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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1962, p. 9

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. Ird 1P62 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROW-MAIMILLE. ON'TARIO The Orono News Mrs. James E. Rich-ards, Editor Goodlyear Hockey Leaders, lau -m Enders Post Wins Su'a alt I on Goodyear- four in less than three miii- cari'. 1-0 edge, Iîad faiieuî be- hoky eur o h Mm utes. Bob Marjerrisan paced hiuîd 3-i before a pair of quiLk' jCoi:gratu:alîouis to Mi'. and dale and her sistee-in-law. Mes. spent a week axer Ciiristrnas anial Arena aller a' one-weeki the winners with a liat-trick, marlkers p'ut theni ou: e Mes. Jonald Ciîapman. the for- Heeman Staphes of Brighton, wiih Me. and Mes. Hoxxeli respite during the Christmas!'singles goiuîg ta Bill Lyle. Ger- ternis. mer Mis, juuue 1-Ieron af Or- England, called on Me. Stan:- Rowvland. holidlay. The hague-leaders cy Marjerrison and JoinCak-o ieidi îustt : Sonie, on their marriage, Satur- fard Stapies, Mes. M. Sherîvun Me. and 1Nle Carmai: Cor- 'added ta their margin, when ýTer', Masters collected three gui::fbr theé. ai-eîd i aits. day, December (ih, t: Ail Me. and Mes. Stanley Chapman nush, Cheryl snd John with the Fan Beits overpawered the! assists anîd Lvle a pair. pickinig up six pîoinîts out of Saints Chuec:. laic'e,-ilicad, hast Thursday. Me. and Mes. Wiliis Jouies. Office 6-3. bIn he aiher con- Winstouu Vanstone, George a possible eight. o:: thîret' goals Berkshie. Eng.aiid. New Years 1isitors 1 Newto:vilie. test, the cellar-dweiuing Mats Heath and Alex Wisemaii'and three assists. Roui Buieges- Me. and Mes liai:'d Niir- M'r. and Mes. Gea. Cale, i Me. and Mrs. Gea. Giaux'iihe. camne op with their second win îscored for the Office. wi'ti: a lat-trick %vas riglît iii phy, Margo sud Tce'.oe, Tv- Me. Jack Archer. Mes. R. Sher- Newcastle, Me. Johun DeKoka, 'o!fIle season. biasting ihe Hase luI the second ganue, fitle step. tile olher itiies goîu:g 'o rone, visited Me' Chas. \Wood ry and daughter, Lois, Port Oshawa, Mr. anîd Mes. Job:: 8-3. Mats unleashed a teemen-dous Job:: Lu:îîi anîd Llovd Ilarniii- \ou: Saturday x%-.. Hope. Miss Audrey Billings, Laverv. Toronto, Me. and Mes. lu: fiie apeier. thie Office drive with 10 mnîutes remain- toi:. Holiday i :,ituis .x mi M:r. Oshawa, Miss Carol Littie. Robt. Glanvilie aud daoghter. lied the game ea:Iv at 1-1, but iing. scaeing five times ini scxen Doîî Musleis. Làre'. piper aud Mes. liarcy' Rre'c xxere Kendal. Mes. S. Souch. Me. and ýRoma. Ororia. wîth Mr. and felI beîiîud 5-1 as the Fan minutes ta break up a 3-3 tie anid Bill Cole dix uded 'the los- IvIr. and M,...-J.ack 'hba',.'-, Jud- Mes. Car] Billings, Mes. Neil Mes. M. Harrisoin, Bowxvitie. Beits teiggeeed three of the. The 1-ose afteu gnabbiîîg auntes' goals. Ith and '.unIe ibubrg, Porter,.Mrs. H. Bailes', Miss! Mes. Ed Dean spent Christ- Mr. and Mi -uv'ýn Lvnch. Macry'L1nîn Baiiey and Me.,mas with Me. arnd Mes. Keîn-B gSe o d P r d Paris, M.Lü .i. h Bo',- Wayne Baihey were New Year's ieth Dean: aud family, Ne'.w-Bi Se o d P r d inanvilie, Mi. sud Mes. Haery dinuier guests of Me. and Mes. casIhe. Lynch, Downsvi(w'., Me. Berri. Alex Watson. Me. and Mes. HaroldI Srii:li. ard ync su daghtr, ar- Mr. and Mes. Cecil GrahamiNiagara Falls. Mr. snd Mrs. raTorontr'. spe::: New Year's wth Me. and !Russell Van Hore. WhîtbY,. r NrEvetyn Hall snd son Mes. Wnfred Breen, Toronto.lMes. Fred Tamblyîî. M. anti f e 7S r1 o s là r. obHal, PrtHope, Mr. and Mes. Russell Sut- 1Mes. Carias Tannbî u:and fan:- caled on1î Me. and Mes. A. A. cifie, Leskard, Me. snd Mes.'