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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1961, p. 16

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place at St. Steven*s Church.Ut Saw Mommny Kissing Santa 7ular meetingz on WEneayhathG.. rieadee !Ohwaon Saturday. Port HUope u.oses sCaus"'. "Ail I Want for Christ- evening \vith a good te-stte Aag The Smith family attended mas" sung by' Harvey Glover dan~ce. Thev arc sponsom h m1~csrsd nti The O rono N ew s * the play -Quality Street" atilScanld Radiant Star" by Iandi.rc T e O o o Nw Courtice Schooi Fridav ev en-Pub Uic S h M ember Hancock. dance on Sat. Dec. 23d : î.iTdMs rea d Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham *.n muen'plad X 1SUdance. During theeenn road.r.nd rs Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor e athFligDtmn O n D ist. H School B oadWrypae h aitee\a necag ,Motor Hotel on Sunday when o h otr obeSihand .is. Cifford Cttî s Mrs. Graham was entertained Port Hope w i have one ]ose his seat next year. The x!was the patient and Clare the W ineIr oý f equi ra\P, c n aîrdveenr' Mir. John Pal' -on. Mr. and 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ten-1 Miss Mai lene Graham of b v the Flying Dutchrnan MO- fe,.veî x epresentative on t]e'Port Hope separate schoo1 Skuce was tlie nurse. preseînted bI Si<. Kav 'îrg Mrs. Rov Patton visitedi their nant of Leskard held a fam- Queen's Universty is spend- tor Hotel - the occasion, Mrs. iDurham Distric Higli School board, which is unchallenged' Akela Mrs. Robert Dale told man and Ss Gwen utî E D T C cousins Mrs. George Winn and ilY Christmas Dinner Party in ing the Christmas Holidays Graham's birthday. I Board next \ear. in the Durham district in aver- a stop.'. *Jerusalem Artie's nttr omrciie a family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mal- 100OF. Hall, on Dec. 16th, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar-ý The Port Hlope public sc-hool age dail y attendance, is cur- Christ'a ine' dAnoav r ecnlr inthe 1ey and family in Orillia on when over 40 wvEre present. Ed. Graham. rard and Barrv visited Mr.1board learned aIi ls regular rentlv represented by E . M. SERVICE. dawv eenlvi Saturday~. Mrs. John E. Armstrong left Mrs. Harold Goode is a pat- and Mrs. L. Griffin, Black- meeting held Dec. 14, at the Creighton. Atter the prograrn Santa -1on of1\-r. Hiector jae n.Prhscaeodgt Ie ihis week bY 'plane from Mal-,ient in Oshawa Hospital as stock, Sundav. Dr. Powers Sclîool, Port. Hope, Three Boards Claus paid a visit to chat with Servà.es hxeeleld Tj sa ndcniin ton Io spend Christmas with the resuit of a flu. Mrs. Helen Taber is spend-!tia the average dail ' attend- Three public school boardsCte boys and distribute thvL froni Pnntvpool UnîitedchîrK naIaiasrmvdfe * 4ber- son Mr. George Arm- Mr.and Mrs. Wayne Hooe. ing somne time at Stouffville. ac the so\\avl oeratedie c<i seapp orntng thee rieegifsune teChitms e mte nfrm eta in t~ j -stcong. Mcs. Armstrong and Toronto, wilI arrive on Fridav Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sieninby te B\ra\il 'Ii!fapitin ebr i- he afternoon Christmnas b nteuv, Dof M e V i children of Timînins. to spend the Christmas Ho]]- at Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskil- school board in 196t) \vas the tires for the three for calendar party for the children of the brothro i.. Iliix.