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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1961, p. 15

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THE CANADIARq STATESMANq, EO"LMUML, ON4TARIO Buildings in Toronto. i What is required? Twentyl EN I S I I 8-foot Scotch pines, twa match-! Lan d s a nd Fo rests e 20-foot spruce which arei With the seasnonfa Advent placed on the steps at either uo u hehl eea idfthe main entrance, and upon aur veth rehapp eveing 1two matched 50-foot spruceîselîeet r apnn W eel y Re ortifor either side ai the walk ta observe this speciai Urne. leading ta the main entrance. At oui Sunday morning ser- These trees were delivered ta yîce aur minister's enlighten- Christmas Trees To atteinpt ta alleviate this Toronto early in December. ing sermon was enitled "The Don't Steal Yours lactivity awners ai woodlots One 50-footer was obtained inIcaaiol'nwhhhe5 By . L KelyForste and plantations should make Somervilie Township and 'the vividiy explained that Jesus' By E L.Kely, Freser regular inspections ai their other in Galway Township. i bth was the manifestation ai Where does yaur Christmastracts during December, 're- Most families, at some time Gad in the human flesh. To tîce came fîom? Each year parting anything suspiciaus or anather, have experienced this message was added a mast xnany yaung spîuce, balsam',ta the Ontario Provincial the pleasure ai wandering appropriate background af and Scotch pine are stoleniPolice. through the woods an a bright music bv an entire maie chair from private propertY. In addition ta this wholesaie wintry aiternoan searching for composed ai the men af the Some ai this thieving is therobbery mny people cut a their own Christmas tîee.I Sr. Chair and boys from the work of arganized graups whosingle tree for their home with- Wasn't is surprising how many1 Jr. Choir. Beautiful haimony take trees by truck loeds, out îeceiving the owneis per- trees had ta be examined and was praduced in their iirstý usualiy selecting thern fromlimission. One small tree in a how large an aiea had ta bel number as they sang "He", aieas which are weil backjplantation or woodlot contain- travelied before that "perfect n a double maie quartet from the main îoads. Theiing thousands af such spec- little tice" was finaily lct rendered an oid favourite trees are quickly hauled awayimens may seemn unimpaitant, ed? Christmas hymn "0 Little ta nearby towns and cities,' but nevertheless one must Yau can weil appreciate then Town cf Bethlehem" i a new where they are sold ta un-' respect the property ai others. the pîoblems involved inifoui part arrangement under suspecting citizens. __. Certainly, ta discourage selecting two trees 50 feet in it'he direction of Mis. E. people from making their height that match one another. Wright and Sr. organist Mis. FINE QUALITY iannual trek ta the country in in density, colour and taper. ýM. Stainton. MONUMETS AND seaîch ai the "perfect tree" "Many aie called..- but few 1ns~r otrs at-e MNMNSAD is far from aur intent, but we are chosen."' monin.srvcenrst thenie MARKERS!do urge them to keep the real Finaliy, two perfect giantJ oc pelle tte even- Imenin ofChristmas foîemost trees are found from amns gsevc fo th ana ,i~ n tenxn ai that isethe hing service for the annual uoeon.eef ., teir mnds, is, se hudreds-. Candle-Lightingad owner and pay a token for the cames the job af getting them Vhiesper Srvcs.Te, OF STAFFORD privilege. saîeîy ta Queen's Park.WieGitSrvcsTeCG. dC¶ BROS. LTD. Chi1a TesAchiIa.rpdyc t graup were in charge ai ChrismsTesAcan a ail usthe entire service with Miss> FrQueen's Park through the trunk, allawing SilyAeyal