mr. and Mrs. John Dîck; tfie 3rd Bowmanville Cub wreath from the Bowmanville a zippen. Everyone enjoyed Gordon returned home Sun- Competitive Pie lsProa evc parents, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. M. James. Pack, wliich is sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary ta the Can- refreshments. day and the rest stayed. James, last Friday. In Tuesday's Globe & Mail the Canadian Legion, with Cub adian Legion. Reeve Sidney The S.S. room on Thurs., Mn. and Mrs. George Mer-__________________________ Napanee, as been spending a up appeared concerning the Knight Jr., and Paul Welsh, the Town o! Bowmanville. sixth mýeeting. Two leaders and in Toronto. few days with Mr-. and Mrs. annual St. Hilda's Nigbt on and the Bowmanville 4th Cub Many othen wreaths were plac- twelve girls saîd the 4-H Our two ladies' bowling Sydney Venton and other Thursday o! this week. The Pack wit u aster F. A. ed by' organizations and in- Pledge. Esther Anne Rosevear teams, the Wîldcats and the friends in Bowmanvifle. article listed thase wbo would Osmond, and bis assistants, dividuals. read the minutes. The roll caîl Kendalites, bowl1cd Monday£ __________________________ Mr. William Lewis le!t Mal- be replying te toasts and stt- Miss Connie Osmond and Miss In bis address Rev.J. C. Ver- was "Something I have learn- evening as usual at Newcas-. SPECIAL AUSAD EIDR ton Airpont Sunday evening ed that Mrs. Francis Burk largaret Cowan, ail marched brugge stated that again aIl ed about making a garment."l tle, but found the noad in FETV L RSWE to attend thbe funenal o! bis Sutton would reply to the in the parade. honoured the memory of those It was decided that aur ne- from N ew t on vill1e badly EF miother, Mrs. Elizabeth C. toast ta the graduates o! 1957. Scout Stephen Je!feny, Bow- who sacrificed their lives that cord book cavers would be sbrouded in fog. Lewis, n Surre, Englad. It i bellevd thatMrs. Su- mfreedomIstmiout Tbepprcaserved.m blackbewithsrminiature w pictuiaere TheurW. A. W meet eegiwgsasheld Leis i SrnyEnlad tnis teivduthatrMinsu-la mavil te flsg.Thcu Trolor- Iis for the living to ask of aur blouses, shorts and Thunsday evening at the home a Mn. and Mns. Howard Neiles, tonistye augtenco-aw ! ned thofa. h Cubsn ourselves bow we can make skirts made from our material O! Mis. Garland Cathcart with IIflftlBUmaving.Ç PEI ÀI L H R O Carly, Jnie nd iaaFrancis Sutton wbo taugbt Pnywscmoe !Cb sure that these honoured dead on the front. Mns. Stainton MM. J. Stajpleton presiding. *M'U rd akRg Carlyn Jaicean Dinamusc i shoos hre evealStephen Living and Kenneth Belleville, were weekend visi-music s hoolsheesee a .shallflot have died ini vain," demonstrated how ta sew in The Bible reading froTu l2th tos ih ismthrMs.F.LstSudy ftroo M-heasete.the waistband for a gathened chapten o! Mark was by Mis. Evelyn Howard Theatnical - 1 paund reg. 89cWt e rpeSa W. Nelles, and bis sister, Miss Latudyateoo The Girl Guides, who pan- Mn. Verbrugge voiced the skirt, also how ta slip-stitch. W. Mencen. Miss C. W. Stew- Cld - --Spe. Helen Nelles. chelle Andrea, infant daugh- aded were: The Bowmanville opinion that in addition ta the Shelagh Murpby and Kathyat gave the devotional on_____________________ acrotiehsa u Mnr.and Mrs. Murdocb Bea- ter of i%. and Mrs. George P s n n opne ne ouet fmrl n Hoan supplied refreshments."My Peace I give unto you"l, ton and Mr. Ross Metcalf at- Morris, was baptized in t.th cmmndo! their Captain stone built in tnibute ta the To honoun Mrs. L. Skinnern0on and Rev. R. C. Wbhite led in DeTee Brand - 500'swihaaneadpor tended the Berlin Philhar- Johni's Anglican Cburch. Rev. Mis. Len Lucas, and the .3rd heroic dead monuments o! the bier