FOR CASFE ~Tuesdayc :0pm Births In Memoriamn Cards of Thanks1 Articles f or Sale Cars-for Sale Help Wanted Real Estate for SaleJ BALIGAL JhnadjADAIR-In lvn coyo ewudlk asya5f. THREE cords of wood, deliv- 1957 VAUXHALL Victor Sup- LADIES Wanted. Maýe Up t Gwen are proud ta announceimy dear son Alfred who pass- cere thank you ta everyane for'ered, $30. Phone 723-9000. er, 5 good tires, good bady,S$26.0O a week doing simpe Peter KowalT Y R O N E tebirth of their son Erycecd away Jan. 1. their kindness to us at Christ- 1-1 mtri odrnigodr home sewing f- ou 'r1 ELO (Intended for last we) M.adMs .Gbswt Itabertson, 8 ls.6] àozs., on' Ohwhat could I give ta clasp mas. I 31000 iles; 35ta 40 iles tatime. Wr iteBnnyos, ox710Th nna Ton hrs- r.adr. . aczn December th, 1961, et Portl 'your hand, Brian and Judy Damant. WATER for sale anci cdelivered. a,0 guaran;35te 0 ed s m dle Pst Offic, Bor7010,ANI) GENERAL INSURANCE Teana yro Perry Hospital. A brother forl Your dear, kind face ta sce;lC îf Ptik -11cash payment and take over Ontario. 1 I2Kn A325 as Cyonert ashldDc.2 rs . am t Daidvni Jane.1andur loig mieyor1Mr ad rs . . an 3-t pymnt. hne1A--60.1ANTatcheTe arart te haronfva etbrtin f issite, i wclcame voîce l îe ta express their FIREWODins ove od 1-f change causes Uacnct -id9PenntecostalE.Churchbuilding p]ayed by Miss Doreen rsS.JPeartth _______-.WODi______wPhonMA3-266._ AN_ vaca- npc in and property offcred for sale. Al1 the schools 61 childe p oeo hi agtr r SRedGGaRsshapyEmta nec' That meant so much ta me. Isincere thanks toa ah who sent! lengths. $10 a load. CO 3-2975. townships Whitby' East and'Fuil basement. Can be e peared on stage for teoe-adMs .Bry rmtn BRAG-Rssanc Ema1oene noslte sletccrd, fowrs ndgifsenrte 4atnDaligto. pledionpor-moeîîd eryecnomcaly oig ad casng umers Tey n ec.23 the birth af a son, James lheartache, loccasion of their 6th WeddingaýIE lbwo. eae ALF' tunity for year-round income. for a bouse. Only $7,500. laookcd very delightfu].ada-M.adMs .B lsel Robert, 6 lbs. 3 ozs., at Memnor- Only those who h ave sc1 nniversary. inMIEstelabwoo. ecsle For details write Dept. A-140 - 3-roo houeonElgin St' vat%,e jal Hospital, Bowmanville, oni can tell I______ n toe lnghs Necatl 917, 4005 Richelieu, Mantreal -o s n g 1rctHe flecember 20, 1961. A brother'Of the grief that is borne in Thank you, friends and 4136. 40-tf 11eavy duty wiring, 2-piece 'l'lie Senior RoomprstdgutsDc23ttehoef for David. silence neighbaurs, for your lovcly 1 rnitrpotberda1955 GMC 31-ton TRUCK, new --1 ,bath. Kitchen cupboard. !S3,5001 plays and singing, adteM.adMs .Sot ern IFor the one I lovcd 50 well. cards and good wishes on theSI traeisfor rubber, 9-ft. box with racks, LOCAL MAN REQUIRED full price. Open. for tr. Christmas Story; the iosndsetCrtmswhM. HALLOWELL Maurice ndVLver rcembered b Motherorccasion ooaurb45thcedii.gPhone19o.ioriinalmmilegee3990000 iles.eso eTaureRepesentativeen4-room tingalarvom buncgtaionsonsining-and Mr. G. Lewi, Toronto Gwe (eeStrk anonc1 1-1*' Anniversary. f157 CHEV. %-ton TRUCK this Couinty. Pleasant, digr-i- "dy