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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1962, p. 6

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PACE SIXEM AA~A T-TSMN WAVL~ NAI y E oi f Mi- Alhei-t Iills. O-hnIon~ vufsesgi-ams which wer'e cistrihutcd Tly'i oîc, mnI finter Fi-e Chief O-e-go, onl eg lîy' Ilur b. te ushers Misses Susan waler laclr* vVWarnutaiid .Jane.t RobsonthIe W'Olîcterfl-S iniieil audience w-as able to foiîow a ,vsfrid n18,nnto f. trive o il! veî'y enteu-îaining and captiva- xxthoe cw ii 88.coltol<iiîug x'aruety progranu oi 20 lIte x'eiiisorxeit asouet &thae >1 ,uumbeis. It could be saud that Dale famîîly Roy McMNulleil, V'len itfs snlack- eaha asa eromri a -ettix' u Boxx)'nauîvjlle, has iîuo r u oIe. Clare Ashtonu pcîrc-Iased a couîîrolliîg iter- time for tile sirnall ai iiitouuiced the opening withý est itnte fîrm fi-oi MelvilleJeivtiofi-alo in SUN, M N ad T ES. JA . 7- 9 S'y, make il rnilk! inlsiigiug "0 Canada". PÏan-1 SU .XMNnadTU 9exIecclîaîr is noxo i.s o the Choral utumbers' axaiilbi mthte Rcd Cr'css boan It's ricli ini bodv- -, - Iwce MssSunWeuî Onie Showv at 7:30 p.n. ri-plinard lucre as a result ofi Marilyn Yellowlees, Jan e t thue generosity' of the RCAFI building pruteins Robson and Maureeri McNairl Associationt of Osiaxx'a antd!(ne-ui)Th ao distict andothr elrnets(anrts-pril). Th vumour , as weil as a splendid parîrav-: 2àJune 28- basic la good healîi-! aI oi the real meaning of Il xxas S t rli nug M oss d ay' as C r s m s s t e p n a u n M o sp o rt P a r i o P eu t b o ver ý w n o t e s b i e s c s 0oo secatus. Nothing else so good for you, tastes so good! slcin sa"ecm"b 40.00îcel î fIcta o,îgî'egaîîonsa 0florn " Dueting oa te i'geatiendeof Leadbeaîer, special canoîs by'v Sol i-a, Hamnpton anîd Ziouu lie Sr. noomn choir, also an As s i United Chuncîtes on Thursday'v operetta "Let Earth Receuve" Ju "22uî, naîuygloxiuî triD A I with actons and actresses fi-rn butes ix'eie paid 10 Rev. and I A Rbath ciass rooms. A play "Tie' CINEN1ASCC~E MS. Fred J. Reed, who have'BidBga'wî oet - . . COLOR by DE LUXE muuusîened 1 thie spiritual iL S ~AA lemon as the blind Bartim-:- îîeeds of the cii-cuit for the, Phone811 MA 3« aeus. Vocal solo by Lockie pasi ciglut y'ears. Tîîey are ýM N i n u t y J m R b _____________________________________ eavic i iitgmIe near future t10 98 King St. 1W. Bownanville McNn and dusb y imp ob-alo ýmake the?, home in Sunder-____________________________ Richard and Stepben Wallace. Hieailher Griffiin bher briglit red dance cosiume added ilhe seasonial toucli Of Colour as she did a prett ' tap dance. Inîstru- mesntalI nusic 'vas înierspersed -ith Piano solos lix Susati, We ari i. \lail \-nl el'.Jwlee.s and Robiert Cri fiin al,-oRh thm Band selectioîs lbxv the jr'. Room orchlestra and choir w: Pillv Reid asband leader. As a w in nthie directioni Of the ridiculonu evcrral mirth prü- x oking nîLiinbei s xxere a rmono- logcu, bY Janet Robson. A piay "A Niiisei xRhx-nie Nxet- ax h:eadozen nnrIISerx, ' rhx mP character> xx cre &'lex ernvat'ted .bv fUlîx' costui-ed pla ' ers. 