-ily ivere dinner giiests of M.C umnd, Mcs. K. Gamsby, Haeev Meecer were dinnet' and Mes. C. E. Mihler aud solsmik s Ba-Ub i g nniMes. Ceciu Joncs last goests of Me. and Mes. Jack an Christmas Day. hm o kB e Uri g ayevening. Meecue and famihy ou: New Mr. and Mes . hberi BRand- rand Mes. Gea. Morton, Year's. ail and daughier Lorecu:, MI'. Mes. Lawrence Harreis Me. Heî'b Mur'ray spent New Ianid Mes. Kenneih Randaîl and and family, weee dinner gocsts Year's wiih Mr. asud Mes. Ai-- famihy, Me. sud Mcs. Jiniu Rau:- T r I î g8 e t r of Mr. and Mes. Robt. Morton beet Ra::clt and fanîiiy, Whit-'dall and fau:il', Me. sud Nirs. I h i l n et r aud familv, Satueday evening. by. Wm. Bonk sud farniiiy W'}ii- Mes. F. E. Rhodes was moi'- Mes. Cliitouî Caverix', Whiî-iby, Mr. Dav'id Pappuet. Mes. A hi-gfouru goal secon:d per- session it appeared tilai the rMaîieu hîce asiiiiii ed fr'im Memorial Hospital hasi. by, with ber father Me. Wm. Joan Fitz, Mes. Elsie Wilson: md euab I e d Bowîman:'îie lx'îsnîlors weee about tofrto iii'Reiiiickç's, drap pas'. ai 5: 28 n r week to the Oshawa Hospital. Dax'ey over New Yeae's xxeek- ai-d Mu'. R. Talbot, Tao'onto, Sbaîu:rocks ta biaih br'eak ini-itab les, but Bowuiiauivuie xvl:o the tird. Up toici tee Miss Joyce Hareis, Whitby', end. were guesis o! Mes. Herb Mur- to the ivin coitumu afier drap-Ihad wonu îieir fiî'st two gamies Shanii'ocks 1usd theii- s}are nif1 Mviss Eveix'::Harris, Taooto, Ni'-. sud Mes. Wm. Care. ey on Christnias Da', sex'euîini a eow. Befoî'e 'aIthe sessou:, caille up xx' th s tlic plav. b'ut aftl thati lic 'reý, visited thîeîe parents Mr. sud Johi::aund Lynda, Port Hope.j Mrs M. Bas kecviiie. Miss saiiometown audience. Thurs- sate uuarkee lu carnI:lle ld- of tlie period us spaudin j Mr.Lawrcnce Harris axer the Me. Dave Rougl:ley, Me. and1 Leatiua Montreoy, Taoonto, Miss'day' nighi at filie Memoriai cisin: oxuiaci.ilneci.e- e Chrstashoudys. Mes. A. E. West were dinnerlVenna Porter, Peterboroughi. Arceuîa. HIe)(Siîaînrocks defeai- Art Rt'uiiick openuedl tI- spectacIed de(u'uiu rirx Congratulations ta Mc. snd guesîs of Me. sud Mes. RonaldIl'Me. sud Mes. MurraY Porter,'.'.d Uxbcudge 8-6. fl the finîal sctîeiîg at 1:38 and addt-d n- bankicd onue off N'laiitle'.s skai'.' Mes. D. G. Hooper w'ho cele- Wýest a:d farnily, New Yeae'z.Saudra, Donnaîansd Fisuikie. luer hess tua:: fixe îîuîîu îtes ali ie aside of thet cage iIoCcii brated their 40th Weddi:g Ai:- Me. sud Mes. Henry Smith iNextoux'ilie, ixere Chrisinias G odyear L e e as Uxbridge lieici s wide liii î:uscgi .în1Ioa siucdegoal St niiveesary on December 31st. sud son:s Roî:ahd and Barry, guests o! Mc. anîd Me-S.. G od erW. na-iin thé puay. A fier ihe 'tht' 13::10 iuiuîk. Nar r fs Me. and Mes. Sud Rabertsoiî, Geax-enîhcîest, speut the week- Norman Porter. 1rid-way mark, tiue locais can iic't ted liai: toii's rchauuuud aI Stràtheoy., were w'.eek e n d en:d x'ec Nexw Yesr's xiuh Mes. i Vrs. L. McCo:î:bes aud dari- Tue Comn:es xxere tile onIv back ta éeil:fiie scout' on Minî:ute laîe. t Ruiuc, guesbs of Mr. an:d Mes. CecilD. N. My'les sud Me. beRoy ghter Feeuue, Lindsav',vith Mes. tearn iiu the top fourIo twxii: goals b:' Beian u Hughes sd oiilîe ue Iai1Reic a Joues and family New Yesr's. Myles. 