cSa toware at and a dramatization fterr n r.R efc n Gwn(e tr)antne Mr. and Mrs. E. Deeley. USED Tires: Pair of7019 b i'fi fied work with top e.nns This is a vcry fiee bungalowistory entitled "Mrs. uksRcad omnilwt the birth of their ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 7.5g0er 1.14aso1aio,7.0-5box, i arcondition, ul rpatlie eansH0 must be sold as owiersBath' r.J.Gbs lhea i rtB o fanv ie, on D e1 , 1of*aadearpaireoand.mot1er, ____ Must be sold. *WFill occeart best rzpeat sales: . fM nd Mrs l'd Loi_________________ OERInloig eroy -1Wllacet es ear after year, no lay-offs, nwîshta ne. Priced right at Mrs. Walter MurphMs'Crsmsget ttehm ptL, oriMichele, t M emoril Ho-,HofE In lvifand moery I- ht epes ythnsMA 23 -134. -ioffer. slack seascn.<, age no barrierj,00 E my tn: .iRoere Mrs. . Cawling 1961. 1-llHazecl, wha passed away Jan. wsht'epes!ythnsS9 00Esasytrs osMRoctMs ilam0 r : . 7 ~n'toalal my friends and neigh- LADY'S moleskin jacket, in 78-860 e l~ded. Tcrritaries are JA.Bro - MA 3-3098 Jwl and Kenneth Mrh Tl ' hn 2-00 filling fast, rush your name A.aroJecîhireMrrM.Otoadsn r KENT-Vern and Marilyn (ne 1\-%er remembcred by bus- bours for the cards, flowers Peelentcondtio.sie 3-38. pd o rpae h Bakevile ae apy a niband Richard and family. and gifts, also ta Dr. Diamond, Pon A '5a. 0-fanci address for full informa-_ 1toho ondtagepart adMsE.Bckndhi- ________rhpy__annussn saf fPotPer tian. No obligation. Develop-tOgonsaeOutacr, nussad-tf1fPotPry ALSCO windows and de- arpal Oursie tment DirectorsonHoBoxalforheLon-rePeterd wFeda iMisse MetanteCamntsarel andBo 817 Lor- Peerrs.deKeith'vsTennantin rend Craig Paul, on Wednesday, attention. ELame Allin, MA 3-3871. 1-2* K. 0Dadid Drainda are taAbe TATE BOKrlsgMr.,.aadeMrs. Lamee Dcme13191etMemor- KERRIn lvigmemory ofi Gwen Balngaîl. --___-_____ ______ __Donaldn5t aî,ni MQuin ndfis lal Hospital, Bowmanville. a dear wife and mother, Srh1 APPLES, No. 1 Spys and TTco'Tf Tnii.iî1 171 Acre dairy farm, 2,lî oadDvy o utn uilRiBwavle 1 Ecrr, wha passed away Jan.! Mere words are inadequate Greeflings, twa or more bamp- UJIi1'AM~U -jjuifhoi is, pale barni, fulll une 0forn Snd Coîvetan tMradMs.CKim, LEASK-Bev. a nahyb the What wc keep in mnemory Cartwright friends and neigh- 2,00BLS-ha ta, -RSDNia opn i giutral. .$35,004. Terms. Mr. and Mrs. A. GeseCrMs e imr happy ta announcefnyte Is ours unchanged forever, bars for their kindness ta us 4,000 mixed clover and alfalfa16 c yl., autamatie, windshieldýfield urgentîy requires repre Z 90 Acrcs, 8 roomecd frameiand family, Zion; MisDon OetsfM.adMr.W arrivaI of Robert Todd aI And tho' thy smile be 1ost ta since aur barn an~d stock Wvas1hay, had na zain. 728-8060. xvasîers, whecî discs. Onelsentative inis are for Crop hou2:e, harn 30' x 90,, imple-!Bmag,, owmanville, wt r amwce r n r.J Oshawa Gencral Hospital, oni sight destroyed by fire. Special ____________h owner car with low mileage. Service Department. Appli_ ment shed, garage. Prive:and Mrs. WV. F. Park.E.Gffnadamlnis Tanuary IsI, 1962: wcighî8 To memory thou art