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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1962, p. 7

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TIT~CAN 1~TN ?9~W~,oeUW~IMIANNMLLrONTA I anid Mrs. Gus Kurus, Greg,, I ~and Sandra, Scnrborough, and I f ~ *I 7 ~ / Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Crook, J Social -eroflaL 1 Mr. and Mrs. H-. T. N ey, M agistrate's Court lof Brlinton ere ew Phone MA 3 -3303 !ber's eand ust s of heMr. edi omni and L. Rond senigk, . HlNewowavil Coln Tylo an Mr. ackSkedin, Mn-Year's Day guests with Mr Tuesday, January 2nd, 1962drnfoNeYe'.Henreadfrtkgata- Mr.ts faMrnd dMrs. Wmn < ylr'ndMr. ackMS.ed Sit, nand Mrs. RJ. L. Roeik0foouh pih$3fo Sm Eck.Mis Gloia mithand Mr. shaa upi~thei Pulic.omm rci Ror Lelie Yerx, 0H87 onr; ang ior ina plac-e vsietChbristras nd o to, chster.a guesswh Mradan Mrs.nDavid Prk nfamIhAbethe rnsplate on it. thliedhe of aG lob e dMathe o ur thttheoha s een - guestseofMr.landays. r n Ms.rd sith an i1ýad Ms J . onMko icuh, ae d$3framx M. E Leak, or Gace uv ver Mr.and Mrs.Coln I Co ar o Po ty- fron tersn'f semt;Shp plyed in N ove br 3t.a lasMisk.Lo Gloi iha ndlt. Tsalo, M. n Ms RbetP pa hi $13 liforein runkl o eber e l4th. ere 3,was nr;hvn lqo n lc Miss Lisa niesasOsa Nw a B obm WodwrdBlcChristmr eto ainads. Thforuckiingtopprod u e aedn Supeded gsen ten e r hnarsdne etl Yeatc r's Holidanuetho er, r W Sna Rgiet, CahMrGae-Tw Y Mri andors. Ah .E a drive r's licease. on for neear.ofHeploe d Maltecut"G th asbe gra.dprens, r.andM R ton, .B, clle onhi audandOZIODa acefly W, reyTdand r J ohin; iDougls M r o owse t2, RR.receiptf Pearson's fkeSor lyd H. stw y .Lan ulM. andor Mr..F Trn, and Ms R obeJackpool1, a mpt13or n, father o $30. P ern has b e misg 0 Miss Shia itehett, MNw Ra. BoW oodwhe~ ardhome onBailOshaMr. Me5o M vý!, in$8foan with n theproue- tlacd teo urt tha et encebo- O W Year' Holday uest f he Wath Régment Cam Ga.ce- 1Town Mr. nd Ms. A E. apaperss icfor. Yeerexdualso trealwasa Cristads. Reek- NB.,clee. Mr , WodAndrs.ey, dward RiohnpcteDugls Februarw e ad RR ed shess had o Pst hi sa fod eHd gest fe ut , My.iss Mr. nd eMr. a r Gredn arnc n dr is wRthJrst: gui1,y aptoeeng thral by <PersRnOM PAGE ONE>ng CanePlno. ndcilrntOvllMrMoatvstos1ih hirneen agdist ao ther xfo 1thlcuow- Job. oo- sb rn trea, TyronaCh re oliday k- C ristmas, spent hristms son and fmily, Fett St. Ne l e in ppa ruth roplety 0f an Bruac urs , 20, a bgothd lymse y hs h a enYus fhranMs r n r.HryG e r vsior wth Mr ad tAy a t he Tw hp1 felctdtra b hemaîtrt e OM A Es O E gucstsGrmsbonreCTuet-elday wtia joth1 .-and Mrs. lre arowi. r adMrs. SE W. Sisson Mrs.a dM . tu Marjerso er r - gcar rghs. 2. The tft of a r ad pl e oged gu lt o the8 Cec for bissassstacehnd Mi s ar e ai to w s M. n d rs J h A ht n M a ierno 's c us ns o. an ot tepp rat the property f a B ru ete r g d te ft 0, t the a vic .tH w s sue rb g ar- lier, Tyone, M.r Terry; 3.spBreakisenteronanddLiberty FeBowStoneDecembe dene ad loed tupedas cw e r's n guest of beh r e h- Roe rt nd w t Mah ipry, iekeni' i rs Cinton Bego' an .ddau ht efthehe c t tae T w spoffWePa- 2 t. tra hem t a ny be " our s aspssibleceandl and Mr. A lfd r owG .D . Fi nMss Mb.E . JW ell, Ton , te7r S ad, e