WEDNESDAY, DE. 2Oth, 1961TE CAKADIAIi STATECSMAN, BOWWMVLR, ONTARIOPGELVT4 ,flewcastle Social and1 £ersonal Mrs. Chas. Megit, accom- - on Saturday with Mr. and panylng Mr. and Mrs. Robert1 Mrs. Wellington Farrow and Williams of Oshawa visited1 called on other frlends ln the with her daughter Mrs. Nino 'village. Martina and infant daughter Miss' Joan Sale of Scarbor- in Georgetown recently. ough and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie l Spr. App. Neil Voutt of ýKinneli of Lindsay were weelc- Camp Chillhwack, B.C., Io end visitors with Mr. and Ms spending his holiday leave at John Voutt and Neil. his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Butterili Mr. and Mrs. George Daub- of Smiths Falls, Mr. Harold er and Mrs. Robert Duck of Deline and Mrs. Raye Frled- Toronto were dinner guests lander of Toronto were re- _____________________cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storks and famlly. t Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rcr andfms. Ros Allinan fam- were Sunday guests with Mr. and fmily Ros Bowanville i I ly and attended the carol ser- V vice in the United Church on Sunday evenlng. Mrs. Sidney Voutt and Mrs. John Stemp of Uxbridge visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. John ~Voutt last Tuesday evening. IWith Christmas day falling Aon Monday it will cut short our time for news gathering and we would like to asic the E GA A EMhelp of our readers i etn, 9bea great number of holiday1 [OAR, Prop. guests which we would like to ------ - ------publish next week, sa If you ---------efflare among those who are cele- - -gbrating Christmas at your home or if you go out of ±own for the holiday please let us Our sinceres greet- know. We will be working on~ Tuesday, December 26th and ingt, as traditional as a phone caîl to 3621 before 4 holly, convey our very Ip.m. would be appreciated. best wishes for joy and happiness to al Young People our frlends and pa- WV iII Present tron s. X n l Ç P ; i - n JOHNSONYS DRUG STORE ?EWCASTLE CbûInSa'Cie May ail the Joys of Christmas b. yours, happier anti brlghter than the star on top the tre.. That's our wlsh for you anti yours? GOODES HARDWARE NEWCASTLE At this time we wish to extenti our heartfelt appreclation to custorners andi friends for their kindness anti patronage since joining this community. Mlay your Christmas b. filled with wishes corne true, grand friendships reneweti. BETTY AND FRED SHADDOCK ELMHURST HOTEL NEWCASTLE ONTARIO - %ilicie .ibowaliIl Newcastle - The evening service at tbe United Church on Christmas Eve will take the form o!f a Christmas Pag- eant entitled "A Christmas Story" wbicb will be present- ed by members o! the senior classes of the Sunday School and the Hi-C Group of the cburch. The young people have been working bard preparlng for thi paeat which will be presentedi in the auditorium of! the church at 7:30 p.m. and should make a very fine Christmas Eve Service. In the morning service at' Il a.m. Christmas music by the chair will be featured with the Rev. E. C. Woodland preaching on the Christmas theme. St. George'les W.A. Holds Christmas Tea Newcastle- A very enjoy- able Christmas Tea was held in St. George's Parish ball on the afternoon o! Tuesday, December 13th, arranged by the Afternoon Branch o! the Woman's Auxiliary. In the newly decorated hall the guests were welcomed by Mrs. D. R. Dewdney and the other members a! the Auxil- lary. Tea was poured by Miss McIntosh at the attractive Tea Table graced with candles In taîl silver candlestlcks and festive touches o! evergreens decorated it and the small tab- les where the guests were seated. At the conclusion o! a plea- sant social bour, the draw was made for the lovely Christ- mas Cake, sa kindly baked and donated by Mrs. Ernie All- dread. The lucky winner o! the cake wvas Mrs. George Glanville, and a silver spoon, donated by Mrs. Percy Shor tt A was wvon by Miss Trenwith. iCommunity Bowling Newcastle- Following arej the bigh scorers for the week ending Dec. 16, ini the var- I ous leagues on the community bowling lanes. Monday Ladies League- (200 and over) Rita Foster I271, Ruth Couch 250, Edna tWatson 238, Eleanor Perrin 21,Grace Couch 210, May citrs 204. 