dear. thanks ta Caesarea Fire Bn- , cants must have recent agri j$l0,000. Terms. M\rs. Jean Abram nt hiln n r n r.W .5 ozs. Special thanks t r Ee rememhered by bus- gade for their endeavors. Sin- KEYS cut automatically, wý1.ile 1960 ENVOY CUSTOM cuirlbcson n o Stone bouse wiîh 7 acres,'holidays with lber dauheinansndduîrsWstn W. G. McKay. l-lbd and f *l 1~1*you wait, at Mason & Dale 4-DR. SEDAN cvliurealrbckga reudand hi! paveci road, excc~lcnt 1oation.'Montreal; her sonLelei Crsmsiitswth rs W.G ea.111and n amily. 1 *cerely, Hardware, 36 King St. E., wl rgadd nPra.T ice0,. terms. ihbibrtenarinsRVrtewe:M.ndMs Milton and vMinîe Fisher. omnvle 4 C1ustom built radio. One owner position is ful timne, or can b ie S40 Acrs wTe rautsîrcamtn. Tho Dow and'Crolyn MANTEL-Bill and Carol (nee 11*ca, lw ilagevhnded t .rt aon tit Abbott), wisîh ta annaunce th~e McROBERTS-In loving me- ca,______ege.hTOBOGGANirt aosleighs0,cre flat bat-teamto OGA lihfa o-1960 CORVAIR DELUXE your present farmin- opera- vr cnc rv 50. M.adMs C ieoLkfed r.V .Mlsn birtll i s 12oson De. o Mr. adMr.J1 c- wish ta tbank the Session, tam, single horse, goad con-,4DR EDNtion. Successful applicant 2 ce ea saa rceîre r. ayFnly'M.adMs Lo or n Wilia, 8lb. 1/2~ DvARbets thm hoW.A., Evening Auxiliary andditiOn. George Welsh, West 1Pwr Glde transmission, expeet earnings betwecn $100 i5,500. Unionville.fanlan r..Vrte 15, 1961, at Memorial Hospital,IS\Veet ta remember Power , $00- amton 5-room bungalow, Christmas guests wt r~Ms .Hnesn omn Bowmanville. -,n once xvcre here. 'C.G.I.T. of Orono Unitedýof Courlice, High School. 1-1!windshield washcrs, white wall $150 weeklY with excellent op-ImPon ________d who though absent, are IChurch, Rebekahs and Ocld iINSU-LAïTÏON,blowm-g meth- tires. partunity for early advance-1fully modernl, full basement, and Mrs. G. Alldread:M.advle vtMman Ms.H POTTER-George and Marion just as dear. Fellows, Dr. MvKenzie, Dr.,od, 'v.'th rock wool. Wark- mnti1953 e. rteadowiknce. 1,000501rs . manvlle s aM ayAm cd I wsb a anouve ît ariva -Sdlymisedby abe, RyAnfossi, the staff and nirs--s;man.shilp guaranteed. Free esti- 15 PONTIAC 2-DR. $175.00 tell me about yourscif. Rcîiy owm 100.ianville: -ombosTroî,aMm. andMsyH teWo anl.11of Memomial Hospital and all,.-ates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- 1952 CHEV. 1-TON at once ta P. J. HARRINGTON, t ~7? of their baby boy, Jethroy 11 Va fml.wo ees id n eeou;0o Cak 40 3 fs1E OYTUKGeneral Sales M,%anager, PO:tw watvr and scwer. PriceStrong, Salem. L1I A L George lbs. 15ýý2 0zs., oni 'ta me while in Elmer Wad ' ilbu for farm use S275.00 Box 84, LONDON, ONT. r.L e- ecembneer 29, 196 1, at MemorialiwMEADOWS....j îving me- Christmas. bospital and WSEE , Hampton, EcîetHighway property, 6 Mm . O. Beckeitt r.and aghc Hospital, Bawmanville. 1-1 mory of my dear husband and Ruth Moffat. 1- for good used television sels, ~ T1TT1p bungalow, hydro, good wvel. Alldrecd and Maxine.