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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1961, p. 21

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THE CANADLA.N STATESMA-N, ROWMMNVMLL!, ONTARIO PAGE VEDNESDAY. DEC. 2rth. 119 Bach, played by Mr. Beaton. able, are to be paid by the!~~br'meil uhcii venincl' fn oiewsýrsntor gVfusc v n n of M s cthen heard in 'Comfort Ye" 4. Agreeing to give everythML.TVSM.Mcafsinvoewapeetonr.hodnt 'dîrcd t and "'Everv, Vailey"l from Hlan- purchaser within the plan, no- ,-~I v del's 'Messiah." The famous tice of the existance and theF R R O W w E njoyed St. P auintroduced the guest violinist the Town from any loss, cin.s o Teadec' ae'VtesonMayJ9 and flute soloist. ýconvenience or darnage which Aactdas cmcfl United Church cnjd the Billettf Marilyn Garton, Pen-' Christopher Dineen, playedmraY resuit to the Town, from u v< Ev tennGirl sCoireofsthed «v ferx'. Patti Goode, Con- Badinerie frorn Suite in nthaîg cornplied with A ' bt LCObWl' Bwmavîle PblicScho1snie Brooking, Susan Quinton, Minor by T. S. Bach. Mr. Bea- items 3 and 4 above, or any eslto ro alVOCX r-Karen Bell, Jan Webster, Impromptu. h hor1d ecrais hbTw ah ~F~ î-u spl' doc L.BeaonL.A.M , .Sharon Stainton. Christ i ne audience then joined in sing- with epc oatrton of airnfo C.M, LT.CL.,las WenesilMarsden. M a r i e Kennedy.' ina, "0 Corne Ail Ye Faithful.",1existing grade of streets, etc.à Ros etal. ..TC. tncJanice Moses, Laurelyn Welsix, Kah Wudrpadth 6. Pays ail current txs Rathy Wundere Toronto. BeverleyeSenta'nin B Flat Major byýand arrears of taxes against Tis a e h us et 003vuei ]iadCrsohrDneAnderson,. Noreen GreenlY, Arne, and then Mr. Beatonthe ]and being sub-divided,E organization hedr ti ut atoswul surpl used days for tladerakls ius tos~î upu odpo P--. "n played the p'alonanýc Janet. Nirnigon, Janice Plurdy. Delibes on the organ. The ca1mrvmn seset the! Faandy Dto l inPsthirsur organ. Marlene Macklin. Shawn Led- choir's next two numbers which may become non-as- fe wodrh stiofne aneofob Tlie two youog ;ousecanos dy, Nanc .McBRoberts, Brenda were '40 Corne Little Child-ý sessable when the plan of sub- these eoplemanag tocay from Toronto, Kathv Wuncltr.lFarrow. Ave Thompson, Pat-iren" and '-Ring Out Sweet division is approved. o the ar awa siuc nes hesne. h F re ocb age 11, a scholarship vioFin -v Blake. Elizabeth Herbert, els"Deputy-Reeve Hobbs stat- e reaa o u n esetlrei ed thebrc et o student, and Christopher Di- Carolyn "Gigue' f rom Handel's 50ed that any money received ~ business of the niany organl;-' ata neen, age 12. a scho1arship MYail%7n Robinson, Judy Cotv, nt o lt a lydb under the above agreement , zations in which they are ac- eamemac il e student of the flute. surprised Bnnie Ormiston, Ave Lyce'~ hitpe ien h hi should be applied to capital ~ . tive. In many cases that's te emers' m e er- -the audience by their talent atd Jili Nichols. ýand audience sang "Gond King csts incurred by the munici- *.Jhere the wive s tresn er le wtorsh a.nd advanced knowledgc. Te * ag Thepality de to residential ex- àctr ad urhtsa eio eanle islth hrcm Techoir first sn Tlie.Wenceslas. eaûiul d oft bothasdsout far te efthleiatr.W pansion. I hsi nldd i f fourWhie o hefam The members off the Bo\v- Hrfly and the Ivy." This was "Gesu Bambino" by Yon was idhe tiisncdeh A sad but ail ton ta iiar occurrenice. Linda, age forih aetrii amîîy esgatherta F n YnnilePblc coosGilsiol.we b reue ndF-,silgbýM.Mtaf sih moved that council was struck by a car and suffered a broken upper leg. Proper i. o-mker htefrnpic lesacrifices e thatonembr CrnnvilesPulic eooGrls'ar owin Bv PFlud and Fu-J.Sunb .Mecaf.approve the report and in- treatment at, Hospital for Sick Chîldren permits perfect heal- be repreented and heard in not too happy wit.h terc Mr eto lythe e Dance"eTw Slcio o n adse vnmaaest lplacesth tanepoiin.sls n what lm "Invitation onthlane 01draft a formal standard form This successful treatrn is macle possible through the hos- the plcswere it counits. 