roit, Mic Mr. j 4ar r eak, 2 Tetr a theft Cornd pol a y Fredg i t yu toel d î g i s floe w er s bor ns and M isst ad f am iy, Tnon to. a nd M r. and er J oenl, Ashaon, 1 Mr. ar s osnd M s ,M . ar d o ato tile rcotage p o e of Gcha e a e nturt o afndinthe win- vh e gea e g rd n New Yea's ueE o lir n ph-Rwer nd Y ars g kr in- with w l n usnD, Toranto, spen- t St rr 5 3.Break, enter and Li d wber lo n t 5:0 am As- Te ea l ed was be se Mr. a.n Mr . red S mi h, Mr nd rs H. J. abc ek Ch ist as wee end wi h h s ~ -lTeat e cotfcta one o cad sitW .b C.Dam ond of the wit h wo ndr fu a forsie nd ew, Mr.and Bo r e Ne.W i- is M moew , To n' t her , Mrs. B, ert M COIW2iI, at M sot r o cags o ...te wdtracs nd as fwe as t e r ano cud ~~' gu sts wit M . a d M . a d rs. C. . T yl r a d I win Th y cft Tue d4ypo se rion of ,toener and t ee f rt C o Brl ss's home nth p l ay a t i ge us c l i MrC . H alo and family, Toot. and Mr.onrtshwal, MishaPat Mrn.n anper.nd theremol ain- hwcttdawn.o 3rd theconcesio of n the wnpstruetb e are. Bcaseo Mraw. aylo e mih1w r ewan Mr Dog. eTaylr, er telladSshTnolida s n t tr;5 Bek ne adte oNeoe t5:0aw s Tedcae ws lse Mn. and Mrs. Fr nk Moh ai n M r . H J Andy unn hrisean s w e dwîth Mos C hielî Lt in u ed h se o d f Da i gt n Bu e s w s in hs t l nt h w s m ch n BiI and Le bli e r Nent C r T .w er hit a u ss pa e t, M . a d M s . o Th, pear C nfew n s oe, 60the ase y PC .t with wet o ts e mha nd e bis younor daysc masxveked wthber~ r ad Ms.Fre S ithenet Seneri lle On opot. crembrsw, bc aes o .Patrntcdthe trloeads in theand aflot as young ines o pla ;t«sget th M.adMsC.H alrandr- NTe ef usdypsessnly ailtegoo s were i- so.t u cy ts'he fomelonedthe payvanoustfunctionsiHealson MsC.H Talradfmland fan, saa Msiaily.gtuse' termin ihran r o es nof ak the rsi-playrue nbor eas e o C eOs r.dMshaWm H a yloradM. o ayodr. cth. Cakerand 5Nm ,v erdxit h1xcpin of D lnce g ton o igS.oddy. R iv ervie wm ilOnt. br t Mas s r s wdy itb M . S e e n o e el e i l , t e o o t l er.nw e w s e . H s B uo s rge ssw et a n d F or t a n ye h e w as a i Mr. and Mrs. rs oug-as r. emn, il r ee r itms. w ke n si mnde t iluJan Ohfor e-dtebsmn ihwtbo, eadi i one ]Bllas dNe Lisketr isTw, were C eo h i ta ght es r ets cfMr.s arntdMr . Gan d secepo a nwrt.460tbeh a tce h eod st"ue"frte D mno r m au e k~ o en d w days ar t' ansi M rs. G eralsi B ey n o n and M rs. T. W . C a ker . C hr n t i- ofbrs ot p l t s.l t nîla cs. M oth oe te ds i at-e and n d Piay o n ono m pla y r week w th Mo. ~ dan fam ily a ry S ur'a d r1m s Su d y viior vee t e r lSte arlt hear od sT r s, ,e te- s n d pla7b y ih ng caro d tere andt o im as signs Hed the Bu nts oh.anMrsr..a ne and soWnnallM . an Ms . e o. a wneetdtra yte Maitae cliereetdofficuit taskthf tuning organsie daubtr esleLodo, Ont. ke;sm svsioswt r an1fadl o ns , s.ano e ded ot guttyet aeWctoptolonte outftatfoeheas stpmentnso thatCI O. P. P. Contable Charle1 Mr and Mos Albert COX. ELe isman P t, Eai le,ý,jc ar e of ba i g n feni e ur fss id lno e n t the h y w ud a in p rf c t n ard M s. Fl tcher Dr. nd1~~ and M rs. J Fre dm nSmi M . ns M o an s. M. J. Ta - thearo nt antile .oeing d r é- o Ebuil ingb e st he l o - u. o arv l ih t e a v n Mrthde andri D ug C rutmsgaeenen