(neddfrlscek Ifaîhem, George R. Meadows _____ hcsterfields, beds, dressers, ROY WV . .L11UflLS A uoou Man Prie,- $5,900. Down $800. Mm. and Mýrs. W. E.Seen, r.a'ir. .Rdrad SELLERS - Mm. and Mrs.' 1x'ho passed away Jan. 3md, 196 1.1 1 would like ta express my,,aiiies, chairs, refrigerators -Covir-Eno T ighway No. 2, One Mile Hampton,,rind Mrs. R. ugs nul.Pr er' m n Gordon Sellers (nec H-aYn*-s) rilme changes many things Isinvere thanks to Dr. . Ewert1washecrs, ail heaters, rantges, Chevrolet -Crar-Evy Is .tara ro ino. Est of Bowmnanvillc spent Christmas with M.adMs .JhsoEnsiln ae hpyta annunvce thec But love and memry ee nd Dr. I. K. Ugray. the nurs- nw sleighs. Cal Elmer, CO Oldsmobile ta swyw r vliý eehn Akt334 r.W .Tyo Mbirithhofptheir daughter Rhonda dling, les and staff of Mernomial Hos_!3 1;' j malcetitis unusual offer for Salesmenar-24 6t hv rcsfamrily and grandchildrn on n fmlBwvn WChristine, December 24, 1961, -Sadly missed by wife and Itl. Bowmanviîl-, and for cold_ _ Courtice Bowmanvîîîc e'M and Mrs. J. Reyegandvlwe-alChitaDv Memorial Hospital. pi a. Osha-~REPARE frcl weatherl7860 M 99the right salesman ta flI OUrýG Blyleven, Phone MA 3-53001familyatneih edn MeoilHsptl o3w- ramiîy. 1* a Hospital, the- Service Cluib aalzd! Scecus today for free 78606 -39v22 ate A . ~cil, o 140 o ybr te Pether 7nnil, itrfo1*ne, 3lns osrewo) v nc nteBowman,.,ille *A. J rcusts oronot407iofparents, MmPet rn le asse orBni, of Hampton and the many'estimates on Alurninum Doors ( inst sreh'rdMn.J Jhaon m ____ snt e oaan howvoand Shirley. 1-l'N: EiantiswrtC.r:R. 0OtDe ekin ewcst24and REChUh Jind Ms. Wlson ouge, ami an Shrle. ITHL-nlvnmmrfiends and neighbors whoand Wndws.You il be__________ _ Franklythe type of man weC RRLvki, ewatl 248 ned y anenaICh rsinontns itrdbrbs TIGHE-Murray and Christena Alfred Lewis Mitchell, who and flowcr^s and wha visited'are from Cowan Equîpment .312,000 la a year. . . and Tuesday visi-ate Mr ad rs R arrivai ofa dpuville OraE CARS Thenokindd ofsmanalweaareeismea.dExcellentlebuildingsM 3-nd89. 4-and-and ore. Paul.EChantentbMildangsMesMrS.aGoble. and ~~3lizabeth, SEDAN~ looking for is: Over 30 years 111e best of land. Oniy $10,oool:Bowmnanville. fmiTrnM.adMs 1961, at Memorial Hospital, For th1e days we do flot think of We wish ta cxtend aur beart- SN N R V L15 AO -R EA old, neat, conscientious; with'down. Mm. and Mms. John ame:.PmnrndfmlOoo Happyhr istiMue, arAersI yu t in. f cît îhanks and appreciation FOR VOUit DRIVEWAYS V-8 with Torque Fille trans- at îeast 5 years seîîîng ex 5 cre farin on highway,land chiidrcn moved ibtcrn n ndMs .Kyc are hrîtieMauey, 1afyae thi-c.rl d wta fi urs t for the many avIs of kindness, AND CEMENT mission, radio. perience. Ilîe owns a car an-1L-shaped bank barn. Home'new home for ChristmsieealCmîtasDyget Catby, Jeanne and Janet. i hti ordwm us messages of sympathy and the PHIONE EARL BOTTRELL 1959 BELVEDERE can travel for a wveek at a timc.! witli ah modemn conveniences. Mmr. and Mrs. W. 1o iha hi arnsM adMs Brothers are Doug and Brian. giv Pice $300 irprns r _______ To ec thie farr a au- mreea cied fr neingusrel- CO 3-2682.6cy.,4-DR. SEDAN Our pay cheques are mailcd Pie10000 sra , oo, hem