THt '~AWflTM ~'A~W~RAS WM1ANU-, ONT%1ARIOENEDT NV UtIO By Frank Mohun MA 3.7234SP T pJ VISITORS WELCOME Jim Carlyle, pitcher with Bowrnanvilie Hotel ln the Mken's Town Softbail League is a patient in the Memoriai Igospitai. Jim knows very few people in this area and yfould appreciate very much a visit from his softball cohorts. The days drag without any company - so see what you can do men. t f t 1* t 1 JACK LANDER BOWLS 403 It takes a dozen strikes to bowl a perfect 450 garne - a feat achieved only once in Bowmanville bowling history 3 by the late Ernie Roach. Jack Lander threw twelve "'perfect" balis Wednesday night in the Men's Major League, but a baiky counter pin in the second frame meant 47 pins as Jack wound up with a big 403 score. After a slow start in the first two games, he threw a, strike in the first, took a 15 in the second and registered 10 cansecutive strikes the rest of the way. t t t t YEAH ARGOS! About three or four weeks ago this reporter wrote a,~ Iengthy article condernning the Argos for their poor offencei- which in spite of being loaded wîth star players, showed no diversity at ail. Pass, pass, pass -no running plays cri very few ta say the least. Why, anyone could defend against' the Argos! Whiie the readers are trying to recall that item,ý we'l1 have ta admit that the story neyer appeared in print. In their next outing the double blue playcd like champs and the write-up hit the waste-basket. Now they are in the Eastern Final, and If the Argos1 can corne up with a similar performance ta last Saturday, they might be in the Grey Cup classic. Now cornes the TV or lack of It. This area is blacked out for the first garne, but fortunately we're going Io be able to watch the second Last year not only was it possible to view the eastern 'Éut also the western playoffs - wonder if we'll sce any thisi ycar. Guess this reporter will just have ta make the supreme effort and attend this week's garne. Anyone have any tickets? ** t t t t SHAMROCKS' LINE-UP STILL UNCERTAIN At pre; ent it is flot known whether the Orono Orphans will be in a.,tion this season or not. This reporter wouid ike ta, see Orono with a team, but a few of the Orono players wouid ce.ytainly boister'the Sharnrocks. 'Anewcorner ta Thursday night's practice was Oshawa goAfie Mike Cirka, who is an eutstanding net-minder, but w 'd like ta see a local player between the pipes. 2-< The defence is just about set with returnees Jim ~ linski, Ron Pollard, Terry Masters, Ray Preston and Bob .~ott along with promising-looking newcomer AI Giaspeil. O f the 10 forwards on the roster at the end of last season, only four have returned - Bob and Ted Fairey, Ron *Burgess and "Mort" Richards. Bill Lyle and Bob Sheridan, .wha were with the club early In the season, are back, along1 with newcomers Doug Ruttan and Don Prout, and former Intermediate Clint Ferguson. Missing frorn hast year's line-up are Don Masters, Lloyd Hamilton, "Buck" Cowle, Vlnce Vanstone, "Archie" Crossey and "Hank" Lane. YA. 1A fter watchlng the New York - Philadeiphia rugby îafiýe on TV Sunday afternoon, we wondered why quarter- backý Y. A. Tittie went by "Y. A." instead of a regular first narne. Sparing no expense for our readers we were able ta iind out that bis Initiais stand for Yeiberton Abrahamn. No Wronder he prefers "Y. A." INTERMEDIATE %%B"HOCKEY THURSDAY, NOV. 23rd 8:15 p.m. PORT HOPE vs. BOWMANVILLE Adtq 60ec MChild]ren 0 ýMEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC SKATING 8-10 P.