1It ws ad we andt blaeten the piano, and this was fol-l0f sub-division agreement for pital's research program which is suppoi'ted by the annual For example, the Ontarloimany members of thelci-___ gj lowed by the choir's singing!adoption by council. This was Christmas appeai. Please send your donations to the Hospital Federation o! Agriculture met lature were ton conceod 9, off "The Belis Are Ringing.'seconded by Counicillor Hugh- for Sick Childreri, 55University Avenue, Toronto. the Agnicultural Com.mittee of1 with making political haIl' ~Kty played Borowski'sesI caie._________________________ the provincial ]egislature (a trying to. The meeting nvî ecAoir ion sa ln sl. ' uelorSeen-oe eek ago yesterday) the next got clown to any objectiveds o CH I T A h hi' ia umber waslthat a amn of $250 a lot i held a Members' meeting cussion of what a farrnm-tilz adiî àthe unforgettable "Angels Are be required instead of $4 a Lh is pnon nietl chinery art should accomish i _______Heard." The program was foot frontage. This was sec- ly)ando"s'h- wevergMonj we also ice re tingS concluded with Bach's Toccata onded b -y Councilor Presson dapo tsando m n the Fnlowirngon-i Hl__owee,______ by ngS adFuu nDMnr eon. the endcomitee also preent-arioCabinet. These organ played b - red a r. Teormtonte lsreuet- joue s I st t t s ase big meetings, not just thele~.~ __aeorohe__usto m en fs e jekecutive, and they keep a lotý T 0 ALF.dJnfoa e tetI' of people away from home fory, _____ i n L AF. eomn for atnew streqet Itte a long time. 0f course, I1à." Tah-n b rne vded thisrqet NEIVTONVILLE W'. 1. 'sity. Shop" bY Charles Dic.ktlne executives usuaîîy man-îý following the pattern of the; The Newtnnville W. 1 i.rctkeu. I ge sarndichaewssin. i To w noew by'law. lWednesday afternoon, Dec. 13.ý Mrs. Fei-guson read an ad g narudtee esos Tue o'N Cirk tatd tnatin the home of Mrs. Fergu- vertisement troni an old news- 1 The OFA got fast action oni .- PFROM PAGE ONE) Mr eJTown had signted the son, Newcastle, and it was1paper, dated 1892, when one' .s request that the Ontario- -. '-~~~ ~~'- parties for their study and areetrgrln I h surelya Christmas mecting< could biuy fiannelette at 6calI-,overnment do ail in its POW- ~L h*action. sgetdtris euyReewt it o he lêilad ra aro e' a's(r turther deveiopment of ~ 0 ~~~ ~_1 A.rte eus a e obscne yCuclo Plough Lodge, exchane of for less than. a dollar. ý n international fond distri- .. A cive frm Crt ansone Stven moed, and Mrs. Feigsosbig,*Mrs. M. Jones, acconnpanied 1bution prograin--- such ai treet, asking for per- Jong's request be granted, the lighted Christmas tree. ,th p ano b Mrs C. ow- . N ats appoed y tc..s Imission to park on the street agreement adopted, and the President Mrs. Brown wanar, sang a batflCrs-nite ain w aslai A 'near his residence. .The per- Town Solicitor be instructed in bei' place Ino rpen the nWdSrnaTherol ami Ol-i"A hNigt" '. eTh-ea safe tis state r-l May this Christmas be a nappy- mission was refused as it was to draft the necessary By-Law. ing and conduct the Thiieý, ery ro r ail ACrietmaoýsenttbe1cue thave la epre Z. stated that no exceptions tb The special committee's re- She reported iliat bth e:s . xor" ronghpia. ariet f ettifonytdhave haodve ih y V one in each and eVery Way; Cthe By-Law's regulations could !port on the Industrial Sites has the W. toiuter frtilMs estius replies - rtilve, i nthi Nu. i do x t be macle. aaeegreemen'fott MasdFe'giso rad pper thvten hW.N utan-oe M ay your heart be f îlled with 1u. iiin A re et a re r e t d ie t a h .. 