parpe, M. dMr.Frd înr Wo e'd gie f( ijl, 'xou mar e beuiflforalferingous e- 6 laulontie transmissian, weekly and in advance; we 160 Acre famm, Cifod1lapr Sarae m.adMm.MalyKelt VANDYKE-Ta Peter and Dad , jalîves and friends dumîng lte For Prompt Service and new paint, iexv engine, take came cf ail deliveries, cal-ý36 akbrwt otp;M.ndrsA.H Nellie Van Dyke (nec Geboers) Came vatiling thmough thelloss of a loving ntothem and Delivery iS-tf nc\v tires. cections, and service. Write A. 7 roomcd, modemn kitchen, Helen, Mm. adMs ae and Mrs.o<.Cmra n Savingson .Har ra-j - uiin aer t. ny$600Coombes spent Christms, t ail n m ndMs hs ciuhe naI Ross .Siaor. , ' JNUARY Sale: Svng n1956 CHRYSLERINDSOR C wlow rsSoIthwest- on ,Mr. anid Mms. DouglasSe-Pnadna; aiywr 1,ýtJi e.indsay, on 7AwaSrcmembcred by b' er. Speial thanks la Bey. laiis, itos lasck4-RSEAerPtou C.,Bx79 À, , ýBail Lng fr. M cnzie an tables, reclinen, hostess, swivel New paint, autamatie trans- Fort W'orth 1, Texas. 1 1 75 Acre famm with barn, pard, Milîbroo: 11~womd, ____ ____ -hause, machinery aTcrsms.M Mrs, eoh, ers Leona, Belty Lau. ite Barlow Funeral Home for' and flatblonrcc his mission, rada cattle. Price $11,000. ad rsrLoy SînerMr. and Mrs. RoyPewade Conigr-atulations' -1 thiir services. vheslemfields, kitchen suites, 1956 PLYMOUTTIWok ane 2-18 Acre farm with 2 bamns,iweme: Mm. and Mrs. A es n anlPceigBah w i s h s t M nEaB INE B I T - I n l o v ngve m o y M r l o a noH e m anM abr iCnl ian da b esea dmm t l r s -2-b. I A R D O P o o m d h m e , c lvP rtc . e r g r a d c i l d eneZ i o;eM ssan de T h u s e l y v s i l r s I E Babaao ader sister, Alida Taylor Jessie and Lawrence Adams. fils.tae-n: piece chete-Nc ea a.CUTM ping donc aI home. 1$i0,ooo with S4,000 down. iDonna Bragg, Bowviil;Pnans mner resikre hapvy field suites.,wlMurphy Fumnilure..1-1Tour Choice of Two Phone MA_3-5846. 49-tf, 100 Acre farni, No. 2 Higli-;Mm. Larry MvLcan,Osaa MmanMs.Rb.a- .IP ebrloftei sn 9sl, 1 hopascd way an.l4*ng W.,Bawmanvile. IMA 19EATPNYMOUTîumbi--g-a--way, large L-shapcd bank!afld Mr. and Mms. W. F ak1ca n aiyw hit .vin Dean James, 7 lbs. 1 htuseIfish lufe - il bas flot Mm. Everard H. JolI and.13-3781 ___________SEDAS____ 1955 PLYMOUTandH barn, etc. tn os ihalýMs .H er 14Thl ___ _________________ 4-D. SEANS avesroîhin~CaliGouli ,c.; tonehous wih al~ Mr. w.H. erryand on' as ay gesîsof M. a ûzs., an Sunday, December 31, dicd, family wish ta express sincere PT T Hein -'modern conveniences. AskingBob, Milton, spent Chims Ms.AWodTre 1961, at Memorial Hospital, None kncw ber but ta lavelthanks and apprecialian ta T AEIL S PA~J ~LMER evaîe 8~$21,000. Tcmmns. with Mm. and Mvrs. Ralp iî. n m.WsOhwwr Bowmanville. 1--1 lier, their many relatives, fiends rg~y BRICK, Mason ai-d Cancrete m ces xith barn, silo andý Mrs. Elva Beckett, Bomn1audvateno iiosa None aed hiem but in praise, an-d neighbors for their kind .LUVVL andM TR womk, Chimneys, etc. L. T roondbre rveal il,-îî m n m.D' .eR aeos DetsFo ir___moe______1epesin o ypah ndM TR A E er. T e m p o r a r y residenve, $6,500 with $2,000 down. 