imanded ontbi o n ve.ty utilJa .Mondayr fo-. r e nd sFokrnedan d Mer. s borne f a lase, ree nt gukests 0f BS., e rte an and Li rsa , zaw .lgiNtcf Ye ar gestswtbM . Thoma Tc damportNew-te c hress waesrec and esiet tners fothe r o m iendio n e gîcthes fon aQueen aSt Mran siMrs. H. d eynew and osMrs. W A wbeot C h r cst e ws snecei t 02ou trofcus st o u the J a 16 ghe ecdam th n eigCompnyurod I Mr. and h Mr. a dMre l a John rr S ur, and Mrs. S m G n iem os. Wnaren Btr w Sag iw Stewarl tHarcod nty a l Of1 962. ga d lyig ads t r cr " on Centrwa asge tr. he IV 1ju rne seand daug ter.C anwe r New .Ye ar' wiitor ns w tb Mc . , M . an i M rs. BruCý _e a chad rge o ia l ful dae m agt e n Ge n ete ,22, ani a juv owned ad o fertuningthi s i- te, Motel, Qe spe os Ghe lile. CdoOt.k andy, Brent anMr. a nors ndv e d oe on a ch tu areo enl eron vîcdthedcofure ta-fr n ess scs sully f or 2 tyas G Christmas ontbe CalJ Mr n r.Aber oldM r and.E, Ms. Dn allcfownd baei of dnu nk. The ourtens ing, lentry a n tete the Ty- eiin out 15 inyersagotu ce M&.rndiMrs. F J.chr, r sI M ni M s . la, Oh w, M.and M 1rt ols t a Tnda m e gdrank a on e MilL . hy soe a voi n nhsate sot n Crs tmaS. visiHts it o.N ew Yenan rs.viirdSmwith M ne Mr.aedCele, M . ain Mrs. a helo-ot o rivl W t heavet 'nlr nfo d, O t.nad D uga vrlv Linda, Mark and ce b r okrd e w John Malette was rplac ed on sus- bo sebai, in wh i h i e elc'd i an i Mos.e. W. Craforlth&Wilies ga aldead'son i hr ae be . pecdy snteMne for s en- sacher. ua eanMr.das bre lenether son aend ft. l,,wre Jamn h otnd a ýat fw n New Car nd Ms. i a MrýThnmams who as i6,Ncourtenas .Bisfubrg s s a re d eniousleilthes elk on er ansid far M. and Mrs. re l r awfo rd nsd sit H o D ew n njoe 'us s T . A bet o r a the fourth te n a 1.iu or nesoutoe ist ned dto ruan. t he rbis ame the mh o od ai Sul, eteradBob, o cutter ride Sabebin "on',leMs arnBon aiawiot ntecut alo 96.go "o eteSre.H Lueas n uhe comn i let e w th e ls is Revihý ic . rand M s. B. ru tc ar e li tcout taea m o oo m n e r g i t ht Kig trotE't bd s hr'ichOasno't fl a olmg e n AGnMethe 22,ve ndle a se n- u'el.anoprteolmistbui- tpluny' is ue.or s p enth M rs. atasvisior wih n.vers forenthand C ristmas had' asiaori nk inchreoftencl e o nt. J o fn's renkus nias th e ssily Star, s 6at e asin bi Chdrisms Air eBrown re nd rsMurceCnokwr w knd Mos. Dos. M Cl 'oh and bigdukhe cust toka school fran nefnt te p etr lumut Ceeu(Gose s-a Mr ni o.W.T ak niM r an Mrs . . Godharneo î Trn Ohaac , M.adM3 HdthtTadikart sNerb o eiga je nle adeilin bone en a o Eastesprtmn-S Chritma vistur wih Mr'Ne Yer's isiors wit visitaronsr i thCoe, v. ansi Mrs.l29C and W e o urblaJ s ohn eigtt ch arg e o ren g us g meall n b e xaso eoesi ar anctt av brnsRv.aE. W. Cutrineneconraulaion t anvetry fngeyBroatnbtfounrdansOwstacrakabotda wRe hIrsnTYd U lI eD (moghe fra R. T RDuth aerl, Wnda-, -,:IlDn o ths xvl r it eno-'pn toseutence eltqu ency Fo pir.ny ay ys hMn Mr ad rs Kn rafodi tisditrctwh e O"ntd Rev, ani Mrs. D. . P oi o Tnasho ais iconzours asby e tc. Orborusyil ws elne w aImber far - Mr. Arthuhr aCollisoofMuttrrie b., .RS.. ns AlisnOaw. nsi M rhe aurthntie on baoksi u nder he ighway d tu raf hfor ani ejsa othe thand200 o gn isside o pééwhbls e aMos J .ohn