0th L A niversary b u oncerning the inatt~eof tea-ipoint Up the effeci of constant,~ glanes upn he oyfi dy.The special connmittee com- tended regarding the property reported the proceeds of tuie are based on the salary re-iback over every brief to cab- j clpdsedsoff Mator Carruthers holders, Bowbrook Industries, card party asaUieovr$8 eived the lasi few years off!net. in the lasi ten years taX Reeve Little, the Chairman of and Glen Rae Dairy. and it was decided to rai'el teaching, there iq discrimina- makre sure, we think a similar the Planning Board, Lawrence Deputy-Reeve Hobbs moved this Io $40 as a donation toi tion agaist those teachers requ est 'has been made in each y ~ ye C aoand the Town Clerk ht onclage with the the community hall. who retired just after the io\v of rt~gztyo iUcu y the JO N F e IH N T F nsub-division agreement, pre- structed to discuss withi the her program by wishing ail a years. ple lhave been uirging f Reato atiGeerl nsrace'~sented i ts report. owners an extension or the Merrýy Christmas and reading Mis, C. Cowan won Ille pnî*7e, yearS for selfish as well as! Aheerepfor the completiof ~the motto. !forthie "Penny's Age" contesi. ïbumniltarian reasons. T h e s ame o1d-fashoe.btwze! NewaslePhoe 34. he eprtstaedthi on- waîer and sewage installation. Mrs. Ga:'lshore. who visited During the social hour the plan n osi recently presented Newasle hoe 341 ies off such agreements from This was seconded -by Caun- "The Old Curiosity Shop" lasi"hostess and her group served by Agr'culture Minister Ham-1I f Oshawa, Whitby and Peter- cillor Annie Oke and carried. sunmîer re.ported that il' had a delicous lunch of fruit loaf ilton tý the OFA i Rome is. av UCD ____________borough hdbe examined, was pll r eseneased to' been buili 3M4 years ago. and andi Christmoas cake. Mrs. R. the basis for what hias finally' HL EVC TTO vnie s-division wman repot wspeetdakd passed aronod pictures off tlielFaITOw received the 'luckY been appraved and the fac'tý H wale subdvso agreement be excused from taking part building. She gave a reading, cup' prize. Mrs. F. Henderson tha t Canalda ofered to provide' should be tightened somnewhat in the debate. of"h Chsma Cro" oedavtofthnstcasht.a, ol eue aE r c ue n tf by reisio ta nclue thefol- The equei o!Dr. Johnr t rom the bookc "The O7d Cuni-i Mrs._Ferguson iand lier group. purchase osprdcd n bowing. ~~Hendry regarding the apening ohrcutis swl sBwnnil 1. Sufficient ]and is deeded off Frank Street from . King to h l ,a d M s i n it r ,g e t d a to the Corporation ta pro- Prince Sreet was ciscussed.vioi, aNdwMstle.iane pWier \ oro rS io wiîh ils adoption, Man -iy JJ:m___ vide a 66' road allowance ai Councillor Stevens moved that vierewveyChstmasThenre- t 'Vr upa odhdagetd t ~~no cost ta the Corporation. the Town Clerk prepare aily ... ad ..... .. ...2. That sub-dividers have agreement for Dr. Hendry ta Mrecs. . and weid ans.. .en-ri ~consructed ai no cosita the sign, this agreement ta include tentainment convenor. Every-_ In the last fîve years, counit- 4 unicipaliiy the following paving, curbs, sidewa]ks, suit- 'oetn atiitesn-ogIng only xvorkers directly - services: able.storm sewer, and ail the off Christmas Carolq led by volved C' Iajs.u. (a)WaeraisLinder lepoionreurdn the d-Ms Michael 1-eenan, th'e an annual average off 1,750,000 e supervision and requîrements Jong agreement. This was sec- presideni. and Mrs. Rand. Mrs man-days off employment off the Bowmanville Publione by Rv tiean Rietmuller played the pian thî-nughi strikes. In compari-î (b) tiSanmsioan Sewer b accompanlimeut. son, in prosperous West Ger-' (b-aitr ewrtmt,'rany officiai sirikes are un- 'v - Town's specifications and iuu- Ms .Lwiwh a nw n vn wl-a der the supervision off the Pub-ou r c soprano sngvoirean ve wl jN lic Utilities Commission. 