'Miller.M.edMs Nma ai FEATHERSTO-HAUH- For usa guiding star, Ifloral trîbutes extended uigA R L REPAIRS Dealers for Phone MA 3-5605. 23-tf HARDWARE STORE in vil-1 iVIrs. K. J. FergusonOt-tm fM. n m.W ar N-AG-In -Lovingly remembered by 111dm recent sad bereavement. Plymouth - Dod-re - Valiant 'lage wilh good turnover. Picewa, is visitingMrz Calgary, on Wednesday, JnjMiinerva and EgrRyandIpeciaî thanks ta Mrs. Childs rN Sime Cars an De Debil digo5,0iy hM.Hmilon.c e aetsM.adM 3rd, 1962, Duncan LEdgam, Ray dS-1nd staff for came and kiridness SimAW ode cakas HermanVan D Bl :oly$,000 down. wthM.HandiXMrs. A. Ha n ndSnaEvnigvstr - Do., elvd usad i i Ddg ruk 4 Roomed bouse on 1 acre family, Mrs. S. T. Io-1 m' v iso.M.Dai pn (Don), belovd husband ofshown our loved anc during 2 inTt .BwmnileCNRA OTRCO HamraoE. 1Kemslakelifommerlymem0fliter illness; ta Dm. Mikios, Rev. TV U9ILD 0Kn t .B~mnil EEA OTATR lt sig 380wt 50adMs rn erMs rdyee~gwt m n Hamto. ______aiOro Pnkr wo asE C. WnealHne for the Mrrse- Pon Brick - Block - Concrete down. IFlorence Werry with M n r.J n'hBtay of OARR-IParer loving mcmryj C.a omandfandther ris Phne728-8180 -______ ___ and Carpcntry Large 5 roomed, new, brick,,Mrs. G. WVhite, BowmileIM.a-d rsW.Cran OSBORNE-At Iven-orial Hos.îaway' Januamy 3, 1958. lies. Special thanks also ta E OKadRPISrnhsyebnao iha-frCrsms ivita-t N'otimato CeditoroNEW tORr-anYREPAISrrancnstylebungalo nith I-sforChrisîas. __ fam.iy xvcn Sunda dine pial Bwmnvleaii atr Yurpmsece~ eerner Sthe Fiendship Club and -__________ PHONE CO 3-2282, HIAMPTON tached garage. Many extras.g -sf M. . y dlay, December 30, 1961, Henry Yaum lave remains wilh us Bridge Club for being SO LvetckFr ae 4 INVESTMVENT PROPERTY For Rent ctO'aa n hita Cecil Osborne, in bis 80111 year,ý yet, hýpu.LvsokFrSl NOTICE TO CREDITORS A nLbrt tetBwa-dinrg'etfM 149 King St. E., Bowininville,iYou wcmc the kind ai brother onpfl LAD TER ie tySredtedbrikCOMRIA mpet 'aa .a beioved busband of Susie Lyle Your laved ones xiii neyer :25 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Murray A.BA A R' S homes. Modemn canvenionces. Silver Street, fommerly Ic.Ms e. ohaEfed Allia and dear father af Helen fonget. Coming Events Osbýorne, 725-6003. 1l-1iIN THE ESTATE 0F WALTER Prie- ancl ternis arranged. 'smilh shora. MA 3-3394 6t m n m.Aa rw (Mrs. Les Eaglesan), Osbawa, -Lovingly remcembered by bis Dance in TyroneHala- PIGS it nc uhne OVLL OCIIRANE, lIt of"' and Alan H., Bowmanville; ýsisters. 1-1 umday, Jan. 6, Clama Ncsbilt's each. Phane 723-9000. 1-lithc Town ai Bownianvillc, PI rimhng & Heaflngl APARTMENT BUILDING,;LAR-GE 2-bcdroom alatctnîM.G.Bnv n os _______ ____________ :eariy incarne $2,700. Onlylover Statesm-an offic, grandfather af Bob and MsTedkes.Amisin_5 I-AR -u-"- 111-i-e ryh.te Counity of Durham, Lab- PHONE MA 3-7197 l$2we0Crisîms Da Carln (Mshaack Sti,l aNotc strc rhsrl ocrD.1-1 Cal Port Perry' 985-2966. 12omnv1e nor about t liei Nelson St. Bowmanville. 