I r WEDNESAY, DEC. 2th, 1961 THE CANADMIA STATESMM, DOWMANV=L, ONTAIO 5JAPN £S1AZIA5l" B T AYMrs. Reginald Rose, wife of THE ASSURANC OF CHRISTMA cer Society are Ilanlgtegewrgwthhe"ae" cer, wichwa coducedO pEen O n project. iutr lncne a the Rector. ASUANE F HRST AS1O n1It io Doctor Cutts wllwrk dvlpnonethe he Toa ttsnnRaesmsseason and hope the year Mrs. Morgan Bigelow was The spirit of Christmas past - pioneer adhp the endocrine glani n omn lns We wish you joy and gladnessi that follows brings you much returned to office as liresi- r c I c u ln every home at this Christ.'ihpies dent by acclamation and was Glad greetings were upon every lip.Ex l s vC a c rgotofane, -- We would also express our given a hearty vote of thanks The spirit of Christmas present - anxious times, fetoth fr thanks to ail those who have for her leadership in the past. Acinated and beconie immut>ean mie.Re asals b trbtdnews items for Others elected were Mrs. Ro- Ahaln ht or n ie 1IHe as aebeno du s tdngfr1eD.Wlceayha aeringsecuried assurance t5I e usof ruaor.teCf~' a h eut aebe thsclnnthroughout the bert Sisson, vice president; The sirtof Christmas e to corne - an asurnceearch a cncr. lsouaglg utevetuft petart correspondent ( rs) Mrs. Jack Palmer, treasurer; deesriump( Dr.t Mnt e ur roi okng s mehn oah a Betany Sicerly MrMi Sdne Wy, eceSamithh ofriht.Chistas18 chppies, oLndnon nt-,Aunver-.g- ndgrauaeisudess- u te heoyahatdfanyhigi evlopd.tyP b 4Violet M. Carr. MIS- mtSnhn O. A re-birth of Faith, of Love, an extension ity research laboratory devot- the famous Chester Beatty * Ms. . J Clrkis n Na- eno; rs.Car Smth,~ Of Friendship - a confidential humble submission ed exclusively to cancer is in Research Centre iu London, *gara Falls visiting with her convenor; Mrs. Charles Pl n a aeUnvriy -cnD.JhnCakadoperation for the first time in Eng.,anatYeUnvriy so r Jh lakadfam-I mer, transportation convenor. To the trust that His Peace is e'er at hand. Onaio. is the third member. ily and wiil remain until af ter' It was agreed to purchase Ahi Yes, Therita.foer oaeoato ftessurance of Christmas - no shifting sand! The $60.000 building an the Idea of a university cace Marlne cGil, dugher hurh atChrstms, t hep -arinorth campus of the University research unit camne fromn Uni- ofMr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- make candy for the Sunday -Mron Ford of Western Ontario, London, versity of Western Ontario, Ic Gllwasin PteroroghSchOI prty an to akea ---- - --- ------will be officlally opened this president Dr. G. E. Hall, who 'vHospital for several days last 'oaio fmoe ethe b .W oeto,1e okdwt h ainlCn we.Warde.ns of the Church. ayadblen rT h sb h uU i sident of the Ontarlo division cer Institute (NCI) of Can- The sympathy of the com-1 The secretary was instruct- Canadian Association af Con- My Heart to Jess Thrivetyft araigted h poj o munity is extended to Reevelied to write cards af thanks sxer er iaoisus. ent y Ay ea-ldctrp thorThe NIaciteOnal Hae, nr theJak e n o hs i-t JmsF'-.e, lith tonfaseraatedh Mn-NomaSmI.,hyls You.ng- ogist, A. Cameson Wallace, will division of theCadina- tl#7 ae i h sdendah fad cere Waddeil for theis vers Township Council had man, Kathaleen, Mor-ton and direct the teamn which, within - adinC . his nlybroher ectr Jke- ssitane ata rcen ba que seted the assistance Of Mary Annu Martichenko. A a year, will probably number e man of Toronto, who passed for which the ladies had cat- the W. I. in preparing an group of senior boà aabu 5 icuig ehi p~aZpiT orontay, ee Hb-er Afo. boystwa nd srdWr a ehn n h il' rtpsng"I ard bot25, Walu i tecei- awa i Toono Gneal os erd.to urhas aHonos Roll of Veterans in bath "The Sailor SoSW."P The senior cians and other help. R T1N iÎ1 lhl The funeral service was that sufficient coupons had Town Hall. This had been I My Shepher Crittrstd nW acertrescarchias a n d ou r b est in Pontypool on Thussday, second coffee urn for te aMsossCr nrwsPty isns n ing.