~~ lerie282 Mrs. D. N. M,.les and son. days with ber parents Mr. and len. Sunday. bighcst in theditit and that y'ear 1960 wece: Bo\&manvilleC radle Roi] and the vouniger miail of Bethaliv. To ihl xoNC ECN.Poreo the board wvill appoint a nmem- 12 65.122; Port Hope 1258.8 udy eolcase ed o 11\Ve xtend 0u "î- îc' o 7C6 ~ Mr. LeRov Mvls have moved Mc. Horace Best.Sunday School ai 1 0:30ad ber for- 1962 intad of the Port and South Darlington, 1242.87.iStca teno rvda_______________ î Ji Norh pcked up one day later than ual on Sunday. a The public school board and cilappoinsthree members as ge~ces V V \ n~____ Mr. an\ý7d Mrs. Anniversacv.ý Mrs. Chas. Wood spent Canadian Statesnan and ail1 each app Oints a miemiber of the two. whi!e Hope, Newcastle, assisted bx' Mrs. Ronald Mor- à ' r.adVs.Da est en- Monday with ?vir. and Ms the readers hs columo Rdistrict ihsol board. Mill'orook and South * anrison, Ms Decek ant tera~nd hc prens a thirFred Brooks and son Chris,:very Merry Christmas andý Present appointpe ote eachi appoint one. The UntdMrs. Ted Maidman ad r.~ home on ttd,.' Osh3wa. Happy~ New Vear. Port FHope puhlie school board Co ities' council also appoints W. Pascoe, presented a short M". and Mis. Reg. Bell. Osh- MrionMri ed~s W. E. Traitier, who ill one nen ber_-Gude prograrnif action verses and ývaw, ere dinner guests ofdne orhcfm songs for their mothers i-I Ai Mr. and Mrs.Noman Allun: iîy ast Tedya brhm., KENDAL ati o untMrs. gaCa ehoitas Sand daughters on Sundav. Tedya e hm.K E D R OIDnuMutoygv eia Mis. Chalote Eizaeth Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson fFra>er, ,vidow oif the laie Mr. with their son Mc. Archie Wat- (Intended foc last week')1 Lasi Meeting oif W.A. eer) v as notd taï, rs Rich- Wth rsCale hia-vý y -~jJIryFaser passed away <on son, Mrs. Watson, a[ Ao M.adMs.DnTop aa<i onc' m h t<fte the piano . sevecal famiîlial- t Dec. 1,i eoia Hospital ýand Larry, Waterdown, for the sonan daughters of Courtice ja l a Bnxmnxle Fîeal iso Christmas weekend. iwece Sunday callers with Mc. ity living xs as unfolded fi h is Tuesdax\. Iiternicnt in Orono Congratulations 10 Mrs W.and Mcs. George MacDonald. m1be13,i th Won k he xrand ocmed fcin T iltmas TrpsanTh ut A bi im fk C rn ee i i n b e t. M - S e v m o u r on e c 86 th b ir th d a y v i n rs u s li R s , ilia y a t th e ir lasi m ee g adeo hetile t C hinasgee n T e l Mrs, USi imlt.M-on Tuesdav. Toronto, spent Sun day with noo the A. urg191 n its epie Grox.e. Mis. Eldon Essec',, Mrs. Stanley Chaprnan, Kir~- Mc. and Mrs. George Meccec. dainal \,car.. The childcen oif the Cradie Couctice. xîsited Mr. and Mc3. bv. cettîrned to hec home last Reg Elliott had the mis- :Mcs. Execetti\lenlî iteetngt ephwRol eatinsprie Yuletidehrte the ocalchuch byMcs..loeSt-r. Mcs. Eacl t JOy 1 I iher Barrahalllast Wednes- xxeek fcom several weeks in fortune to have bis eye injur- onlychrtc( methe history <of the l<il] Depacinient, superviseri v BES T da,-. Mermorial Hospital, Boxxman- ed while cuttingr up somne cedar 1ua- atnsmctnssc-is 1,cettd iin the minutes ofr, t*n r.0~il îe of hee to~ tl"aidNir. }ci]V iiith.vîlp.recently. ched the histocy <of the early hs etns.I h aî came intri theiîr own wxît th- ~; Tidngs ~Graveithursi, Xisite'd Mcs. D, Mrs Fied