4Tuesday Men'a League- (225 and over)- B. Glanville 276, G. Kimbail 266, B. Lake ! 256, G. Watson 255, 1. McCul- lough 246, K. Whitney 240, R. ýMontgomery 238, W. Colloer 229, E. Schmid 228, S. Browni 1225, George Butler 225. 1 Junior League-. (150 and l over) S. Barchard 202, R. ý,Goode 199, B. Powell 188, B.1 .. arpenter 184, G. Rowe 180, IH. Cuffe 174, B. Couch 172, J.1 Powell 155, A. Montgomery 152. Wednesday Ladies' League- (200 and over) 1. Cunningham 229 and B. Brown 214. Thursday Mixed League- (200 and over) G. Couch 246,, D. Rowe 241, B. Rowe 237, M. Couch 222.: Friday Mixed League-(2001 and over) G. Kimball 238, E. Perrin 232, K. Kimbaîl 229, B. Alldread 225, S. Powell 215, M. Henry 214, B. McCracken 1 2Ol. R. Montgomery 201. Gardon_ Âgnew, Editor Phone 3621 VilaeTkso Christmas Look SNewcastle- Persans enter- ling this village ln tbe evening are no longer struck by the lights from commercial neon signs as the populace takes on the spirit of Christmas. The attraction of the neon signs bas given way ta the galaxy o! Christmas Iighting decora- tions on homes, business estab- lishments and public build- ings throughout the commun- iity. In addition ta the many lighting displays, by far the most on record, there are "Na- tivity Scenes", Christmas Car- allers, Santa in bis sleigh driv- ýing bis reindeer across lawns and ln one spot we noticed Santa bad already appeared on one bousetop and was standing beside the chlmney with bis pack on his back. Sunday's snow added much ta the pretty scene presented by the decorations in aur vil- lage and also on the weekend there appeared a brigbt new star in the east (at t.he end o! George Street) and anyone who bas flot taken a drive around the village o! late would do well ta take a slow drive around the streets after dark during the Christmas season. tc Th Combined Choirs of tex Newcastle and Orono ai HE Give Carol Service 'n.M Newcastle- An outstanding Christmas Carol Service wlas presented in the Newvcastl United Cburch an Sunday ev- ening by thecombined chairs TO0- Y'Y-Ou AND THANK YOU FOR TOUR 8000 WILL R. B. Rickard Plurnbing & Heating NEWCASTLE CRAGOSI BEAUTY SALON NewcasteI To you andi yours, glati greetings anti hearty wishes for great happiness at holiday time. We're proud andi pleaseti te serve you, and thank you for your good wiIL NEWCASTI FRANK M The December meeting o! Shaw's Home and School As- sociation was beld at the 'achool on December 13th. The president Ross Lane oonducted the business per- io>d. Mrs. G. Brown gave the secretary's report and Mrs. E. Browes read the treasurer's report for Bob Stacey wbo was absent. Mrs. C. Downey reported for thie vlsiting conv mittee. A Junior Red Cross meeting is being beld at thie achool on the da scbool closes for the Christmas; holiday and par- ents are invited. The mothers decided to bring lunch in- stead o! a candy treat. Gerald Brown acted as chair- man for thie evening and a program was presented by the ohildren as follows: Four senior boys, Ray Ripley, Mich- ael Crydernian, David Robin- son and DoTnenic Gallileo pre- sented a black!ace skit on de- tectives. Charles and Veronica Fred- reichs played several duets on their accordions, and piana solos were played by Mar- garet Werry, Pat Rudell and Ray Ripley. Pupils in Grade 3 and 4 presented "Trinimîng the Tree" and sang appropri- ate carols. Those taking part were Kathy