'J. F.. Richards ou Chîristmas. as fie Goodyear League caune LloyýdÈiauiihtoui. Bob Chîer': 17:46 to iiuake il 7-6j Oliijsl'.i Me. sud Mes. Don Graham, Me. and Mes. Neil Wood sud Nie, sud Mes. fih. S. Cobbie- Io a c'lnse iast TIuuisday nighi. quickii' seul. the vxisitars o'.:and "M'.uei" Rli:cI-zrds h q'lî Oshawa, Me. Vernion Graham, dsughters Gail sud Sandra, dick, Margaret sud Bob Lcauî- 'Althoigh the Ieadinîg Beits un fron:t, ouiv 229 seconds Inter, ixa" x'ilu Riciiards ai ur:ii Me. aud Mes. Cecii Geaham Mes. James Snell, Lakefieid, iu:gton, Mr. sud Mes. W. A. lest 4-3 bo the Fan: Beits i! t:: the middle session:ftic tueéis'.rarîce uîusu sec xiii:3 ~' visited their mother Mes. E. Mes.' Gea. Crowîhee sud sans Cobbledick, Owen Sounid, Miss ,vass cuouIlî Io gîve ilîem the' liuuestees came up l'.ilh peu'- seco'nîds reu::ai::ini- Geahan: ai. the Nucuug Home Charles sud Jamie, Newcastle,1 Jean Thompsou. Oshawa, Miss 1ule by a sinugle point whei: lips thele best effort of il:-O Diiuski anud Pi-e. mu:ix-c'.' i Lindsay on Sun:day. Me. Roy Bareabali weee guests E. Howard, Bellevile, Miss the Comnbinés edged the Lab- season, outskatîug thele rivais agai': top opeesito:'sý Marjerci-J Me. sud Mes. Robt. Morion 'o! Mes. Charles Wood ou New Ethel Thompsou, Mn. sud Mrs.'oeaiory 4-3. io produice foui'"uîuansxxeredi soi:. }iuiitou: sud Mastees aud îamiiy weee dinuier guests 'Years Day. bLorne Thompsouî, Biackstock ': ""lhe Bîsudees, pî'exiocîsîyý tahhfas. Roi: Bur'gess cicked lolk like s cuu:cl: iii e togeiui- of Me. sud Mes. Bil Hoy sud Mes. Harvey Gin:u. Mes. J. Mes. Howard Walsh:, Orouîo, led xxiîh the Combinies, als' n in.iîOliiuski iu tht' fîrst e aI l] son - wxi toucer goals famihy on Feiday eve. Glin, Mr .and Mes. Glen Ter:- 1wereeChristmas gcîests of Mes. isdflbotlsng51t armnuend t2:3DnP oiait nontici.i Me. HevcyGiuîuis a pst- usiansd family with Me. snd Wm. Cobbledick. tnifis ed tue hsthose:52machineMsf îuiputie sai 2î: oî sud ocou asthes ::nt:ue lueii:. lentit n Mémorial Hospital, -Mes. Arthur Tennant, Leskard, Christmîas guests or Mr. aSuilSo,) eudiîîg up onu the w'rong! tie Icsdl for tile tirst finie. Preest,i get îi îstî'edsu Bowmanvilie. ou: New Yeae's Day. Mes. Cecil Jon:es and faiiîly side of' s 5-2 score to the Cam- Ray Prestonu sud Bob Mur je: - ihen Ilaîsd "Whit'v s a.'h:esîp Me. sud Mes. Marsh:all Chat- Me. sud Mes. Orvihle Chat-,ý weee Mes. Robi. MulHohu: Mesý.e slua pair of shutouts, the eusoii coLuted 10 iake il 4-I. peuisltv' No homie gainec'Iiucs letton, Me. and Mes. Orvilie:terton. Carol sud David, withlWm. Uglow, Newtonviile, Mr. Hse Ron1 sva:pa te cel- Chéri-\- gave gîaliîe eddx'iglt Chatterton, Carol sud David Me. sud Mes. Marshall Chat-land Mes. Ethan Joies, Poit Iar-dxvehînug Baubuex' an:d thie spent Boxing Day wiîh Dc.' tertonu ou: New Yeae's Day. Ilopeý. Miss Mar:".v Joues, Boy.- Tigees teoLIunced t he Lead i . and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Nancy C~hrstmas Visitors mani:'.1e, Mn'. Siai: Jouies sud Press., bath bY -i-0 scores. J ~ ~ ** aud Bannie Lynu, Bramnpton. Mes. Ida Plomb, Mn'. an:d son Ross, Zion. Fean:k Samnis kn-ocked off siSL N Suuîday dinner guests o! Mr., Mes. Chas. Piumb, Toronta, I Me. sud lMs. A. E. Wt'st eun- b hi til oIa l bw- M.WsMl netindM.H (a1( -a aud Mes. Cecil Joncs sud fam- Me. Arthur McKay, StarkvilIe,lteetaiued thieî fainil'.'Mc. sdgantii a cdaibw- M. e usteaud M.heuiiao:.Ra aîiD k rs, iler higls gig ta John: is Suuday Schooi cass alsaid, Bowvu:a:îilie x sied a' ili were Me. sud Mes. Sid iMe. aund Mes. Lawrence Hareis Mes. Roy Foreester, Eliîue a:ud Coouîbs--7-11i AI! Randie -. bowling paety iu Boaxxmuiihile Tai:: Baker's ou: New' 'ai m Robertson, Steathîro ', Me. sud sud family, Me. sud Mes. Nancy, Me. aud Mes. Junîior.'698, Frank Wriglît--691, Rau: an Weduesday night. They Dasv. Daviîdce:iudn'-- Mes. Go. .Jones sud fauiily, Robt. Morton sud famiiy with West, Steveuu sd Mcim.Mr.:1larus 7, ruoi ob--reueued afexvcd t isrîgu Boxvmanvilie. Mliss Carolyn IMe. sud Mes. Gea. Morton au sud Mes. Dean West" Teeci',672, Te'd Bagneli-668, Alex home wheî'e deliiuious cefresli- V Joues. Oshawa, Me. sud Mes. Christmas Dax-. Cindy, Deanua sud Johnu,M.Cam'eou-662 sud flou May- ineuits auid s social tuie wcci Nie. sud -(lS. John iKioX0 Francis Cowan. Miss Isabel Rabbins, Me. Don sund Mes. Ronaid Xest, Susaui, fainiii'sDnt Ne'.'