$asuenPt eten wît th Re. Gorg Rih- church kitchen. Wishosfov Iardson af Bethany officiating. Retrngto the ch re- displayed at the meeting and the Snowmnan."p Barbara Wiî. He spent thi-ee yeasln wiuraswsinPotpolCen-sdetMs. iebwthned will be presented to Counicil son, Kareu MeGill and Katha- past-graduate cancer study at Burialwas i Pontpoo he ieiners Bfeo theirco at their next meeting, which leen Morton sang "-Speiiing Yale before returning ta West- a ch erful ter. th meber fo ther c- al W I.members were re- Chrlstmas". Nancy Moitoný ern to continue his research. Bob~ Yeoman spent the operation and the past suc- edoatedBabr AnnGenNom Frthpa sxyasehs weeknd ith is arets, r. essfl yar.Christmas carols werc sung Smitjh and Katihàleen Morton been in the pathology depart- CHRISTMAS M and M s rn rs h ebrsadlnhsr-adMs. C. Yeoman in Keene. Gifts were exchanged among in unison, led by Mss. T. Jen- sang "Christmnas Day in Lon. ment of the University aif. sak nterdaghlt eaerieedb"The Stessf Chrismas" as Santa Claus in an exchange junior room directed by their Two other researchers have 1 PALM ERIS spetMseverl daes ast week "ththeSpritof te amns aigifts among the members. teacher, I?&B. Carl Smith, sang Joined Dr. Wallace. r~L VI K ~ wih ss Grtud Pssa ws hethmeofth Wmc sLunoh wasserved by the a goPo igît sogsDr. J. Harry Cutts, 35, took B R EinGolden Lake. Institute meeting held at the hostess assisted by Mrs. Bruce Lunch was served by the us ater gya schience egr-e DARD R SH P ~ The members af St. Paul's' home Of Mss. Vincent Jack- Ryoey Ms.eHaceld Whit si ak yEy . HaroldBestewsenirsbfor ad joyous nNoee to Laie Gildwee nerai-son on Monday cvening with Mss iWcatherilt and Mss. Tseirbyngrs. versity in Halifax before cam-Bstw BOWMANVILLE cd at the home af Mss. Mervin 24 present. A collection ai Jennings. The lucky cup and BObb5? Siflt volced the ing ta London ta take his dac- alorw neflfins ------Smth for their Christmas $15.50 was seceived ta send as serviette prizes wese won b ' eitien of the school ta torate. meetingandelection aiof fi- a contribution te the Fastes Mss.Har Rye d the judges, Rcv. Rose and Rev. He was assaciated wlth two aliou -. ~ . : u:..1----- Prnt Plan.s Malc o1îm soen Gervin Muiligan. Richardson, and ROY Scott other Western doctors in the à,"BN-HATN Mgs.e Glady Mrs. Ina Palmes expscssed Presen ea hof a thema with study ai the pcriwinkie weed N HÇ - gaetemotta "It is more the thanks af the graup to a git. wihi a en sdsc = blessed ~to give than ta se- Mrss Jackson for the use of The tOP contestants wlll ap- cessfully in the treatment aiofRNRDALR s *STEPH NF D L -ceive," and in her comments hes home and te ail those who pear la Manvers Township some types ai cancer sai "Te wy t behapy ,s had assisted in such a h final~s ta b. heid at Yelveston Dr. D. G. Mantemrro 1 ROO18 " ta give happiness ta others." Christmas prog.ram. hap on January lOth. wlth a doctarate In phys'o2 t s. ThomasMseMrs.V. Jakonv e w's Maîssionary iSociety '; . ta . .homs.Jennigs gav Mss. George Waddell enter- .+ --.~ a reading "Yes, there is a San. tained the members ai the Pored anc aeillEdnayJacqes ai the United Church for th.