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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1962, p. 9

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WENSDAY, JAN. 1oth, 1962 THE CAKAIAX STATESMA.", EOWMAN"v=tL. ONTARIO lt' brin ,g- alo ng a Irtiend. ..- Site]!" and tite training- class" i Indiv'idual attention f r o mnsJn.3-1 On Sundav we had ta o* mastr caîtsen it eerypone orinaugural services ' 4 ~ ~~~~step along the way. Try lis. LZ B T VL E utlte2s fJnavTP There Wns Sunday scitool bu_ FINE TAILORED . . . L OO O T Oit Wednesday we he-ld ourfua chut-ch. Rev. Wrightt was ' SALES LITERATUBE Ir.sttute at Mr. and Mrs. W titere, but rot enougi tot go "bfiH RRSTiEDIE C Lewkos horne. M.%rs. V. Pea-iahead witit the services. 'i BUSINES FORM numbrtedcd.the amneMsTicNw keas n nd irs witi o! MrN. Iercer. A goodly I Mn. and Mrs. Lewko, Mr. and 'fý BUSNcSack p n br eded. aTht e mne New Yesoandvins wcebith e.t 1 98 utes wet-e rend and apptovd ir. andi Mrs. E. Fowler. I *A picture o! ou.r little girl Mr. and Mt-s. V. Peacock $55 .00-------- witom we are fostering ft-rm wît1 the Honcys at Millîgan.ý LETTERHEADSHong Kong, was passer! aroundýMr. and Mrs. Jackson Peacack'" LETTRHEDS and we are planning on writ-lwere unable to, be tere. 1 ing t liter. An invitation o Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew% attend Garden Hilî's ntee-ting:hc]d New Year's on Satut-dav was given and two planned toj1 evening and had Ith Powell TAGS and LABELS attend! but due to illaess thev fantily. cduit ntake il Wc decideà' The Muldrews front Osit ft': Cal us for an estiniate to sendýc $10 ta the Sick Cihid-: awa held Ne-a' Yenn's at Sun- uaa nt job.n's Hosapital. We also we:-e ýnysîde. on your next jted ta a cucitre patt at' Mr. and Nirs.H. Muldrew ' Garden Hill hall by tbc Or-j were Invited ta te At-chers, 1ttJ' angemen. A lunciteon invita-Port Hope, on Satut-day even-: i Ile C ns i Di n Sats tion. which is ta be held in'Ing, the 6th. !J; Tii e Cadi ~:atesman Toronto la Fcbruary, was read 1Mn. and Mrs. Loagyear hadi 5 T ERNE S . N 66 INGST W.BOW .AITILE and it was decided ta sees 20 on New Year's. 66 KING ST. W.BOWIL4,IMLLE ahout te_ nter. Tt mus Mrs.' Mr-. and Mrs. QuantrMf werc ,ý3 TME RN C E S T ..~5xB gouplu Ohawnfa7New Year's. PHONEMA 3330\vas~ served. Som'- tc Aar that Mr. Aub - On Satut-day the 4-H Club rey Gilmnore is qu.ite porly. 111 WR ~~Official Board. Mrs. Thomnas iield on January 9 ta complete JTewie' fc srd h 0~B T HN Jenings; Representative to committee appointmients and BASE!oob tmlvlLenxtdo R ecrea ion ~ev ew s J Kthenne E i IlA I~I TBoard of Stewards. M.%rs. MUan- mnake plans for the further t sadcudhv eni R RirtinWer tvt r.e acmnt)Lin s am ! h dy h mers Kahern Spefler celebrat- cd Church and Ariglican --sel Fne:PubIîcity .\Mrs. year's work. Whether it was du< oafine o ep Wd esd ghandhebrthday nmetb hed urt. au. ossCar.Mrs RsCarr convened the tafte r a il h th e h o li da CIln.lM.Atu isnbsbe h Registration opened t I 1 sCentre. 