PACE TTý-l-vr I~C.XXL TxEMN O\AVLLOIAI ENSA.DC ft. 1er of this community had the;teepnil edr.I h misfortune to lose tbeir best eeigth ...T ru andeld a Vesper Service in Yel. of this insidiaus virus. It veton believed ta bave become i en-ud ie atketi Afected by a rabid (wbo vas1panuiyt exrs au ADDITIONAL PHOTOS 0F SANTA (LAU S PARADE aso arapid) fox whh was :~~3t'L~~~j 1~~ ~~ caucht and disposed of andou'evrtnclninp- proved ta be diseased. 1\1r.'tcartateSffwout and Mrs. Sehaffler baving jaaiuytyt nepe u came in close contact with wel caladtasrb the dead cow. vent ta the dac- i napit t oEia, tor ta take the first of a series;l-sufrn niiul b of shots as a precautionary tlrts u caiaa nn measure. Mrs. Schaffler on junhsi ,ise n i examinatian %vas detained inJ lscetipaiosaeer hospital o n another coranarv se napit.T a i ailmcnt previously undetected.MrrCnimaadaPos Sympathy goes aut ta the .pru N] er Scbatflers in the loss of their M.adMs IaNst cows, their dags and cats ta no oi fCosil vr ' be destrayed andJ speedy ne- Sna ussa acna 'covery ta Mns. Schaffler in 1 ' Bowmanville bospital. , On Tbursday evening it uvas .*he pleasureaf Mr. and Mrs. ' ' representing DJurbam County, t 't ïFedenation ta attend the Ain-i t J ~nual Meeting of Peterborough t1 wood ta hear the first speech i.. i~given by Ontario's new Dep.- Minister of Agriculture, Ever- S Biggs at a public meeting' of this nature. (Mr'. Biggs î*e- ee riderst arolvu 1Piper j Hairold Yelliowlces and Fanxily, Solina jAi-lette î và Several of the lnteresting lValkinig Figutreâ, lieaffifti Jack & .1111 Float Buit hy BTS Boys EOUND TIIE TREE I' ik l i ne1 \\[k liie \OOd onoce more And pick ou t a CivoumsTî e Just as j udd in Ille' of, l c Foi. ai Illue k:îr id m. I'd likL tii fuel l'ie ,vind in I-n fiýce AuJ Ithe ufl l ié c& duand J 1wl. Id iîke to 1".(I 1I îi' A t () f v As (4 i . ('id î -\ [ Somcla\-. Ih. \VO Il shai r 011, liow uppýv, t: ' ay \\ iii be. Forin 3ece l2 uudIuI\sl: .xviyct A\îîid (.Sus ,ýl)ue. uîdthe(± îtu 'î So' ltus I' ..d .rcai lU 1anîd U\ li-y u Th'at xxe Il\ e on ti s carth and %voi'kand p1cLy, i7 A\nd be i.p to b. îwu vthat in Eeîi',[ Again u w iil xithcî' arouud tic Tree! Tu Our Fricnds and Customers SCHWARZ BROS. LIVESTOCK DEALERS R.R. .1, Bowmanville 31A 3-2895 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I iiii ARRID (REAM DEODORANT Fte g,. 55C - 4 C .litI B RECK SHAMPOO - I--- Rg. $1.00 -.-87c BROMO-SELTZER..------Reg. 98C. 3 c JERGENS LOTION ------- Reg. 69c.55 LECTRI( SHAVE--,--Reg. 79c -.--67c 2.forl.2.9 liLISTERI NE ---- -----Reg. 98e- ..5c ti PEPSODENT 1001H PASTE Rcg. 63e 5 5 C R ES DAN--------- Reg. $1.50 1 .2.7 1~WILDROOT (REAM OIL.--. Reg. 73c ---61 c"I WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEICý1l BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE I il: COWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE 11 à% LEX MqcGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO JURY &LGVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY Pat Welsli and Jitm MclLaughIliin of Enniskilletî MNr.s. T. WV. Cawken and thre Cathy Perris, Beth Crowe and Cý ïý TUE CAýMnTAN' l;TATESý-ýLMN, ON"rARID VVE NESDAY, DEC. 20th, 1981 )a tasame afteo) A White Gift Service, wt Sail the Sunday Schoal activelv? partcipating, took paeon jSuni. arn. The yaungters are Parade Marshalli ta be comniended forin Abbttof ue a professional job. Tho MIL :Harry botf Belleville fuurie for our community ap- i fl1T ~~~ ~~pears secure in the 1a-, f w tth W rd YEL ERT N O E ~May the radiance of é' i the Christmas spirit .1 M.adMs ereHa AVAILABLE FOR shine upon ali men.* J~ slip have moved to their new-T ly acquired home in south z Nestîcton. We hope they mav 1ýM ORTG% E be very camfortable in ttieir l LORNE ALLIN new abode. bd"u R L HS O E LC IDW revoir" to M.and Ms Billy AND DOORS Steele of Nestîccon on Sat., Barrister and Solicitor t~ iPic tet~ ýfrom Maltan Ai rport where 1IrneSre tbey took off for "clown un- 130 King St. E. Oshawa der", Sydney, Australia, wvhere RA 8-6246 Bownmanville they plan ta stay the -ninter______ with their daughter Margaret - --- grandbidren. Friends and ac- ~quaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Steele wish thcm "bon voyage" ,ý Jand a very pleasant holiday. 3 Mr. Howard Malcolm enjoy- . J:ed a brief respite from chores Y this week as hie took a "bus- !t fo zinan's" holiday. flying down!L to St. Louis, U.S.A., to inspect certain livestock enterprises L there. As is the habit witb a rnost successful business men, Duringthis Fesi~Lve~ farmers or otherwîse, Howard Sao aeti bas bis eyes open for new Sao a ti ideas which hie might appy opportunit of ' to bis own affairs. Last yearlif Howard provided an interest- e xteîidi ig ing news story with bis visit 14 to Russia. This trip likewise ! we think, because by serý Sincere J coine'dence lie travelled with Lit a weil known "Red" celebnity Vf froin Chicago ta Malton Air- Best W ishes port on the return "leg" of bis . journey. No siree twasn't Jim- Xi rny Durante, Bing Crosby, BobM9 to Onie and AIl ini Durhiar Coinity Hope or any other tired mus-foa ician or comedian, it was on of tbem there "femmes-fatale" i ý you know, the kind that is UfJ simply over lao a d e d ihi e 44 ...-tI stfa i"comph" and with accessanies!ei e r _n ýs n a i f0 match. To prolong the sus-" pense she was one of thoseo ý an strawberry blonde types, well nnd Irouned, bout5'lVor f ronedout 5'1O" oigr so ,. atc with an ior las igrewih anflhndlý even more minutes at the top, .than (if you'll pardon the ex- s pression) the bottom. 0f course ' j 'ta pratect bier from the pack !4~IOS C O ' she bad in attendance bier fýav- ' . 9 oS e oA aunite "muscle man", Mr. Uni- (e verse", bier bubby, Mike Hag-'Le)/ gerty and the gal- Jane Mans- l e 'field, travelling ta Toronto , J i w U"It r A wbere she appeared the sanie evening on "Front Page Chai- 1.{ long-e." hv gan mdt4D .rE'.. Raishv aan md D .PR Y VIVIAIN their unwelcome presence felt M.P. FOR DURHAM in this community. Mr. and hMrs. Rudalpb (Rudy) Schaff- ,'SpECIAL i.ow PRICÉS',1 *ON NATIONAL BRAN DS* At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. 'iii1 A N A C I N ..-l.--- z- eg. 89c -----~ 7 9 c 'I