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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1961, p. 22

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Ma pie Leaf Circle CfioraI Society Sings Carols for Evening Shoppers Holds Yule Part y A most enjoyable Christmas, cand lesticks. ...... Party was held by Maple Leaf Chief Companion Rose Bate Circ]e No. 143. Companions o! presided. Others at the head the Forest, in the Union Hall table were: Sub-Chief Com- last Thursday evening. and a panion Polly Tkatch, High Cir- delicious turkey supper was!cie Outer Guard Hilda Hum- ,served. Companion Audrey ,phrey, who is the Secretamy Bate was the general convenor io! Maple Leaf Circle, Treasur-k for the event. Companions ýer Rîta Pai-kin, District Deputy Edythe Ililditch and Vera Bate Rena Bathgate, Past Chie: e' wvere in chargc of the decora- Companion Nina Clar-ke, Chm - tions. lain Aima Perfect, Right GuJ'le' The hall was attractively Evelyn Beard, Left Qtaide diecorated with large reid and Bryl Hughes, Inner Ç-*ýard Filver poinsettias on the walls,i Eileen Large, Outer tuard iind red, silver and green 'Karen Vesna, Standardr~3earer streamners. A lovel ' Christ- ;Martha Goudy, and ,Pianist !naljree adorncd with glisten- Audrey Bate. -4 înMrnaments and tirisel wasý The fortunafe'ý)rize winnems qunted by a silve r star. m tile,5pecial Draw were rebvlong tables wcre cýen-ICgipahions Midred Edmon- mre ýVI attractive FClws,4 ston, Hattie Armstrong, Aima m-as Piec ~ m oses o 1 YlelPerfect, Annie Wright, Mar- I gCris _ M odles and 1Igaret Coyle, Helen Allun, Ruth artîstîc o rna iaion, aid!Cowie and Jean Wood. lhey wcre Iged hY ta]] red A travelling parcel gamne vnd green tapdrs in crystal'was enjoyed, and Companion i Although it was a> foggy and somnewhat dismnal singing concert, Monday mlght. Shoppers wvere o gý evening outside, 'ige group fromn the Bowman- oo tpleuiful, btsevea* xp sd pleasure at hear- ville Choral Society were -undaunted as they took their ing this fine choir rendering many of the old favorites. I oudlieto~ places on the Librav tps for their annual Carol They were led by Hugh Martin. jpress my appreciation A. Austin aSe e r i ar ra hes with trags- totepol fte wîn of the Guessing Co- new organization. This was teth eoleo te teýi ar IIIr voted to be carried over as a TTnhihfDelng Cr prize winnerdurug 1h M r olid ay Season building fund except for the CadBingo were: Conpat- mount needed for usual com- ions miLtments to the church. The - ton for the acclama- insAima Perfect, Annie Wr i- IMrs. Veronica H. Laskaris,, Two Bowmanville mien w'ere: tinasRe.d, NEve lBarde, MGtavGwor 21Kig Street, received min- tthe drivers o! two cars iovolv-' white gift affering was re- tina ev.dEey erGadý- rfca aeain nana-e nacliina :5am ceived on behaif o! the Fred lets and Ruby Coi , racial laeoaton aay nng ac-o e day collision ve10 rs n. eVictor Mission. Suggestions A pleasing surprise _>(-ieto udyevnn tokudy.Tedieswr for a siate o! officers for the AlSO at this Joyous and Heartwarming place at the end of the sixig- 10:15 a'clock, but fortunately Daniel Brian Marshall, e ro21rercivd£o song. This was the unexpected escaped serious injury. Mrs. Orclîardview Boulevard, and new gru wer rived tfrom L askaris was driving on No.,John A. Goode, 21 Liberty wudata agiet h gcason nnayI extend to you iny sincerest arrivai of Mr. and Mrs. Santa1 olacasagietth Claus from the North Poie. 2 H1-ighway when she Jost con- North. There was extensive commiittee on nominations. wishes for Christmas joy and prosperity for the Companion Hilditch as Sataý trol of her car near the Gravelj damage ta both cars. The acci- The election of office-s will Claus, and Companion 'tura Pit Road. The car went off the dent took place a haif mile be lield in January with in- New Year. BaVe as his wife were \"01 road and struck a tree. It was west of the Bowmanville Town auguration at a special church derful . Their costumes w,ýere exteiisiveiy damaged. Con- Limits on N~o. 2 Highay service th~e foliowing Sunday. ýattactve ad tadiiona. ad tabe J. T. McDonald, OPP, Constable L. R. James, OPP, ttractieand tp rationa] and nvestigated the accident. was the investigating officeî', The pî-gram was in charge Garnet B. Rickard wit. Snt Claus and t$i. A carand~ a tractor-trailer A car driven b Donald N. of Mrs. Orald Ford and fol- L _ _ _ _ _ _ _bte ýtsweeivledi oliino Bon .. ,Bwavillwd h hm o hit toalal the Companions. Highway 115 on Monday at was consideraoly damaged in mas. The scrLpture stoîy from Duing the short business 4:05 o'ciock in the