1u'Holia "rb*Whiite Christmas." Gaies of wlot r rr.HwWs tormdranag 10 ii ay'laugnte wee evkedby Germany manages this excep- À (c)Storm drain d "te lauing pant ono b the t record lhas been desrrib. - ITow's specifications and E bre'siers mineperfornîrd eib o andrnne h Vdrtesupervision off tb cicr B e e s by Mrs. James Fair, Mn's. John j y oadHumn ofIi -W r 4 Superintendeni. wihl Brown and Mrs. Robecrt Post,. Luo al irr (d) Asphait pavement, cubel ~pr Mrs. Egoin Rieimuller, a tai- "Off seveî-al main factors' andiWe tarthenre-cCornpcnywLim torew lb:o en led pCiistrnasCarel fmiR t than he cpart aed tbythe th Tw'sspcfiatos la"'iedpans' va 1wmddFederal German Republic's i th Ton's pecfiction Pln jwith great applause for lier1 andunerth suerisonof Brewers' Retail stores, oper-of" a ~ scess," Mr. Hurman wnite.,, May faih b the Works Superintendent. ae by Brewers' Warehousing '.nonne lias been more dramatie to blest andedecfc to 900 P sireamîineel German t r ade p our guad tmios C hstmas c us , of fte Public Utilties Co i e st nA neyeDe em e ib 11 r s i t xva cîîut unions. T he i r 20tli-ceîtury an t jy tatnee cas.i mission.2lirdaDemebv\'sJon Mph and methîods should be studied b', P ~~~~~~~(f) The sub-divider supplies 22dbeua ar f sl r.L ose t h oof the unions off other nations aStreet name sign erected to wi~raLo audy, Dec- Newionyiile. Thieir singing was uow so precariously wobblin2'î PE ER KO AL R aloremheTon'rsecfîaion, h also exceedinglv entertaining, on hi19-cnuyfnd PETE KOW L, R alto ý'ýname off such Street ta be de- e Stores ihat ai-e open from and lhe.v played their owni tions. Wcst Germainv nowa- rtitermined by the Counicil off 10:00 a.m. ta 10:00 p.m. will Iguitar ar companimeni. days is a ]and where: legal A DSTF tie Corporation, ýobserve these samne hours Dec- 1I rynetuien again joined contracis over wages and con AND STAFF~ ~ ~ 3. That Local Improvementlembpr 22nd and 23rd. !i ao iging.Tearv'dtoshe lmne f chares hîc whe th steci Ail Brewers' Retail stores 'off Santa Clatis w-as heraidedicial strikes: unofficial stike BOWMANVILLE cargewaneis accep te ytheet .11vii be losed ChrishmasDyb teQniu f "igi rTirul unnw:t 1 Y P CrhaPatwa ' cnntrart is sigii&i, an official O r OflI/J ~ ID. Also alag selection of !the Catholic Women's hee1bl,,,I eovrbstrm eoe lmlargeini St. .oseph's Hall, Liberty ýimpossible --- il is expressly BREAS S f4:forbidden by law. The unions BREASTS Schneider's Grade A Sticet South, ona rccntev- Y accepi. ibis. foitesnk D U C K 5à" enjoyable event and there were I etit W or S2 Db.T U C K YS etMeh 4Aý ttppresident was nt the oryc b 53 ladies present. 'î production, sales and deliver- c.A beauhifully decorahed ta1li v41 A s Whah about threats o! stage, an h hl a ata-covered by the wages-and- Stîvcly decorated with red and ouscnrc'..Asecial 91 xwhite streamers. Christmas Msystem- for deaiing with such . i belis, and Yuletide motifs. A ""4 siproblems was set Up 10 years ! fascinating and Iovely center- ago, and is aiso law . . . In piece, which had been designed ~ ""..' evenw fartory aIl the employees and made by Mrs. L. Hard- A nt just trade unionisis - castle, adorned the head table. J'Yccj the iranepresemaaaivesnho l was a miniature town with 4, 0 There is no such thing as the aperfect luttle church sur- i î Sulnkist - Size 13R8one y ossad trsi ~f/7- closed shop. se factory-floor T N E I E ah set in realistic looking snow. S, "~[.l' ' squabbles go ta boardroomn Size 176 It was lighted by three candies w' - level wit.hin 24 hours. The Size176NAV L OR NGE an gren cndls incrytal'clown-tools' stage is almost fl ~~ables.~ o ukydn AND THANK YOUi FOR The fart that even without Anl do A ou ottuky ijthe closed shop West Ger- onl 3 l do. oly.5 q c .z iner was enjoyed. Four mem- Y OU R G600DWl L L many's unions have, propor- __________________________ bers off the Catholic Yeung tionately, a higher rnemb People's Club. Lînda Master-iVAN bip than unions in C so, auee Rga, ay may be due in no small 3 1 sisted in serving. th ontta, hr WThe lucky winners of te e asben draw were Mrs. Egori Reit- ; muller, Mn. Stewart Chis-w

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