rsdn duaid By J. A. Waddell, Forester the tree ta be gradualiy low- Sily at al resdn ered ta the ground with blockat the Hammond organ and Daier Plum pudding, turkey, carols, and tackle equipment ta keep presenting a lovely medley ai imistletoe, belîs, home-camings; any limb breakage ta a min- Crsmscrl sapeue Stffrdhese are some ai the many imum. The campiete tree is During the apening hynmn the LIMITED Christmas sa staff a log jammer, alaowing a trac- ta) the chair alcove. Nonu'ments Lindsay District, the past sev- the suspended tree. The tîee the gîoup were leaders ai the era yershave produced stili is then lawered onta the truck service. Miss Cheryl Rowan Box 133 aohr"reminder" o h n h rnhair idi nrdue aho h he 318 Dundas St. E. Wbltby Yuletide season, the responsi. as much as possible. Oui tree movements in the service and Phone Whitby ýbility ai contributing the is then Parliament .baund, in the scripture and prayei MOhawk 8-3552 Christmas trees which decorate where it will be gaily adorned litany, and Miss Lois Ashton - ________________the Provincial Parliament with hundreds ai coiared iights, piesented the gay but mean- :~-i hus bringing something af ingful story "The Messenger." Ontarii's beautiful autdoors ta Seven intermediate girls dia- - i the Provincial Capital. matized a Christmas iantasy, "Land Office Business" "Angels and Archa.ngels May On Planned Have Gathered There," with ' N 'Sub-Dlvlslan af Lake Shores Miss Laura Bowman as Arch- By K. G. Fullbrook, angel and Misses Mary Yeo, Lands Clerk Maureen McNair, Carole Beg- Members ai the tauring pub- iey, Shirley Avery, B e t t y lic oiten express theirany Wright and Marie Draper as ance at nat being able ta locate Angels. public access ta a lake or The Candie Lighting cere- stream. This is usually in niony was periormed with the areas where ail land was pat- church ligh.ts out and Christ- ented many years ago. mas lights and candles sup- The development afilake plying the light. It was like shores is much better arganiz- an averture ta a musical com- ed now, praviding not oniy position with Misses Cheryl iaccessible, well drained and Rowan, Donna Yellowlees and Scenic parcels an which cot- Laura Griffin as candlelight- tages may be built, but îe- ers and ail members with ~' ~" ~serves for public access, tim- lighted candles forming a ber, wildlife, and any other semni-cicle at the Communion ta be in the best interests ai Nair, Muriel Griffin, Betty the vacationing and travelling Jane Werry and Susan Wearn 1(11public; and the conservation h'ad Individual parts. ai aur natural resources. The usheis were Misses When a lake is being con- Betty Wrilght and Susan Wearn sidered for development by distributing the orders-o-s'eî- On. ths holiest of days, we the Department oif Lands and 'vice ta the congregation, and Foiests its comipiete shoielîne Misses Leowna F e r g u s o n, extend aur sincere wishes is traversed and notes made Muriel Griffin, Betty Jane for ver Mery Cristnason its physical composition. Werry and Doreen Trewin re- for vey M rryChrsim sIf it supports fiali of aspe- ceivin1g the offerinig whic-h any water in which to W. A. ICI LPATRICK ~~~sawn, such areas wili l ewsitoue n considered as potential sum- PLUMBING & HEATING mer cottage -sites. Sirnilarly, the type of shore.' MA 3-3613 Bowmanville lune an which wateîfawl and sharebirds thrive wil.l be re - 111 PRAY THAT TUE BEAUTY OF THE VULEFIDE SPRITu GLADDENS EIIERY HEART NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS Arley Noîthcutt Aubrey Smith CarsonEllioI ser vea. Fiat, well drained areas which are ideal iaunahing sites for the traveller wno takes a boat and trailer