birthday, Mis. H. Stain- prayen. Ma-s. H. Foster read I inhpAsot.dsgs monic Orchestra concert in A. C. Herbent o!!iciated. Fol- Bowmanville Girl Guide Comn- love for truth and righteous- ton made a deliciaus cake the "Diany o! a Bible". Rev. %S.. lDets - --e" 15onesz Massey Hall, Toronto, last lowing the baptsm, MMn. d an _________________________________in____wa asoseve. Te . . hie xpaiedth for-_____ Moda eein. rs orisan arn ntrHarold Bennett. The Colon human heants. He urged that Twbich Sw gs also served.The of texpUained th fr-____________ tained nn. r Mrrat ndhi Kabrne nten- Party of the lst and 2nd Bow- the pninciples o! freedoin as Trn eigSlis Wîîmtin wo! sthe nine h h"bOO Y aygobe Mn. and Mms. Len Mangretts, thoe ee t weroe A dn manville Girl Guides Com- taught in the Bible should be meet again Nov. 15. wiharW .wl e Brandon, Mani., were weekendgan panies was composed o! Ad- iClb 49 t 1 k guot wtbth lttr' bo-parents, Mr. an~d Mns. Charles Hys -îmrsed on yaung men and Cub4 met ast week at known afer Jan. 1 1962. In-WiigPd nel sCntpto get ihther an si terlw, M. Morris and Mn. and Mms. Ar- reyHaean Sharon Dad- women. the home o! Miss E. A. Virtue stead o! getting out a papen Reg. 10c 8c, 2 for 15e Reg. 10e 8c,2folc NEIM R anold SmiRobeatndilgod-parentsolsoniahdatde membersnto! 'he "The nonm o! wbat is right with 10 members present. El-o!tenwntenîeChcb___________________ andMns RoentGil an !a- Ms. oge Medow an Mi Bowmanville Girl Guide is the unchangeable wiîî of ection o! officers for 1962, Women are going ta baveFR I TVE Jl, in S.West. aMns. oer. P sat n Mr. Company's Colon Party were Almighty God. True freedom Pres. Mis. W. Rahm, Sec.- elght pages in the Observer. ue - Reg.esh6r9e Mn. and Mis. Don Venton,an r.PPtrck Janet Living and Linda Steel. aîways carnies with lt bigh Treas. Mrs. E. Prescott and Mns. Hf. Fosten and Mms. Mary H aCem - - - -Fr~g xrcs Weston, and Mr. and Mis. L. Last Tuesday, Noveniber 14, The young Brownies, who responsibility. Let us nesolve Mrs. G. Alldread. Sick Comn- Luxon wene named on a Pro- BadCeu - - - - 2 W. Mundock and Debbie, 1961, Mi. and Ma-s. E. A. Jones, marched sa well under the lea- ta teach the nising genea-ation mittee, Mns. E. A. Virtue and visional comniittee ta nemi- Ntr' eb Hmilton, wene with their Carlisle Ave., were pleasantly dership o! thein Brown OwIs by finm instruction and by Mis. K. Hardy. nate a slate o! officers. A Gleem - Reg. 98e Vtmis~ ton ven the weekend. thein 49th Wedding Amnver- nie Pack with its Brown Owl that the fean o! God is the Irene Reyenga at the Explor- the W. A., is ta be added ta Tootn r asie - - - - - 1.j His many friends will be sany. Earlier thein son and Mns.,D. G. Russell, 2nd Bow- first pniniciple of true wisdom ens meeting. Mis. T. Scott con- the committee. The refnigera- Shc aoaIjco ldswt 8 ie-2s talerntht obLoh-daugbýter-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. manville Brownie Pack, Brown and freedom." tinued with a story. Gamýes ton which Mn. and Mns. Roy ~> aetunned home last Sat- Harvey Jones, Town, bad an- Owl Mrs. Jenny Stout, the 3rd The dnead a! the borron o! were played, we closed with Fosten have given for aur 4i '~nay monning farn Hanilîton nanged te take tbem te dinner Bowmanville Brownie Pack nuclean wanfare was discussed the hymn and prayer. cburch kitchen is muoh ap- Shik neco Bl es - - 8c ,75 Genenal Hospital where be te mark the occasion. At the with Brown Owl Ma-s. James by the speaker. "'Novembea- Sympatby is extended ta pneciated .and the ladies ex- __________________________ edcaîldveo"d wa aptintfr evrl pointed time they took McDonald and the 4th Bow- lltb, 1961, tells us that it is Mn. T. Barr and Douglas an pa-essed thein gratitude for the Tots11wigacrac-them te