.'Yes'c Me. sud Mes. Winî. Mitchiell Guitard, Me. sud Mes. BrucelKim sud Scott, Me. and Mes. i adD suetpx'tus h he ' eupmiMluY : BeocuMr-andMr. -1 spent the New Yeacs weekeud McArthur. Os,'awa, with Me. Raye West, Raye. Darlene sa nienocs 11g sngi gineThesay igit i uehone ' 'vithMe. sud Mes. Borns Kilt- sud Mes. Tom Hardy snd fam-:Baeeyý', Mr. sud Mca; Keutî: of fen oshg i ngogi-e ' Jolui fSiyioan uMs f ileshom e sdNe.WsNelx r . W a llu d s o uis, S i. lM a w - 'Miil'.' . M l i ie , O h w eC r s t , J d s uDJ uc e <i i C o o in b s - 3 3 9 , F r a n k S a m is - T h e S o li u a W o m e u: s î s t î - c s . H a ro ld sn d M cr u'sv x .e r ~' i e . W i î e ' N a i o r W i I o w M i s E . M . o l u i s , s h a a , l i c i i m a D a . .3 1 2 , 3 1 0 : F r a n k W r i g h t - 2 9 0 , t t e w:l li i m e e t 't h c i s d a v n i l - ut . c sv d i n u e e g i e s t s 'o f N !- . t flanIlayues-280, Fred Smithi Jaiuaey 1Iiliiytue all ai :i AiMs. Cisue Ai::: sud soi:s, ~ AT~ffGerda Ceaig faî'ored ixithi a writuu:g. 2thé'J ha]]on a, oi aclck8:15 'uauvile SA ÂJLEMY.loveiy vocal solo. Me. Moie' Burges sd rithie Wihîi8te 256 sud ,Roi May- 'Pue .G.. is itiIsiui- .,,,ill Me. sud Mes. Wilfred Chat-,misfortune ta have onefin îe d 251). ' gilsenerai ,Meý. sud NMr"..RaIph TJax-ks %n.".. '.Liim;aici 'C;t-s'. t. Gr.~îafonu, iMr. anad vrs.ion nîs rigint liand iniured""'- d <Othe voung people of the, wishes ta Mr. and Mrs. Win.i Fred Baker and famiiy, Oak- whiie at work iast Friday. Final Standings commnunity at an enjo ' abin! Carin, Town. who xvcre for- vile, were Christmas visitors Mr. and Mes. Fred Stcvens.Ps at. nte al edvngt mrer residets of luis corn- with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Colla- were Wednesday linc e' 4 Gi ae eta usa tnunity, on the celcbration of catti. 1gesIlofIr.and hr Char- Cambines 63 bt take a nursing course il) i r601h xedding anniver- Mr. and Mes. Geraid Shack- lie White, Oshawa, to meet'Braiders 61' Toronto. Best wishes, GailE saX on Jan. Ist. letoan and family. Mr. and Mes.' Iheir nephew and cousin, Me. Macin e Shap 56 M.BHCmsi ain Members of the Yoîu':,g1, F. Blackbusrn alla family eiEwr White, and Miss S,ý- ýHase 55 in Oshawa Hospital. Frictnds! 'th Mr. and Mes. WilerfEdward ,a e People's Union hield a skating :Ivîr ens, [rom Vancouver, BCT et 51 wish him mucn hlealm.h party last Frida. ,Aller skat- ýBlackburn, Haydon, on Christ-i 'Who were attending a covn- Tgees 51t saau. ing *the\' enjayed lunch served nias Day. lion in Toronto this past week ,Canets 48 Me. anîd Mes. Jack Large nt the home of Me. and Mes. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackie-' Office 47, and ehildeen, Bawnianviiîe. W.Craig. ton and famjly were with her. Mr. aud Mes. H. R. Foîev Lead Press 41 spent New Year's Day with Mr "also cal'led an Mr. and Mes. - Laboratory .17-Me. and Mes. W. Parrinder. Mr nd Mrs. F. Blackburn! sister, Mr. and Mes. Bruce White, Oshawa, to) meet hec Ban hur 4 Mri.cvitn Eee and family, Me. and Mes. Les- Little and famil-, Agin court,i COLI Si Miss Peggy Coolidge.:4 M.E OmsoEbnz" lie Weish and family attended 0a1 Christmas Day. fo actvr .. u a New Year's famiiy gatherirîg M.adMs Gc hc.Who was also attending the