'IW(i ,ullIbers causiniginluch i hlarjix weie -ePooi' Old Lady" and -Txxlve Da vs or Crîi-stmias** the comedian. Twxo oiher sea- sonal utumbers b' te Jr-. Rooni Choir wxere "ýWl.ter'e Do X'ou Live Santa Claus" anud '-Chr-ist- mtas siug Alonig" as xvell as a &ctc panlommue 'Bau'iacle Bill tîhe Sailor' lix Sandi-a Wei-ry and -Mark Simtpsont. Na pro- gratuiniintîtîs age us coîtplete xithtout sonte part iii outer- space xvhî-ichxvas provided lix a pla' "Honte Sxxeeî Hoîie" xx riteut ix'JautlRobsoît. Tho', xxe xvoulcd lue ho have gix-cu a mor'e dcîailcd accomîît of iii- dîx'cucal partls and players spar-e does îîol permtit int lîus, cî'oxxdcd isscuehbut xve shal mientiion iluat Santa arcix'ed Io thec deli-lît nifithe sîtaîl fuy' antd disîrilicîld flic cauîdy' reat Pro- vided bY lte S.S. for ecc girl Clurisintas Sunday' norning Chiurcli Service wxas well ai- eî'ded xx'en he congregatioiî î'eceîved anit îspîriîtg message" fi-ont Mi-r. Criixvfox-d's sermont - ii x-ul lie gave a v-ux'd por- Ira 'val of te diliîgence ai the s4ear-huof the Wisemien aoflte East it cotrast ItaI of King Heu'od. The Sr'. Choir gave a reutdiîuon oultîte Aitîhein "Thte At)igc'ls Suuîgý" also a v'ci- pleasîuug solo 'Bcllilchcm" by Mi\ss Marguerite Wriîght af St. Cat iîe rîiîncs Nir. L . Weari'u uiad- a vrrv tai-tape i-e- coî'duug of lte seric-ie. C.GîIT. antc sevcîal otîer y ou ug Pepeîcas Canol Siuîgers xvei'c xell i'ecei-cd iy lte vil- lagons as lte.' seroîîaded Il,' htoumes oit Cîrisîntas Ex'e. Pro- ENNISKILLEN From Statesman _Files iIid d la we) I.and Mrs Eogar Wý,li s '.%l- nd iniKinil Betv Lawxrence and Dorisc ('tR e Chistmas DavÊests altI Cor'ce.Mr ad re "I Joe andJ Ji duIler's. .\lGiI r.d a d.Ca oî NEW S REVIE WV S 0F 1961 aISe brog. ih h,,parents r.and MXixt 1: itI~s x-ee~ pru I2-.t 'i' î. to(ii te acnc 01 indMi- and Ms Ca. I Fergu5oil M. Heard for Christmas holi-F (Continud froni ast \,,-elçandprlal?- Iofil] hru.aci-nvon lans.da%-S.E Aprîl 5 în2i~~~~Th' a I g-aýaiecItIlle Eo\xvmlanii île Public Ut i i Conîgratulationîs are i n o-a- gei :M- and L.\1s. alaeri- Apriliti5sComi nission lefi liv the der foi' Reeve Gar'nerB.RîC-K-Da Fre'-l ea*guso. aod maîî fui. HadhMer a ale GMifS Tlîîce yo:gho, s. Barr- ia.Th ux iod a'îe eil 0101o Roý_s Strike, ar'd of Daniiing*noî To\vish sil le. NaxGriffin. 