9 Rooîncd homewihsale.11-.AuiSatmaBanandM.ndr.Cay MoseJw -1akSrvc1 BwavlcHizIS ayugba,2-oo3t a iNv'r 91.6-f ari nd2 vns.Ony llIaffie - _____ __49f In Bmxv 2nd, 1962, Floycf - Randhiff irecior, owmanvii e, at 2 p.., '11iurs- etc. Fr t ruck pickup raane FOR SALE BI' TENDER 54 IKing St. E. NMA 3-5030S amie 2c,24sapls_' nvl"""__ 5-' -_ --~'~'~ Mmr. Garnet Shîields day. Jan. il, 1962. For furlh-,Orono 5 r 18 by 1 p.m. day ofjTnes ____ H.edb 00 alOre ep.T2, IDRNAAT -Thomnas in bis 66111 yezr, b- Cl tyA' osr r information telephane!sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales Tnes ilhorciedb 6-f$0.-Maiurer C p. Bx29, DEN PAT NS suve.Faoirgtera- loved busband ai Flamenco ounymbrlnd-sDrhmssnaer. 111 te undersigncd Solicitor up HavmilubberO a., o 152 AT 31 CENTRESTnaetylvdatGiea acKinnon and deam son fThi eeig " ildea wth aI HealthUnit, MA 3-5661. 1-1______12:00 o'clack noon on Thurs- rumnping BHailto. On 1-5 Irs. Bealmice Thomas f;phases af Ferai Assessmcnt day he0 yoars ega. Mms. Joli1 was-E a SE D 'oronta and the laie Wilirimand Taxation. Crn pAsse1 o ai ome an d 31 Caflte, ineso e rarl- day 11perst dayai FebmuTayk rbomas, îoving brother oaio!t1db sic questions and take partScl-iol Ascaio ilmeet orieii un aineaoynnwNurs iCn oeD ComtateccacyebeaiNcstente ]Rv.W. oreThms fntisesio.Everyone we- in the Bown-anville High'trýacter mavhinemy, baled beay, McGaheyvonisin iAoue Hnk NrinDH m 'Winchester; Rona (Mtrs. Erroll1com~e. ___ ____1-2,5c1001 an Jani. 10 al 8 sta adgri, t.,te and latin 111e Village ai Camp- BR O PKINS S-O-UTHHven Nursing Homej241 RS. E.AHDET Suvirgbsdseru- ]Brown) ai Toranto;- _____ ' ---- Speaker: Mm. W. H. Mýorris, erty ai Mr. Gerald Lac noix, eirol 1941i Acmmdtonfrprvt Third St. - Colllgodbnartwdahesan Enhih Ptebr os 2 n 2, o-i , iak' n 1e aa nd semi-private patieats,'Phone Colleet 1819 46ttresaEuie( (Mrs. A. R. Spencer) of______ _o_______tebrýloýsnshapn42,iles.n8,ChlroeiipeNWONIL castie; mFedcrick aon , of-__Ogoan 1the east side 'of ham- 721uamt ai Gliddg, Sask., Jac Trnoand Fida (Mrs Giriet TT 1E'\1TT~'n M Beaton will enlertain xith1 Oron 0hm5-fnwbidn, oe.Vstr vne Tan ronto ase. R" r,, Luvv n Snr a 'Chair ai Public School child-' Higliw~ay 115. To ho sold with- This properly is a frame nwul inm,.measnbi rs. WL EtoiadSak.tMrgre eth akyFnrlHmren. l1ý1ouI eserve an Satumday, Jan. house with 6 roams wîîh aîatRewers Phae Newasîbe 441 ra3ts. JEagr. hn r.N Rdai fN Peel sî., Lndsay, for unoral CAR13, commencirig at i p.m. For Iached building fan use as ____________________ ne___New __ caste44.11 tl Ue o2144. Nifîaîî rd ilimcfBw Pel St.,Lidacky, furemalRae, ARNATION GATBNO furthcm particuhars sec buIs., garage or woadshed, hard.RDOad eeiin earj lo n Bad OEstet 144. ~Wll mnilo service in t11e Chapel an Fri- Funerel Tributes .--- S4.00 up GI IG wet' moving ta sdb water with plumbing, lacaled RIOadTlvso eir.ndB rd ---- day, Jan. 5 et 3 p.m. Tempor-Sudury. - Prompt o apie Mry entombmcrit aI the River- Hospital Arrangements $2.00Oup ~ akRiacine. 