Merritc ana, da.e ort t A ctbogtplisttaîl- avotto a year s a yer. in th KiSa reodERst, ara t h-rlqurWe aesomea t belatei g$28Anot e eer iatoen r c elconUnusi to partini Mo. nd os.JacvTrmm.tivrto n ciBow anvr. ChDrisiBoderass funher ompetin o lat andMr "lfe Cro n e ad e N.Mare Cok W irýcndr Mwre Chd risms viiMimos and e out, Weallig- rerand niJnuainery-t olun "CAil 1961.sed atst 1ý Ms.W.T.Lae ndMr ad rs Kn ottor s wit bi mTray HrM.stoSt., who Nva for efer 40 ansi be is to r efrain f o rneth attim e E aterad n da fampyNi.-ewcsteNIanG WORSHIan al, odoM. rob lvnswc.SuO*e rcn-tyaos ea ictitiankfstoreinkng forethi peaid. ed juimuch yrouger male belAsow hiH v1itdy o. md MosR . a trElizaa eth ospiel oronelto, uegh hreso r in the lg u a eags. noyd cotP a ver.,Tyrn e . nMs. buromi wch e reltres tu adetr fr ery otSbt urving b d ew s bicks wifeaW G M F of iT Mo. Da i Pak, TWnr-l, n- u nlat. iss O Ierte URNIYNIiedChrc Wmencdthm or trky innr.staner o1an c crigt unl ei Les. For sn, sa ; is r. Crtm.asndoyMo .A.r. actn as he was a poculnni(PROM PAGE ONE) r aa H.,brofavtheM Miitr- Ue.WnDAYKSHoOsLad Mos.lenaidey, M o ns, Mos' blint ygroivaduate of igSre es oacthtehalsncfObw.AB TAm,., Mn Rt oc-viB.D. She a s sni w ntyfro t f rsta aryesister, Majr.J.J.So tt Cn e ) ueda 9:45a.m.- Jnior Inermeiat and Senor sn, saw, bOdshaw ma14.sathm or f S t. os nl asr eOnmion 0 Tfev fi Monse Jaw, ask., r taosur0M 11:00aim. - Mr.inrtrs lio, .. ..SM jý?dn rs ohn Mo.ani Mos.AnglCanCoa.S.e A c!Ltle seo tn ties Cocllr vves.g erate er n SpDasi PaR ta uanty.On'geal ipovs as mdm-Bog$28thisnemtter vasto-aThe cnanu eautul flre.!an 11:0 am.- Kndrgatenan Prmay Tsa y o.asiMs.Balv1 eate coyCleh o e ews over t e oa6. s ansi t nib te rom relatis foihe Se v cevsieiM . anMs i os bJtacks'nce eturing t f o ton . Streotsav Com mite e asfo r v t - e nds, nleig ofrls t an 's n a- H i BL f a stngBe M ad N w ""iW nswMo. a irns os. Jac13/Lest Thnrieay aternoon ani g atioem n. ni Jnay3 tionsinwer mute9evisAnce ofth A O D A W L O E TO A LKo x, Ot swa. f n g St he was "Atr o e " 40 ad comms uic ati n b om W. thea ffti on ans e sea e dnam, 7 - EV NING W RSHIPMs o erans i os.Gardon- C.' to ad bercf ber o c i di Rex oWa ters sateiotH is wbichthe deeasmesin abels i.MiH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M r.a d D o r s . a lte El i aen d th e n H a s o ci al, t m e ~ e m n t e miTero nofPA d- t h e l fa u en el e r view as m Geerl theg fth PrcJ.Trise nofteir.grand c noyin i refrshe stmnt xpirsiinnDCae hs lu teMrris Fneral ar.Dvd ak oni Mos. for a day, JaMiasy lste1962,nard M Llod . artnDova, D. ns Ms. ao W Jmest9on rm. lttr o n-Les cnEtgesi ) hawev. W.s'D QufdChrhWme dte.,orS.a uy, Dacamb ar hae tunes foisesi~gainfrom the useumisous*lane fH., tyUies n EFORMED CHURCH ~ O 24, asi s nt Chriand! vzen-Yuasde hlias awpithhr Ed (Rw AsEONE)irmP.CurbItemn folled Mo S c u o g t r e t , B o w i a n i l e M r t i ' s b r o h e r M . a s i o s W m . G . a m s a P & t . I t Sd r eo n m o tio o f c c ao r P e l i h e a r s w r e n e p leob , nI V Alex MeNilyansr.fandmilyOt-1 lin r, u e ofAn n axp0ei- uh1scnes y T e Mn. aklesn f CO ourw a ns Re.JonC VrrggBABminse awnso ansi Mo-s tAI2!