îi- ChriomasMs AlasB last meeting on Tuesday night. Qarista.ds.Er Mc' Mrss Winnifred Spencer pre- SQadwon the prize in "The sdeedighe evtna ~ Mstey Bx Msicl Cn-and business period, also tes." Ms. Earl Weatherilt thanikin'g ail themmbrfa ~ coduced aChrstma Scam-their support and co-operation ibled Words contest, witiMss. dusing hier terni of office. PL NT TINGlenn Preston winning the Mrss George Richardson a PL N A I N GROWN prize. Mss. T. Jennings and iicirea h rga n 1' ss.V. ackon ang"Silver had prepared a wosship scene * DDTWT'T' Belis" and "WMhite Christmas." of the Nativity, playing a tape «~ A bean guessing contest wasreoig aite Bbca won by Mss. Emory Smith. rcritmas 1th interserse theb Addison Scott chaired wt Christimas htoyminesss. Ode an repeaing th Mary ChhWer',as h mal-T h f rs n w a s e Price M------------ 1 0tebsss. session. Members Richardson also read a reso- jained in singing The Institute lutionneadigTeUte BROOKD)ALE - KINGSWAY Praert ol n h Lord's gamates the WA n h The secsetasy, Mss. Ralph lyppie.S. hsi tmscasuais MU Preston read minutes ai pre- lwesoedng i stmsn. ri viou metin, acar aiMrss Thonmas Jackson, the thanks from Mss. Glenn Went- ertyanafomrpsi P O EM 3-35worth ai Marmora for giit dent, a member since thet eI ah PH NE M 334received, distsibuted The Ag- earîy y cars ai the arganiza- th e - ricultusal Calendýar for au tion, and who was made a Life ~ Member fOrty-one ycars ago, exprcssed thanks ta Mss. Spencer for her leadership ai the group; ta the hostess, Mss. Waddell who has been a mecm- ber since she came te Bethany oves thirty years aigo and w'ho had been a Lufe Membe L G H for Uic PaSt six years, servingG H a termn as president; aise te a il those Who -had been active in the organization. Iu her remarks Mss. Jack- son said, "It is with mixed feelings, some sense ai las. and a tinge oi sadness that we close aur W.M.S. books for the last time, te merge into the fellowship ai The United Church Women. As a smaller group we seemed mare 111<. a f.amily with a fellowship of harmony and a feeling oi closeness that Is not felt iu Alarges numbers. Sametimes Swe had a struggle ta meet our financial objective, but always felt Uic effort was rewarding. There have been many chang- q "i ~ ~es iu aur personnel through >1<~ ~'the years. Sanie were taken by death, others moving away, but always new help arsived. O VWe pray that the new society B R EW ff~J ing or. "The Wosk of 4-H II4~Homemaking Clubs." miFalliswithpheraubr ect Order Light Holiday Brew at your favourite Hote(o aen Other contestants were Jane taliwa cpital rsu Ct"; Oa- Zbit' urfobe W sDfo basa Wilson, "The Silk Worm"; o'lfn g' ~~tawa, he Capitaloity"; fird Holiday at. your Brewers' Retail Store lse ne p lFaye McGill, "The Damîinr 'h A. ai Canada"; Barbara Aur' Pot a tif Green, "The Dog, Man's Best OK eé 4U rt r.Friend"; David Raynasf o rd, ~4>.ence, a Ride iu an Airpiane"'; ~~ Norma Smith, "My Pet, The ~-. <~*Sea Gul"; Mary Ami Mar-ti- I.-D n+ -e4 5- chenko, "Mýy Trip ta Grand- , fat'her's Fa-m in Saskatche- _ ~ wan"; Ronald Jackson, "MhyO D R L O IHO I A R V MTO A IHome Town ai Bethany"; Nan- cy Morton, "Potatees"; Phyllis O D R LO TH L D Y B E i Youngmnan, "A Trip te, Upper Canada Village at Morris- B owman villei adRsan e.Gog Rliehard.son who complimeaited cachaif the pupils on their Pubic tiltie Co misionefforts. Prize money was awarded Publc Utlites C mmisionby tue local school trustees and distributed by their tea- cher, Mss. Mervin Smith. Mss. MILTON J. ELLIOTT GEO. VAN BRIDGER SithU thanked the judges and Chairmair Manager aise welcomed ail the visitars. Billy Smnelt ehaired the pro-9 gi-arn which opened with "0 ]Canada" and a two Part chSr. I & v