1M\1. and Mrs.V John Brox-r'Ws, ai 16. Brian f rigerator had an ix'-d and vxxas Q.C n rl : cîitl' ivvuap Las ThîrsToronto, a lIo cIJon~ I ènd illam oci tio. lo elerat îî cpiiili'ii 'ho nali or i le On- pre-sîdeîî of t he Canadian 21 g eL re Innîo ue;soMsli ila\in ver Sndi Daiel Joc.yderand \'aI. oag i ex t a îg To eiorxard thei-triu ýclio Commission. Seed Growers Association ai ald'co l lerBLL uil xe ust fMs -aWle n 1ail of R.R. 4. Boxxnîaiî'Ole. (cailv.seveciai olfîcers ot tht- O\c 2 Scîîîît leaders a: a IaAta cn x irsineî'geî t rI'ran r.E'bs ak fid r ia a b o a rd a h o m e -m d e 'O 1i p 'i, A cîX i lio - Of 1h L e li CCI Zia l h e r e 0on S a tu 1- (C o iîî îî ed n c "t m cI )M r a d M r . i l\îr a n V aiîd i s .Ean d k ' ra ft alm o t thr ee m-niles on: on hospital ga tlhierec I o 0 prcesen! da l. 'Fli discii sii,u s wxere nm ost 0 'xl aîîd M s. and li s. v 'f a en V elm a M iss s E lv and L ake O ntarîn i r u u d On' tht'W Chcqc cl oi >- S 1~ 35t lu P I', ntui cst!?1g and ins ru ti e. O e ail(r a nd i tIrý s hV eW a vl e , rne . ra r, B Cl aen - tfruesday atturn-fonil-iv Con- fer-ilie essenllial piece n qipovn isIod f Senior Business uirectory Perigo i aiy Olaxa ile \r n \r.Caec stable J li M21cDonald. 0PP, 1mciit;1:Cj :î."1ns from îh;ls area \ iSi - -- - Ti uda- pdi-geWs tStaînton xi're Chf'smsD end acý Perrii.rd Ile poitsiiaii Show a, S uests at. Mr. and Mrs. M. nc-x'I iîciulchpei nd Dnring ftic Short horil Cluîh's edth Sort lsanShoccou~n ta ncy Mrî. and Mrs. liraiismail. Staintoîî's. A e fierlchpi nbnue'as i-d', t oin.Peeb tmo onn xi lIe Ký-_____y_____Cnîitice. M an d Mrs. Rus' Mr. anid Mrs, Ted Wer-y, ànexxmeliiOf thlie tii ni-'SIiortliorîî Lassie. le,,,SîrI,-, ýs "cctn cîl M' n i.Kil xvii~~ I i nîou'dt Bw fBîin x . aldý~ xai' .s Cli. RI.1..DILLING MGi11-' s.Kihand girls ixere xx-th Mî's. A.' rnanvîlle nxîxxcxt hen pi-e. cnt a 1mioite' -laiei xx aI et May 10-Ccrtifîd uli Acuntn \ciI id osx r hit-Prge asra 9:1,Cliurch Street nias Dux' giicsts a Roy Lanîg- MWiss Marguerite Wright. St- Nortlicutt & Siih. Fuxneral aîd i-arie to ýJoui Baker:foi A-iierî ('olpfi-tircs froi PIArket .1-3861 nmid's. Solîna. erpaens r Dîrectors. invite the public fO bis miaux x ars of seix ice to c;Oouc-eai' plant afteî' 43 '<cars-Cteie.hcprns M' x'-isit their homle on Div isiontire Shorihoroi cause. fflî. .. H. COGGINS Mr. and Mis eî eiiadMs .E Wright spent, St. Carson Elliot t. 35. is ile ~-r Chartercd Accountant and bm -s xxeîe Christ mas Do x- Clir-istmEi. with Mr. and Mlrs. - ncxv memhbr'of Ihe firin. tF Sî'eax'raneî' or : e vi; uilose ox('er SI14.1000- Second Floor suppcr guecsîs al Lx ai Brocis. Fred Wrighl Boxvmanx'il]e. cornes to Boxxmanv Ic î rom Li~iîe MnoiHeiu Ci its ulx-Newn Library Building Buxx maniluI. On Salurdax ' aternoon, Dec. Toronto. Ass'i'. Ci'; l R. Carvecl. l'e- M:.,s Barbiara H1ughes. M\,ale Cor. King and Temperance Sîs. tir. aîcl i 'AlaiîW-ax\.,I6th oui' Miss ion Band chuld- uceîxed a siplnal 