mit the home of Me. and Mrs. leton and family, Me. and Mrs neta i aot. i e e gu o ln KenSaOshaonwan famiiyj Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Richards were with Me. and Mes. Ra-: Bob Snowden speut New 'Ai- Spicer's; sharp eve '.xas 'O'Rourke 1 anîd family weee New Yeae's land Shackleton and Me. Gar- Year's with her sister. MeI. VaIluable to ist 'm bout as Etcher 64! g'.IeStS Of Miss Ruby banic, doni Shacklet-on and Billy an' and Mes. Sam Deweiî, HamP- x'aiuable as his bowling, whien Casile 57 Town. Tuesday. ton. the first schoduie champion- E. Brock 56 Mr .and Mes. Fred Twist, M.adMs BbCagad Christmas %weck xisitoes with ship wadeidinheMxdiro li4 W hist'b , we e Neora ' ay miyMM .rd.e . e B t ;M r . and M s. C. P. Sw aIîaxx' L eag uie, last F iday night. T he H arrison 41 Twst o M.and Mes. E.'tery and famiiy were with Me.; were Mr. and Mes. M. A. Don- seoe:ng statistics, after a care- H. Brock .16 Mr nd MeKn hcke'Cr st.aS am utey Osm, Mes. Jean Hobhs, NMr. fuiucek, peoved that. an e-!Paimer 20 Me. andMis. Kru Shakie. Day.Frank Cruickshank, Me. and clor i the total pins had beeî e'-SeodShdl ton and family were with lier Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig lieîd Mes. Fred Hubbs, Mr. Jac k madc. giving Spicer the tille Team No. i Capi. Elton parents., Mes. Wni. a faii ahrn o h'As5hton Toronto, Mr. and Mes. instead of Mohun.Boc.CcMia.DnBad Alu, Krlv a: Nxv ea:~;Cî-ig amiy n Sturay v-Pete Rotz. Sask., xvhn wcrr Bath clubs weee tied for thel Day. coing. ici'ey Ruthi Grant, Marion Pc:'- Viator wth c.sudMr~ M. ad rs.Ros Lne ndreiorning home Io Sask, Icad gaîng iî:Ia iast Friday's ted ,Dat Castie. Geeldsitosawtklrtoî o cw' fý -a d i-S.wsMss RuhandMr. and Mes. C. P. Swýaiio.v actlin and that'sthie xay it Team No. 2 Capi Ar t Year's were Me. and Mes. Rn- LanTow, ee ih rwmteee MSay F~reAshthlerand ed Mi ohuîî andsice 4-optaSpicer Jae Nowlaiî. Gord Wi- land Shackleton anîd Mi-. Gar- sud Mes. Lloyd Richards o leM-. Aîînaî la cc n pcedop oenCals et don Shacklton and Bil familyToronto. ing a 4-3 decision to Hilda'cax, oenCals Bty don ShcltnadBl Christmas day. s .PBok 'ore mse Lobb, Dot Thompsouî. M r . a n d M e s S : : : B u t e r ' '. M e s G e r g e G a d a î d a d e . n d e s . C . P S ' ~ . L o i .' B e o k . R o e e t m es s e d a T e am N o . 3 - -- C a p i . D n e ' rion B attoev, e an Laus.eo rgOttoddadsendspent New Yeae's with lier chanlce îo oveetake h la- Etched. Aida Luxtai:. Maeg raig . Mte. udM s. T ouise, M. Ottd B ariir sh-bro)ther. Me., and Mes. \Viii es, botving 10 Castle by the Welsh, Dick Perfect Jack MsW.CagMr'adMrs. TwM.edBrcOs-AIhto,,. Eniniskiiieni. sainie 4-3 coui. Schiii, Bob MitchrII. D. Reynolds anud famjiix' wce ax'.'a. weewitih Me. and Mes., Mr. snd Mis. R. R. Steens Etcher cioscd wiit a rush. Teami No. 4- Capi. Ililda New Years guesis of Me. sud Leslie on Christmas on: Wed. Dec. 271hxvhîch '.x's bouiicing Harrison 7.-0 to enîdBocin Thmo. Sa Mes. Bob Ceaig. anud aisu:Cday. hi 2'dwdianvr pfu-lol n on cBok iiTopn tn heîped celebrate Cind"s birti- NMe. and Mis. Howaed FoIeN' her62dwddn anxe-u futh ui îellpot be-Narrish, Nettie Giaîîviile, Duke! .sari', reccivedi a iciegeam of l:ind O'Roueke. Boieîdoî-Brut, Marion Wisemnî. da.Me. aînd Mes. Howard Cryder-- cangeatulatiai: fron: t h e i e ed Iast place Palmer 5-2. Team No. 5-- Capt. Mait; Mr. M. Matabo. Torontto mari:aud famil 'v, Mapie Grave, granddaughter Miss Muriii Bob Glanvilie's 305 ganie, arsnBbGaviî.M"' visited at Mi'. and Nies. W.Me. aînd Mrs. Clarence Bell Sieven, xxho is a United gairîrd the spalliglit, folioxved Nowian, Muriel Mela::s