with IJmaeas esrea r public beach areas. The site ta be subdivided1 inta sunrner resart parcels is,1 oif course, chosen with equal f care. It must be weil drained, nicely tinibeîed, accessible, and above ail meet the re- quirements af the Health De-5 partment. In short, through proper1 management, the Department1 of Lands and Forests is en- deavourinig to provide vaca- tioriing grounds where un-1 spailed nature can be enjoyed ý by both the cottager and the1 travelling vacationer. D. R. Wilson, District Forester, l OBITUARY ' J. ERIC B. SHORTT m Foiiowing a lengthy illness the death occurred at the Osh- 1awa General Hospital, Sunday,M Dec. 10, 1961, af J. Eric B.M Shortt, of 843 Bessboroughi Drive, Oshawa. A son of the late James Shortt and Ellen Leake, the deceased was bain in Toronto. A resident ai Oshawa for 34 years, Mr. Shortt was married î in1 StL. john's Anglican Church,1 Toronto. 1A graduate in mechanical engineering from the Univer-'i sity ai Toronto in 192 1, Mr. Shortt was a member ai the Ontaria Society oi Professional 1Engineers, and ai St. George's 1Anglican Church. 1Service Promotion Manager1 iwith General Motors ai Can- ada, Limited, the deceased en-1 tered the employ ai the com-1 pany at Oshawa and later served at Toronto, Montreal, 1Moncton and London, Ont., before returning ta Oshawa. Mr. Shortt is survived by his wi.fe, the former Olive Hancock and twa daughters, Mis. (Dr.) Bruce Gardon, (Margaret), ai Kingston, and Mrs. David Baird (everley), ai Scaîborough. IAlso surviving are a sister,1 Mrs. A. Miliard (Muriel),.ofai iCalgary; twa brothers, J. Perc Shoîtt of Newcastle, and Wil- liam J. Shortt ai Taronta and 1 two gîandchildren, Kevin and' Ivan Gardon. i Mr. Shortt rested at thel McIntosh - Anderson Funeral' Home for service in St. Geai- jge's Anglican Church, Tuesday, 1 1Dec. 12. Rev. C. D. Cross con-' ducted the services. Interment' was in St. Phîllip's Anglican i Church Cemetery, Weston. Honoîary bearers were E. J.' îUmphrey, L. A. Hastings, H. M. Smith, C. Gardener, K. C.' Watson, W. G. Coates, G. ý' Davidsan, G. Steadman, N. Millman and N. H. Daniels. Active bearers were Dr. J.1 Lappin, William Stokes, Syd- ney Whistance - Smith, H.1 Lapp. A. C. Clifford and A. i CILLEN by Miss Kathryn Sieman. The announcements and Seaon's Greetings were given by MissS Laura Grîffin and Miss Donna Yellawlees îespectively. Two antheins were render- ed, "Brigihtest and Best ai the Sans ai the Marning" and "In the Bieak Midwintei." [n the latter nuniber Misses Maureen McNair, Kathryn Siemon, Lois Ashton and Mary Yeo were a two-part quartet and a duet by Misses Kathryn Sie- mon and Mary Yeo. The White Gifts were don- ated by the congregation and two cartons are te be forwarded by Mi. Habbs ta the Senior Cýitizens at the Golden Plough Home at Co- bourg. Mr. Crawford pro- nounced the benediction. Tal red artificial candles with eveigreens and bright Christ- mas lights ti the windows of the sanctuary made a delight- fui setting for these services ai worship. Enniiskillen comniunity pie- sented Mi. and Mis. Ed Cox and family with the gift of a bridge set on their recent de- paiture from. the community. They are naw residing at Orono. Mi. and Mis. Bruce Mont- gomery, Sauina, were Sunday tea guests of Mi. and Mis. W. J. Ferguson. Misses Sandra and Sharon Weîry were Sunday dinner guests oif their giandiparents, Mr. and Mis. E. A. We'rry. Mr. and Mis. Keith Cryder- man and Joanne weîe with Mi. and Mrs. Leonard Sta:n-ý ton. Mr. and Mis. Lawrence, Wearn were Sunday evening, visitais at Mi. and Mis. Wal- lace Griiiin's. Mi. and Mis. W. M. Henry, Toronto, weîe Monday visitais at Mi. and Mis. A. Shanp's. Mi. and