110101- ast xxeek (irove v"as citosco Queeco of Phone MArket 3-3612 an isofB\ýiaiileM,.r.ladsadsvrl -th _______________wheîî lie xas madie a îile menti Ile an:îual Teen TowniuSpr, ig l-an grs. oldiinxil lj M ers-,v'en. co estdseofer m li berliof thc organization. Prom-i lier Princesses xvr'e YALE, FRIEDLANDER uand n.DnadLnladcrxxegussfMs.R N O N Y prl 1 - în lei. .or oiie is~ ai aiet an ton . is CO M PA N Y W illiani, M -. ani;d M s. Rapii Stenger for their A nnu:l Aprl 9 - Mis M rg ret Vaist li . M ss Acc urtans nd udtor L fi 1. r. and !\M. Stuart lrtuis party . Sien- Grande1 liel1LWâle Lanccir and Miss Conti e o0, Licensed Trustee in BankruptcyLabaîdDiax-e'Chst grweondca hld n AVIALEFR Dax-es, was chosen as Queen;mond. 64 King St. E. 725-1621,nias xisitoî's at Loi'îe Lamb's. i ler most gracious motherly niCi-Vi-gILHgl.Prnes Cucilr eFORatiiiu Oshawa, Ontario Nîr .aîd Mrs, Allaîu Werryi way. Heu' home was very' beau- ses closen xx're Laurie Mac- i leax-ilng Boxx'nîanxille tlîus B. L. Yale, C.A. aid amnil atltenced a Christ,-' taiiul- eoî o the chlrr ejyd N O IR T G A G E S i and Donnia MeLauglîllît. xxeei 10, operate bis oxx ,Ii . relne, .CmCP..ta y arty aili\tr. and Mrs.'csoi lecudeîejyt In one niflte mo-,t excitiîîg lernaîîoîal Harx'eslei- dealer- MONTEITI I ONTEITH R'Chesricîoi.sinmsg Chrisna rCanis d aeoftepaf ini Allislon. RIEHL & CO. 1c ir - .Uiîri i.Crsna tre 'r odb ES Ma-es cii hesplaynif si'ies. IltipMrs. Stenger and Mrs. E. Wit-- EAL H S JO Boman'iie .uveiîe xvn Mv ~135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Oshaxxa, Mr'. anîd Vir. Fraîîk ghI, al the proper lime Mrs.: Ibi Ota-joMini "" Jx Ale liîug n ue ol bni Chartei'ed Accounitants Doiland.Mi- Elsie Oie. Mclt. Stenger w-as escorted Io a .til Otaio'Mno Jv birg n hejo 72m'5 -3 52 7 Alliî'-l 1, xx ci-c' Clrisimas' chair wlîile the childreit for'm-, Barrister and Solicitor eîîile hocke ' cliampioiîslip on, parîx- onn i'i aeal omnil.DYgvtsa r n-r-ýdaciceaoidle.Ms Monday bv defeating '1'lorold, - mi orning iiî3til ase id BowmaZnille DÏ Caxenegue«s .an Ms.daci-Iaondle. is 130 King St. E. Oshawa 18-c,. ngtfi vr34'crWl- CliZnt 5-OCaric xexseatIhcî' Gifiti expressed their RA 8-6246 'Bowxmativîl's dia! teleplionieliaýs sold lits bookstu'e lbusinecss, Hon. . .W. Monteitît. F.C.A. M. ý Baîîlnu s.ereigcida. iig liangs la Mis to ie oissit excîtange building xx'îillbe ex- - b la,, Dîck ni Nexx-iiîaiket 'A. B. '\,oiiteitli, B. Corn., .A .ilc'Bit ofC.xveie rd' say - x'lîIem to lier home, Mies pan od ineet the ex'erg'oxv- xx ho xxill taiecxci-r May 22tid. G. W. Rielil, C.A.,R 1 A. xeîiggissn .A iys al er'peetd le ing clenancî aflriiooiî,M r s. (iccnsed ruste..Mr. riîd Mrs. Boy o evc ir' ;edv- vr and wvith a Chiistmis eup and -v ,BellTeltplineWlLer (jk. %ho wll Sccee G.E, Tetmeel, .A.TIllurs - werp Salt'- sacîcer. Mrs. Steîgcr epres- FINE QUALITY J. W. Loxx'r. Bl eeloeWîe i.xlowl ucce .'rehx'v .. da te'nilg gci-s:s al, C. Ax- sed lier sincere lliaîks 10 lite MONUMENTS AND manîager for tItis ai-ca. saîd tis, Mi-. Latlîoigcie (it c0nîcil, R. F. Liglîtfoot. C.A. -- cI N ". chiildiecr. The ailei'iooî w-as MARKERS xxveek, wasxvworn ifiland 1 I,.