The Acres wbere, manville Brownie Pack with eithea- Christ or chaos. We hion-tep igo as aa.Fn- gift. Ma-. White does not ex- Shultan Desert Flower - 8 oz., reg. 2.50pas ep deontafloig a ci much te theïn great sua-prise, Brown Owl Mrs. E. L. Ewert. or the dead who died for eral was beld Saturday fromn pect Ma-s. Snell's window ta 1DI en.they found aUl the members O! The Caîl ta Worship for the freedom. We can only do so the Morris Funeral Chape', be neady for the service Dec. Rand. andBuyaoton - Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Manuel their famlly. On arrivai a Memorial Service at the Ceno- aightly wben we honon Him Interment at Bethesda Cerne- 1lOtb. Plans wene made for dL io- - 125W E OU and family, Ottawa, were omage o! paie pink pompom taph was given by Rev. A. C who lived and died ta the end tery. serving lunch at Open House Dr. West's Nylon - 2 reg. 69e brushes plus an8eoejI P E weekenid guests with Mi. and 'mums was pinned on Ma-s. Herbent, and was followed* b that doomed men migbt pass Sympathy s loetnda urewsehool on Friday, Mns. H. N. Witherly, Liberty Jones and a white 'mum bou- the stinning hynin "God a! Our farn death ta etennal life," ta the family o! the late Mn. Nov. 17. The W. A. would ap- To hBr he - - - - 138 whotEbras nt ,St. North, and Mi. and Mis< tonniene on Mr-. Jones' lapel. Fathers." Rev. H. A. Turner Mn. Venbrugge stated. Henb Scott. preciate the help o! some of ______________________StiDesedcae Pd led the Lord's Prayen. Captain D. H. Ritson, Com- Miss Lillian McRoberts, Ton- the mothens ta serve it. ___________________*Wp n mdcto Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers mander o! the Salvation Army onto, Wayne McRoberts, Bow- Miss Katie Stewart attend-PIEiisby aead the Honon Rola! those in Bowmanville, gave the manville, Mn. and Mms. K. ed the ongan recital Tuesday NECCA PLE RE M ID ST. ANDREW 'Swho fell in action as follows- Benediction. The Remembran- Chamrberlain, Hamp ton, wene night at Bowmanviile which *Hlsso e ST i R W S1914-1918; J. A. Aldca-oft, s' ce Service closed with the Saturday visitons and Mis. A. was given in St. Paul's UnitedI Bringing Instant Relief fromn Torturing ie ipe rmfrig CH Argent, H. Barr-, C. Bruce, B. singing o! "God Save the E. Niddery, Toronto, was a Church by Mi. David Ouohter- P R SBY ERI N ( URC Brncb R.BrachE. . Bit:Queen." eeed iitrwihMn. and long rganist of Timothy Ea- *Relieves Pain S*Reduces Seln eve otltl P E B T R A CH RtnW.G usnR.Camp- * Promotes Healing ling, E. F. Carr, P. G. Chance, Ma-s. FlorenceSct visited leIss Glenda Mercer, Eliza- Sr-e Minister: Rev. Fred Swann, B.A. A. Christie, E. G. Clarke, L. T RO EMr.ana~d Mrs W.Macdonald bethliie, spent the weekend 1.39 3.15 Claton T.Cocran, E W.Tynone was again saddened Mis. A. Low spent last week Organist: Miss Leta Bragg, R.A.T.C.M. Cousins, P. L. Crago, T. Cun- Home Economist, Miss Mar- Manday with the passing o! with bier daughten, Mis. John More people buy P R XM dcfdP i _________________aan, J. Davis, R. Davis, H. D. ion Waddell, tha-ee leaders and Ma-s. F. L. Byam. Heartfelt English, while Art was away' PURE Edgea-ton, G. Fowlen, P. Gimb- tweîve members wea-e the Ty- sympathy is extended ta the hun.ting. lett, F. G. Goodwin, J. Hitch. rone Sewing Salles who ne- beneaved families. Ma-. and Ma-s. Cy Elsie, Canal TIMEX F CA Sunday Service - 11:00 a.m. cock, W. Hughes, D. Ireland, cited the 4-H Peldge, tobegin The combined meeting o! the andh Marilyn viited Saura than any other watch F CA IE R N H.Irelond, wt.on Nov. 4.Gwen romwith 20 Perfect for beauty Care, a.m. Jones, F. Kenshaw, A. F. King, Gîaspeîî read ber description Pres. Ma-s. R. Glaspell presid.. Mi. and Ma-s Jack Neal, *Oeya urne îe okwnewî nedy, Jack