Tamblvn. Mc.and Miss Beverlev Anderson orf years and Mrs. Lor ic letî-yasteldiswr uy rvl<fSat lu xil vI S HES each and every one[ FN. Myles lasi Thiirsdav. Ms .E ilr c n r.Mdcwsget<fMs aena outinied ihe actîvities ini bis hap <of gifts. MrsMcC.aEd MillRus er.lananM.smordorecen g eea of Mhss Jiie 1with snch proje(ts as a new Cadis lamdlyMand dugh-sFslerVasn eee<d ohccare eier vitove foc the churich ai $10.' A lunch of cotfer. i nokie..s1>alm red nDthm Cut - - i ~j Hlore, \&îihvxisîted he er ShonwrSudy i- Dinner guests with Ms i'n r Mrs. having the chuich shed shil)- and milk %vas serve"d. iý S T UT T'S mtiMrs. Fred '[amblyn < nroiss i vr n rsWMreSnda.weer. ~esiîdM Fe-ge t$40.50, and ii 1936 This vx'eek the 201h Girl ad is ten Satncday. Russell Van Horne. Whitby .and Mrs. Hacry Mercec, Mc. (er Ci'i3 and Mr. Hermanwîinihchrhorectc-Gdeopay etouca- SMc and Mrs. Fred Parish and enjoyed an evening o and Mrs. Vance Allen,"o. _______ lix ai a cost orf $75.0..tng ai houses to sing Chrisi- l 1' A M CY 9and daughter 1-eather. Osh - misic. Firsi <ifand andlPaS- --CWOe. % iMli.Frtattending the Ms e ota n ag-~Bx' 19-10 efforts were going mas Cacois. TheY retucned Io ,awa. Mr. and Mcs. David Pha- Christmas Cantata in Whitbv ter&. and Mc. and Ivrs. Eddeie ý4inio a building fund for the the home oif their captain, Mrs. Î: M ORONO ~M sc an d familY, T.vcone, Mrs. Uie huc le 1 o-Conroux and Lyon. They hadnex church. and later mb oR. A. Patte, to pack sevecat lnfd y ROOGeo. Croxther and sons, New- cr iven by Oshawa Salva- previously attended the ded - , furnishings foc- the new church, Christmas boxes oif loys andý ~ raikvîsîedMrs.Cha. Wod.lion Army Band in Whitbv iato srie o temmo-( nh as ciirtains toc the stage,: ciothing foc- a needy famîl' u ppy and P pero gh ~~Schoo I.lawindxsfoIhloehl, and !The girls enjoyed a lunch and. A Mr. and Mis. Chas. Walker s StaeneGcay, Pe% rcytownn e . choir gowns. games and Christmas gits e spentWedneday wth Mîs. ~Evetls in the xvocid ai large Ïrom the Mothers' Comrnittee l Sand famiiyv. Barrie, and Miss Mary Luxon. Mc. and Mrs. ,rfetd uig ohdsrbtd Francis Walker, Oshawa A-RyHuhsw uet u-.~are also rwece A I ex C a r r u t h e r suted 00,1 od avis Ry ughs ereguatsbu-var:s ihe ladies became an ac- The 20th Brownies combii- 1V Sied M. and Ms Chas, Coop- dav. Ms uo visiled in ..' live ;arme oif Red Cross. lutin- cd their Christmas Party wii Aeonunday. Port Hope a few days the n ouscsan swac a nnimn Cç~n<i<MP..orD hm y A M r Francis Hall, Toronto, previons week. k Miie Vr. and Mrs. Wm. Rob- Mrs. Eddie Concoux and Mrs. 4 . ~aid caps foc the armed forces. Those wclcooied into the packy ..,, I à~ isonMc.andMis.Ceci Rb- Gorg Mecer ookourWL.nd quantifies of bedding an'd'\vere Ly'nda Geisbergec, Susan '-»>X inson on Friday. ouest rso Str . A'cohgfcictge.Dring Aisenauli, Patsy Bail, Suzan- Oronn United Chnrch Sun- day and brought back some «ý. the 19.30's, here ai-e recordslne Bertrand and Nancy Os- * Sday School will present a pag- lovely blankets, etc. They fin-: g- M bales, and snipments <Of food borne.- e ant "The Four Paths to Beth- ished ont the day shopping in' g bin sent in Western Canada. Thle girls sang a gI'OnJp Orf V ]ehemn" on Saturday evening. Toronto. Mlhd, ol <i ing fud-Christmas Carols for lheiir W -er 23rd at 7:30 o'clock Mrs. F. Foster was gnest of have cha<iged wîîh the timesl~:7)Telaesadec inth sntuco<f the church. Mrs. Chas. Thompson and. to.J the eryyar oe c eevd i'frmtei The choirs wili be under the Arthur, Sunday. was raised chiefly by qLlilting. MOhr'Comimitlee.