-la boI taoaiesebY V rS .4 LOk m #l% soi.WS oUP entng.Ch rop r aac tî c iîîx x '- Clir pi 1 irsa itenx oni isnias Steîiger assisled b.vthe lead-ý gumanfteeof el l-e. lxxýai-d Gisofixx as cieuted ~ ' ~ ~ < Dax diiîiier gcîcsts ai Ross crs scrx'ing a deliclous luntch. KU TFF D pi-esideni foi'te conîîîng xear Marx's and a înatixve nf Ennis- C MpActo , D.C. . Stý,,tii' r, E. OF SAFOD olili. invil e ii Clfbtedkillen f5 sspendiiig a fexx-dax-s Ofc:Mirpaco us, Kc-igiîî. Mc. fanîd C. PHau-u" BROS. LTD. ioravleLosCu edin tlîî ai-ea xvlîle celeliiating 15Eligin St., cor. of Jlorscy St. Ctii-ns VI.;iuiits. Rn îutand C ehcs ateicon ts on iiinitCe- s 95111liirtliuclav \x,11ch tai-es Phonte MA 3-5-509 Ccnet.liaiinptoii, vxxere Sot- M- ad :s AdaiSharp- 4!11;iora,»ed r Cisuîc's o (n s aff ula oday, MVay lIli. Ofic [lours: Bv Appoininient unýtIi-loyuilt gLci5ts ai MnI. anîd are spcnding Chfitta oi - -- - - i'îhoc~ reou Muîayitglt ._____ \l'i Ega Wî1ît day- xxit iteir daugiiMrs. hiave liecri speu-ding sortit-tie May 2 4- Dr'. and-I Mrs. Clark X\err'v' Haru'v Glereg . o ald aîîd M- 851J fIL biere ihis x e.chc'cking out On1'Fnc-sday'afierflton. Ox er D e n 1 ai and habx John.,Xli - aiid Mus. col lniine ayad SAAIruuriier lte100 iresfo p~île90) tudeuils of Boxmn-le' ---- ~ Wryand Suisaut, M: . and Mrs. R. .1. Ornî:is- LIITD ais. Higît Sctoitl gatltered o1, lIte DR. WV. ÎM. RUDELL, D.D.S. - and MIis. Allait Weury andltit. Mr'. ard M1\rs. Ivan Sharp Rc aci vage agi ecîieniî a: bock camipus 1Io oor thein Office: Jury Jubilee Bîdgs. îîtl.Mc c ir.E and girls wei-c Christmuas Day Monuments Goodyear plantt here -6c auitii pri-incipal, Louis W. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville ~".BtxJu idBitgeî lMr-. and Mrs. Lloyd boi13lout, ncrease. Dîppe.1In a special pî'eseîîî- Office H-ours: Mr. .laines A. Mer. adAhoHyoi Bo8 lns t . Viby Mvatiiii, Mi-. Dippell vas i-* 9 a.m. Io 6 p.m. daily Mr- Mr anue Eiiis i siloM. n donir. irlAh- 31 Dnds t.E.Whth MY -f-ti mcd tuat a schlarsbtup fuuud ' Closed Saturday and Sunday Mrs ad lt \'Jon . Eittuskule t i .ard boys. ihaMr.od l- Phonie Whitby Ex-Mayor Morley X'aittoiie btuil iup liy conitributionts fî'om - Office Phtone - MA 3-5791) - M.aîlMs Jîî o'oval i udb y ihMc MOhwk -332 va opoiite b- Bxxutiîi-prsei nd orer HSpcu- ouise Phione -Nexx'ý\castle 3,51ait-I BniatsltaxoGartitMc- M is. S. Kersy- Ilampton, MOhak 8355 ww apoined y peset ad