'defeated the Rarns 4-0 to move IWdedyadbrprns hrt The 29 charter mnbes service, with the op- to rteicee!wahr ntesc itfrtep week for the Winter Activities 7:30 to 10:30 p.nî. Drama 'into a third place tie with the Dr. Stuart Speller and Mrs.i Mrs. Reginald Rose led the present paid their fee of 50C. ening Ihvmil "Standing at t'l- anyhow our telephn a ope0 ek n ehp of the Bowmanville Recrea- Club (lst and 3rd Thurs.) Rams. Charlie Cattran (2), Jim Speler entertained with a:ýcIosling devotions. ýThe allocation for mission rtlodeopngyar been stonHy silent I Jewi onlefeigmc tion Department. You may re- !Lions Centre. Dustan and Lawrence Courtice party. The little girls brougbtl Lunch was served by thortal of t250 vsace~d r. henrvJaennrea theesterdalbte gister by attending the first Friday- 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. accounted for the Bombers Iln bi osadpae ots sitdb rs. Wil- Several bv--laws incorporated rsripture lessen fromn EccIl-î Not so on ThursdvCýl Ti omuuye session or by telephoning the Flutophone Band, Lions Cen-igoals. Doug Parker goalie for i"Grown Up Mothers" for thcîiamn Phillips during the sociallfrom the former organizations siastes 3: 1-15. being Solomon's ina! Dinner was r(ayt vpuh oM.adMs Recreation Office at MArketitre. the Bombers chalked up bis 'afternoon, with games and hour that foflowed the meet- were read and approved. It soliloquy con tiunes and sei-,.,ervtd. The telcphoern.Gatilneti h oao 3-3379, Extension 6.1 8:00 to 11:30 p.m. Teen Town third shutout o! the season. taken of the event. The cen-tefur contestsd 4hndrmovinionsîctuesng.wsaredt oae h u-sons. Mrs, Carr gave some urteen-age daughtrltc r ent' ohr Monday- 3.00 to :0 pm ( ad4hF.) iosCe-Lions Mldget-Juvenile League 1 ic o h iin al. United Church %Vomen 1ther sum .of $100.00 towards thotight.s for the New Year te receiver tD hia eg- \radMs lxLath 500 P , t peeontednigtberepairs o! the church wnf-ooigfoiLus aknsbrvvieiqiei hr -Chidren's Skating (7 and Stra-70 t :0 Tl In the first M'dget-Juvenile was a buge cake decorated as ' The first meeting o! the nwdo' rs .Jenng ed Isid t o an Louis od a s in s om viehn wroniudX .Tusa aîr under>, Memorial Arena. Minor Hockey, Memorial Ar game played last Saturday la lady with marshmallow hat organization o! The United correspondence citncrernnMr. Athd 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.- Choral ena. afternoon the Orphans hand- and bouffant skirt o! pink i ChrhWonen coneerning do0- the gate of the %-ear - give me: our corner. She hiadibev ans r- icChuch malamaingnations to Five Oaks Traininga light that I may tread safely'a flashinereddlightrwielw SocityBowanvlleTowî 900 rn.ta 2:3 p.. Clîd'ed the league-leading MUar- ing Tbe fourteen littie gueststhe former Women's0Associa-ý Centre and The House o! Four into the tunknown, and hie re-1ering th' hd o h vc-FN ULT itll. rn1 Dnigan ao os hi is e-bac k by present erGenRchard- tion and the Women's Missio-' aonrtet tBw lev iled, 'Go out into the dark- mng.I MOUE SAN /~ 00 .m.Aqa Sociecitty ente.eont3-esore13lerElls (c nd onJoce icbrdonGloiaatySocethews hldla heandicbpertrfered a he essan pu vor andinti eplinn tht se dda Lin CnreTilhe Rpleaetioa e ar-n the Orphans goals. Gary Grif- Joyce Perry, Grace Smith, nesday niglit, chaired by thene Icmite 'h ado'od-ta hlýko u o Lin etr.wl e lae a ik rfin of the Orphans chaiked up Norma Smith, Betty Ann Mor-' Rev. George Richardson whoi Rev. Richardson outlîned bc ta you better than a ligh1t then with hielp from I h -,.