53conveniently next ta stare and Prmp service. Pick-up and, pay $50. Phone 725-618 Anr11emiyoel TILT ___Jack___Reidcose t ahi ammunly faili- elivemy. George's, 14 Centre ROOM and board available for H --ET r--- pa- -r---le -m ri h---11 dc-se Stsato urned SAT.,JANl. bih S____hon_ MA3-513._________lad._PoneMA_-570.pouîtry, goose feathersfahwa ed ide Cemctery VaulI, Lindsay StifaciotGurateeies._________________ 1-1'Phone Orders fram Newvcastle la the -_____________ Temms: 10% af price withIGUARANTEED televisian and - .er ticks, scrap iranrasBoarvleooyrGou and Oroîto - Caîl Collect LIONS COMMNUNITY CENTRE. C,êSH an 111e spot; bighest tender; balance ta be pahd in radio service, ta ail makes. ROOM and board available. Imotels and raw furs. hn C' rdNwateUie PoorpyPHIONE MA 3-4141 prives paid for dead and crip- cash an clasing; closing date ta iSame day service. Television Hendersori, 61 Liberty North. IRA 3-2043 Oshawa colet ChchWmnsAoiao. .uowmnvnîe pied farmn stock; picked up be armariged. Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883.IhneM -32. 1-4*_____________-Tefnmlsriewsh AllGR P W er H fo rs b MA 3-2944 pr.omptly. Telephore cllect Highest or any tender fiaI 49.tIL os iA theris, ew o s ie an ck B w riil, o S t rd y E a~esn flowers yiie t8 CO 3-2721,Magwlî Fur Farm, _______________________'p-e________- AL as ai loe ipOlr.in1eMoisFiraCap, PU TGAH nwee$j10jyrorn. Licence 115. __t lood ete ik Po~fatuPassports 1'SeilDa __-- - Inspection aif1the buildirie REPAIRS and rewinding, arm loadfahrtcswntdneebr2,adwscn W.ddlns Anivesaies En'Ta"fmens DEAD AND CRIPPLED may be aranged by cotcizaue turned, toalal makes of GREY Persian kittea, vicinity Highest prives paid. MfatdcdbyRvE.CWodai __________________________ment (Do Not Haxve ta Be Present) FARMI STOCK Richard Ernest White, R. R.ielectrie matars. Higgori Elec- ai Duke St.Poe 36. 11BoletyR..1Pon r1fNecseUuidCurh a SpeclaltyMm. and Mrs. JamesW. 20 GAMTES AT $10 EACH HIGHEST PRICES PAID No. 1, Campbellcmoft, Ontariolt,, 3 ii at hn A____________" ole __ ltnemn a ateLn * Maray, Newcastle, announce TWO SPECIAL GANTES R A Y V 1 V 1 A N Executor. Phone Gamdei HiII13-3305. 7t1ONE bmowa ski, wilhout hemn- OLD guris wanted.WilpyV.tOoo 111 tUiO te engagement ai their AND $100 JACKPOT Locust Ilill 4 r 2. IREPAIRS toalnl makes ai me- ess, Concession St. district. $100 for bmess framed ee h aîemralnpes A~1or Studio mnthT. jPhOflrifle. Top____ es KIng St. E. B 111tiledaugbter Mamgamct Juanita, ta Nmbe forthis ot 1Poe NMarkham 1160J Colleet W. K. LYCETT, frigeatrs, damestic and com.lPhone MA 3.7 aonrf.Tppivsore'eMmyAli, obt Bo~vanvMurray James Merlin, son f me. or S 7-day Servle Orono, Oritarf), Imerdiai; milking coolers. Hig-B1LACk Labrador Retriever ia lother lever action rifleadAliSaey liWiim Phons MA 3-2502 4 tf1Mm. anid Mrs. Edwamd Martin,I ADMISSION - $.t License 102C61 Solicitor for 1the Executor. gon Eheclric Limited, 38 King:Mapie Grave area, Monday. 'band g uns. Phone ohc liSarlyPwl z i 11-t Newcastie. .-.. --.1 20-52. 1-3lSt. EZ Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tPhane MA 3-5361. 1-1 7285574. 12br ere k r i THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PACM MONT IMNESDAT, ZAN. Or& 1982