- jra-dietin ifM.;aék Mr. and Mrs. Pan] Mercer, ~ The fee foc fancy quilts was A Crismasgift subscrip- Guelph, spenit the weekend, 1ý.0 n orpan reI$.0 lint heSaemn sa ihbec parents, Mc.and Mr1. . JA .Scvrral quilis wece donated s n Warrenuli lnwic :: e'ITUARY Joa s Ce tr weekiy reminder of goodwill On Sunday afternoon a largeý A A variation was the antograoh O' . J a s é uy C nr who are away from home [the Dedication Service in lmbroidered for a charge ofl jK Phone Ocono 127 for niew o Kendal United Chucch of the'~ 10 cents. }'allowioga lengillv illness,~ rnwlsubscriptions. ihree beautîful staîned glass r di M,,. Mo,,ntirjoy ccalled on"- the de-ath of Lonis H. Hockin, ýi etCWiewsasse yRex. ,- xxhen a group <if ladies wecei Hospitai, Bowmanville onli extened t the ditoS Snaf'y9 ia ttsa.bug rsdn ftheBa îAan pitngi for the! The late Mc. Hockin who W A -- - î~cated the windows and gave a, l,,î o iarnth ldou ewn? s born in Clarke Township, , addresseplce. wl"ad- the 5son<of the late William !?W HA D N tese ta 'w preserve the, EEA OTATR ts uicenn lu bit". dLsa Shoanin104 bridge and baby Thomasfaahee dug".JIam Dr. Kaiser hlpmrred te ore wthMsJakeFnd aslos COlfax .3-2242sad The deceased moxed foc . MXRIONHaAptonrop, T he ex.M.r.CCîfandusul 91 ocucedatMeoral 1 35A s ehanded oe alndollar ovsip1 al san "Pae fThanksgiving"I bill. CakTwsipT al, jad r. . .White sang,___ Grove where he was a snccess- ~ 'Ihtlveysl Beyod fui farmer foc 55 yeacs, e /Tornod rs. ite, Tc Thlthee emoialwinowseldagýeeltiring about five ycaîs ago. loi ee mmoral indws haiýtheCanlelghtService ;He was a menîher <if D.adMsMil eedae ihflags.Ros fedaKdrnUid Church Grove United Chnrch and forýD ýono, ereSunay allrs i, llitt nveledthewinowon Suoday vngwa the isevecral years was a ebr Chali Ga- hat had been put in as a me- 1mosti impressive one ever. Ino <f the Trustee Board <if thal ~ --~~~ Mrs Olsenhed afamlymorial to bis great uncie. Dvi' t he light oif the candies, farn- Chu rch.JA K~ '-- i lAElliott. who bad bequeathed a iliar neighboucs shed theiîr Snvvighesîdes his wiffr 14rsmsdne nSna' genecous sumin t Kendal Unit- A omxn ideotity as the *y put on are bis daughter Eileen <Mrs.e dilhs>attending wereMis ed Church. He wasa brother; jhegarh of wise men. shep - Ted F'oleyî, Maple Grove. and B O aMarion Olesen. Scacbocoughi, if Wes. Elliott and Mis. Floral -~ . rsadagl.TeCrs-togadblrn ooh L BN EiN Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Olesen, Brimacomb. He ran a box , ' .ýChrisim..q Song', AwybInaan d Donald Folev'. A sis;ter, , D' so S omnil ~ ~~~s5" . MihaelandJo-Anefactory in Torontoan bought ,irye ten tableaux inter- :MrsDi.vTieio<fnMaSe Fleshecton, Mc. and Mirs. Jack:ceai stateinyToorbofnd z-pl....roJ , relett nTrnoad pca funvieals.riewsbl Olesen and Nancy, Mr. and 'Fiocida living -for some years' s ted isecianfl msi. lo urivshe__ ~Mrs. Gacth Olesen, Jefferv in St. Petersburg, FIa. As ahe fAs the scneviunfoided th and Pa l T e to , Mr tor.