Lovekin, Cindy Lou Ayre, Eleanor Smaith, Wayne Taylor, Lenora Har- per, Jan-de Robinson, Carol and Karen Harte-Maxwell, Chris Newell and Donna Mi- kolic. Pianist was Mrs. Lloyd Ayre. IGrade 1 and 2 dld a sprlght- .ly song and dance ta jingle 1:Beils, and a senior chorus presented a iedley o! songs they are preparig for the Kiwanis Festival. Speaker for thie evening was E. R. Lovekin who spoke on "Education." In his usual wit- ty style be brought out sev- eral interestizig points for the IIS1E5 YU Lack of EMO Planning Disfurbs School Board Newcastle-What ta do with tion. was passed proclaiming1 got ta know the .iblic school students lin the Boxing Day, December 26th a better as tbey w Lse o! the dropping of a nuc- public holiday in the village. ar bomb, has the teachers The clerk was instructed to er than he wou id school board worried. wvrite a letter ta the Public have ever knowr ;ould the teachers send the Utilities Commission with re- wise. The twa rel tudents home or keep them in gard to the gravel benpu lors each expres chool, if a warning were on the property of D. L. Ben- rets that their ounded? These were some of nett caused by the flushing other activitiesc he questions put ta the vil- o! the bydrant up the bill from them ta continuE ge council at its final session his praperty. despite the hardi in Friday evening by George At the close of the meig in council, it is 'hadfinnc chirano! the Reeve Cunningham xrse experience andi îard. According to Mr. Chard his regrets that councillors beh ad mny od le secretary of the board has Hoar and Ricicard had decided had________ t iad no instructions from the to leave council. He said they Ifgil*gI<i<i )epartment o! Education or would be greatly missed. Mr. 19 om any other source and Cunningham said they bad w as seeking information !rom both been dependable members he village council. o! council and they had spent Reeve Cunningham s&id many long hours together in t here bas been no country or- the service o! the village and <o ýnization set up as yet, though that they had also had a lot tIs expected a counties ca- of fun together, Mr. Cunning- X ldinator wlll be appointed at ham said he was sure he had i he session o! the counties vuncil in January. Until a co-~ rdinator 15 appointed there ~- slittle anyone can do locally o prepare for an emergency I he reeve suggested the Bo-i xd should contact the Minis-Y pto er o! Education regarding in-r' '41G erim preparations. Revised plans for the Orch- xd Heîghts Subdivision were i ibmitted ta council for ap- )royal by H. Stanley Graham. PoG e said the planning depart- i nent had ak'd the plans and hey would receive the signa- Y ire of the minister wben an _______ lreement had been made bet- veen Mr. Graham and the nunicipal councîl. Recom- A nendations of the Department vere read and the various lauses discussed and Mr. Gra- K im agreed ta have the neces- ary agreement drawn and resented ta council for rati- ication at the January meet- ng. A grant of $5.00 was voted i othe Hospital for Sick Child- en In Toronto and a resolu- i idrien ta oonsider %vben Wif SHORFRED hoosing their courses for WWS URFINS~cmus'n ter years. A SHININO HOLIDAYI ~ T V The teachers and students i vere thanked for their part inii O L he entertainment, and also O Lil Lunch was served by M.. 1 Taylor, Mrs. S. Price, Mrs. P LUMBING Ayre and Mri. N. Maguire. Next meeting wll be held Necatl an. 10 instead o! Jan. 3. % intrt apprtciatioli for pour loge We lui0b pou anb pourc a ýmo t;Utb tb fjbappp joyl lE WELL LUMBER CO, NEWCASTLE &HAM FUELS NEWCASTLE 4 .