aftemnoon. a collision on 401 Highway on Luke was read by Mrs. K. session Secretary Hildt H-um- The drivers o! the two vehicles Satumdlay evening at 11:25 Dinner. Explanation by Mrs. Iphrey read a letter extending were Peter Siblock, 581 Ritson p.m. Srecako Zandskar, 167 Clarence Nichols, who also Ibest wishes to the memybers of Road South, Oshawa, and Ro- Stacey Avenue, Oshawa, was read an article on the futility Mple Leaf Circle No. lq,3 froin' bert G. Wry, 384 Drew Street, the driver of the other vehicle o! early Christmas shopping, th ihCifCmalo nOhw.Telte a h involved, and bis car was alsoI at lens.t for anc womnan. Mrs. Canada Esther M. Walker, driver of the tractor-trailer. damaged extensively. A. Ford told of Christmas Harnilton. A Christmas mes- Mr. Siblock's car was con- read nsaoem . P nl sage was also received tram sîderably damaged, and thcî-O aal omda ag hr the High Chief Ranger or the was also quite a lot o! damnager fV , Cri fre ag hr Ancient Order of Foresters. to the tractor trailer. Contabe ten eror the programme and a con- On motion o! Companion A. V. Alexander, OPP, was j. est requiring -the name of a. May - -. - - Corden, seconded by Conpp.r- the lflvestigdting officer. ais /\v a carai from hearing one or two M ygifts of joy - mously voted to make a dona- 3:30 o'clock a car driven by Enniskillen Royal Spatz to fmnyt h il biH olMne~ on 488 lsiidEclin S be youzs this Children's Hospital, Toronto, ship, went out of control on -a Jersey cow in the herd of Reports on two successf u the §yg9g Road, ,.t mile south R. P. Stenger & Son, Ennis- '~Christrnas. euchres held recently werel of Blackstock. fhe 'ar plowed kilen, Ont., has just been - received. Companion Nancy through a fence and was ex- awarded a Ton o! Gold certif i- Coîrner told o! the one she liec tensively damaged. Mr. Doyle cate. In 1443 days Spatz pro- at hem bouse, and Compan ion -)t iniured. Constable duced 2,049 lbs. af fat. She is . RubyCowe reported on the Hlowai d Wight, OPP, investi- also a winner of one Gold one held in ber hom e. gated. M edal................................ ~- --- ---st after mid-day Sundav To qualify for this award a apick-u-p tr-uck went out of cow must produce at leas S MAPLE CROVE cc:.+roi *)n 401 Highway at the 2,000 lbs. of fat. in 4 cansecu- ýCourtce deour. Fank M Vec ive years. 'foronto. was the driver. The1 ----~ On Saturday evening last truck was damaged consider- the Junior Sunday School albly and caused quite a lot I.,.. i pesented a Christmas Con- of damage ta guard rails and fleartil uIIUs cerL in the Sunday School sigos. Constable W. J. Reimer, room. The programme con- iDpp, investigatea. mse carolsan a nativity 'ilmsc yteDrive in Feb. scene t whichparAnthurre, Assist- CHARTRANIS ~~inivited ta corne. Santa CiausIWieGf Srewso- ant General Manager of Hu, ron 2and a clown were there ta dis WieGf Srewso- and Erie Canada Trust, Tr i ~~~~tribute gifts ta the childre .-,erved lasL Sunday. Aftem the oths be pone CENTS' FUIRNISH3INGS a'ter which îight refresbmnent, gifts were presented by the Chairman o! the 1962 Canadian 17KigSt E were served to al 'ýchildren, tbey sang a Christ- Heart Fund Campaigo, Ontario 17 in st.E.Bownîanville A Candie Light service wil mas carol vemy nicely. There Division. 'be held in the church on Sun- was a good congregation pi-e- The Ontario Heart Founda- i day evening at 7:30 pr.. sent to hear an excellent ser- tion announced the appoint- mon by Mr. Russell Crossley. ment today as the fi-st step in The choir was also much en- organizing the annual Heart joyed. Fund drive which will be con- The Evening Auxiliary held ducted heme, and in hundredis inheich ws cohepod cf thýepragrastince 1958haedo which was ompoed ùfthe rogrm sDesser8tan Christmas readings, Christmas have been responsible for great Dset sangs, and a short play ette! progre ss in saving hearts PIu given by a number o! the pu -1 through new methods af diag- 1 iu puls. Several games were pla- - oasis, treatment and preven- ~ 4Od ed after which Santa Claus tian". 