frme-B--ptpCit, Ku;nptvîlle. xx'eeChriist- Suiiday'. ville Townr Couiteil oui Mndav ils. ltod becîî establisbted util is DR. E. W. SISSON niasDay, ofi rat i- oa' Seei n ntanie, - L.D.S., D.D.S. 1Mus. LJ. AMuGilI Mr J0oi-odon spent Christmas witlt Clarentce Hoci-in, loîîgtinîe Office in his home Ncî ot'Mr'. aiid Mi-s. Elmer Boyd. McGil. Prt 'redit. spent euiîloyec ni Roy- W. Nuchols 100 Liberty St. N., BowiTanviIIeSaturýday- ighlt xtiî n is par- Pic'ieing. lefItrio joblte Canadian Tii-e Phtone MA 3-5604 ci:.IJ.MGl Mi-. and Ms. Waliace G;ril-: ForCod Rlif NseSprysstaff and b xxs giveit a fou-e- Office Ilours: Mr. anîd .Nrs. Luoiau-d Staîru- tiui, Heather anîd Dale e, Dristan rabIct~I 25 225~îcks ~ex xx-cll part%, anîd prescîttiou 9 a.m. to 6 p m.di tnuiiii:ilv allencbed a Chisimas Dayspergss Orna) 'rables 1.5,2.5 VBasier xli-.estff5Cosm.edîe da -loi ndfundavrgust by te saff -I -zd - - -da - -da farinî Christmas part y Solt--r xiihMî's. N. Colîacuîî, Ty--: 1.5 ugur-yer- ul.oae R. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. i-loy evc'iing .ît Mc. and mri-S. 1 1.emdeI25 Privine- 1.00 Sîtlli. îlauglieî' of Mi-. and' Office Ccc-il Stilîs. NIaple Gi-oye. Mr. and Mrg. Gordonî Yeo; 1~,oj~ ~ 45c l3zinr -1.25 Mc. Keitît Smth. Hampton.. 5 n3 I-ing "St. E. - Bowman'i1lie Mi-. anud Mrs. Kcill Ci'vder- ai-d tîteir familY were Chi-isi-ý Bromo Quininie 59e 8«)e (oricidin 10 one cf lte best fisliernueut foi Office Hoi-s: inaît and «Joannie xxere Christ-, imas Day' guests of Mr. C.: ______________________________________ iîr age ltai lias been report- 9 ai-. o.1 6 p.m. dlaily 'MaS Dax- guests al Mr. and Woodlev. Tyroite. 13 d titis x-eou At Omeutîce. sIte Closcd Saturday and Sunday Mri. ,i'Olîard Staoîînî. Mr. E. W. Begies', Carolei ClaastN'cs catîght txvo sîx-urîcli percli at' Teleplione: Office MA 3-54519 fDM.'. aîtd Sirç. r i':unîs MCG;Il and Br'uce. Messrs. Chesteri ClaaslVitamins ls the saitne fîi~it nIhe same ___ ---anîd Doit Miss, Clora Page, ,ai-d Bruce Milîs, joîned in the Ointmcnt foI"lde or'mula 44 lio.' L e ga 1 Mi-. uid Mus. E. Coonuibs aitdý fa myI, gatiîeriîîg al.Mi-. antd for hiliren.. gi ts.'Toiiuu to.M r o îd M-s.Mrs. C. Mîlîs, Maple Gi-ove. 69e - 1.19 1.19 Mav .31- Toont _________ Plyvso .. 2.0 -3.6 _________ Bîîvîoîu'île' Leioi Pne STRIKE and STRIKE llxadBradley- aund Brian.-M".BrciLc,,Ti-jo 'I'i'u'sol 1.6 -.9, 4.25Bon xxnves p gin pipe - Bari-isters, Solicitors MneGrcixe. x'cre Cirsma-pettSunday ai home 'iîh Derp 11aliborange 1.25. 2. 10. 3.6 5 ijck parad-e al K'ingstont. Notaies Public Day- guisIs x'<tlî MrS. E. Pagete-bohsB'u adCe- SIuoilvafî~' o o'loc< - W. . Stike QC Xl-1 and .s. IotClenteits, ter àMilîs and lhe Begleys. lid Osto A.D.C. - 1.35. 2.10 Cough s3'rup Wediie-sday' utoruiîg a fire 0o:4 A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. Mli,'x'urr a' ANfou-d. Hantplin M-. aid Ms. F. Pelhici, nd Pardec - 1.25. 