\ was narated by M c. a i ori u ea ,~an Pni Tenon M.andýboy be attended the chnrch ai, -. itheanMeorOgie.Mc. ad McsChapel.i iý Mrs. Cameron Olesen and Su- Eliiott's gaie which is no\& or ,DiilBretto h ai Bowmanxille, on Wednesday, q sa, Obaw, Mr an M".ýSiida,- chol. Tis indw! December 13, and was con-W 4!sn QhwM.adMs udvSho.Ti dwA of Joseph and Mary. AngelidcdbyRvH.Sano<f <à atnOleseii. Markdale, Mr. was "The good Shepherd" in0i iî iivee Mis. Ben Hiitchens. Mrs. ductied CircuitH. Itinnt arn Mrl es ,Bowmnanviile, Mr. mernorv of a geîierous donor 'BitSroxden Ms. lm r asin Bomaircui. ICernty. _____________ li n r.Gwixîu Roberts, Oso- DavidÉliliott, 1868-1960. -WRS inark, IBr. LmieTrguna. _________________M awa. Geo RITcr îneieate kMs. Wis.llm Wodw rd unad Plbaes wee Ms Noted amn:4emu' l Pack sang *We Three KI*ngsIf no protest is focthcomîngg i w H. R WNA Mr.W. Blackbun -isite1 guests present were the fo['-' lio Orient re.M rs. I tle he i'e 10 Rcirsîao M orri1CHAP0 W.H.BRi Strathaven Rest Home. Elliott, Mîrs. S. Snell, Mrs. Opsvie Aiý Mc. and Mcs. T. Smith visit- GenadMs lfodA- ~ î~~ Befoce the service Mcs. C. se* ce ed Mn. and Mrs. Bill Petersen desn.Bwmn'il1.c. Thomas pîayed several cîn lc ogana .BW~A~IL & ttketon he Ie e h Jackson, Mcs. Wm. Honey and I fb j ume selections wîvth organ ac- h eertshs9t l HS A E JC 81 AND STAFF 1_______ A anwr rncsQa-i opnren:dui:ho rlI WANT TO0h brt- Mi- L.Tileyattndd Q ar ilikM. nd MradMs. wîW Nc Ro ss Lnee nddrbed the E VN U K f rM - n wtt EA A weddi g c t-E Quant i and Mc. a r s y ev nn l y d " o d r A _0 BA ,1 edt e. vu-ig sbstmrRhc oMrnd filu rnMcis ua Mrs1 mus e. tryMrcM. and M is r Î The tub PrearreETN OALRSDNSC COUNTY O - OPVanc lleMr. and Mrs. HTeod! 1 er ato is yand H ONT FDRA QuCantllM .and ugtrs, ossw- !Ms-Rs-e irce h PHONF 17 ORONOArdEllîotr conkviir.anMrs. Mc- 1.. ,presieotn ulscl hit DURHAM-FtRMwas helld onnFridaMr and'_=i77 To Al OrMmbelern M. and Ms. TdRAa' H OUTYO PHON 13 OR NO. NT eelot, BMc R. R s. Wadd 404&-0- imas Concert for their parents,! and Customers 5Hughes M.and Oj Mr. Ray ~*. 'd gladness to il n the Church, Hall, and was , M icrs odWs T o Al O r e m er H e s and oi . s os -o %well attended. Hope: Mrs. G. Lofthouse and oeadal , h ossn e'yo hita ec n apns and Cstomes on and il ÀChrîîrnas Song", 'Away IJoa A eyMryCrsms~ David, Thorntons Corners; Mc. YJ4 Manger" and "W e ThreeFo Chita ec A Vry err Chistas and Mrs. Wallace Boughen. this Christmas! sA IMr. and Mcs, Lyle McMahon, di~ Kings".MA HS BLSIG and a Happy and Mc. and Mrs. Vernon Peacock. Ili~ Sexeral tec(itatiniis wereMA TES BLSNG BEWHYU BAYs GIBBS A'; g iven. -Everywhece Christ- ALL THROUGHOUT THE CMN ER Prspros ew Year des4sie AU mas" bv George Taylor, ~ Resnistenoqt active Saf Cari Explain" bx' Bruce Dale; huma faulb.-Mrv Bker~ ay A-XChristmas Mystery" by Eddy. A David RoFe; "Not Foc Me" b *v R selC WeNil eoe aldySa. e. : ee dieoria reason for SUNOCO SERVICE a Douglas Pascoe; "It's F'unny" R seI~ -o e We '~ii beope ai da Sa., ec. 3 Iseemenordnaril;oreby Larry Waitsoil. Closed Mon. & Tues., Der. !5 I& 26 things lhan tn tnd oui. wbe.- B -na,,l i JolIy Old SI. Nichoh" uram Lierl an id t 6ý t*r the îhingz re so--Mon- Bwnanvilr a ýung hv LarrvA,-.#ookin3. teigne. IN .v.j - -- - --:à-EU 1 arley Davis sang as asl . THE CANADIAN STATESMA.NZ, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. DEC. 20th, 1961

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