-'ice ident c heir tnpdasD ae Reevefon. o MesalDarsses. ScottJDeSettor Mn 9:45 a TelepunoItrit nedMAe3-5023Eon, sawna, ns i s Gr- were ghu'metacf Mn. Jnd iwIasrtonantion otefrofJckM auireasituan fanr WORSHIP SER~CESdonneC. MatinMr.nsi drissat r on Rov at Bi. Se D'Unfe« itie eo ndd Kuloal Jr, ea rdigo surTo n a t10 .. Beinr avi siser, n. lani r.Oiof te lta Msvonivuin eerfrns ot e s.u 9:0am.-Egl1 oegBngaianrol e aethe foprov e vad Fnnand Coi-Bogh hsmtter ona mor- Te Steeatfu lra 11:0 a 11:00 dera.m. Hoand iayToronto . adM .Bie ztrhe of Bonle, hoeon by ounhello Hgsad aybuesfomrîtves r Mo. tDoM na d u!ck, or, a s! eaa tudscnin oTor- sStecndsi Co ncille or iese d, eryos r ogni Proc Babysitthe ngho ercnel fGo!Kspn tsandM. ansi Mos. Wm Irc niLst hsva a croteion ti]îsLuginnc.tts htbrtr F.KoxOshawga . Seeral j h as"tH IA cmmunctobern toswr ut vdneo Mr ad rs Crdn .ioccasinumf o D r. ecvfiIRxWcr s scf dth Publ ic h h awesd a el.M the . H.f'1efns . Rayn a smo2ltern2vh en cmon lthe ani tt shof Anfti lc ilb "BackTo Go Hou" Brodcasi I nitDoisc atath msteu nwaneoud a nacet srvhfr uface witsertvice asm thoc steninqTr on hïratoilljean wos rga3hns tser t m n tsidiional otrm at this w it the ossi ex eption c CKL, shaaat pm. vey Sndy ealMange ofthir toe hrug he thouhtfnc s 0c- br s F an, w h ife ot h ellesi oasi. lo Mn CKF, Trotoat7 am.IBtrnn 's Pools Sopf et.1an M o uites Rvsh cdiviei e0xiretu bcf tondre'sfPres- "Ifaý au adr ist, com-ndd St. CathrinCHStISTonArel lEeEitani eohnbn ibterCbAch ettappofnted lt tsols enarvn _______________ Que, on b a nidaresi tým2he rctanî d L.ront eninisgtion acncy.thi Ms lterm Hlaneancefwrk. Oynced n 24, ad srnt Chistms Fovth ulCieham liy, ue, 0 i lethsreca s receiveni filson aP.îob iScomoletes it stanod Mr, istant, to coma u ansi !E_ Gnemo ion b .r Counoil r Hges f n or y ars, d eepengo rain , ht. hy ls vsevcMs.F n n f ithDMr. andi Mos. IWudlk ose a t Scugg Sree, Bwmavill ý1far1n's bothe, M. ad Gam ansi o W-i A y-Lewowasmassisnbyomuh f ties wdo nwepen IIM AlxMNian a iy, . Jam@ies. ThisAn ne i te djCuc 1 o.13,tesad-psil fod whn hy ek: Bi l ron outax Colectssuonn the thsMr.wackadispf osorgandr Rev JhnC. erruge B..,B..,Minstr aw, ad r.fromr. I- i'-s Luftetrip wajsI Poie wag negoito s r.TSeot en Mnicipal r 0F pon ALL52 obr . elwan aiy,,pcaateReen: he hveLio lttiersone rmtion o5, ob Kand twilKe auton, as ýKin,7ston.Mr. ad H.g E ve1 o rondof171O. aThe mndtte o ar rgn "O neack Mall debenn tuart25,0 WO SHP ER IC S Ne Yars itingi OuStQu . ast, oy shav. ..,ugtans a eetng ofmrmisntativsr teatiiil c u Th o kITEDeran sstrMrbed rs.deugb lteMs. W.Jh . ol- o ail publi edt isussthena igueéairs 9:0 .m -Enlih CH en si Yulec, te oericys With ching e o felto feeon m- H ihl omed t e 110 am H lan oono thell fornrBonMnan i Mrs'.omy onby unillrpurc hes as .. ,,. Ewaot A. Everson et Summitfrfereit h iac or ~""~r.nm Club frtheir good wonke in this i. Crescent, Westmount, Que. A mnittee on motion of Daputy- regard. The lengest deete ~! Df hI<'~l ~ mly gehenin waa elsiat, Reeve Stevens ansi Councillor stIll on the booksis$200 Uuw ~ w~ '~her son's home on Christmnas jFice. A drainage problemi near issuas i 1954 for the Lake 1) Ee t celbrae th 94llItie dmonsonproprtywasPumpingStioh ine U P TO I irthday o hsmother. Afterr re oRasadStreets. Saonhapnts asum.,ptuous turkey dinner This was movesi by the De- "h debanture daht I h 4 0ef olwdby the presentation, puty- Reeve, sacondesi by $1,489,186.67. Assessment i~ CAR COA S ..Drst all Rluc dof gifts to the honored guéastCourcilor Brough. scn-$7,688,687. 