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER l7th SATURDAYI NOVEMBER l8th A DMIS SION jioýts 50e - Children 35c Spectators 10e SUNDAY SKATING 3:00 to 5 pa. CHILDREN'S SKATING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Children-----------------------25e Aduits aceompanying children . - - 25c Shamrocks Sign Up for Season These four members of the Bowmanville Shamrocks Intermediate squad were among the first ta sign certificates this week, ail ready for the opening game next week. They are, from lef t ta right: Ray "Whitey" Preston, Terry Masters, Bob "Fuzz" Marjerrison and Alan Glaspeil. -Photo by Rehder Teenage League Teenage Boys Charles 5 - Phillips 2, T. Callan 7- J. Brown 0, D. Brown 5- J. Callan 2. Team Standings D. Brown ----------------- 31 M. Charles ____28 T. Cailan ____.28 J. Philiips ________24 J. Calian -_____21 J. Brown ....15 High Singles- J. Phillips 212, B. Hellam 208, N. Van- stone 203, 226, M. Charles 243, 215, G. Akey 218, 232, A. Plum- mer 224, J. Calian 201, D. Brown 285, 207. High Triples- N. Vanstone 621, M. Charles 654, D. Brown 653. Teenage Girls Paeden 7 - Alioway 0, Cale 5 - Lymer 2, Vanstone 5 - Mun- day 2. Team Standings IPAeden --------- - 41 Vanstone 32 Cole---26 Lymer 25 Alloway - --24 Munclay --------22 High Singles - J. Paeden 255, J. Cale 245, S. Bail 211, M. Munday 218, 215, R. Tay- lor 213, H. Vanstone 231, M. Chant 226. High Triples - J. Paeden 619, M. Munday 579. Junior Boys Dodds 5 - Wilson 0, Leach 5 - Beauprie 0. Tearn Standings Leach------------------ 38 Beauprie --24 Doddis ---- .... 10 Wilson--------------- 8 High Single- D. Wright 215. High Doubles- D. Wright 345, B. Colville 326, R. Etcher 295. Junior Girls Gay 5 - -IIùIhoIand 0, Hate- ly 5 - Yeo 0, Brown 5 - Dad- son 0. Team Standings Gay - --------------- 33 Drowvn ...._--------------- - 23 Mulholland ... ------ -- 21 Yeo ------ ------ -- - 13 DacLon - --- 4 Hiiyh Singles-Yeo 213, B. Brovn 208. Hicli Dot-bis-M. Yeo 342, B. Brown 'j63. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION TENTATIVE OPENING DATE - NOVEMB3ER 2th Bowman vif le Curling Club Sponsored by otve Golf & Country Club Ltd. NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ADDRESS -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Previous Curling Experience -( ) Ycs Position Played FEES -- *- -e-*-e-MALE, $55.00 CliP and Se"d Te ) )No FEMALE, $35.00 SECRETARY - BOX 839 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. lh*ý - ~ v j,-' .2' 2~ I 't. BELLT UNES.: by John W. Lowry gt your telephone manager NEW "NIGHT-ECONOMY" PLAN AND OTHER LONG DISTANCE REDUCTIONS Now yen can cal! your out-of-toivn family and friends ln Ontario and Quebec on Our new Night- Economy Plan and save money! On any Bell Company station-to-station eall within Ontario and Quebec, placed after fine p.m. any evening, you will be charged at Iow night rates for the first five minutes. Then - keep talklng! There Is ne additional charge for the next five minutes. (You get ten minutes of Long Distance time for the price of five.) From then on, every twa minutes you talk %vili only be charged as one minute. On Long Distance calîs where 111e basic rate Is ten.cents, you can now talk up to ten minutes on the Night-Economy Plan fgr ten cents and each additional six minutes for five cents. While the new plan is the lowest-cost Long Distance plan ever offered to aur customers, there are consid- erable reductions in most day and nig-ht "station-to- station" calls over 48 miles - the direct resuit of the economies that arise from the expanding use 'of automatic dialllng equipmcnt (Direct Distance Dialing). Increased automation enables us ta pass along ta our customers the economies on station -to -st!ition calîs, but Long Distance calîs requiring the more time eonsuming services of an operator are more costly ta handle: rates for such calîs ill more closely reflect their actual costs. For example, person-to- persan calîs have become somewhat more exr).nsive aver distances up ta 276 miles, ivith noticeable reductions for greater distances. The discount rates for person-to-person calîs at night and on Sunday have been eliminated. The small surcharges for cails charged ta a third number or for "collect" calîs have been increased from 10 cents ta 20 cents. STATION-TO-STATION CALLS Sample Rates DAY RATE NIGHT RATE Pi!IT 4ro3 6 .rn., taEcoNOrMY" From6 prn. (6 p.m. ta PLAN Mondal 4:20 ar.. (9 p.rn. ta Bowanvlle thraugh land Sundays) 4:i'Q c.r., Bwavle Saturday> 1I1nithî!,r) 3 MINUTES 3 MINUTESj 10 MINUTES To Old New Old 'New Toronto 45 45 40 40 60 Peterborough 40 40 40 40 60 Sudbury 1.25 1.10 85 80 1.30 Montreal 1.50 1.20 1.00 90 1.50 Windsor 1.40 1.10 95 80 1.30 Ahl rates referred ta in this announcement apply ta calis between points in Ontario and Quebec; they do flot appiy ta calîs ta other provinces or ta the United States.