onî, Craig's or: Tuesdax. sud family, Town,. weee Churcli medical uîissunuîar.' iin b'.'Gît'::Fey 284, HowaedMuryGatAdeySep Mr. and Mes. Gordlon:Ko- Chiristmnas da'.'guesis Of Mi'. the CougoAfeica. N- MurRurk TaniNoGr anit. A Morl Sep viarechi, Kingston, %ý,ee MoiMe. and Mrs .Tit'M.adMs. James (Cook- -'281, Art Spicer -265, Mar-Ethr lnFvEmaBo day supper guesîs xxith Mr. Me. aînd Mes. E. Twist wveee son, Mr. and Mes. Victor Caak- 1ev Eane 53sd Dor'e Mut- Etielîe. len ex's, Emi Bir- mnd Mes. F. Blackburnu. Tuesda'.'eveuing guests 0f Mi'. sn atndd te Coon tuî1 46 hgi aîoîgtu ld , el aiph Malamsoer. Nr aî:d Mes. Da thek'enriso 124DuaineamnPaîniead- (Intended for last w'eck) n i.Dv Preston:, Tow,'Christmias familv gatî:eei:g ou les.TamN.7 ap.ALob Mennbers of tîîe Si.uiidy arnd en.Iayed a xisit wuth Me. Saicîeday evenîîug \hicîî was 1-oiward B: oîueui grabbed CiiTrexiN. -Fcaiîe A Le', Schooi beid a Chîristnmas colsuad Mes. George Dobbiiis, held at their daughtee's, MrI'. Ii-' triple luonors x-:îh a 73'? JlimiTeiFreBal., ceet at the churchl ast Wed- Leamnîgtoîî. aîd other n:em- anud Mes. Walter Davis, 'rau::- uol a, whiie Hilda Brock's 652 ji Cox, BobY Spîcer, IMary uxqsday evenii:g. Afteî-a a ,.-,-bers of the Trulfamily. t1 ipce tielaie. thr o ,e gram Santa cane aid Me. and Mrs. E. Twist and Me.R- rosi pidn fa sie crid nbyN.8 ap.1.Bo ~ed the gifts and bags farmi were guests on Wed- a few wecks at bier fatlier'siNoem O'Raurke-707, Ken 1ci auWlh or oin of carîdy ta the childeeri. nesdlav at Me. an:d Mes. Fred Me Rdadni:.Part Perrv' wîile Luxtomu 700, Morleyî Etcler -i Me Wiseman, Helen Schiil, Our Chîristnmas S Liii ca ' Twisi's, Whitby. ber mother is iin hospital ec- 679, Glen Peouit-668, Glen Joti: Bruni. eliuech sel-vice was well ~ai- Mr. and Mes. W. Craig. Mr. cov.erinig from aun operatia::. Fry-648, Maltt arion60, cam No. 9 C aper, lin tended. The chair provided an and Mrs. Herb Ceaig and fan:- Mr. and Mes. C. Russell anîd AI Lobb-638, Art Spicer 618 CsiHp Pamr li excellent selcerlon and Miss iv r n rs .Ryodfamiiy were New Year's xisi- aî:d Joe Na'.van-612. Prot, Mary Harrison, Ruth Ciaremont, were Christmastors with Me. and Mes. John: Mitchell, Joan Fry. day visitors wîth Me. and Mes. Polman, Oshawa. Final Standings Team No. 10- Capt. Keri: Me. nd.Ms.eLsloeColl Pts. Luxton, Arnold Sleep, Essie' Mes George Pirie. Toronto, cuit were Sunday visitors Spicer 68 'Cox, Bill Charles, Auîra Tee- Mr. Lillin Bri andfamily,,Iwith her sister, Mes. Norman: Molîcîî68 'win, Elsie Prout. Hi .Miss ide hlpMsr. utnOsa . A PWUMBING SYSTEM Bob Dav.ies, David Brown and Me. and Mrs. Ted Hoaseand NixdBwnr eg Shul -ScodHf *MJTB LNE" Bob Wilson were Sunday - wo daughtees were weekend Date AIleys i -2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 -9 9-10 wUTS LNE guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Wý.1visitors with his mother, Mrs. Jn -8 91 AND EVERY ANGLE Craig and famiiv. :Ed Hoar, Newcastle. 1 4- 7 6- 9 8- i 1 0-.3 .5- 2 GHECMED WWPNS Mr. and Mes. -Herb Pacsons' Mr and Mes, S. s. Morton: 1 -1 -9 4 and Beveriv, Towvn, Mes. Mac- spent'New Year's with ber si ' 1 -6 5 -1 -9 4 garet Mack and Gloria, Miss: tee, Me. and Mes. Esel Os- 2 i 5 2- 7 9- 4 1- 6 3- 8 and Mes. Do:: Parsonîs and' Me.and Mes. Jack MJortonuie: -8 li -7 24 is dvs lar ONil Trond . est i ir aets2r:1 1- li.5 6- 4 6-11) 8- a Mr.sen thisMarchDanwth anr M. dMes. AI hristie . 3 0- i - 69 4 A8 - 35-l1 - v-. ,~...