PAGE TUN WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3rd, 1912 OuaityHousehold Linens ai Money Saving Prices! Shop Early and Save! Sale Staris January 4th. w w www w W - Top Quality Fabrics JANUARY WHITE SALE PRICED WITH SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS Mill Clearance ! Save 20c ta 59c yd! Printed Percale Cotton " Wash-fost colors " Big selection of noelfy, floral cind conventional patterns " 35"-36" wide. " U.iaoIIy 39e - 984 Sole, yard 39C -,~. Conodiomi Fabric ! Save up to 25c yd Printed Flannelette " Close weave, sofi flop " Color-fost shodes thot resist January '0 fading Sale, yo " Wide selection of patterns for nightwer-grownups and chHl- dren " 36" wided4 Conadion mode! Buy 10 yds.-Soye 1.25! White Flannelette a 26" wide-vioven for baby-wear *Well napped, soft end absorb- en t. .10 yds. mokes 12 diapers *UsuelIy 3.90 for 10 yds. White ord I c Sale, 10 yds. 2065 À À ÀÀÀÀ&À À Long-wearing - Snow White Cotton - a renowned make - January Sale Priced! 'Wabasso' Sheets & Cases "WABASSG FAMILY" QUALITY SHEETS Walkrr's January White Sale brings you specio! savings ' n weil krruwn "Waosso" sheets and matching pi IIow cases . .firmly woven of snow white cotton to give years of ser- vice... each size is finished so thet you know there is plenty rif ruck- n comlort Shop now for these quality nationally kncrwn sheets while Hiere are good savings... Wonderful value et regular prîces and cxceptional Ct these sale prices. Single bed 63" x 100" SALE PRICE 137 PAIR Twin bed 72" x 100O" SALE PRICE 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Double bed 81' x 100" SALE PRICE 4.399 PAIR pair ......1.19 "WABASSO FITTED" SHEETS Fitted sheets give the srnocthesf sleeping surface ever . usf slip them oôver each corner of the maftres and your beds are mode in jig f ire... and when they are "Wabasso", you know they ore mode for long service . n snow white cotton twin or double bed size. "WABASSO PERCALE" SHEETS For those who have on eye for very spec;oi valus, these "Wabasso Percale" shects wî;l have special appeal. . . ,wo,,en of fine 1 80 count cottniwith slight defects that class them as "seconds" but made ta give years and yers of good service.. . ChoDýe from two sizes. If firsts 72' x 104", each 3.49, or 81"' x 104,' each 3.99. MATCHINO PILLOW CASES Standard 42" x 33". If firsts, pair 1.79. LA 81' x eacli Jo fucry _ White 7 Sale, each 2mI77 JAN UARY WHITE SALE, 72" x 104" 7 each 2n77 1114- 3.0 9 SALE PRICE -137 Save up to Haif! "DAN RIVER" GINGHAMS * Has Exclusive Easy-Care Finish * First Quality Fabries * 36" Wide Values to $1.69 y- 7 Save 31c Yard! IMPORTED CORDUROY * Fine Wale - Washable * 35" - 36" Wide y. 8 * Reg. $1.19 'd. y 8 Colorfast - Drip-Dry Viscose "GLENELLA&" ANCIENT TARTANS > A Canadian fabric in perfect w~eight for suits, skirts, slacks, shirts, etc.jff Ancient Renfrew, Guelph, d * Ayr. 56" wide 'I. ,6 > Canadian Weave Arnel and Cotton FABRUC * Washable, colorfast, and needs onl',' touch of an iran. * 44" - 45" width..1 7 Reg. $1.39 yd.11 Sanforized and Mercerized Imported GINGHAMS * Woven Checks and Plains *36 Inches Wide -Rg 9 d49 'Special Purchase-Re.6ed49 À ÀÀ&À À& À À &, AÀ& À MATCHINO PILLOW ICASES 42" x 33" Plain hemmed. SALE PRICE, "Seconds" of Fomous "Ibex" Quality "Artie" Flannelette Blankets " Defects *ight " Choice of borders: pink, blue, gold or green " îwo ixes January White Sale, Mill Clearance ! Save up ta 61c each 1 Bath Size Terries " Thick, water-hungry towels " Some substandards, and sm firsts " Sizes 22" x 42" and, 22" x 44" SolIe, each 88C