~t.fUosVyu TdueSday-7:0 las1000s.mB. rnemns'veepo le o is first shutout a! the season. ton, Joanne Edmunds, Lynda conducted the election rofso e o !h pas the ew and safe hn nwn way."1 fainily we checked hfuc~rAdul Swmmin Clsses B.any additional activities de-i In the second Midget-Juv- Neals, Marlene Smith, Lynda ficers as follows: g~anizationt and announcedla conclusion she said 'As we sides and told hier w o1 lL~ 8:00S . mo. Sredoif sufficient numbers ar enile game o! the day the Speller, Ann White and Jac- President, Mrs. Thomas Jen- f an Inaugurai service for the pause ta look backwards and:see nothig. While o driFS A F R (2n Tues.each month), Lions: ICorets handed the Aces a 6-2 kie Way. nings; Vice-Presîdent. M rs. induction o! the new officersthen ahcad into the nîysterious, ing wh at our neighbl eudBO.LD Centre. DnigCass stbc i mug 2, Bob Edmunds spent se veraliasel Finney; Secretar, Mrs. would be beld at the morning. future, we, at the portaIs off have observed. thetephn ketball, Bowmanvîlle HighýDancing Classes started their Ross Nlyers accounted for the Rad ogilda rmtnAmuel Broivn; Chairynan or Januarv' 7. ponder on ýwhat is ta corne.lother neighbor aske lr School. ine ternis titis weekz. Cornets goals. Bob Hellam A chiney fine at the hoeprga conimittee,1 Mrs, d-1I I was agreed te hold future Asa aenn d,'utyuthîe fire truck andfohît 8:00 p.m. Square Danin There are some vacalicues In scored bath Aces goals.M Hli Br gar Beer; Social convenor,!mneetings on the first'Mi a,,in nteHn fGé dcars; had gone. We 1aut~e (lst and 4tli Tues.), Lion the Ballet, Tap and Batoi In the third and final Mi-d fns a so i- Mrs. Carl Porteous; Parsonae.! ahmot t ih ocok assurancû, $'had euiytîm ions edsorie ancdn oinudiheageH ondahomotGod'i tand iffr rohr Cete Twirling classes on Wedîî)esday:get-Jux enlIe gante the Gen- ed sme cnceraon unda Mrs. Preston!in lte evcning in the Suiita.-- a' raetneswl e h eehn Ceterenn. otntl opreseta:ve, mris aetstreeswl e Te eehn a'g TeTIIE Wednesday-- 3:00 ta 9:00 afternoon, and there are also erals defeated the Jets 4-2 ta dmarig. F ota te ourel Neals;- Finance cornrittee con- Sehool room. 1 fis trst neiglitor wanîe o e m.Children's Dnigjvcni* nteStriy oeitafrtplace t. with dmg a dn ote OSv~enor, Mrs, Raiph Preston:' Mrs, Halrold ShVroî asLunch was seîrved t»' Mr,,fus know she haci nothene- Dutncingbrsand ed oacaeic Fesndhn tndeViStturdon-zÀemove ecntory ar fhrst -- eabutRye%-igh'r. Hrsl .titiedt to watcn B .ýia on s enre ornling classes. Ithe Maroons. Don Rickard (2),Monumen' Lions Centre. ' ter.venor, Ms avvDavids n m. hte1M . S. L. Speller and Fire Brigade liadr.nîedt O 13 criai At-ena. Club i-enie Harvey and the Sa,,tur-f Doug. Lane and Robert Black. Friends will regret to kniow Jlackson: Church. decoration 'Jennings thanked fie ladies singiug o! severil go.3pel1 fai-nihomne of Ï11 om(Phne~hlb 8:00 p.rn Movie Clb(,dday classes are under the dir-ibbut-n accounted for the Jets of the death o!flthe Jatc Ar- iarnd flower convencr, Mrs, Earl for bier election and annone hynuns bnought the meeting ta1 fanlily, v.hicl xvas foruaeyNOak835 ection of Mrs. Shirley Fowler., two goals. thun Magiil in la en Soundt Weatherilt; Representative 'a cd an executive meeting 1ab acos.under control oni the( ria._______________ If you are iaterested in join- Games Scheduled for Satur- on Fiiday Itight. Mr. Magili ------ _ ,Ingthee casss plasefeel diy, anury 3th hod been hospitalized for sev-, free ta attend any o! the ses-în hs lsespes e a aur 3h et-al weeks. His daugitter, ii __________ Let's Talii< sions or contact the Recreation 1 aitmLegeMrs, Chat-les Reynolds and berl 1 Office ut MA 3-3379. i 7:00 ar.