# Here it is November with Christmas just around the corner! -~--~~ <K ~ ~.Yes, it's time once ain ta go over that old Christmas list and make sure no one is .forgotten. Speaking o f remembcring folks Sat Christmas, one of the finest ways ta make a lasting Impression on your lovcd ones is ta provide them with a thing of bcauty that will give them year-round convenience and pleasure - a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness. May we suggest that an extension phone in colour in the bedroom, kitchen, den or basement w~or(shop would give this sert of pleasure and convenience. WVhy flot provide someone dear ta you with 'extension tele- phone service this Christmas? It's something that's sure te be well used and appreciatcd throughout the yer. And, as an added feature, this year we wilI Cîistmas-wrap the extension phone of your choice - Prlnceqs, wall or table phone - ta put under the tree. One of aur installers will came after Christ- mas to conneet it where lt's wanted. If the extension service Is for relatives or friends, yau can arrange payment on your own phone bill. To order, Just cal! or visit our Business Office at Oshawa or ask the man in aur green truck. t h ' MiorHockey Schedules AIl games will be twa 20-minute periods (l-Dressing Room Number. Ail players must use the dressing roorns te change into their equipment. 0 Players must rernain in their dressing rooms until the tearns prior have cornpletely left the ice. Ail players rnust sign their own name ta the score sheet five minutes before the start of their game. Players not arriving on tirne ta sign the score sheet will not be eligible ta play that garne. ATOM HOCKEY SCIIEDULE Saturday Game Tilmes 7th garne 11:50 a.m. 8th game 1ý:35 p.m. (,FloocJ) 9th game 1:30 p.m. Monday Game Times lst game 5:00 p.m. 2nd game 5:45 p.m. Nov. l8-7th game-Bisons (2) vs. Hornets (4) 8th game-Barons (1) vs. Indiang-(3) Flood 9th garne-Bombers (2) vs. Giants (4) Nov. 20-lst garne-Rams (1) vs. Vikings (3)" 2nd garne-Bisons (2) vs. Rayais (4) Nov. 25-7th game-Bombers (2) vs. Barons (4) 8th garne-Bisons (1) vs. Giants (3) Flood 9th garne-Rayals (2) vs. Hornets (4) MIDGET-JUVENILE HOCKEY SUHEDULE Saturday Game Times lOth game 2:15 p.m. llth game 3:00 p.m. Nov. 18-Practice Game-Orphans and Generais - 2:15 p.m. Practice Game-Raiders and Cornets - 3.00 p.m. Nov. 25-Practice game-Maroons and Jets - 2:15 p.m. llth game-Raiders (2) vs. Generals (4) PEE WEE HOCKEY SCHEDULE Saturday Game Times lst game 7:00 a.rn. 2nd game 7:45 a.m. (C.I.) 3rd garne 8:35 arn. 4th game 9:20 arn. (Flood) Sth game 10:15 a.rn. 6th garne 11:00 a.rn. (0.I.) C.I.-Last named team ta dlean Ice Nov. 18-4th garne-Canadians (1) vs. Rangers (3) Flood sth garne-Wings (2) vs. Bears (4) 6th garne-Hawks (1) vs. Leafs (3) C.1. Nov. 25-lst garne-Bears (2) vs. Hawks (4) 2nd gaine-Leafs (1) vs. Wings (3) C.I. 3rd game-Bruins (2) vs. Rackets (4) BANTAM HOCKEY SCHEDULE Saturday Game Times lst game 7:00 arn. 4th game 9:20 a.m. (Flood) 2nd garne 7:45 a.m. (CI1) Sth garne 10:15 a.m. 3rd garne 8:35 a.rn. 6th game 11:00 arn. (C.1.) C.I.-Last named team ta Nov. 18-lst game-Braves (2) vs. Tee Pees (4) 2nd gamne-Cubs (1) vs.