1Ifeel we willhav O i .;îîo esin e hiial eod-11 CAR OAT .. Drstiall Re uce 1 haringstyle gave a speri-c. d hy Councillon Brougb, mov- tail the issue of deb2ntunes It Ilgreminiscent adslrcs's f esi that the Mayor, the Fin- unlass eompletai eeessary Ilfwicdomn ansi humon which,'ance Committea, the Clerk- ansi be realistic in our spensi- D R ESSES S11R 'rSi unknown to her, was tape re- ýTreasurer and the town's bank ing. patyer1Myr0a. Eeg $1.95to 29.5 eg.up o $4.9 I u urcconoctonso! heEv- cornmittee to investigate re- i'uthers bas donc an excelln Reg.r$19es5ntoon2t.95 mem.r- jtto$p4.p5y!futuof cunrantttaxesopethence hon to me duningen. ýson Clan. Among the rela- vision of discounts applicable job. H a ass i x h' $ties5 .0 0 n tis emo-t repyne tof rttaxes o te ret aon t Inmeîy abeansi happy occasion, not îu an effort ta encourage the turne on Council andsi Is a P ýndMr. anid . veson prpseofdecrcasing itr h ati a entepollcy 111 $6 .77___il_________and________W.__Hall,_ Muniel,ýs re, which must be to call on Ex-Mayors at the Montreal, Mn. Stanley F. Ev-lborne hy the corporation on Inaugural Meeting cf Town aerson ansi Miss Evelyn M. temporary borrowing. Also Councîl, ansi it gives me ONE ]RACKC ONLY Ev f erkoni,'Oshawa, Miss Gladys that this committee be ne- pîcasure to caîl ou former Ja Evn Toronto, Mo. ansi Mos.'questesi to submit their ne- Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers," His .$9 . 9 !m. G. James, Pointe Claire,i commandatirmns at the Febru- Worship, Mayor obbs statei. D R ESSES Clearing at '7Oue,and Dr. and Mrs. Geo.ary 5th i.eeting ofonîeif ahT i cnlv members of Mos. Even-i animously. Cet as oday I *A Epresent at the pertv were Mn. the Eowmanville Ratepayers For OldAàplîcs I IL-I SF W E R ansi Mos. Geo. J. Bray, Lew-j Association notifyln1 counicil thr)ugb A T E > s Ringa, Trni toesho ad fw thiatJC.Cond le w e t het: Pte : e33 Y E PS 5 KingSt. W.t to Saskatchewan to spensi spokesman for the association CLA881F1ED8 à "This is an opportunity tol ansi Mrs. Thomas Hosige ansi he saisi. extensi congratulations again!faniily. Mr. Stutt reportesi that a to You, Mayor Hobbs, ansi to Mn hrlsVcttdMl odnation o!f$150 for the new wish you every success in your M rs.Sunarl es etto! Mn.atnsi w n hs e n e eve$r high office," Mr. Carruthersi MoS un a Gle fMr dwn Lc h dclee m rcf iie nsro sais. H a congrtuletesi alltheal ln o rav ansi thely. an i c lta ofp y i an other members of counicil, ansi M. ansi Mos. Fred Harding, dr gst in ow a vîe pradictasi thet Councillor Hoop- Mos. Jack Peeling and girls, Dr. Charles J. Austin, sec- an, although hae is the only eue Oshawa, wera Sunday gucsts onded by M. Walters, movesi new to counicil work, will en- O! Mrs. Greta Bailcy. that a study ba made regard- joy bis municipal tasks. Mr. andi Mos. E. M. Adams ing recognition o! an intcr- The former Mayor also re- spent New Year's with Mn.meitc grade of nurses andi a mankasi tht although Council- andi Ms. Albert Adams ansi report on the matter ha pr- on