- Flyens vs Huskies ituband left for Owen Soundb f'Minor Hockey 1 7:45 a.m.-Tee Pees vs Lions on Saturday ta attend itis j_8:35 ar.- Braves vs Cubs funeral which was beld on' SA LE STA RT*S TUS C ars... 1 Ia the first Pe Wee g.rne,11I0 a m.-Tigers vs Pirates Moari played last Saturday utornîng c oy, o Lie CnadansandLefs pa' Pee ee League Btha Schoot Meeting'b D R IV E RS Ricky Waolner, Jamues Mc: 1O:i5 a.nt- Rangers vis Bears'was h ct i the 1Betbany A N 1p A .Paland Mikze Cawker putl 11:00 ant.-Canadians vsWnssho, o n Friday nigt". ite Leafs abcad 4-0 oriy to Atoin League with election <'f trustees. V caut m hleedîm si ft nlpror andti1:30 pm.-Bombers vs Bisons of te board for the coinm',mgl cred for nd up the gante. John Worden (ý) 1ý: 15 p.m.-Horncts vs Vikings year. Carl Smith wvas chose't die bytsan d David Wiggans accounitediý't o owner can In- . ortt ataiu oasTt iosMde-Juveniie League tr-ustee for a three-yvear tet- IB o s uu r a S tie moved bath tearas iinto a!3.05 put,- Raiders vs Acesb and eco Mron tuse wmacrt I as ev- ayti for fourtit placei3:50 p.m.- Maroons vs Jets for two years. Citarles Rey-' eras hundred the league standings. ý4-40 pm.--Coiiiets vs Generals nolds continues as secretary-i1i dollahrs haI taed Ia thte second Pee Wec gante League Standings treasuresr. c!eîeig' on a new car. of the da the Hawks s\'îiinp - Atcm League TPs cto raai h eist ,dteRockets 11-1. Donald',Wa L o cara nd scthoes ere cO Automatic transmissions, iForsey (4), Je!! Gilhooly (2), b BrotiT.Pt&. O ofdicssaed. T ho ere forinsanc,ýwhlle practîcl- Warren Aider (2), Glenn Mû-Bris8 0 0 6dsusd Toepeet ]y foolproof In the precision iNeil, Terry Shuttleworth and Bison - 5 1i1i11l the meeting were in favor cf !n siRe withwhih thy ae tunedSteve Sumeî-sfot-d accou<ted Bom bers__ 4 3 0 8! a school at-ca, but due ta theR g o $ 5 9 out these days by the tac- for the Hawks goals. Bobi as7 O 8smal.] perceutage o! ra tepayers tory, can requit-e a costly Howes scored mîdway tittougi .iig -31 peetn eiit cinw major overhaul after as the final period ta out the Indi ans 3 3 1 7; taken, little as l0.000 mlles of 'Rackets on the score- sîeet ýGjit 2 5 1 SI United Church SrieS b r a tit da tie ruis sturou net ~. O 6 1 1 Thte Suîtday rnorning service 'I While bigh speed la ttsclf I the Beat-s by a 3-0 score. Ken Pee Wee LeaguelateUitdCu-hftue ls not necessanîly bard on a jTabb, Gary Wilson and Gary I W L T nugrlSric o car, constant rapid accelera- :BaIl accounted for the Bruins z.~extivofe Uitedtew rai-h tian and braking is.. It 'goals. Bob Jaekmaîî Of the' Red Wîngs 5 Iti1 !Th0UitdCiurit1 strains te transmission, Bruins picked up the shut-otît, Hawks 4 2 1 Cmen as used in ail United CO i wcars out thte brakes and 'his fit-st o! the scason. Rangers 2 4 0 1Cut-cites across Canada. ' tires and soon ct-eates body In the fourtit and final Pee Rockets 2 4 (l 4<1 Inducted ta leadership were', Q IT D LNN looenss I arod s ouit eegae ! heda te Bears 2 4 0 ýthe new President, Mrs. l'f- and potholcd - slow down. 4risd!ai h aksLas - ~~msJenns n te et Brunscifete th HwkýLaf . ---- 3 2 4ý asJenigsan ohe m S EARLING LINED insty aneill oa otckss o 1, ta move into first place jCanadians 1 3 2 41bers o! the executive elected f fntne ildoaltls in telau tnigKn atr ege 1 last week, M rs. Addison Scot, damage ta your cars sus- Jtite le( u)sand ings Kee Baaa îea- Mrs. Santuel Brown, Mrs. CarlI pension) andnddbDepe ac-' Ln T peso n od ihas counted for lte Bruina goals.W T lis PoTeiw . Preston Neal' if diven over aM 25 miles t Je!! Giîhooîv <2 ad Sev»i]- ns4 1 9 Mr-s.. .Jackson, Mrs. Earl e.t S pet- bourt- ian at 75 m.p.h. Smrfr contc o Tigers- 4 1 1 9~ Weatbet-ilt, Mrs, Ross Carr.'