~$ Footi prices effective Dec. 20, 21,2,2 We reserve the ih to limit quantities of the Newcastle and Orono United Churches. The chairs entered the church with the processional, "0 Came All Ye Faithful", and the Rev. E. C. Woodland gave the caîl ta worship and announced the first carol, "The First Noel" in wbich the chairs and the con- gregation joined. The Christmas Story, taken from the gospel according ta St. Luke, Chapter 2: verses 1 ta 20, was read by the minis- ter followed by prayer by the Rev. B. E. Long o! Orono. Four numbers were present- ed by the Orono Choir, "Nigbt o! Nights" by John Adamson. "Rejoice Greatly" by Caleb Simper. "Peace on Earth" by Caleb Simper and "O Lord Correct Me" by Handel. Ail joined In the singing o! the carol "0 Little Town o! Bethlehem" and Mr. Bert Gen- try presented a violin selec- tion "Adoration". The Rev. Mr. Woodland wel- comed the friends from the Orona Church and the congre- gation wbo had turned out despite the Inclement weather and spake a few words o! com- mendation ta the members o! the two chairs and their lead- ers. Following the receiving o! the offering all joined In the singing o! the carol "Joy ta the World". The Newcastle choir pre- sented four numbers, "Let aur Gladness bave no End" by Willy Rasico. "I Wonder as I Wander", an appalachian Car- ai by John Jacob Nules. "A Star was His Candle" by Tor- osa Del Riago and "Mary Rad a Baby' a negro spiritual by F'ranklin Kinsman. Another viol i n selection "Green Sleeves" was presented by Mr. Gentry and al Joined in singlng the carol "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". The service reached Its cli- max when the two chairs uni- ted in the presentatian o! the antbem "The Heavens are Telling" by Haydn and follaw- ing the cangregatianal singing o! "Sulent Night", The Halle- lui ah Chorus, and the bene- diction was pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Woodland. The choir numbers were presented in fine vaice under the direction o! their respec- tive leaders, Mr. Henry Hay- ek a! Orono and Mr. Norman Wllhiams o! Newcastle. The carol singing witb the two chairs ta lead and organ, piano and violin accompaniment made a carol service, nat soon ta be forgotten by those in attendance. SHAW'S Young Hens 10 - 16 lb. average Ibo d45c Young Toms 20 lb. up Ibo 39c Burns Shamrock - Skinless, Short Shank - lVhole or HaIt READY-TO-EAT HAMS lb. .59c Presswoods - Ready to Eat - Whole or Hait PINEAPPLE Club Style lb. 79c GLAZED HAMS Boneless lb. 89c Maple Lea! Pure Park SAUSAGE MEAT 1-lb. rol1135c ROSE SWEET 1 Ja MIXED PICKLES ~a EXTRA A TOTAL OF IN BONUS TAPES Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes with Aylmer Tomato Juice FG~ 2 4T-c RED ROSE TEA BAGS 0'] o6e SURF DETERGEN T Glo'niBi!. CIGARETTES Popular Er0,n20 MAaiGold ICE CREAiZaio Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with ORANGE JUICE Oids:*uth 2 4TIns SLICED SIDE BACON 1blei. Piniem CELLO TOMATES 14-.,.rade The children's choice - Sweet, juicy, zipper skin TANGERINES Large Size 150's SUNNY MORN À&aoz. COFb.E5 C Ibag 53cCalifornia FinestIL UKMA LJ Emiperor No. 1 2ls 5 FRUlTelMonte Fancy 1Ar L B.C. Deliclous îrj COKTAIL2Afor7 PEARS Extra ncyo- 70's 5 for 45c S E 3 (RANBERRIES c nGrayb25c Cal"foN LtCrp' or29c PEA S 5-oz.tin o. 1 Large Staiks SHOP AND SAVE ATr. Bowmanville IGA Market DO WNAN VILLE - ONTARIO Toms' IGA Market NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO Froni ai of us to ail of 70u . . e heartlest gooti wish- es for a very Merry Christmas! HBARGLD & BILL COUCR NEWCASTLE LOOO17 nw - GRADE "A4" L/' re-dressed - Ready for the Oven TURKEYS $360 ese men much i Aorked togeth-t uld probablyç rn them other- etiring council- ssecl their re- Sbusiness and i did not allow i e, saying that work involved sa rewarding Y it bas not aillWu k, the councili. times together. From ail of us, to ail of you, we extend our w a rm est, heartiest wishes for the most joyful of ail your Christmases. Elaine's BEAUTY SALON Newcastle WMNMAT, DEC. 20th, 1981 PAGE ]CLEVM 1 ffl 1 KN