Kilgannon, Hanny o! the fifth meeting. The a-ail ed for butiness. Up ta date the Neisha and Kenny spent Sun-1 * V-Conic movement ENE NOHSCOURtS WITH PRAISE toKC.M tiNMCim caîl was "One occasion when report o! the supper commit- day evening with Mi. and * Stainiess steel bachasln akn ENTER INTO HIS ~mon, C. McDonald, A. E. Mc- shorts may be suitably woa-n". tee canvass is $692.00. Many ms. Ken Neal. nesatit of ad Youwil b mae eîcmeLaughlin, F. McMann, H. V. Miss Waddell explained Ach- tbanks ta all wbo contributedi We wish te extend candol- aott W. Moses, J. R. Moyse, H. ievement Day, judgirig, fash- ta help make the canvass a ences ta Mn. and Mis. Aylward * Waterproof at St. Andrew's MtoW .NcoiA x o aae xiis ht n success. Gnoup leader Ma-s, W. Little in the passing o!Ma-s. * Dustpnoo! ley, J. Palmea-, O. Pingle, J. demonstrations. She also illus- Murphy gave the devotion. A Little's father. H ct, Reid. obL.WGndn, aatdhoncrecîhisntsht W..IyM-s EMurrn-eonaiH nptl aie' oel 95U Paston E. Boomer said the 'te express your Holiday Wishes. -- nat be paesented until the iiext IFos sooDos11-.029-.5LFE REHO OTH CHKingAN Praernf Rmebasunceahe Friday, November 7th, thelMead's Mulcin -- --1-95, 3.2J 55 C RTE K e p in et e n a sun 44TheRaly a! Zone F will be held__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Pl i or F te Ti ReOM D CH R H 1wsponsive Readin R.saln.4, Boxes of Christmas Cards in Uxbridge. A bus will take I.D.A. Brand ascrilued Re v.ing wa nn. P s-any embes o! Banch 178 R EgOgreetCHURCH Sc-iturS. rang byPs To suit every taste who wish to attend. It will BAIUT LIVLfl GIL Cu~APSZO S cu g o g Street. B o w rn a n vila retoniS. G rant.leave from in front o ! the H L RI i D I i I t Re. oh C VrbugeB.. .D, instr Rev. W. K. Housiander saidarpredrm Legion Hall, Queen Street, at O'25s 0' Re.Jh .Vrrge .. .. iitr the Prayer for International 6:30 p.m. 10s20s5 TlpoeMA 3-5023 Peace, the Pnayer for Those 5 9 to s3.00 abo Glen Virtue, Entertainiment, TepoeWho Suifer by Reason o! Wan,bo chairman, informed the meet- i 112.94 _______ and the Prayer for aur Queen, ing that a Membership Dance1.5224295' aur Commonwealth, and aur CRYSTAL - Hand cut or pressed wili be held in the Legian Hall WORSHIP SERVICES Land. These prayens were fol- VSS-BWS-PAE this Saturday evening. Guests--- dsve 9:00 a.m. - English Hearts.'" The Bowmanviile Sa'- CANDLE HOLDERSmabeivtdheded vation Army Band played the 1-autifl dsgs...ad eyraoal 11:00 a.m. - Holland memonable bymns, and also a dsga...advryraoal ý *U nior taofhe seirvn cice. nestKowanos * PRESCRIPTIONS *.uu~ EVEJ~ 7:30 p.m. - English nbrio! intheseivingce.etos rcs .. The Two Minute Silence in Free transportation for those willing but unable Memnory cf Those Who Madec the Supreme Sacrifice was ob- 0 Cluba LORNE JOHNSO R G ta attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 served at 1l a.m. Bugler Ar- FOPAEN) before 9 p.m. Saturday nights. thur White sounded the Last i had been ado'pted, and the o!- Post, the Lament was pîayedi ero! the club's help bad beenfe NEWCASTLE -P O E 20 - lby the Bowmanvilie Legion acoepted gnatefully Mr. Tur- hPipe Band. The Bugler played' nen added that he would go ý 'I Reveille. to Belleville on the !oflow1n.g - "akT o or racssThe large wneath fa-arn day te see about floats. , BrBah 78kfTte aGodanIHour BrookoteadcaicetAU, MLR CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 rnm every Sunday Lego I lcd afth'bae!pneside.nt, who is also the'EXM GROR D U S CKY orno.a .uto h egio apce atthe pbase BI G 20" -ima G 20o! the Education aamM UMUU UL CKE , Trono, t 75Jf dent, James Woodward. Presi- . and Fellowship Conuttee,IM A 3 52 dent Millie Bates placed the ' gave a report on te enjoy- t $ i ' pp - PAGE MON