Mis. Joe McGill, Port Credit, were with Mr. andi Mis. R. Virtue, Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Jack- son and Stanley, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. R. Ormis- ton. Rev. Harold Stainton, Cour- t! ce, called on his brother AI- Ian, at Mi. and Mis. H. Ash- ton's. ,Mr. and Mis. A. Sharp were visitais at Mi. and Mis. Cecil Robinson's, Orono. Mi. and Mis. Laine Lamb were with Mi. and Mis. Allan Wray, Bowmanville. Mi. and Mis. Carl Brunt and famiiy, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitais at Mi. and Mis. A. Brunt's. Mis. W. J. Flewed1ing, Toi- onta, Mis. Jack Herod, Wes- tan, Mis. Laine Griffin, oi Bia-ckstock were Monday caîl- ers at John and Russell Grif- f in's. Mr. and Mis. Stanley Tur- ner Oshawa, with Miss Elsie and Albert Okie. Mi. an~d Mis. Herman Haae;s and Ronny, Bawmanvill e, were Sunday visitais at Mi. and Mis. K. MckGill's. Mr.. and bits. Grant Weîry, Mi. and Mis. Allan Werry were Satuîday evening visi- tais with Dr. and Mis. Clark Werry and baby John,, Wil- iowdale. Mi. and Mis. W. Sanderson, Columbus, were Friday tea guests at E. Wright's. Mr. and Mis. Orr Je~ffery, Port Perrý?, weie Saturday evenmîg tea guests at Mi. and Mus. A. Brunt's. Mi. and Mis. Keith McGill and boys weie with Mi. and Mis. Ray Varimeer, Bowma. ville. Mrs. Gaîry Vickers, Miss Parn Vickers, Hamilton, were Tuesd-ay guests at Mi. and Mrq. A. Weiry's. Mi. and Mis. D. B. Kay, Toronto, Mi. and Mms. Ross Sharp and family, Mi. and Mis. A. Sharp were Saturday 'supper guests at Ivan Sharp's. NE WTON VILLE I Mr. and Mis. Dan Vinkie - spent Sunday with relatives iBelleville. Mi. and Mis. Laurie Stap- STO ALL AT CIIRISTMAS leoI viited his parents, Mi. CARTE ~IEIIV~ and Mis. George Stapleton, !CAR ER AIL8h over the weekend. 1 I&' Mi. Rooer Leushnei, Nia- BAKRERY gara Falls, was a caller at Mr. ________________ Mi. and Mrs. J. Davison ai Newma.rket were Sunday visi- tors at Mi. S. J. Lancaster's. Mi. Clarence Gilmer re- turned home irami Memnorial Hospital last week. L Mr. Fred Saunders, whiie stili in haspitai, is slightly improvied. -Sonry ta repart the sudden passing ai Mi. Wm. Chester ofa Oshawa, last Satuîday. He su.iiered a heart attack while Adown town shopping. Bath Mi. andi Mis. Chester, the for- mer Lena Whittaker, were '~residents af Newtonville some years ago. SMi. and Mis. E. H. Watts ofa Port Hope visited at Mi. \qArnold Wade's an Sunday. Cnr atuIlI5atto wo mare recnt ridi cupls.Mi. and Mis. P'hilip Gilmer were mai- j red Fiiday evening, and will lif ve here in Newtonviile when y 4 they return frarn their trip ta g Miami, Fiorida. Mr. and Mis. Anthony Ton were married '.eSatuiday, in Peterborough, ,. and will make their future . home in Newcastle. S Newtoiiile Hockey Team - ... .. lost its fillh game ai the sea- çon, in the Port Hope Mer- cantlle League, to the Eldorado taby a score ai 9-4. New- Stonville goals were 2 scored fby Barnoski, u na s slsat ed, i Trinun from Robinson and Brown. The big gun for El- ~~R StatR Jamesgi dos was Paul Wakely, with5 Star goals. Penalties were fairiy Meven, with Eldos drawing four and Staff aio the six called, includjng a 5minute major, and a match ý Insurance Real Estate midsconduct. Next game for .yj the Newtonvilie team will be ýV Kint St. E. Bowmanvllle1 with the Filie Factary, next 1I Sunday, Dec. 24. Office Resideuce The annual Chisi.tmas Con- MA 3à68l MA 3.5493 cr was held in the Sunday Schaol auditorium on Tues- ------------- day everung with Rev. R& C.i DON BOE'S WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION AND STAFF 180 King St. E. MA 3-5662 GRADE "A"# OVEN-R EAL and Maintenance F The foilowmng