Nichols is new to Bowman- girls, Bowmp.nvill. sntesi t the next meeting. ville Council ha is a veternn Ms. Edna MLauglin sDent This ws caries. in municipal affairs ansi bas!New Yaar's with Mn. ansi Mos. The bospital administretor hesi long ansi veluable exp-r-IH. McLaugblin ansi fa.mily, Mr. Holsien reportesi dhat elhora aence lu Darlington Townsip.lBiaekstock. wera 58 visits to the Emergcnoy Ex-Mayor Carruthers wished i Mn. ansi Mos. Frank Allison Departinent lu Novemban. Ad- every success te all members I and family. Mos. Ethel Wilson isiSonis for the montli were of counicil during the coming' ansi Mo. ansi Mos. Robent Bell 156 adults ansi 43 pedintrie, two years. and family, Os-bawa, spant ansi thane were 34 birtbs. Thera Reeva Sdney Little, wbo is New Yeer's with Mn. ansi Mrs wara 36 major operations ansi also a former Mayor of Bow- Geoncye Allison ansi family 72 mninor operations perform- mnville, also cangratulatesi ansi Mos. Pearl Avery. cd there cluring Novamber, hae Mayor Hobbs on attaining igh sttes. honor lu the community. "You hîave worked bard. I wish you every success ansi I arn sure *Uos MMcM counicil will support you in evcry way,"1 Reeve Little stet- Wec Mai~yor Hohbs sais iea ws :orry that Ex-Mayor Lawrenee (PROM PAGE ONE) C. Mason xvas net ureseut, hb2- Hobhs. Dr. W. I. Urquhart, cause hae woulsi like to con- cheirman cf the Ontario Hos- gratulate bim on bis becoming pitals Commission, wîll be a aQueau's Counsel. special guest et the officiel opening. M m The chairman o! the finance B uRKETON committee, Ivan Hobbs,nioved ~ ~ sv On Wednesday vening, De- $7,646.31 ha passeci for pay- o t Sv cember 27th, et 8 p.m.' th'iameon t. s andconedbyHe an your insurance annual Sehool Meeting was aa tt nicris.H hels inl the schocl bouse. M . ase rapontesi that the newo e I J. . Trnbll acingasstandard ward rate bcd beau e.a e inon easy step. A. Trubul, ctin asset by the Ontario Hospital cheirman, oponesi the meeting. Services Commission at $ 23.05 Minutes were reasi ansi ap p an-, e day, the chronie warcl rata f ou're stili carrying fine, si hy the secretarv, Mos. Jeanat $10 ansi amargency Out- theft ansi personal Iiability in.~ Grace. The expenses ansi allpa ient treatment $9,50. surance in separate policies debenturos were given. regard-1 Keith Jackson, chairman of Ig cur new scool which is the poopcrty committea, re- we d like te showv you liow y ou aeing ereces. We're bopingr portesi that several rooms in can probably affect a sulstan. Fr the new sehcol to b-c op2n-ýthe nurses residene hava heen fia! .vaving, on your insuranice cd in Maocb. The Tru.stees ýredecoratesi ansi the furnitura in Sohool B3oard plan te s!l renovatesi Herry V. Crydar- preniiums with 000 broad, aco- 1e oldsi sobol hv tender. men, chairman o! the building nomical Horneowners Policy. rrusteas ara as foilows: M.'committee, ropootosl on the Jt's the modern, sensible wvay TA. Turibrîil, Mo. Peter Get- work being completesi now on t o orisrne hn ,hall, ansi Mn. J. HogerverstEte new wing. t u orisrne hn 'ho, servesi a thoce yaar ternm A chaque for $6,000 wes lus for details. in v as replaced hy our new presentesi te the board by Mos. ,ustea, Mos. George Allison.IMison, the presidant, on ha- N vote cf thanka