~cusn e. draMerh Mrss DarIn (MrCilî M lc,,,,j The marny friends ýof «,Mr.i. Me.r Fred Home, Uxbeidge, Mr, Edus McGeath are son-y ta Alpin Christie, Peteeborouuil, hear that she is a patient in spenh New Yeae's wilb Me Oshawa Genecal Hosoitai. b'tr, e. odnMatnsu is doing nicely at the time of'.Miss Linda Martin. Apr. --9 2- 8 27 play -oafas5-.i9 5- .3 7- 2- 6 8- 4 4- 2 4- .3 3- 7 10i- 2 6- 7i ORONO 1782 dL ii P t Wee iuuer g11esti, iii - Nexx' Yeses Day xiii: Me. aund MaGordolî Davis, Dslisi'. nId W o o ds u ec" o -TO- E EN J 0YLIF E TO THE rvLLEaT? I In Your Own 1' ~ R ECR E A TION o Oshawa Wood Products Wl! Show You How ]FOR THE Do-lt-Yourselfer Our HomeNO D W EXPERT ADVICE O N Modernization PAMEEN PLANNING AND -and - BUILDING your own Division.. recreation room. Our No Payments know-how is at your NviI1 uild il for y01. V'C wil 1 6 dispsalandwe avegive yoii a FIRMN PRICE in- Until Mvay, 16 disosi ad e hve cludirig ail 4ub-trades BE. at which time smal] 2MODERN SHOW- FORE WORK COMMENCES o OOMS TO SERVE Mln'VOUr, Recratign Rooni. m o n t h 1 y payments YOU._________ would commence. OshawaWodPout Limited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU S Oshawa Office and Showroom Main Office and Showroomn Phone: 728-1617CO R CE - 7 81 1 BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 29600 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS : iS e c ionl. and Mr. W. J. Dy-er's, Osh awa. Mes. Flor-ence rearce, Wil- towdale, visiîed Me. and Mes. H-aroldI Pascoe and with thern ixas a guest of! Me. and Mes. R. Pascîîe an:d fauih'.' on: New', Mers. L. B. Wiîiiai:îs an:d Mr. Wlii Benîlian). Boxx'manvilie, '.'sittŽd Me. anîd Nrs. N. Wot- tell. Cai'oi ' vii Ja5mues au:d Donald X ' vri " '. s h i a a . e n :.o x e d h a l- dax s xii :their cousinis Ai R osel ari:dv'aie. .-iiie XVeei'- speut scierai dia'. sit ciel.lircoîsil:, Caroix": 0crx, aa asu xeek. lowlee.czand ich:Idren xver New Year's DaN, guests of M and MIrs. Ralph Larn'ier an famHx'y, Blackstock. Mr. and Nies Bruce ",in gornery xxerc New ,'Yeae's Da RuLCSIS Of NMr. al, ,:. McHugh, R. R. -1 Oshawa. NU. sud Nies. George K::' and fainil" ve:ex i h tlNIe .a': Nie Il.Fa rrow , Sa-x-ie Nie ýan-j M: .Sian i MiX'. an sud5xxce e ,'. e,i :'ý's Deý gu~.s or NI:. :iud Ni '. Ji Ph iiiips. Toro!loý NIr. anîd Nis. Rnc:'. dClci Iliî-1 an d :liuldi'en ixieeue. of, Mi. and NIre C. '. Wila, O1iîx .o': Nexv en 'DIa". Nie and .Mr: . Uir KnOs Nie.and Nie s. niuev vie ai! Mr. and Mi':.Ross C'r'.derme - xc e S n:îdn . tei g ue îs o f m Ii and Nie.'. Bol, Fiel i. Lol itaîl: Nie. aid A M it\ . ie.N Ex Cr'jVice.Niu. a:.d N-'.irIl ýKiy. sund sorsxiCi' Al,'NI ni v NeY. ea? 'sIl' Mer. aud Ni ln,'. "ci Nuý ouil auridaunyhie: s xitrtNe,., Yc'ar's Da'. euevstsni Niean' Mers. Joli 5e!non' Fi isîkI e M r .- t ' . R , î l i r i\ \ a s . ' ~ ' Nre a:-Ini: jrýzsaini Dcxxil JI P!iciol, ni: New x- îî'.--. Du.: Ni. r nid MriS Bper" . ieu.c ;i:id faiiit I lie (' ai iin i Ni. ,,I. im:l e j:lIn. Nti W . -N ():"iî, n'l Bî'ooklii) e ' ci ANi:-iie(' F , 1e! ' . i c e N e ic w ' : : D e ' i e e o f Ni e. a n d r I rN e i ic ' V i ' N i . 1 1i P " . iill k x ii x i iIlaiiptii, ioi'S i 'Rh:' N-,' Au i-.C , :iR ii Mr.' d ' C iî N'ueCiIl.of> i' l:: ' fs , NV 'i . ii i' . I Iii a Au.iil'ecii'.e-i V : î Y nu 1-ix loi u:l c tu . Ne'Nv e ): Ni:' aid ANis '. i ii. l1; î4 le. inn (j faîii ]\lx - p v Ne'.-x Y e a i 's D a \x xx i i i : - a i N I :s . il\>, I.nî i. PiSo'.,ne i i î' ciiglu. xvei-rie . ' vîss of NiMar. NIi i Broollîo a id Suon". MeI r alid i N Ie:-li Iaîuîi(ii. Mi. T F '1 cnl- liimbus, 'i..,Pc:::i ec i xr ocess nu: Ne'.. Y n s fa xiii: Nir' anud Nies. 1) FVii anid fan:Hv AU. ad i:-.'R. V Spires î î î d f a i l l i ] \ . . e d a t N i e s u d îW e & B cîu î s. O n s x x n. m i visited Mi'.' ~i :t ion il,, 3n'i'î,îi. 11. I' a in i s. 1. ' V e e . S uid b ( i '.. M i ' . a l i d N I : 3. V N'Ipliox s. Tîîîîîol. t:o Inclidax' .'