$0 Does 'cowboy" drlvlnig thellawks goas ra's- - > I Ms ane ioeMs savetim? T fid ou, Bnta LeruLions . - 3 2 I 7 gar Beer, Mrs. Ralph Preston, savetime To ind ut, antan Lezue 'Pirates .-.33 1 0 6 and ýMe-s, Harvey Davidsoii, 11:, twoetgîeeu rcetl sntI Inthe fit-st Bantant gaiîn , !Cub.ý i 1 4, Iwho aiso hold offices, were ' two cars over the same 'the day tite Flycrs defeatedi te fHuskies 1 3 2 4 unavoidably absent. route through a city, One Braves 3-1 ta move into a fit-st TeI Iff-----i1 5 drvscaretîîliy and the plcLi nte ~ eePe Rev. George Richard.son took Ibo other by a driver "i a 'ings. Bruce Cagube, Std1 iosMigt-uenl eagueibis text from 31s-t chapter of burry.2 Burnand CooSmpeson St&eve i L T pts. Proverbs, "Thte citar-actet-istics, Tiees rie o othe goal scorers for the Fît-crs ýMaîoùns.q . i-4 1 0 8 o! a virtuous wornan.'" The ,rcet or mie oaTerry Waltoa scared tite Ba eirl 4 1 .9 8 choirs anthern was 'i am the ý gallon o! gas -19.2 miles vs onrgalans 3 2 o 6liit3ila tew0~~, Q per- gallon contpared wt In thte second Bantam gante O-ha 3 3 O 6,I St. Paul's W. A. Meetln 'IVU 12 - and Iost almost nothing o!teMrigtt ie- e es. 2 3 O 4ie el electcd presidel b O E S R inspedfo te coory.feated tte Huskies 3-1 ta move 1es- 0. 2 T-tErnestLaby ird h His average specd tvas 2 'into a fit-st place tic itl thtt e rs .i 4 2 m etiofth cbard ufb, ý Pi~ ,:>4 pet- cent less and bis time Flycrs. Don McMilvurter (2) andi Bowmanvllle Aqcuarium So i-stmigo the Woa-c ul ar of . on the noad 2 pet- cent more. Wnay Rendell scored for thte1 The Bowntanviîle and Dis- Paul's Anglican Chut-ch, held fe White tite cowboy driver winning Tigers. Paul Parkerltrict Aquarium Society was at the home o! Mrs, Ina Pal-' CI/ took 30 minutes ta make accounted for the Huskies onlY, fot-med by a group ut local mer on Titursday. bol te trip, thte careiu driver goal, :aquarium itobhyists in te Fal Getnsfrtt cwYa I ' i0 1 took 30.6 minutes. In the tbIrd and final Ban- la 161taax'uîc ie oby n for the Nucew !ter' tamn garnethe Lions defcated la16tae distrc h'obyadfr'h uceso h C'areful drivers art 1)00r 'the Pirates 2-1 ta move !nto cbv' ar1ze c-ra fuiLroin te futore-vpt-- are a pleasura to deahaveta fais.sAttitur Jackson and Wtye Auxiîiay v pr-~ i o service customers, but they second place tic with the Bt-a- bersbip, of witich a third at-e sident, Mrs. J. J. Harnilton. when trade-in time comten oasoe o ieLos junior memniers wuho are rcally 1o1wn teoeig ye arun. ntusd oby nd'Danny Wilkins accouated forsocits-. 'tiLe and pt-as-ert-s heJIit loesi O E PRC 'the Pirates loac goal. son was read by Mrs. Nocei il s ' Ato LegueOlin fit-st fisit of the LMonth Wood, Tite secretars-, Mrs. , TutefrAto ut teague 'Show was a juntior entt-y witit Douglas Sineit rend minutes b President. gaine of the day the Barons 1er-s ai the Fanvine u p lass espo-e--e--it- M.- Ina. PAGE NM

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