is tû Officers for 1962- 'Mis. M. McKee, Vii Mrs. M. Gray, SecrE J. Falis, Treasurer Rohrer, Pianist Mrs. Fruit and Flower Mis. L. Johnson, Committee Mrs. S. Mis. L. Passant, Mrs Auditors Mrs. G. Joh T. Sameils. The meeting was ail singing the PAGE ?PEEMU 'und. Carol "0 Corne Ail Ye Faith. he Siate af fui" foilowed by the W.A. -President, Benediction repeated in uni- [ce - Pres. ,tary Mrs. son. The program consisted of rMrs. N. readings by Mrs. Passant, Mrs. * K GryJ. Gray, Mrs. L. Johnson and K.mmGtaye Mrs. M. McKee. A piano seiec- Parsonage tion by Mrs. K. Gray. We then McQuade, had our Christmas exchange Grsy ii. lunch was served by Mrs. Uns , Mc McKee and her group. A vote of thanks was offered to closed by Mrs. S. McQuade for the use Christmas-ai her home. White in his usual genial roie of chairman. A full programl CADMUS of vocal and instrumental, h eebrmeigo numnbers, recitations, action TeDcmermeiga sangs, skits, etc.,, was enjoyed Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met1 by ail present, and the hard- at the home ai Mis. Stewart working com.mittee in charge,'cQa certainiy earned a vote of ap- cQae on Tuesday evening, preciation. 0f course the ev-'December i2th. There were 21 ening wouldn't have beenimembers and two visitors pre- complete without joliy aid snt Santa dropping in, and he~ graciously helped distribute 1Mrs. Sweet was in charge of the many gifts from the pret- the meeting which was apened ty tree, ta the delight oi the, by ail joining in the sngmng of chikiren. our therne song. Prayer was May I wish al aur readers followed by ail singing three the compliments of the Sea- Christmas Carols. son, and please don't forget ta phone in your news items1 The devotional was convened ta Ciarke 613, flot 163 as by Mis. J. Failis and the ral printed in errai last week. cail was answered by a Christ- _______________ mas thought: Correspondence was read and the minutes read1 If a friend informs us of a and treasurer's report given. I fault, do we listen patiently A motion was made that we to the rebuke and credit what send in a donation ta the Osh- is said?-Mary Baker EddY. awa Presbytery ai the Wa- The oniy way ta entertain man's Association. A motion some folks is ta listen ta them. was made aiso ta send a dona-i -Kin H-ubbard. Itian ai $15 ta the Missionary1 BO WMAN VILLE onai. Christma x- v-foods 'Y COOKED, READV TO SERVE SMOKED HAMS SHANI< PORTION b 49C BUTT PORTION lb 59C 10 to 144h Averaue b45c 20 to 24-lb Average 1lb 5 to 7-lb A VERAGE ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS *SIDE BACON FANCY QUALITY A%&P TOMATO JUICE HENLEY CHOICE QUALITY FRUIT COCKTAIL JANE PARKER MINCE PIE Produce Specials ! FRESH NEW CROP, NO. 1 GRADE, SWEET, FULL 0F JUICE ORANGES 5-lb ceflo bag FLORIDA, NO. 1 GRADE, HAND SELECTE TOMATOES cell. tu"e1 9 California New Cr"p, Ne. i Grade, Fresh DATESL4-oz ceio ba 29e Be sur* t. visit our Flowei' D.partment for outatianding values in Aaes Cyclamen, Chrysanthamumai Poinsettias, Mixed Pane, Hyacinthe, Cut Pom Poms, Cut Daffodils, end many ethers, b4 9c 1 -lb pkg 459CÀ Reg. tin 27c-SAVE 48-fl-oz tins 9 1 3 STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE 1 Reg. tin 39c-SAVE 7 28-9-oz tins 1 '0 Reg. 59ç-SAVE 4c oacht5 5c MAPLI LIAI MINCEMEAT 2S-fi-oz- tin 4 3e Regula Tin 47- - SAVE 4& FRUIT CAKE 3-lb rng 2.e69 slb e d4.29 N-r Ati Pri... In This Ad Ouarante.d lhpeueh Set. De.. fd, lI WEMESDqfAVT. C! fth. 1961 ADE A, OVEN R!AD* ROASTING (HICKENS s' f. J.Vtil, leu. A cheery hello toa al aur mnany friends, with warmiest wishes for a very happy Christmas seasan! BURLEY BUS LUNES 1 In

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