îilitrS xxtii NIr. and Ale. R. Ve:i:e:' sud f:iiîiils. .an s: nVare' xîsed. rets u'.s ai Englbsit. 'VIe.sd1'5 eP. ')r ind fsiii'.- isied Sa1ln-da' '.'ln:g mul Ni:. and Mis 1311ý "For QUALITY Cars and Service" - SEE McQUEEN MOTOR SALES . L1311TED Eari McQtmcen, Pres. 219 KING ST. E. BOWNIANVILLE Authorized Dealer for M16 SPORTS CARS MORRIS - RA31BLER MIA 3-:1356 * * 0 1960 Rambler Custom 4-Dr. ,Standard transmission. w~hite and red e,\terior %vith niatching interjor. 0Oin v ow ner car in abovc average condition. 1959 Ford 4-Dr. 6 e3'L, automnatie. custorn radio. Locally ow'ncd, Ini A-i condition. 1958 Chev. 4-Dr. 6 cyl., automatir, custoni radio. This car has been eompletely ov'erhauIcd and S. iui:euded for issi i'es 1% Sýnuda ' , Dec. 24. at 10 a.. 1. ilie Ziau: COugregaiouu snd S. Schulichlldi'eii .oil:ed the NinreîlîConugnegaîiou: un ab- CriýE'xxit le gîfi SLunda\'. Ti:eee U x as a laieralicîîdance. 13ev. Me. Fri.Vucuiiauu M.'lîa as ini charge j xias assîsted b'.'v Mr. George -I lariess, Mornuali, sud Me. N. Geî'oxx, Zlî:îu. (Scuuday School ISuipis, i'lic luurc %vas at- i. uactixeis- vdccocsîed xx iti ex%_ eug'u:.o'00-e lights anîd Zini: SLitdas ýScllooîl lad -illiu: a uîuuai Chri'stmîas tî'ee Iparu 1' Dc 23,at 7.301 p.m:. -x0: aUst dox': n t s a de- Sliý,figl ic 1:01ICIcksippen'. .short proea uuîcansistiuig of ýi St'iera h uîcuuubees b hitie s.S. chîildcenu a m'.andolinue selection 1. lFtaiuue Cas'.ieiaud carol 1silliîug b ilu'V le ga:l:eriuig. Theii ill'. cld Sainta arrix'ed sud distI n liited gufus said tcests Ia ai: eageu' gruup of ydugti. I :oî:î a Ibesuut i fli:lx' decoiraîed (.uuuiiuuiui:liil seisu s m-ilube itI a lii rrî iou ciA hu.u:. l- dai. lai: 7, 1962', ai 10(s î.. ti.i Il)(' Niou'ish sud Zin:con:- eeiiu.Rex\ . M1\. jjee- iîîma i'ili bc iuun'hargc, Nies. IV. McHolm:, Moeriish. -is.tsiseii Il lasi Saturdax' suld \caS rlio'cd t1thie Port Hopem, lnsputa i csris' luis xeek, lier- î:uauu '. fcueuds xxislîlier a speeQd'.' .icuita licaiti: and liti iiir'. Rncei i xislîou-s x-ii Mes. W. J1 lNu Cu: mutgI: ixce Mes. Geo.' NIu'(cfflt lgh. Mr,. rM. Barrie,ý Miss liîida Raby, Mca. C. Menu- cille'.',IMr. auud Muis. Chas. Raby.- NIe. an:d Mes. Arthur \X'slkec. ýMca .Ru.ssell of W'clilu:g1o11 la speiîding sexerýal days wiih fiee oece sud fauiiiy, Me. sud Mca. N. Gero'.. Me/I. sud Mes. Chachie Rab.', speuit Christnias xvth relativesý inî Feiiwick sud Hamilton. Mn. sud Mes. Don Gem",, 'loroI1ta MeI. sud Mes. Do:: Mscdnu: sund fsu:ily. Mes. Rus-i scl]. Wellinigton, sud Mes. R.. Ger"oîx hlad Chistmînas with Me. and Mrs. N.Geo 7 M r. FreecI aud Hilda Raby'. ie. sud Mrs. \. Meueilley, t Douiglas and Lyuii. Port iHope,, flad Chrusînuas xiii:Me. anîd Murs. C. Meuilicu. \Vit hiMe, sud Mcs. Fced Tuf- lord for Chrcistmias %xere Mn. andc Mes. Franucis Tufford aud faii]'. Mer. sud Mes. JIohni PAGE NINE 1957 Plymouth 4-Dr. I wo-tone Paint, local car. This car bas been comnplete[yý overhaulcd and is fuily zuarantced. 1956 Pontiac 4-Dr. Hardtop ,rxo-tone, gleaming red and black. This car has heem checked through our shop and Is in above a%,erage condition. LocaliY Oivned. Al] aboie tacs liaxe her thoroughly chcecked 1thenughi our shop and carryv a 30-day full guaranîcr. Our Shell Service 8tation is open for business... Ilow il; the timne to have Your car checked for %vinter drlving. We do auto hodY underspraying. CONTACT: Earl 3McQuecný Weldon BrowLnj Bud Figgý Jim Crombie Jack Ricard ' P"

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