Thrîfty homemanokeri sith an eye fo salije will fînd tl hard to rtýiýt hese fine, biq bath tuovels . . aIl thîckly looped terry uni fîrm backîng an d woveo n stripes, checks, plain colürý, tt.A fine big collection cteored fromn leading Canadian Mîlîs and priced with substantiol sasings . . some subsfand- orh bith slight defects ond sot-e firsi quality. Usually 1.29 and 1.49 values . . . January White Sale, mach 88c. First Quality ! Sole Priced! Printed Border Sheets January White " By "Texmade" a nationally Sale, cc known Canadian maker. " Finished size 81" x 100" 3 3 Hiere's an Opportunifv wo purchabe these fine "TFexmade" sheets ot a good Januory Sale savîng. . . Firmly woven of sno's white "Homestead" quality cotton with colourful floral priiît burders in colorings ta mix or bfend with almo t eny rocmî decor. . . Big double bcd size 8 1 " x 100". January White Sale, each 3.33. MATCHING PILLOW CASES - Standard i6 January White Sale, pair, . ........16 1 Reg'd. T.M. Lightweiglit Warmth Low, Low Priced Celanese Blend Blankets " Washable-acetate and ny- lon yorn " Matching color, satin binding " Double bed size 72" x 84" Sale, each Ih rui ' ý ýcr.mth yvorn buy for such o little price... v .r . cetate and nylon yarns that offer the fincsr of i ~.Hi "imoîching satin bindJ.i -- good wcaring and Lh ù *'ýe froni turquoise, gree% ycIlow or blue. L':uaiiy S.98. Januory White Sale, 4.57. B:G DOUCIE BED SIZE BLANKETS -- "Moyfcir" by Fbnrid 11 c(Fc t c:7v d r ' lun 80" x 90". Colors: bloc,' pînk, grec'i, !urq1u v or sandalwood. Reg. 6.98. EACH . . 5,37 90.7"x 5.18 Pr. 80,: ý 5m88 Pr. The soa quolrfy as famous "ibex", but in "seconds" v'ith light def'tcts . . . wear shculd flot be olice:ted . . . in large double bed size 70" x 90", pair 5.18 and giant 80" x 90" gze, pair 5.88. Quontity lmited. Do slsop .arly. Finest Sleeping Comfrt Almsft Foam Pillows " Foam rubber - ssii! nef sog or lump " Washoble, white cotfon cover. " Sforidord sîze Law Sale Prie*, «eCh Featherproaf Covering Feather Pillows " Sonitary chicken and aoese feother fîllinq " Sze 20" x 26" fits al standard cases. " Reg.4.98 4.41 Low Soie Price, 38 First Quality ! Low Priced 1 Dish Clotti1s " Sturdy mesh wease " AIl caftan " Vanîegafed colons " Sîze 17" x 17" Low Sole fr5 8 Price.............o Quality Import ! Reg, 49c Tea Towels " Pure lînien fowel " Colorful coffon stripes " Gc'od big 22" x 32" size Low Soaie 'for Price .... 9 Imported ! Good 17 x 29" Fringed Tea Towels " Firm lînen svýave with pasfel cetton strîpes " Hîghly absorbent - dries dishes beffer " Reg. 39c lie LSale 4far 10 Price !...4 10 Buy Twa--Save s0c PilIow Protectors " 0f fine washi " Standard size " Pure white " Zippered end " Reg. 69C (2 fc L.ow Sole Price. Save on Muslin Quality 1 PiIIow Cases hable ceffon a S"rviccable qua1îfy.swhite a CMor bord-ri of pinè,, blue qrid or green a Fu;I st'jnnîrd SizC- for 1 .38 * Rec'. I 29 2for 8'1 Low Sale Price, 2 ~pair............9, Mill Cleoance! Terry Face Cloths " Big selection of weaves ond colors " Clearance from two known Canadien mokers " Some subs, somne firsti " Sîze 12" x 12" Low Sole@ 5far88 Pjce.... 5 KING ST. E. +E 9 9 of Bowmanville MA 3 -5451 r- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO "Sonforixed" Soa 20c ta 50c yd !' 36" roacloh JnuaryWht 36" road loth Sale, yard " Fine wenve in fovorite green, pink, rose, yellew, blue, red, block and white. 3 c " 5tel 9C s. 89C 3 I T = à ý IV 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w IV IV lu, L À a 1 - WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3rd, 1942 A