*Lions (3) C.!. 3rd garne-Tigers (2) vs. Flyers (4) Nov. 25-4th garne-Lions (1) vs. Tigers (3) Flood 5th garne-Cubs (2) vs. Flyers (4) 6th game-Pirates (1) vs. Huskies (3) C.!. Ladies Major Bowling LeaguI Brock handed Martyn a 3-0 204, Ena Etchei' 208, Ka yI setback Monday night in the Beauprie 207, Mofly Mairs Ladies' Major League t6 move 207, Nyhi Sheehan 206, Sadiel inta a tie for first place with Bucknell 203, Emma Brarnell Buday. The front-runners de- 202, Beth Chartran 201, Mari- cisioned Preston 2-1. Joli upset lyn Cale 201. Patfieid 3-0 in the night's other shutout ta take over third pos- ition, while a 2-1 win by Lyle over Norqis kept the victors 13 U lR l within two points of the lead- .emtMdWb ers. Haynes picked up their sec- 3,O.OI ond straight win, edging Et- cher 2-1 ta vacate the celar. Dunn took over the baserent, position after 'bowing 2-1 ta Brooks. Wilma Bates took high triple honours with a 725 total, fol- l's lASi lowed by Donna Preston-718. w Dot Brooks-717 and Grace E Blackburn-695. Bernice Terry rolied the high o ttee] single game of 295, whiie the More IM& next three were bunched clos- eiy together-Marion Slaght-$5O O 286, Alice Hodgson-284 and Donna Preston-283. la prise Averages - Uwu .n Bernice Buday ............. 221, l gen Hilda Brock ...........221 Thee 100 Prim Doris Jol .................2l 6 1 0 0. Onie Etcher------- ......208i Olive Patfield-----------.....205 Donna Preston---......------203 Joyce Lyle .... ............197 _ __________ June Baker .. ... --- --_. 196' Kay Bepuprie.............. 193' A udrey 1i keli----------..... 3 Grace Blackburn--------.. «192 C Dot Brooks..........._... 190 Peggy Haynes-----------.....189.: Helen Dunn ............. 8F Lorraine Martyn ....... - I85ý Team Standings Teain Pins Pts.f Buday............ 22740 17' Brock ......... 22366 1 Lyle............ 21992 15~ Joli .....-.......... 22411 141 Patfield .. 20833 13 Martyn-------- 20977 121 « îM* c Brooks ...... ... 21689 111 in the box. Prestonr.......... 20992 iil Etcher ........... 21337 10' 2. Au h.ouWho.whiàf Norris......... 20421 .9a. 'The flt wimw rwli Haynes---------....20486 8 i §o aneui Dunn ....0.0....21596 .7Wltaoeadlm 20Games Tenx 5wneswl Bernice Terry 295, Marion. Tenx25wnes ll Siaglit 286, Alyce Hodgson alumlnum trom Bonded Hai 284, Donna Preston 283, 233, 202, Audrey Bickell 279, 268,1 Essie Cox 277, Doris Joli 276, ~ 218, Dot Brooks 274, 247, Nor- b END THIS ma Norris 274, 227, H iId a. o Brock 261, 234, Onie Etcherf 1 I wn Home( > Yes' 261, 213, Wihna Bates 257, My Horne_________ 253, 215, Grace Blackburn 256,1 My H ohSe 226, 213, Connie Osmond 250,1 tuc Helen Duon 249, 241, Joycef Lyle 241, Peggy Haynes 240,11wudI 211, 201, Olive Patfield 240,1 208, Bernice Buday 234, 232, BONDED HOME IMPI Meg Gibbs 233, Shirley Davis 231, 220, Stella Brown 231, e/o CAMADIAN STAI Joan Engley 230, Marg King 229, 211, Shirley Bickeil 226, NA!iE 204, June Baker 226, Norma Gav 226, Virgie Brown 220, ADDRESS Helen Vivian 218, Ada Rich- a rds 217, 202 Ruby -Wood - ward 217, Murlel Holroyd 213, ( Dot Oke ______154 Marion Colville _____154 Doris Weish ____. 153 Fran Patterson _____153 Marg McDonald _____150 Vi Norrish - ..150 200 Games Pat Bradd 228, 218, Audrey BickeUl 285, Dot Brooks 277. Helen Dunn 240, Joyce Lyle 240, Marg McDonald 231, Jean Lobb 228, Sadie BuckneUl 207. F lqOl E-NET Afternoon League Toam Standings Bradd m____ . 1 BickeU Dunn Lyle Coyle McDonald______ __ l Bucknell ___..____ 9 Patfield _________ 6 Gibson _______. 5 Holroyd -5 Averages Audrey Bickell 224 Joyce Lyle _______206 Dot Brooks ______202 Helen Dunn -______189 Ollie Patfield ____.. 186 Jean Lobb _______183 Marie Yeo _______174 Pat Bradd . 170 Marg Coyle ______166 Li' Hooper ______165 Sadie Bucknell ____165 Marion Malley .. 163 Marion Gibson _____160 Alyce Hodgson _____159 Mary Cowan 158 Doris HoIroyd - 155 IIERE'S HOW TO WIN!. ci "ume y.. ecm fean wod"be.on"" wM hoem te PUY m~o fz eutcopla te o I hwafe t h*lo mm hom appows nim.. receive $200.00 applicable on purchase or atone or ome Improvements. VALUABLE COUPON NOW No My Answer in ------- Times me <>Brick () Clapboard ) Insulbrlck <( Frame () 11ke Aluminum () Stone<> for My Homne PROVEMENT CO. - WRITE ADVERTISER 204, ['ESMAN, P.O. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. .PTWN O E _CITY___ TOW O CTY_______ M_ 1. j ~ - :2 t, ; 1 -J ý , PAGE ma? TM CANADIAN STATP-qMAM- etw@rAori% MGRTGAGESi RALPH S.JOIESI Barrister and SoeIIcte 130 King St. E. Oslmwa RA 8-6248 AVAILABIÉB FOR s iýý1e -«If 1 PHONE ý i