ansi eppre- haîf cf the Women's Hospital ation xves given the trustaeslAuxiliary. This lucludeasi$1,161 n scool board fer the wavito ha expendesi ou the Gift hew î~hv ool. t ee witrhout $1,411oniesMainsi 19 ayw «-hvooke t eee 00 ho, $l,41 o tha MandLa19STUART B w Mn. iunsi Mos. Robant Carte- on the Day Room, a total of ï rid fcrnily, Windsor, are $3,291. The balance o! the JAMES 91t pending a few sicys with'crnount is for lobby ansi day . aeir rarents, Mos. A. Carter room cccssories, ansi for furia- nd M. andi Ms. E. M. Ad- ishing patients' reooms on the lNSURNERA S A E ms. chronie floor. UA.E EL<jTT Ms. Esther C~arnochan ansi, Rex Walters, chairman ofIgSt . Bwmnll s. Jack Smith spent Stur- the Nurses Reruitmant Com-Kigs.. omnIl av in Trant. I mite, raportasi that nursing Ms. R. Davey spnt Newv staff ocquirements for the naw Office Residence ear's with rela .tives in Bow- wng bava hen arranges. ianville. Final confirmation o! the coin- MA 3-5681 MA 3-549.3,-, Ms. Dorotby Bya, l\ji,, plament bom the Unitesi King- da Hall ansi Ms. G. Wci'a dom asfot yet beau rceives, arail, Oshawa, wera Sattio- ay guasts cf Mr. andi Mos. B. ibberd. Sorry te report that M. TRUSTED BY THOUSANDS cilter Ferguson is net so well._ '1 TT t C r cDea is crndition will 0F DURHAM F M LE >n ha i-mnrovesi. Mr. ansi Mos. Archia Coehi- ne, Mo. ansi Mos. Mervin risco, Oshawa, wera Satur- ày avenîngý guests of Mo. ansi ýr. B. Hubbard. k Ricard MIr. ard Mos. Leslie Taylor i family were Sun dcv aven- Sale týgucsts cf Mo. ansi Mrs. A. J Trick, Lindsay. Mrn. ansi Mos. Harold Lir- er -,p2nt New Year's wt r.ansi Mos. Kenneth Lan- -î ""~ . . er, Peterborough. Mr. andsi M-s. Orvîlle Greer -~. id girls, Osbeiwa, wcre Sun- f iv guests o! Mos. E. Boyau. Mrn. Edward Brown, Tor- A great number of the services we conduct o, suDent the wcekend with s. Esther Canochan ansi are for f amilies we have served before. We Muly. believe there is no finer recommandation than r. ansi Mos. Clifford Brown is d family, Oshawa, Mo. ansi ths s. Dave Gatcheli, Mr. ansi s. Robert Gatchell ansi Funeral miily, Oshawa, Mors. Esther ~8 f iricMadfmlyadM. M orr#is ,Chapel essc r n ,rs .C.4 Division St. Bowmanville henson ans family. Mr. ansi Ms. Kenncth Vick- Telephone MA 3-5480 ýransi Debb1e hava movosdS r i g T i A e i c 8 1 the section ouse. "SrigTi re ic 81 Mr. Russall Spinks, Osh - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEA was Sundy gust c3Mn *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sut.if ABSORBINE Jr.-- $1.25 size ----99C ' ADORN HAIR SPRAY* $1.89 1.49 BAYER ASPERIN-- 100's . Reg. 93ce-_67c'1! DETTOL ANTISEPTIC -$1.25 si. -1 .0 5"h ENO'S FRUIT SALT- ne. $1.19 -93C iýi EX LAX--_49e size - 19 FLORIENT ROOM SPRAY-REeg. 89ce-_65c " JERGEN'S LOTION- 69e .ize -59c "iiii LAVORIS Reg. $1.25 1.06 VITALIS______ s.ouize ___79c ~ WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK 4J 13OWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE COWLING'S DRUG STORE JGHNSGN'S DEUG STORE ALEX NcGREGOR, DRUGS 1ORONO JURY & LOVELL STUTr'S PHADACT 4 'l 1 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3rd, 1962 TH - - .- - IAN STALJTESVIAVL-V LLd,~J'd. 0%"ALIP .î 1 1 ro PAGE SEVVÇ

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