0dF and his helper were there ta "Much moi-e progress (-a1r 'distribute the parcels. Dough- b. expected during aur life- Chocol nuts, cookies and Freshie wvas1time". he cantinued, "and ta served with everyone enjoy-lachieve these new advances, ing the eveoing. !we must expand aur research Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, and pi-avide more Heart Fund e Islington, spent Friday with dollars ta support these vital hem parents, Mr-. and Mrs. R.1prajects. By meeting oui- ob- R. Stevens. jective we shahl eventually Quite a numnber in the c-ar- gain victory over heart dis- munity are iii with the 'flu ases" and bad colds. We hope ev-j eryone will be well by Christ-, W SE IL Thes corespondets w s everyone a very Mermy Christ-j On Wednesday afternoon,: mas and a Happy New Year, December l3th, the Woman's, also the staff at the States- Association held their last! man office, meeting o! the year at the' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden home o! Mrs. E. Webster, PortiF and son Steven, Rexdale, were Gran-by. This was also the last i F R tâurday visitors with their m -fing of an organization o!: ndparents, Mr. and Mrs.1 and in 1962 the oneE gL.. Stevens. ion of the RE S ER VAT 1 r. and Mis. Cifford MI ill be calied' with their n- ldies.P H O N amacTer, sent lladioes. and -con-1 Mrs.1 i1 PAGE TWENTY-TWO V, ---p- WEDNESPAY, DEC. 20th, Il f j -THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ---j- lines was woun by Mrs. Reeve - -------------.----, with 16 right in 17, and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough, secn. A MOTHER'S CHRISTMVAS FRAYER Dainty sandwiches and Christ- mas cake served by the group Ah, littie lad! 1 would wish for you P17ovided OPPortunity for th Roses touched with morrning dew; usual discussion. Afier sehool A sunrise bright, a shower of rain, hours, Mrs. Murray Payne.1 Alto ualti an teacher st Port Granby, cameTheAhtet osfnofll ainth;ln in with Suzanne Eyden who, h hts nwlk nteln kindly repeated her speech on' Yours, a humble trustin g hand, "Canada" which had won first A place where you May xneel in praver, -4 prize in her district. Mrs. Peace in your soul e'en flhid care, Austin thanked the hostess.ý Sometimes to lose, sometimes to viii, the group and Suzanne for, Painetawllfo erthn the afternoon's meeting. Ptec htwl o wa hn The Sunday Sehool heldý A hili to climb - a quiet valley, their annual White Gift ser-1 Concern for all humanity, vice on Sunday morning with I The knowledge that no one is hungry, Suzanne Eyden reading thel A big, gaily lit Christmnas tree, seripture, and Carol Thorn- Yor othestoavaFrnd dyke reading the story of thel orwrhns ohv red Silver buttons. The Whitei One to lean with you 'round the bend, Gifts in the form. of money Your if e to be a living emblemn 3vLere received by Lewis 0f "Peace on Earth, Good-will Toward Men!" '£ýorndy-ke and Jas. Nichols' and will be sent for the spe- -ainFr cial Christmnas M. & M. Last ~...m spr g the school had sent fift dollars to Dr. Robert Mc- Clu e in India for work in his hos ital. He wrote back to tell of his work there and to exp ain the special needs if the school was interested in a ject. He also spoke of ente ai'ning Rev. Floyd Honey s with other world council visi- tors t his home. T re was a special church servi that morning too. Rev. Freemn 's sermon on the pres- sures the modern Christ- mas seas and just what it ~.; .4 does to the real meaning of Christmfas. The choir's fine anthemn for the season, with Mrs. Ken Dinner singing the solo part, provided g o o d thoughts and worship for Ohristmas. There was also a reception service for six new members transferring from .~.... other churches. They were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster, Mrs. Herb Elliott and Miss Mar- garet EIliott of! Port Granby B fr o carve to uk y and Mr. and Mrs. AlIan y uha trk y. The latter two have been -make sure you have pIenty of Wilson's faithful adhements fer rmany Years. After ibeing received Ginger Ale on hand. Nothing-but Vhey were welcomed on be- nothing-goes better with turkey thon half of the session and con- ginger ale-and Wilson's gives you gregaition by Percy Snell and moefao, orspkl oefr Mrs. L. Holdaway.moefaomr pkl oefr The choir from. this church your money. That's why it's always shared in the special service smart ta serve, wise ta buy II of song at Welcome on Sun. 1%1. and Mrs. Ken Ashby returned on Sunday afternoon - af-ter spending some weeks' holidays in Plorida. Donna Ouightred of Toronto East General Hospital was -v home duming the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrow- 1 clough visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Moi-ton in Orono on GINGER ALE Sunday afternoon. We are glad to hear Michael White is im roving in Port FAMILY SIZE QUARTS ., Hope Hospital, but we are 184-2 FOR 354 son-y Mrs. Tutt was ill last CARTON 0F SIX Saturday and hope she wilil 12 OZ. COTTLES-410 continue to innpmove as shr±' PU EOI has clone over the weekend. PU IOI Mr. Harry Austin is stili con- fined- to bed. _______

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