3.00 69C. uudeteiiried ou'îgiuî detroy'ed 40Ring St. W. - Bowvunant-ille Rbn ornoivrewî c OS -1.9 Infantol ______ a liuiiîand seveu'al otiier smali, Teepo- A -59 and Mrs. S. R. Pethici - Drps 1.30 tJ 0 î410nea Il iluldinîgs oxx'îed biy LA1RENCE C.l 1ASON B.A., Mr. and Mi-. John Griifiuî Drops 1.~0Morley Bur'gess, R.R. 3, Boxx- Barrister, Solicitor ~anîd fanîlv oui Suîtdav xisited An cigesie Infantol Gferitnl rîtialvillc. Notary Puiblie *,'.Mus. Geo.1 Squibb. Chui-clill,i Liquid ._12,23,35 Tablets Boxvnianx-îile*'s nec.'free King St. W. - Bowînanx'iIleWlf)-cd Bns et n Bal OsooDros ý1.1, 425 1. 35 parinîg ai-ca. loraîed beitcn Phones: Office MA 3-5688 - VI.DalinDrp~ > 0 Z"9- 54 tirte Ellus Shoe Store, s now Residcnce MA 3-5,553 C. Smilh's, Toi-ou-to. __5_______-__________ Drops__,__ 2.40______9__5.___ ueadxr for- use. acco-dîig t10 MIuSS A PHA-I . HO-D (irNS CNRUNWRN r n r.N .Moe S OTAcIGWIIG Trenton, Miss Phyllis Howel's,; Lloxd Ellis. xx'iît Ieadcd ibis Barrister, Solicitor - ADRPIS - Toronito, iSspending the! E IL uniquie pi-occt. Notai-y Publie ADRPIR'Chîristmîas holiday' witîi Mr., SP CA SSPECIALS June 7- Trniperance St. - Bowmanx il HA E oand Mrs. W. Howells. 'Fx-oli.îti't-i tn îx- r is wlu D! r.anîd Mî-s. Allan Tav-: Schic.k Razor and Blades 1.00 size Vitalis. 890 attend testimoial i':0 tîh ' ig ge INDUSTRIAL-GOmMEC]Loi- and Dav<id, Mcs. T. Tay- FREE 65e Palmolive W. Ross Sirikc, Q-C. for ser- ýADRSD ILosa r.F os AND 2ESIENTIALTeÇ loi-. uîfîeidowece Friay vîsit %th Shave Cream Shv'ra 5 'cr1 oîîuîî.SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO! r tMs.F os large tube Noxzema Creani 99c, i 35 Altîîougbulte exact antoîuit - Phonte 1 r 16 rMsF.Tm spoChist- 63e Col.-ates Paste 55 e Vacuum Bottles 7 e n ut n: lc ' xu e'ux' ia i stT omae F nd i s . tt r. a i-d Ml . W - ,ot bheclitdeterutiîued, Boxo- Ridne am ui oi.PrI -tl 63e Strupe Paste 55c 1.23 size Bufferin 98c u-11y1l-1 dîd1iae1i1'oxxii' BsinssP'opr.îsi-Mi -AîdM/r" r. eîîi0 5-lb. bag ICE SALT Sifto Rest Btiv' - Srave 4e! - Red & Whîite Hlomogenized PEANUT BUTTER 16-oz. Jar Best Buy! - Save 8e! Carton of 100 CROWN Tea Bags 79c Red & White Choicest Value Check'd Hiade Roasti LB.15 3 Genuine 11ied or' Blue Brand Value F'wkd Ior Eeanoniy - Absolutely Boîurles-, RoIIed S HORT SHOULDE RIB ROASIS lb. 57c POT ROASIS lb. 5 9c M'fild Seasoned", "Hlickory Smoked", ceclo "'Fresh Slieed" - Always Ttnder WEINERS 5kin>... lb.45c PORK LIVER lb. 29c "Fresh Mne - Specially Blended For a tast3' meal. try Lean Chunk Style Ground Beef 2Ibs.79c Braising Ribs lb.43î. lýI mn%t Quality - Gzolden Ycllow BANANAS I1bs.2.9c Famous G.eorgîan Bay Iancy Grade l-b. 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